[00:01] Last message repeated 1 time(s). jhs (~jhs@cs6668105-78.austin.rr.com) left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) ajmitch: for some reason NO modules were installed with the kernel :( do you know whats up with that? dneighbo: what kernel? Action: ajmitch hasn't used a debian-supplied kernel for a long long long time kernel-image-2.4.18-686 dneighbo: you have to install te pccard package also dneighbo: kernel-pcmcia-modules-2.4.18-686 I think nickr: cool im already snagging that : hopefully it fixes thigns nickr: you here its odd modconf ONLY has pcmcia but regardless just raw out of box if i do /etc/pcmcia restart i get some errors i dont know how to resolve what error? you don't touch modconf in regards to pcmcia Starting PCMCIA services: modules/lib/modules/2.4.18-686/pcmcia/i82365.o: unresolved symbol isapnp_find_dev_R9991be23 ds: no socket drivers loaded! yea, okay, edit /etc/defaults/pcmcia, the line PCIC=i82365, change that to PCIC=yenta_socket /lib/modules/2.4.18-686/pcmcia/ds.o: init_module: Operation not permitted um nickr: ok that removed error BUT no network card now er still (in 2.4) ? in 2.2 i had working ethernet in 2.4 it doesnt and if i do lsmod it doesnt appear to show tulip or anything try ejecting and reinserting the card nope BUT went to modconf and selected tulipc something and lights came on pulled card pushed card nothing ifup eth0 and im go so looks to maybe use standard network/interfaces file now? anyhow looks good i think ext3, 2.4 kernel and bliss now just need some X loving and sound and im good to go im worried though modconf as stated before has NO modules try doing a depmod -a and see if that populates your module list cept pcmcia so how will i do so sound? nope uhh go to /lib/modules/2.4.18-686 and see whats in there modules.dep modules.generic_string I'm really more interested in the directories ... m.ieee1394map m.isapnpmap m.parportmap m.pcimap m.pnpbiosmpa m.usbmap s/m/modules pcmcia well working on X, if you have ideas let me know there is no possible way if you installed the kernel package that you'd end up without tonnes of modules in there. um im special remember Yea. I think you apply just enough knowledge to be dangerous to yourself but not enough to solve your problems anyway look at /var/lib/dpkg/info/kernel-image-2.4.18-686.list and do a search for /lib/modules/2.4.18-686 and verify that there are many .o files under there SachaS (~Sacha@dialup-196-229.wasp.net.au) joined #gnuenterprise. i get fatal server error: trying to start x could not open default font 'fixed' i went back and apt-get xfonts-100dpi and xfonts-75dpi not sure where to go from there install aptitude go into aptitude install the destop environment task and yes all items seem to be in /lib/modules/2.4...... that are in the package or at least all the ones i have checked so there are things like kernel/drivers/net/tulip.o ? btw: im too dumb to use aptitude its the worst ui i have ever seen uh aptitude is simple go down to Tasks hit enter find Desktop Environment, move the lin to it and hit + type g type g again sit back and watch alternatively, you can suffer nickr: will this be kde or gnome? there is basic-desktop and desktop i chose desktop it was the second g that wasnt intuitive btw well it gives you a chance to review its dependency resolutions before it commits them thats what the second g is dneighbo_ (~dneighbo@cpe-24-221-112-50.az.sprintbbd.net) joined #gnuenterprise. actually tulip.o and friends are under kernel/drivers/net i originally looked at kernel/net (my bad) i think its just a matter of something not being refreshed for them to show in modconf iirc i had similar issue before and some magic incantation solved it yea most likely a reboot would solve that problem sinec I don't know the incantation hmm i had to reboot after getting 2.4 and after getting the pcmcia stuff you think another reboot would help? sigh, the desktop thing you had me pick i think is all kde i love debian, but they have some kinks to work out on install Action: dneighbo_ wonders if they could use some of progeny's stuff They will it was far from perfect but seemed pretty decent there is a beta piggy net install CD as debian is like leaps and bounds superior once installed Action: dneighbo_ admits some its install features are pretty slick too, just not enough of them anyway. Did you install grub? its funny they let you do really complex stuff easily it shouldn't make a diff but I like grub :) but some more simple