Isomer ( joined #gnuenterprise. hi Isomer NZ gathering. ;) yo esands :) G'evenin' so what's happening up your way? Topic changed on #gnuenterprise by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.: The Glorious Release Party - More Releases Than You Can Shake a Stick At! elections on the 27th. Should be fun oh? interesting which month? ;) july ok i can't see national winning this time psu ( joined #gnuenterprise. no heh morning psu it'll certainly be a very strange on one hiya dsmith ( left irc: "later.." btami ( joined #gnuenterprise. morning hi btami psu ( got netsplit. dneighbo_ ( got netsplit. OxD00FD00F (~miaow@ got netsplit. gnuebot ( got netsplit. Yurik (~yrashk@ got netsplit. Isomer ( got netsplit. btami ( got netsplit. derek ( got netsplit. pattieja ( got netsplit. ra3vat ( got netsplit. derek ( returned to #gnuenterprise. Yurik (~yrashk@ got lost in the net-split. gnuebot ( got lost in the net-split. ra3vat ( got lost in the net-split. pattieja ( got lost in the net-split. OxD00FD00F (~miaow@ got lost in the net-split. dneighbo_ ( got lost in the net-split. Isomer ( got lost in the net-split. psu ( got lost in the net-split. btami ( got lost in the net-split. btami ( joined #gnuenterprise. Isomer ( joined #gnuenterprise. gnuebot ( joined #gnuenterprise. OxD00FD00F (~miaow@ joined #gnuenterprise. psu ( joined #gnuenterprise. dneighbo_ ( joined #gnuenterprise. Yurik (~yrashk@ joined #gnuenterprise. #gnuenterprise: mode change '+o gnuebot' by pattieja ( joined #gnuenterprise. ra3vat ( joined #gnuenterprise. nickr ( left irc: Broken pipe ra3vat ( got netsplit. pattieja ( got netsplit. psu ( got netsplit. Yurik (~yrashk@ got netsplit. gnuebot ( got netsplit. OxD00FD00F (~miaow@ got netsplit. dneighbo_ ( got netsplit. btami ( got netsplit. derek ( got netsplit. Isomer ( got netsplit. gnuebot ( returned to #gnuenterprise. btami ( returned to #gnuenterprise. derek ( returned to #gnuenterprise. nickr_ ( joined #gnuenterprise. ra3vat ( returned to #gnuenterprise. pattieja ( returned to #gnuenterprise. Isomer ( returned to #gnuenterprise. Yurik (~yrashk@ returned to #gnuenterprise. dneighbo_ ( returned to #gnuenterprise. OxD00FD00F (~miaow@ returned to #gnuenterprise. #gnuenterprise: mode change '+o gnuebot' by gnuebot ( got netsplit. OxD00FD00F (~miaow@ got netsplit. dneighbo_ ( got netsplit. Yurik (~yrashk@ got netsplit. psu ( got lost in the net-split. bigerbrother joined #gnuenterprise. derek ( got netsplit. btami ( got netsplit. jcater ( got netsplit. dneighbo ( got netsplit. bigbrother ( got netsplit. esands ( got netsplit. alexey_ ( got netsplit. ajmitch ( got netsplit. dtm ([ got netsplit. ra3vat ( got netsplit. pattieja ( got netsplit. Isomer ( got netsplit. nickr_ ( got netsplit. Nick change: bigerbrother -> bigbrother Possible future nick collision: bigbrother Isomer (dahoose@ joined #gnuenterprise. nickr (~panphage@ joined #gnuenterprise. dtm ([ joined #gnuenterprise. bigbrother joined #gnuenterprise. ra3vat ( joined #gnuenterprise. esands ( joined #gnuenterprise. Yurik ( joined #gnuenterprise. mgedmin ( joined #gnuenterprise. #gnuenterprise: mode change '+o gnuebot' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. #gnuenterprise: mode change '+t ' by gnuebot! hi is there any reason why irc logs on use pretty unsortable date format? Action: mgedmin prefers ISO 8601 yyyy-mm-dd siesel ( joined #gnuenterprise. Hello and good morning not good as it could be :) hi all hi dtm OxD00FD00F (~miaow@ joined #gnuenterprise. siesel ( left irc: Remote closed the connection alexey_ ( joined #gnuenterprise. siesel_ ( joined #gnuenterprise. SachaS ( joined #gnuenterprise. ariel ( joined #gnuenterprise. Yurik ( left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) Yurik ( joined #gnuenterprise. mgedmin ( left irc: "Client Exiting" ajmitch ( joined #gnuenterprise. hi ajmitch hi siesel_ ( left irc: "later" MooG (~amoote@ joined #gnuenterprise. MooG (~amoote@ left #gnuenterprise ("Client Exiting"). Action: Isomer agrees with mgedmin Action: Isomer ponders if psu is in charge of the logs ? Action: ajmitch does not understand [19:33:27] is there any reason why irc logs on use pretty unsortable date format? [19:33:37] * mgedmin prefers ISO 8601 yyyy-mm-dd :) ah i think jamest controls the bot Action: ajmitch goes to sleep siesel ( joined #gnuenterprise. football time ! siesel ( left irc: "How was Thomas J. Watson buried? 9 edge down." jbailey ( joined #gnuenterprise. jbailey ( left #gnuenterprise ("Client Exiting"). Arturas ( joined #gnuenterprise. Hello SachaS ( left irc: Read error: 113 (No route to host) ToyMan (~stuq@ joined #gnuenterprise. alexey_ ( left irc: "[x]chat" robble ( joined #gnuenterprise. hey can someone give me a hand installing gnue common please i get an error is it ok to flood 10 lines ? SachaS ( joined #gnuenterprise. yes ./ install Traceback (innermost last): File "./", line 27, in ? from src import VERSION File "./src/", line 106 text += "%s\n" % strings[:index] ^ SyntaxError: invalid syntax GNUe-Common-0.3.0 jcater_ ( left irc: "work" Nick change: SachaS -> SachaS_away siesel ( joined #gnuenterprise. hi all Hi Jan robble: thanks for showing it it should be corrected in the nearest time Action: robble likes the fast pace here :) Arturas: whats the status of gnu enterprise ? are the core components ready for applications to be built ? riandouglas ( joined #gnuenterprise. ariel ( left irc: Killed (NickServ (Ghost: Amy! ariel_ ( joined #gnuenterprise. robble: I don't know how do you understand ready, but GNUe is already used in production environments. ahh is there a way around that error i get ? Gedanken ( joined #gnuenterprise. morning guys Gedanken: hi (as 2 Tier) for more information you should ask dneighbo, jamest or jcater. They should be here in some hours. btw. this error installing forms, on which platform did it occur and using which python version ? siesel ( left irc: " * Blackened *" riandouglas ( left irc: "KVIrc 2.1.1 'Monolith'" RH 7.3 python 1.5.2 robble: maybe you can try