chillywilly ( left irc: "sleep" dneighbo ( joined #gnuenterprise. alexey_ ( joined #gnuenterprise. jhs ( left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) reinhard (~rm@ joined #gnuenterprise. ROCK ON the bible college im considering doing online courses with makes the following statement for required software # Microsoft Word: If you do not have Microsoft Word, you can download freeware called StarOffice. It is compatible with Word 97 and 2000. The web site is: yay they appear to understand what mozilla is to a degree as well * Recent Web browser: Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0 SP1 or higher OR Netscape Explorer 4.6 or higher (Izio is not yet Netscape 6.0 compliant) Action: dneighbo is away: sleep jhs ( joined #gnuenterprise. ariel_ ( joined #gnuenterprise. Maniac ( left irc: Read error: 113 (No route to host) jhs ( left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) hi Arturas ( joined #gnuenterprise. Hello bkuhnIdle ( got netsplit. ra3vat ( got netsplit. ra3vat ( returned to #gnuenterprise. bkuhnIdle ( returned to #gnuenterprise. bkuhnIdle ( got netsplit. ra3vat ( got netsplit. ra3vat ( returned to #gnuenterprise. bkuhnIdle ( returned to #gnuenterprise. jhs ( joined #gnuenterprise. markoi ( left #gnuenterprise. jhs ( left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) ajmitch ( left irc: ajmitch (~me@ joined #gnuenterprise. jhs ( joined #gnuenterprise. Arturas ( left irc: "Client Exiting" Arturas ( joined #gnuenterprise. Action: Arturas is away: Lunch Action: ariel_ is away: lunch Action: ariel_ is back (gone 00:26:31) siesel (~chatzilla@ joined #gnuenterprise. hi all!! hey siesel hi ajmitch clock (~kigunduc@ joined #gnuenterprise. hi clock hello,ajmitch all hello all hi ra3vat jhs ( left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) hi jan siesel: why sabcmd + pgsql.xsl does'nt produce output for primary key? hi jan Action: Arturas is back (gone 01:12:49) Grantbow ( got netsplit. Grantbow ( returned to #gnuenterprise. jeffsw110 (~kopeteuse@ joined #gnuenterprise. Action: ariel_ is away: busy Remosi (dahoose@ left irc: "Client Exiting" jhs ( joined #gnuenterprise. alexey_ ( left irc: "[x]chat" jhs ( left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) jcater ( joined #gnuenterprise. hi jcater jcater: ariel_ proposed to add an "initialdrop" attribute to (boolean) in the GSD file format. jcater: it would create a DROP TABLE statement before the CREATE TABLE command. what do you think? I'm not sure jeffsw110 (~kopeteuse@ left irc: "Using Kopete IRC Plugin" i.e. because creating tables will be handled by gnue-common (in the future) this option won"t be needed (in the future) because there could be a dialog opening (in designer) which ask the user if he want to keep his old tables with the old data or not. jeffsw110 (~kopeteuse@ joined #gnuenterprise. hmm, seems that i forgot to add "dots, commas, when's .."" ... trying again.. I can imagine a future senario like that: using designer to create a schema definition, creating tables with this schema definition, by just pressing "Create tables" button. i.e. designer uses a new function in common which create tables, indexes, etc., if a table already exist a warning message is shown and the user can choose to between leaving this table alone, or to drop it and recreate it. In this case, there is no need for that "initialdrop" attribut. right? well that's kind of the direction I was wanting however I want the common support to be smart enough to be able to do "alter tables" or give the user the option of restarting from scratch i.e., that will be vital for our packaging sledge_ ( joined #gnuenterprise. hi sledge jcater: yes, we need an package format and an installer soon. The installer would use gnue/common to create/modify the tables defined in a GSD file. Grantbow ( got netsplit. btw. it would be cool to have a package tool in designer, where you can just choose some GFD, GND, GSD and build a package. hi siesel siesel: working on that what is gnd? (notice the new Project menu in Designer :) Action: jcater thinks he meant GPD (the Navigator stuff) i haven't understood the task of navigator yet menuing in a nutshell ah Grantbow ( got lost in the net-split. okay btw, i found a small bug in designer: when changing an attribute in the property editor, a forms object looses its focus (blue border) ah xetrex (~chatzilla@ joined #gnuenterprise. cool, do you already have a name for the Project file type? no clue haven't thought that far out btw. are you already working