stuff they do archaic style i wanted grub but i didnt ping you at right time and i dont have notes on what we did last time first install grub and uninstall lilo you give bad instructions let me whip up a quick guide 1. install grub 2. pray hard 3. uninstall lilo 4. rejoice ello again apt-get --purge install grub lilo- grub-install /dev/hda [01:03] Last message repeated 1 time(s). update-grub .. answer 'y' at the prompt .. if you have your root on /dev/hda1 you're golden .. type update-grub again reboot let me get X working then i will do grub if you are still here as i have to try to reboot to get sound modules to show up anyhow :) might as well make it a useful reboot type this: apt-get moo and this: aptitude moo Action: ajmitch recalls that last time he tried booting with grub he had to edit the menu.lst of course i still haven't fixed it up yet :) rofl psu (psu@manorcon.demon.co.uk) joined #gnuenterprise. but that's the beauty of grub - you can fix it up even when it's partly stuffed up :) hey psu hiya wb me ;-) ok x works but it defaulted to KDE Action: dneighbo thinks some debian developers need a pimp slap :) dneighbo_ (~dneighbo@cpe-24-221-112-50.az.sprintbbd.net) left irc: "Killed by frash (Requested by panasync)" hey, they are just saving you the worry of having to make a choice if you want choices, install a non-bullying distro like er Debian ;-) Action: ajmitch pimp slaps psu two questions i always forget don't you be dissin' my debian here! a. how can you tell what resolution you are running? xdpyinfo jhs (~jhs@cs6668105-78.austin.rr.com) joined #gnuenterprise. b. how can you change it (with something that doesnt involve + key hack XF86Config or wait for the XRANDR extension to be out & supported by wm's use dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86 and only enable the resolutions you actually want Action: psu hugs his Debian nickr: don't tell him the easy way! woops ok thats what i did before this is debian, you gotta hack all the config files with ed was wondering if more dynamic tool to do it like windows? :) fred_bad (~dneighbo@cpe-24-221-112-50.az.sprintbbd.net) joined #gnuenterprise. hahaha trying silly kde irc program its bad dneighbo: oh, there is a gnome applet(s), probably kde applet(s) and other little programs to do it just for the session tohugh trying to go to grub it can't change the actual config file hello fred_bad Action: ajmitch would not want to change resolution here - anything less than 1280x1024 is small do i really need to do grub-install /dev/hda twice? Remosi: your previous instructions? heh fred_bad: I don't know, its probably a good idea to nick completion is fun ajmitch: i feel same way but never seem to have hardware (cept at work) that supports it either video card sucks or monitor sucks at the moment i've got a second screen beside this one that does 640x480 max using x2x to switch between them x2x rawks yup although there is something even better Action: fred_bad is nervous that it says 'This May Take A Long Time' xinerama & dualhead cards? ajmitch: no, that works on that sort of setup, I'm searching for it ajmitch: I saw an ITP a while back interesting ITP on the debian-devel list? Action: ajmitch does a search hmm, mutt takes awhile to load a 100MB mbox file espcially on this crappy hardware :) I'm not terribly impressed by mutt. I mean, its better than anything else, but not quite up to my standards using gnus? ah ok http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?archive=no\&bug=149457 dmx looks TOTALLY AWESOME i dont have / on hda1 but rather hda2 i assume i need to edit menu.lst changed all (0,0) to (0,1) and hda1 to hda2 is that correct thing to do? then update-grub? and reboot? afaik you don't need to update-grub grub reads the file on boot you do need update-grub why? ok updating grub now just reboot? brb fred_bad (~dneighbo@cpe-24-221-112-50.az.sprintbbd.net) left #gnuenterprise. Action: ajmitch thought update-grub was for installing new kernels, etc ajmitch: update-grub reads directives in the comments of menu.list to fill out its automatically generated lines ah Action: ajmitch has a plain menu.lst, no update-grub used update-grub is one of the best tools ever created hehe well its very nice at least debian needs a lot more tools like it you guys rock im grubified so new shiny debian X (kde and gnome) grub 2.4.18 ext3 what more could a geek ask for ? oh yeah crap sound yeah stuff shows up now sweet do an lspci and look for the multimedia device