setup-cvs as a temporary decision Arturas: yep, im just getting the cvs now haha , i like the last line of the top 10 questions ^chewie ( joined #gnuenterprise. jcater ( joined #gnuenterprise. robble: from installation manual # Since stock RH7.2 installs Python 1.5.2 you will need to install Python2.1 and the Python2.1-devel package. This is easy because the RPMs are on Disc2. Install them with rpm -Uvh . Now this install doesn't remove Python 1.5.2 so we have to make sure that the right one gets used. this is for RH7.2, but i guess it will go for RH7.3 too :) ta well its bed time so i'll have to wait till morning for the cvs ( /me is on dialup) thanks for the help guys it was practically no help have fun with it :) ahh just finished i got python2 and 2.2 xetrex ( joined #gnuenterprise. SachaS_away ( left irc: "Client Exiting" robble ( left irc: Read error: 113 (No route to host) robble ( joined #gnuenterprise. derek ( joined #gnuenterprise. yma (~yatheendr@ joined #gnuenterprise. ariel_ ( left irc: "Uscita dal client" yma (~yatheendr@ left #gnuenterprise. xetrex ( left irc: "ChatZilla 0.8.7 in Beonex Communicator" yogurt2unge ( joined #gnuenterprise. derek ( got netsplit. ^chewie ( got netsplit. Yurik ( got netsplit. esands ( got netsplit. mgedmin ( joined #gnuenterprise. esands ( got lost in the net-split. Yurik ( got lost in the net-split. ^chewie ( got lost in the net-split. derek ( got lost in the net-split. derek ( joined #gnuenterprise. ^chewie ( joined #gnuenterprise. Yurik ( joined #gnuenterprise. esands ( joined #gnuenterprise. bye Arturas ( left #gnuenterprise ("Client Exiting"). jamest ( joined #gnuenterprise. _dneighbo ( joined #gnuenterprise. dres ( joined #gnuenterprise. <_dneighbo> ^chewie i responded to your email <^chewie> thanks ;-) Action: ^chewie doesn't watch IRC too closely <^chewie> in fact, it's lunch time ;-) <^chewie> bbiab StyXman ( joined #gnuenterprise. <_dneighbo> maybe we can discuss when you return hi, peop Action: Yurik is away: home mgedmin ( left irc: "bye" dsmith (~dsmith@ joined #gnuenterprise. dsmith (~dsmith@ left irc: Client Quit pattieja ( joined #gnuenterprise. sledge_ ( joined #gnuenterprise. hi there someone here? sledge_: yep i just wanted to send my congrats to the developers of navigator. it looks really nice :-) sledge_ ( left irc: "using sirc version 2.211+KSIRC/981227-pre0.9" aprono ( joined #gnuenterprise. <_dneighbo> so all you .ar folks staying up to see the SWE v ARG game tonight? Nick change: _dneighbo -> derek_ Action: ^chewie is tired <^chewie> ;-) <^chewie> brb Action: ^chewie needed some fuel <^chewie> snickers to the rescue <^chewie> derek_: how would you like to go about discussing the contact manager? <^chewie> pwd <^chewie> ls <^chewie> doh! psu ( joined #gnuenterprise. you be here in an hour? actual i guess 20 minutes i am knee deep in somethign but would like to discuss psu: you watching the game today? er tomorrow i guess for you nope I will go into office normal time & wait for everyone else to come in rofl flexitime latest in time is 9.30 i was going to say 'enjoy the quiet' match should end 9.15 see how many of them make it ;-) <^chewie> yeah, I'll be around Action: psu is pleased Ireland qualified today i will go out on a limb and suggest that against nigeria they should pretty much know at half time if they need to call in late or not :) <^chewie> didn't US tie Korea yesterday? Action: ^chewie hasn't been following too closely. the opera ain't over 'till the fat lady sings best finish to a match I ever heard was when I parked up in hotel car park after long drive & decided to listen to last 5 mins of Euro Cup Final before going to check in In that time, Man Utd scored twice to win 2-1 <^chewie> derek_: were you saying you wouldn't be able to discuss ContactMgr until tomorrow? about 20 minutes just have to finish something here first Chipaca ( joined #gnuenterprise. Chipaca ( left irc: Client Quit <^chewie> derek_: ah, OK ;-) <^chewie> found the GNUe forms in the dclgw tree those are dated 10 more minutes and hopefully i will be done so i can explain :( as its really not intuitive at all Chipaca ( joined #gnuenterprise. Action: ^chewie nods hi again, chip StyXman: *yawn* parciales take it out of me ^chewie you here? i just have to find a mtn dew and im ready StyXman / Chipaca they have mtn dew in cordoba? mtn dew? *what*'s that? mountain dew is nasty derek: no, they had it in buenos aires for a while, but it never took on nono, we don't have such thing. the pritty is the best :) derek_: last time i was in miami i had some from a dispenser and it tasted like piss :( and quilmes beer. <^chewie> We have MelloYellow on the U of MN campus; I've gotten used to it. <^chewie> I had my one bottle for the day, so it's back to water test <^chewie> ping "mountain dew - are you going to drink that, or have you?" psu: hehe well, seeing the page I don't know if conclude that it's some cloth soap or a car engine's additive. I perfer a good ole pepsi ... or a coke if you have some good bourbon Gedanken actually drpepper and jim beam (bourbon) is a nice soothing drink <^chewie> rum+coke=mmmmmmm ^chewie: yeap. <^chewie> kaluah+vodka == MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM or even, *cold* rum. <^chewie> yeah <^chewie> kaluah+vodka+bailey's == Oh, yeah I haven't frink one of those for years, but I still remenber the taste. derek: I don't really like jim beam ... maybe for cooking ... I perfer makers mark or gentleman jack Gedanken : drpepper + ok ^chewie <^chewie> ok here is the scoop hehe, fair enough I will try it <^chewie> scotch+nothing Action: ^chewie readies the bucket ^chewie: laugavalin ... ymmy at one time i was employed by a health and fitness club (gym/personal trainers/sauna/spa) outfit i started to do their membership management stuff with gnue <^chewie> excellent job as some of the early proof of concept stuff Action: ^chewie nods i created the tracker item in samples/ actually orginally it was REALLY simple and i was using to