meow- (~meow@ left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) meow- (~meow@ joined #gnuenterprise. psu ( joined #gnuenterprise. Gedanken ( joined #gnuenterprise. dres_ ( joined #gnuenterprise. dres ( left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) heh thought Derek would be up for the match psu ( left #gnuenterprise. Gedanken ( left irc: Remote closed the connection robbie ( left irc: Read error: 113 (No route to host) damn where is psu USA kicking ass!!!!!! early goal and just blocked a penalty kick!!!!! Action: dneighbo is not going to be able to sleep tonight :) Nick change: Grantbow -> Beutelgeuse Nick change: Beutelgeuse -> Grantbow ariel_ ( joined #gnuenterprise. alexey_ (~Alexey@ left irc: "[x]chat" pattieja ( left irc: Read error: 113 (No route to host) grrr Action: dneighbo hates bruce arena, butthead tried to sit on a goal in hopes it would hatch at least we got one point :( as we were definitely out played nightie night mgedmin ( joined #gnuenterprise. Action: dneighbo is away: bed hi mgedmin hi you work for m? yes you guys get things installed? what kinds of things? GNUe we built debs for gnue common, forms and designer 0.3 cool i think 3 other people were working on them as well Action: dneighbo didnt know that was something you all were looking at if you post them and source others can help polish up i should probably put the changes we made somewhere one moment and we can give them to our debian maintainer so you can see them in sid(unstable) its late here 1:34 i was just getting ready to go to bed, but noticed the .lt domain did you have any questions before i run off? actually, yes I wonder if someone's working on problems with PostgreSQL numeric types what is the problem (SQL errors like "operator = not defined for numeric and double") (when trying to update a record containing a numeric field) do you have a sample form? I think I saw a message somewhere in the mailing list archives (can't remember exactly) and what postgres driver are you using psycopg actually the form you sent m as an example has this problem as well Action: dneighbo always hates that half the time its our fault and half the time its bum db driver :) what postgres driver were you using? psycopg can you tell me what field in the form i sent you has the problem? if you try to update a field in the employee table, postgres complains Unable to identify an operator '=' for types 'numeric' and 'double precision' ok in the form i sent m? basically postgres wants explicit typecasts in statements like UPDATE employee SET foo=bar WHERE numericfield=123.4::numeric we also found that using UPDATE employee SET foo=bar WHERE numericfield='123.4' works too, but I'm not sure that's portable enough across databases you have lost me now okay please we must start at the problem, not what we think the answer is I run gnue-forms codeworks.gfd select a department that has employees change the title field click "save all" and I get an error message at that point postgresql 7.2, psycopg 1.0.8 ok give me like three minutes to update cvs and create the sample db and such and i will get you an answer ok error is recreated here are you using cvs? or the official release? Action: dneighbo thinks someone has introduced a bug in cvs OR the pyscopg driver in sid has been changed as when i ran this form before sending to m this problem didnt exist Action: dneighbo is investigating btw: it appears the problem is AND department='1' i.e. department on the employee table should not have '' around its value hm currently I'm looking at the error message produced by 0.3.0 but afair the same happened with cvs version on saturday the error message here reads ERROR: Unable to identify an operator '=' for types 'numeric' and 'double precision'\n You will have to retype this query using an epxlicit cast Retrying the same SQL in psql results in the same error using correct same error i get but look at the query the last part will say AND department='somenumber' yes if you take that query and remove the '' around somenumber afer deptarment= i bet the query works in postgres don't think so quite the opposite it appeasrs someone has foobared the driver if we add '' around salary it starts working i'll doublecheck in a second yep, salary='400.4' works salary=400.4::numeric(9,3) works too plain salary=400.4 doesn't hmmm something has changed here it's a PostgreSQL issue I think Action: dneighbo cant get to work box from here but im 1000% positive this worked when i sent m the form and that was with our 0.3.0 release yes Action: dneighbo has old postgres box here you have a minute i can try on it I've got all day it's morning here ;) its morning here too, EARLY morning :) Action: dneighbo impatiently waits for laptop to boot derek ( joined #gnuenterprise. hahah now there is two of me #gnuenterprise: mode change '+o derek' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. btami ( joined #gnuenterprise. I'm looking at a PostgreSQL book atm hello Action: derek is waiting for cvs to update on the laptop hi btami hi derek hello looks like PostgreSQL wants a typecast when it sees a numeric type in the WHERE part grrrr i get this on older box too cvs i swear this worked at the office Action: derek goes to look at something it works fine when you try to add new records it fails when you try to update them or perform a query (no error messages, but no results either in that case) maybe i didnt try to update one i coudl swear i changed a salary though to test we found a workaround in DBSIG_DataObject._toSqlString replacing elif type(value) == types.FloatType: return str(value) with elif type(value) == types.FloatType: return "'%s'" % str(value) seems to help thats where im looking now :) BUT how does that affect otehr db's I don't like that though i.e. if it chokes other db's it needs to be in the postgres driver and not DBSIG the Correct(TM) way according to PostgreSQL would be to return "'%s'::numeric(foo,bar)", where foo/bar depend on the schema oops s/'%s'::/%s::/ although using just ::numeric seems to work fine too (for numeric fields -- didn't test with floats etc) basically we do not need a solution right now, I just wanted to check if this problem was known please submit this as a bug to go ahead and attach your 'patch' (although