reinhard (~rm@ joined #gnuenterprise. maestro installed just apt-get smbclient and xmms to test and i think im up and running grrrr scratch that after reboot ethernet is toast Action: ajmitch wonders why so many reboots :) Action: ajmitch wants nice shiny new KDE desktop already have gnome 2 compiled don't want to install calc's kde3 debs yet because new libarts breaks sdl & wine sigh i dont get it, it was working now a /etc/init.d/pcmcia restart brings card back up (or at least doesnt error) but no networking an ifconfig shows only lo as up if i do an ifup eth0 it says ifup: interface eth0 already configured do ifconfig eth0 maybe 'ifdown eth0; ifup eth0' if you're bored error fetching interface information: device not found grr hold up hmm k dneighbo: first take the auto out of /etc/network/interfaces for eth0 Action: ajmitch defers to nickr dneighbo: then ifdown eth0, then /etc/init.d/pcmcia restart lets time i did tulip_c module install under pcmcia to get network to work i look there now and that module doesnt exist you don't touch the fucking modules with pcmcia how many times will I have to tell you for you to get that? um two things a. removing auto eth0 and restarted services no effect bbl :) b. neworking didnt work until i activated tulip_c in pcmcia modules last time did you do an ifdown first? yip remove and reinsert the card, investigate lsmod for the driver, are there beeps? do the lights turn on? yeah i have fixed by installing a module gar they moved xiricom_tulip_c out of pcmcica into pcmcia/net and thats why it stopped working woo hoo sound rocking how do you do audio again for normal users? psu (psu@manorcon.demon.co.uk) left #gnuenterprise ("work time"). got syntax never mind SachaS_ (~Sacha@dialup-196-143.wasp.net.au) joined #gnuenterprise. hi Arturas (arturas@bit.codeworks.lt) joined #gnuenterprise. Hello SachaS (~Sacha@dialup-196-229.wasp.net.au) left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) hi Arturas jhs (~jhs@cs6668105-78.austin.rr.com) left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) hi ajmitch Nick change: SachaS_ -> SachaS hello how are you today? Action: ajmitch sees Arturas hard at work again on i18n :) good thanks ajmitch. alexey_ (~Alexey@techkran.vladimir.ru) joined #gnuenterprise. ajmitch: is on good mood today? :) hmm yeah jhs (~jhs@cs6668105-78.austin.rr.com) joined #gnuenterprise. ajmitch: don't worry, the mood will go away soon :) :) :) jhs (~jhs@cs6668105-78.austin.rr.com) left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) lupo_ (~lupo@p3EE1D2C2.dip.t-dialin.net) joined #gnuenterprise. lupo_ (~lupo@p3EE1D2C2.dip.t-dialin.net) left #gnuenterprise. MicahY ([2UP+f8Xac@12-225-21-62.client.attbi.com) left irc: "[x]chat" Action: Arturas is away: "Lunch :)" jhs (~jhs@cs6668105-78.austin.rr.com) joined #gnuenterprise. SachaS_ (~Sacha@ joined #gnuenterprise. ThreeSeas (3seas@user-38lc4c2.dialup.mindspring.com) joined #gnuenterprise. jhs (~jhs@cs6668105-78.austin.rr.com) left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) ToyMan (~stuq@smtp.dstoys.com) joined #gnuenterprise. I'm looking at the freedevelopers.net and am wondering if there has been much activity since it was initiated. SachaS (~Sacha@dialup-196-143.wasp.net.au) left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) don't much see anything dated this year ThreeSeas: you might want for chilliwilly to appear here he is a member of freedevelopers IIRC and he appears here daily Ah, any ideal about what time - using now as 0:00 well then it would be about 3:00 to 5:00 ThreeSeasTime ;) IIRC there is also a #freedevelopers channel here Oh, thanks 3c time....:) ToyMan (~stuq@smtp.dstoys.com) left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) jhs (~jhs@cs6668105-78.austin.rr.com) joined #gnuenterprise. alexey_ (~Alexey@techkran.vladimir.ru) left irc: "[x]chat" kemitix (~chatzilla@proxy1.lauder.ac.uk) joined #gnuenterprise. ToyMan (~stuq@smtp.dstoys.com) joined #gnuenterprise. ToyMan (~stuq@smtp.dstoys.com) left irc: Remote closed the connection ToyMan (~stuq@smtp.dstoys.com) joined #gnuenterprise. kemitix (~chatzilla@proxy1.lauder.ac.uk) left irc: Remote closed the connection jhs (~jhs@cs6668105-78.austin.rr.com) left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) kemitix (~chatzilla@proxy1.lauder.ac.uk) joined #gnuenterprise. is anyone online now? Arturas: hi hi Dmitry :) could you help m a bit? i created a form (simple one) and it does not opens :0 more complex forms i have are opened source : ok, i'll try
