jcater (~jason@w202.z065105010.mem-tn.dsl.cnc.net) joined #gnuenterprise. hi jcater 'sup? whoa! I'm in the KC hehe, congrats stbain lol Action: stbain dances a jig Action: ajmitch is too!! i bet jcater is in there a few times there were a few other RPMs I had to install, but I can't remember what they were off the top my head I think one was mx datetime not sure what the other one was Action: jcater would prefer to not be in KC as I don't like being quoted ppl might hold me to stuff in the future :) heh stan (~stan@1Cust103.tnt14.dca5.da.uu.net) joined #gnuenterprise. stan (~stan@1Cust103.tnt14.dca5.da.uu.net) left irc: Client Quit stan (~stan@1Cust103.tnt14.dca5.da.uu.net) joined #gnuenterprise. anybody home? yep I'm looking for Derek, neilt, or jcater There is a conference in Washington DC in October that we should be at in force It is on e-government hmm during the week? and free/open-source software Action: jcater is under contract to not take any vacation between Sep 1 and Dec 31 :( The due date for proposals for speakers or demos is August 19 jcater: Its the 17-18 ofOctober Hmm, that's a Thursday - Friday jcater: do you know if neilt might be available? um I haven't seen neilt in quote a while s/quote/quite so I have no idea what his schedule's like I would be willing to be on multiple presentations We could do it jointly with myself and others And I could fill in if others couldn't make it hmm that sounds like a good backup We would need to put a demo together we'll have brochures and pamplets by early next week (for LWE / San Fran) I have a laptop now that can run GNUe and derek has been preparing a demo for that show so he should have notes, etc hrmm We could submit the brochures for the conference proceedings where @ in DC? I live a few hours away (Southwestern VA) stan: is this a LWE-type setup w/booths as well as presentations? At the World Bank/IFC Auditorium, 2121 Pennsylvania Ave. hehe... I know exactly where that is right down the road from an old client of mine on 1700 block of Pa Ave I don't know. The info is at www.egovos.org/oscfp.html you mean, they're gonna let those unpatriotic, communist, Free-software-luvin terrorists in Washington? :) It is sponsored by George Washington Univ and others interesting I think we should plan to have a booth if stbain could possibly make it (and others too) The World Bank and the UN as even having a manned booth with pamplets is better than nothing Panel presentations will be 90 minutes, including a question and answer period. There is a maximum of 4 panelists per session. (You may propose complete panels, or we may assemble the panel based on individual submissions). I don't think they will have booths. The announcement talks about 4 sessions per day of 90 minutes each plus a proceedings ok so the group would only need to be there for 1 day? (depending on when their pres was?) the proceedings is being called the "conference handbook" could be 1 day or two I can be there both days. It's just a Metro ride for me btw stan=sklein you live in Northern VA? Rockville MD whoa! hehe where are you? I used to live in Rockville (Congressional Towers) and work in Bethesda I moved back home (Roanoke, VA) in '98 I could walk to Congressional Towers in about 5 minutes. I'm in the houses the other side of Rollins Ave wow... small world well... should we try to see if they're going to have booths? Roanoke isnt that far. We drove down to Natural Bridge for some jazz concerts a few years ago yah depending on the 66 traffic, I can be in downtown dc within 4 hours or so The announcement doesn't talk about booths But who knows. They may change their minds If they have space to put stuff true something for the people to do between the presentations if I can get away for the day, I'd be more than happy to give the presentation but I'll need someone a little more technically familiar w/ the overall project to help me answer questions Also, the facility is an auditorium. They would need to have space on an open floor for booths true, unless they have a small number in the lobby or something I'm figuring we should sign up for three presentations I can present an overall business case for free/open-source s/w I've already written that a few times, and can include some articles I've written The second should be a demo of GNUe heh... someone already beat you to the first one... from the website: # Business Cases: The Economics of Using Open Source