track assignments for GNUe to FSF i.e. name tracker and some of the fields there <^chewie> k well then i started using DCL at work and really disliked how it handled contacts Action: ^chewie nods i talked to mdean and he needed better contact support in dcl as well so we rewrote a contact spec (data dictionary) Action: ^chewie nods which you will find as part of HEAD of DCL (note only HEAD has it) Gedanken ( left irc: "coding at the coffee shop" and are in process of modifying DCL to use the new schema for contacts <^chewie> under docs or something? Action: ^chewie nods no its in scripts/ something it is THE schema Action: ^chewie nods anyhow the FSF needed donor management and some tracking software they have decided to use DCL and as part of that im making some GNUe screens for contact management Action: ^chewie nods that will have items to do donation management etc <^chewie> sweet that is part of the fsf-contacts project on savannah the modified sql stuff and forms are in its cvs but that project is not public <^chewie> is the DCL head at its supposed to be, but loic hasnt fixed it yet :( yes dcl head at <^chewie> the dclgw module? yes hey you know what just a second i think thats pretty up to date <^chewie> ok, I was going to say <^chewie> it looks like they have NO contact mgmt separation in their tables in the DCL head it is separate in head that datadictionary was built from dcl cvs head <^chewie> hmm Action: ^chewie went to script/install/pgsql well it uses our magic new datatool where you define schema in xml and run an xslt to generate the create/insert scripts for each db and its creates the pretty html i gave you as the link <^chewie> ah so its possible that hte pgsql file wasnt 'refreshed' should be the xml version and you are indeed correct the createdb.sql script under scripts/install/pgsql/ is out of date if you have the cvs tree you just need sablotron and pysablot <^chewie> it looks better in teh xml then you can do i think dcl.xml pgsql.xsl createdb.sql or something similar and it will generate the file for you i really like the html output its nice and clean and easy to read :) i hope to get sometime today to work on this stuff especially if you are interested and get things organized Action: ^chewie nods <^chewie> definitely <^chewie> the psyablot site on is way out of date <^chewie> looks like the project is dead there <^chewie> and I don't see a debian package for it ^chewie: its not ddead and we do have debs um what jcater said :) courtesy of nickr yes we need to get him to be maintainer of it so it gets in sid i think i had an action item there we need to get it renamed as proper name is python2.1-sablot ah the deb Action: ^chewie nods <^chewie> well, if you need a sponsor for the package, let me know Action: ^chewie is <^chewie> ;-) Action: derek_ was thinking its not ours to rename, but the package yes we need renamed if you are willing to maintain/sponsor it please see nickr it needs to be done anyhow that was the short/long story of contact management jcater: btw: this only reinforces the fact we need a good tutorial i have some canned stuff i do on demos and such to show problem is its ugly to 'write' up i wish i had a way to screen capture all my screen/voice while i worked so i could do a demo and capture as digital and we could post on website as 'online' gnue class do you know of freesoftware that does that? <^chewie> not of the top of my head I just want to say: what an *ugly* hack you have done in GFObjects. fro the correct value of 'you' s/fro/for/ <^chewie> in comparison between your schema for contact mgmt and the one I cooked up, there are a few differences <^chewie> one that makes it more difficult to manage in my case <^chewie> e.g. I used a table to tie two data tables together: person, address, and person_address <^chewie> i.e. fully normalized <^chewie> however, this may get to be too much of a headache <^chewie> the idea is that there's less duplication of address data <^chewie> in retrospect, it's not that important <^chewie> so, ease of mgmt should probably win out for a less normalized schema we had a long discussion about that exact example its just not logical there a month or two ago you are 100% correct in that from a compsci view and there's a point at which normalization becomes too academic and unimplementable Action: ^chewie nods having the table is correct Action: jcater is all for data normalization however in practice but have normalized myself to project death before what you gain is used to little that the overhead it puts on UI design Action: ^chewie nods not only kills the developer but ultimately confuses the user i am all for normalizing and discussing if we missed normalization but we have to be practical if that makes sense <^chewie> the other thing I did was have one table for all phone, url, email, etc named comm <^chewie> i.e. person_comm table w/a lookup for comm_type at one point i had that <^chewie> it reduces the tables, but complicates things slightly <^chewie> so, I don't disagree w/having a phone table i think i spread back out for a. uncomplicating <^chewie> I just wanted to avoid it Action: ^chewie nods b. helping with size hopefully helping speed <^chewie> The one thing I disagree with on the DCL schema is the separate tables for accounts v.s. contact v.s. personel im not sure i remember fully but i think i had similar problems Action: ^chewie looks at the raw XML again i think they need to be separate tables but all shoudl use contact example you should have an accoutn table but it doesn have first_name is points to a contact you have a personnel table and it points to a contact i.e. you only enter people in a contact table <^chewie> I would go a step further <^chewie> enter people in a person table Action: derek_ looks back at it looks like that is what dcl is doing <^chewie> a contact is really someone associated w/a particular organization, company, or account you have an account table account_addr table <^chewie> yeah, they cleaned