its not good long term solution) and cc: i.e. this was not known problem okay we should be able to produce a patch in the morning (your afternoon) I still don't feel comfortable with GNUe (ie don't know all the correct places to report problems etc) i.e. official patch worse case we put in the return "'%s'" until we can find a more elegant answer btw: here is what broke it elif type(value) == types.FloatType: return str(value) was added 10 days ago my box at work has cvs from more than 10 days probably not the 0.3.0 release so i bet it was working there Action: derek really was starting to think i was nuts it looks like jason was trying to fix an integer problem i wonder if there is a types.IntType or something Action: derek wonders if you change salary to INT if you have the same issue i want to experiment a bit with ints and floats before submitting a bug report ok ints work fine change salary from numeric to int in the .sql file and rerun it and form works fine so jcater hit an int and it blew up so he removed quotes which fried the float er numeric type so need to find docs to see about types.XXXX there should be IntType and also LongType IIRC to see if way we can isolate better to int instead of all number types BTW PostgreSQL accepts queries like "salary <> 100" but barfs on "salary <> 100.0" yeah i think it has to do with the . Yurik ( joined #gnuenterprise. mgedmin: there are a few things happening here that i can see that are issues best to address in the morning example: when i turn the db field to int the form appends a .0 to it that causes issue which i think is really the problem i.e. jcater introduced a patch that says 'fixes integers' i assume he had to do thsi because he was using forms type 'number' and it was appending the .0 which was hosing up integers or somethign multiply that by # of different DBMSes, and different data types... yep this doesn't look like a trivial problem i dont think its too bad really i think its the UI entry widget that is causing the issue honestly the value has to be used in an SQL statement somewhere mgedmin: let me explain what im seeing in the form the entry is defined number so regardless of if the db is int or float its appending a .0 (if no decimal is defined) the type(value) isnt checking the DB field type its checking the string contents OTOH the choice between 1.5, '1.5', 1.5::numeric depends on the DB/schema, not on UI so that field will ALWAYS be float regardless of whether its int or not we need to fix that because if we fix that its a trivial problem as you can if if type(value) == type.IntType or such do X the way we have this implemented you simply put the most COMMON instance in dbsig and anyone who isnt 'standard' you override in their driver so i dont think the different db's doing different ways is that big a deal its getting a way to define what the hell you actually are getting that has to be done :) i hope that made sense Action: derek really needs to go to bed its 03:00 and i have to be to work by 09:00 i will be back around then if you are still around send issue to email addresses i mentioned and tell them to reference irc log as well see you in the morning Action: derek is away: sleep see you sorry for keeping you up alga ( joined #gnuenterprise. morning ;-) I've a conceptual problem we're trying to do XP that involves unit testing and functional testing of all the code written the question is: how do we test forms? what to test in them? meow-_ (~meow@ joined #gnuenterprise. hi alga i think this is not a trivial task yep so try ask jcater/jamest later OK Nick change: meow-_ -> Luminion Luminion (~meow@ left irc: Client Quit i think unit testing require exact developer docs and this is not ready yet :) meow- (~meow@ left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) we're ok with becoming gnue developers... i've an impression, you have to be a gnue developer in order to do anything really useful with gnue agree, but notice GNUe has only ver 0.3 hello all hi if someone is interested in Debian packages of GNUe common/forms/designer 0.3.0, I've made diffs available at btami: but as I know tests in XP defined not upon developer's doc they should be defined on all steps of improving the code and the questions more how to use test packages (like pyunit?) with forms sorry, but i don't know to much about these just reading diveintopython yet nickr and jbailey are the main guys working on the debs at the moment, they are doing some things to try and make the install mechanism more generic ra3vat: pyunit is easily deployed, the problem is how to programmatically call/control the forms we had an idea to write a special UI driver for that purpose, but later we dropped that after all, we can always use the API the UI drivers use themselves actually, we with alga are still trying to decide what does it mean to 'test a form' ;) alga: ok, not tried it myself yet mgedmin: after testing some internals it should also simulate user interaction, is not it? mgedmin: do you also do a pair programming? yes Action: mgedmin is away: lunchtime Action: btami is away: lunch pair programming is the fun part :-) alga: really? glad to hear that. Is it 100% mandatory thing for XP? btami ( left irc: Remote closed the connection Yurik ( left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) Yurik ( joined #gnuenterprise. ra3vat: it is ToyMan (~stuq@ joined #gnuenterprise. Action: mgedmin is back (gone 01:29:28) btami ( joined #gnuenterprise. btami ( left irc: "Client Exiting" siesel ( joined #gnuenterprise. hello hi SachaS ( joined #gnuenterprise. Action: Yurik is away: left neilt (~neilt@ joined #gnuenterprise. #gnuenterprise: mode change '+o neilt' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. mgedmin ( left irc: "Client Exiting" mgedmin ( joined #gnuenterprise. siesel ( left irc: "" jcater ( joined #gnuenterprise. Arturas ( joined #gnuenterprise. Hello hi hello Gedanken ( joined #gnuenterprise. does XP mean XP (like windows or cross platform or extreme programming)? re: other items, one should be able to do useful things with gnue w/o being a GNUe developer BUT i think they need to be a developer of some level to do something i.e. they shouldnt have to be a GNUe tool developer, but they should have application development