Software and Total Cost of Ownership The third should be a presentation on using GNUe for e-government I also tie it to avoiding onerous terrms and conditions a la UCITA fourth should be a call for developers of similar projects to feel their frustration and come to the light side of the force... joining us to become invincible and rule the univers They might not accept my overall, but I have it twice in 900 word versions I'll give the presentation on why the IRS should be using PostgreSQL for all of their internal data shuffling needs Well, it makes sense to suggest that big organizations pay their people to contribute to GNUe and join the "Innovation Commons" (Lessig's term) It's cheap enough for the IRS. They always want to do things on the cheap well... if they start using it, perhaps we'll finally get some enterprise clustering solutions built into it It might be too early to offer that as a readymade solution for them we'll just have them put their programmers right on it jcater: when does the email come back up? sigh stan: if my wife wouldnt divorce me if i went, i would be there as i actually work for a government agency a LARGE one BTW, I think they may be very interested in developing country use one that as of end of july i think officially will be committing to a GNUe DCL implementation i dont have the funds to travel there I would if I could get off work but i think perhaps FSF or the show might pick up the travel costs as I haven't done any travelling this year I doubt the conference would pick up any travel costs i still will have two days this year allotted for speaking engagements but that's a really bad time of the year yes... even I would need some help w/ travel expenses even though I'm driving Action: stbain is so poor right now it isn't even funny so stan you are probably our best bet well, my travel cost is about $5 round trip per day derek: which .gov do you work for? maricopa.gov ahhh derek: is neilt available to help? He is in the DC area (or at least was the last I heard) you work for a county w/ a .gov domain? that's weird all of the ones here (most of them) have a .va.us domain derek's domain is probably really .az.us Well, it's coming up on beddie bye time for me Discussion to be continued jcater (~jason@w202.z065105010.mem-tn.dsl.cnc.net) left irc: "rebooting" stan: i havent talked to neilt for a long time I will try to cobble some proposals together i 'believe' he is still in VA/DC area though and we can discuss them somehow (by email or otherwise) crikey, anyone seen dtm in a while? ajmitch??? stan: sure derek@gnue.org derek: aye? I thought the gnue.org mail server was down for a while haven't seen him in a couple of days I would have posted all this to the discussion list, but I thought I couldn't hi ToyMan you reall here derek: I'll email you the proposals when I get them done (or as 1st drafts) works for me OK,goodnight all stan (~stan@1Cust103.tnt14.dca5.da.uu.net) left irc: "Client Exiting" jcater (~jason@w202.z065105010.mem-tn.dsl.cnc.net) joined #gnuenterprise. jcater: you reboot too much to be using linux Action: jcater is in the remote office :( derek: agreed trying to tweak the diskless' settings Action: ajmitch managed to get triple digit uptime! wow! Action: derek dials 1 900 BUS-TBSA Action: jcater needs a UPS to do that :)( 14:55:15 up 101 days, 7 min, 16 users, load average: 1.42, 0.90, 0.97 well ihad triple uptime on two machines and had to kill them both er one had a power freak out (re UPS) this is my main desktop box the other needed some kernel upgrades and such so it's pretty good for me :) currently at the office my main box has had about 180 days 4 consecutive times :) 180 - Change to Debian - 180 unplug to physically move to new office - 180 - kernel upgrades er guess that is only 3 times its bad as i installed fluxbox on it and made a bunch of tweaks then like 80 days later X was getting flaky so i restarted X and i lost my fluxbox settings and it had been so long since i did it, i couldnt recall how to change half the stuff :) needless to say when i did, i promptly saved the session, live and learn i guess X has been running here for the 101 days as i look at gkrellm and see 10 days im so disappionted but i must remember a. a storm took it down, which i capitalized by upping to 2.4.18 and ext3 my remote office averages an uptime of 2-3 days :) b. 10 days is nearly 5 times as long as i ever got out of a windows desktop i