riandouglas (~Rian@ joined #gnuenterprise. reinhard (~rm@M691P029.adsl.highway.telekom.at) joined #gnuenterprise. dsmith (dsmith@oh-strongsville5b-143.clvhoh.adelphia.net) left irc: "Client Exiting" jamest (~jamest@fh-dialup-201035.flinthills.com) left irc: Read error: 113 (No route to host) riandouglas (~Rian@ left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) madlocke (madlocke@p50807801.dip.t-dialin.net) joined #gnuenterprise. reinhard_ (~rm@M695P001.adsl.highway.telekom.at) joined #gnuenterprise. reinhard (~rm@M691P029.adsl.highway.telekom.at) left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) Nick change: reinhard_ -> reinhard ariel_ (~ariel@ppp-217-133-243-205.dialup.tiscali.it) joined #gnuenterprise. reinhard? here hi! hi i just read the appserver docs an have a couple of suggestions In the proposal in the gedi section "GEDI operates strictly ... and does'nt know..." you can change the word "fields" with "attributes" that is more pertinent to OO, fields is more DB related. In The GEOR section, you can add that object definitions can be stored also visually, say in a DIA/UML diagram, i think this was also a MUSTA wish. it can be usuful to write down a table with five columns: semantic, gcd syntax, xml sintax, DB syntax , DIA syntax and one row for each feature wanted in the repository. thanks for your suggestions about the word "attributes" i agree and want to change it (i think) because i think it's important to distinguish between tables/columns/fields (database side) and classes/instances/attributes (object side) it could serve as base for writing GEOR itself and/or tools to translate from one syntax to the others. Ok. i'm not sure about storing object definitions visually i'd like more to store them structured and then have a tool that creates uml from that about the table: that could become difficult, because can be put as long-term target a) we might decide to ditch gcd b) DB syntax doesn't exist for every type of attribute (for example for indirect fields) c) DB syntax may be depending on database backend i tought of it just as a base for discussion of what will be in and what not, if a feature is not feasible in a given syntax leave that field blank. btami (~tamas@ip102-205.ktv.tiszanet.hu) joined #gnuenterprise. gcd can be used as a reference only. hi all one more thing. i hoped that the section "fields" in "features" is enough to define what will be in and what not i'm not sure i did understand. i'm not speaking of a table of the repository, i'm talking about a proposal documenr for GEOR. by the way, one more suggestion: in the geasv2arch.dia add dashed arrows to indicate dependency, i.e from GOAT to GEDI, GEMA, GEOR and GEDI has two subpackages: Database Adapter (or is it an abstract class?) and SQL generator. forgive me, but i have something more to say Yurik (~yrashk@gw.telcos.net.ua) joined #gnuenterprise. siesel (jan@dial-213-168-96-116.netcologne.de) joined #gnuenterprise. hi siesel morning greetings :) hi btami. in the api doc, the call(methodname) of geas-istannce most provide also a mechaninsm for the "signature" i.e. the list of types for parameters of the method and for the eventual return value hi ajmitch :) i sended 2 bugreports to DCL on appserver have you seen? btami: I will open dcl at once. hi madlocke, aber nur fast: BONN is my home netcologne spreads out :) btw. where are you from? augsburg drochaid (~drochaid@pc2-kirk2-0-cust175.ren.cable.ntl.com) joined #gnuenterprise. btw. my messages where private that's why i used german language ;) where=were ;) hehe kein problem. Action: siesel wonders, I haven't met any german in this channel, who lived north of cologne, ariel_: that is true, however we don't know yet how to handle this so we didn't fix it ariel: the signature of a method should be provided by GEOR. reinhard: i will try to put down a sketch of this doc and send you by mail ariel: as the type of an field can be accessed from GEOR too. ariel_: thanks ariel_: sorry to be rather unresponsive today but i'm at work :( lunch time Nick change: reinhard -> rm-eat if it's whorty you can add to the doc as a base for discussion. siesel: still this must be put in the api documentation, say documenting the geas-method class. in any case you have to pass the actual parameters, say filling the method-def structure. ariel: yes. we just haven't talked about it yet. the whole GEOR stuff isn't defined yet method-def? siesel: I have seen something like in src or src/_feateretest, let me search... Action: madlocke wants a DCL account... who can do it? siesel: sorry, methods attribute of GObjectDef. btami: both error occure on win98 too. I have been fixing pw_xmlrpc, so I the error you posted can be closed at once. but there are still other issues I 'm tracking down.. :( ok anyway, the appservertest.gfd worked with firebird well on woody ariel: passing the parameter is no problem at the moment, because GNURPC didn't check the parameter format on method calls at the moment :( btami: debian rules forever :) :) Action: ajmitch likes debianslashrules.org ajmitch: did you ever heard of the XXX rules counter? ariel: the next step and the next interface to define is the interface to transfer GConditions to appserver. Do you have any ideas for that part? siesel: nope its a natural language processing program which searches for "sucks", "rules" on google etc. and creates a statistic. we made debian increase a bit ;) ahh.... ;) morning siesel (jan@dial-213-168-96-116.netcologne.de) left irc: siesel (jan@dial-213-168-96-116.netcologne.de) joined #gnuenterprise. Action: siesel hates my firewall. :( heh Action: ajmitch needs to hack his deb building scripts siesel: what about a parse tree of the expression? its a bit complicated to send a whole tree over rpc, so I thought of splitting the tree into single method calls, or by just sending a expression table. But I still don't know exactly how to do it. siesel: give some time to think about, Action: btami is away: lunch l8r siesel (jan@dial-213-168-96-116.netcologne.de) left irc: "Old programmers never die; they just branch to a new address." Action: ariel_ is away: Sono occupato siesel (jan@dial-195-14-226-239.netcologne.de) joined #gnuenterprise. Nick change: rm-eat -> reinhard Action: ariel_ is back (gone 00:28:27) Action: btami is back (gone 00:57:45) riandouglas (~Rian@203-206-88-65-dial.froggy.com.au) joined #gnuenterprise. Nick change: madlocke -> mad-away ToyMan (~stuq@ joined #gnuenterprise. siesel: the LOGNAME environ variable doesn' exist in win32 per default if i don't use user/passw command line args, it fails on LOGNAME btami: i.e. we have to insert a win32 check there. did it work if you oop oops that was not compleate i'm waiting :) siesel: please repost and agree, the check needed btami: did it work for you when you add -username -passwd command line options? mahmood (~mahmood@ joined #gnuenterprise. trying... btami: i.e. we have to insert a win32 check there sorry to barge in... I want to install and evaluate gnuenterprise but I could not find proper installation documentation (step-by-step) can anyone tell me where to find them if they exist please? mahmood (~mahmood@ left irc: Client Quit oops mahmood: you have to be more patient with us :( mahmood (~mahmood@ joined #gnuenterprise. wb mahmood thanx mahmood: what are you looking for? any idea where I can find step-by-step install instructions please? siesel? I looked at all the faqs but none explain this mahmood: it would be best to check out cvs ariel: yes we are just very close to a new release and lots of things have changed since last release I got the snapshot of yesterday but no docs? or didn't i look? Action: Yurik hates his collaborators. they all think that microsoft rules da world and