width="10" x="13" y="1"/> width="25" x="13" y="2"/> x="13" y="3"/> -- error i get: DB000: self.dispatchEvent(GFEvent('beginEDITMODE', formObject)) DB000: File "/home/users/arturas/gnue/gnue-ro-3/gnue/.cvsdevelbase/gnue/forms/GFEvent.py", line 105, in dispatchEvent DB000: handler(event) DB000: File "/home/users/arturas/gnue/gnue-ro-3/gnue/.cvsdevelbase/gnue/forms/GFInstance.py", line 154, in proxyEntryEvent DB000: handler = self._form._currentEntry._displayHandler DB000: AttributeError: GFEntry instance has no attribute '_displayHandler' arturas@lambda:15:43:38:~: -- end -- more complex forms are opened without any errors, work fine there does exist database, table, data on it tried to create another simple form for other table - the same error datasource="dtsperson" name="dtsPerson" checking... should it be identical? still the same error xeroz (~chatzilla@nt3.ilomantsi.fi) joined #gnuenterprise. Arturas: the same error here :) i delete all datasource references deleted did it help? no fun typecast="integer" after deleting this it started yes, this helped :) but anyway, we have someway broken code :/ thank you :) i have problem with date fields will try to find about masks what problem? date fields getting localized representation which is not accepted by postgres ^chewie (~chad@cyan.ima.umn.edu) joined #gnuenterprise. SachaS_ (~Sacha@ left #gnuenterprise ("Client Exiting"). have not i18n date fields, and their format as i remember is coded directly in the source i should check again but i saw postgres error with what really passed there initial format in a form was mm/dd/yyyy yes, there is some kind of bug that postgress takes one date format and forms give another jhs (~jhs@cs6668105-78.austin.rr.com) joined #gnuenterprise. Arturas: seems some useful info there is in DateMask.py # TODO: This is obviously not Internationalized! # TODO (after some time...): will have to check whether it works... from that file also ThreeSeas (3seas@user-38lc4c2.dialup.mindspring.com) left #gnuenterprise. dneighbo (~dneighbo@cpe-24-221-112-50.az.sprintbbd.net) left irc: Remote closed the connection jhs (~jhs@cs6668105-78.austin.rr.com) left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) kemitix (~chatzilla@proxy1.lauder.ac.uk) left #gnuenterprise. dneighbo (~dneighbo@tmp-200253.flinthills.com) joined #gnuenterprise. alexey_ (~alexey@ joined #gnuenterprise. alexey_ (~alexey@ left irc: "Client Exiting" Action: Arturas wants to kick someone for all the stuff of 7bit encoding, for the stuff of 8bit encoding, for unicode, for utf..... /me is going crazy... 8) bye :) Arturas (arturas@bit.codeworks.lt) left #gnuenterprise ("Client Exiting"). yogurt2unge (~charlie@modem117-adsl.capfed2.sinectis.com.ar) joined #gnuenterprise. jhs (~jhs@cs6668105-78.austin.rr.com) joined #gnuenterprise. xeroz (~chatzilla@nt3.ilomantsi.fi) left irc: "ChatZilla 0.8.7 in Beonex Communicator" jhs (~jhs@cs6668105-78.austin.rr.com) left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) ThreeSeas (3seas@user-38lc4c3.dialup.mindspring.com) joined #gnuenterprise. drochaid (~drochaid@pc2-kirk1-2-cust175.ren.cable.ntl.com) joined #gnuenterprise. drochaid (~drochaid@pc2-kirk1-2-cust175.ren.cable.ntl.com) left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) drochaid (~drochaid@pc2-kirk1-2-cust175.ren.cable.ntl.com) joined #gnuenterprise. Action: drochaid prods dneighbo Action: nickr averts his eyes allo nickr :) hakuna matada drochaid feasgar math nickr ciamar a tha sibh? oingo boingo de bergerac lol hehe hi dr er drochaid allo dneighbo ThreeSeas (3seas@user-38lc4c3.dialup.mindspring.com) left #gnuenterprise. ThreeSeas (3seas@user-37kad79.dialup.mindspring.com) joined #gnuenterprise. jhs (~jhs@cs6668105-78.austin.rr.com) joined #gnuenterprise. jamest (~jamest@hobbes.math.ksu.edu) joined #gnuenterprise. hey jamest hello jamest hello jamest: is it possible with formatmask(displaymask..) to have datetime data passed always in mm/dd/yy format to a db backend? the displayhandlers store in a format different than they display psu (psu@manorcon.demon.co.uk) joined #gnuenterprise. i don't recal the details heya psu hi drochaid now it represented it in long format with localized weekdays names which did not accepted by postgres how's life in ntl broadband land? Action: psu does his monthly check for cable broadband "Enter Postcode..." not available. Ha ha. "Broadband Internet is not yet available in your area. so nya nya" i'd like temporary leave it in mm/dd/yy via