experience re: testing currently i have like 3 forms i use to 'test' things as i find forms that 'break' things i try to shovel them into my 'test' suite i want to look at unit tester that will test functions of GNUe w/o actually running forms at some point we will need to build or find a free test suite to automate testing at this point its burden of effort issue i.e. not enough man hours extreme programming i think as more people start to bring GNUe into production the more important test suite will come true has jcater come in yet? derek, does it pay to test if the form can be loaded at all? i mean, do forms often break on load? um yes an no as stated before a release i generally run about 5 or 10 different forms automate tests are what XP starts from one is just simple no data form, with complex trigger dneighbo / dere: here jcater: can you read log re: db problem somewhat at least yeah, read it jamest just identified it it really p*sses me off that PostgreSQL 7.x can't handle implicit numeric conversions I mean, that's just down right backwards jcater: NO KIDDING erhm? something I'd expect from MySQL or something i about died when mgedmin What do you mean by implicit numeric conversions? Gedanken: 1 > 2.0 breaks it different types Action: jcater *somewhat* understands int to double breaking it jcater: i started a patch, but i think the entry is causing issues as it makes the value FLOAT no matter what but one floating point to another floating point? alga: interesting, I have never experienced that dneighbo: yes, python "floats" are used for all our internal number storage other wise you could just use the type(value) == type.FloatType trick BTW I filed a bug report -- see ticket #54 mgedmin: yeah, that was forwarded to me well let me rephrase that, postgres is the broken one here :) we originally had it always as strings i.e., "1.0" Gedanken: no it doesn't no it doesn't what? Gedanken: redev=> select 1 < 2.0; but that broke some databases it works ah So what does break now? select 1::numeric < 2.0; breaks in realistic situations, "select foo from bar where baz = 1.0;" breaks when baz is of type numeric something about that bothers me and I think it is more of the SQL then anything At any rate, adding an operator shouldn't be too hard well, adding an operator *may* not be too hard' it we have to do full-on introspection at form load time, that could be a big performance hit I am talking about adding an operator to postgresql oh Action: mgedmin too would like to hear something from postgresql side -- what is the purpose of this 'feature' the postgresql guys are pretty responsive, but Tom can be a dick some times Action: dneighbo hopes this is a postgres bug, but doubts it as i have postgres 6.5.x here and it does same thing frankly, my opinion of PostgreSQL just took a dive southwards as any "reason" they can provide is a technical one that *should* be hidden from SQL users Action: jcater is sure there is a "reason" behind it to me it makes NO sense either BTW, AFAICU forms currently perform the updates by constructing an SQL statement and listing *all* fields in WHERE clause. Is there a way to use only the primary key instead? yeah, that's something we need to look at if updating a queried record (and not inserting a new record and then updating it in same session), then the database's "row id" is used IF the database supports such a thing (I know Oracle's does) aditya_gilra (~aditya@ joined #gnuenterprise. now what database wouldnt havve an oid? or uid? well ;) PostgreSQL 7.2 ? it used to have oid? from 7.2 and beyond, oid's are optional you saying they removed that they made it optional sigh there's no guarantee any more guess people do stupid things to 'compete' nah, it is perfectly resonable there's a slight performance improvement, iirc not all tables need OIDS .. BUT err, nevermind I won't go there OID wrap around anyone? ? i guess i cant think of a good reason to not have an OID the issue was that OIDs could wrap around and thus not be unique true every table might not need one BUT which kinda invalidates that whole OID thing thast like saying i might not ever need a spare tire so why bog my car down with the extra weight of course this was for databases of a really really large size, but ... it exists so we have a fix in the works for htis if so what ? (me is curious) to the approach I could see why a implicit conversion between type numeric and type float doesn't exist er ... non-implicit God Remembrance Soory to interrrupt well way i look at it, it doesnt matter much the numeric type is quite a bit different then float ... too much just to allow transient coversions postgres is a db people will be using, we need to support their quirks whether we agree or disagree with them from India we're developing a production system few queries can i ask? Gedanken: my only issue with that is other major databases do it implicitly aditya_gilra: sure Gedanken: BECAUSE it's a technical detail that the average user of SQL shouldn't be concerned with but it's a moot argument jcater: I can understand that, but I would to see their definition of the SQL types because the PostgreSQL has already decided to implement it that way :( so we must support it :( we're trying to change the list of values in a dropdown entry from a trigger jcater: well yes at this point in time you have two options: 1) work around it using implicit casts or 2) write the operators and submit it for inclusion to the postgresql team we're able to update a datasource from a trigger the block attached to that datasource updates itself BUT, a dropdown entry attached to a datasource does not update itself if we change the datasource via trigger eg. form.dtsAUTHOR_COMBO.createResultSet({"author_en":"Swamiji"}) aditya_gilra: correct, this is known issue Action: derek needs to file a bug for it (i might have already) oh wait you might be having different issue than what im thining thinking jcater: what if we made forms more descriptive? i.e. what if instead of 'numeric' for type cast we had 'float' (or double or whatever you want to label it) and 'integer' instead of just numeric? derek: I was trying ****really**** hard to avoid that as it goes into support issues I didn't want to deal with here's a small sample of the form