Action: drochaid is away: sleeping with any luck jcater: you done with your point of sale system yet? j/k :) Action: MysticOne snickers heh dneighbo_ (~dneighbo@ joined #gnuenterprise. sigh is it time to move off opn? hmm? i think if debian goes we probably need to consider it why? ah as like ben armstrong states gnue came here to be where the free software community was if most of it moves of the network it makes little sense for us to stay as most know i personally disagree with lilo's approach to fundraising but really like lilo right i could agree with that :) and in many respects have remained silent mostly because in xchat and such you never see the stupid things anyhow even in bitchx they arent frequent enough for me to get irate about Action: dneighbo_ will be back later just checking in quickly. dneighbo_ (~dneighbo@ left irc: Client Quit rdean ( left irc: "Client Exiting" dneighbo: there are those who would not want to know my opinion of lilo's personal behavior. i now personally disagree with his entire approach to community relations, period. there are other irc networks who have been created or popularized because OPN is utterly incompetent and obsolete exactly the same as when phpgroupware moved from fitzix ( joined #gnuenterprise. stbain ( joined #gnuenterprise. fitzix ( left irc: "Client Exiting" greetz ello Action: dneighbo sees no relation to phpgroupware moving and opn, butagree with the rest Action: dneighbo is away: sleeping stbain ( left irc: "bbiab" chillywilly ( joined #gnuenterprise. dneighbo: the relatoinship is becasue phpgroupware chose the painstaking process of moving away from the original free software haven when it got polluted by greedy short sighted commercial stupidity not to mention heinously unreliable for absolutely no good reason SF is moving further away from FS :) was that stupidity then, and OPN is that stupidity now so that was my point :> ajmitch: :\ ajmitch: i wonder how well savannah will scale i have no idea of the talent behind its management. apparently they're good though. but that oculd get expensive $$ is heinously expensive in personnel and hardware and networking yeah i don't think hardware is much of an issue yet phpgw alone was causing mad insane traffic from the list of donations that i saw :) maybe it helps though that savannah doesn't let any idiot on thereby probably reducing the DoS factor savannah has some interesting rules as well mmhmm but yeah, resources would be a big drain i dont know anyone who's really on the ball in terms of using savannah, but i haven't heard of a single problem with it i'm on the main list, i see a bit of the work they do i heard that they were talking about porting Savannah to phpgwapi somehow. that *alone* should get gnue interested in providing comprehensive web services! :> what's wrong with OPN? chillywilly: it's a long story; i'll paste you a url if i come across em again lilo's completely lost it I don't agree I know the whole 'lilo' story oh, well, then you have no reason to ask :) it's a long story subject to personal interpretation and experience I suppose you are in agreement with those who have started things like the 'lilo free network' lfnet? is #axisgroupware moving? chillywilly: no way; they're nuts chillywilly: i mean they have some personal reasons to be seriously disgruntled but the way they express it is abusive and juvenile the entire concept of starting a network just to be free of lilo or anyone else is utterly pathetic :) really sad :\ agreed but i am on the short end of lilo's stick i got lilo'd a bit ;) i've only had good dealings with him same here ajmitch: yeah same for a lot of people especially peopel who are just end users, and who dont try to talk to him about organization or business in fact I gave him $10 via paypal like for example asking "what's your plan for using donations?" that's off limits i'm just an ordinary channel dictator well that was a personal gift that I gave not a donation to the non-profit i sent him $5 or $10 long ago back when he was going to ostensibly use it for community purposes rather than just absorbing it into his own personal pocket for the privilege of talking on irc but i backed it with attempts to help develop the organization and to help him personally find work and social services all rational conversation -- even inquiries -- about structure or operations is strictly off limits with him only irc server i've run was to play with, and was the undernet server (thanks Isomer ;) that's why everyone has a problem with him well that and the fact that this network is heinously unreliable for no good reason oh yeah, and because he's taking money for no good reason, to do nothing and tricking people into thinking that it's for a community project i wouldn't mind people donating money to me ajmitch: i wouldn't mind you taking money if you were honest about what you were doing with it and it was their clear choice :) they can give it to him for blind hero worship or some sort of minor one-time thanks, but not because running an irc network is expensive or hard, because it's not. all resources are donated. the time sink is because it's set up like crap. ok then, i'm wanting money to get food :) it has no automatic failover all this rehubbing business is automated on most other networks it's like having a bunch of apache servers with nothing but a DNS round robin and when one fails, there's not even a load balancer so everyone stalls it's nonsense :) quakenet has 60,000-100,000 users I have found this network to be most reliable compared to others the issue is - should #gnuenterprise move or nor? they manually rehub once every several months, and the servers automatically rehub continuously chillywilly: i haven't chillywilly: that is true. but there's no reason why it's gotta be even as poor as it is :) chillywilly: the point is that people tend to really suck at running irc and they act like it's all wicked hard seems most of the kinks have been ironed out lilo has fascist requirements for new servers; that's why nobody wants to donate more. T3 connection? no i mean in terms of the unreasonable amount of control the donor has to give to lilo, over their donated server which is partially because the servers aren't simply configured to run themselves as they should be lilo shouldn't even have to log into them nobody should. they're servers! hee hee I have to log into mine to maintain it add new crap when I get around to playing with something ;) yeah but you know, irc servers basically only need a watchdog, a log rotation/export, and auto-rehubbing my main dektop box is my server :) not unlike apache well I have never run irc i've spent weeks listening to people in #infoanarchy who have I really don't plan to be donating anything anyway including an op from quakenet and other networks they bitch about lilo like you wouldn't believe ah only thing I know about IRC is hw the protocol works as I read all the RFCs if running a network is that hard, or if a grassroots volunteer's personal expenses are that high, the simple choice is 1) become intrinsically profitable by finding and filling a need or 2) get someone else to do it who does know how to do it right never maintained an IRC network yeah i haven't either. just did it for fun once like you did. but i've interrogated ops of other networks to no end why? because i wanted to know _exactly_ what it's like so as to ascertain what's going on here and i am including former ops of OPN such as netgod and one other guy and current OPN ops? not current ones... virtually all of them that are senior network admins left well there's that one network that consists of a lot f fromer OPN ops...I cannot recall it's name chillywilly: there's at least one one's a four letter acronym. i forgot. ElectricElf? OFTC? ajmitch: yeah yep that's the one OFTC is what the crashdot article talked about open and free technologoy commmunity or some such thing I haven't really observed people