you should be able to add a line to yor sources.list to pull it form the X guy from yeah just have been nervous to do so his server or what not I did that for a while ntil 4.1.x made it in until as box that needs it is wife's and i really dont want it all hosed up right now well I thought my stff was hosed when I upgraded and installed gnome 2, but I recovered ;) some packages wanted to dl DTDs off the net to install docs weird way of doing it btw, I think gkrellm sucks the big one mp3_patent_rox it is VERY unrespnsive when doing heavy processing like updating all my mailboxes when it starts up needs to be multi-threaded the gui shouldn't freeze up Action: chillywilly contemplates hacking the gnome mail applet to support multiple mailboxes mp3_patent_rox: yeah, soon in debian years :) Action: jcater finds it sad that KDE 3.0.3 is out and 2.2.2 is still latest in sid of course, the unofficial ones are working fine but still... it used to piss me off though i knid of like how they do it i.e. better than mandrake and redhat just releasing every week i.e. the IMPORTANT packages just dont get thrown into sid i.e. so developers can use sid w/o expecting MAJOR things to up and die but readily they can get beta versions by adding a sources list line yup as oddly i have found 'sid' to be more stable than redhat 6.2 distro i ran :) hehe, :) sigh anyone know why I'd get "ha: lost interrupt" errors? s/ha/hda I am getting those too on my server and the hd also makes cliking noises :( hmm it is frelling weird fucks up my stream too when I am listening to WOPN maybe it is a kernel bug sigh my debian install is freezing grr ugh should I be getting a "modprobe: Can't open dependencies file /lib/modules/2.2.20/modules.dep" when installing via floppy? hmmm I don't think so I don't see hw it cold hurt too much is that when the kernel on the floppy boots? hmm after loading the root disk I boot up the rescue.bin disk k then swap out to the root disk it loads and starts doing crap k then I see that modprobe message scroll down at least 20 times (so that's all I see) then it says I have seen this before I think NET4: Unix domain sockets 1.0 for Linux NET4.0 go on and then it doesn't do anything but oddly enough, I can Ctrl+F2 and get to a shell it should plw through and lad up the little install program load so it isn't actually hanging the machine maybe your floppy is fscked somtimes you have t try a different ne or write the images again it can be a pain different ne? one ne = nut extractor if the current method of having your balls pulled off isnt exciting enough ok after all he did say 'it can be a pain' my o key and u keys are really screwed up mp3_patent_rox: heheh, good one ah, kick ass in case anyone else ever has to ask to install debian via CD on a machine that won't boot a cd just create a disk w/sbm (smart boot manager) and it can boot from cd :) no muss, no fuss and no fiddling w/root, boot, rescue, compat, etc nice what does sbm do? nevermind I see groovy I use the netinst CD to install debian piss on floppies well that still requires a bootable cd :) yes or an sbm sloppy ;) flppy hehe I can't type@ !!!! Last message repeated 1 time(s). ! Last message repeated 3 time(s). 1 i noticed yeeeeeeep kjdh jk sbdfjkhhsnd sbvskdf kjfj kjnssbdfhg&*&7tykjg&iuug&@$)_() computers suck decrypt(kjnssbdfhg&*&7tykjg&iuug&@$)_()) "I am an OSS lover" go figure heh read "ESR is my hero" "Tim Oreilly is My Daddy" "My BSD Daemon can beat up your Penguin" "Donuts - A Way of Life" "Pizza -- It's what's for dinner" "Trout slapping is the only thing I am good at" trout slapping? or just *slapping? :) Action: chillywilly slaps jcater with a trout some people need demos hmmm...donuts have a hole in wonder jcater likes them so much :) brings new meaining to the terms "cream filled" sigh this isn't working where can I get a netinst cd? chillywilly, jcater: please stop with the disturbing innuendo, i'm starting to think i should find a bucket to throw up in :) ajmitch: you can take it you're a big boy ah the spurious hda:lost interrupts went away when I tried the 2.4 boot floppies w00t and now I get an install screen Action: jcater dances great doesn't help me I have a 2.4.18 kernel on my server ;P Action: jcater stops dancing because the wife is upset I'll dance w/the computer but not her real hackers dance with computers fux0r Action: ajmitch has 2.4.19 here now, needed it for IDE driver the reason it booted this time is because the 2.4 bootdisks didn't recognize my SCSI driver Action: jcater gives up load the modules hmm how? hmmm, I thought they had gd ramdisk supprt nevermind I was on crack aha good ole google :) you need a ramdisk with the appropriate drivers..which the boot floppies are supposed to provide google is yur friend as is :) who be dat? dunno ok but he put 2.4 preload modules for scsi controllers on his site so he's my friend right now :) :) hell yea he is hmm he might become my friend soon too :) mp3_patent_rox ( left irc: "CGI:IRC 0.5 (EOF)" heh CGI? HEH dawg was using his browser and sheeir chillywilly ( left irc: "brb" dyfet ( joined #gnuenterprise. jbailey ( joined #gnuenterprise. holy bat breath You americans worship the strangest things. hehe dyfet ( left irc: "Client Exiting" silly MS no wait, MS are helping us :) MicahY ([ joined #gnuenterprise. hey hey MicahY hi still can't log on to ash. :( hmm I'm actually not 100% sure what my password was, but tried the likely guesses and I had my ssh key in there so I guess stuff didn't get moved over right... yeah i'm the same guess we should get after jamest. :) hunt him down... jbailey ( left #gnuenterprise ("Client Exiting"). bigbrother ( joined #gnuenterprise. ping pong pang Action: derek watches the big jamest game hunt Action: jcater beats the debian bf24 developers upside their heads !