did development on ;) Action: ajmitch recalls the longest uptime he had on windows was 3 days - didn't use the computer over a weekend ;) what I find odd is I have Win4Lin running on debian at home and at work it's a full win98 install running on top of linux kernel (not emulation ) doh, i need win4lin something fierce or wife will kill me sometime :) and I get uptimes of 30-45 days with it go figure but on the SAME box, I got like 3-4 days when running Win98 natively well you know what they say about trying to impress your friends or in sports they say certain players can make others perform beyond their ability maybe debian is like a star athlete that just brings out the best in win98 when they play together :) Win98 *flies* under Debian it trips me out (I think they say because win4lin uses the native underlying filesystem, which of course is much faster than FAT32) dneighbo (~dneighbo@cpe-24-221-112-50.az.sprintbbd.net) joined #gnuenterprise. muhahah two of me wow, my play list suprises me some times.... Rosemary Clooney - Mambo Italiano Action: jcater is listening to: Why the fsck am I working at 10:36 90 miles away from home on a Sunday night? hmm is that by Mrs. Cater? Mrs Cater and the P*ssed Off Allstars yip roflmao i liked their first album Da Sonsabitch Spends No Time with Me (alternate title: But ahelluvalot o' time w/GNUe) Laurie and the AssKickers did a cover a year ago that was quite nice grr where is taht pysablot .deb http://www.gnuenterprise.org/~jcater/ help Action: dneighbo gives nickr a nudge any chance they are on your site nickr? dude nickr's home page just rocks ash gone walkabout? yup ash is moving to a bigger home up in the sky? jcater: you have it some where Action: dneighbo wonders if i have it on a box here man i get the weirdest stuff its great incubus, pod and def tones singing space cowboy live and acoustic of course Action: ajmitch has pysablot deb here can you post to net somewhere ajmitch.dhis.org/~ajmitch/pysablot2.1_0.1-1_i386.deb http://ajmitch.dhis.org/~ajmitch/pysablot2.1_0.1-1_i386.deb heh sorry lazy easier to do here and launch download than actually do anyother way lazy nickr: you rock, that deb makes life so nice :) heh ajmitch: many thanks for posting :) no probs Action: ajmitch watches google run thru his site jamest (~jamest@fh-dialup-201040.flinthills.com) left #gnuenterprise. Oh, no problem :) I'd just like to upload it someday. today is a fine day to do so ajmitch: except for the lack of copyright, license and readme or anything .. ah yes, that could be a blocker and as much as I pester derek about arranging that, it hasn't happened yet nickr: i actually went to do this weekend and dcl is down dcl has to be up? um im a freak im a list person you can relate to that cant you? if you know it has to be done, why do you need the list? Action: jcater should email dneighbo's wife the URL of DCL, so she can add "Spend time w/wife" since he needs a list and all :) teehee chillywilly (danielb@mke-24-167-202-50.wi.rr.com) joined #gnuenterprise. wow, my big ergo keyboard is so comfortable after playing counterstrike and black&white and empire earth on a tiny little crap keyboard for days. hehe tiny isn't really adequit its really really small smaller than most laptop size I should get a KVM instead. suffering some serious keyboard envy over there are you I have a big manly keyboard that I do almost all typing on :) Logitech Cordless Desktop Pro wireless ergo keyboard booya! psu (psu@manorcon.demon.co.uk) joined #gnuenterprise. psu! hi aj hi ra3vat err psu sup psu (dumb xchat) well, hello ra3vat if you're here too :) chillywilly_ (danielb@mke-24-167-202-50.wi.rr.com) joined #gnuenterprise. chillywilly_ (danielb@mke-24-167-202-50.wi.rr.com) left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) ra3vat (~ds@ics.elcom.ru) left irc: Remote closed the connection sup my home billies word hey jcater sorry I did a jcater for a minute and started another xchat because I forgot about the first ;) yow leaving parts of computers laying around on the floor is bad for the feet yeah and for the parts well leaving them precariously balanced up high is bad for ones head too I doubt my soft feet will harm the sharp metal of a drive mounting ra3vat (~ds@ics.elcom.ru) joined #gnuenterprise. hmmm, hasn't been too busy of a week in gnue land... nop while the websites away, the mice will play ;-) what ahout when the chillywilly is away? ;) the other penguins