Maniac ( left irc: "Client Exiting" dres ( got netsplit. bkuhnIdle ( got netsplit. gnuebot (~eggdrop@ got netsplit. gnuebot (~eggdrop@ returned to #gnuenterprise. dres ( returned to #gnuenterprise. bkuhnIdle ( returned to #gnuenterprise. #gnuenterprise: mode change '+o gnuebot' by dneighbo ( joined #gnuenterprise. where o where did all the peoples go :) hi dneighbo sup not much :) sigh its late i have to go to dentist in the am (yuck) night Action: dneighbo is away: sleep night reinhard (~rm@ joined #gnuenterprise. dres ( got netsplit. bkuhnIdle ( got netsplit. gnuebot (~eggdrop@ got netsplit. gnuebot (~eggdrop@ returned to #gnuenterprise. dres ( returned to #gnuenterprise. bkuhnIdle ( returned to #gnuenterprise. #gnuenterprise: mode change '+o gnuebot' by psu (psu@ joined #gnuenterprise. psu (psu@ left #gnuenterprise. ariel_ ( joined #gnuenterprise. jcater: are you there? Arturas ( joined #gnuenterprise. Hello hi Arturas Arturas ( left irc: "Client Exiting" siesel ( joined #gnuenterprise. hi all hey siesel hi siesel siesel: i patched my pgsql_2.xsl such that also the constraints are generated inside the CREATE TABLE command. to send it? hi ariel_ hi ajmitch Action: ajmitch waits for siesel to return... can someone help me with reports? Action: ariel_ is away: busy JohannesV (~jve@ left irc: "Client Exiting" Action: ariel_ is back (gone 00:26:26) hi ariel_ ok GNURPC API it is important to split the API in different implementation levels like level 1: no object, just remote method execution 1 is reasonably simple to implement (should be able to implement in all languages) level 2: object support via proxy objects, but proxy objects just contain an execute("name","params") method and a "get" "set" method we should define remote calls to other implementations, for getting lists of methods, etc level 3: object support via fully transparent proxy objects, which catch all executed methods and send it over to the remote object since this should be able to work over multiple transports (in python: using __call__) yes, this would be a kind of introspection function which should be added to the API asked in #mono, for C# i'll probably need to build proxy objects using Reflection.Emit, which outputs IL (sort of like meta-assembly) it was basically the same idea as i had a similar way would be done with php - generate code & cache it for the lifetime of the object i.e. Reflection.Emit is a kind of the python "compile" command except you need to write the IL code in :) oh, good look, writing IL :) shouldn't be too much of a challenge to write some simple templates to pass method calls onto the transports however for GNUe, since we have the beautiful python to use, it's much much simpler ;) Seek3r basically said that after this phpgw branch is stabilised it could be version 1.0, and a more structured project will be born that makes the phpgwapi more accessible apps will be composed of a backend & a frontend UI - so GNUe will be able to talk to the apps quite nicely Action: ajmitch wants to see DCL GNUe-ised, with all trigger code implemented in the appserver so we should _really_ work in with him as well, if possible Action: ajmitch pours siesel some caffiene to get him back you don't have cappucino, have you? no, i don't sorry Action: ajmitch needs some at this hour :) I've talked a bit about defining object types with seek3r. ah, the night is young, might as well try & get some stuff done :) great i haven't had a chance to talk to him much yet Action: ajmitch wants a transport tailored for the Hurd ;) Action: siesel is at university (work), but the boss is away :) ah... what do you do at uni a bit server administration, a bit private help desk. a bit lend out books the Hurd is built on IPC provided by the underlying microkernel - it would be nice to write something for that :) (even if it was just proof-of-concept) Action: ajmitch sees he will have 4 GNU/Hurd cds to upload sometime this week you're building the HURD CDs? no, a friend here builds them Action: ajmitch will help him soon at the moment i just upload them for him since 33.6kbps uploads are not healthy ;) stbain (~stbain@ joined #gnuenterprise. hi stbain good morning ToyMan ( joined #gnuenterprise. jamest ( joined #gnuenterprise. what is the status of that forms/samples/track/forms/contact_manager.gfd form? ew that's a derek form that was created long ago i think it still works but IIRC the data model he had to wrap around was fugly s/data model/pre-existing data model/ Nick change: stbain -> stbain|away I think some parts are quite usable, but I can't test it, because the triggers are broken. there are parts like: blckEmail.helper.object.nextRecord() which looks quite strange. do you know how I can call the nextRecord function now? hi jamest i don't think you can w/o source code modifications as that was digging into the forms internals via a trigger