@#@!# Action: derek changes the channel to the Debian Developer Beatings hmmmm how odd those poor geeks appear to be tossing donuts to some ravaging beast in hopes of deterring it from ripping them limb to limb Action: derek thinks this is definitely better than the big jamest game hunt they include a 2.4-based kernel to install from well, that fixes several bugs but there are only IDE drivers in it (and we all know no serious sysadmin would use SCSI, right?) um so I find a preload disk that will give me SCSI support you try the compact disks? no problem but, guess what there's no support for the rtl8139 ethernet chipset one of the more common chipsets in use today Action: jcater has over 50 rtl8139 NICs myself so now I have no network!!!!!! Action: jcater is not a happy camper of course, if I use the 2.2-based kernel to install from I get my network but no hard disks what?? but, then again, who needs hard disks? the rtl8139 driver has been in linux since 1.3.x, and is very common. why would they not build it in? no clue unless you need to use the 8139too driver? :( no 8139* modules Action: jcater saw others bitching about this on google Action: derek goes to dig out a gem Action: jcater cries I have this brilliant idea, that since the Debian CD includes kernel source for 2.4.18 I will compile a custom kernel just to get the NIC working bad idea machine perpetually reboots hmm you mind installing potato then upgrading? if not then try this image what are the odds of me getting the rtl8139.o from another 2.4.18 debian machine? and it working? the images in compact are meant for servers like what you are dealing with strips out all joystick and junk the issue is 2.2 kernel has a bug w/my SCSI controller debian should never be this hard to install It includes support for PCI SCSI and IDE controllers, some PCI RAID controllers (including DAC960 and SMART2) and some network controllers. ajmitch: I agree :) jcater: try these images from its kernel-config that kernel doesn't include the advansys scsi card CONFIG_RTL8139=m you seen the thing about MS volume licensing? reinhard ( joined #gnuenterprise. sup reinhard hi derek wassssssssup Action: derek envisions reinhard saying that like the commercials here :) Action: reinhard is off to customer for today reinhard ( left irc: "'Hardware' defines as the parts of a computer system that can be kicked" Action: derek needs to scavenge for tunes, grrr no time to get my server back on line with other machines right now rocks i forgot i foudn that in SF yummy jcater ( left irc: "nite" psu ( joined #gnuenterprise. hi psu hi aj hi bigbrother ;-) psu ( left #gnuenterprise ("bbml"). siesel ( joined #gnuenterprise. morning Arturas ( joined #gnuenterprise. Hello Hi Arturas :) hi Jan :) siesel ( left irc: "l8r" hi do we have any fewlz in here who are interested in telephony? or do you know of any interests that the more general enterprise portoin of GNUe has in telephony, Bayonne style? we need some Bayonne action inna howse, peepz how is it possible to add file to cvs with specific tag? added into head... ajmitch ( left irc: ajmitch ( joined #gnuenterprise. drochaid ( joined #gnuenterprise. siesel (jan@ joined #gnuenterprise. hi all :) hi welcome back :) MicahY ([ left irc: "[x]chat" siesel (jan@ left irc: Remote closed the connection is it better many small changes & commits to cvs, or one big change & commit of many things? depends on who you want to annoy :) jan (jan@ joined #gnuenterprise. wb :) :) jan (jan@ left irc: "Eject! Eject! Eject!" he's really low on fuel :) hehe Action: Isomer tends to prefer lots of smaller commits opinions vary :) and my opinion means naught here :) siesel (~chatzilla@ joined #gnuenterprise. wb again siesel hopefully the chatzilla client works a bit more stable now :) ok siesel: did you try to offer him some chocolate?? chatzilla clients are known of their addiction to chocolate :) no, I try to give him some other sweets (tangy fruity strips from haribo) Action: Arturas is away: Lunch jamest ( joined #gnuenterprise. Hi James ToyMan ( joined #gnuenterprise. hi is derek around? Mr_You__ ( left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) Action: Arturas is back (gone 02:21:16) Isomer ( left irc: Connection timed out jamest ( left irc: Remote closed the connection jcater ( joined #gnuenterprise. hi jcater word up ToyMan ( got netsplit. ToyMan ( returned to #gnuenterprise. hi jcater, hi ToyMan im around really