w00t stbain: what list is that from? chillywilly: the gnue mailing list hmmm which one dude gnue@gnu.org? gnue-dev@gnu.org? gnue-announce@gnu.org? lznxb vcl jadjfklhglkjk please hold... processing request Gnue@gnu.org that's the only one I'm subscribed to and... along that same line: Hi, I used to work at Manugistics, and would like to be involved in the supply chain package. I don't have time to take a leadership role, but I'll help out! Ross Sponholtz :O hmmm wtf Action: chillywilly checks damn last message I got was on the 13th of June wtf!?! heh I suspect there has been plenty of message posted since then? yes Action: chillywilly subscribes again damnit I bet they are just trying to keep me away it won't work fellas! I have CVS write access! it's The Man trying to keep you down tell me about it s/The Man/The Masta/ he's always had it in for me ello.... so des anyone know who this Linuxfund dude is? there's a #linuxfund where we can talk to collard and get him to look int it er, collord oh well maybe da masta can see wtf is up ajmitch (~me@wlg1-port41.jetstart.maxnet.co.nz) joined #gnuenterprise. wb ajmitch hello MysticOne (mysticone@mysticone.staff.freenode) joined #gnuenterprise. hi :) question... what all *does* GNUe do? Right now is it primarily just a contact database? *poke poke* hewwo? hello ERP framework we have forms client, rad designer, navigator, commmon module, etc. appserver too of course Action: chillywilly is trying to think if he forgot something dcl, bayonne :) yea those too dcl is a project management app that is under the gnue umbrella and bayonne is the gnu telephony server which is affiliated with gnue too als in the works is an accounting system using forms (adapted from Nola) also also a Rental Management app :) what about point of sale? jcater: what's the name of that ne system that said it wants to work with gnue? s/ne/one/ er http://gibbon.sf.net? yep, that be it a TRIO program management system is also in development ;) MysticOne: I'm working on point of sale as we speak as I open up a used book store in 6 weeks and seeing as how I'm a core GNUe developer, I'm morally obligated to using GNUe :) well there ya go ;P this is *your* store? yes for wife to run that's her dream job heh, fun and she just got laid off from her regular job not so fun so I decided to create a job for her :) :) keep her out of trouble, you mean most definitely :) jcater: man... I've been needing a decent point of sale ssystem where I work for so long and I'm not a coder, really,so I could'nt do a good one myself well, I never said it'd be decent :) but it'll be a start hahaha 8-) MysticOne: not to point you in another direction, but I looked at bananahead POS and it looked pretty darn feature complete Action: jcater didn't actually test it, though well, the one we use now is closed, written in VB, and uses Microsoft Access blah bananahead? haven't seen that before chillywilly: blah is right! hey, brb, starting dinner ... MysticOne: http://bananapos.com/pos/index.html of course, I encourage you to use us :) but if you are needing something immediately, there's a lead ugh my server keeps pausing and doing this ide_dmaproc: chipset supported ide_dma_lostirq func only: 13 hda: lost interrupt screws up the WOPN stream too I think something is going to die in that box jcater (~jason@w202.z065105010.mem-tn.dsl.cnc.net) left irc: "time to go home" chillywilly: not as bad as mine :) no, thank God :) got that hard drive ready to send to me? ;) heh so ajmitch you ever going to try gentoo? seems like everyone is ging buck nuts over it going no, i don't have a decent computer to compile everything on or a harddrive for it ;) chillywilly: 60 or 80GB will be fine want a shipping address? ;) you are so funny dewd I have to pay off one f my ccs at the end of next month i know Action: chillywilly has been brown bagging it the last couple days Action: ajmitch waits for the hdd to arrive jcater (~jason@cpe-024-165-223-104.midsouth.rr.com) joined #gnuenterprise. wb jcater good to be back you were working late there man ya been out sick for a while oh? :( jcater: hey, any idea how to built bananahead without credit card verification stuffs? (just curious if you happened to do it before) nope I've