im afraid they look too much like spread sheet and can could be confused BUT they are definitely a good start :) Action: dneighbo wonders if you could make a gnu head the size of that spread sheet and still have it be recognizable then substitute it for the spreadsheet but it makes no sense Action: jcater is back (gone 02:01:15) hmm what makes no sense? having a gnu head substituted for the table image to me a spreadsheet makes no sense as we dont have any spreadsheets hey dneighbo, jcater well, it wasn't a spreadsheet :) makes sense to me GNU = GNUe er GNU e = Enterprise the little gear, tools etc = the product but as i said its a good start if you like them use them, certainly i dont want to spend forever on icons :) you covered the only thing i would have a real gripe about in an icon and that would be loss of the 'brand' and you kept that so its good by me :) /usr/share/pixmaps/gnome-emacs.png is the gnu head i would use Action: dneighbo hates gimp i can never get it to do transparent backgrounds nevermind it doesnt look quite right jcater ( left irc: "nite" Nick change: dres_ -> dres khaem ( joined #gnuenterprise. hi i would like to know if with gnuE i can take the financiel of an entreprise ? ra3vat ( left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) ra3vat ( joined #gnuenterprise. alexey_ (~alexey@ joined #gnuenterprise. khaem ( left irc: "Fermeture du client" alexey_ (~alexey@ left irc: "Client Exiting" lekma ( joined #gnuenterprise. lekma ( left #gnuenterprise. Action: Yurik is back (gone 19:14:30) alexey_ (~alexey@ joined #gnuenterprise. dsmith ( joined #gnuenterprise. alexey_ (~alexey@ left irc: "Client Exiting" jamest_ ( joined #gnuenterprise. man, IRC does still work on the weekends...amazing nah we shut it down to clean out the mess that script kiddies leave behind and besides, all the opers take the weekends off to visit their girlfriends in their flash cars :) HEH ra3vat ( left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) Is a flash car anything like a flash eprom? dsmith ( left irc: "later.." bobacus ( joined #gnuenterprise. jcater ( joined #gnuenterprise. damn, I need to compile a new kernel for my server so I can use NFS doh gah! is that a weekend version of jamest hmm, so now we know he sprouts a tail on the weekends hehe don't we all? Nick change: chillywilly -> chillywilly_ tail? Action: dneighbo just thought jamest was glad to see us ew Nick change: chillywilly_ -> chillywilly dres ( left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) dres ( joined #gnuenterprise. sigh poor poor jcater jcater is there new reports out there with all of the tarball? Action: dneighbo can maybe do some testing this am no still trying to resolve the dneigbo issues that bastard is always causing trouble yea, wtf is his problem?!? Action: chillywilly b0rked his apt-proxy install hmmm chillywilly: you have a win32 machine handy? err dneighbo: you have a win32 machine handy? yea, there's one upstairs but I am in the middle of some serious sdmin work to my boxen admin jcater: i can happily say i do not have a windows machine :) hmm any other time I'd say great :) but all this moral consciousness sucks come testing time :) we should demand all users to use Free software ;) j/k damnit my apt-proxy is b0rken jcater: with me its less of a moral victory as much as its like 'FINALLY' wee , it's fixed i mean it did take nearly 3 years to get fully weaned yes, but didn't you say you were using realplayer the other day? ;) Action: chillywilly slaps dnieghbo with a trout yeah i dont like to use realplayer i avoid non freesoftware at all cost non-free even? but if i HAVE to get something done (i.e. no suitable replacement) example for my modem i have non free drivers :( listening to police scanner broadcasts is a must? I wonder if galeon will be b0rked if I upgrade The following packages will be REMOVED: galeon-common galeon-nautilus hehe, so, what's gonna be the codename for 3.1? ToyMan (~stuq@ joined #gnuenterprise. "yomama" :P ah so 3.1 will be the motherload, huh? j/k, I made that up oh crud that wold be motherldoe er motherlode installing mozilla rc3 in sid removes galeon; be patient, will be fixed in a few days (jm_) Unofficial galeon-1.2.3 packages at p.d.o/~blade/testing whew [10:55:08] --- Topic for #debian is woody will not release with xfree86 4.2 or kde 3 or gnome 2 (asuffield) :( StyXman ( joined #gnuenterprise. dneighbo: since when is proper spelling a requirement for smart-ass remarks in cvs? :) hello, guys. sup niggie now working even weekends :( blech release? what does this word "release" mean? to let go, to loosen one's graps grasp to heave you wares upon the world um since never :) jamest_: it means to "lease again" I thought GNUe software "escaped" freakin a Action: chillywilly waits for the debs to install did you hear something about papo release? seems like yogur2 didn't made anything... bbias jamest_ ( left #gnuenterprise. jamest ( joined #gnuenterprise. StyXman: you guys have a website? *sigh* this is taking entirely too much time rdean ( joined #gnuenterprise. damn dres ( left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) jcater: jcater: not much, antways. chipaca is the responsible. being a boob, I think we made the wrong desition there :) it has no description it has *nothing*. period. dres ( joined #gnuenterprise. chug chug goes the compiler wait wait goes chillywilly damn chillywilly: whatcha doin'? b0rked patches compiling a new kernel eMeow-v2 (~meow@ left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) chillywilly: uh, boring sometimes. sometimes Action: chillywilly is trying to apply all these pacthes and some of them don't apply cleanly and the sched.c is borked because of it eMeow-v2 (~meow@ joined #gnuenterprise. rdean ( left irc: "Client Exiting" dres ( left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) jcater_ ( joined #gnuenterprise. jcater ( left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) Nick change: jcater_ -> jcater oops egads your tail fell off nah I just got less excited yuck gack! 113 commits since I last checked my mail serves you right check your email more often ;) ra3vat ( joined #gnuenterprise. ra3vat: you live dneighbo: new prereleases posted if you get a chance cool which is better AOTC or SpiderMan? Action: jcater hasn't seen AOTC but I'm going for seconds on SpiderMan :) both pale in comparison to spending the day testing the GNUe prereleases roflm ao :)) I'll say: first go to aotc, then sm. I watched matrix and then episode I. wrong sequence. matrix kicked episode I's butt. horse.setStatus(dead) horse.recieveBeating() er, typo, horse.receiveBeating() docs gack isnt AOTC like 2.5 hours or something has anything been decided in my pseudo absence the big theater down the street has it starting every 30 minutes jamest: yes we are switching to java Action: dneighbo thinks they must have it on like a million scrrens jcater: Just Avoid Verbose Annotations all docs in java? JAVA doc oh, yeah... and we decided to switch to OpenOffice for our documentation i'm ok with that.....a buddy just gave me an extra 64MB stick of ram that has OO written all over it seriously 64Mb, that's all? i.e. if the docs dont exist there is nothing to decide, JAVA doc :) i've a few hours to play but if I doc anything i need to know wassup? I'm not sure if new trigger namespaces have been documented jamest: i still say docbook is our 'official' format but we will take docs in any thing (even MS Word) if lyx is easiest for you and you have new doc to write just use lyx brb i.e. until something that is definitely GOOD comes out to 'write' docs StyXman ( left #gnuenterprise. i say we just use hodgepodge :( as we have been no word on abiword support for docbook? it wont happen and least not soon the discussion was 'is it possible' and i think the answer was yes AOTC rules however someone would have to do the work bitches Action: jcater bitch-slaps chillywilly SpiderMan rocks where else can you see Kirsten Dunstd in a wet, white, tight t-shirt ? bah, why should I go to the theater anymore when I can get bootlegs? ;) down with theaters! oh guys one of the best artoclea I read on copyright Action: chillywilly digs er articles chillywilly: I found a rockin url too: bah hey is prequery a boolean value? prequery="" is all that is needed or can you put an sql statement in there? nope isn't that silly? ra3vat ( left irc: Connection timed out why not prequery=true or, prequery=1 "1" sorry hjave to have proper xml ;P that would probably work i have never tried it let me know how it works out :) shouldn't I be able to do prewuery="" and have it off? prequery="" why even mention it in the gfd if you're not going to be using it well how about prequery="0" because maybe I just want to I'm sure that works cause I am mental like that dneighbo: ticket 28: Entry Field Width Not Accurate is......get ready for it a theme/font dependent issue ra3vat ( joined #gnuenterprise. imagine that :) I would sue if I was him the no warranty won't hold up in a UCITA infected state ;) StyXman ( joined #gnuenterprise. those guys @ kernelnewbies... never answer anything useful. jamest: i figured it was a font issue (as we have those abound) i was able to recreate with my theme at work it seemed to be respecting fixed width, but indeed it was coming up short i.e. 11111 was same length as 00000 but both were like 1/2 char short of fitting i'm open to ideas on how to fix this as it stands we take the biggest width and height for a char that wx reports jamest: that's easy just find out which theme he's using and compensate :) good idea if theme in unsupportedThemes: self.wipeXConfig() ;) ra3vat ( left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) whoo hoo reports installed however i dont think it had sablotron/pysablot installed and it didnt complain we should probalby put a check in for that and give a 'warning' if its not there it's not a requirement just like we check for pyncurses, curses etc i think we should check as i see two items recommended required optional actually nevermind i want to handle through packaging anyhow i hope this is a short lived way of doing installs :) Gtk-WARNING **: Unable to locate image file in pixmap_path: "up.png" line 476 i got this at work a lot and now at home ra3vat ( joined #gnuenterprise. it seems that things work ok even though i get it ra3vat ( left irc: Remote closed the connection also any time i open a save/open dialog box i get an error Mailcap file /etc/mailcap, line 93: incomplete entry ignored as a popup errormessage things appear to function fine it was happening at work and i ignored but its happening at home as well Action: Yurik wanna drink some alcohol but 've no company to do this griffy ( joined #gnuenterprise. griffy ( left #gnuenterprise ("czc"). Yurik: beer? I'll drink mine, you drink yours. Action: jcater will join in with some Jack ToyMan (~stuq@ left irc: "Client Exiting" beer is good if you don't have a brewski in your hand you might as well be wearing a dress hint: don't mix beer and coffee. feels strange. true you mean mix them together or drink them close together? but mixing Beer and Vodka is divine mmmmm and yes I mean mix them together I'm asking StyXman as beer and coffeee is an unlikely combination beer and vodka isn't as strange speaking of which Miller was sold to some foreign company a couple of days ago drink them, one sip from one, then from the other, and so on 'till you realize what was you doin' (what *were* you doin'...) (my english is rather flaky) heheh I would just dump the coffee out no need for coffee when there's beer ;) damn my kernel won't compile :( Action: chillywilly hacks the code damn, boy if you spent as much time coding GNUe as you do fscking with custom kernels we'd be much farther along onyl reason I am compiling one is because I want NFS I haven't compiled on in forever s/on/one I make myself have good reason to waste time doing so and more space for bootlegged movies is high priority right now ;) sorry, but my laziness is at an all time high this weekend I don't feel like doing anything constructive although I did finish reading Beej's Guide to Network Programming to refresh my mind about sockets and such and I did download this python irc lib now I just have to understand GNUPRC oh and I read all the IRC RFCS for shits and grins including ctcp and dcc protocls hmmm, what's an Ingress qdisc? must be come net driver as the offending code is in net/sched/sched_ingress.c' I think I might be able to turn that one off in the config chillywilly: you hack the