at that grafical schema designer? :) .gdp? --> GNUe Designer Project file? Action: jcater has only implemented the Wizard stuff for the schema designer haven't started on the graphical part Action: siesel should give the grafical part a try and learn a bit more wxwindows :) . /f/ph/ xetrex (~chatzilla@ left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) what do you mean with "graphical part"? ms-access like visual creation of tables with all the connected id fields? clock (~kigunduc@ left #gnuenterprise. sledge_: something like that do you know pgaccess? yes jhs (~jhs@ joined #gnuenterprise. i think it has a very easy and yet powerful visual designer yes Action: jcater sees something like pgaccess only not pg-specific :0 right :) having this with a nicer gui around it would *kick* *ass* sigh kiss apache goodbye anyone know of decent webserver? what against apache? sledge_: pg_access SUCKS make it like pgadmin instead sledge_: what do i have against it dneighbo: i only referred to pgaccess's visual designer, the rest is not very nice "We will announce news related to the Apache web server and Microsoft's development technology, .NET. This should be one of the biggest announcements of the conference..." this is a co-press release Action: dneighbo reads this VERY much as Microsoft now owns apache's arse whaddayamean i.e. look for a future press release saying IIS is put in grave windows ships with apache now god forbid then look shortly after that for the new apache features that only work on windows then after that look for apache that only ships for windows ariel_ ( left irc: "Uscita dal client" do you think that the apache group would do such a thing ... honestly, i believe that there are quite a few people in that group which are opposed to any cooperation btw: US folks Linux is the topic of NPR's tech talk today sledge_: yes i agree they would look at their license they are NOT opposed to propreitary software in anyway shape or form or their license woudl be stronger copyleft hm what shall i say, i don't know, except for sigh kiss apache goodbye anyone know of decent webserver? sledge_: you tried IIS? j/k i might be over prognosticating wine c:/windows/iis.exe but i dont see how apache supporting a technology that ONLY works on windows is a good thing that means they are going to be doing things 'microsofts' way .net is a specification, not a software and i know microsofts history in security and that scares me but it still is from the biggest proprietarist out there um but the biggest guy supporting it is BAD for our community we should not be encouraging adoption of .NET unless we want microsoft to rule the internet its bad enough they currently rule the internet 'client' GNU Enterprise .NET Edition *g,d&r* god forbid the rule the server perhaps it isn't that evil. dotgnu is doing with .net as well Action: jcater meant pgadmin Action: jcater could give a rat's arse about what apache and microsoft does Action: jcater doesn't particularly see this as a really bad thing nto the best thing but not the worst pgadmin? this is *not* visual :) ? jcater: this move isnt the problem its the 'partnership' that worries me i.e. i think this might be the first in a string of 'not the best thing' moves this is not 'apache' saying they are wanting to offer customers features tehy are asking for and so diong a .net plug in dneighbo: don't worry. that'll only cause cancer. just wait and see, as long as you can't stop them :) (except you are superdneighboman) sledge_: I see that as something completely different than designing schemas Action: jcater wants soemthing like that in designer as well this is microsoft collaborating with apache schema == ?? i'm confused. table definitions precisely. that link is of a query builder not of a table builder let me mock up a ui before you use what is on that image im no ui god, but that ui is horrid Action: jcater foresees that ui being 1-2 years off :) yes, but the general idea behind this graphical representation can be used for both purposes there are much bigger fish to gry Action: dneighbo hates to admit for that type of screen i would mimic MS Access before anything else if i were to mimic (as its familiar to people) argh hey guys, not the overall GUI. pgaccess is 100% UI horror. i just mean the table design "widget" it is functional and easy to understand and to implement, btw ;) Action: dneighbo has to run to work yeah Action: jcater understood what you meant, sledge_ :) okay. i'm happy now :) xetrex ( joined #gnuenterprise. Action: dneighbo is away: work ah not apache yogurt2unge ( joined #gnuenterprise. but Covalent big difference imho as we've known Covalent was trying to capitalize on Apache's work mv apache /dev/darkside I just think it important to note that Covalent != Apache Foundation so to say Apache is partnering with M$ is just plain incorrect according to the article, it is the Apache Foundation partnering with MS Action: jcater runs off to read the article again i always didn't like their affinity to java well Action: jcater STILL only sees references to Covalent whatever besides, none of the projects I follow, evaluate or work with has a dependency on or need for apache perhaps it only affects covalents proprietary thing Action: jcater uses apache in passing Action: jcater is a zope guy now :) zope? has it finally become usable? I hope so I have an important site that has been live on it for a while now so does jamest good :) btw, have you ever compiled postgres manually? btw. did zope work with that linux kernel webserver? Action: jcater has no desire to try a kernel-level webserver so I don't know sledge_: not in a long, long time (6.3 iirc) well, i'll try and seen then i finally have a db on my home machine :) siesel (~chatzilla@ left irc: "(heading home)" sledge_ ( left irc: "using sirc version 2.211+KSIRC/981227-pre0.9" Grantbow ( joined #gnuenterprise. dneighbo_ ( joined #gnuenterprise. xetrex ( left irc: "ChatZilla 0.8.7 in Beonex Communicator" jhs (~jhs@ left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) bye Arturas ( left #gnuenterprise. StyXman ( joined #gnuenterprise. hi guys dneighbo_ ( left irc: "BitchX-1.0c18 -- just do it." stbain (~stbain@ joined #gnuenterprise. :( Action: stbain weeps looks like the accounting dept. is pretty much set on either MAS90 or Great Plains gah Great Plains is horrid even though I have a working NOLA installation up and running for them to use we use it here (for now) jcater: do you know anything about events? have you upgraded since Microsoft took it over? I've had an upgrade sitting on my desk for a yearh that I've been afraid to install any suggestions for last minute FUD dispellers they've pulled out the 'no support' one um they honestly think they'll get support for Great Plains Action: jcater falls on the floor laughing I tried to combat it as best I could our service has sucked well... the accounting firm we deal with supports and sells Great Plains I really don't know what to say :( Action: jcater has a willing accounting department ready to trash GP actually, my accounting dept came to me not vice versa :) can you cite specific reasons? well, in our specific case, we have a production database system that everything happens in well, GP is its own little system so the accountants have to duplicate a LOT of work to get stuff into GP with a free solution, Action: jcater can integrate as much as they'd like your situation may be different, though yah I work at a Rescue Mission StyXman: yes? um wtf a Rescue Mission? and they have money to burn ? yup apparently that's just plain sickening see... we need a GNUe Nonprofit the last guy who worked here was somewhat of a programmer that includes a linux distro set up for diskless clients with a database server and our accounting software preinstalled he got the entire operation up and running using MS Access97 kinda like the K12Linux project btami (~btami@ joined #gnuenterprise. so now everything (accept the accounting) runs off of MS Access97 how horrid ya their tables are starting to grow too large jcater: uh, I'm trying to put some behaviour on scrollbars... taxing on the network nonetheless, the guy left without documenting any of his programs so now they're VERY skeptical of installing NOLA because they feel that if I leave, they'll be up a creek w/out a paddle s/installing/implementing/ (it's already installed) and I talked to jamest. he first said that I should put the behaviour on gfsb, but more talking lead him to say that I should put it in the gfinstance 'multpiplexor'... hi all hi btami Already doing that type of thing here with another accting system (proprietary) but I don't feel like it. I think I would put it in gfsb. and I don't understand the mechanism yet... (hi btami) jeffsw110: doing what type of thing? replacing w/ free software? integrating? he also suggested me to add a new event, but thinking about it and the way events are handled, I thought of using fireTRIGGER... jcater: i sended a SimpleReport wizard to DCL (ticket #114) jcater: please