up the account table, but there's an account_addr table, too account_contact table <^chewie> ah <^chewie> there it is best i can tell contact really = person as it only has first/last/middle/active <^chewie> there must be a reason for their duplication <^chewie> otherwise, I see no reason for an account_phone or account_addr table for what duplication well account phone has account_id now true you could jus thave one addr table then have a table account_addr that had addr_id account_id but again there isnt a ton to be gained by this one could say sure change the company address and all employees change but in theory its more likely sally sue moves fromt he denver to the san francisco branch some yo yo goes in and changes her contact record and viola now the whole denver branch has moved to the san francisco branch now you coul make it so the ui doesn allow somethign like this and while the tables support hte many to many the ui doesn but then it goes back to the a. complexity b. less data in specialized tables = better performance exmaple i have 30,000 contacts (with 30,000 addresses) i avhe 10 companies (with 10 addresses) robble ( left irc: Read error: 113 (No route to host) now i run acompany report im having to pick that 10 ut of 30,000 each query now in that sample probably wont be a big deal but if i have 1,000,000 contact and 20 companies etc but anyhow im definitely open to discussion Action: ^chewie nods <^chewie> no arguments about your example its the classic 'finding the sweet spot' Action: ^chewie nods i STRONGLY believe in normalization thats what RDBMS were designed for Gedanken ( joined #gnuenterprise. but i believe there is such a thing as over normalization as well the problem is its 'gray area' derek_: so do you go to other databases and say "You're not normal." or maybe medicate them LOCK THEM UP/!?? where *Exactly* do you draw the line, mister?! chase em outta town with some torches and pitchforks? well mysql is not normal and it should be locked up <^chewie> I have no problem w/an unnormalized DB as long as there is a reason for the duplication OIC after the crap codeworks found in postgres if it doesnt deserve to be locked up it should definitely be on probation <^chewie> I'm giving DCL the benefit of the doubt when I said, "There must be a reason why they picked to create account_address" instead of using the existing "contact_addr" table as a reference. that is what views are for ... ^chewie: well if you dont like that then you can convert it to beverage format. Remember, "log in and have a double". <^chewie> i.e. account_addr table contains: contact_addr_id ^chewie we discussed it some but not as much as we did re: the phone/address we started with <^chewie> dtm: ;-) ^chewie: that'll perk ya up and set ya straight Gedanken good point, i think there was some concern many db's dont support views let me restate that many free software dbs derek_: so gnue is definately going to have a booth at LWCE, eh? i think that might be fixed now though and maybe its worth looking at yes, booth #6 derek_: elite PLEASE help me man it derek_: i can herp choo derek_: i hope i'm not ill by then. i feel ok but dont know about contagiousness. :} derek_: do you buy your own plane ticket? or are you driving derek_: do you need lodging i'll lodge ya somewhere! ;) you can certainly use it as a forum to discuss the teleconferncing services you offer do you know if phpGroupware will be there i keep trying to talk to seek3r but miss him :( he is in part of california we visit several times a year and was hoping we could hook up there sometime i dont know yeah he mentioned that i will be going through that part of town on my way to SF OIC you'll be driving then so if he isnt going to LWE i could see him then <^chewie> so, if we go about packaging a Contact Management package/module for GNUe, how should we go about it? Action: derek_ hopes he will be going to LWE derek_: maybe you could pick him up ;) my wife is coming with me, so lodging is iffy <^chewie> would you like to adopt the scripts DCL is using for their schema generators? derek_: iffy in what way dtm: i could probalby do that derek_: are you allergic to cats/dogs in that there are two of me not allergic ^chewie that is what is tough derek_: well then i have a place for ya and has been my ultimate worry derek_: i have a queen bed, 2 or so inflatable beds, and a couch. as we need a way to do like 'base' module with add-on's i.e. dcl would usge gnue-crm base module and the fsf contact system would use gnue-crm base model for now i have basically been doing duplicate work :( i have a fsf-contacts cvs tree and there is the dcl cvs tree pretty much the fsf-contacts one is identical to dcl only it just contains the schema and i put the forms in there Action: ^chewie nods derek_: all i can say is that i vote for your CRM to in some way integrate with phpgw, and to have a migration tool away from phpgw's Addressbook and Infolog. we need to fix this though dtm: im all for that derek_: or else I'll.... oh you are? :) dtm: if you are serious i might take you up on the lodging part derek_: sure thing dewd the wife will is kind of squemish about such things but i will run it by her i owe her a few nights a luxury hotel though derek_: i'm ~60 mins from SF, by car or BART so it would probably only be for a day or two Action: derek_ would prefer bart derek_: hehehe luxury hotel :-o i'll come stay in your hotel ;) i am odd in that i like to experience the city when i travel yeah however the wife might not want to use bart :) well hey you're not gonna get much closer contact with the TRUE ESSENCE of the area than riding BART and a trolley! <^chewie> hmm, one small thing on naming fields in NYC i had more fun riding the bus around town and walking the streets than anything else ^chewie shoot derek_: ok well my place is petite but clean... my mom lives here... I have nothing which could be blatantly considered a weapon, no criminal record.. <^chewie> personally, I find it a