I'm having problems with jcater: im not saying i like it but only way im seeing it other than is db introspection print "Ram" resultSet = form.dtsAUTHOR_COMBO.createResultSet({"author_en":"Swamiji"}) blkBOOK.inpAuthorTupleId = 1 print "Krishna" foreign_key_description="author_en" name="inpAuthorTupleId" style="dropdown" width="10" x="20" y="5"/> y="6"/> y="7"/> foreign_key="dtsLANGUAGE_COMBO.tuple_id" foreign_key_description="language_en" name="inpLanguageTupleId" style="dropdown" width="10" x="20" y="8"/> we dont have i18n working in forms yet do we? Arturas ? not in the .gfd part only in the tool right? Please note the trigger in entry inpOldCode It updates the form.dtsAUTHOR_COMBO datasource using a conditional dneighbo ( left irc: "Client Exiting" Now note the dropdown entry inpAuthorTupleId which uses the datasource we updated in the trigger namely dtsAUTHOR_COMBO However, the list in the dropdown entry doesn't get updated. you didnt call any method to do so But if we have a block using the same datasource, it gets updated automatically well thats because the block code is calling the event to refresh Action: derek hasnt looked at this in a while, but i think you could instead do things via the block methods instead of datasource methods Looking at the code, it seems to be registering itself with GFDataSource and then the refreshing etc is called automagically or if you call datasource directly then you have to call block refresh methods Block registers with GFDataSource but dropdown entry doesn't register Action: derek still isnt a fan of block derek: sorry for delay; no modifications on the way forms work with data in i18n field but as we are starting to move forward with some other things i think i might see some value Basically we wan't a way to refresh the list in a dropdown SachaS ( left irc: Connection timed out you say we.... is there a mouse in your pocket ;) (sorry my mothers old expression) Can you tell us how to do it? aditya_gilra: well currently part of the issue is this isnt supported even if you do NOT use triggers i.e. the dropdowns get loaded at start time only it is a problem for others as well, we have started to discuss best way to handle as we dont want them updating all the time as that could be a large penalty hit er s/penalty/performance penalty We're able to update the recordset of a datasource and the block connected to it automatically updates because it's registered as a listener with GFDataSource But dropdown does not register as a listener with GFDataSource even though it is attached to aditya_gilra: im talking contents of dropdown a datasource. correct this is known 'bug' / 'feature request' Maybe you caould tell us how to hack it to do the same? it was designed to act this way and now we know it needs to be different could just the executive decision hasnt been made on how to make the change i.e. we dont want to change it so it ALWAYS updates as for most forms dropdowns are static i.e. other things on the forms arent updating them so to have them requery all the time would be bad performance two of us here - hence 'we' my suggestion was at the entry level (or datasource level) to add an attribute called refresh and if refresh is true then you refresh otherwise you dont others had idea of menu option to do it alexey_ (~alexey@ joined #gnuenterprise. i dont remember if a way was decided jamest was tackling the issue and he isnt in yet this morning jcater: have you any opinino on the matter Action: derek must run to work there doesn't seem to be anyway to do it in the present code er drive to work hm, another short question - in docs is written that can have master, detail attributes; however, as i try to run form with such blocks and attributes, i get error: gnue.common.GParser.MarkupError: Error processing tag [I do not recognize the "detail" attribute aditya_gilra: i believe you are correct Arturas: i think that stuff got moved to datasource old docs? yes i think so thank you yogurt2unge ( joined #gnuenterprise. Action: derek hasnt tried to put detail/master in the block for some time so i cant say for certain but that would be my gut reaction About i18n - we've made a few minor changes and forms works for Hindi in the data fields Action: derek is away: work We've (two of us here, no mouse) also made a pygtk2 forms client gtk2 has good i18n support once the pygtk2 client is a bit more stable, we'll send it in A second query how to specify conditions either in the datasource tag OR in a trigger I looked at a file called but it seems a bit complicated Any documentation on conditions dres_ ( left irc: Connection reset by peer dres__ ( joined #gnuenterprise. ?? bigbrother joined #gnuenterprise. [11:27] Last message repeated 1 time(s). [11:28] Last message repeated 1 time(s). #gnuenterprise: mode change '+n ' by bigbrother joined #gnuenterprise. dres__ ( joined #gnuenterprise. alexey_ (~alexey@ left irc: Client Quit ra3vat ( joined #gnuenterprise. bigbrother joined #gnuenterprise. gnuebot ( joined #gnuenterprise. ra3vat ( joined #gnuenterprise. dneighbo ( joined #gnuenterprise. mumpf ( joined #gnuenterprise. anyone at home mumpf ( left #gnuenterprise. we lost everyone i wanted to talk to those guys about pygtk Chipaca ( joined #gnuenterprise. jcater ( joined #gnuenterprise. hrm, I find it odd that theres no XML standard for Material Handling what aspect of material handling? theres this crazy data format called MHsomething it suprises me that as such there is no way to encode it as XML instead well until I wrote such a way #gnuenterprise: mode change '+o gnuebot' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. #gnuenterprise: mode change '+t ' by gnuebot! Gedanken ( joined #gnuenterprise. ToyMan (~stuq@ joined #gnuenterprise. StyXman ( joined #gnuenterprise. he-ello. dsmith (~dsmith@ joined #gnuenterprise. yogurt2unge ( joined #gnuenterprise. I wonder where aprono is? Action: Chipaca wonders where siesel is, too anyone here feel like giving me a hand with phpforms ? Grantbow ( joined #gnuenterprise. any uidriver guru here? Action: dneighbo claps wildly dneighbo: why? Chipaca asked for a hand uh, he's not right here now. hah hah hey nickr you live Action: dneighbo was getting worried about you siesel ( joined #gnuenterprise. Chipaca: here hi all