which is now block IIRC jamest: btw, i can open forms in the current dir with navigator if i do "./form.gfd" but not "form.gfd" just fyi :) navigator won't work w/ form.gfd but will work with ./form.gfd in the gpd file? for loading from the current dir, yes siesel: that strangeness is IIRC due to the data structre, IIRC that data was hyper-normalized just like you're taught in class siesel: which doesn't work in the real world in most cases IMHO :) since without the "./" it seems to just search in the default forms path if there is no ./ before form.gfd it looks for that file in ~/gnue/forms siesel: if your gnue is set to load from there, then yup :) there should be a setting for that in gnue.conf but I think we should change it to search in local dir AND default forms path which is why i'm complaining (i can change it if you'd like) :) just wanting to know what the suggested behaviour should be i think i'd like that too so I could test new forms in the std navigator menu by just cd'ing to dir holding new forms and running std navigator jamest: at the moment GFBlock just expose gotoRecord, newRecord and clear, do you think that adding nextRecord, prevRecord, deleteRecord would break anything? Action: ajmitch hacks it shouldn't as long as you use the arrays in there to extend the trigger namespace Action: jamest thinkgs that sounded confusing Action: siesel isn't too confused (because he found these arrays :) siesel: seek3r is online now Action: siesel needs some caffeine Action: ajmitch wonders how to handle this in navigator - currently if the os.path.basename(step.location) == step.location, it assumes that the form is in the FormDir Arturas ( joined #gnuenterprise. hi again :) hey Arturas Action: ajmitch will check if it exists in current dir first hmm that was just too easy Action: ajmitch emails navigator-support btami (~btami@ joined #gnuenterprise. hi all! hi btami ajmitch hi is siesel around? he was before like 40min ago i hacked a basically working for designer/reports great!! i'm sending it to jan in e-mail treeview? please tell him if you comes siesel: yo, you have patches waiting! :) 'Object Navigator' wow sounds very nice you know licencing amazes me how so? Hi Bajusz To buy a copy of Office XP you have to pay extra to get the option of upgrading it later hi Arturas, jamest ah yes that's nuts jamest: btw nav patch should be in dcl Action: jamest is making case for OpenOffice/Linux replacements for all main office PCs jamest: that's why i just love Lithuania - you can get any CD for ~$4 :) w/ win4lin netraverse server running Win98 for backwards compatibility (for home use only, of course) grep -v warezTalk irc-logs well my win98 users don't seem to grasp "Don't install software on these systems without permission and without licenses" they always say "ok" that's why i love free software - you don't need to worry about these hassles :) which translates to - "As soon as you leave I'll do whatever the hell I want with software I bring in from the web and from home" that must be a real hassle people solutions dont work ext3 file permissions will work :) you have then to go, search for that software and uninstall it? maybe it would be simplier to restore whole partition from some image? (it's only idea - i don't know what is easier) jamest: I saw a system (win98), which was configured to not allow any installations of new programms by pol files. siesel!! hi siesel siesel: they love you :) josejavier_work ( joined #gnuenterprise. sorry, someone came in and I had to work. I hope its only platonic love :) siesel: yeah, I've done that in lab settins the problem there is it's like trying to plug the holes in a sponge the default security policy is "allow mad goat rape" but it seems that the users don't like it, because now they have changed to completely open system again. Do you've heard about that secure laptop something project which is a win98 running on a secured filesystem by an underlaying linux + vmware system siesel: i just sended a for designer/reports in e-mail to you please try it, if you have time hi all, i'm looking for a tool to make programs like accounting software, my question is, is gnuenterprise manure enough to do this kind of programs? manure=mature i think you had it right the first time hehe btami: I will try it tonight, thx. there's some accounting software being done in it currently siesel: i can't try your schema stuff, i get:assert "wxFalse" failed:wxPaintDC may be created only in EVT_PAINT handler! btami: which wxPython version are you using? night all, i'm in need of sleep night 2.3.3pre2u on WinXP hmmm, can you try to change wxPaintDC into wxMemoryDC ? josejavier_work: gnue could do accounting but it's very much a work in progress thanks jamest i'd love to see you work with it but I don't want to give impression it'll be easy at this time i'm sure you'll find