visit it, if you have time Sorry, running accting on diskless xterminals using older 486's for the most part what package are you using? what accounting package, that is PRISM from SDI (we're a bearing and power transmission retailer wholesaler) like Enron? I want to get away from proprietary S/W as do I No, machine transmissions ahhh... ok one of the problems of getting away from proprietary S/W here is that we qualify for free OS and Appserver software from Microsoft so when we buy a Win2K server, we buy the server and the the OS/MS SQL Server for free the cost of free is steep.............. ............from MS how so? Tied to their stuff. I have problems here with some s/w that HAS to run under IE or Excel well... in this case, it would be: free Win2K Server, free SQL Server, and we'd only pay for the Great Plains software And only run MS PC's, am I right? If they are powerful enough to run the client end........ the PC's are all Win98SE already except for mine Ok. Our marketing moron here wanted to go all MS, would have cost us about $50,000. Just before the economy went down the tubes................... nice timing I didn;t let it happen thank god Be in the bread line now I just started here last week... I was an outside contractor before no IT Officer before me so I've pretty much inherited the network as-is and we have a bread line hehe I did too 3 years ago lol Action: stbain works at the local Rescue Mission grew it from 3 PC's to a Linux net with 3 PCs We outnumber them now........... hehehe btami (~btami@ left #gnuenterprise. jhs ( joined #gnuenterprise. someday... Nick change: stbain -> stbain|away jhs ( left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) How do I default a form to show the first record in a table when it (the form) opens? jeffsw110: I guess there's no way. one way is there was a trigger that is run @ form show time, but it seems to not exist... Ok. StyXman: it needs to go into GFInstance as you need a single controller monitoring behavior it's next to impossible to keep track of the "current" scrollbar and catch it 's GFEvents exclusively i.e., if you have all GFScrollBars listen in on the events then you have to distinguish which one should actually respond well, I thought there was a link between the uiobj and the gfobl, and that way the behaviour could go directly in the gfobj and I have some problems cause I think I'll get some circular event launching. the behaviout I want to give to the sb is to scroll the current block datasource so, when the 'cursor' of the datasource changes, the sb should change, and vice versa... siesel ( joined #gnuenterprise. hi siesel yes that's why I think you can't do it within the GFScrollbar code hi StyXman, hi all or you at least have to multiplex the request through GFInstance the GFDisplayHandler uses the multiplexing route so, there are two things you can do: 1) Have GFInstance handle it all (easiest) 2) Have GFInstance listen for the requestSCROLLBAR event and then determines which scrollbar/datasource is the current one, and directly call a method of this scrollbar which then handles the logic but you really can't have GFScrollbar listening for the events as all the Scrollbars in the form would get the event most of the forms stuff uses #1 but the GFDisplayHandler (keystrokes, et al) use #2 the only reason GFDisplayHandler is different is that each entry widget can have a different *type* of displayhandler I see in UIbutton's buttonHAndler, which is the wx's event handler for that class a call to _eventHandler instead of 'raising' a event. is this the way to go? Action: jcater imagines UIbutton isn't the place to be looking to learn stuff lemme look so, you would suggest I look into... ? action = GFEvent('fireTRIGGER',gfObject.trigger) UIbutton is using events too UIbutton._eventHandler actually points to GFUserInterface.dispatchEvent ah, and the way to 'raise' them is to call ... only because UIbutton doesn't have its own dispatchEvent search for event.eventHandler = self.dispatchEvent ahhhhh! I was browsing the code to sse, but couldn't find where eventHandler was set :) is it becoming clearer? :) so, everithin'gs _a little_ clear now... (don't try to write in other language with loads of caffeine on your blood system :) how do I 'hook' a new listener to certain event? I need to know when the datasource does something with the visible records... with registerEventListeners? dneighbo_ ( joined #gnuenterprise. if so, where should I get one of those? I mean, only gfblock and gfuserinterface