only researched POS systems haven't had time to actually test them jcater: you get an 'F' then ;) hmmm... just out of curiosity is the POS system you're going to work with be PostgreSQL based? (hopeful look) Action: chillywilly has plenty of POS systems 8-)) where POS = 'piece of sheeeit' ;-P MysticOne: yes we have a postgres bias here yay! Action: MysticOne <3 PostgreSQL I'm going to bed night all oh well ... I can't get bananahead to compile because I don't have mcve or something like that going to go do something else for a while Action: MysticOne decides to hang out in here too :) thanks for the information earlier! nite again yep bye chillywilly (danielb@mke-24-167-202-50.wi.rr.com) left irc: "woooooosh!" jamest_ (~jamest@fh-dialup-201008.flinthills.com) left #gnuenterprise. paq (~paq@ left irc: Connection timed out jamest (~jamest@hobbes.math.ksu.edu) left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) ra3vat (~ds@ics.elcom.ru) joined #gnuenterprise. jcater (~jason@cpe-024-165-223-104.midsouth.rr.com) left irc: "Client Exiting" paq (~paq@ joined #gnuenterprise. psu (psu@manorcon.demon.co.uk) joined #gnuenterprise. hi hi btw irc logs have a temp back-up home at http://www.manorcon.demon.co.uk/irc-logs/ I was going to post this to the website but hoprefully ash will be back (along w/bigbrother) real soon now IIRC the irc-logs.gnue.org address is "depreciated" ok then yeah jamest said ash has had problems problems == been stuck in a UPS shipping parcel from KS -> AZ hence the absence of bigbrother . BBC News reporting live from Memphis, TN where it's the middle of the night 1000s of people come to hold candlight vigil outside the very house where jcater wrote Reports 0.0.1 sadly most of them appear to have gotten lost and are outside Graceland instead ;-) problems == network problems in AZ, apparantly hehe psu (psu@manorcon.demon.co.uk) left #gnuenterprise ("bbml"). i have sent derek on his way back to AZ lucky derek i have dispatched him to the Southwest terminal and all is well he's probably almost there now. you dispatched him? hmm, that's not good Action: dtm makes a hand signal like a gun to the head no i dont mean "dispatched" i only got to lwce in time to pack up the GNUe booth! and to fend off the herds of mad forklifts! a pity driven by deranged union workers, devoid of all moral and humane sense! hehe Action: nickr makes a cutting throat hand sign and he showed me gnue for the first time ever! AT LAST ONCE I WAS BLIND YET NOW I CAN SEE Action: dtm sprinkles gnue on his powdered toast memmett (~user@ got netsplit. dtm ([CPEM8D9pH@ip55.promontory.sfo.interquest.net) got netsplit. dtm ([CPEM8D9pH@ip55.promontory.sfo.interquest.net) returned to #gnuenterprise. memmett (~user@ returned to #gnuenterprise. dtm ([CPEM8D9pH@ip55.promontory.sfo.interquest.net) got netsplit. memmett (~user@ got netsplit. dtm ([CPEM8D9pH@ip55.promontory.sfo.interquest.net) returned to #gnuenterprise. memmett (~user@ returned to #gnuenterprise. ToyMan (~stuq@smtp.dstoys.com) joined #gnuenterprise. jamest (~jamest@hobbes.math.ksu.edu) joined #gnuenterprise. jcater (~jason@w202.z065105010.mem-tn.dsl.cnc.net) joined #gnuenterprise. btami (~tamas@ip102-205.ktv.tiszanet.hu) joined #gnuenterprise. hi all btami (~tamas@ip102-205.ktv.tiszanet.hu) left irc: "Client Exiting" wxWindows is rather groovy wxPython is the grooviest dneighbo (~dneighbo@cpe-24-221-112-50.az.sprintbbd.net) joined #gnuenterprise. dneighbo: wb dneighbo: can you give me the rundown on getting galeon's java plugin to workZ? thanks um you have to add a sources list file er line yep then apt-get java sdk thing what do I add? and restart galeon let me grab you the info btw: the support is weak most java apps my nephew used ran, but there were 'quirks' quirks eh? font issues or such I just wanna use FreedomVR, really. and maybe Yahoo Pool or somethin. give me your sources, bridgekeeper, I am not afraid. cool give me 5 minutes im trying to get better about making howto's so others can benefit okay my first two were nick's studly ext2 to ext3 and lilo to grub hehe in other news, wxPython kicks ass HURRO dneighbo: i trust you had a comfortable and convenient flight :) didn't hafta kill anyone, etc yeah it was cool tell rich i have