siesel: hi aprono ( joined #gnuenterprise. siesel: you mentioned the other day that you could give me a hand with phpforms? I will try siesel: good enough for me :) siesel doesnt know much about phpforms dneighbo: that makes three of us jamest ( joined #gnuenterprise. rofl hi jamest Action: dneighbo digs in his box of tricks for those ankle chains sigh hmmm im only finding stockades to hard to code like that Action: dneighbo keeps digging Chipaca: you've tried phpforms ? hmm seems i have a few 5 day old loafs of Chipaca jamest if you try to escape im pelting you with them siesel: I tried to try phpforms siesel: actually, I started to try to try to try phpforms :) siesel since jamest is here..... you have an account on ash? yes. if so can you setup an instance of php forms there? jamest: hi i would like to set up a sample of a few forms and from our webpage allow people to bang on it there is one already, just abit old version. jamest: I'm planning the grid thing. jamest: I want you advice i will updated it :) cool then if you can email on how to use it or where a sample is etc that i can build from that woudl be great jamest: you still breathin', man? barely StyXman you trying to say i have his collar too tight? i just logged in so people would know I'm alive jamest were you briefed on teh postgres issue? and if so you have any response to handle? jamest: ah, ok. then I'll try some hacks and then report anything I made work here, someday. postgres issue? no and I don't think i'm behind on mail (for once) jamest: basically, ERROR: Unable to identify an operator '=' for types 'double precision' and 'numeric' typecasting issues :( :((( see, I thought "psql" mean "Postgres + SQL" now I'm seeing that it means "Piece of Sh*t Query Language" as what other SQL implementation would require you to explicitly identify two numeric types to compare them jcater: psql doesn't, afaik Chipaca? that's the issue jcater: unless you're doing something way below sql no, dude jcater: let me check we are doing "select ... where mynumericfield = 1.0" it treats 1.0 as a double precision and mynumericfield as numeric and gives you that error drat! Action: Chipaca hates it when he's wrong Chipaca: you don't know how much I WISH you were right :) believe me at about 7am my time you had about 6 people wishing you were right jcater: but it works with 'select * from thing where n>1' yeah thats what is so darn evil jcater: can I ask you a question related to scrollbar? um Action: jcater doesn't know too terribly much about scrollbar don't use them Action: Chipaca looks at 'select * from test where cast(a as real) > 1.0;' and shudders gah! jcater: no, scrolbars are empty, AFAIK. I want to know what you want from it. I'm not sure I mean, what you intendit to do. I want to do a simple grid. but a much better grid. Action: Chipaca looks at 'select * from test where a > cast(1.0 as numeric);' and shudders some more I haven't thought about them in a while they'd have to be bound to a block somehow I'm looking wx's scrollbars for some info, but I don't know what should I do with it jcater: yes, I'm thinking in a kind of block, that could have any amount and kind of entry's you then say whow much rows want to sse at once, and the block should pass that info to its childre, i.e., the entry's brb. nature calls that was jamest original intent iirc was to allow scrollbar to bind to block so when you did entry row="10" and did a scroll bar of 10 it would act pretty much how a normal scroll bar does Chipaca: you can try out the database demo of phpforms at if you want. But the database less mode still has some issues. I will look over it again. I'm back. jcater, you thought of something? StyXman: you see dneighbo's comments? siesel its ok, real mean dont do databaseless forms I want them functional today, and I intend to hack what's needed. s/mean/men other than that, I don't know what else you need scrollbars where meant to tie to block as dneighbo said Action: dneighbo pinches self? and simply do the next/prev records to make the blocks look nice er sorry did jamest and jcater both agree with me ? dneighbo doesn't know what he's talking about it's all tha AZ crack, just ignore him well, I think then bound to blocks that will have entry's inside (as children). feel better now dneighbo? much the block is who says how much rows will be shown. StyXman: yes ok, now. where to start? I'm rather lost here. gimme just a hint, and I'll explore it. again hmmmm I'm looking wx's scrollbars for some info, but I don't know what should I do with it they are completely empty yes nothing there to see really unfortunately, I really don't have time to think about scrollbars today :( not in uidrivers or GF. ack. then I'll try something from wx's info. my quick and dirty scrollbars were going to do look at the block/datasource to get record count and based upon the rows (visible) set the size of the scroller then set the up/down of the scroolbar to only really do a next/prev record event jamest: yes, but GF is still too empty. should I start adding 'standar' behaviour? after each next/prev event have the scrollbar look at the top visible record and adjust the scroller position to be about right ok, keep saying ideas. I'll start to see. sure as there is no std behaviour yet :) so it's a clean slate to work with ok, I'll hack a little and comment about progress. just make sure dneighbo doesn't like it and you'll be good to go whoops, i shouldn't have publicly admitted to jcater and my design philosophies StyXman i will make it easy for you i really hate the idea of a scrollbar i dont think we should have one even if it has minimal functionality its bad bad bad boing! no you cant go wrong dneighbo: I think users are very uesd to them. er now StyXman im teasing used Action: StyXman is translating.... as the joke is if i agree to it, it must be a bad idea so dont do it so im using reverse psychology :) gives new meaning to: RPN reverse psychology notation but how much reverse it hould be? how much time should I reverse? I'm confused... Action: StyXman grins i think where they come from its called muy loco gringo or somethign tai chalao (you're chalado, like you smoked something but not tobacco) Action: StyXman grins again hmmm stoned/ chalado == stoned Action: dneighbo coudl like this no longer are we stuck with 'i must be on crack' to express oneself instead you could say man im muy chalado today stoned, yes, but not the same semantic. tai pirado. tai del tomate and so on... btw: did i tell you guys i started lobbying more poor local goverment? StyXman: go hack Action: Chipaca grins evily and got very interesting response warinig: that's basic cordobanian. they gave me some break downs on the 'discount rates' but this is classic they must decide by july 31st or m$ penalizes them BUT m$ still to this day hasnt told them what an agreement for the OS will cost only office Under the State Bid program the costs for the service contracts are as follows;  both require a minimum of a two (2) year contract, with an annual payment.  