things that are missing, need improved, etc, etc btami: you should change line 72 into dc = wxMemoryDC() its in designer/src/schema/ sigh why does next record keep disappearing? i added it back i could swear like a month ago i think this is a very interesting project, an i would like to contribute, my 'probably' next project will be for a company that have like 12 drugs shops, i was thinking on php, but gnuenterprise looks more interesting siesel: before you do too much work i had (as of a month ago a WORKING contact_manager.gfd file) just not in GNUe :) for some fsf stuff dneighbo: cool. could I have a look at it :) holding out on us eh? sigh piss moan its on savannah but you cant readily bbrowse cvs there Action: jamest grabs the thumb shackels and heads toward dneighbo and i dont have all my 'keys' setup up so i cant get cvs from there *sigh* let me look for a second jcater_ ( joined #gnuenterprise. btami (~btami@ left irc: "later" Action: dneighbo is back (gone 08:16:28) long nap donuts mmmmmm jamest: if you are here can you help on a savannah issue? i cant seem to get cvs via ssh sigh can anyone use ssh to get at gnu cvs stuff? ^chewie (chewie@ joined #gnuenterprise. yes i put my public key on savannah a LONG time ago and it is indeed there but if i try to use cvs it prompts me for a password what is odd is my user for savannah is dneighbors my user at home is dneighbo im wondering if that might be the issue as my 'key' says dneighbo dneighbo@aegagrus:~/cvs$ alias FSF_CONTACT_CVS="export CVSROOT=""; export CVS_RSH=ssh" dneighbo@aegagrus:~/cvs$ FSF_CONTACT_CVS dneighbo@aegagrus:~/cvs$ cvs -z3 co contacts's password: i get that whether i use dneighbo or dneighbors@subversions hmmm, this shouldn't be a problem, because my "home" name is jan, but savannah login is siesel even if i cut and paste their instructions dneighbo@aegagrus:~/cvs$ export CVS_RSH=ssh dneighbo@aegagrus:~/cvs$ cvs -z3 co contacts's password: grrr i hate ssh key stuff and fsf(seems there are always issues dneighbo: try CVS_RSH="ssh -1" dneighbo@aegagrus:~/cvs$ export CVS_RSH="ssh -1" dneighbo@aegagrus:~/cvs$ cvs -z3 co contacts cvs [checkout aborted]: cannot exec ssh -1: No such file or directory cvs [checkout aborted]: end of file from server (consult above messages if any) dneighbo@aegagrus:~/cvs$ err what is the contents of your ~/.ssh/config file? i dont have one create one and put the single line: BUT in /etc/ssh/ssh_config Protocol 1 i put Host Protocol 1 well, humor me and let's try ~/.ssh/config Action: jcater_ is trying all the angles he knows dneighbo@aegagrus:~/.ssh$ pwd /home/dneighbo/.ssh dneighbo@aegagrus:~/.ssh$ less config Protocol 1 right? ya also, did you upload your "" file, or another key? err, you need to reset your CVS_RSH :) uploaded i just compared it to what savanah has on file they look the same are you positive there's no line breaks on savannah's copy? slightly different dneighbo@aegagrus:~/cvs$ cvs -z3 co contacts The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established. RSA1 key fingerprint is 66:f4:9a:7e:e3:a8:c5:16:d1:88:aa:ef:3e:06:75:30. Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes Warning: Permanently added ',' (RSA1) to the list of known hosts. Enter passphrase for RSA key '/home/dneighbo/.ssh/identity': ok this is good i dont recall a passphrase for this? oh, crap :) that's a whole different problem yummy it works :) ok if i enter my USER password for this machine at the identity passphrase it snarfs things Action: dneighbo still wants to know why changing /etc/ssh/ssh_config didnt work reinhard: protocol 1 what are your permissions on that file? as I know with a lot of files, if ssh doesn't approve of the permissions, it will ignore them dneighbo: also in your /etc/ssh/ssh_config file is the Host before the Host * ? As the manual says this: For each parameter, the first obtained value will be used. The configu- ration files contain sections bracketed by ``Host'' specifications, and that section is only applied for hosts that match one of the patterns given in the specification. The matched host name is the one given on the command line. Since the first obtained value for each parameter is used, more host-spe- cific declarations should be given near the beginning of the file, and general defaults at the end. just curious Action: dneighbo slaps self swears a bit and kicks the computer i hate order of precedence! siesel: you still around? is a more up to date contact manager im pretty sure a month or so ago it was working (er around 0.3.0) i could swear the next/prev was working thne i hope to work on this some tonight and then merge changes softly back into the samples directory and jcater i got the LIST of copyright from youmans so i will add the 'assignment' status back in and load up the GNUe Contact db on ash :) so we can get at it via ssh tunnels dentist cancelled