the best thing that can exist :( just to know, under common, what a client has to pass as condition to GDataSource.createResultSet? mahmood: look for files called INSTALL the correct order to install would be 1. common 2. the rest :) say my condition is: zip = 123 did that, I installed python2.2 and all installations went well except for the geas that gave me make errors mahmood: do you use windows or unix? rh72 i'll get the latest snapshot and try again mahmood: you don't need geas mahmood: you don't _want_ geas geas is obsoleted by appserver sorry, extreme newbie here! thanx for that np won't install it if its not needed you could try some forms then 'kay let me ask another one please: I use Filemaker Pro, ACT and other tools and would like to migrate to an ERP system that would take care of my small office, would gnue help in that and is it the right product? am familiar with linux/mysql/php but no python... siesel: in appserver DBdriver.py line #97 in _loadNextRecord yes i got that error myself. AttributeError: 'tuple' object has no attribute 'get' :( but just two seconds ago... so... one moment.. :) mahmood: gnue is actually 2 projects a) create tools that enable everybody to easily write business applications b) write the acutal business applications using a) currently we have very much of a) and nearly nothing of b) so if you are willing to learn python you could easily _create_ the application you need dox management, crm, and erp is what I understood from the faqs.. but I will do some more reading to understand gnue then will try again... thanx for all your help but i guess you would have to create it, it's not there now you're welcome cheers and bye for now bye mahmood (~mahmood@ left irc: "Client Exiting" mahmood: take a look at cvs/gnue/docbook/articles/redhat_install.html too late :( ylamaki (~ylamaki@h140n1fls20o18.telia.com) joined #gnuenterprise. ylamaki (~ylamaki@h140n1fls20o18.telia.com) left #gnuenterprise. airel: sorry for answering late: an object tree consisting out of a GCOnditionsObject (top) which is an GCeq and has an GCField (zip) and a GCConst (123) as childs (hope i got it right) ok, thanks i studying Gconditions.py ariel: basicly a GCondition Tree consist of a list of (a=2) AND (b=3) AND .... just ANDs, because it is build out of an dictionary. siesel: i have seen :) btami: seems to be a pw_xmlrpc problem, it occurs on unix also. (i.e. I can test a bit faster) ok, by tomorrow btami (~tamas@ip102-205.ktv.tiszanet.hu) left irc: "Client Exiting" wait. ... its fixed.... siesel: there is a plan to make the parse tree more complex (i.e also OR )? because if not you can pass as RPC a list of structs with three elements (field, op, value) ariel: I thought of an geasList.restrictListbyCondition(field,op,value) jamest (~jamest@hobbes.math.ksu.edu) joined #gnuenterprise. good morning jamest ariel: restriction would be AND and a geasList.unrestrictListbyCondition(field,op,value) would be an OR. then it could be that an OR has an higher priority than an AND. reinhard: btw. a forms (computer A) -> appserver (computer B) -> appserver (computer A) works. (A=Linux, B=Win98) siesel (jan@dial-195-14-226-239.netcologne.de) left irc: "dinner time" morning btami (~tamas@ip102-205.ktv.tiszanet.hu) joined #gnuenterprise. btami (~tamas@ip102-205.ktv.tiszanet.hu) left irc: Client Quit btami (~tamas@ip102-205.ktv.tiszanet.hu) joined #gnuenterprise. hi again btami: hi hi reinhard: please tell siesel the appservertest is ok now on win32 except deleting records it fails in DBdriver.py line #369 in commit really have to go home now btami (~tamas@ip102-205.ktv.tiszanet.hu) left irc: "Client Exiting" riandouglas (~Rian@203-206-88-65-dial.froggy.com.au) left irc: Read error: 101 (Network is unreachable) ylamaki (~ylamaki@h140n1fls20o18.telia.com) joined #gnuenterprise. StyXman (~mdione@modem117-adsl.capfed2.sinectis.com.ar) joined #gnuenterprise. hello [09:12] Last message repeated 1 time(s). reinhard: i send you what we told before, check mail please. just seen hit um someone last week msg'd me about broken popy introspection but I dont' recall who it was just seen it ariel_: thanks in any case hi all anyway I tried to reproduce the problem this weekend and couldn't however i'm not sure that i find the time today to look more close but i will keep you on courant :) reinhard: thank you btw - i see appserver is running on windows...congrats siesel (jan@dial-213-168-73-174.netcologne.de) joined #gnuenterprise. ylamaki (~ylamaki@h140n1fls20o18.telia.com) left irc: "using sirc version 2.211+KSIRC/1.1" msg siesel did you contact me about popy last week? whoops :) ylamaki (~ylamaki@h140n1fls20o18.telia.com) joined #gnuenterprise. reinhard: please tell siesel the appservertest is ok now on win32 except deleting records it fails in DBdriver.py line #369 in commit really have to go home now reinhard: thx. reinhard: in any case is important to keep a reference to gcd, also if it is dying, because it is possible to write a gcd2xml tool and save all the work in packages. Make problem RH7.2 /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lpython1.5 collect2: ld returned 1 exit status Might not be the right place to ask but im in trouble jcater (~jason@w202.z065105010.mem-tn.dsl.cnc.net) joined #gnuenterprise. I have followed the guide here: http://www.gnuenterprise.org/docs/redhat_install.html but I guess something is missing python 1.5? which app you building? ylamaki: please skip step 6 from that document * The apps are installed into /usr/local/bin as gfclient, gfdesigner, gnuenav, grrun, and grserve jamest: are these the current names? i don't really know at the moment Action: jamest had no time for gnue for about a month i think they are not optimal i agree if we make new release we should clean up the names for consistancy ok, I will skip that step what about gnue-forms gnue-designer gnue-navigator gnue-repclient gnue-repserver gnue-appserver ? i think i'd be ok w/ that if the -'s work on all OSes we should do something with the cvs names too as I don't think they match either setup-cvs.py names that is jamest: do we support MSDOS? IIRC python 2.x isn't available for MS-DOS gfcvs gdcvs gncvs grcvs grscvs gacvs the problem w/ the g?cvs is that's only one letter for program name er ok. that means all (windows, mac, unix) OS support the long names i mean MSDOS?!? what that? :) g*cvs But if I skip step 6 how do am I supposed to do then, Just make? i wondered about gcvs-forms gcvs-designer, etc ylamaki: please ignore directory geas, it's obsolete but that's a lot of typing :) jamest: for cvs commands i like the short names ok reinhard: ok just my opinion, i'm not sold on it StyXman (~mdione@modem117-adsl.capfed2.sinectis.com.ar) left #gnuenterprise. however it's not an urgent matter otoh i think if we change install names then we should do _before_ this release btw. if you use bash etc. there is no much typing gnua makes a gnue-appserver i'm happy w/ changing before release I'm not sold on gnue-repclient and gnue-repserver, though I like all the others but gnue-repclient just seems awkward to me jcater: i agree on repclient maybe rapeclient? j/k hrm hohoho gnue-repserver and gnue-reports? (where gnue-reports = the client) that's what I was thinking, too just repserver still sounds a bit strange Before I go through to much trouble intalling gnue I have to ask... Is it suitable for bookkeping in a small company? StyXman (~mdione@modem117-adsl.capfed2.sinectis.com.ar) joined #gnuenterprise. ylamaki: if you expect to find a drop-in replacement for quickbooks or peachtree then no gnue is actually 2 projects in one a) creating tools that make it possible to build business applications b) create the actual business applications using a) currently