will throw icecubes at a picture of him btw, I have a confession...I too love GNUe :) Gross! ;P i'm outta here bye just don't get typhoid or break your leg that could be the end of you up there on the Oregon trail I bought pleanty of extra wagon tongues :) and I'll eat the oxen if neede neebe needBE zzz is that your the lead oxen's name? neebe s/your// jcater (~jason@w202.z065105010.mem-tn.dsl.cnc.net) left irc: "Client Exiting" psu (psu@manorcon.demon.co.uk) left #gnuenterprise ("shackling my oxen off to work..."). SachaS (~Sacha@dialup-196-218.wasp.net.au) joined #gnuenterprise. chillywilly (danielb@mke-24-167-202-50.wi.rr.com) left irc: "nite" Arturas (arturas@bit.codeworks.lt) joined #gnuenterprise. Hello hi Arturas hi ajmitch :) SachaS_ (~Sacha@dialup-196-70.wasp.net.au) joined #gnuenterprise. SachaS (~Sacha@dialup-196-218.wasp.net.au) left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) Raven (arturas@bit.codeworks.lt) joined #gnuenterprise. Raven (arturas@bit.codeworks.lt) left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) SachaS_ (~Sacha@dialup-196-70.wasp.net.au) left irc: "Client Exiting" SachaS (~Sacha@dialup-196-70.wasp.net.au) joined #gnuenterprise. Arturas (arturas@bit.codeworks.lt) left #gnuenterprise ("lunch"). Yurik (~yrashk@ joined #gnuenterprise. re Yurik (~yrashk@ left #gnuenterprise. siesel (jan@dial-195-14-251-227.netcologne.de) joined #gnuenterprise. hi all! jamest (~jamest@hobbes.math.ksu.edu) joined #gnuenterprise. hey ppl hey SachaS (~Sacha@dialup-196-70.wasp.net.au) left irc: Read error: 113 (No route to host) hi James jamest (~jamest@hobbes.math.ksu.edu) left irc: "[x]chat" Arturas (arturas@bit.codeworks.lt) joined #gnuenterprise. hi again :) jamest (~jamest@hobbes.math.ksu.edu) joined #gnuenterprise. good morning jamest :) Action: ajmitch plays with dcl morning jbailey (jbailey@CPE014260028338.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) joined #gnuenterprise. SachaS (~Sacha@dialup-196-78.wasp.net.au) joined #gnuenterprise. yo jbailey Heya andrwe just setting up dcl from your debs found a couple of issues that i should report like wrong path in the apache.conf Mm.. it doesnt' touch the apache.conf. in /etc/dcl Ah, I see. =) I need to upload a new version today. File a bug in the BTS please? sure hmm, how important is it? Is what? a bug is a bug right? =) hehe reportbug is picking up debconf stuff... Yup. I like reportbug didn't think you had debconf stuff for dcl tho? I don't =) hmm, maybe picking up from the previous dcl package? The previous dcl package might've had some though short bug report but oh well :) I really try to discourage bug reports through anything other than the BTS. When I sit down to do a new release, I open up the BTS page and work through as many as I feel like, and then I upload. as it should be think you could provide some nice defaults for priorities, severities, etc ;) Action: ajmitch won't bother putting that as a wishlist bug yet Put it sometime before you want it to happen, but I'll probably forward it upstream for comment. =) Since I'm not a regular user of DCL, I would have trouble being certain of 'sensible defaults' yeah, that's what i was thinking derek would probably be best for that Yup. If you got Derek to file the bug report, that would be ideal. he might be awake soon and on irc bloody hell the database limits are small length 10 on short fields, 20 on long ones sigh we're toast derek got his question posted to slashdot last week we were on a nice fat pipe to the net uh oh Action: ajmitch looks this week we're on a small dsl line mirror machine while our main server gets UPS'd across the US Action: ajmitch wondered what happened to poor ash the ISP was bought out cos i was trying to look at DCL on there :) new CEO was saying that it'd cost $$ to stay and the person I was to contact wouldn't reply to my emails so I pulled it in fear ah that's a worry where's it going to? got webalizer running on the temp box to look at the hits? ;) ah, you do dunno, this isn't our box ok Action: ajmitch grabs dcl source to check that the bug wasn't local brokenness for jbailey sigh, i just don't see where this file is from :) *which* file? =) now i do That's what I asked. =) /etc/dcl/apache.conf it appears to be from an earlier dcl version Ah, okay. made it easy to get dcl going, i just uncommented the include in the main apache config :) *lol* ah well, looks like the bug was a false alarm :) Excellent. ;) shall i follow up on the bug? :) Please. =) jcater (~jason@w202.z065105010.mem-tn.dsl.cnc.net) joined #gnuenterprise. hi Jason hello Jason :) Action: dneighbo walks through whistling conspicuously HELLO DEREK!! :) Action: dneighbo runs away Action: dneighbo is away: work am i so scary?? :( :( Action: jamest sees derek, grabs a stick, and chases after him I'm gonna fsking KILL derek grrrr guys, guys, shouldn't we all be friends? :) j/k actually, my DSL line is holding up as well as monsoon Action: jcater is quite pleases s/pleases/pleased pleased == "gonna fsking KILL derek" ?? :) lol of all the times to submit us to slashdot normally, we are behind a T1 or better Hah! Funny. but, no, he waits until I mirror it behind my dsl "because sapdb is like gnue. Even with help it's a bitch to install" =) stbain|w3rk (~stbain@ joined #gnuenterprise. greetz well... looks like we're going to apply for free (as in beer) software licenses from the Evil Empire ? http://www.microsoft.com/usa/midatlantic/community/softwareDonation.asp yogurt2unge (~charlie@modem126-adsl1.cordoba.sinectis.com.ar) joined #gnuenterprise. siesel (jan@dial-195-14-251-227.netcologne.de) left irc: "BitchX sucks" derek gets posted you mean postal? no jcater gets postal derek gets posted :) only thing I don't see on this sheet that I think we'll need is MS SQL Server hrmm Action: jcater started on an MS SQL driver I got a pretty good ways with it is there a Win32 postgres port? but don't have a copy to do the final debugging with :( doesn't the sybase driver work with MSSQL? stbain|w3rk: yeah, but its via cygwin iirc err, that was re postgres/win32 hrmmm yah... I know I' I have cygwin installed on my home PC I was hoping for something a little more native man, what I find really odd about most of the slashdot posts re SAP-DB are they basically ask "but why would you want something that big for web apps?" who the fsck said anything about web apps? :) heheh I've used PostgreSQL for web apps in the past and it hauls butt once you have the connection open performance difference between it and MySQL was negligble true nice namew thank you :) hehe fish ok? go ahead and change your nick, it won't change the one on ETG none of them were belly flopped? ok nope... they were all alive and kickin' whew posted on /. Nick change: stbain -> stbain-home-away heh... you can change it to MrsStbain if you want :o Nick change: stbain-home-away -> MrsStBain-around dneighbo_ (~dneighbo@ joined #gnuenterprise. nice post Mr. dneighbo I'm reading some of the responses now i need to read them myself i saw a few the best is "If SAP-DB is so good, why then do most R/3 customers use Oracle." Arturas (arturas@bit.codeworks.lt) left #gnuenterprise ("See you tomorow :)"). because oracle gave them such a sweet deal, I mean $100k! Beauty! well thats the argument hehe... it's a good questoin if sap-db is so good and free why are people paying top dollar for oracle of course my gut reaction is "so why do you run linux again?" i mean most fortune 500 wont touch it and they would rather pay for windows so obviously your an idiot for using linux dneighbo: you missed my earlier comments... looks like we're going to apply for free (as in beer) software licenses from the Evil Empire well don't they get some crazy developer support for the top dollar they pay oracle? through their Community Software Donations and Grants program http://www.microsoft.com/usa/midatlantic/community/softwareDonation.asp if you can open it (for some reason it times out on me) heh I know why nobody uses it for SAP installations you just have to read the fine print on the website SAP DB can be used free of charge in non-SAP environments. There are various Support Models offered for SAP DB. If you use SAP DB as a database system for SAP solutions, a maintenance contract is required. nickr: /me hopes that was being sarcastic :) jcater: I'm not, but I was being hopeful. dneighbo_: what trips me out about most of the posts is they basically ask "but why would you want something that big and complicated for web apps?" nickr: well, it ain't so Action: jcater speaks from experience sadness doesn't what I just pasted violate the GPL in some way? so what are you getting? pain and misery at top dollar when you can get it for free? :) yup the advantage of an Oracle support contract i.e. "You're free to redistribute and modify to your liking, but if you use it with this other software over