with technical failure ;) the 'pumps' are down i should go to work though jcater: many props bbs dneighbo ( left irc: "Client Exiting" btw: under a localized environement: LANG=de_DE@euro i get this error: DB000: self.borderPercentage = (float(gConfig('borderPercentage')) / 100) DB000: ValueError: invalid literal for float(): 100.0 is it ok, if I change the default for borderPercentage to 100 instead of 100.0 that's only prolonging other issues Action: jcater_ doesn't care siesel: LC_NUMERIC=C gfdes - as workaround hmmm, we should change that, or better add a Question+Answer to our FAQ ariel_ ( left irc: "Uscita dal client" bye Arturas ( left #gnuenterprise (""See you tomorrow :)""). josejavier_work ( left #gnuenterprise ("Aplicación Saliendo"). srobertson ( joined #gnuenterprise. morning everyone, anyone mind if a newbie asks some dumb questions? I'm sorry, I think we only accept smart questions :) just being honest dneighbo ( joined #gnuenterprise. I'm actuall confused on how you would run some of the packages, like the supply-chain management. or are they still to early in development? siesel ( left irc: "later" srobertson: the actual packages are _way_ too early in development what is quite usable now is the tools like forms, reports etc. however appserver is still at the very beginning of development we have three 'applications' that are somewhat functional and the packages would heavily depend on a working appserver :) that are getting converted to the framework DCL - Project Management / Bug Tracking NOLA - Accounting (Small Business ERP) NOLA is part of Gnue now? wow Bayonne - Telephony Application Server (actual tool of ) nickr no, thats a misquote ;) uh? the GNUe team is porting NOLA to the GNUe Framework and making it adhere to Free Software philosphy (removing m$ fonts for example) and adding GNUe principles (like supporting more than MySQL and getting its code logically organized) then we will add GNUe Forms Screens for it we are offerring the (somewhat massive changes back to noguska) are you going to kill the web fronend, or just add stuff? if they accept them (they seem willing at this point) it will be normal NOLA other wise we will fork so none of the n-tier stuff works yet? it's just form working directly with a SQL DB? srobertson: yes exactly damn! got my hopes up... is the stuff in cvs the latest or is more code floating around? not sure if there is much outside CVS hold on how do you guys normally read the docbook stuff? Is there a simple command to run or do I need to grok the DocBOOK howto? what distro? or platform (for docbook) as to appserver it works with forms now its just not 'mature' and the 'business logic' side of the fence probably is very immature but its being actively worked on by siesle and sledge (iirc) redhat 7.2 im about to beat jcater up for some gruesome report loving soon and that will probably spur appserver development srobertson : db2html maindocbookfile.sgml or db2pdf maindocbookfile.sgml or db2ps some of the docbook stuff probably uses the gnome documentation project stuff if you get errors on that then perhaps you can get from (iirc) dneighbo: is maindocbookfile.sgml somewhere in the cvs tree? well it would be in gnue/docbook/TheDocument/ s/TheDocument/name of doc you want gotcha hey thanks for the help i think the file is usually called main.sgml OR nameofdocument.sgml that ~dcm file is wrong er url but i cant find his new address (sigh) it was good resource too no problem, I got it to work, once again thanks for the help! did redhat crap the rhad? Nick change: stbain|away -> stbain greetz sup how goes it stbain Nick change: stbain -> stbain|lunch siesel ( joined #gnuenterprise. bigerbrother joined #gnuenterprise. Nick change: stbain|lunch -> stbain siesel ( left irc: "later" bigbrother ( left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) Nick change: bigerbrother -> bigbrother Action: pattieja is away: lunch anyone here do stored procs at all with postgres? im looking to do something like result = select * from foo; if result == null: result = "somevalue" or something i.e. i want to do a query and return the result set if it has one otherwise i want to return a value hmm ToyMan ( left irc: "Client Exiting" dsmith ( joined #gnuenterprise. Howdy Folks How goes things? Action: pattieja is back (gone 00:55:16) dsmith ( left irc: "later.." Nick change: stbain -> stbain|away ariel_ ( joined #gnuenterprise. psu ( joined #gnuenterprise. siesel ( joined #gnuenterprise. reinhard (~rm@ left irc: "'Hardware' defines as the parts of a computer system that can be kicked" Nick change: stbain|away -> stbain yay my friendly neighborhood linux CD distributor now has woody Action: psu gets his cheque book out cool :) d/l woody on dial up was *not* an option ;-) btw. you should try Knoppix 3.1 not for your own computer, but to show friends how cool linux can be