a) is very usable while b) is only in planning state so we don't have end user apps yet but you could easily build one if you would want to :) I've never used any bookkeping software but I though this was the closest I could get for free (money wise) l8r all reinhard (~rm@M695P001.adsl.highway.telekom.at) left irc: "Don't contradict a woman -- wait until she does herself" ariel_ (~ariel@ppp-217-133-243-205.dialup.tiscali.it) left #gnuenterprise ("Uscita dal client"). siesel (jan@dial-213-168-73-174.netcologne.de) left irc: "later" Nick change: mad-away -> madlocke hey jamest... have some questions ... :) ok wassup? sec... why is there a query button for a form? why not just query at startup? (uh uh...) because I may not want to pull every record dneighbo (~dneighbo@cpe-24-221-112-50.az.sprintbbd.net) left irc: "Client Exiting" i may want to input a filter like in my zipcode maintenance form ~50000 records is a bit too much :) another example... I have a 6 million record customer database, I don't want any raw queries happening against that table :) you can make a form prequery by adding the prequery flag to the datasource tag maybe i am too stupid for this but how do you define a filter? press the enter query button then put in std sql wildcard stuff in the fields like if I wanted to search of any city with eb in the name %eb% ah ok... that's the code for i was seeing... was not looking close enough maybe or if I wanted to match on words like rate, fate, gate _ate btw the button still says prepare query and not enter query (->tooltip) then exec the query whoops i think we went to enter query everywhere, musta missed one, or I'm just wrong :) menus etc. use the term enter query another question about gfblock... but more about the tag block and not the object... is the "block" tag really needed? i am talking about logical view... there are datasources, blocks and entries... why is there a block "between" a datasource and an entry? they used to do more now they handle navigation IIRC also a datasource != a table well, datasources are pretty generic i.e., nothing forms-specific (or any tool-specific) should go there every tool that uses datasources has some logical "layout" or other processing section like blocks e.g., reports has that handle grouping they logically serve the same function as blocks but handle report-specific functions as we implement block "styles" (e.g., this infamous grid that everyone wants) you'll begin to see the usefulness of blocks more and more that's my $0.02 but visual grouping and data grouping are too different things, aren't they? maybe i don't really understand... StyXman (~mdione@modem117-adsl.capfed2.sinectis.com.ar) left #gnuenterprise. I'm not sure what you mean with the distinction can i have more than one block for the same datasource? I wouldn't recommend it, but I think you can it is interesting because if i use a layout manager and not x,y coorinates i will get problems if i can't split block definitions and if they are really needed if one entry is at the beginning of a form and the second part at the end of a form but for the same block visually not the same but for data it is Action: Yurik is thinking of using SOAP -> means, not the same region of the form yrik: i like this, too, because it's something people know... was reading that there are higher goals for gnue but soap should be supported... jamest,jcater maybe you want to look at another prototype in forms.test you can see how i did some layout managers... ok, i'll try and look this week but back to blocks... for the data i don't really need it, right? to just access data no IIRC the new appserver uses blocks now er s/blocks/datasources without blocks thx have to look at it... btw, when you look at forms.test, see how i did the building of the widget tree... like how i do it, it will maybe be possible to get rid of the many tree walks or at least to remove some there is also one "layout manager" that can handle x,y coordinates but not in characters... the unit is pixels because if you font to use non courier fonts you could do that... resizing this for curses should be easy. other way around you would loose some information high resolution->low resolution normally always better than other way around fajun (james@ joined #gnuenterprise. form windows (visual basic) you maybe now these special unis that have even hight resolution as screen... think twips is there name their we'll have to look thru it btw. the login dialog will be a .gfd for me too, not hard coded i'm 99% sure the next forms release will focus on UI ok... btw, jamest, it's possible that you create a dcl account for me? StyXman (~mdione@modem117-adsl.capfed2.sinectis.com.ar) joined #gnuenterprise. i don't know how, that's a derek thing ylamaki (~ylamaki@h140n1fls20o18.telia.com) left irc: "using sirc version 2.211+KSIRC/1.1" aprono (~aprono@ joined #gnuenterprise. aprono: hi StyXman: hi this old and new trigger stuff. is there a doc about main differences? no main diff is that i can specity functions or is it more? specify... ^chewie (~chewie@flemingi.dsl.visi.com) joined #gnuenterprise. <^chewie> heya main diff currently is they are moving out of forms into common <^chewie> #$!#, forgot my Design Patterns book <^chewie> oh well and that you can easily add trigger namespace changes (functions, attributes, etc) to any gobj based class however they are still too formsish <^chewie> I think that's the main reason why I haven't committed my very normalized DB to GNUe yet ;-) <^chewie> so, if you need help separating logic from forms, let me know ;-) Otherwise my work will be wasted. *grin* Action: ^chewie has been looking into Proxy and Observer patterns lately. <^chewie> There was a very nice discussion about Observer patterns on the python SIG in in 1998, I think <^chewie> and the recent Linux Journal has a nice discussion about patterns, too. thx Action: ^chewie starts digging into GNUe Common. fajun (james@ left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) dsmith (~dsmith@ joined #gnuenterprise. alexey_ (~alexey@ joined #gnuenterprise. Nick change: madlocke -> mad-away reinhard (~rm@ joined #gnuenterprise. dneighbo (~dneighbo@tmp-200253.flinthills.com) joined #gnuenterprise. has anyone tested prereleases on win32 yet? <^chewie> nope jamest: very very very slim chance i can Action: ^chewie heads off to lunch alexey_ (~alexey@ left irc: "Client Exiting" btami (~btami@ joined #gnuenterprise. hello dsmith (~dsmith@ left irc: "later.." jamest: i'v tested pre4 on win2k, except reports but just tar.gz versions, not exe (it's too big to download at home) dsmith (~dsmith@ joined #gnuenterprise. Nick change: mad-away -> madlocke siesel fixed some appserver errors in the morning setup was ok with all packages for me so did we agree on names for the app executables? mm? jamest: iirc you agreed with me, not sure if we need more j/k heh gnue-forms gnue-designer gnue-navigator gnue-appserver gnue-reports and gnue-repserver ?? but i didn't know is something was decided on the reports is this for package names or executable names? executables hrmm however i think they would fit well for package names, too :) why shorten gnue-repserver? gnue-reportserver that's fine Action: jcater is easy just ask my wife that's what we've heard jcater: lol then should it be gnue-reportserver or gnue-reports-server ? either is fine w/ me I dunno flip a coin i know! make a single gnue-reports that has a --server option! Action: jamest runs grrr hmm call it gnue-reports-cater since a cater serves :) plus it'd pay homage to me mwahahahaha nah, i'm inspired now gnue --forms daminal (~david@2.specoinc.enterconnect.net) joined #gnuenterprise. gnue --designer gnue --reports --server-mode :) gnue --do-something-useful