has those... or should I make gfscrollbar eventAware too? jhs ( joined #gnuenterprise. Ok, so I figured out how to get the data to show up in a form, now, how do I get the toolbar record controls to work? StyXman: you will need to hook into GFBlock (add some code there) like, doing a special event just for a ocassional scrollbar? probably uh... ok, ack jeffsw110: how did you do it? Set Prequery to true in data source property. It gave me last record, but it's good enough for now reinhard (~rm@ left irc: "If you think there is good in everybody, you haven't met everybody" psu ( joined #gnuenterprise. Hmmmmmmmm that was a long hmm ;-) once I used F2 to jump to records, the record arrows work. Do I need to set focus on something, when the form opens? yogurt2unge ( left irc: "Client Exiting" It works. Cool Nick change: stbain|away -> stbain jeffsw110 (~kopeteuse@ left irc: "Using Kopete IRC Plugin" jhs ( left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) Chipaca ( joined #gnuenterprise. hi all I seem to be stumbling over a problem with the xml parser in gnue who's neighborhood would that be? Action: Chipaca looks at dneighbo does anyone knows how to do insert in Sybase and MSSQL database? Action: dneighbo_ looks at jcater Action: dneighbo_ raises hand for siesel :) Action: jcater hides cool. dneighbo: is it the same as for Postgres and Mysql plus a "GO" ? INSERT INTO statuses VALUES('OP', 'Open', 'Y', 1) GO yip I'm defining stuff via entities and % entities, and I'm not getting what I should i.e. xmlproc_parse outputs a file I pass to gfcvs and it understands it, but gfcvs doesn't INSERT INTO dcl_config (dcl_config_name, dcl_config_field, dcl_config_varchar) VALUES ('DCL_FILE_PATH', 'dcl_config_varchar', '.') GO would be an alternative way to do by name siesel hope that helps it helps... it's not like it chokes, but I'm just not seeing anything in place of the entity i use Action: siesel is copying data stuff from pgsql.xsl to mssql.xsl :) writing a mssql driver for gnue ;) Action: Chipaca wonders if there's any way to extract the parse tree from gfcvs siesel: mssql, or mysql? jcater: uh, I have a little problem yet... Action: Chipaca looks at StyXman hi! I added a method on gfblock that registers scrollbars.\ jcater: how is designer doing? Chipaca: both ;) is it ready for a masta beating tonight? dneighbo_: well, it has a slight fever and cold spells Action: dneighbo_ is really anxious to get that schema stuff tested but it's feeling somewhat better today Action: jcater thinks the schema stuff is working now er actually just to use it :) %messages; wtf!?!? that doesn't seem to get thru i dont even want to knw where in gnue you are trying to use that line nor do I way outside, in a gfd sigh it's xml, isn't it? that _should_ work we are working on an official way to do language support in gfd's selerius ( joined #gnuenterprise. err i do think entities might be the proper way to do it I'm not sure if that logic follows thru or not but it should be discussed Chipaca: not necessarily jcater: that's the way the W3C guys do it but we dont have a w3c parser i.e. we have a custom parser for gnue that uses a w3c parser "-//W3C//ENTITIES Latin 1 for XHTML//EN" "xhtml-lat1.ent"> %HTMLlat1; a scroll bar created registers itself as a scrollbar for that block. then, the block, when updates, updates the scrollbars registered. hello all what is the state of development of gnue? selerius: chaotic it might not hurt to add enitity support so that we could have i18n forms via entities and be conforming (but i dont think that it will work as of now) selerius depends on what you are looking for *but* now I'm registering uisb instead of gfsb many things are quite usable i want to replace quick books others are well chaotic :) Action: Chipaca looks at his pretty xml Action: Chipaca weeps Action: Chipaca goes home Chipaca ( left irc: "ircII EPIC4-1.0.1 -- Are we there yet?" selerius you could replace some functionality but not all probably with tools today but you cant go and download a quickbooks replacement today GO GO GO MSSQL-GIRL i.e. the tools to build business applications (the framework) is rather far along i really only need basic invoicing, and accounts management...the rest of the stuff is useless for me so, the update process is either too specific for the userinterface... but we havent had time to to do the applications i have 3 people perhaps 2 more including you that need invoicing, inventory, BOM and 'shipping' modules or there should be something more generic... hmmm, I