his house key and will put in mail i have hans car key as well haha keymaster yeah sumin like that nickr: let me know if this works http://gnue.org/~dneighbo/notes/java_plugin.html if you have to do anything diff let me know so i can update it Jayce^ (~jayce@ left irc: "Client Exiting" dneighbo: heheh ToyMan (~stuq@smtp.dstoys.com) left irc: "Client Exiting" someone should write a QTVR-like program in Python nickr: whyzat in particular? there's a GPL QTVR-making plugin which runs concurrently in gimp and photoshop qtvr VIEWER there are no free viewers except horrible java programs in fact theres really no free standard for that sort of panorama which is really whats needed what is qtvr? nickr: did that how to work? well except that I have to download some zip file qtvr == quicktime vr its a panorama viewer format of course it doesn't say WHERE to download the zipfile from so I have no idea. fsck google gave me the hookup though i switch to evolution and its offline stuff REALLY sucks fix it and now i think it has hosed all my mail why o why didd i give it a 10th chance sigh send bug reports it'd be nice if there were a python plugin for browsers python is so much smoother than java agree hmmm killing all processes for evolution and restarting fixed it i swear i think ximian is trying to be microsoft you're just negative toward them as a corporation. 26meg zipfile blah yeah probably i do like them on a personal level (or most of them anyhow) righ and i like many of the things they are doing from a conceptual level but i think some of the stuff is 'too' microsoftesque in that unix is good because of unix philosophy m$ sucks because of m$ philosophy the Unix philosophy can go wrong although I'm coming to believe that the windows philosophy has some fundimental flaws joy all my mail was eaten by evolution sigh had 600 mails i read on the plane and put them in various folders after reading them and evolution barfed on sync killing everything and restarting ximian solved the barfing issue but it lost all the mail in those folders at least i got to read it first ah, it works beyond getting the 21mb zip file, your instructions worked sweet except that of course its incredibly unstable you'd think they would've fixed that by now its like 1997 all over again "We're gonna party like it's 1997" its crazy dres (~dres@mail.lewismoss.org) left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) stuart_ (~stuart@ joined #gnuenterprise. Nick change: stuart_ -> stbain|w3rk greetz stbain|w3rk (~stuart@ left irc: "Client Exiting" psu (psu@manorcon.demon.co.uk) joined #gnuenterprise. psu you here? ash is up and I was hoping we'd just go to the new site instead of the old one ash is up YEEEEEEEEEEEEEHAWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW is dcl back huh spike huh spike huh? nope mail, apache/php, firewall, user accounts that's all lots more to do cool stuart_ (~stuart@ joined #gnuenterprise. Nick change: stuart_ -> stbain|w3rk sorry was away I have been working locally on the new site whilst ash was away IRCMonkey- (~chatzilla@bcs1.bcs.zp.ua) joined #gnuenterprise. but not testing as I don;t have Apache/PHP here cool fits in the architecture philosophy of working not tested :) dres (~dres@ joined #gnuenterprise. well I was going to say that with a few hours effort this weekend we could probably cut over say Sunday to something that is more up to date than current site and we can then add the final flourishes (e.g. polls, if we still want them) over next few weeks drochaid (~drochaid@pc1-kirk1-2-cust16.ren.cable.ntl.com) joined #gnuenterprise. Maybe we should have a poll on whether to have polls wb drochaid long time no see ;-) ta psu got back from hols 2 1/2 hrs ago :) Action: drochaid reads up .. you'd need a poll on whether you should have a poll to have polls lupo (~lupo@B2952.pppool.de) joined #gnuenterprise. hi Should we re-introduce polls to the website? 1. Yes, I find them interesting and fun. 2. Yes, but they need to be changed regularly. 3. Yes, but only if there is a facility to post comments. 4. No, I never take part in on-line polls. They're lame. 5. Only if you include a CowboyNeal option. 5 probably get 100% for option 3 ;-) 1-3 and 5 wtf @ 5 ? 