Unhandled exception raised: NotYetImplemented error gnue --config-file=/usr/local/forms.cfg um where forms.cfg must contain the line "mode=forms" gnue-reports-server sounds good :) lol :) i do not think there is any reason to be overtly shortened yeah, that's fine it can be long Action: pattieja is back (gone 67:29:30) as if they are having to start the server a lot, we have larger problems than a name :) I'll just create symlinks on my system :) only reason im pro longer names in this case is to prevent confusion i much prefer gfclient and gfdesigner to say gnue-forms and gnue-designer but we are in a better position to not have 'naming' collisions if we prepend gnue- to things gfclient conflicts with gadfly's client program which existed prior to us and gfdesigner doesn't make sense exactly the reason the more descriptive names are better for 'protection' as designer can/will do more that "f" :) agree and gfclient is tautological (sp?) well because forms _is_ a client it's "f"'d me a few times jcater rofl it's f'd me too not me anymore well then you didn't think the "f"'s stood for "forms", did you? gnue-forms gnue-designer gnue-navigator gnue-appserver gnue-reports gnue-reports-server is that the final list works for me works for me fine for me Action: jamest is off to break cvs and all previous installs for our tools woohoo! works for me works for me (not that this is of any importance;) ) reinhard you are close to germany 25 min w/ car what is the 'buzz' there about ibm and german government announcing the GNU/Linux deal? unless traffic breakdown btami (~btami@ left irc: Read error: 113 (No route to host) dneighbo: please rephrase using words i can look up in my dictionary :) what's the 411 on Big Blue and the G going with the Penguin? reinhard : i hear that german government signed contract with IBM to switch to GNU/Linux (SuSE I believe) i was wondering what people in austria, germany etc (both in the Free Software and outside the community) were saying about it the decision to use gnu/linux in german government was some time ago and is regarded a big success for the fsfeurope (who was quite active in that matter) and the "bundestux" campaign bundestux = "federal tux" :) only the contract with IBM to be the one to support those servers is new reinhard : my view as a foreigner is 'talk is cheap' so while germany STATED some time ago they wanted to use 'open source' (sic) i don't think the latter fact has gotten _much_ public attention it meant little to me with out a 'committment' it was quite definitive when i see the inking of a 'contract' to IBM (which i know is a REAL investment of money) that is 'putting your money where your mouth is' (an english expression) and i think many americans view in similar way they didn't state that they "want" to use "more" free software its not germany talking about replacing m$, its germany IS replacing m$ but they stated that they will replace n servers w/ gnu/linux by y but thats why i asked for your opinion :) where n and y were known numbers/dates as obviously the press coverage here is really poor just i don't remember them :) only fact i remember about that is that n == all (!) servers of the german government Action: dneighbo imagines that about the only news there is that Germany beat the holy snot out of Saudi 8-0 in Korea ;) lol Action: dneighbo wonders if people even bothered coming to work the next day? :) isnt it a national holiday if the German Team has a match? or is that only once they get into the quarterfinals ;) Action: dneighbo is really curious if you all have a Franz Beckenbauer day :) lol reinhard i guess the real question is do the Austrian's root for Austrian national team or German national team? Action: reinhard is not a soccer fan at all Action: reinhard is not a sports fan at all Chipaca (~john@modem117-adsl.capfed2.sinectis.com.ar) joined #gnuenterprise. yo Chipaca ajmitch: hi there Action: madlocke needs a phaseinit guru how to i now what i have to initialize in which phase? to=do sometimes in code i read things like: this has do be done in phase nn madlocke: try phase 1 is there a doc what to do in phase 1, 2, 3, ... if it fails try phase 2 if it fails try phase 3 ;) typically, if it depends on OTHER widgets being initialized, it needs to be in 2 otherwise in 1 yikes... was already fearing the worst but that it is true i did not expect ;) Anyone interested in bug reports for forms client under windows? daminal : YES daminal: is this for our prereleases ? you can post here but most effective way could possibly be or for the last release (forms 0.1.1 ?) forms-support@gnuenteprise.org jcater: cvs updated today then, definitely Toolbar is broken in a new and interesting way -- 01:51:23 PM: Can't load image from file 'F:\Python21\shared\images/shared/images/tb_save.png': file does not exist. An interesting path :-) doh looks like / arent getting flopped to \ daminal: please try to remove your gnue.conf there was an incompatible change and gnue.conf isn't updated from cvs as it is generated on setup.py dneighbo: that's not a problem in python all its libraries do that automatically the problem is what reinhard said wow was that from when I broke things like a month ago? jamest yip Action: ajmitch ran into that the other day cos he was too lazy to bother hacking gnue.conf :) Action: dneighbo is just trained to always copy his .conf files to backup then delete originals and install verify the standard ones work then copy my old ones back and see if anything breaks uhm - I just deleted Python21\etc\gnue.conf, still have the same problem daminal: ran setup again? daminal: could it be you have another gnue.conf somewhere? Action: Chipaca wonders if getting gnue's setup.py to download base.tar.gz would be too complicated Chipaca: base.tar.gz? yeah, from debian's install ajmitch: you mean setup.py install? this is a bug in the ui driver !! daminal: something like that look at the wx ui driver, bottom line... Chipaca: why would you want that? :) it does not use os.path.join... for image path it is only: images_dir = GConfig.getInstalledBase('forms_images','common_images') + '/' madlocke: wow, that's broken alright :) maybe other things resolved but this line i just copied from the driver... that actually shouldn't break it Action: Chipaca eats humble pie *again* dsmith (~dsmith@ left irc: "later.." Chipaca (~john@modem117-adsl.capfed2.sinectis.com.ar) left irc: "hide" daminal: any luck? Still looking for gnue.conf cvs install? or running a real install yes, but there may be remnants from an old release found it, C:\WINNT\Profiles\david\gnue.conf Chipaca (~john@modem117-adsl.capfed2.sinectis.com.ar) joined #gnuenterprise. That's been there a long time :-) :) gnue.conf should be completely optional now yeah there are none left, and the path error is gone. the comments in GParser.py just before 'char = Typecast.text', would it be ok if I removed that line and fixed stuff until the forms work? Just the same old corrupted png messages left huh? corrupted png? i reported that one before :) last release i think 02:36:23 PM: Couldn't load a PNG image - file is corrupted or not enough memory. er actually even this release dneighbo reported bugs aren't bugs until reported by someone non-dneighbor otherwise they are considered dneighbo induced features getting them through cvs breaks them. daminal correct daminal: you're using wincvs iirc this is problem with cvs not getting/checking things in 'binary' mode i THOUGHT we fixed by checking things in as binary if anyone of you guys have access to CVSROOT, there's this file you edit to tell cvs that .png files are 'b' so maybe this is a cvs client issue jamest: can you make that change? not from here :( not from here? Chipaca: yeah