here, you have to pay us" is you get periodic upgrades "free" so it's a lot cheaper to maintain a support contract than to purchase an upgrade outright every 2-3 years jcater: that's so pathetic, just use mysql what more does a biz need? Action: jamest runs now, don't get me wrong... Oracle is one helluva piece of software but it's nothing as l33t as mysql true dat s/helluva/feature bloated/ well oracle rocks depends on your needs true for a website sure it's bloated stbain|w3rk no its not violation of GPL but is a bi0tch to setup/maintain BECAUSE sap owns the copy right ?? just like mozilla and open office are owned by parent companies that do DUAL LICENSE so SAP can choose to release SAP-DB under the GPL and yet offer other licensing to it as well so I can release my code as GPL and w/ a stipulation that in order to use it, you have to pay me a support contract because they own copyirght they can do as the like stbain|w3rk : no stbain|w3rk: you could however release your code and say version A is available under the GPL version B is available under the STBAIN license but its the same version if you want to use stu's crazy app it only works with version B ahhhhhh ok http://developers.slashdot.org/comments.pl?sid=37305&cid=4012449 best... response... ever hrmmm stbain|w3rk i think its just confusing because they are trying to be HONEST i.e. they arent restricting a GPL app they are just putting notice on the GPL one that hey dont download this and expect to use it with SAP/R3 w/o paying maintenance they should tie the contract to the SAP product, not the database that's not the way I read it... the way I read it is that if you use SAPDB w/ SAP... you _must_ have a support contract correct i think they want to make that abundantly clear but again its not a stipulation i think in the GPL license of SAP-DB but probably clauses in SAP R/3 right that do the 'enforcing' of this col s/col/cool/ hrmm... Microsoft's website is unbearably slow... I wonder if some skript kiddie is attacking them or something BTW... I meant to ask you is DCL usable for a helpdesk tracking system? like... straight out of the box? Action: stbain|w3rk pokes dneighbo yes neep cool Action: stbain|w3rk goes to downlaod yogurt2unge (~charlie@modem126-adsl1.cordoba.sinectis.com.ar) left irc: "Client Exiting" doh permission denied on select query grant all on dcl to gnue; ? huh? Action: dneighbo_ needs more context to compute :) nm I figured it otu I had change config.php and forgot to change grant.sh accordingly duh ok it's instaled and running sa password is changed ah stbain definitely go to the admin portion and setup the tables tehre should be like a 10 step list of things to do the trickiest one (that kills 9 out of 10 folks) is the setting defaults for products stbain|w3rk if you were on debian you could have apt-get install dcl ;) Action: dneighbo_ runs and hides behind a suitably large geforce video card lol Action: stbain|w3rk takes out self-flagellation whip nice... set up my own priorities Action: stbain|w3rk copies the priorities from Cisco's TAC website Action: stbain|w3rk looks @ dneighbo what's weight? higher == more important or lower ? um crap i always forget i think lower is higher :) ok cool product ping pong question is... how do I dumb it down to be able to tell my users "if you have a problem, goto this web address and type it in" who sings that 'thong song' ? maybe a techno geek remix 'pong song' needs to be made stbain|w3rk easiest way is to setup the email gateway then users simple emails to productname-support@yourdomain.com and a ticket is auto generated for them hrmmm not as easy as it sounds using subject as short desc I'm not through w/ our email conversion yet message body as the trouble ticket and binds attachments what are you converting too? btw: you can have this run separate so we're still using a mixture of Microsoft Mail for internal and externally hosted POP3 for external email i.e. you can have the product-support@domain.com come in and be 'forwarded' to the server DCL is on (running its own mail daemon) to do the processing that is what mike does exchange gets the email and auto forwards it on to a postfix (iirc) server that processes it if we get Exchange, that's probably what I'll do in the mean time i keep meaning to make an easy 'web form' to submit tickets yah... I can tell already that it's way too complicated for my users even something as simple as doing away w/ the