2 drochaid: slashdot joke uhm, ok i dont think comments are all that necessary I do sorry, 100% for option 4 ;-) i like idea of polls for 'profiling' more than anything IRCMonkey- (~chatzilla@bcs1.bcs.zp.ua) left irc: "ChatZilla 0.8.7 [Mozilla rv:1.0.0/20020707]" or get a rough idea of gnue base view or status of something comments are nice because they help people explain the whys if we had a mailing list culture, people could use mail for that but we all just hang out here instead ;-) he, perhaps one of the few big FS projects without big mailing lists going on Action: drochaid thinks ... there's a mailing list? without the KCs, IRC would stink yeah, well that's because of all the trout remains we are special thats why troutslappings just arent efficient via email as in "special olympics"? (a Dilbert joke, me bad) Action: dneighbo suspects they leave too much time to duck btw: i meant special in the sense that we put the :fun: in dysFUNctional actually, we haven;t had any good troutslappings in months hmm lets see how to remedy this not since dneighbo erased his Xchat mass slapping macro uh oh um what do you guys use for documentation here? "docs? we have docs?" Action: jcater slaps dneighbo with a smelly trout i have an XUL based J2EE compliant buzzword document management application server tool we should use its released under the m$ shared source license thats not an issue is it? OSI approved our clickthrough OSI? OSI Osbourne? o si can you see by the dawns early light roflmao Open Sores Initiative s/sores/source freudian slip ;) yeah, freudian slips when typing *g* wasn't there some law requiring the license terms to be displayed on installation uhm.... for some reason I just got resends of emails on the GNUe@gnu.org mailing list http://kt.zork.net/GNUe/gnue20011222_8.html see headquote for why open sauce is dangerous stbain|w3rk: me too. just a blip, I hope stbain|w3rk: i imagine they were from me and my email well had some 'issues' thanks to a bug in the primate's software ;) blame ximian, I would kmail rocks (for me) actually, they were from other people as well... some dating back to late July weirdness oh well... gotta run stbain|w3rk (~stuart@ left irc: "have a good weekend" psu (psu@manorcon.demon.co.uk) left #gnuenterprise ("cool quit msgs to resume when reinhard's back"). Action: drochaid has no pizza :'( Action: drochaid blames dneighbo drochaid: apt-get install pizza :) apt-get install windows_xp >:) Action: lupo wonders what is acceptable in non-free/ i have pizza yummy drochaid: i think the problem is there is a fridge dependency but its poorly named and the pizza package is broken try dneighbo has pizza Action: drochaid sobs apt-get remove weight-watchers apt-get install pizza try that apt-get install gicebox soda-mtndew pizza-pepperoni -weight-watchers lol nice one :) hmmm package suggest gartery-cleaner heh Action: drochaid breaks the dependancy btw, is cvs down at the moment? doesn't appear to be for me all right, it seems to be my slow network connection ywan chillywilly (danielb@mke-24-167-202-50.wi.rr.com) joined #gnuenterprise. chillywilly! uh, do I know you? er, hi anyway :) lupo=sledge_ oh ok see you go and change nicks on me and then it's all over man ;) I dun know who you are ;P bad memory jamest: you around? what was that postscript form tool you had me look at a while back (long while back) basically it was similar to gnue only it took a .ps file or something and put it on a form where you could then key data in fields hi dneighbo hey chillywilly hi all#@)* dneighbo: you have pizza??! :\ you sly devil :\ == i have no pizza hmmm, I thought we were trying to keep the weirdos out hey my mom's giving her life story as a testimonial at my church this weekend i'll try to host a video of it but yet here is dtm again they're doing like 3 or 4 presentations of it along with video clips from The Matrix j/k HAR DE HAR 8-] Action: dtm slaps his knee good one, chill0r fun-ay! hey i got free YDL cds! at the penguinppc.org bewth dneighbo: i can probably start next week on hax0ring gnue in my environment so that I might not drool on my shoes when representing to that tree nursery d00d Action: chillywilly trout slaps a sense of humor into dtm Action: dtm absorbs the power of the