jcater sorry i thought you said dneighbo the file is cvswrappers Action: ajmitch has that here Chipaca is correct, but chillywilly to monkey with the cvs files :) you want to add a line """*.png -k 'b'""" as he has a .cvsignore fetish already might as well make him master of getting other directories to have our rules for binary file types :) you can also fix up any files which have been committed before that fix this is CVSROOT on gnu systems not in our tree while I can make that change I'll clear it w/ cvs hackers first so they don't come after me ah right common CVSROOT for all? Chipaca: cvs client 1.10 circa 1998 via command line jcater: Log message: fixes for the client/ directory changes not sure you really wanted to do that for the ChangeLog files oops well, those are autogenerated so I don't think I killed anything just wasted bandwidth :( someone would have to regenerate before release yeah we do that right before the final tarballs jetto (~jetto@aboukir-101-1-4-rperrot.adsl.nerim.net) joined #gnuenterprise. hi all, I'm back I have some time to wast yours :-) in all setup.py the author_email point to obsolete mail addresses what address does it point to? gnue-forms@gnue.org for example i think they should point to gnue-dev@gnu.org agree? um depends what is the context not sure my gut reaction might be they point to product-support@gnuenterprise.org it's used by distutils I think he's talking about the distutils Setup() thing if the verbiage is something like 'if you have issues.....' which I think should be info we go *papo*! jcater: yes info@gnue.org if its do you want more information it should be info@gnue.org first release! otherwise gnue-dev@gnu.org or gnue@gnu.org however i saw that there is a variable "scripts" beneath that StyXman: what's the URL again? that isn't updated to new names yet so i won't touch the files StyXman: cool, where can we get info on papo? :) https://savannah.gnu.org/projects/papo/ reinhard: that should've been committed already er, without the s. for appserver yes but not for forms etc hmm yesterday you me some help to get forms run. May I have now some help to get database backend running ? Action: reinhard has to get up early tomorrow night all reinhard (~rm@ left irc: "All things being equal, fat people use more soap" StyXman: the savannah site looks rather bare for info ***** Round 5 of prereleases are at http://www.gnuenterprise.org/~jcater/prerelease includes man pages, updated executable names (gnue-forms, etc), and win32 snapshots ***** jcater: thats sound great. Is there a section "puting the foot on the stirrup" jetto: which db? why not prostgres. ajmitch: uh, yes. out savannah admin is working on it ok :) where do I miss some thing in doc on w.g.o site ? what are you needing help with? where relation between gnue and db are explained. I see connection.conf but there is multiple connection in it. ToyMan (~stuq@ left irc: "Client Exiting" Thanks all - later daminal (~david@2.specoinc.enterconnect.net) left irc: Remote closed the connection is there a doc that explain db config ? you installing from cvs? yes a snapshout. there should be docs in both the common and forms directories Action: jamest is checking out fresh cvs after dumping his local copy so I cant tell you the exact file name to look for I see a README in forms/samples/inventory no there should be a /doc dir in each tarbar Action: ^chewie still isn't seeing the right images path from CVS snapshot (no tags or branches) no doc for me juste a docbook dir. there is one under forms. hmmm Action: ^chewie is getting a share/images/shared/images/gnue.png path basically in connections.conf you can list connection parameters and give them a [name] yes, I understand that. so that in your files you can connect to that via the database=name or IIRC our tools should all support a tag in their files the forms tech ref used to cover this but it may have got moved into common Action: jamest now has cvs user_guide.lyx may be helpfull. well even lyx can't read user_guide.lyx bobacus (~rja29@pc2-camc5-0-cust191.cam.cable.ntl.com) joined #gnuenterprise. complains about docbook? lyx dislike "\textclass docbook-book" yip we originally did that file using lyx's docbook support then docbook changed or something i think someone here got it to work again but it was not me you should still be able to read the file in lyx but the Navigate menu is screwed yes I've got it. btw... is there a way to do spell checking for tex files? madlocke: aspell -t check file.tex thx a lot chillywilly (~danielb@mke-65-29-142-117.wi.rr.com) joined #gnuenterprise. oh no hey are there debs of gstreamer? and does the player work? chillywilly: yes, i think the question is best for #gstreamer tho? woops I meant to ask in a diff channel not in #gnue my bad or you could RTFW :) yea, but it's quicker to ask you ;P since you are on top of things chillywilly: you just want a player or it has to be gstreamer? well, I want to play with gstreamer if it works ah ok... otherwise I can get mplayer-installer and install it you know xine? I know of it ok never used it i like it... cause it works for me :) but gstreamer is full of cool people, imho ;) xine has cool ui :) jamest: I found what I looking for in common/README.databases. he, I'm playing with dvd ripping with mplyer. ToyMan (~stuq@c5300-4-ip248.albany.thebiz.net) joined #gnuenterprise. StyXman: mplayer isn't GPL-blessed StyXman: :) dsmith (~dsmith@ joined #gnuenterprise. I'm thinking of making a project planning tools (gantt, perte), do you think it will possible with form ? oh, I shouldn't be talking about it here... jamest (~jamest@hobbes.math.ksu.edu) left #gnuenterprise. jetto: why you want to create a new one? do you mean there is already one ? take a look at: http://mrproject.codefactory.se/ yes I see but it's a personal tool not colaborative one. help them :) and it's a very few part of my project. bye jetto: Check out #mrproject on irc.gnome.org take a look at the topic of #OPMS to understand what I want to do. jetto (~jetto@aboukir-101-1-4-rperrot.adsl.nerim.net) left #gnuenterprise ("bye"). dsmith (~dsmith@ left irc: "later.." setup-cvs.py seems to be b0rked why do you say that? Creating forms/scripts/gfcvs Traceback (most recent call last): File "setup-cvs.py", line 327, in ? createCVS ('forms/scripts','gfcvs','forms/GFClient.py') File "setup-cvs.py", line 15, in createCVS file = open(os.path.join(scriptdir, script),'w') IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'forms/scripts/gfcvs' Forgive me if I'm missing something obvious - for info I just did a 'cvs update' bobacus: rerun ./setup-cvs.py we were making some internal naming changes Same error I'm afraid hmm do you have a forms/scripts directory? dneighbo (~dneighbo@tmp-200253.flinthills.com) left irc: "#OPMS" no. you may need to rerun "cvs update -Pd" same error for me, too. just tried it... Ah...I didn't give the -d last time... rerunning... OK that sorted it. thanks jcater here too... ... but cvs complains about some missing dirs when updating is this because they have been removed on server? yes ah ok... you can just manually delete those dirs ok... thx Cool, I made forms crash :) by clicking on 'Prepare query' then 'execute query' then 'last record'. I'm using mysql. I couldn't find this bug in dcl weee and by "crash" I mean CPU-bound loop it hung? I think I got it to hang the same way the other day forgot to file the big report Hmm. I get control back (and get a trace) if I CTRL-C in the controlling terminal Do you want the trace? dsmith (~dsmith@ joined #gnuenterprise. bobacus: sure flooded to the channel, msg'd or emailed? dsmith (~dsmith@ left irc: Client Quit jcater: i was looking at all the phase inits to prove some theories... one question left