jumping off Freenode (OPN) en masse though... i have some talked about it. some are gone. #palmchat is run by one of the former OPN ops i talked to. it left one day, bewm. last i knew #mandrake had a 24hr edict set. and they had a backup channel elsewhere. the list goes on #palmchat is still there of people who are directly pissed at lilo's completely inane and childish behavior, or who just dont wanna hear their users pissed and leaving, or who just dont like the management's principles hah [01:22:19] -ChanServ- [#palmchat] There is a new #palmchat at Please connect there. chillywilly: yeah but all the important people are gone there ya go pretty weird huh :( i've been here since it was nothing but a certain standard of user support and peer etiquette in #linpeople on well I really have no qualms with lilo and don't care that much and I doubt we are going to move, plus I like WOPN radio and back when lilo was the shit, mind you because he built and maintained that channel he made the whole thing work he set the standard and was a great example of a channel moderator he was the best, in fact but at one point he just flat out lost it he went bonkers with this idea that somehow people should magically pay for irc well we do have a staffer hanging out in here right now :) specifically, to pay someone to talk on irc yeah i know, poor guy i dare any one of them to set foot in #infoanarchy why? oh btw did you know that certain channels and ops and servers were recently being deleted due to idealistic differences? even without causing trouble it's off the deep end ajmitch: because they'd set em straight ok, i'm outta here, gotta go play in the rain ajmitch: oh that's cool splash around for me man, since i can't Action: ajmitch goes away & grabs a jacket I have to piss just so you know ;P great! well i'm working on it mom got me some sodas today ;alkjdsflj Action: chillywilly has soda too we're twins! I hope not ; P wow has had a lot of visitors in the last 2 mo 67 unique 67 unique client hostnames none from aol! w00t should we move to ;) better yet ;P oh but wait then you would be using FSF donated money to pay people to admin it...oh my... wooopps that would be worthwhile if it went to a true community whole and if any money went to someone specifically for full time wages to administrate irc then they should have their fingers bound and hammered stbain (~nobody@ joined #gnuenterprise. if i was in charge of FSF donations i'd pay an admin a decent fulltime wage, enough to cover rent maybe... at least the bulk of his expenses... on a contract basis based on estimated weekly hours. and i'd grease my business network on his behalf so he could continue to create himself more income via my contacts. greetz switched back to debian then realized... no KDE3 that's all i asked for whenever I applied to Tim Ney >:/ i'd pay somewhere around the neighborhood of $10-20/hr depending on their living cost like out here in SFBA it'd be like $15-20/hr but with a budget of the # of hour s like, irc maintenance is budgeted 10 hrs per month. savannah maintenance is budgeted 80 hrs per month. etc that'd be a sweet gig, man. if one was a badass entrepreneurial admin it'd be a challenge i'm not sure how many people i've ever met who could do such a thing not many netgod probably could Scott van Ravenswaay definately could i worked with scottvr at netcom hosting he's a wizard with a magic head my buddy from ksu, spectre, could of course spectre had higher salary requirements :) and he wanted more illustrious things materially like mad raging equipment and phat pipe 80 per month? that's 2 weeks work in one month how is that sweet? because it would be continuous, and because the list of work would go on maintaining, the mailing lists, etc etc etc and again, it was a random guess to illustrate a point the infrastructure would have to become so systematized that it could largely run itself and you manage additions, production changes, and abuses and blue sky research on how to make it all magically even better or research on how to generate more income like grants or fundraisers or what-have-ye selling more free software services and physical products heck it would be a nice piece on someone's own consulting agenda to say that they're primarily responsible for the FSF's networks someone should also investigate and sample the various proprietary products/services out there for feasability of being replaced by free software. that's basically what i'm doing with my own business. an active sysadmin would be a good person to do that, but it'd help to have someone active in industry, like a consultant along the lines of the edict set by the original GNU researchers who had to do all their work on expensive and proprietary systems so that they could do R&D of free stuff at all that's exactly what i do at yet a higher level and here I thought you did prop. video conferencing/telecomm stuff... ok you haven't been reading the same #gnuenterprise that i have :) sorry, must've been my dtm-o-meter filtering stuff out ;P yep i'm researching the state of the art of collaborative technologies, so i can eventually fund or help create free ones half of what i'm working in is already free, so that's good other portions require unbelievable R&D or very expensive physical resources so what about the video conferencing gig? that's one of the more expensive and difficult ones, and the impetus to replace that hasn't reached a high enough mass i'm focusing on other stuff in that respect btw, if you want to debate intelligently about the whole OPN/lilo thing Barbicane is taking on people in #freenode Action: chillywilly would like to watch :) should be entertaining but it's good though because that conferencing stuff is so wicked complex and expensive that i really do need to learn it from the undisputed masters such as webex, who have $21M in VC and a globally peered network and global professional services i mean, even rsb finds H.323 to be mind boggling it's one of the most absolutely loaded protocols ever what about davey boy? he's a smart guy it does everything from voice over ip to whiteboarding to triggering of realtime facial expressions of avatars! chillywilly: oh no thanks, i'm not up for debating it because the current slashdot articles and all the protest sites have it nailed. the slashdot article in particular has it completely. way better than i could state it. hmmm, and here I thought it was just a simple protocol that did VOIP it's a complex issue plz? just go argue with him :) chillywilly: no, see h.323 is the complete platform of what we call "web conferencing", of which voip is but a mere component. and voip is not simple at all. I'm bored no! :> i'm learning java schiznit :\ even more reason then and my mom's gonna give her life story as her testimony in front of thousands of people tomorrow at church fine...I'll do something useful then ok cool i should send you guys the text transcript and i'll see if i can get an mpeg thousands? yeah we have a huge church yur church is that big? and she's doing all 3 or 4 services yes, 2000-3000 members it's like SVLUG :) in size see, I don't think a church can be very functinal when it is bigger than 800, imho ooookay! well this one is highly functional and coherent you need to plant sme churches it's all based on small groups heck even our small church has planted a few with the most bad ass leadership, also our pastr wants t grow us to about 800 so we can better sustain ourselves and keep planting new chruches stbain (~nobody@ left #gnuenterprise. i dont understand what's going on with all these java based CMS projects on chillywilly: have your buddy Barbicane read the slashdot article at +3 and higher : :) it's all dead on, and with minimal mention of barbicane is barbicane.staff.freenode ;) MysticOne: there is a staffer yeah maybe someone will start a parody network called 'feenode' i brought #gnuenterprise over to OPN so it would be ironical if