around, we call it fat where i am from heh jcater: do you have any idea how to debug designer/wxpython in an easy way? pray, really hard its better than debugging lots of print statements print statements work for me best captured into a file except of hard praying and print statements, is there a way to get wxpython internal debugging statements? roflmao siesel: you should be a stand up comedian siesel: I'm dead serious hmm lots of print statements only way jamest and I have had in the past :( internal stuff? wxpython is a slim python wrapper around a C++ lib you could hack that if you were fool^Wbrave enough I've heard about an wxpython debbuging lib, and there seems to be some debug functions in wxwindows, crap anyone know if you can pass psql a password? yogurt2unge ( joined #gnuenterprise. nevermind worked around it i believe you can try new gtk2 interface now - it should be working :) yogurt2unge ( left irc: "Client Exiting" one has already run away.... :) :) yogurt2unge ( joined #gnuenterprise. Arturas: we need to be a little more judicious about committing other people's patches we really needed to get a copyright assignment first mm, what does 'judicious' mean? ah well it's not a big deal I'm sure we'll get it should i remove it? no... we'll just ask the guy for an assignment I'm sure it won't be a big deal but for future reference that's a requirement for getting large patches into CVS large = more than a few typo corrections will know that... thank you :) derek: can you send a copyright assignment form to this guy (if you haven't already) jcater: is our dcl back up? um if so can someone send an email to it Action: jcater takes the fifth as i am getting ready to run out door and will forget ok oooo are we happy w/psu's web page i.e., are we ready to transfer DNS servers back to ash? or do we still need to do some finetuning first? im not sure i figure no harm no foul ok if its not perfect we can fix it as we go :) true dat Action: derek is away: work siesel (~chatzilla@ left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) jamest ( joined #gnuenterprise. siesel (~chatzilla@ joined #gnuenterprise. is everybody happy with the colors of the new website ? I think we should nix the blue border myself well lemme rephrase that the white header and the blue border should be the same color and I assume the header is white because the logo needs a white background we could change the logo a bit :) ya fixe ( left irc: "pamf" siesel (~chatzilla@ left irc: "l8r" fixe ( joined #gnuenterprise. drochaid ( left irc: "Client Exiting" drochaid ( joined #gnuenterprise. bye :) Arturas ( left #gnuenterprise. StyXman ( joined #gnuenterprise. hi 'vryone reinhard ( joined #gnuenterprise. psu ( joined #gnuenterprise. hi all fwiw, I am not too precious about the colours for the new site actually, I'm not too precious about the new site, period we probably need to agree some "corporate colours" and stick to them "I prefer lilac and tartan, myself" Action: jcater votes on "donut beige" and "trout green" with "pepporoni red" for accents jcater: do you know the mistery behind transparent blocks? Action: jcater didn't know there was a mystery? are they broken? jcater: no, I just was wondering why they even exist... they are for people who need them not everyone's app will use them reinhard ( left irc: "The more often you run over a dead cat, the flatter it gets" you mean, like some blocks that won't let the user change the focus to a entry ouside this block pressing , but would be able to do so using the mouse? correct uh, and you don't see a problem there? stbain (~stuart@ joined #gnuenterprise. ?? the user would still be able to change focus with the keyboard or with the mouse I mean, it 'ties' the user keyboard but lets the mouse free. with the keybd? how? i mean, going outside a non-transparent block... with the next-block event (it's on the menu, and iirc is Page Down) ah... ok. (we (optionally) supressed the menu :-/) and we're used to traverse all fileds in a form with only one kety... ??? ok, that'll go in the docs. emacs ( joined #gnuenterprise. lojack ( joined #gnuenterprise. psu where is test site, i cant find it anywhere hmmm thats old site for me Nick change: emacs -> emacs42 now it resolves correctly how odd greetz lojack: there is something funny w/the first page I think Apache can't find index.php so goes to default Debian page instead If I can/t work out why, a quick & dirty symlink will fix it really? it works for me I get "Welcome to Your New Home in Cyberspace!" I would suspect my cache, but a reload doesn't fix it Lynx, however, has no problem Of course, this was all working until you-know-who started looking at it ;-) no kidding! Actually, the site looks quite good in Lynx s/quite good/as good as anything ever does wow it really does good job Action: psu likes to wind up web designers by saying "a site that doesn't work in Lynx is a broken site" shoot but this is actually the first time I've checked it. with the designer's we've had, I wind them up with "a site that doesn't work in mozilla/netscape/opera is a broken site" Action: jcater wouldn't