admin/project/work order screens would help stbain|w3rk : sigh im booked for two weeks really just take them straight into "tickets" it's no biggy this was an added bonus its on my todo list to have a 'ticket' entry screen (as others are asking for it) not something I've comitted to the higherups here to have... just something I wanted for myself hrmmm not geared towards a helpdesk... users can enter tickets for any account ? in other words... I have a user named stuart when I log in as stuart w/ security level 3 which is create tickets only I can go in and create a ticket but all of the "Accounts" show up so I guess I should only have one account "Rescue Mission" right RBAC (role based access control) is coming soon okie dokie i dont know your structure so its hard for me to recommend i.e. who is your customer (who is submitting tickets) customers are my end users here @ the rescue misssion so... John Doe over in the thrift store can't open Outlook ok so you only have one mission? multiple locations? yup nope... one location multiple functions? define functions if just one mission/location/function then i would make a single account (Rescue Mission) function (some segment of business you would want to track as an account) right perhaps say the mission serves food, it sells clothes, it does X well... we have the Thrift Store the Kitchen exactly maybe each of those would be an account if you wanted to track i.e. would the boss ask how many times did the kitchen call for support vs how many times the thrift store but I defined those in departments or such ok that was giong to be my other suggestion :) i.e. where you put them isnt necessarily critical just you put them so you can report on them :) i would do 1 account derek (~dneighbo@cpe-24-221-112-50.az.sprintbbd.net) left irc: Remote closed the connection then do the others as departments ok and then for products i woudl put what you support i.e. i think dcl works nicely for things other than TECH support ;) as a general 'project management tool' i.e. ticket side woudl be mostly tech support but the work order side you could offer to management for other tasks :) specifically its GREAT for reporting to management what IT is doing :) yah like putting task lists for implementing new accounting I found all of those functions and they look great or switching mail etc as the boss can be autonotified as statuses change and such and cutesy little management reports can be done for staff meetings right can the department head/end users be notified of changes? more specifically the dept head yes via 'watches' shweet you can setup 'watches' by a myriad of things specifically if there are projects or projects you can set them up to alwasys get notified s/or projects/or products cool perhaps you can help me by explaining the difference between the priorities and the severities but certainly you can do one time watch by ticket or work order priority is how quick it needs to be done maybe high medium low severity is how it affects the product you might say why would it be different well if i have a 'critical' problem it probably will always be 'high' priority but say i have a 'trivial' problem if some peon has the problem it might be 'low priority' if the CEO or the largest customer has it, it might be a 'high' priority if the executive director has the problem right makes sense now of course if the CEO has the problem it probably doesnt matter, cause your peon butt will probably fix it before you even consider opening DCL to give it a priority. ;) true but for the smaller stuff ("Move my phone extension to the other side of the room"), I want a nice list I can go down any SMS notification for emergency type problems that get submitted? e.g. send a short message to my mobile phone whenever someone opens up a ticket labeled "Emergency" in priority and "Critical" in type you could easily add that especially if your phone takes email message s yah hrmm I think I'll use it for IT only needs for now and then introduce it once RBAC comes along no reason to overwhelm my users with projects/work orders/tickets/etc. it will only confuse them more than they already area s/area/are/ dsmith (firewall-u@cherry7.comerica.com) joined #gnuenterprise. some day when I'm like... getting paid to write free software code, I'm going to tie DCL into OpenNMS and have the ultimate network VAR monitoring tool hehe time for me to head to job #3 stbain|w3rk (~stbain@ left irc: "Ni@" Chipaca (~john@modem126-adsl1.cordoba.sinectis.com.ar) joined #gnuenterprise. holass (hi all) jcater: what happened to http://www.gnuenterprise.org/~jcater/debian/pysablot2.1_0.1-1_i386.deb ? that's on ash and ash is in limbo limbo://ash/debian/... ? james'house://ash/debian :) limbo is another name for chez toi? wow jcater: bleeding walls and all, or is that somewhere else? jbailey (jbailey@CPE014260028338.