i ended up advocating a move although if people are ignoring lilo's begging messages and the rest of his behavior, then they probably dont care until one of their friends are kicked off like dneighbo was saying, #debian is disgruntled how did yu bring us here? and i find the idea of various projects splitting to their own server/network ludicrous Barbicane (jzeigler@barbicane.wopn.freenode) joined #gnuenterprise. hello all! ChipX86 ( joined #gnuenterprise. chillywilly: that coincided with me inviting dneighbo over to #dcl chillywilly: i happened upon and hung out in for a while Barbicane: hi there ok hey! dneighbo is here in my town! Barbicane: yay great guy :) Barbicane: one of the baddest LUGs around Barbicane: oh have you hung out with dneighbo? da masta is da bizomb chillywilly: hehehe nah, never mey him, just see his emails all the time on the lug list chillywilly: da masta showed me gnue on his laptop at rsb's house. it was 31337 well someday I'll make it out there to the west coast y34h nah, it is to hot here... it's hot everywhere no, I mean really hot here... I was in NC and it was 99 and up in WI it was 96 bah.. that is sweater weather :) Action: chillywilly throws a snowball at Barbicane but...there' hehe yeah, it melts :) dtm: I am not even sure if he still lives here.... who? dneighbo be livin' in da desert, afaik yeah, I think so... AZ Gilbert, AZ see! he did move :) Action: Barbicane is in tucson yea, I suppose I dunno Action: chillywilly <-- know's nothing bah.. doesnt nmatter! what did I interrupt? just dtm ripping on lilo/OPN ;) ChipX86 ( left #gnuenterprise. woohoo! erm.. why? hahaha shaddap! KTHX ^_^ fine then you irc nazi Barbicane: behavioral assessments ranging from the personal/subjective to the global/objective, all carefully stated on the current slashdot article wow! that sounds good! what assemsments? i have some personal points that are even more juicy! *tee hee* but still pathetic. well, go read em! Barbicane: except for the juvenile and counterabusive parts of, say, donde? slashdot? Barbicane: yessir got a something I can grep for.. to save time? i just read all the slashdot comments on that article at +3 and up no, all of them and the list goes *way* farther too but that's the summary hehe. hrm.. I did that a few hours ago... someone even posted a so called irc log "showing" that lilo worked for a pr0n shop i read like 20 or so articles chillywilly: oh sheesh heheh i seriously doubt that! yeah, that is about what I read... dtm: but yet you use crashdot as a basis... I don't even read crashdt anymore I rarely read slashdot until ajmitch mentin the article mentioned just someone pointed this nugget out to me today btw, I didn't know MysticOne there was so young ;P dtm: what comments? I cant find anything with shocking points in there. hmm ok well they all are! erm... can you give an example so I can share you prespective? chillywilly: no i dont use it as a basis. they simply summarized what i know to be true dtm: what do you know to be true? Barbicane: no thanks! they're all right there in plain sight. every single article at +3 as of an hour or so when i read em. dont really wanna hash it out myself! that would really really suck big time absolutely nothing new Ijust dont see anything that is fact in there... well other than my own personal interactions which i dont have the logs of anyway Barbicane: oh well! which makes it all conjecture no, it makes it a different viewpoint because it's chock full of facts that some people dont acknowledge. dtm: you are not that stupid what? viewpoint is created through conjeture what about the bruce perens comment? geez dewd. kindly back the hell off, ok? that is kinda wacky i already expressed in every rational way that i'm not having any sort of discussion about it. okay hmmm, that's lame I thought 'gee, point, counterpoint' sorry, I should not have cuntered your counter. *countered i didn't make a point. i wasn't in the discussion :) ? my initial comment was to deny a discussion, and deflect the casual reader to slashdot! and I did jsut hash it out damnit ;) and I stated I didnt see anything there of fact and i wont indulge anyone who tries to egg me on anyhow. chillywilly: oh you! Barbicane: well too bad! end of story! okay big fat hairy deal! i'm learning java :) you can't rationally discuss it with someone who works with lilo and OPN? booooo Action: chillywilly puts dtm into a head lock chillywilly: sorry i wont indulge your desire to get peopel to pick a fight!! :> chillywilly: it is best when let go dtm: I am not picking a fight... just looking for facts. I don't want to watch a fight Barbicane: nono chillywilly was trying to get me to pick a fight :> he was bored! dtm: ah.. okay hehehe I want to see if your claims have any merit when put up against someone who actually knows what's up coz he's a silly ass chillywilly: haha whatever! dtm: that is rude. debate, arfue do whatever, but please refrain from being rude. *argue hey I don't know the skinny I am sure ther staff.freenode know what is crap and what is not er, other Barbicane: ok Mr. Congeniality Cop of #Gnuenterprise. it would be rude if it was completely out of the context of me and chillywilly being longtime blood bruthaz here is the truth: Action: dtm cuts his hand and spits on it and shakes with chillywilly it is acommunication project. well anyway...let's not get all mental dtm: I am not going to op... I was just asking Action: chillywilly shakes dtm's hand chillywilly: :) Action: dtm washes his hands then, coz that's gross and unsanitary :] chillywilly: i beat Superman on my atari 2600 emulator in the first try tonight! on the easy level same with Adventure yesterday yipee i hadn't played that stuff since i was like 6-12 yrs old Adventure is as old as we are. it's like (c)1976 sheeeit anyone read the O'reilley article on OS in gov't? on LinuxToday just another reason fr me to not like Tim O'reilley's politics oh well :\ chillywilly: did you read all that rambling i said yesterday about the origins of Adventure? bout the C data structure in asm? and the masters degree program with Ken Thompson that's what my buddy Warren did in order to make that game i hung out with him in las vegas last weekend he's the schmiddt yea pretty amazing that kind of complex code in 4k is basically like a shakespearean haiku :> i mean it took the guy like 6-18 months to write a 4k binary. all by himself purely out of his own head well, you know, more or less hehe Though I normally avoid sending people to Slashdot, if you want to see an astroturf flood in action, visit: The author, Michael, raises a number of valid objections to O'Reilly's article. I particularly liked his very-much-to-the-point reference to the CNET article describing how Microsoft pressured the NSA to drop development of Security-Enhanced Linux: Now read some of the posts demonizing Michael, Open Source, and even the foundations of freedom itself: > "Does the public have a RIGHT to know the government's network infrastructure? Does the public have a RIGHT to know what data is on every civil servant's hard drive? I think not." [by crimoid] And: > "We don't live in a true democracy. Government is not required to be completely transparent." [by crimoid] By the way, the post containing that first quote received "Score:4, Insightful," which is another reason I avoid Slashdot. chillywilly: hahaha #mklinux is moving to oftc the last line is hilarious :) good for them yeah i dont know what's up with oreilly we're getting too politicized damnit! and then there's larry lessig.... the guy Hans who traveled here with derek, said that Larry said that Microsoft is to be credited with the development of the internet.... in the early 90's!! stinkin linux zealots i didn't personally see/hear that quote but sheesh so i'd have to verify that lessig is a bit misguided at times but uh... one would think that Hans would be likely to get it right but has valid points abut copyright and such