I just have to modify it and add GNUe tools to the live CD url? (to save me googling ;-) oh, sorry: is the english one :) thnx my german is limited to "ein big mac, ein groB pommes frites und ein kaffe, bitte" ;-) will the real jcater please stand up please stand up all you other ai's... psu: better than my german i understand ich bin der meister "there can be only one.." but is there much mroe to understand? dneighbo: get that email? yip even responded siesel ( left irc: "*monkey grin*" dneighbo: danke psu ( left #gnuenterprise ("bedtime"). just out of curiosity... what's the status of menuitems in forms? navigator i think is the answer for right now dneighbo: wassup? OK I'm on a linux workstation now... downloading last night's CVS snapshot I need to install python2 and wxWindows first, right? hi jcater jcater: the #default issue is also in gnue-report.dtd and gnue-navigator.dtd, just to know: the dtd's are updated automatically by mean of gnuedtd or by hand? you have to run gnuedtd for each one I only updated gnuedtd I didn't have time to rerun it for each tool I will have it automatically run as part of our release procedures but right now, there's no auto running i did'n express myself well (sorry for my english) what i want to know is: if i run gnuedtd do i still get ATTLIST... #DEFAULT ? i need some help with reports. if i run grcvs --filter-list i get only "raw" no, if you run gnuedtd, you should get the correct syntax --filter-list has not been implemented yet if i run it "dry" on some grd it goes well if i do -filter html i get a problem in PySablot, is this right? s/-filter/--filter/ also gnue-navigator.dtd is not complete: ELEMENT step is EMPTY, it must contain ELEMENT description hey jcater_ what do you do to make VCDs? do you do it under GNU/Linux? Action: dneighbo is thinking i have a digital camera would be nice to go directly from my camera to VCD as cd media is cheaper than VHS media and since its for church services / worship concerts (i.e. gasp legal copyright usage stuff) ;) i suppose i would consider installing windows if absolutely neccessary as my laptop has S-Video in/out... NAH! who am i kidding, i wouldnt consider that yes I have all the /etc/apt/sources.list entries at home of the tools you need to make and burn vcd's it's really easy how do you do the input? input? say i have a digital camera (or a vcr) or a dvd player or anything with say RCA Output how are you getting it onto your computer to make it VCD? oh, well, I, um, got the video sources from, um, "legal" copies of, um, stuff from newsgroups however, I do have a video in board on this computer it wasn't hard to set up video4linux project iirc ok so on that hand will have to figure way to get thigns in digital image format to then make a VCD? yes Action: jcater_ is sure it isn't difficult and VCD uses just normal CD right yes yummy im definitely going to have to play with this you know how awesome it will be do you know if you can do split cds? yip like some of the cd as wav, some as mp3 some as vcd? oh um I have no idea about that you have exceeded my knowledge threshhold AI.segfault() as what would be KILLER for me is to film worship, service (and we record them as well (audio) and offer it all on one cD er CD honestly, I wouldn't count on being able to do that so they can pop in DVD player and watch but then again, I could be wrong or throw in car CD and listen Action: dneighbo is doubting its possible you know how much (time wise) video will fit on a cd? Action: dneighbo doubts much more than an hour i suppose it doesnt matter as CD media is sooooo cheap um i need to bug nick so that i can get my DVD workign under linux so i can make LEGAL backups of my OWNED dvd's fsck damn popup is what I was trying to post tell syou anything about vcd's you could want to know yummy nite all thnx dneighbo stbain (~stbain@ left irc: "Ni!" i will need those sources.list entries does the program let you convert to vcd? does it let you author menus and such? does it do the burning too? links? ;) there are things that let you compile vcd images yes yummy so much cool stuff so little time that's what my sources.list file is for siesel ( joined #gnuenterprise. compiling vcd images yes, all the above Action: jcater_ has no links at the moment it's all at home I even wrote myself a 5 line text file explaining exactly what to do to get what I want :) so I wouldn't have to wade thru docs each time dneighbo: you still using sylpheed ? Action: jcater_ is having serious issues w/sylpheed this latest upgrade' i have GOT to get my dv camera working with linux or i will get roasted yes using sylpheed it worked this morning (knock on wood) but im crabby that it sucks at imap mail :( or at least imap + local mail if i get a local mail and move it to my IMAP mailbox dude it MOVES it but doesnt delete it out of the local box grrr latest releases