for GRReports.py there is this post init: def postInit(self): if not self._parameters: self._parameters = GRParameters.GRParameters(self) bobacus: email to common-support@gnuenterprise.org with a brief description ot the problem in phase 2 that will get us the information phase 1 does nothing and automatically create a ticket madlocke: if you are trying to eliminate phaseInits, I'm afraid you may be spinning your wheels is there a change to get parameters between phase 1 and phase 2 or could this also be done in phase 1 we used to have a single init system and it just didn't work if i am right the phases do the following: phase 1: create object relations phase 2: do datasources stuff jamest (~jamest@fh-dialup-201031.flinthills.com) joined #gnuenterprise. phase 3: prequery yeah and for phase 1: a lot of tree walkings that's probably right well, the tree walkings will be cleaned up more and more in the forms.test i try a different approach (maybe not completely different) we are trying to eliminate those actually there is an object called buildContext we used to have a lot of tree walkings, and the phaseInit was implemented to eliminate those we aren't quite there, though there i store information collected during parsing buildContext? like parent objects etc... for the object creation i pass this buildContext object if children need infos from parents it is easy to query the buildContext without tree walks... I'm not sure I follow so is buildContext like a sandbox i make an example with gfblock when a gfd is parsed i would store a bfblock stock stock=stack so an entry field just takes the last/first entry of this stack this can be done for other tags/objects too hmm I need to look at this I'm not sure I fully understand but it sounds interesting just look at parser.py and ui/base/driver.py to get basics... not everything is in there yet but it's improving aprono (~aprono@ left irc: "Client Exiting" will go to bed now... i am back tomorrow...cu madlocke (madlocke@p50807801.dip.t-dialin.net) left irc: "Client Exiting" hehey! there are papo files! http://savannah.gnu.org/files/?group_id=2013 r-e-l-e-a-s-e! (we made it. uf!) :) StyXman: What's papo? it's our little project that uses gnue as base. the fools! ;) :) StyXman: just curious, what does it do? (the web site is a little scarce on info, and i don't know spanish/portuguese!) bobacus: I'm working on it. bobacus: Chipaca will answer yogurt2unge (~charlie@modem117-adsl.capfed2.sinectis.com.ar) joined #gnuenterprise. bobacus: it'll be mostly spanish, anyway bobacus: an ERD for SMOs yeah, that should be clear enought :) StyXman: s/t$//g Chipaca: zanx how do I upload the webpage? Chipaca: thanks, I expect I can "google" it from there :) Action: Chipaca shouldn't be asking savannah questions on #gnue bobacus: sorry, s/ERD/ERP/ :) Action: Chipaca has is TLAs muxed ah, that's better. I thought we already finished, and where hacking just for the fun of it. Extra-terrestrial Relocation Project ?? [papo.sql: CREATE SEQUENCE "alienstorehouse_id_seq"....] :) s/where/were/ er, shhh. don't tell anybody what you saw. or else... :) bobacus: yeap, alien relocation service is one of the big cash cows of XXI juajua! ^chewie (~chewie@flemingi.dsl.visi.com) left irc: "ircII EPIC4-1.1.2 -- Are we there yet?" why is there no #papo? chillywilly: we're just four, and qe're here all the time, anyways and have no bot to keep the channel open who all makes up the papo team? and don't have time. we do nothing here already. you, yogurt2unge, Chipaca, who else? chillywilly: Chipaca, StyXman, yogurt2unge, aprono the fantastic four? er, almost... there's perlhead, but he's been banned uh? Chipaca: why? from OPN? or this channel? chillywilly: no, his name is shoot-on-sight :) brb StyXman (~mdione@modem117-adsl.capfed2.sinectis.com.ar) left #gnuenterprise. chillywilly: if he were 'pythonhead', we might let him come in ]:) anyway, he's da boss poor guy hasn't been able to hack much since he's da boss, but still... StyXman (~mdione@modem117-adsl.capfed2.sinectis.com.ar) joined #gnuenterprise. back some might say it's a blessing in disguise. He won't agree, I'm sure. But then, he doesn't have to try to understand his code. Action: Chipaca suddenly remembers the logs haha; and you'll probably end up quoted on the Kernel Cousins web site :) Action: Chipaca grins evily Chipaca: don't worry, he doesn't read them. if not, I'm in worst trubles... LOL you guys all work for the same company? uh, I'm nervous. can someone whipe my postings during the wwekend? :) chillywilly: it's a NGO just s/^.*$//g Action: Chipaca goes to find the weekend's logs NGO? non-profit? chillywilly: yes ok you guys have a web site? chillywilly: I'm getting there http://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=es&u=http://www.vialibre.org.ar/&prev=/search%3Fq%3Dfundaci%25F3n%2Bv%25EDa%2Blibre%26num%3D100%26hl%3Den%26lr%3D chillywilly: uh, you could probably truncate everything after the org.ar/ cool hmm, translate.google doesn't like iso8859-1 can I get some people to make one last final install test http://www.gnuenterprise.org/~jcater/prerelease/ if these install ok, then these are the release jcater: install of? gnue? yes tonight we are releasing GNUe-Forms 0.3.0, GNUe-Common 0.3.0, GNUe-Designer 0.3.0, GNUe-Reports 0.0.1, and GNUe-AppServer 0.0.1 does the release have an overall number or name? ok, trying. jcater: what's the difference with cvs??... yogurt2unge: none I just need people to make sure it installs via these tarballs trying from tarballs the functionality shouldn't be different from cvs but we use python distutils which sometimes leaves files out :) Tying using tarballss ok.... Action: yogurt2unge downloading jcater: any install seq besides common first? designer needs forms installed actually, the sequence doesn't matter but forms + common is needed for designer and common is needed for all the others jcater: ack. *must* I be root? (sudo is my friend, but anyways...) StyXman: since our current packaging system *truly* sucks, yes what?!?!? do you speak of distutils?!?!? I need to run home... can you reupdate cvs and tag? jamest: distutils? nah, I just use sudo for root things, if that answers... jcater (~jason@w202.z065105010.mem-tn.dsl.cnc.net) left irc: "homeoops" jcater: will tag i was giving jcater a hard time jcater (~jason@w202.z065105010.mem-tn.dsl.cnc.net) joined #gnuenterprise. as months ago we read a mail on the distutils list claiming it was pretty much feature complete oops, that last message was for jamest :) jamest: jcater: I confuse your nicks very easily... jcater (~jason@w202.z065105010.mem-tn.dsl.cnc.net) left irc: Client Quit why not use the auto* tools if disutils sucks ;) Action: chillywilly ducks but spend a little time with it and it's focused on python modules not apps :) cause they suck more for python :) it may be fixed now but you had to apply patches not in auto* source to handle python ok, ./setup.py install on all dirs. trying forms... Hmmm I have to chmod o+r the .conf files oh! connections.conf not yet there. just a sec... rja29@purple:~/gnue$ gnue-forms --connections etc/connections.conf person.gfd libpng error: Not a PNG file form works with papo! ah, permission denied 0 hacks needed. StyXman: are you running it all as root? bobacus: which OS/platform? i've see this kind of oddity on solaris Debian sid ia32 bobacus: just install steps. now as me. hmmm same here. that is wierd pwd jamest: it's file permissions. For some reason (perhaps my umask) none of the files are readable by non-root, non-staff users I got these when draggin' a text entry: DB000: Traceback (most recent call last): DB000: File "/usr/local/gnue/lib/python/gnue/designer/forms/LayoutEditor/LayoutEditor.py", line 389, in OnMotion DB000: self.xorBox(self.