he doesn't take that stuff lightly yeah the gov't created the internet well .. but.. if Larry did say that, one would wonder what on EARTH he wsa thinking exhibit A: gates's stupid ass book "the road ahead" had not a single mention of the Internet until they history-revisioned it or at least funded it exhibit B: in the early 90's, M$ didn't even *have* a tcpip stack did not HAVE ONE had no routable networking. they took BSD's eventually no but they didn't have one at *all* then :> yeah eventually :\ sheeeeesh a bit of an oversight for a luminary to make I would credit the gov't researchers and BSD hackers i mean.... how could larry lessig think that yeah no kiding fr bringing the internet to the masses it was a bit of a think tank over like decades. not to mention extreme engineering and many many reference implementations to strengthen it well maybe not the masses but fr creating it and creating a nice implementation even minix and linux played a role, because they along with BSD also helped make it possible for ISPs to quickly spring up paq (~paq@ left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) yea the first bit of relevance i knew of M$ having, was leveraging their desktop monopoly to embrace and extend PPP iirc sme of the RFCs are pretty old aren't they? ;) MS-STAC, etc which IS A LICENSE of stac's compression !!!! yeah they are i mean, Apple had more to do with internet development than M$ actually... Al Gre created the internet! ;P Gore even and that license was only procured after they blatantly stole it good ol Al I don't like the republocrats libertarian party is interesting but Idon't agree on everything there either I saw this part's convention on CSPAN-2 party's huhm. but they want to verturn roe v. wade and they also don't think drugs should be legalized...2 libertarian issues I agree on er, that they should not be prohibited I don't condone either one, but I don't think they should be make against the law just like I would be in opposition of a law making it mandatory that you release software under a Free license hmm yeah that's wacky but ethically all three I do not think should be done i mean that blatantly violates liberty the point is to increase, not reduce choice and if proprietary software is literally the best available choice at the time under the circumstances, then by golly you have to sometimes but one thing that should be mandatory is a review process er...I mean I am ethically opposed abortion, drug use, and prop. software a publicly documented review process where they explain exactly why they chose what they chose and if it's important enough, then a public commentary process where the public can comment on it or have time to help find or produce alternatives and the gov't could fund a Free alternative? :) maybe?!? possibly i mean, it's entirely likely that someone in the public could point out something they weren't aware of which would show that they can afford the time and money to do a free one liek for example if another govt agency piped up and said they were already working on it can you imagine how much redundancy there has to be in the federal govt especially because so many decisions are made based on how many JOBS they PRESERVE well I think it would be of better value to their constitutents to put money into Free Software development than t waste it on a closed solution and taht finding answers or being expedient, is considered bad yeah if possible in the situatoin... see that all comes back down to a tight evaluation process i designed when i was at VA hmmmphm i was going to post this process to the FD defector list but i think everyone's wanting the ultra conservative (zealous?) perspective of absolutely requiring the internal use and external production of only free software sadly, the gov't is hardly run byt the people anymore which would exclude virtually everyone i knwo of, including OST and myself because we *cant* get by that way, due to the choice of the basic industries our personalities and skillsets happen to be suited for how does it exclde OST they just have a linking exceptin I am sure people could live with that no, see, they have to use proprietary software there's no choice they're in telephony. I think they should do it like the GNU Business Network period. linking exception they have to use things like Netmeeting they have to prove and sell interoperability anywho, gbn wanted to do it based on your contributions or something I frget but it made more sense virtually no Real Business can survive on only free software but the consensus of the FD defector list is that they should which might suit the TWO or so people on the list other than myself who actually operate a business for now! until they find an alternate demand no, but possibly saying you cannt develop it and be apart of the business alliance is acceptable wouldn't you think? hell no! using it != developing it that's like saying you can't walk on red bricks no it's way more restrictive .. it's more like saying you can't walk on concrete the point it to promote free software...there's a mission there so that means i can't enter city hall or the library or virtually anywhere else yeah i know that, and their attitude prevents that point because it's strictly zealous and unrealistic it's totally unreal i'm not exaggerating :) anyone who makes a business based on supporting and building reality-changing infrastructure would know that in an instant well I think the words were not to "promote" prop. software it's nuts and imho it's wrong well ok i dont mean to go overboard in protesting a basic preliminary discussion... sme people here have Free based infratructures like jcater VP of ncsmags but... they _did_ say that we should disallow the use and production of all non-free software which virtually can't be done especially in various industries using LTSP and GNUe to runa call center and also he opended a book store for his wife yeah and even that requires serious effort, so if a person's _situation_ happens to be that they can't afford the time or wahtever to customzie ltsp/gnue to that, then what do they do :) which will use gnue hire gnue consultant i looked at gnue and at a glance it appears to be the shit hire??? with what money :) it takes many people years to build a business to the point where they can even pay themselves let alone hiring others and that's if they're good. a lot of here would do it for cheap in order to get the gnue name ut there and get good PR and an endorsement rsb lived in some seroiusly hard times, liek i have been, in order to do it, and we're on the fast track of experience compared to a lot of people sme of us are doing gnue solutions for nothing he sure is compared to me if i had to pay anybody anything for any reason, i'm dead that'll be true for months at the bare minimum if i'm unbelievably lucky well my poiny was out "payment" is always monetary sir point, our actually if i'm lucky i'll keep my car i have *no* idea how i've kept it so far :) did you catch that? uhm... hmm you're saying that early gnue adopters do so on a fundamentally goodwill/grassroots basis which is how i am i've been doing that in terms of groupware sme are lucky and get to hack on gnue while they are working at their regular jobs sme are not, but they do solutions for nothing depending n who it is for like there's a project t do chruch management software er, church yeah dewd my mom could help with that she uses Shelby I am working on TRIO management system using gnue she despises it with a passion i told her about gnue once i saw it er have you heard of Shelby? nope (tm) this is a project of da masta and geeks for christ client/server all on windows, which manages the church's membership yessir but you fewlz have to not downplay web services :> we don't you have to make a concurrent web display driver da masta does :\ the have abstraction layer fr most web service protocols he says he never wants to make another web