dare mention lynx they can't get out of the IE mode much less graphical mode stbain (~stuart@ left irc: "Client Exiting" uh, i can't reach it... (w/ lynx) gah if it's just the front page redirect should bypass that yeah, it's clean. and yeah, the fp redirect [does not work for lynx?] and yet it works for me although I have wwwoffle switched on, which might make a diff StyXman ( left #gnuenterprise. psu you want me to submit you website diffs? i relaly want to practice what we preach and treat you like the website colonel no problem i will submit likely to the dev list with explainations and see how it goes at the moment, probably necessary since we have no CVS for the web as maybe that will be preferred way to do patches for other tools as well ;-) I would say submit via DCL, but that's not an option at the moment... right that would be my preferred way (BUT) two main issues a. do we really want patches as attachments long term in dcl (i.e. do we have sufficient space) if so great b. is it an open process i think i answered my own b with all one has to do is get an account and set a watch and they would see incoming patches by product which is easier than us maintaining mailling lists and such i think website has a particular issue, in that savannah website implies we can't have a commit-gnue-www mailing list or send web commits to normal commit-gnue StyXman ( joined #gnuenterprise. still not sure why people (including me) are having issues as apache appears to be set up to look for index.php if it can't find index.html psu: welcome to my world :) problem is, I have at least 4 caches browser RAM, browser HD, wwwoffle & ISP's and one of them isn't clearing uh, I guess an EMP would clear them all... :) StyXman: that might cause other problems, however... ;-) well, don't you habe backups in some safe place? no? uh, uh, nono, ba bad :) s/habe/have/ siesel ( joined #gnuenterprise. hi ! hi siesel StyXman ( left #gnuenterprise. jamest ( left #gnuenterprise. psu ( left #gnuenterprise ("the sun has gone to bed and so must I..."). Isomer ( joined #gnuenterprise. hmm the sun is supposed to be an indicator as when to go to bed (o h my have i got things messed up) ToyMan ( left irc: "Client Exiting" drochaid ( left irc: "Client Exiting" fixe ( left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) f1x3 ( joined #gnuenterprise. Nick change: f1x3 -> fixe siesel ( left irc: "night" chillywilly ( joined #gnuenterprise. jcater ( left irc: "home" lojack ( left irc: "CGI:IRC 0.5 (EOF)" dyfet ( joined #gnuenterprise. yogurt2unge ( left irc: "Client Exiting" dyfet ( left irc: "Client Exiting" emacs42 ( left irc: "Client Exiting" jcater ( joined #gnuenterprise. hi yo damn dave /msg'd me I was gone blah serves ya right son of a ... this 2.4-kernel install image for debian is useless completely useless not only does it not have rtl8139 driver it doesn't have ne2k-pci ok that sucks badly so no net connection? Action: jcater is trying my 4th NIC a plain old ISA NE2000 if it won't support that I give up that's evil crap someone should kick the b-f people holy sh*t it worked now I can apt-get a kernel-image-2.4.18 and live happily ever after yup yay! that's just wicked shit, though yeah you can replace the kernel on a boot floppy I think Action: ajmitch decides to diss debian people :P can you? Action: chillywilly decides to shoot himself in the head with a shotgun because at this point, I want to create a set of disks I can use to reliably get at this machine someone hand me a baseball bat & christian marillat's address Action: chillywilly places the barrell in his mouth rock! she hangs on LI now this is progress damn grab a grub floppy boot with that :P worked for me last week had no idea what distro was on the hard drive, so i loaded up with grub fsck [20:07] Last message repeated 11 time(s). did I mention fsck what broke? for some reason she won't reboot into debian keep getting an Unable to mount root ugh even the bootfloppy the install created for me the partition check passed fine? grrr the install never prompted me to "make the hard disk bootable" ah so I forgot to do it manuallyu Action: jcater thinks that's the issue Action: ajmitch hopes that's the issue sigh do I have to reinstall yet again? no Action: ajmitch wonders if grub will read your scsi hmm how can I find out? write that to disk, boot with it you'll get a grub shell > root (sd0,0) > kernel /vmlinuz root=/dev/sda1 > boot if that's how it's setup Action: jcater will properly adjust but cool note that grub numbers from 0 ah ok it'll tell you if it sees a filesystem there or you can do find /vmlinuz to see what disk it's on :) grub rawks knoppix rocks ;) Action: jcater was thinking about knoppix ok, I'll take yor word for it hmm grub a no-go :( bother Action: jcater downloads knoppix 700MB iso, you need an 80min cd no prob cool Action: jcater wets himself finally got it all working :) Action: chillywilly hands jcater a towel great to hear it's going SachaS ( joined #gnuenterprise. chillywilly ( left irc: "woooooosh!" SachaS ( left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) --- Thu Aug 29 2002