Under Microsofts definition only the newest version of a release is considerred current.  In the future (After July 31st) if an enterprise is not under a software maintenance plan there is no upgrade price and all software will be purchased as a full system. The below cost are on a per machine basis.  Microsoft Office * Upgrade Advantage -  for non current systems      $ 231.00        for two years (This goes away, after July 31st)  * Software Assurance - for current systems            $  85.29         per year with a two year minimum contract Operating Systems * This is the price were waiting for as it is still moving,  it looks like about 1/2 of the above cost for the office product or hopefully a little less, this only needs to be done on machines we plan on keeping in service and that need OS upgrades allot of notebooks etc. will not need to be upgraded. * The main concern here will be the OS for Servers now how messed is that UPGRADE or DIE ok whats it cost? i dont know. typical m$ i was talking to wife about this some this weekend i'd love to see free software people do volunteer work to setup things like ltsp w/ openoffice and a killer main system we are doing that at schools here now at schools/govs etc with our LUG or trying i actually know the mayor on name basis so i might approach him as i know here small dept can't afford to do free as they have noone to support it :) jamest: KSU doing Enterprise AGreement? if so do you have 'numbers' i.e. can you tell me what they are telling you an office GF things are pretty plain. all the logic are in uidriver's? 'upgrade advantage' and 'software assurance' will cost as if its radically different i would be interested as supposedly one of teh selling points of this crap was m$ wasnt doing 'volume' discounts anymore n oidea jamest: that answer goes for me? no idea to derek the UI drivers should be brain dead w/ all the logic in the GF* We have something interesting going on at KU ... the department pays a set amount and we have access to all Microsoft productivity products with unlimited license for use for academia ... not infrastructure Action: jamest hates to see things like that :( i know why they do it and it works well Grantbow ( got netsplit. the student then expects office at their workplace after school one of the people here was amazed that the student was like $125 a copy Well, it doesn't really matter for us ... we use both windows and *nix in this department no matter what the agreement but it was 400+ for non students :) yeah I'm slowly getting my users to OpenOffice our accountant was OpenOffice exclusively s/was/uses on windows even :) hmmm ... how are the MS and wordperfect filters on it? wordperfect i don't know office is pretty good I've got one odd document (in russian) that's giving me fits right now course I'm running OO on a linux system for the person trying to use that document and I'm having font/formatting issues well, the international versions of the office documents do have some unique properties I ran into trouble with the Excel format ... was using a perl module to parse excel files ... the guy who wrote it lives in Japan and it found something in the U.S. versions that it didn't like my biggest gripe with open office is RAM usage it's a beast absolutely nuts about RAM yogurt2unge ( left irc: "Client Exiting" Grantbow ( got lost in the net-split. and it sure doesn't have to be that way Grantbow ( joined #gnuenterprise. dsmith (~dsmith@ left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) Grantbow ( left irc: Read error: 113 (No route to host) yeah i like the OO format hmm I need opinions i unzipped one and it was lovely xml text if you had to choose between RedHat SuSe for a production server, which would you do? no that dress doesn't make you look fat (and turn off the webcam...please) jamest: but, but, but that's not what you said when I was trying the thongs out argh! :) if you had to choose between RedHat or SuSe for a production server, which would you do? My only experience with SuSe was in SF before I got debian to play nice on those IBms IIRC that was SuSe but I can tell you why I quit using RH well, Action: jcater quit using RedHat too :( crappy QA - RH6.something shipped with par printer support broken the RPM system don't recall what suse used IIRC it had some purdy graphical thingy to config/install/maintain system suse use RPM too :( Action: jcater will probably go SuSE ew you poor bastard SIGH I'm torn as I hated RedHat but you know it :) BUT 1. I know it 2. It'll be on a Dell PowerEdge 6400 (4 proc smp) 3. Dell ships out RedHat on these things Action: jamest is too jeallous to talk about this anyjmore so you'd think RedHat is more likely to support the obscure RAID/etc controllers on the machine BUT Oracle develops on SuSE and SuSE is their preferred Linux rofl just like solaris x86 eh? Action: jamest runs don't go there, dude jcater: I predict Oracle will change to RedHat soon ... you did see the announcement between them, RH, and IBM right? Gedanken: I did not see that Action: jcater tries to avoid Oracle news :) hehe probably safe that way if I could find Oracle 7 binaries for Linux I'd downgrade to that and say to hell with this upgrade cycle uhm, that is just ... wrong well (and exploitable) siesel ( left irc: "later" ToyMan (~stuq@ left irc: "Client Exiting" well, the upgrade from 7.x to 8i broke all my apps we still haven't fully recovered and that's been 2 years jcater: why'd you "upgrade" then :) I'm sure oracle