app again xmlrcp, soap, etc. and i'm sure that's somewhat hyperbole but still xmlrpc it's so important hello all gnue has to go hand in hand with stuff like groupware and other things which are fundamentally web based well, appserver should talk to anything by exposing "web services" Action: ajmitch scrolls up a couple of hours or which at least need an alternate web interface anything that uses the rpc absatraction will he just means via a browser/php liek for example you often want super fast data entry in a local binary app, but you should have web access later we use forms as a front end and there's php frms fr those who want that "web app ui" feel forms already/ ? you can already access all the forms via php? masta despises web app ui I think yeah apparently jan wrote a whole php forms client he is da bizomb asljdlkf well nice ok so what about generalizing it as a general web app platform or collaborative platform/ mdean had been waving around about that long ago well I believe that leaves it open as a web app platform but when i talked with derek after lwce, he said that gnue has a fundmanetally different model (transactoinal oriented or whatever) and is not optimized for that directly, fwiw you make some forms (tie them to the apppserver eventually) voila i dont understand that stuff since i'm not a db designer but i dont see what the difference is it's not like gnue is based on ldap or something *that* optimized. is it? well jan has melded the 2 somehow i mean i understand what he's saying but i'm not sure what it literally means the form hits the db each "commit" is a transaction coz i mean shizzit look at all the app framworks out there for web and client/server everything written in java and LAMP it's so ridiculous there are dozens. all of them allegedly generalized web stuff is somewhat transactional too gnue should be such a thing afaict you "submit" the form unless i'm grossly mistaken WE HAVE THE TECHNOLOGY you "commit" a transaction some frelling thing ;) same yeah i dont understand what the difference is i am iggerant SHAPE ME MOLD ME *MAKE* ME UNDERSTAND well maybe da masta can clarify next time do youy know what i'm talking about in interpreting what he said? is there any reason why we can't make web based groupware on gnue I'm not sure why he draws such a distinction here's another question... is there any reason why we can't make a *generalized* RAD out of gnue instead of just for database oriented forms? I don't see a reason i mean you have a drag-n-drop UI for forms and db stuff... why can't those widgets be, say, user-oriented or task-oriented or schedule-oriented? ummm, gnue designer is supposed to be RAD yes it's RAD but only for a specific type of app as opposed to, say, designing a calendar see the appserver will provide objects eventually that is very generic can't you just define new kinds of widgets and objects? instead of just forms and you don't have to be a db guru then and new kinds of relationships? just an object lackey basically i'd like to be able to have groupware guts in there, and to drag them around is where jan and I would like to take appserver eventually Action: ajmitch waves to the funny people ajmitch: hi! then designer needs a nice object designer finally :P ell ajmitch sorry ajmitch: @)*@KL:S ello Action: dtm pats ajmitch on the head chillywilly: so .. are you saing that these things are prerequisites to what i'm talking about? Action: ajmitch breaks down & cries so essentially you designer your apps using objects and forget about it chillywilly: and if so, then are there any alternative RADs which already exist (like zope or whatever) which are compatible with gnue so we could get started building groupware on your current gnue shizzit? or am i hallucinating i know there exists language-independant IDEs still needs to use a db to store them, but I think objects give you the generic thing that you desire such as those which output to php I never used zope ok i hope someone's picking up on what i'm saying, sometime later at least, via the irc log I dunno about zope chillywilly: but you know that zope is a python based app server right? yes chillywilly: there are various IDEs and RADs so is the one that the guys that do psp, etc. that they developed i just want to know how the heck to easily create a properly architected groupware based on app server technolgoies which ALREADY EXIST webware guys they have an appserver too hear me now and believe me later: i will not tolerate having another NIH-spurned groupware suite i dont even want to bother with a rewrite of phpgroupware well I dunno if anyone has a designer like we do and i dont care what new statically-minded technology it's named after :) even if it's xmlgroupware I am not aware f any RAD environments no point in reinventing that afaict someone please tell me if i'm mistaken an appserver alone isn't a RAD environment chillywilly: yeah well my point is that there are RADs and there are appservers there are massive app frameworks and they're based on FSF-compatible technology and licenses even if some aren't GNU yep they're LGPL/GPL they're on the list ;> we have so much code and time invested in ur framework I dunno who has the time to adapt to an existing one i care about an expedient FSF-compatible enterprise quality groupware, more than i care about being a GNU project (unfortunately) and than i care about staying with the inertia i've already built up or if it would ever make sense to throw away our stuff ther than picking some existing appserver because such a ridiculously massive amount of my intertia has been wasted because phpgroupware is state of the art as far as free groupware, but it's not state of the art in terms of app services since that's the only piece being reworked once again it sucks less... that's about it... it would suck a lot less if groupware developers were magically granted a kick ass framework to start with well they also do not wish to invest time into gnue integration I talked with them well they wanted ti use us in a backasswards way that's their problem then, isn't it? wait and this is why mdean said he was not ging t go their way but come with us seek3r has slightly reopened somewhat to the idea of moving toward gnue's direction, one way or another but still! that's a bit of a leap and also he's gone completely off into security instead of gruopware ok he stopped his groupware operation s well this was all many moons ago i'm sure he could do some great stuff now but nobody can just go reinventing major app frameworks and they certainly can't please everyone indeed furthermore all the technology at the root *has* to be FSF compatible which gnue is we are strict in that we make people assign coopyright to FSF also so i'm afraid that even if java stuff was more currently suited to my personal needs, and even if i use it for my client's demands, i can't advocate a complete community movement on it and we only release under GPL not based on -- DEPENDANT upon -- java. there's no way i could ask them to do it and there's no way FSF-minded people would comply anyway fruthermore but I really shoul finally finish this object format markup fr the appserver as I am dman sick of typing all this xml by hand and want to get my GParser based parser going :P the only FSF-compatible alternative to the excellent enterprise quality stuff that's being done in java today, is in LAMP which is strong but is not ubiquitous enough for example it's web-only so people liek derek wouldn't lik eit :> and that's important hehe some aspects of groupware are gonna be wicked tedious as web-only even if it's only for certain users like mass data entery entry like how about a major sales force who collects shitloads of business cards per month they'd have to give their piles of cards to an assistant who scans em into a windows parallel port card scanner, corrects em in a proprietary program, standardizes all the fields, then exports to csv and