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) left #gnuenterprise ("Client Exiting"). chez toi? your place limbo == that place between life and death or life and hell or life and heaven depending on how you look at it Intresting article on /. about sap db. Chipaca read the log from yesterday hold on must go potty brb as simple afk would be sufficient s/as/a/ sorry had potty on the mind so came through in irc http://ajmitch.dhis.org/~ajmitch/pysablot2.1_0.1-1_i386.deb Chipaca that is where you can get the pysablot deb for right now dneighbo ok tks Phython (~jim@Kitchener-HSE-ppp3565825.sympatico.ca) joined #gnuenterprise. psu (psu@ joined #gnuenterprise. Phython (~jim@Kitchener-HSE-ppp3565825.sympatico.ca) left irc: "Client Exiting" psu: stop flooding ? Chipaca (~john@modem126-adsl1.cordoba.sinectis.com.ar) left irc: Read error: 113 (No route to host) psu (psu@ left #gnuenterprise. siesel (jan@dial-213-168-95-112.netcologne.de) joined #gnuenterprise. MrsStBain-around (GunAndGiz@ip68-10-44-170.rn.hr.cox.net) left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) psu (psu@ joined #gnuenterprise. siesel (jan@dial-213-168-95-112.netcologne.de) left irc: "http://www.blackened.com/blackened/" srobertson (~srobertso@codeitnat.codeit.com) left irc: Remote closed the connection anyone know dos worth a crap specifically how to do a forloop in dos loadlin psu (psu@ left #gnuenterprise. http://vernon.frazee.net/ms-dos/6.22/help/for.htm#Examples hmm i think that worked spiffy chillywilly (danielb@mke-24-167-202-50.wi.rr.com) joined #gnuenterprise. harro... chillywilly! howdy stbain (~GunAndGiz@ip68-10-44-170.rn.hr.cox.net) joined #gnuenterprise. greetz howdy dsmith (firewall-u@cherry7.comerica.com) left irc: Remote closed the connection hmm sledge_ (~sledge@B943e.pppool.de) joined #gnuenterprise. sledge_ (~sledge@B943e.pppool.de) left irc: "using sirc version 2.211+KSIRC/981227-pre0.9" what are the development tools for SAPDB like? mysql has a very very nice "phpmyadmin" any sql studs in the house? pity about the db :) i have one query that does some 'prep' work hi dneighbo_ and another query that does some totalling i wish to call only the second table but the first query is one that does the filtering so im wondering how do some nasty subselect or do a stored proc so i can basically call the second one, but be able to filter it i tried to merge them into one query but had little success anyone anyone beuller beuller hehe Action: chillywilly does not consider himsefl an sql *guru* dneighbo: what about using a view? Action: chillywilly was also thinking this stbain well im not sure how to do this with a view as i need the filter to really be dynamic hrmm i call the second query but the filter happens on teh first query aren't views dynamic? what are the queries? so the program im using to get at the data only talks to the second query the second query can query the query used by the view in the first query sql! Last message repeated 1 time(s). ;) shoooow uuuuus the esssss-qqqqquuuuueee-eeeeeellll create view test1 (col1, col2, col3) as select name as col1, bdate as col2, city as col3 from users where accesslevel > 3 select col1, col2, col3 from test1 where col2 < 20020805 gotta run Nick change: stbain -> stbain|away doesdoesnt help jamest_ (~jamest@fh-dialup-202101.flinthills.com) joined #gnuenterprise. man im just dumb i figured it out jcater i saw this in the paper on sunday and thought hmmmm.. ralph == jcater? http://www.unitedmedia.com/comics/drabble/archive/images/drabble2002080130614.gif hah hehehee SachaS (~Sacha@dialup-196-78.wasp.net.au) left irc: "Client Exiting" jcater_ (~jason@cpe-024-165-223-104.midsouth.rr.com) joined #gnuenterprise. rofl we have dneighbo dneighbo_ jamest jamest_: jcater jcater_ what is this? core tail night? rofl um we know theres lots of work to be done we figure 'cloning' might help http://www.unitedmedia.com/comics/drabble/archive/images/drabble2002080130614.gif in case you missed it earlier Mmm Donuts! --- Tue Aug 6 2002