end of lifed his arse well basically, yes :( plus we had 7.x under SCO which also went the way of the dinosaur and we had to upgrade our capacity because of some acquisitions it's a touchy subject, to say the least jcater: istr this subject :) istr? aprono ( got netsplit. Gedanken ( got netsplit. Chipaca ( got netsplit. Gedanken ( returned to #gnuenterprise. Chipaca ( returned to #gnuenterprise. aprono ( returned to #gnuenterprise. Chipaca ( left irc: "ircII EPIC4-1.0.1 -- Are we there yet?" ok can i have an opinion PLEASE dont go SuSE they are entering into the United Linux thing and honestly it just looks shady i cant say they ahve done anything wrong yet but i would hate to see a good free software user like yourself support htem (monetarily now) and then really regret it later remember already SuSE doesnt offer binaries/ISO's and such to people i cant say i like redhat but i think it will be no better nor no worse than suse dell/redhat combo is probably pretty good for support combo thats my .02 USD ;) jamest you here? ok I'll buy that (figuratively, that is) Gedanken ( left irc: "Client Exiting" mgedmin ( joined #gnuenterprise. l8r jamest ( left #gnuenterprise. pattieja ( joined #gnuenterprise. siesel ( joined #gnuenterprise. psu ( joined #gnuenterprise. hi all dneighbo: I was going to e-mail you about the match this morning ask if you still agreed that penalties were stupid hi psu as they were automatic goal, never saved ;-) hi StyXman psu: what happened this morning? USA saved a penalty vs S Korea I don't see all the matches... after dneighbo had been dissing penalties in this channel oh, I see. they made it to the second round, right? I hear it on radio on way to work weel, here we are sleeping. brb StyXman ( left #gnuenterprise. anyway, bedtime for me now psu ( left #gnuenterprise. damn missed him again i still hate penalty kicks but dont think i didnt almost wake up the whole house when i was running around screaming like nuts at that save siesel ( left irc: Read error: 113 (No route to host) siesel ( joined #gnuenterprise. chillywilly ( joined #gnuenterprise. jcater ( left irc: Remote closed the connection jcater ( joined #gnuenterprise. fscking mozilla crashed my X server hi sounds like fun :) you sure that you didnt get some jamest cvs checkin loving on gnuef ;) I had something weird randomly take mine down the other day, but i am not sure what caused it rat poison? sometimes you try to hard to be funny s/to/too crazymike ( joined #gnuenterprise. hi chillywilly: I've added some part out of our talk about RPC to GComm.sgml, can you have a look over it, when youÄve time? sure, thanks where is that file at now a days? gnue/common/doc ? aprono ( left irc: "Client Exiting" docbook/Proposals/GComm/ ok, same place as always the changes are in docbook/Proposals/GComm/chapters/codeinsight.sgml Action: chillywilly is pissed because they are now upgrading his online banking software and you will loose all history grrrr why do banks have such hacks for software? because all the really good programmers do free software hell it should import all my past history since I ever had an account whatever because banks don't consider online banking really important to their core business Action: chillywilly beats jcater senseless with a 30lb lake trout why? dude seek help because it is fun :) Action: jcater points chillywilly to the edge of a cliff help is right down there Action: chillywilly points jc to donut-bitch anonymous jcater, btw. who had the idea for adding gConfig to the global namespace, you, or jamest? Action: siesel hates GConfig not allowing to startup forms and reports in navigator using the same way :( siesel: you sgml has butt loads of errors s/you/your :) um its chillywilly 's fault that bozo did it btw: jcater i loved the 'all the good developers write free software line' it was a beauty dneighbo: nah, I think it is da masta's curse he looked at it funny it doesn't like thise title tags in your itemized list siesel why. Its absolute standart conformant. I don't think it's allowed there otherwise it wouldn't complain do you get these errors/warnings: Working on: /home/danielb/src/cvs/gnue/docbook/Proposals/GComm/gcomm.sgml jade:/home/danielb/src/cvs/gnue/docbook/Proposals/GComm/chapters/introduction.sgml:173:6:E: document type does not allow element "TITLE" here; missing one of "ABSTRACT", "AUTHORBLURB", "MSGSET", "CALLOUTLIST", "ITEMIZEDLIST", "ORDEREDLIST", "SEGMENTEDLIST", "VARIABLELIST", "CAUTION", "IMPORTANT", "NOTE", "TIP", "WARNING", "FORMALPARA", "BLOCKQUOTE", "EQUATION", "EXAMPLE", "FIGURE", "TABLE", "PROCEDURE", "SIDEBAR", "QANDASET" start-t hrrrm I'll see if I can resolve this cw: I get the same warning, but if you look in Docbook, a definite guide, you will see its standart conformant :) I don't see title being a child of listitem Action: chillywilly has the guide open one thing for sure it generates fugly html ^chewie ( joined #gnuenterprise. <^chewie> hallo hiya ToyMan_home ( joined #gnuenterprise. <^chewie> Well, I've been trying to figure out where the heck to start with GNUe ;-) <^chewie> there's a real strength in the simple one-to-one relationship between forms and database siesel: gConfig is being reworked at the moment so don't do too much to it why not just make them sub sections? 1.5 Design Considerations 1.5.1 Reusability .... like that <^chewie> but I can't seem to wrap my mind around the "master:detail" record idea and how it's supposed to be articulated in the .gfd Action: siesel hides his head in shame (listitem have no title :( ) <^chewie> is there any definititive docs on how gfd's are laid out, their syntax, etc? or cw: would be ok. ok <^chewie> I have this wonderfully normalized database, but can't seem to step through this little wizard to create a working form <^chewie> so, I'm trying to find a point of entry to understand what's going on, any tips mater-detail is just like any 1 to 1 database relation, IIRC but I don't jnow how to make forms to cooperate with it ;) you'll have to ask jcater or dneighbo <^chewie> hmm siesel: are you going yo change it or should I? btw, thanks for all the docs :) jcater: strike, I've outwitted GConf !!!! cw: change what? the actual cvs version is error free ;) er? change those to be subsections instead of a