__x, self.__y, x, y, self.__ox, self.__oy) DB000: AttributeError: LayoutEditor instance has no attribute '_LayoutEditor__ox' but designer still runs jamest: Having fixed the permissions, gnue-forms now runs and the layout is not *exactly* as the one from forms looking at error the layout is different? jcater (~jason@cpe-024-165-193-024.midsouth.rr.com) joined #gnuenterprise. just that text entry 1 row up, 1 colum... nah , works ok. me eyes jump from left to right when tired. my monitor dances the rumba. Action: Chipaca prepares to leave lol my glasses are *way* dirty. StyXman: nope, that's your optival nerve that text thing is a bug sigh Action: Chipaca waves jamest: you're near. Chipaca (~john@modem117-adsl.capfed2.sinectis.com.ar) left irc: "later!" jcater: I'll test in my house, see you tomorrow bye chip bye bye yog astuto sobrino mio. :) yogurt2unge (~charlie@modem117-adsl.capfed2.sinectis.com.ar) left #gnuenterprise ("Client Exiting"). uf! late! but still here a little more. eMeow-v2_ (~meow@ joined #gnuenterprise. jamest: any other test? dunno how to test appserver or reports. that's good enough finding a bug within 5 minutes of testing is enough :) riandouglas (~Rian@www.stc.successes.com) joined #gnuenterprise. dneighbo (~dneighbo@tmp-200253.flinthills.com) joined #gnuenterprise. stuq_ (~stuq@c5300-4-ip248.albany.thebiz.net) joined #gnuenterprise. stuq_ (~stuq@c5300-4-ip248.albany.thebiz.net) left irc: Client Quit wow! I *ripped* a dvd! Action: StyXman is happy eMeow-v2 (~meow@ left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) that bugs is really, really hard to reproduce it's now a "known bug" for this release :) jamest: ok. should I feel lucky? :) yip wow. I feel... something :) Action: StyXman has just contributed to two releases in a row! hehe common, forms, designer, reports, appserver all tagged dneighbo: you'd better sit down jcater is moving the tarballs into the downloads area we've released woooo! it has escaped! weeeeeee! gnue and papo, hand by hand? :) chillywilly: :))) ok, it's there!!! wee! everybody, drink a beer! rock can someone file that designer bug to dcl Action: chillywilly dances around file this so tonight i can relase to the world? i.e. freshmeat and friends um file a bug? or you wan to just send to our announce list Action: StyXman not so you can release it to the world? how sweeeet, frreeeesssh meeeaaatt and to website and wait a day or so then hit freshmeat? Action: dneighbo plans to only postone or two a day to freshmeat :) to drag out the PR you go fm? we didn't knew where to go... local mailinglist first. till the program grows a litlle. congrats to all whom helpd with this release as i think we had a lot more people testing and installing than in the past and submitting patches jcater and jamest extra thanks to you guys as i know you are both busy as hell and probably are taking serious crap from the significant others and work for the final push to get this bear tagged :) you don't know the half of it release party my house, lemonades on me :) jamest was yelling at me this morning oh, you meant from the wives ;) lol well, I won't go there :) j & j strike again! bye bye, then. good work. StyXman (~mdione@modem117-adsl.capfed2.sinectis.com.ar) left irc: "ircII EPIC4-1.1.2 -- Are we there yet?" so the releases really there? if so i will compose somethign for website and announce list no they were making it up unless its already done http://www.gnuenterprise.org/~jcater/announcement-0.3.0.txt one step ahead of ya, partner HEH did you email it out yet? no proofing at the moment but I'm satisfied with it congrats guys is there a geas guy here? I hope I did them justice the description? o Logs of bug fixes [18:51] Last message repeated 1 time(s). er is that supposed to b eLots oops yeah I think it does it was just to prove that you can make a nice appserver by using common ;) Congratulations folks. thanks siesel (jan@dial-213-168-91-6.netcologne.de) joined #gnuenterprise. i think it proved common useful :) well, what's cool is look at the changelogs not many commits to anything besides common well, relatively speaking yes indeed common rocks my socks brb any other issues w/the announcement? I need to paint my front door btw in this release, we have 1) man pages 2) mechanisms for spread-out file systems (i.e., everything doesn't have to be under gnue/ so, there's no reasons people shouldn't do debs and rpms :) l8r jcater: btw. appserver works on windows too. ok jcater: you posting to announce? yeah i will post to our website if you like jcater: do you have already tagged cvs? ok, make sure you have latest announcement from my site siesel: yes so code away :) Action: dneighbo begs for debian developers to package this buster Action: siesel finally wants to commit experimental stuff ;) dneighbo: that's the specific reason I did debs s/debs/man pages as reading the debian policy, they expect man pages in the deb archives correct that was one reason jbailey siad we couldnt be in woody oh didn't know that or I would've done it a long time ago um i didnt bring it up really because well our packages were broked so they didnt belng in woody no chance of making woody now? no who did the debian packages for version 1.1 ? because the stuff in the debian subdirs in cvs isn't working ok maurizo did ones in sid jade did ones in cvs but that was 2 yesrs ago and they worked then :) if i could find good docs i would give it a stab there are good docs plenty of them for making a deb so you have to reads tons of crap the announcement ready to go? I added Win32 support for AppServer woooo cool. I would liked to add some batch files for AppServer on Win32, but that can wait for the next release. jcater: ready to go dneighbo? jcater? oh sorry i see um i am previewing the web version now looks good im posting it you are going to send email to the list though right? yes code name "Mike, thanks for the Lemonade" ;) lol releaes to website complete sigh whatever gnu uses for mailing lists truly sucks jamest you still here? he's at taekwondo mailman ah mailman is a list admint ool admin tool it doesnt deliver the mail crazymike (~crazymike@mke-65-31-133-230.wi.rr.com) joined #gnuenterprise. aaaaawww sheeeeit does anyone know how the "8 5 +" notation is called? postfix + 8 5 is prefix and 8 + 5 is infix iirc thx. Action: jcater thinks its also called Reverse Polish Notation (RPN) but you might wanna verify that with someone else yea, I think that's right jcater: I 've just know the RPN terminus in german, so I think its alright I forget with is "Reverse": "+ 8 5" or "8 5 +" the second way as you can use a stack to implement it that's right push on the args and then push the operator pop it off to get the result iirc I just create a "GConditionTree to Postfix Term" method in GCondition to send a GCondition over RPC. Seems to be better than sending an object tree time to run ta ta dneighbo (~dneighbo@tmp-200253.flinthills.com) left irc: "home" I just create a "GConditionTree to Postfix Term" method in GCondition to send a GCondition over RPC. Seems to be better than sending an object tree oops. pressed Enter in the wrong window :) lol Action: siesel getting too tired (3:08 pm). cu tomorow :) crazymike (~crazymike@mke-65-31-133-230.wi.rr.com) left irc: siesel (jan@dial-213-168-91-6.netcologne.de) left irc: "gnuenterprise rules!" crazymike (~crazymike@mke-65-31-133-230.wi.rr.com) joined #gnuenterprise. ToyMan (~stuq@c5300-4-ip248.albany.thebiz.net) left irc: "Client Exiting" crazymike (~crazymike@mke-65-31-133-230.wi.rr.com) left irc: crazymike (~crazymike@mke-65-31-133-230.wi.rr.com) joined #gnuenterprise. dneighbo (~dneighbo@cpe-24-221-112-50.az.sprintbbd.net) joined #gnuenterprise. fsf uses exim IIRC yup someone was asking earlier well at least that's what's the sendmail binary on fencepost says for their mailing list? seems to be mailman sorry i thought you wanted MTA so hows the bug count ticker well, it crashes under redhat seriously? damn no :) [20:49] Last message repeated 1 time(s). don't you have a door to paint? Action: jamest should shut up though....that closet door is sitll in need of painting here too hehe no release announcement on the lists? and was anything announced on any other lists? the announcement went thru did you not get it? Action: jcater finished painting while you were kicking butts in class jbailey (jbailey@CPE014260028338.