kernel a little? chillywilly: I have problems with vsnprintf onyl stupid crap like commenting out half finished code ;P :)) seems that file is in the QoS stuff which I can turn off yuck! din-marin-de-dopingüe vsnprintf is from blic right? er? er, glibc StyXman: what are you saying vsnprintf from kernel's lib. you cannot link modules against libraries :( er, just a saying. when you need to choose something. brb StyXman ( left #gnuenterprise. Action: chillywilly doesn't care for low level hacking anymore hey we should write a kernel in python...yea, that's the ticket ;P chillywilly2 ( joined #gnuenterprise. Action: chillywilly is back (gone 25:38:10) chillywilly2 ( left irc: Client Quit ? weird -:- SignOff: chillywilly2 ([BX] Chester Cheeta uses BitchX. Ayeuhayueuhayueuh!) but it says Client Quit that's njo fun ra3vat ( joined #gnuenterprise. sssuuuuuuupppp g eMeow-v2_ (~meow@ joined #gnuenterprise. aaaaaww shhheeeeeeoooiiiit ToyMan ( joined #gnuenterprise. hi ra3vat ToyMan: eMeow-v2: howdy jamest ( left irc: "[x]chat" eMeow-v2 (~meow@ left irc: Connection timed out siesel ( joined #gnuenterprise. look what the cat drug in hi ! Jan the man howdy jan the man howdy chilly. Action: siesel is reading back log ... good god will my kernel ever be done compiling!?! chillywilly: have you tried it with 'make -j2'? chillywilly: and how is your weekend, sir no, but I just disabled the QoS crap my weekend is going fine sir StyXman ( joined #gnuenterprise. I just left like all the stock options form the debian kernel images and then I hacked it to add all the stuff I usually compile in it takes a lot longer to compile now but it's like the kitchen sink of kernel configs ;) and I get to compile it twice once for this box and chnge CPU types and compile it for my slow server Action: chillywilly 's server is a P166 w/80MB ram StyXman ( left #gnuenterprise. btw. germany won their first match (8:0) such a pity that france didn't do so :) you say it. btw. which ozeanic states are qualified? Australia? nope, neither NZ or .au :( ajmitch: was it you running appserver on win32 ? nope i was thinking about it StyXman ( joined #gnuenterprise. jcater: I 'm testing appserver on win98 now. the xmlrpc protocol seems to be a bit problematic.... (pw_xmlrpc seems to work) chillywilly: did you have looked at the GComm/Proposal? Action: siesel is getting tired siesel ( left irc: who doesn't... Action: chillywilly thinks it should be called gnurpc not GComm cause that's the old name cleansed by fi-re! (alice is the best!) chillywilly ( left irc: "booting new kernel" rdean ( joined #gnuenterprise. rdean ( left irc: Client Quit StyXman ( left irc: "bye bye" ToyMan ( left irc: "Client Exiting" drochaid ( left irc: "Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, because you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup." Action: dneighbo had revealation during spider-man appserver is really geas which is problematic if we release appserver 0.0.1 when like 0.3.0 or something already exists i see two answers well maybe 3 a. we dont do a 'public' release until functionality surpasses the old geas b. we release with a higher version number even though there is regression c. we just break logic :) dneighbo: maybe i should go see Spider-Man in IMX IMAX @#* bobacus ( left irc: "[x]chat" rdean ( joined #gnuenterprise. rdean ( left irc: Client Quit esands ( left irc: "BitchX-1.0c19 -- just do it." dneighbo: I was thinking about that but decided, frankly I didn't care :) I'd go with a) or c) though actually, siesel asked me today to hold off a little on appserver as he found some not-so-good problems w/it so I'm wondering if we shouldn't just hold off a week or two on appserver (that would let them get conditionals working) but that's just an idea... Action: jcater isn't advocating anything as appserver isn't my party Action: jcater will do whatever the appserver ppl want Action: jcater is away: "The Sum of All Fears" um, actually, I know he found an issue w/win98 support but honestly, if that's what his issue is, I'd say Windows support for a 0.0.1 is, quite frankly, a laudable, but not very important goal Maniac-[yawa] ( left irc: "Client Exiting" --- Sun Jun 2 2002