forms, did it now with export LC_TIME=C jhs (~jhs@cs6668105-78.austin.rr.com) left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) tis fine up here psu, although my friend on the M3 corridor was down yesterday Action: psu is going to keep his dial-up as emergency back-up even when he does get broadband :) my brain has just gone to sleep using a combo box to select an entry by a name pulled from a remote table, where it stores the id of the entry locally ... that's a lookup table, right? yep ta we have snazzy new functionality for that IIRC hate it when I know I'm right .. but don't trust myself in that you can see both the ID & the description I mean, not like I've been programming them for the last 8 years or anything FFS ;) CVS ( & jcater) rox ah cool I've only got the released v0.3.0 I *really* must learn how to use CVS someday ToyMan (~stuq@smtp.dstoys.com) left irc: "Client Exiting" ThreeSeas (3seas@user-37kad79.dialup.mindspring.com) left irc: "http://www.mindspring.com/~timrue/ -- 3 S.E.A.S - Virtual Interaction Configuration (VIC)" stbain (GunAndGiz@ip68-10-44-170.rn.hr.cox.net) joined #gnuenterprise. greetz hiya dneighbo: I might accept a position w/ the company I installed NOLA for :) that means I'll be able to devote some time to development on both NOLA and GNUe chillywilly (danielb@mke-24-167-202-50.wi.rr.com) joined #gnuenterprise. StyXman (~mdione@modem117-adsl.capfed2.sinectis.com.ar) joined #gnuenterprise. hi. I just noted... uh, we have masterlink and detaillink... and order_by and foreign_key... hi StyXman (hi chil) why is your greeting in parens? can you (we?) have a politic about attr names? hi reinhard just the man I want to talk to Action: chillywilly checks for a pulse 'cause it's not related to I was saying.. oh :P he lives you sure= ? I was wondering if you wouldn't mind if I wrote a schema and odlml xml parser and write some xslt stuff too for the "object" format in the appserver we can write some transformations to go to ODL or the politic about it is have no politic? I have been readin GParser a bit and it makes sense I am ready to dabble in it have you ever looked at the GObj class in common? in "Gobjects.py" GObjects.py that is chillywilly: i haven't looked and i think i have learned that the aims people have in gnue are of different nature if we have a parser for odlml xml class definition files i for my part are about 100% sure that i will never use it well you would use designer or you could write the simpler format I can stick it in jan's _featuretest module so it's not in the way ;) currently i would think that jan has taken the role as the appserver lead developer true are you saying I should talk to him? ;) i have a very specific picture of how i would gnue want to be and i know that it's _my_ turn to make it look like that so what are you saying to me? as most other people have their own specific picture :) chillywilly: i'm saying that i am not sure if it is worth doing but that i can't stop you anyway :) well it lets me play with xml ;) j/k, that 's not the *only* reason ;) seems like all the other xml elements in the various gnue formats are GObj based objects you could reuse triggers tie them into the objects i'm not sure but maybe i'm the only one here working _daily_ with a buttload of different business application _users_ and i tend to see _their_ prolems and _their_ wishes i guess most of them give a sh*t about wheter something is in XML or in foo and whether it is tied to GObject or whatever what they want is a stable working usable business software that is easily extensible to some degree extensible by an _average_ business user however as derek likes to say "gnue will be all things to all people" I am just trying to leverage all the hard work that jcater and jamest have put into "common" so i guess someday gnue will be ODMG compilant as well as easy to extend and performant and all the other things we want it to be seems like what you want can be defined at a higher level, like a business rule design type thing that people can use anyway believe me it hurts me personally to have to tell you that rant, rant, rant but i think it's better when i'm honest sure it does i see no value in the thing you are going to do however that's my personal opinion and i might not see all sides of the coin well jan was implementing the same ideas in _featuretest plus some of the things he was bringin to the table i have lost track about what jan is doing as well jhs (~jhs@cs6668105-78.austin.rr.com) joined #gnuenterprise. and i'm positive we might have different opinions on some topics he has a book on appservers where he is implementing some ideas afaik the code is pretty clear, imho i think the thing i need most currently is time :( and sleep yea, you seem a bit cranky ;P chillywilly: please talk to jan about this he started hand coding a GCD parser stbain VERY cool you will have to give me details i finally got DCL security release out door so plan on digging back into NOLA and friends night all /leave #gnuenterprise nite reinhard (~rm@ left irc: "Don't contradict a woman -- wait until she does herself" psu (psu@manorcon.demon.co.uk) left #gnuenterprise ("nite"). shiny new debian on laptop so ready to do damage shiny new debian works now? dneighbo: hi? ajmitch: not for me yet :'( Action: chillywilly slaps dneighbo with the trout-o-matic jhs (~jhs@cs6668105-78.austin.rr.com) left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) I think you knocked him out chillywilly :-/ :P don't :P at me, you knocked 'im out ;-P 8-] lol neilt (~neilt@ip68-100-144-59.nv.nv.cox.net) joined #gnuenterprise. #gnuenterprise: mode change '+o neilt' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. hello all sup money $$$$ no much and you eh, same old same odl old chillywilly: did you find employment? jamest: can you test something? or anyone? I try to make box'es be containers... shite. sometimes i... just *hate* my job Action: chillywilly is away: food, get car back from shop ^chewie (~chad@cyan.ima.umn.edu) left irc: "leaving" ToyMan (~stuq@c5300-4-ip179.albany.thebiz.net) joined #gnuenterprise. mail@tiffinhealth.org (11K) Tiffin Health Online neilt you spamming us again ;) sup ToyMan not much just back from a good swim Action: dneighbo likes to swim we have a great lake just a few miles from the factory Chipaca (~john@modem117-adsl.capfed2.sinectis.com.ar) joined #gnuenterprise. hi all jamest: you actually here? siesel (jan@dial-194-8-196-52.netcologne.de) joined #gnuenterprise. siesel: hi hi Chipaca hi all we're trying (aprono is) to get the dbsig drivers to work wrt primary keys we've stumbled over something that'll break backwards compatibility if we fix it and it's a pain if we don't (because we'll have to check the type of the return value of a function, to start with) so we're wondering if we should just go ahead, or if we should leave it as is and do the ugly thing, vs. the Right Thing Chipaca thats ok we have a rule here anyhow it says "You cant fix something unless you break two of something else." dneighbo: can I count the things? Action: Chipaca gets his dictionary of aggregates rofl aprono (~aprono@modem117-adsl.capfed2.sinectis.com.ar) joined #gnuenterprise. ok, so we fix this one bug in dbsig, but create a new bug in GNUe, that's a bug for a bug, so that's fine dneighbo: is that how it works? dneighbo: actually, it wouldn't break anything, except backwards compatibility between dbdrivers dneighbo: i.e. all the dbdrivers except postgres would stop working which is fine by me! jcater (~jason@cpe-024-165-193-024.midsouth.rr.com) joined #gnuenterprise. jcater: hi! jcater: hi. read the last bit of the logs, please? jcater: besides what Chipaca said, do you have just a sec? um Action: jcater just got home wassup? I read the back logs so what is the fix/breakage?> jcater: to work with the primary key jcater: in dbsig, you see if the dbdriver has a string called primary key, and you use that as the name of the column that has the primary key jcater: that breaks on one table when you have multiple primary keys in dbsig? I don't recall having any primary keys in dbsig jcater: yes, isn't that you? Action: jcater is lost jcater: PrimaryIdField i think it's called aprono says so :) oh that's not the primary key sorry yeah, that, ok umm, no, it's not the primary key it could be for example in postgres the oid but we ran into trouble there too, and the only way we could think of that fixes that is with primary keys the trouble we ran into was when inserting a row that has an autogenerated primary key we couldn't find out the oid of the row Action: neilt back yeah I want to petition the DB-SIG group to add that functionality dneighbo: no spam i.e., we can get the OID (or RowID, etc) of any inserted rows but that doesn't solve the immediate need jcater: exactly jcater: so we find that the only sane way of doing it is using primary keys, and that presents us with a problem yes jcater: that the thing we've got to return from PrimaryIdField