itemized list with broke ass title tags in it ;) cw: please cvs update :) oh, ok Action: chillywilly just spell cheak it too :-/ checked ah well hmmmm, hmmmm, hmmmm, siesel ducks weee, conflicts cool conflicts? from fixing spelling I just deleted that file and redid th spell check and committed the fixes well pulled your file then spell checked it Action: chillywilly reads the doc <^chewie> ls mgedmin ( left irc: "[x]chat" command not found <^chewie> cw: ;-) dsmith ( joined #gnuenterprise. ^chewie ( left irc: "ircII EPIC4-1.1.2 -- Are we there yet?" what about one single navigator file which contain entries for all sample in forms/samples and reports/samples with descriptions? just to make the first step for gnue newcomers a bit easier :) SachaS ( joined #gnuenterprise. siesel i can look at doing that if you like great. :) hey how are GObjs parsed? like what is the structure of the object? a tree like thing? ToyMan_home ( left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) I've commited a foobulations.gpd some minutes ago, technical correct, but with a very poor grammar. Could be a start ... cw: yes. access to child elements per _children to the parent element per _parent one object per xml elements, sub element -> children, attributs -> attributs, i.e. -> class tag, def name=itsme siesel im thinking of a single .gpd per sample dir then a .gpd at the root actually you know what i want to discuss this better for debs we have to pull samples away from the rest im thinking we need to do something similar to wx and have samples be separate tarball etc sep deb/rpm yada yada yada do you think we should seperate them in the cvs too? s/the// probably i would love to see our docs and our www be separate cvs modules altogether but thats another discussion :) basically eventually i would like to see each tool be separate module as well as i forsee at some point giving person A access to say gnue-common cvs but perhaps not gnue-reports cvs especially if we go to something like what the linux kernel does where things go through a single maintain btw: dont expect anything like this for sometime, this is down the road thinking chillywilly ( left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) yes, this will be more and more important during gnue becoming bigger jcater ( left irc: "home" btw. the idea to put a single gpd in each sample dir is great. Although I still donÄt know how to include one xml file into another. chillywilly ( joined #gnuenterprise. wb cw dude, my server froze again like it did last weekend which kernel version? hmmmm 2.4.18 w/ preemption patch lock breaking for that too tcpdump gives me a parse error bah Action: siesel likes 2.4.18 ;). Have never run so instable computers oh duh what's the deal wtih 2.4.18? I don't know, but my computer don't likes it. And a Mac G4 don't like it too. hmmmm this looks wacky Jun 10 19:10:03 frell kernel: RAMDISK: Loading 2268 blocks [1 disk] into ram disk... |^H/^H-^H\^H|^H/^H-^H\^H|^H/^H-^H\^H|^H/^H-^H\^H|^H/^H-^H\^H|^H/^H-^H\^H|^H/^H-^H\^H|^H/^H-^H\^H|^H/^H-^H\^H|^H/^H-^H\^H|^H/^H-^H\^H|^H/^H-^H\^H|^H/^H-^H\^H|^H/^H-^H\^H|^H/^H-^H\^H|^H/^H-^H\^H|^H/^H-^H\^H|^H/^H-^H\^H|^H/^H-^H\^H|^H/^H-^H\^H|^H/^H-^H\^H|^H/^H-^H\^H|^H/^H-^H\^H|^H/^H-^H\^H|^H/^H-^H\^H|^H/^H-^H\^H|^H/^H-^H\^H|^H/^H-^H\^H|^H/^H-^H\^H|^H \^H|^H/^H-^H\^H|^H/^H-^H\^H|^H/^H-^H\^H|^H/^H-^H\^H|^H/^H-^H\^H|^H/^Hdone. cool. Seems that your termcap /console is not set up right ok, I have to go. Tomorow I have to do HEAPs of work! night siesel ( left irc: "Real programmers code it into the client" heh jcater ( joined #gnuenterprise. yes, xchat, I am now talking in #gnuenterprise you are always so nice to tell me that whenever I log it s/it/in well it read locale us_TN and figured you might need to be reminded ;) hehe sigh yes bad humor i know now if I could just train xchat to remind me to go to bed I'l remind yo isn't it your ned time jcater? go to bed er, bed chillywilly: you may think you're funny but in reality you're not i think you hace me mistaken with donut boy have anyway... you know there's this saying: if you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen ya is your girl cooking or something? :) yea, we're "cookin'" all that what you TN people call it? yeah, I heard about her and Mike seems he rather enjoys her "cooking" perhaps you're the one who wants to "cook" with mike a three-some with her? hmm well, I've never thought about it you know you are crossing the line a bit hehe Action: jcater will stop it's ok to poke fun at me, but when you drag my family into I will have to kick some ass oooooo now if we could get you to channel this energy into GNUe programming hmm, then I'd have to aggrivate you every night anyone know how to convert avi files to video cd format? using readily available debian tools? mv *.avi /dev/null ah cool Action: jcater will try that well that got pretty good compression rates I bet it did performance was good to I take it? s/to/too perhaps you can use gstreamer dsmith ( left irc: "later.." chillywilly ( left irc: "Philosophers and plow men each must know his part to sow a new mentality closer to the heart..." danielb ( joined #gnuenterprise. danielb ( left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) danielb ( joined #gnuenterprise. danielb ( left irc: Client Quit danielb ( joined #gnuenterprise. Action: jcater is away: that means I'm not here danielb ( left irc: Client Quit danielb ( joined #gnuenterprise. danielb ( left irc: Client Quit chillywilly ( joined #gnuenterprise. OxD00FD00F (~miaow@ joined #gnuenterprise. chillywilly ( left irc: "Client Exiting" chillywilly ( joined #gnuenterprise. chillywilly ( left irc: Client Quit chillywilly ( joined #gnuenterprise. jbailey ( joined #gnuenterprise. jbailey ( left #gnuenterprise ("Client Exiting"). rofl I go to and it redirects me to what a name for a home page!!! so original even ah the TNs are so easily amused Action: chillywilly runs chillywilly ( left irc: "Client Exiting" crazymike ( left irc: MicahY ([ joined #gnuenterprise. dsmith ( joined #gnuenterprise. MicahY ([ left irc: "[x]chat" alexey_ ( joined #gnuenterprise. SachaS ( left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) derek ( joined #gnuenterprise. dneighbo_ ( joined #gnuenterprise. --- Tue Jun 11 2002