guess I'll do some hacks and come back i have existing windows application that does this well now i think making a gnue version of it wouldnt take long it would not do accounting though, but woudl do invoicing reconcilation and such and you could create files to load into an existing accounting system if i have enough folks interested Action: psu thinks that sounds like a job for Integrator/Reporter chillywilly ( joined #gnuenterprise. hi chillywilly ! incidentally, I'm accepting patches for the visual editor of schemas in designer :) btami sent me the first Report wizard !!!! Action: jcater hasn't played with it yet hello StyXman hi jc morning hi ajmitch hello all Action: siesel wants to contribute a very important part to that visual editor... yay but I think I have to wait a bit to add my VERY important "change background color" patch ;) Action: ajmitch wants that!! oh that'd be so hot, siesel! ;) I would prefer PINK and Yooouuuu? j/k rofl hot pink gray is so boring tho pattieja ( left irc: Success need to add gradient support pattieja ( joined #gnuenterprise. it's lots easier to support single colours Action: ajmitch looks up the wxpython docs yea but c'mon i know, i know ONE colour is so boring thousands of colours is where its at change background color? wtf? jcater: yeah, some people don't like gray was that a joke? it did involve rofling yes, gray is boring i dunno, but it probably wouldn't be hard to do :) that's why I prefer grey bye peop. StyXman ( left irc: "ircII EPIC4-1.1.5 -- Are we there yet?" jcater: you are entirely too boring jcater: you should be full of life like siesel ooh, there's a wxWindow.SetBackgroundColour method beauty just let 'colour' (or color if you prefer) to be an optional attribute of the form chrono_ ( joined #gnuenterprise. but if you wa;nt other colours shouldhn't you use a local theme for your widget set like gtk or winders or whatever yeah, but how do you get wxp to pick up those colours? shounldn't it pick up whatever colours the native widgets are using? it should, i guess yea, backgroud color is such a critical feature but what if i want white forms for an app? ;P chillywilly: it is! uh, no ajmitch: in the case of white forms, I can see the ulitily these UI enhancements win over the stupid users & management ;) chillywilly: you think like a developer too much make it work first then make it pretty ;) can I get that in cornflower blue? nickr: i'm sure you can hey, if you can get pretty forms in access, why not GNUe? ;) I need forms to look just like paper forms my ES* wants a "background with pink flowers on green" * ask Sigi Freud like in Filemaker nickr: agreed Action: jcater runs away screaming next /me fears ppl will want semi-transparent forms ooh, that'd be nice! actually at one time we discussed being able to take a .eps file or such and having it be the 'background' for a form so you could have like a logo watermark looking backgroud? yeah, but thank god y'all sobered up yeah, how about optional pics in forms? :) jcater: i still think its a separate product Action: jcater only foresees one pic in forms and that's a goat where's the graphs ans such, I want embedded charts, etc. ;) s/ans/and/ chillywilly thats reporter dneighbo_: that'd be cool chillywilly: reporter and navigator dneighbo_: although it'd be better if it could just format the forms to look like paper err, what dneighbo_ said chillywilly: hmm, now that's an idea - how'd you do it cross-platform? nickr: college rule or wide rule? selerius anyhow i was trying to say before i got interrupted here yea, but can we embed reports in the forms? jcater: ooh, html reports in a wxHtml window within a form? ;) if i have enough people seriously needing a solution and WILLING to COMMIT to using GNUe hmmm (for the wx ui driver, that is) chillywilly: navigator? i'd be much more apt to really start digging in i would love to help out in anyway i can so, what you are saying is you could apt-get into it? I don't get what navigator does definitely i need to get rid of quick books bad chillywilly: it navigates chillywilly: navigator rocks gee thanks chillywilly: well, it just launches forms, reports etc jcater: it segfaults sometimes too and navigator has pictures :) menu type thing j/k it actually hasnt on me yet (knock on wood) screenshots on website dneighbo_: well, everyone needs a break sometimes, even navigators I saw the screenshots but forms still open in separate windows :) chillywilly: now try the app! just seemed like a tree thing ajmitch: give us