is no longer a string, but rather a hash how are you getting the primary keys? doing introspection at startup? jcater: in postgres, asking the system tables ok jcater: that's in psycopg the psycopg guys told us what to do :) ah siesel (jan@dial-194-8-196-52.netcologne.de) left irc: "night" well if you look in recent cvs recent == last week or two I added primary key lookup functions to the postgresql drivers :) why a hash? and not a list? any particular reason? jcater: yes, aprono corrected me it's not in psycopg, but in the postgres thing jcater: because, if you remember, we're working on getting multiple tables working... ...so we have several primary keys in several tables if not, we'd've done "a, b, c".split(", ") and retained backwards compat ok I see where you guys are going Action: jcater is fine w/breaking other drivers Action: Chipaca is, too just create a trouble ticket saying the other ones might be broken reit! trouble tickets are the same as bug reports, right? (greit...) Action: jcater thinks the only other driver to use PrimaryIdField is Oracle and I'll fix it quickly if it breaks as I use it jcater: yeah, and it's broken oops lol jcater: we're pretty sure it shouldn't work rather like the bumblebee it's broken like the bumblebee? Action: jcater doesn't get the reference s/reference/allusion jcater: didn't you know? bumblebees can't fly jcater: too small wing surface/weight ratio lol jcater: common-support@gnue.org, right? jcater: and that would be when we actually get the patch in :) we're suffering delays wrt getting set up wrt fsf common-support@gnuenterprise.org gnue.org doesn't properly forward everything yet dneighbo yes, when you get the patch in subtle :) jcater: so, I tried to make box'es to be containers. you guess what I get? ok, great, thanks Nick change: Chipaca -> papo Action: papo is collectively glad hi papudo. Nick change: papo -> Chipaca StyXman: what? segmentation fault yogurt2unge (~charlie@modem117-adsl.capfed2.sinectis.com.ar) left irc: "Client Exiting" Action: StyXman sighs jhs (~jhs@cs6668105-78.austin.rr.com) joined #gnuenterprise. I just added 'GFBox' to the containerWidgets lists in _base/UIdriver I did the same when I hacked the scrollbox, and with sb'es it worked. I tryied with boxes, but I get a sigsegv jcater: i responded to your ticket w/o an answer re: gnue.org dneighbo: when? btw, my email has been down since Thursday actually, my entire office internet connection grrr a good chunk of XO's customers here in memphis are sans internet pipe Action: Chipaca waves gotta run Chipaca (~john@modem117-adsl.capfed2.sinectis.com.ar) left irc: "ircII EPIC4-1.0.1 -- Are we there yet?" aprono (~aprono@modem117-adsl.capfed2.sinectis.com.ar) left irc: "Client Exiting" jcater: would it be a wx's bug? StyXman: no clue :< I hate python seg faults the only way I think python would give a sigsegv is through external libs... yeah that's usually my experience too :-f r0x0r... speak of the devil... my internet pipe just came back up neilt (~neilt@ip68-100-144-59.nv.nv.cox.net) left irc: "later all" jcater: did yoiu ever used --interactive-debuger? I'll try to hunt that f***ing bug down... StyXman: not really I haven't had time to acquaint myself w/the debugger yet jamest demoed it to me and it rocks but I really don't know how to use it what kind of trigger i can use to initialize calculated variables of a form? kind of ON-STARTUP Action: StyXman hates being stuck Action: StyXman is not in the right mood Action: jcater thinks something line on-newrecord is what you want s/line/like jamest: you here? StyXman: I doubt it that is his work login and jamest is NEVER at work past 5:00 CST so, he left his account open Action: StyXman screams to death StyXman (~mdione@modem117-adsl.capfed2.sinectis.com.ar) left irc: "ircII EPIC4-1.1.5 -- Are we there yet?" jcater: thanks what did I do? oh StyXman (~mdione@modem117-adsl.capfed2.sinectis.com.ar) joined #gnuenterprise. the trigger question never mind jcater: can you help me with _base/UIdriver:140? wrt? jcater: this box-don't-want-to-be-container thing... but wait, I found something... shit, static boxes (aka GFBox'es?) cannot contain widgets. so, scrollboxes is the only way to make containers.... and have the plus of scrollbars and 'virtual' space... what would you undesrtand by: Just make the controls the siblings of the static box. I took that from http://lists.wxwindows.org/pipermail/wx-dev/2000-June/004294.html jcater? um well im off to see the mortgage wizard were you trying to parent the wx* stuff with the wxBox ? la, la, la la la dneighbo (~dneighbo@tmp-200253.flinthills.com) left irc: "Killed by gemini (Requested by panasync)" I'd make the UIbox create a wxPanel and then a wxBox (that's part of that panel) but make all the child widgets think the wxPanel is their parent (not the wxBox) he, you still don't like sb'es. ;) ok, I'll try that. Action: chillywilly is back (gone 01:26:35) wb chil sup niggie what it be sup? 