little redundant to name a field after the tablename plus "ID", i.e. table == person, field == person_id <^chewie> why not just <^chewie> ;-) <^chewie> let the context of the table name itself give the field meaning i agree 100% on this one <^chewie> k im not sure i like dcl_xxx as table names either some of this stuff will fall under 'standards' for gnue applications i just havent been too worried about it yet Action: ^chewie nods <^chewie> You know, if normalization of a database isn't a 100% requirement, then using Python introspection to define and translate class objects into RDBMS representation becomes much easier ToyMan (~stuq@ left irc: "Client Exiting" well that is another argument for another day the old GEAS did somethign like this Action: ^chewie nods there are pluses and minuses for now i need something ASAP i cant wait for an object/relational mapper to come around wow, very hard concept btw, are you guys going to have perl bindings for your stuff? but i expect one to materialize (newer versions of appserver) and a migration tool will exist Gedanken yes an no i expect that the trigger engine will eventually support perl if someone writes the perl hookup hmmmm if anyone wants to tackle that look at zope's Perl Script support I might do it the gnue-common might someday support other languages as they have perl bindings for python if when its more mature it is deemed laudible to expend the efforts to port it to C or such that would allow that pyperl iirc is the name read: we are not against such a thing I still am looking over your guys work but are limited on resources so its not high priority as of yet i hate to steer people away (really, but im honest) if you really like perl there is a project very similar to gnue-forms but nearly as geared towards db's or crossplatform work called entity ( i think and iirc its all in perl Scripting languages supported include Perl, Python, Tcl, Javascript and C (compiled and loaded at startup). <^chewie> ok, maybe the type-less nature of Python will throw a monkey wrench into my last statement ;-) Intersesting <^chewie> I see why there's been talk about ODMG and why gcd was necessary <^chewie> derek_: do you want to head up some sort of gnue-cmr, then? How should we go about organizing this? <^chewie> derek_: there are certainly other holes for me to fill so I don't duplicate your work derek_: heheh i just realized that if you're staying here and picking up Seek3r then that means seek3r would be staying here too ;) um yes i would like to start the gnue crm package the problem is to do that we need to probably use the module proposal template yada yada yada and put out for review and such which is great and i want to do that, but i have time constraints for FSF so im torn you around tonight at all <^chewie> maybe <^chewie> I usually try to leave work behind, if you know what I mean MicahY ([ joined #gnuenterprise. aprono ( left irc: "Client Exiting" <^chewie> I'm usually in the office btwn 09:00 and 17:30 CDT <^chewie> +/- an hour what is CDT this time of year? <^chewie> I do need to work on things such as an Event tracker, in the context of workshops, seminars, lunches, etc. -5 or -4 <^chewie> -5 ok so 2 hour time diff Action: ^chewie nods so you are around 7 to 15 my time Action: ^chewie nods <^chewie> Are you in WA or CA? psu ( left #gnuenterprise ("a nation awaits Eng v Nigeria 06:30 UTC"). ^chewie: he's in AZ what area are you in <^chewie> MN ^chewie: anywhere near Milwaukee? Action: dtm is in San Ramon, Ca ive been coming in at 9 <^chewie> dtm: No, Milwaukee is in WI. which is 11 your time Action: ^chewie nods so from 7 - 9 it might owrk <^chewie> you're on at 7 in the morning? my time yes before work <^chewie> wow <^chewie> you're hardcore <^chewie> I burned myself out of that habit already no jcater or jamest? I need an answer about uidriver... Action: ^chewie found the ModulesProposalTemplate folder entity is kinda cute Action: ^chewie is reflecting on how he should change his Workshop Manager schema to be less of a normalization freakish nightmare ;-) <^chewie> or not <^chewie> grr hey dtm what is that product from IBM you had me look at before for weblicatoins or whatever derek_ dsmith ( joined #gnuenterprise. dsmith ( left irc: "later.." chillywilly ( joined #gnuenterprise. Gedanken ( left irc: "Client Exiting" hi chillywilly StyXman: not saying hi to me? :) hi StyXman hi ajmitch ToyMan ( joined #gnuenterprise. ajmitch: may be.. I don't know you that much.. but... hi. Action: ajmitch sobs ajmitch: hey! I didn't saw you enter the channel! how am I suppossed to 'hi' you?!? :) chillywilly ( left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) true.... chillywilly ( joined #gnuenterprise. Action: StyXman reminds the rest integrants of the channel that sometimes he just leaves his avatar here alone. e.g., today I didn't read the channel at all... ok, just a little... Action: ajmitch does same :) Chipaca ( left irc: "ircII EPIC4-1.0.1 -- Are we there yet?" Action: ^chewie hypothesizes about using reference counters in normalized DB's to help in decision making while avoiding costly adhoc "count" queries. <^chewie> relational DB's get pretty hairy when trying to apply object concepts to them jamest or jcater, you hear me? Action: StyXman notes that jamest does the same ;) what are you talking about ^chewie? <^chewie> I was musing on the complexity that RDBMS's introduce to an application when you have a normalized database okey dokey <^chewie> we were discussing the idea that an address record shared between personal and the company benefit from being edited once and changed everywhere, but if the UI is designed under the presumption that data is atonomous of eachother, than someone could open up the editor and change the data incorrectly <^chewie> so, two ways to combat that at the application layer btw, this is always a nice doc on relational design --> <^chewie> 1) even though the DB is normalized, you never let people share records between themselves