it screws up its cache so I can click on the header of an email I want to read and if i highlight 10 messages from local and move them to IMAP mail it only moves the FIRST one and the body displays a message I deleted a week ago ouch plus they broke imap support it works but 3-4 times as slow Action: jcater_ is not happy i had some netscape issues like that once upon a time im half way considering a switch to evolution :( just to see if has better imap support let me rephrase that kmail looks better with the 3.0 release im a DUMB ass and i will be moving my wife to imap mail ASAP and she uses evolution so she will be my tester generally this is a painful way to test thigns, but they get fixed quickly this way :) i really am not a kde fan (ive even tried recently) so i try to not use kde apps unless they are far and above the gnome equivalents for the most part i dont see many kde apps they are far and above :) i think in many respects they ahve a better end user desktop but i think the application selection and such is much weaker i could see using linux where i had no kdelibs maybe so i can say the same for gnome i can live w/o gnome (do so with fluxbox daily) but imho the quality of the majority of the kde apps is better than the majority of the gnome apps but gtk apps too much not to say there are no good gnome apps and no bad kde's i think the 'polish' of kde apps are better but my callcenters are now 100% KDE EXCEPT GNUe the problem is there just are not many of them and the occasional freak who MUST have OpenOffice and what htey have are pretty limited I tend to disagree i.e. i tried koffice and its light years behind openoffice true and about same as gnome office stuff cept gnumeric but I don't want OOo on most machines :) as it is way too overbloated im in love with open office the fact that i use it at work here now and all home machines and can interchange docs w/o issue is PURE bliss you can't compare openoffice and koffice, because openoffice has a ~10 year (am I right?) history i never could do that before siesel: absolutely siesel : hold on, because something is younger doesnt mean you cant compare them that woudl be like saying you cant compare windows and linux I say it is an unfair comparison re evolution: mutt works great for me :) as imho KOffice kicks mucho arse as a Word Processor and Spreadsheet cause windows is older (unless you count dos/cpm) but then if you count unix, well maybe they are the same age :) Nick change: ariel_ -> arielzzz but OpenOffice isn't Word Porcessor and Spreadsheet its an ok word processor and spreadsheet BUT its compatiablity to office on both sucks sure unfortunately in my current world that is mandatory Action: jcater_ thinks you are missing what I'm saying also its spreadsheet is weak for power users :) Action: jcater_ is not saying you should be using KOffice i liked its word processor though imho, it's word processor is light-years beyond most as it incorporates frame-based layout funny thing is you know what really got me converted to open office the damn presentation software not only is it compatiable with office feature for feature it blows the crap out of power point Action: jcater_ has switched my office to OpenOffice in place of Word too unfortunately , we have hit the bounds of OpenOffice and are uncovering buttloads of bugs which is very frustrating for the users :( hmm its been great here, we love the fact it forces 'styles' its great for documentation stuff :) Compatibility is important, but features and stability is important too. Just try to write a book in Winword (as some of my users did) and you'll getting very frustrated the number one feature here that was deemed INCREDIBLE is when open office decides it needs to freak out (rarely happens when compared to word/excel) it says 'hey im gonna freak out now, im giong to save this file first for you' ok? click ok then it crashes and reopens your file and you lose no data we are creating quite a few documents in marketing that look fine on screen, you save them, and reopen them, and OpenOffice doesn't redisplay right i cant tell you how nuts they went about that here for most users, though, the OpenOffice upgrade has been fine just don't use several text boxes :) i have found some .doc conversion oddities if abiword would support footnotes, I would use it, because its lightweight and stable. more in spreadsheets than word docs but same kind of thing, after save and open it would well not be perfect but for me i had to fight to get word to do SIMPLE stuff for me, so its been a wet dream :) if i were a power word user i might be frustrated only real feature in spreadsheet that gets my productivity is in excell if you say have A B C jcater: do you've tryed TeXmacs? 