time ajmitch: bite me jcater: or give you patches? yes dneighbo_: i want email1 someone was suggesting an alternative layout that's my rally call "Give me time or give me patches!!!!" Action: ajmitch would probably give patches in cases like that with the forms/reports as tabs w/in the window in the tune of Give me liberty...." psu: yeah, that's what i'm thinking or give me death ;) psu: I foresee supporting such a layout Action: psu would give time if he had any spare Action: chillywilly pleads for death patches are always welcome Action: jcater troutslaps chillywilly Action: ajmitch will look this afternoon after uni bah, I am immune to those jcater ISTR we discussed that as "skinning" Navigator ISTR? what's that fancy lingo? I need to get rid of Filemaker badly psu: yeah, at the moment you can use different UI drivers & skin it that way I seem to remember nickr: format c: /u no such luck! is anything tied specifically to the linux kernel? selerius: NO! yes nickr: eh? i do not run linux, and do not intend not like it very much selerius we are entirely neutral on about everything selerius: ah, a GNU/Hurd fan then? ;) GNUe runs on GNU/Linux, ui : www, windows, mac, linux, bsd, dumb terminal, palm, telephone you name it dneighbo_: hehe, right, most people here are neutral, you mean Win 32, Solaris more BSD particular OpenBSD...i run it on most everything Mac OS database: mysql, postgres, sapdb you name it selerius: no problem running on OpenBSD iirc everything you need is in ports rpc: xml-rpc, corba, soap good.... /msg dneighbo methinks we just found ourselves an OpenBSD tester reporting: pdf, office, open office, html oops btw. its the "Single Login" feature which makes Navigator break, so we need to use that "netrc" patch or hack up forms to create a version which can be emebeded and don't create new MAINLOOPS. donuts: glazed, cake, chocolate, cream, lemon i can test for you if you like...i runn --current...update nightly i.e. generally one gets a hand slap around here if they do non neutral things donuts: * do you need a graphical environment to test in? we do have preferences though :) os: Debian GNU/Linux i have a spare dual 333 machine, with a 10 gig SCSI array in it laying around.. db: SAP-DB (currently Postgres, but changing slowly) jcater: was that a hint for me? chillywilly? jcater: you haven't been readin thekitchensink.odl have you ;)? no I saw the commit messages, tho pizza! check out ui: wx (for now) wtf is thekitchensink.odl? class Jcater extends Goat... and example file implements donuteater for the parser well class Jcater extends Goat: CodeSlave {...}; or something Action: ajmitch wonders where the pdf, openoffice, etc stuff is for reports suppose I could make a DonutEater interface, but I think I've added enough to that file... ;) Nick change: psu -> psuZZZZ openoffice is supported via merge_rtf ah ok dneighbo: you gonna be around for a while? Action: jcater is doing one of those reports right now or, one of my guys is stbain (~stbain@ left irc: "time to head home" um he left before i could say will be here for 3 more hours at least one of what reports? btw: open office rtf works jcater: should i submit a bug report on the fact that rtf freaks a bit if you have table as first item? how about pdf? i think you were looking for other ajmitch not yet this is 'mail merge' dneighbo_: ok i dont think we could ever do pdf mail merge directly dneighbo_: authorization forms that we send to publishers well, not directly but look at Ted probably more you have a document Action: ajmitch is looking for something to use for small business invoicing it's an RTF editor reinhard (~rm@ joined #gnuenterprise. that can print to postscript from the command line hi reinhard then we coudl convert to pdf post merge for you hey all Action: dneighbo_ rubs eyes i guess most of you noticed that woody has become stable yes is that reinhard, reinhard muller? yeah dneighbo_ :) only an austrian is interested in a stable woody (bad pun) did somebody also notice that woody still contains geas-0.0.6? Action: dneighbo_ is thinking of arnold prouncing around with his accent 'i've got a stable woody' dneighbo_: lol reinhard: it's been frozen for quite awhile now that is really BAD pun a frozen woody that is ;) well better than an unstable woody that's what I always say Action: ajmitch goes away to uni now :) ha the kiwi's cant handle us anylonger muhahahahhahaha :P that's pretty sad, imho chillywilly: yes i wrote a mail to the one who packaged it some _months_ ago requesting to remove