imports into the CRM well I think this is where gnue intergrator comes in and so you can prime the pump that leads to another point this is important! there are areas where groupware and enterprise blend SUCH AS CRM if I have my gnue architecture correctly in mind aselkjja;j i hope someone else can summarize this -- bless your soul, whoever you are otherwise maybe i can later i've got massive ideas brewing Action: chillywilly wants to do CRM badly for the law firm his mom works at HURTS MUH BRANE his name is PSU yes psu HI PSU and he does a damn god job at summarizing :))) POWER SUPPLY UNIT dear psu yes i've seen very devout takes one to know one we love you psuu!!! jesh we dew! peeeee-essssse-yeeeeewwww ok here's another question plz! no more! let's say that something like gnue was generalized like i said, so that it could be the ultimate framework in the universe I can't take anymore! ;) Action: dtm persists! then what happens to all the java stuf?F who cares? ;) can stuff like j2ee be made to sit atop gnue? or only interoperate via message passing like soap/xmlrpc coudl tomcat and jboss sit on gnue or something? I dunno j2ee framework, but it could always talk via rpc or am i just stretching the state of the art beyond recognition? you are a man on a missin SO ABSTRACT SHE CANNA TAKE NO MORE mission too Action: dtm strains under the abstraction! Action: dtm fades out chillywilly: i need answers, man! eventually I think all our components/servers will be web enabled and export remote interfaces and BELIEVE ME i will antagonize you peopel until i get them. so it will be MUCH EASIER for all of us if someone just figures out the engineering requirements for me :) via our absatraction layer ok, when? that's a start when it is dman ready ;) ok when can we start obsoleting phpgw? which can't be all that hard on the surface assuming the guts are ready assuming that you support groupware-like data structures are you volunteering? and then simply export it to the web via a standard gnue web output, like maybe a php display driver similar to the current wxwindows stuff no way; that would require seriuos engineering i mean, programming i can't even do ridiculous programming perhaps you should talk with mdean when he can return to gnue/dcl intergration work unlesss.. is there a gnue interface to Applesoft or Atari BASIC??!?! yeah where the heck is he he's the one. but I am not sure wtf is going on there MDEAN talk to da masta Action: dtm screams mdean's name into the wind he's in bed with mdean, dcl, and gnue :P ooh, cozy well that's a mighty big bed, mister i hope it's not a waterbed but i'm all for a slumber party you have seen da masta in person right? yeah twice heh, only a few days ago, right? does he not need a big bed? ;) i just spent an evening with him and drove him to the airport oh maybe a queen at least :> lol nobody here spends any time with me :'( then i dont know where his wife will go :) Action: chillywilly loves ajmitch all up WE LOVE YOU AJMITCH Action: ajmitch sobs :-o chillywilly: lol Action: ajmitch is disturbed now lol h0h0 when are y'all gonna come to NZ & visit? when i'm rich & famous so do my bidding! now! you're infamous now oh yeah. that's a start. they say that any publicity is good publicity but i'm not sure. an oreilly comment I love rufus what crack be this? his comments are always great i need food too poor d yu have paypal ajmitch? or something no I will seriously send yo sme money why would i have paypal? I dunno naive at one point in your life? ajmitch: what's this about food? ;P chillywilly: hehehe dtm: i'm hungry :P are you broke? Action: ajmitch will wait until wednesday or so ajmitch: you can afford food, right? chillywilly: for the next couple of days probably not and then i'll have $$ gah ajmitch: if you can't afford food then you should go to your church pantry have got some food here :) that's what i've been doing occasoinally that's exactly what it's for ouch there ya go Action: dtm slaps ajmitch SachaS ( left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) Action: ajmitch wonders why paypal is considered a good thing it is not they sucj suck they double dip all the time if you use them and I only used it once :P yucky Action: chillywilly uese USPS eBillPay to pay bills Action: ajmitch needs to get searching for a piece of paper btw, dtm I know a guy who runs his own consulting business that is looking t hire someone ;P he's in my LUG I won't take it because our philosphies do not jive Action: ajmitch has a job tomorrow sigh... ? trying to fix up a winders pc I don't think we'd get along too well blah lots fun he used the ever lovely statement of, "I am running a business here not a charity" heheh ookay I find it highly ironic when he uses gnu/linux he calls it that? chillywilly: well if you're going to pass up work then .... ok! if it wasn't for various people's "charity" he might not be in business aditya_gilra (~aditya_gi@ joined #gnuenterprise. ajmitch: of course not chillywilly: what prompted him to say that is he being beligerant or hat what no we're still friends and all yeah but what's the context he was just like, "don't come asking me for a job if that is how you feel" if what's how you feel Action: chillywilly made a similar comment about putting freedom first my usual rhetoric plz, dtm, let's not get into a fight about this plzzzz yeah but you make abstract arm-waving comments about stuff all the time, without regard to how to literally implement it in a real situation :) or what to do when it's impossible to implement given the situational constraints :) so i'm not sure if he's being unreasonable or what :) it's not worth it Action: ajmitch grabs the popcorn well yeah of course fight! fight! Action: ajmitch watches the cage lower on the 2 opponents Action: dtm dips ajmitch in butter flavoring hey let's beat up on ajmitch now. dtm: I was just letting him know where I stand and I did it in a tactful manner...I am learning nah, chillywilly does that all the time do not do too I haven't picked on you in forveer where all the time == at least once every 6 months I have been nice to you as of late I am turning over a new leaf and dtm subjects me to horrific abuse, constantly :) but the leaves will start to fall soon Action: chillywilly loves up ajmitch some more i do my best humanly possible to put implementational freedom first... and if i do my best but still i absolutely can't reliably do it or am not allowed, then i'll have documented the process and have educated anyone on what i really think as long as they can comprehend it without misconstruing me as a zealot. but some people just can't take it or even if they can, they CHANGE THEIR MINDS LATER even if they agree with me, they might see my commitment as a risk even if i've relegated myself to digging their ditches for them and even the good ones can turn two faced on ya dtm: I was out of line when I said what I said in #freedevelopers...I scoured lgs for hours and found what you were referring to I am sorry I am stupid so "in business" you often have to stick to purely the observable facts, like costs and TCO and protecting investements or whatever ajmitchie had logs chillywilly: awwwwww CHEELEEEE COME TO ME CHEEEELEEE Action: dtm hugs chillywilly as brethren often do :) i had logs? yep remember? Action: ajmitch fjears i tell you what, i speak as someone who WALKED OUT on VA stock.... i know what it's like to fiercely stick to my guns to prove something, but i drew a line. i considered VA to be the final confrontation in terms of raw unabashed idealism i know that i have logs for like the last year or so, but i cannot recall what was said :) ok, mr. smarty pants if i had simply been willing to install vmware and M$ office on the linux workstations of "The Linux Company" i would have had hundreds of thousands of dollars of stock and iknew that and i told her flat out "No. That's stupid." hehe i refused to tolerate it anymore well we all know VA is a