trout soon we shall see who is the slapper.... and who is the slappee!! Action: dtm dominates the trout FEAR ME, TROUT. hah! the trout will consume you my stench is overpowering! for i have not showered or brushed my teeth today! ew in fact I'll end up SCRUBBING DOWN MY CONSOLE!! ;P eeek with 409!! w0000! dneighbo: so basically your feeling is that gnue's application framework is not appropriately generalizable toward groupware or CMS. right? dneighbo: or is it that the gnue team isn't interested in doing so? dneighbo: what if outsiders were to be made interested? brak (~brak@ joined #gnuenterprise. dneighbo: are the models that drastically different between a groupware and a transactional enterprise framework? er, I thought mdean was a our groupware ma-yan perhaps the state of the art hasn't quite abstracted those models away yet, and we *require* mutiple parallel and interoperable frameworks mdean is semipermanently out to lunch! that sill-e mang be tending to the ranch well yea he's a bit busy ;) poor mdean why? what's up? I haven't seen him in eons greetings... quick question... I tried DCL a couple years ago... and after seeing the gnue booth at linux world was convinced to give it a second go as a CRM... should CVS it? are each of the packages independent? the thing is that the existing hotbed of groupware that's got all the development happening, is in the LAMP space brak: dcl can run independantly. the only thing it directly cooperates with is phpgropuware/axisgroupware linux, ?, mysql, php? er, apache chillywilly: yeah yea, dat be it mdean just commited a dcl patch yesterday :) chillywilly: and there's nothing wrong with all that but it's just that the LAMP space tends to be infested with junior, "not invented here" programming demo style coders to gnue cvs? brak the tools are all in single cvs tree chillywilly: they wanna reinvent everything, do it their own personal way, and have it be as much about their learning curve as anything dcl, bayonne and such are in separate trees Action: chillywilly is a not a big fan of lamp so they need an app building framework which is as easy as gnue gnue is easy at building specific kinds of apps yea, I know...guess I was thinking some gnue intergration would be in gnue tree...I dunno and if it was more fully web enabled (liek with a php or sashxb style presentation driver) and if it had groupware components, then someone could use it as a groupware RAD Action: chillywilly only tracks commonc++ (which bayonne uses) anyway and has never played with dcl either then we add the ancillary components such as device drivers, palm sync, and external bridges to WAP or other messaging and formatting, and b3wm no more phpgropuware sigh evolution isnt suitable for contact management :( i decided to be good boy and enter all my contacts in evolution from LWE and i am lucky if i can enter one yet two before it dies dtm jxta was cool btw, we got a latter today that our company bought this big Oracle CRM app called ACE chillywilly: yay! er, letter it has dispatching, inventory etc....although i didn't think those were CRM-related things... but what the frell do I know about CRM brb... it has some service call junk in there too I suppose CRM means different things to different orgs Action: chillywilly seeks the guidance and wisdom of the enterprise elite Action: chillywilly starts up a hacking on appserver damn I'm thirsty yay, chillywilly's hacking a groupware-enable appserver! does gnue have any degree of collaborative infrastructure? or is it just a concurrently-usable multiple-individual transaction oriented infrastructure? gnue utilizes a common code base i'll just hafta use it and see, wont i?!??! that'll learn me! that's all part of the mystique common has the db absatraction, the rpc absatraction, and other code fr writing apps (both server and client) er, abstraction I always type and extra 'a' in there the debug system is in common the xml parser trigger stuff the connections code for linking a form up to a db the commn object model format masks lots of *stuff* appserver uses mainly the db and rpc *stuff* Action: chillywilly wonders if they will play Babylon 5 on scifi and/or the old Star Trek bbiab oh my, this is impressive... lupo (~lupo@B2952.pppool.de) left irc: "using sirc version 2.211+KSIRC/1.1" ? what is impressive dcl so I did the cvs install of gnue and then grabbed the dcl tarball did I even need the gnue cvs? morning no jamest (~jamest@hobbes.math.ksu.edu) left irc: Remote closed the connection chillywilly: they always do, every day brak: dcl is standalone brak: and yes, it is most impressive, captain. cool jcater (~jason@w202.z065105010.mem-tn.dsl.cnc.net) left irc: "home" jamest (~jamest@fh-dialup-201163.flinthills.com) joined #gnuenterprise. MicahY ([d9f8pVXH4@12-225-21-62.client.attbi.com) joined #gnuenterprise. anyone know when ash is coming back up??? anyone been working on acclite? I can get back to it now ... was doing taxes and other crap it should be up but probably not cvs just yet i think only apache or something jamest would be one to ask it is at its new home that much i know i think jamest is just configuring goodies up on it can't ping it oh it DOES serve http ok so you're blocking pings that threw me off. :) on cvs: Host key verification failed. cvs [log aborted]: end of file from server (consult above messages if any) jamest: do you nkow if jcate rwill be back MicahY: yeah pings are blocked we have this cheese eating goat luving paranoid sysadmin hmm I can't even ssh to it nickr: I knwo they play those shows, but not on friday apparently cause that's when we get all the new stuff ;) ah well dead zone, stargate SG-1, and farscape the new stuff is better anway I know, but I liked the part in babylon 5 when they interrogate what's his nuts sheridan Yea that was very well done the whole earth conspiracy thing for the 5th or 6th season was excellent, a very good retelling of 1984 anyway, I was watching wishmaster and waiting for the rest of the good stuff to come on ;P s/the rest of// yow cause I am too tired to think right now, I just want to be entertained :) hah btw, how's the job? http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0292746741/qid=1029540025/sr=1-3/ref=sr_1_3/104-2541214-1339134 this book is so appealing to me Excellent my sister was born in Portland, OR boycott amazon! :P I was able to dodge the whole VB/Windows progframming thing when they gave me carte blanc to choose my own tools on my most recent project and I was able to line up python and wxWindows for it MUHAHAHA :) MicahY ([d9f8pVXH4@12-225-21-62.client.attbi.com) left irc: "[x]chat" nickr: that book just goes to show you are one weird dude whats really far out about it is that I find that price fairly reasonable Action: chillywilly didn't notice it was 100 bones or so you are mental theres another similar one for 113 Action: chillywilly only paid that much fr engineering text books What I really want are reprintings of the various surviving codecies what kinda religion did Mayans have? polytheistic/naturalistic ok basically similar to the other first peoples in the americas I'm just really into their writing system alrighy then I have t g back to watching the boob toob stupid 'o' key Action: chillywilly is away: scifi k boob hehehe so I'm in the uneviable position of convicing mnagement about dcl... and they are overy concerned with customizations for this/that... I'm guessing that we can fit our business needs into the default system... However, how would you proceed if you were asked to make changes to the system... i.e. should I do tham in CVS and submit them? Is there some ueber lord of what the Platonic form CRM should look like? DCL is merely a shadow of the true CRM ahh... so how do we break out of the cave? seek ye the oracle no! actually DCL is a verb like a burning house I have the oracle and it has cracks despite its remedy well seek ye the SAP-DB, then :) ok, so CRM was probably too strong a word.... lets say help desk/trouble ticketing tied into a hardware database well really it depends on what changes you want to make to DCL .. it seems logically, good changes would enhance it and thus be useful to everyone enhance = increase flexibility, generalize although many customizations would of course be to speficy = degenerialize dres (~dres@ left irc: Ping timeout: 14400 seconds brak (~brak@ left irc: "Read error: 2.99792458 x 10^8 meters/second (Excessive speed of light)" --- Sat Aug 17 2002