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) joined #gnuenterprise. jbailey (jbailey@CPE014260028338.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) left #gnuenterprise ("Client Exiting"). bobacus (~rja29@pc2-camc5-0-cust191.cam.cable.ntl.com) left irc: "[x]chat" crazymike (~crazymike@mke-65-31-133-230.wi.rr.com) left irc: riandouglas (~Rian@www.stc.successes.com) left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) jamest (~jamest@fh-dialup-201031.flinthills.com) left irc: "[x]chat" chillywilly (~danielb@mke-65-29-142-117.wi.rr.com) left irc: Remote closed the connection chillywilly (~danielb@mke-65-29-142-117.wi.rr.com) joined #gnuenterprise. jcater (~jason@cpe-024-165-193-024.midsouth.rr.com) left irc: "Client Exiting" fitzix (~fitzix@ joined #gnuenterprise. Hello dneighbo: Thank you - btw :) yma (hello@ joined #gnuenterprise. yma (hello@ left #gnuenterprise. alexey_ (~Alexey@techkran.vladimir.ru) joined #gnuenterprise. hi fitzix chillywilly (~danielb@mke-65-29-142-117.wi.rr.com) left irc: "booting new kernel" chillywilly (~danielb@mke-65-29-142-117.wi.rr.com) joined #gnuenterprise. man I'm telling you the preemption patch makes all the difference in the world fitzix: you are far more diplomatic than me re: united linux hehe ransom love is at the center of it and quotes in the past from him tell me EXACTLY how he sees free software, open source software and the community we have no love for mr. love so when people say 'cut united linux a break' what have they done wrong etc etc etc i like the gpl which makes me unamerican and since im unamerican i say 'guilty until proven innocent' ;) riandouglas (~Rian@ joined #gnuenterprise. lol Well, I'm trying to stir up some public dissent and keep them in place we can't kill UL -- so we need to jail it personally i smell another Corel I wouldn't want to kill UL either... they have the right... it will only get worse me too i.e. I was PRO corel imagine a private code base, held up for 6 monthes i mean a big vendor using debian bundling an office suite then having to remerge everything just for compatibility? ugh and then stupid move after stupid move proved their ignorance of the community Yep I supported Corel [GNU/]Linux as well until I used it Corel Lindows Caldera they're all of the same parasitic breed yip hell, without GNU/Linux -- Corel probably wouldn't even have lived long enough to become a Microsoft lapdog hey anyone hear the funky remix of the free software song? chillywilly: nope - link? if SuSE or Connectiva were heading this up i would be giving more than the benefit of the doubt (though i think suse is a bit shady too) but when i hear caldera is the brain child i know its just a scheme Both SuSE and Caldera have wrapped their distros in prop. install packages before http://frell.dyndns.org/Fenster-Free-Software-Song.ogg right but thats what scares the crap out of me they both have tried GNU\Linux with a pile of prop shit bitch and havent been too succesfull hold up gotta change some perms so now its like lets get together and try to get market share so we can ...... have a 'standard' linux(sic) And Caldera is the posterchild of deceit Action: dneighbo isnt buying that and then fuck you when you're tied irrevocably into us yep I see the same thing stacking up if they want a standard linux(sic) all they have to do is all adhere to LSB and such And contribute back to the official packages and i know caldera and SuSE are too greedy to unite for the better of a standard just use the damned official projects - they're there for a reason if they didnt smell a dollar at the end of it, they wouldnt be having it connectiva and turbolinux are just flat out broke and desperate now try it chillywilly: thanks :) dneighbo: no argument here -- connectiva is South America, right? And TurboLinux is asia... it's very funky Connectiva really doesn't have much of a market there... yip brb what i find interesting is that initially everyone was touting that they kept red hat out because they want to upsurp redhat which i bought at first but after thinking and digging more Yep - that was the pre-conference hype i think they excluded red hat, because red hat is really pro free software then Love denounced that in an interview precisely and to be honest knows that you DO NOT piss the community off or you have marked your own gravestone http://newsforge.com/comments.pl?sid=24025&cid=14744 my last response, which basically commends Red Hat as being more pro-Free Software and I definitely see them as being so GCC 2.96 is also a great example of what I'm talking about re: gcc thing Do you think I'm right? That they may try to fork the projects and overtake their development in order to circumvent the community? i think the fork doesnt matter much its the reason that counts if red hat did the fork to purposely fsck with other distributions Agreed -- and GCC is only one package But, that's not why they did it i.e. so that rpm's and such only worked on red hat 7.x and not say on mandrake and such they did it for performance reasons then thats using your market share like microsoft does and even folded most of their changes into GCC 3.0 if the fork is because the maintainers WILL NOT listen to you agreed and you need to make your customers happy thats what free software is for agreed way i look at it their market share and persistence made the other distros and gcc maintainers get off their ass and deliver I support their right to do it... I also support UL's right to do this if that is in fact what they plan on doing... fitzix: absolutely thats what i love about the debate is people are so illogical example: Heh - I love the guy who called me a FUD spreader... heh X is legal but it hurts people So I say its wrong to do X. in a sense, he may be right... but it's valid to doubt those who have proven themselves untrustworthy and the rebuttal is you FUD spreader you fsck you jack ass there is nothing illegal in doing X lol Action: dneighbo then scratches head and wonders how saying something is wrong is same as saying its illegal lol - yep Well, emotions run high -- I expected that Action: chillywilly speads some FUD on his toast spreads Action: fitzix calls poison control you know what REALLY REALLY gets me though aaaaaw shheeeeeeit is here and everywhere else i see people arguing GPL issues and UL stuff etc i really want to say (ok mister open source militant dick weed) heh exactly how much code, testing, documentation have you EVER rofl i repeat EVER submitted to the community "open source militant dick weed" organizational work, specs, articles etc exactly hey that needs to be the winning quote for the next KC ;) Action: fitzix feels guilty that he hasn't been able to write much code -- been too hectic for me to sit down and just do it... :( little esr sniffing leech having money grubbing fuk stains ;) lol and yes im teasing on that last one Action: fitzix will turn that into his sig the latter or the former? I like this one guys on the hurd list "anyone referring to this as open source shall be eaten by a gnu" ;P --- Tue Jun 4 2002