big fat sellout anyway ;P now a days and i have no regrets about that, because ... some experiences are worth it. and that was my personal experience of toeing the line and walking away. it's like i had some youthful endurance run to prove, so i did and i knew that when i was faced with indomitable greed and ignorance in exchange for wealth, i knew what i was made of. well, that story does warm my heart :) i didn't do it to be a jerk i did it because it was right it would have been far easier to have installed Windows. far far far far easier at that point easier to do linux the right way, but easier to do windows the wrong way if we could have architected the network the way we wanted/needed to, linux desktops wuld have stayed dominanet dominant well see somehow deep down, i knew i'd have to be accountable to people like you guys in the future and that i'd want proof they don't have "Linux" in the name anymore anyway ;P VA Software! i knew i'd have to prove to someone and show them why i know i believe what i'm saying. and i think that kind of act is a token of that belief. wooooo well, I know I am a stubborn... so that even when i do things like promote proprietary solutions, you can know that it's a temporary stopgap because it can't be reasonably done otherwise, and i'm learning how to either reimplement it in free software or else eventually get away from it. good to hear rsb and i are going to work on a way to basically GPL a company's internal operations too we've each independantly worked on that a GPL'd business model? yeah i'm stubborn too and in that case it paid off in my own terms, although i was unemployed for a long while you'll have trouble replacing that conferencing stuff of yours coz then i extended my idealism to only wanting to work for Apple, and TELLING everyone that. so of course they didn't hire me. ajmitch: oh yeah definately rsb and i are already working on replacing my fax/voice gateway even on my first quote Action: chillywilly was just going t ask about those guys and cnferencing s/t/to/ i'm on my first quote for it, and already OST's solution beat mine so i'm going to resell OST if this goes through my 'o' key doesn't work very well i didn't even send them my own reseller service yeah conferencing is wicked hard my partners use boxes costing $50,000 apiece servers? telephony servers shit it's 5am big ass conference bridges oooh yea big ol' thangs nice meridian and the like? how much will your stuff cost? Action: chillywilly has seen a phone system r 2 s/r/or/ even if it was possible for OST to replace that, it would also cost a fortune and who could afford to build an ASP on that :) dont know if it's meridian well they make one of the phone system that I see all the time dtm: and the network? it makes sense to use their expensive ASP per minute big ol box and those servers are bridged to other systems.. they can archive or webcast the whole thing and merge it with video it's insane i dont know how they do it they can record fullscreen WebEx sessions, which even webex doesn't do multimedia stuff is whacked ;P extremely expensive and difficult Action: chillywilly wonders if you could do gstreamer conferencing especially telephony (realtime) ajmitch? what? think it is possible or you need a lot more code t be written? ask in #gstreamer to sue gstreamer in a conferencing app er, use Action: chillywilly doesn't want to sue anyone ;) one cool thing is that OST has made it so that M$ Netmeeting can do an audio conference with its GNOME counterpart that's pretty cool GnomeMeeting? i guess so we demo'd that at DEF CON it's all about the baby steps but i mean even if you had a big web/video reflector ASP with plenty of internet throughput, for all those conferencing peers, you'd have to have some complex error compensation stuff voip would maybe be easier in some ways whereas web conferencing slides would be easier in others webex just has like a meter for your internet health and it scales down each component of the h.323 conference, automatically. even on a modem so like your video goes at 3 fps so that your slides will still turn and all of this is one single solid encrypted stream via tcp port 80 perfectly firewall-proof h.323 sunds like a real complicated thing it's insanely cmplex rsb feeerz it what about dave? does he also ph34r it? did they ever start the GNU Comm meta project? dewd it includes voip, remote desktop display, sharing of all specific document types (anyting you can print, plus particular controls like slideshow buttons), video, whiteboarding, ... and that's just the stuff webex supports. h.323 includes even more. such as realtime facial movements of avatars to complement voip. i cant believe it i had no idea even when he explained it 2 weeks ago whiteboarding == everyone scribbles with a transparent highlighter marker on top of your slides or shared desktop apps i have no idea how all this is possible gnu comm exists although i dont know what it is dont know about dave although he himself is ph34rable from what i've herad heard :-D i've never worked with dave since he's in delaware he's a damn good hacker i've hung out a tad with Martin and i've worked a lot with rsb and his brother john (aka bodoman) how do they run a company when they don't even live near each other? i shopped at their brother Martin's stores, Disk Drive Depot (he also wrote the Hard Drive Bible) dave is eats coast and rsb is west cst right? east yeah how do they do it? voip! a really good intranet VPNs lots of voip they have unlimited calling for $40/mo to anywhere in the US it sounds like an analog cell phone, which is fine until someone starts looking at a web page they'll have that prioritized soon so does one work one coast and one the other? getting clients and such rsb is in sunnyvale, CA and martin is somewhere in CA and dave is in delaware afaik i dunno i think by now they have a strong referral network i haven't heard of them needing to, say, fly anywhere which means what? well they have a good reputation customers come to them? they ahve repeat customers and referrals somewhat ok i'll need to get reacquainted again aditya_gilra (~aditya_gi@ left irc: "Client Exiting" Action: drochaid is back (gone 08:14:43) night morning Sun Aug 18 06:10:41 CDT 2002 yea, I guess technically it is morning but I haven't slept yet chillywilly ( left irc: "woooooosh!" drochaid ( left irc: "Client Exiting" drochaid ( joined #gnuenterprise. psu ( joined #gnuenterprise. anyone awake? Action: psu will take that as a No Action: drochaid is awake hi drochaid allo actually, I was looking for a sysadmin type being uhm .. not me then :) as my ash p/w is b0rked ash, I should know that .. ash == the gnuenterprise web-and-everything-else-server well, except for CVS (on savannah) and the mail lists (on and the "other" website at Distributed systems, yeah, that sounds good ;-) ahh, I was thinking of another ash :) SachaS ( joined #gnuenterprise. drochaid ( left irc: "Client Exiting" drochaid ( joined #gnuenterprise. Action: psu is away: ST:v + wife Action: dneighbo is back (gone 10:06:25) dres ( left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) heya dneighbo yoyoyo wassup werd uhm .. not a lot, writing marketing material and, err, that's it you? jcater ( left irc: Remote closed the connection lupo ( joined #gnuenterprise. jcater ( joined #gnuenterprise. hi jcater hi do you know whether i can copy a CVS pserver checkout to another machine and still be able to make a cvs update on that new machine? I'm pretty sure you can hm ... because it doesn't work here (gnue cvs) hrm wtf i made cvs -t update -d -t means "be verbose" and he tells me he's sending _every_ file to the cvs server hm. how does cvs know whether a file was modified or not? Action: lupo is an idiot. scp has changed the date of the files ... scp -prC helps :) Action: psu is back anything heard from jan or reinhard about appserver status? not i jamest (~jamest@ joined #gnuenterprise. yo jamest