'zing, a gs Action: jcater is away: food gs indeed homefry jcater: you're a f***ing genius ````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````` drochaid: uh? drochaid: stop beating your kbd, please... sorry, dropped a notepad on it StyXman (~mdione@modem117-adsl.capfed2.sinectis.com.ar) left #gnuenterprise. oooh, you guys got ajmitch's gadfly db driver :) eh? look at the commit list sigh, i didn't think it'd be committed :) you are now an author of gnue common ;P scary it's evil ugly code Action: chillywilly cvs updates just out of curiousity does anyone know if da masta used my BX config? dunno Action: chillywilly watches abd cvs up hangs....for...an....eternity.... aabd/as s/aabd/as s/"aabd/as"/"s/aabd/as" ? >:) stop that hi drochaid s#s/aabd/as#s/abd/as# ;P muahahahaa or s/s\/aabd/\as\//s\/abd\/as\// doh one out of order oh well that shit makes me crazy uytuiytY^%&^Yrtfyt65r4TFytreytrdTYR%e765ed is jcater there? jhs (~jhs@cs6668105-78.austin.rr.com) left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) ToyMan (~stuq@c5300-4-ip179.albany.thebiz.net) left irc: "Client Exiting" StyXman (~mdione@modem117-adsl.capfed2.sinectis.com.ar) joined #gnuenterprise. jcater? hey it's the legendary StyXman! legendary? wow, that sound good.. but why? because you are :) wow. don't let it go to your head I hope that... (hi all, btw) is there a X channel? XXX? ;) this is *the* XXX Goat pr0n channel sigh Action: chillywilly troutslaps ajmitch we can only take *one* person sighing in here every day sigh jcater had filled the position hey nickr you freakaziod hi nickr freeeeeeekaaaaaazooooooiiiddddd ya se le salio la chaveta... you-are-*nuts*! :) nope, you are river of hate guy :) no, being serious, is there one? I don't know how to make epic to stop scrolling channel names... ? oh an X channel? dunno of one off hand you are referring to XFree86 correct? if I do /list, I get *loads* of channel names. d'you know how to stop it under epic chillywilly: yeap Action: jcater is back (gone 01:28:24) 'list hi :) StyXman (~mdione@modem117-adsl.capfed2.sinectis.com.ar) left #gnuenterprise. hi Action: chillywilly is writing a psrser based on GParser :) parser why not just use gparser? that's what I mean my bad dawg ah c00l or k00l stbain (GunAndGiz@ip68-10-44-170.rn.hr.cox.net) left irc: "www.gunandgiz.com" or hewl err, kewl k3w| ;) or whatever you young whipper-snappers call it these days depends on how l4m3 you want to be :) heh :'( Action: jcater hands chillywilly a t1ssu3 Action: drochaid is away: Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, because you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup. Action: jcater tastes best with mustard mmmm or honey jhs (~jhs@cs6668105-78.austin.rr.com) joined #gnuenterprise. fitzix (~fitzix@ joined #gnuenterprise. Nick change: fitzix -> fitzix1 fitzix (~fitzix@ joined #gnuenterprise. drochaid (~drochaid@pc2-kirk1-2-cust175.ren.cable.ntl.com) left irc: Read error: 113 (No route to host) jcater (~jason@cpe-024-165-193-024.midsouth.rr.com) left irc: "nite" Action: fitzix1 is away: phone jhs (~jhs@cs6668105-78.austin.rr.com) left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) jcater (~jason@cpe-024-165-193-024.midsouth.rr.com) joined #gnuenterprise. fitzix1 (~fitzix@ left irc: "Client Exiting" stbain (GunAndGiz@ip68-10-44-170.rn.hr.cox.net) joined #gnuenterprise. jcater (~jason@cpe-024-165-193-024.midsouth.rr.com) left irc: "Client Exiting" fitzix (~fitzix@ left irc: "Client Exiting" jhs (~jhs@cs6668105-78.austin.rr.com) joined #gnuenterprise. chillywilly (danielb@mke-24-167-202-50.wi.rr.com) left irc: "woooooosh!" dneighbo (~dneighbo@phnxdslgw4poolc175.phnx.uswest.net) joined #gnuenterprise. dneighbo (~dneighbo@phnxdslgw4poolc175.phnx.uswest.net) left irc: Client Quit dneighbo (~dneighbo@phnxdslgw4poolc175.phnx.uswest.net) joined #gnuenterprise. sup my peeps blender may become Free software nickrs everywhere rejoice! jhs (~jhs@cs6668105-78.austin.rr.com) left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) --- Tue Jul 9 2002