1 2 =sum(a1;b1) normally if you go in cell c1 and click the bottom right corner it will copy that formula for as many rows that have data changing the row value for you in open office it doesnt do that so you have to grab right corner and drag it (sigh) i was cranking out some pretty gruesome stuff last week and that was the only real thing that continually irrated me that and a missing feature about page printing :) you can specify width/heigth paging you can say print x% of normal size or print on x number of pages but in excell you can say print on x number of pages wide print on x number of pages down (or something) you can say 1 wide but leave down blank anyhow at least for once there is good choices to be had :) s/is/are this is the best friggin reading I've done in a while I love the EFF lawyers rock on i love lawyers berating other lawyers :) lo lol in the name of good, yea roflmao inally, we would like to remind you that New York State Code of Professional Responsibility DR 7-102 [?1200.33] and Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 11 provides for sanctions for litigation undertaken without support in existing law or sufficient evidentiary support. You may rest assured that, should you pursue a legal course of action against the EFF based upon the frivolous claims made in your e-mail, we will both defend against your c I love lawyers berating other lawyers, in whoever's name :) followed by Sincerely, [16:56] Last message repeated 2 time(s). Cindy A. Cohn only a lawyer can send out a serious letter treating you like a 2 year old smacking your hand and rubbing your face in your soil then straight faced say thanks for doing business :) ^chewie (chewie@ left #gnuenterprise. jamest ( left #gnuenterprise. Hehe. ahh, the EFF is such a good cause. jcater_ ( left irc: "home" siesel ( left irc: "later" hello all Action: ajmitch wakes up the channel Action: nickr screams\ Action: dneighbo troutslaps the alarm clock known as ajmitch such a lovely greeting Action: ajmitch hopes papers come soon how is everyone today? Action: ajmitch waits for someone to commit the miniscule 3-line patch that was sent in... ;) cool a record label owned by an artist (that is a lawyer) who might actually get it basically offers a good selection of his artists stuff for free in mp3 format or you can get in more 'pure' format for .99 cents a song or of course you can buy the album cool funny i used to really like the vandals (thats how i stumbled on kung fu) come to find out they wrote most of No Doubts stuff and did a lot of work on Sublime's stuff alias ( joined #gnuenterprise. hi greetings alias hi.... how may we help you, good sir? so.../ do you have a request which we may fulfill? come on now, i know what's going on, its not like its the first time i've heard of GNUe ;) ERR108: Syntax Error please restate your sentence in a format which contains truth hey, i dont feel bad for having not heard of GNUe i dont use "enterprise" software i'm a kid =) you may wish to harass dneighbo with your queries i'm only 16 + 4 years old =) Action: ajmitch 2 and i heard of GNUe a couple of years ago you have consumed information on the website? sure... all information? i guess not *all* information ah you have a grasp on what GNUe is, then? ya i guess so and you realise that it is primarily used in production, unlike that crappy DotGNU wannabe .NET clone? ;) riigghtt... that there are support monkeys trained to sit in #gnuenterprise 24/7 going 'Oook' really? yup hmmm... so who uses GNUe? most people here, i'd say :) any companies or anything? Action: ajmitch is unsure of people using it - i just know that there are quite a few of course cool ok im going back to the safe world of dotGNU =) alias ( left #gnuenterprise ("Client Exiting"). ook hello dneighbo was just entertaining a DotGNU developer as to what GNUe is [11:26:58] ajmitch: who? i've never heard of it. of course that doesnt mean no one uses it. but i mean it was never /.ed or anything. [11:27:19] * ajmitch sighs maybe you shoudl announce GNUe on slashdot ;) um based on teh quality of folks that troll slashdot nowadays its hardly an honor ie. slashdot and enterprise are somewhat non complimentary :) we have been on linuxtoday and newsforge and even recently in eweek all much more suitable :) when we make a first 'real' application outside the tools and get website abble to with stand slashdot i know, was just joking :) eh? you don't trust ash? ash is probably up to it, but could you handle the hordes of people coming in saying "h3y th1s is a 1337 VB cl0n3!!!" Action: ajmitch has seen a couple of people in here before that were like that you mean, "why not java?" "why not perl" "how are you different than glade?" "you support Oracle and DB2: That's anti-freedom!!!" "this isn't access" hmm we never get that last one (least not yet) "this isn't pgadmin" the first one we get ALL the FRIGGIN time why not java heh "why not XUL?" usually followed by why designer, just use glade have had