or between companies <^chewie> 2) implement a before-commit trigger that counts references to a given address record and confirm with the user that it will indeed change for a number of users <^chewie> 3) de-normalize the database <^chewie> cool, I'll look at it I see <^chewie> if 1, then you bypass one of the benefits of a normailzed DB what about record locking? <^chewie> how would you conditionalize that? <^chewie> that has potential, actually you tell them they can't play with it because someone else is modifying it <^chewie> different problem in the appserver I think we wil be locking the objects <^chewie> however, you can lock it w/a special field saying "I'm referenced multiple times" how is it different? <^chewie> and then apply the logic based on that "state" field <^chewie> it's different because multiple aren't really editing it <^chewie> you and I work for the same company, let's say ok <^chewie> we each have a person_addr record that references <^chewie> that is also referernced in the org_addr table under address_id. <^chewie> so, two reference tables, one detail record in address <^chewie> The context to the address is delivered by the reliationship table <^chewie> i.e. person_addr.addr_type <^chewie> for me, it may be "mailing" <^chewie> for you, it may be "billing" dsmith ( joined #gnuenterprise. <^chewie> and for the company, it may be "personel" yea, I get it you have an adress that can be referenced from many different places Action: ^chewie nods it si "shared" Action: ^chewie nods to reduce redundant data Action: ^chewie nods i.e., make it "normalized" <^chewie> if it changes, it changes everywhere <^chewie> obviously, not a light operation, responsibility-wise <^chewie> there has to be a way, under that circumstance, to confirm with the user (editor) that the change is indeed what they want to do and the issue I presume you are talking about is: what happens if a person has as his work address the corporate headquarters and he moves to another branch well, if his address is "shared" and you went to change it <^chewie> you change the "id" you'd also change the corporate one <^chewie> you create a new record in person_addr for the new person->addr relationship <^chewie> instead of changing it ^chewie: as long as your users understand when to change the id, or when to change an address and that is a tall order Action: ^chewie nods <^chewie> exactly Action: jcater has had this problem repeatedly :( I see, so you want to make this more friendly to clueless people ;) <^chewie> the UI must be able to either hide the logic or reflect it accurately chillywilly: it's not as simple as that i.e., be careful with the term "clueless" as in this example, the screen will get very complex a few items and i breached them earlier is you must fix the ui which makes it complex which means people get confused which means they make mistakes now you can 'trap' it with lots of exceptions and messages (complex) then users freak and mess up so then you make it so that only certain users can do X and pretty soon you are in pain chillywilly: as in this example, the screen will get very complex I am joking, but what I was saying is you want to hide the nitty gritty but still let them know somehow so they are surprised that it happened damn <^chewie> this is where you need to hide the logic in calls to object-layer methods that was an old message i.e. if you have a rule that says the user can change the address BUT if the address belongs to more than one person it throws a message (hey dummy this is a shared address by X people) one of two things happens a. the user doesnt care and just hits ok b. the user panics and clicks no and tells the customer, sorry i cant change your address c. they create the new address (when there is no need) Action: ^chewie nods so you decide to game the system and instead of doing this if you change a 'shared' address you need access level of X what usually happens is they get in the habit of doing "c" because in their mind, that causes the least damage so now only a few 'clued' peopel can perform this function yada yada yada im going to say in principle it sounds like the greatest idea in practice i think you would have to work pretty hard to make it really solid that and shared addresses should be the EXCEPTION not the rule Action: ^chewie nods I have one more opinion to throw out here i.e. there generally isnt a lot of address sharing extending what derek_ is saying i.e. there are lots of employees in a company but you point them to the company record to get the address imho, about the only time you'd use this sharing feature is with autopopulated sources in a sense <^chewie> derek_: which, is to say that the direct relationship between person->company address isn't necessary i think it is more important to encapsulate the "employee" functionality then it is to reduce redundant in that case ^chewie right person->company->company_address cause it makes life difficult if you try to share <^chewie> ah, there's a phrase I remember popping up years ago, "autopopulated sources" Action: ^chewie grins im not convinced sharing is evil i think its rather good but its rather an implementation issue im all for expirementing with it but for now i need something quick robust but not over engineered <^chewie> chillywilly: yes, the employee table referencing a record as person_id foreign key is fine. The data in person isn't going to change often, and when it does, you WANT everyone to know. btw, anyone looking for a good jabber server that has a AIM transport can use mine at :) port 5223 is SSL Action: chillywilly got sick of the server he was using being down every other day Action: ajmitch only uses msn transport <^chewie> roger that, cw siesel ( joined #gnuenterprise. hi jan <^chewie> hmm, I should get out of here hi chillywilly, hi all hi siesel ^chewie ( left irc: "ircII EPIC4-1.1.2 -- Are we there yet?" rdean ( joined #gnuenterprise. rdean ( left irc: Client Quit which was the server again, chiliwily? just