reinhard ( joined #gnuenterprise. reinhard! hello back again reinhard: what is currently going on with appserver? lupo: i have returned from a 2-weeks holiday about 30 minutes ago :) ah ah, i hope you enjoyed it :) a GNUe addict only home for 30min and already online 2 weeks without GNUe dope :) reinhard: KCs are up for you to catch up from ;-) jamest: how true :) psu: thanks!! reinhard: btw, both jan and you are about 350-450km away from me, so there is a chance that we could set up a gnue hack meeting (esp. for appserver) lupo: sure however i'd like to "really" come home first before i leave again ;-) of course :) i just thought that 2-5 days of appserver hacking could bring it really forward. besides, three people with a flipchart and a lot of good intentions can really make sth. work :) Action: dneighbo is scared to have 4 german engineers hacking in room on GNUe at same time ;) er german/austrian same thing Action: drochaid hides hey! drochaid: yeah, and we so enjoy your cute ENglish accent... which accent? Action: drochaid mutters something in gaelic about psu and a sheep drochaid: german == austrian just like english == scottish baa! :) i wouldn't precisely compare austrian and scottish austrians don't eat sheep's stomachs and pretend it's a delicacy, for a start erm if you say so to resume to the intial topic, why you're scared when 4 german engineers go on to hack something? you=dneighbo psu: but we don't fill an intestine with blood and call THAT food and since when was haggis ever called a delicacy@ ? it was made to use all the remaining scraps left over dneighbo ( left irc: "Client Exiting" lupo ( left #gnuenterprise. chillywilly ( joined #gnuenterprise. hi cw hi Action: chillywilly peers at reinhard Action: chillywilly rubs his eyes is that you?!? yep how are you doing sir? fine relaxed that's good to hear fitzix ( joined #gnuenterprise. dres (~dres@ joined #gnuenterprise. drochaid ( left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) Nick change: jcater -> jcAway jcAway ( left irc: "Client Exiting" Action: fitzix is away: I'm busy Barbicane (jzeigler@barbicane.wopn.freenode) left #gnuenterprise. drochaid (~drochaid@ joined #gnuenterprise. Action: fitzix is back (gone 00:04:04) hi hi Action: chillywilly is reading about scientology and how screwed up L. Ron Hubbard, this guy was s whacked is there a quick way to search & replace text recursively thru directories from cmd line? sorta like grep --with-update? or do i need to ask a perl hacker? yo could hack together a shell script and use sed true might even be able to concoct a one liner using find and sed or find, xargs and sed something like find . -type f -exec sed -e's/oldtext/newtext/g' \{\} > /tmp/xyz && mv /tmp/xyz \{\} \; (not tested, use with care) yea, like that you sure you need to espace the {}? yes otherwise bash interpretes it why does this work then: find . -type f -exec echo {} \;? that works? yep works for me, too maybe it depends on the shell you use find . -type f -exec chmod 644 {} and \{\} is safe \; is a common thing I do yea I suppose cause the {} are used in variable jnk ${VAR} stiff like that stuff and in function definitions i think yep, that too btw, I am using bash ;) that last part may not work though as the {} don't have any meaning in a simple mv command d they? ohw ait that will still be part of the exec jcater ( joined #gnuenterprise. hi jcater hi reinhard: chillywilly: thanks psu ( left #gnuenterprise ("nite..."). solibre ( joined #gnuenterprise. solibre ( left irc: Client Quit chillywilly ( left irc: "woooooosh!" jcater ( left irc: "Client Exiting" fitzix ( left irc: "Client Exiting" Action: drochaid is away: can't breate reinhard ( left irc: "When all else fails, read the instructions" Action: drochaid is back (gone 00:09:44) dneighbo ( joined #gnuenterprise. Action: dneighbo finally has working 802.11b in house!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yay Action: drochaid sits outside dneighbos house and plays allo dneighbo, ajmitch hello drochaid: its ok i like to share :) heh Action: ajmitch plots I have working 802.11b also aynone can come over and use our massive bandwidth its 'manly' and 'ferocious' seme|Home2 ( joined #gnuenterprise. hi guys hey guys... whats going on with GNUe... I downloaded and installed all the packages but it doesn't actually seem to be very functional... is what is available in the /downloads section very old? ? if you grabbed the 0.3.0 release of things its rather functional what did you try to do with it? the gnue tools (what are in the downloads) are just that tools dneighbo: werd dneighbo: I'm just learning how it all works... I have been reading but I haven't been able to get it to do much yet... what have you TRIED to do with it its not necessarily a deficiency with GNUe... :) he hee for example running gnue-forms dneighbo: I'm working on getting the financils stuff working would be less than an exciting experience if you didnt have gfd's to see how comprehensive it is and w/o database driven gfd's its really boring dneighbo: I clicked on the financials section of the web page but it doesn't have anything to download am I completely missing something gnue-designer should be fun to run w/o gfd's, but with out a database it would get boring quick too ;) we have no 'shrink wrap applications' to date we have the tools done (some of them) so that you could build a financials package which is probably why you are less than thrilled :) dneighbo: hrm... does dcl actually integrate with GNUe or is it just a php programm that sits outside the whole structure of gnue? nickr: if you are gonna post all sorts of nifty art pictures can you do me a favor I didn't see how it used any of the GNUe stuff at all please zoom in on a nice fresh piece of pepperoni pizza and snap a shot don't mention food! then when im hungry i can just go to a book mark of that and be in my happy place dneighbo: where do I get those gfd's you were talking about dcl currently is part of GNUe it is being CONVERTED to use the GNUe application framework the most current versions do not reflect this cvs has .gfd files started for DCL usage dneighbo: hrm... so should I even work with anything other than whats in CVS? are some samples of what dcl would look like in gnue framework seme|Home2: for dcl i would use stable and not cvs dneighbo: thats not really an art pictrue, its my WAP as cvs head is brutalized right now to get some contact management stuff bolted on nickr: i hit next for about 10-15 times oh hehe and saw more 'art' close up photography stuff i saw a keyboard with a plate on it dneighbo: hrm.. so it looks like GNUe is really not even close to being usable right now? would that be a safe statement? dneighbo: there are an 'assload' of images and though nice picture dneighbo: if you go up a level dneighbo: sorted by day but a true masterpiece would have had pizza on that plate ;) seme|Home2: absolutely UNSAFE statement GNUe is highly usable right now it just depends on WHAT your view as a user is if you are a developer looking to build business applications GNUe is nice and usable for you right now today dneighbo: I'm a developer but I want to put together a system for a small company that I'm working with dneighbo: the crazy thing is that the picture with my keyboard in it, theres a paper plate that probably had pizza on it if you are an end user looking to download say the financials package and run it with doing anything then no GNUe isnt ready for you today nickr: :) seme|Home2: it sounds as though GNUe would be quite usable to you then dneighbo: ok I'm going to work on it a lot more and see what I can do with it :) you mean you had pizza on my birthday and didnt invite me? Action: dneighbo is deeply wounded I had no idea it was your birthday dneighbo: I mailed you a pizza, did it reach you nice'n'hot all the way from Scotland? :) drochaid: seeing how its like 110 or so here, pizza via mail would be hot heh hah --- Mon Aug 19 2002