that with DotGNU, too oh and yes why not XUL thats another common one in fact Java, XUL, Glade probably are the top three early on lots of 'lets use php' now that we are python we get some the usual one in #dotgnu is 'why do you bother with a compiler & stuff when there's mono' why python (for appserver) yep ajmitch: my question for dotgnu generally had been 'why bother' dneighbo: i know :) now that hailstorm is almost defunct and almost all the 'services' initiatives are dead at M$ still something fun to do isnt that the main thing dotGNU was trying to circumvent? and leaving the other stuff to mono? there are an awful lot of companies that are getting pushed into .NET now m$ seems to be waivering a bit on .NET we can still do our webservices & stuff Action: ajmitch doesn't think MS will waver that much we can do webservices today with m$ or .net :) which is why we want a free platform to do them on :) hell we could do them 2 years ago, just no one was claling them 'web services' ;) i know s/with/without freudian slip the 'web services' thing that they're pushing is just a little more integrated i see less 'coolness' in web services and more value in the library stuff ( i dont know the name of it ) CLR - common language runtime or whatever? so that say gnue-common could be written in such a way that C or PHP or Python could use it natively almost like it was swig'ed only without having to swig it yes that's what we will be able to do well, with python at least i think python and java already do xplatform well and so there is no need to replace that with say C# gopal started a python integration thing, which wrapped the pnet runtime webservices exist so there doesnt seem like new standards are needed java & python have their shortfalls - we want to make it easy to migrate off .NET the code sharing among languages is interesting concept though python doesnt have pitfalls rofl merely unexpected ditches an interesting, albeit flawed one :) Action: ajmitch knows that C# is crap for some things, java for others (quite similar), and python crap in a different way :) python might be crap, but we consider it a polished turd python is still very nice wxPython, however... not diarreha like java ;) Action: ajmitch wonders if psu will put that in the KC ;) or bloated gas cramps like C# (i.e. a crap waiting to happen) Action: ajmitch waits for gnue cvs changes to land hmmm xplatform language matrix python - polished turd java - diarreha c# - severe cramps (diarreha waiting to happen) what about C or C++? and php? ajmitch i said cross platform C is cross platform :) c/c++ : consipation (crap that is painful and hard to get out) er constipation php: pebble poops (serious poopers need not apply) anyhow jcater its great Action: ajmitch guesses that derek has a bias or two :) now someone says "Why not java?" we answer "Not enough toilet paper to go around." ajmitch i use php probably more than any other language right now so my bias comes with experience in the trenches not general biased snobbery Action: ajmitch wonders if it's worth splitting code from navigator UI drivers into a seems like the main code sharing is in the runForm method time to run home ok, bye dneighbo ( left irc: "nah nah nah nah. hey hey. goodbye." jamest ( joined #gnuenterprise. wb jamest sigh, still no mail no mail? assignment papers ah lex ( joined #gnuenterprise. hey lex!! ajmitch: 'lo im looking for dtm.... thought he might be abducted in the whereabouts of gnue..... you seen this man???? Action: lex shows a picture of skinny ass dtm nope mhm.... are you SHURE? mhm....kay im overout lex ( left #gnuenterprise ("I like core dumps"). dres ( left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) dres (~dres@ joined #gnuenterprise. jamest ( left irc: "[x]chat" Nick change: bkuhnIdle -> bkuhn Nick change: bkuhn -> bkuhnIdle Nick change: bkuhnIdle -> bkuhn Nick change: bkuhn -> bkuhnIdle jcater ( left irc: "Client Exiting" dneighbo ( joined #gnuenterprise. nickr: you around?> yep hey frozen bubble busted for you in testing or unstable? i get [SDL Init] libpng warning: Application was compiled with png.h from libpng-1.2.1libpng warning: Application is running with png.c from libpng-1.0.12 libpng error: Incompatible libpng version in application and library Fatal signal: Segmentation Fault (SDL Parachute Deployed) dneighbo@latitude:~$ on both i tried to get some of the other libpng packages but no help yea, there isa libpng issue thats being worked out in unstable and testing too as my testing box has same issue testing is irrelevent at this point since the testing script has'nt started yet rofl ok im having to go back to stable just to get this package or i die at my house of all the packages to hurt that is the neighbors house 'killer app' snapper head it seems stable has this issue too oh well they will have to understand --- Wed Jul 31 2002