for the records... maybe I will donate some money to dyndns soon and get a real domain ;) does anyone catch the reference in that hostname? ;) Action: StyXman doesn't you ever watch Farscape? heh Action: ajmitch should get a real domain frascape? no, I don't even have tv. Season 4's started as well. Lucky there is dvds and donkey, otherwise we (in NZ) would be stuck back in season 1 heheh, ok donkey? Action: ajmitch would probably get dns hosted on fred :) Action: chillywilly just saw the season premiere last satirday haven't finished watch season three yet. it sucks that you don't get the scifi channel there oh well satirday is the day when satires are the only thing that tv stations emmit? ;P lol ok, gone. dinner with chipaca and then watch argentine-sweden cya StyXman ( left irc: "ircII EPIC4-1.1.2 -- Are we there yet?" thats a long dinner arg vs swe is 7 hours away hehe maybe he meant dinner then go to bed then wake up and arg v swe jcater ( left irc: "home" rdean ( joined #gnuenterprise. anyone here using windows? i tested a little prop program that seems interesting (they have a linux version but i dont seem to be able to get the player to work) you can get the player at Action: derek_ is curious frascape? no, I don't even have tv. ok, gone. dinner with chipaca and then watch argentine-sweden is he stopping to get a TV after dinner or flying to Korea? lol Action: ajmitch jumps around in the loony bin yogurt2unge ( left irc: "Client Exiting" hey dont jump in here its crowded doesn't matter, the walls are padded chillywilly ( left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) chillywilly ( joined #gnuenterprise. robble ( joined #gnuenterprise. derek_ ( left irc: "[BX] Terminated." jcater ( joined #gnuenterprise. hi jcater wassup? not much :) mornings hi night siesel ( left irc: " * Blackened *" hi all........ anyone wanna give me a quick tip in installing on RH 7.3? [root@eclipse GNUe-Forms-0.3.0]# python2 install [...] mx DateTime.... No rpm -q egenix-mx-base egenix-mx-base-2.0.3-py2.2_1 anyone home? Action: ajmitch is but i'm yet another debian user hmm. that's forgiveable I guess. I tried to install debian a couple months ago but couldn't get X to work... ah have a G400. Didn't try *REALLY* hard. Red Hat is OK for me. Action: ajmitch never had problems, probably due to older, supported hardware ajmitch: are the woody debs of gnue reasonably up to date ? robble: i doubt it :) anyway, I had GNUe working a year or so ago. Am now wanting to hack on it again, and build an app. buy why the heck doesn't python see the installed egenix stuff? Action: ajmitch looks SachaS ( joined #gnuenterprise. there might be a separate datetime package? hmmm.... no, looks like DateTime is included in this RPM I have installed. is there an evn variable I can set to point Python to the right dir? from mx.DateTime import DateTime yep, should be, where is the DateTime pkg at the moment? /usr/local/lib/python2.2/site-packages/mx/DateTime/ hmm... RPMs aren't supposed to go in /urs/local!!!! is python2 symlinked to python2.2? yeah, that looks broken no symlink, but it's 2.2 export PYTHONPATH=/usr/local/lib/python2.2:$PYTHONPATH that might get it to see stuff in /usr/local should..... but it's not... :( or even try export PYTHONPATH=/usr/local/lib/python2.2:/usr/local/lib/python2.2/site-packages:$PYTHONPATH yep that did it! thanks... great Action: ajmitch would rather place messy symlinks in /usr/lib/python2.2/site-packages chillywilly ( left irc: "Client Exiting" chillywilly ( joined #gnuenterprise. I just made a script to set the environment.... needed to add the /usr/local/gnue/lib/python to it anyway. now I'm not seeing the forms client executable installed anywhere....? gnue-forms? Action: ajmitch really prefers to use since it installs symlinks in /usr/local/bin, sets up the python path, etc ah there it is... I was looking in /usr/local/gnue.... ok, got the hello form running! great you should play with designer :) yeah, last time I used GNUe that didn't exist. Need to install it next.... dsmith ( left irc: Remote closed the connection jcater ( left irc: Remote closed the connection jcater ( joined #gnuenterprise. jcater ( left irc: Remote closed the connection jcater ( joined #gnuenterprise. ToyMan ( left irc: Read error: 113 (No route to host) Gedanken ( joined #gnuenterprise. rdean ( left irc: "Client Exiting" ok, am playing with designer. good start but a bit quirky. :) SachaS ( left irc: Read error: 113 (No route to host) SachaS ( joined #gnuenterprise. Gedanken ( left irc: "Client Exiting" quirky? jcater: you here? quirky... yeah...... right now it's not letting me edit anything in the prop editor um i think this a wx bug make the property editor big enough the scroll bar goes away and then you should be able to edit no scroll bar in the way. I just keep clicking on an entry and banging on keys, and don't get an edit cursor I did at one point, not sure what changed MicahY: do you have a hi-res screen? ok, I maximized it and can edit! 19" 1024X768 did you have the prop editor in lower right corner of screen? uh..... right middle oh Action: jcater had the weirdest issue one time that if it was in the lower-right corner, it wouldn't respond ok, restored to size it just was and it lets me edit now! move it anywhere else, and it would work was the d@mnest thing its a fun wx'ism isnt it ;) ooh, clicked on another field now it's broke again yeah OK, this is reproducible! doesn't work -> maximize -> it works -> restore -> it works -> click on another widget -> doesn't work hmm maybe not.... but close im telling you make the scroll disappear and your problems will go away i.e. move the property inspector all the way to the left upper corner make it wide enough so no scroll bar on bottom horizontal or vertical scroll? no horizontal scroll now and it's not working then make it long enough scroll bar goes bye bye and it will work no vertical and it works i find if you put it in the upper left corner generally the problem