it again dneighbo_: what is a frozen woody? well I meant that the kiwis can't handle us chillywilly: oh but yea old crusty geas is sad too ;) a frozen woody i woudl imagine would be painful Action: dneighbo_ notes woody is US slang for an 'erect penis' oh so frozen woody == chilly willy ? ;) :P roflmao now you know why I am so unhappy and cranky you try going around all day with a chilly willy ;) jhs ( joined #gnuenterprise. jcater: do you have a idea about solving that navigator SEGFAULTS problem? just for the record i believe that backgruond color in forms _could_ be useful but in another context e.g. i have clients that have set up a live database and a testing database and they have requested that if they log into the testing database then the background should turn into red but of course i don't see it as a priority night all reinhard (~rm@ left irc: "The more often you run over a dead cat, the flatter it gets" reinhard: do you ... :( Mr_You (rouzer@ joined #gnuenterprise. re hope everyone is well Isomer ( joined #gnuenterprise. anyone know if it is legal to declare a struct (in C or IDL) like this: struct Foo {int a, b, c;float x;}; ? this struct would have 4 members right? oops dunno if thats legal probably looks good heh well according to the EBNF of ODL it is legal bbl gonna go for a quick hike a quickie eh? ;) jcater ( left irc: "later" Mr_You (rouzer@ got netsplit. pattieja ( got netsplit. Grantbow ( got netsplit. Mr_You (rouzer@ returned to #gnuenterprise. pattieja ( returned to #gnuenterprise. Grantbow ( returned to #gnuenterprise. how can I do a call by reference in python? jhs ( left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) hi again jhs ( joined #gnuenterprise. siesel: I thought everything was a reference in python no, seems to be that function parameters are transfered 'call by value' how do you know? a book told me. [19:04:41] chilly : it's all by reference... just some objects are immutable. from #python function params are call by ref I am pretty sure it is al call by ref Action: ajmitch has used that a lot a/al/all/ hmmm, possibly I should burn that book :) i think everythin is an object in python, right? well if you were to pass someString = "foo " or are the 'primitives' not? that is immutable Action: ajmitch knows you can do "foo sidjd".split() btw. you can create schema files out of gfd's now. yay it scans the datasource info? yanks it out just do gfdes myfile.gfd and choose Tools/AddOns/CreateSchema cW:yes just the scan for masterlink/detaillink is missing Action: chillywilly was making cml markuop for ODL, but then I ate dinner and watched some TV...and I have to pack for my trip er, xml trip? Action: chillywilly is going on vacation :) ah to North Carolina with caroline to visit family good rid^H^H^Hbye :'( cool chilly don't worry chillywilly by the time you get back, we'll have a nice smelly trout :) bah I was hoping to finish the parser before I have to go ah well we'll see if that happens you've still got time otherwise jan can finish it if he wants ;) I am leaving thrusday morning thursday even won't be back until the 2nd of August jhs ( left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) so if you notice that I am not here, you can breathe easy as I will still be alive ;) we'll notice? :) Action: chillywilly contemplates bringing the laptop Action: chillywilly writes that off quickly work on GEAS or somethin ;-) appserver heh well that's what I have been trying to do for a while now ;) the "parser" is the ODL parser for the appserver btw, writing xml by hand blows ;) yah Action: chillywilly is just procrastinating as packing sucks ;) chillywilly: wish you nice trip :) night siesel ( left irc: "" dneighbo_ ( left irc: "home" Action: chillywilly is away: packing... Action: chillywilly is back (gone 00:30:04) jhs ( joined #gnuenterprise. chrono_ ( left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) chrono_ ( joined #gnuenterprise. jhs ( left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) Maniac ( joined #gnuenterprise. dneighbo ( left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) jcater ( joined #gnuenterprise. rdean (~rdean@ joined #gnuenterprise. jcater ( left irc: "Client Exiting" jhs ( joined #gnuenterprise. rdean (~rdean@ left irc: "Client Exiting" alexey_ ( joined #gnuenterprise. chillywilly ( left irc: "woooooosh!" alexey_ ( left #gnuenterprise. dneighbo ( joined #gnuenterprise. yummy power outage wee jhs ( left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) --- Wed Jul 24 2002