doesnt occur nearly as much but once the problem starts the only way to rectify it w/o restarting is to make it long enough vert scroll goes bye bye yeah it does appear to relate to scrollbars but what if the object has too many properties? then you're screwed! um virtual desktops :) derek: any guesstimate on how many man-hours it would take to build something like Kardia on GNUe? thas how i solved it um if you already had the sql schema based on what i saw less than one night crap yeah, I have Centrallix and Kardia installed here as a test. I think the Sybase schema is in there. I could certainly do it in Postgres quickly enough, I think we work with sybase :) oh, and what's the URL for DCL? I couldn't find it.... yeah, but I don't want to... :) sybase sucks MicahY: i wont argue that, just stating we work with it :) thanks actually they're planning to write a PG driver for Centrallix eventually but I looked at the Sybase driver code and it's MONSTER. They said it will be non trivial you really think DCL will be a drop in program for a typical helpdesk? I'm not entirely sure what they want but I'll run it by them hmmm.... this SQL has quite a bit of sybase-isms in it looks like stored procs, etc i think its a stronger projects/work order system than a help desk but i think it does helpdesk ok and you have the code :) btw: i also think they probably will end up using the other features a lot so how does it link with GNUe? Or does it? I heard the projects merged. they merged currently we are gutting the contact management for next realease that will be the base for a gnue crm that fsf will be using already in cvs for working version there are gnue screens i am adding more as well what's a crm? so it will basically what I see there, but with a GNUe Forms interface? Customer Relationship Managment yip i have some reporting stuff at work with it too i.e. using gnue reports to generate things from dcl data integrated into the dcl interface cool only problem is this is a sticky social situation. I think GNUe looks clearly better than Centrallix for what they're doing but Greg and some Taylor U students have put a LOT of work into Centrallix well, we've put many manyears into gnue too :) and it IS impressive -- just a little clunky in its use of JavaScript and Sybase its sick number of hours put in gnue actually hey! I'm sure it is! I didn't call in sick to work for all the hours I put into GNUe just most of them i didnt mean more is expected any idea when the new DCL+GNUe will be ready? someday Action: derek has learned not to 'predict' jcater: you have any opinions on packaging and such like this crm kind of stuff err have you thought about it at all? do I need to read the back logs? as I haven't really been following along today or product packaging in general? um how best to describe.... i have discussed in length with neilt from time to time but there are a few issues first issue bundling as packages have overlap dcl for example needs contact info as would say invoicing (vendors) etc etc etc as would salesforce automation but each needs 'varying' degrees at one time it was discussed we would have base packages much like common is to the tools that had things that were widely common then other packages like inventory and invoicing might have overlap but you could run invoicing without inventory or vice versa i.e. you could mix and match gnue packages with other third party stuff but do to do that schemas and such would have be done properly to break apart and such im thinking im going to hit this what is giong on now as DCL uses contacts but isnt a contact manager fsf needs contact manager and wants to use dcl so i was going to build contact stuff for dcl then add what i needed outside of dcl for fsf but if chewie needs something then maybe its time to do it more 'officially' im just not sure the best approach i have lots of ideas but i think most of them will require we have something like apt/dpkg only specifically for gnue to manage dependencies and such python-based, of course :) um um yes I've only minimally thought about it and my mind things in relational, 2-tier fashion s/things/thinks were some really old diagrams jcater: to me the concept of packaging is no different you have rules(2tier=triggers,ntier=methods(triggerengine) reports(same) forms(same) schemas(2tier=sqlschema,ntier=object defs) was my very first stab at it actually, my very first proposal before the days of reports, and designer, and common :) but that only addresses updating schemas not dependencies conversions upgrades yummy My proposal is to keep the database definitions separate from the creation logic. Table definitions should be kept in a standard (XML) marked-up file and this file should be loaded into a database-specific "preprocessor(?)" that interprets the standard definition file into database-specific create (or alter) statements. we do this right now so we are on right track yeah adding the other items in your example wouldnt be tough note that I haven't touched this in 15 months i think just seeing this sparked the revelation i was needing my fear was defining items over and over and over so this predates the DCL schema XML thingy but with xml it solves the problem as the table and fields can be done and then meta data placed aroudn them to say wen to use what obvioulsy its vastly more complex than this but its a start Action: derek is thinking out loud which could be dangerous but say you have what is really cool is we could do this with GObjects a person table defined in xml and actually tie triggers to these XML objects and a company table etc etc so you could have a "pre-install" trigger and a "pre-dependency-check" trigger then you would have a package xml file :) and all it does is point to the master table xml file then define what tables to use or fields kind of thing hmmm someday soon we will need to look at this :) MicahY: here is a screenshot of a gnue'ized dcl going against production dcl data --- Wed Jun 12 2002