alas my joke is unappreciated nickr: if you could package the best one up for debian, your joke would be much appreciated don't cry unfortunately, I can't find the best one :) best what? POS? debian is already full of shit. he he lol to give you an idea of how aweful some of these install program are, one of them expected the Ximian version of gnome goodness ouch jcater: If you find the best one, I'll be glad to have a look at it grrr it seems the ones with the most backing are java based which of course I don't intend to run Yea well that seems logical people don't realize that Python has superior cross-platform well, derek, when you get back riddle me this... from what I can tell, the gshop programmers have gone to easyPOS (for whatever reason) easyPOS has no database and therefore no schema so, the riddle is: how do we work with them? well there still may be a 'schema' even without a 'real' database when I say "flat text file" I don't mean fixed length records or CSV it's really weird surely they are still storing data in such a way that can be represented by a database hmmmm what do you mean, you don't have a dir structure db driver? :) Action: ajmitch sees that comment at top of his screen night chillywilly ( left irc: "woooooosh!" Nick change: jcater -> jcZzz fixe ( left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) Mr_You ( left irc: "." karlis (redrobin@ joined #gnuenterprise. kermy ( joined #gnuenterprise. hi anyone active here? i will be developing a document management system with 4 other students. i was wondering wether you could give me some pointers. also, where can i get GNU Enterprise Common snapshots? hmm, this is disappointing.. im active woudl you be willing to do the dms under the GPL as part of GNUe? nickr was going to do our document management stuff but he has been busy i.e. we will need document management as part of gnue yes, or maybe gpl you can get snapshots on the website yes i found them. i will have to look it through.. has there been any progress besides the document on the site? we are a bit in the dark security wise.. ? besides what document? for the document management stuff (i.e. docustore) only the document exists i see you use python extensively in the GNUe project. we will be using C or maybe C++. will that be a problem? what is nickr's real name/email address? we could contact him then. nick rusnov nick AT thanks! he is not listed on the gnue site btw. right indeed kermy: its not a problem, but of course we think you would be better off using python you will get a LOT more help from us and will have gnue common at your disposal your development time will be about 100% faster (and thats if you dont know python yet) ;) i.e. all gnue developers were pretty much C developers before gnue i dunno.. performance wise etc... BUT again certainly if you feel you must use C you can aren't there python/c bindings available? kermy: i will make bet with you if you do it in python you wont be dissastified with performance 95% of the time C apps are slower than python ones you know zope? zope is SLOOOOOW :( yes yeah, zope is bad example of python zope is a web application and web applications in general are slow and sucky which is quite ironic Action: ajmitch hears derek's bias showing somewhat damn that sentence made no sense i have to go to church how can i hear something that shows? i will gladly discuss later ok, cya derek ttfn monday here ;) derek ( left irc: "Client Exiting" bye well, i'll discuss the whole python idea with the others. alright have to go, i'll let you know of our progress.. bye, good to hear from you :) kermy ( left irc: Mr_You ( joined #gnuenterprise. re fie chillywilly ( joined #gnuenterprise. chillywilly ( left irc: Remote closed the connection chillywilly ( joined #gnuenterprise. Nick change: jcZzz -> jcater morning hi heheh Action: chillywilly notes it is 1:30ish (pm) not exactly morning guten morgans Mr_You ( left irc: "That's it for today" o....k..... Mr_You ( joined #gnuenterprise. Action: chillywilly slaps jcater around with a great WI lake trout I thoght that was it Mr_You? ;) my client thought so ;-) heh umm we need more developers for what? for a usable appserver Jan and I are doing our best I am working on it right now in fact well, sucks for me, cause all I can do is wait and wait and wait such is life, I only have so much free time thats why we need more developers sure bring 'em on appserver connections are in plain text? its getting to the point now that I don't see how I can use GNUe very frustrating appserver connections are exported via grpc it's an xml file I can't recall, but is RPC in plain text across the network? the API follws reinhard's first draft the one thing that works right now is xmlrpc I'm guessing it is which can be over http possibly https I'm not sure if https works or not see, I'm thinking about making a GNUe module for webmin GNUe Forms Client module forms talks to appserver via a driver which makes rpc calls the driver looks just like any of the other db drivers doesn't think it handle introspection so you can't use designed to hook them up right now s/think it// designer I mean Mr_You: it should be encryptable. Action: LuftHans runs almost everything over https and ssh tunnels other things. Derek said GNUe can automagically ssh tunnel from the client to the db. I thin 128-bit encryption should be sufficient yea, so you could run appserver in an ssh tunnel Action: chillywilly forgot about using an ssh tunnel esprrrrresso anyone in here know how to use sql-ledger? karlis (redrobin@ left irc: "BitchX: the un-Cola" dneighbo ( joined #gnuenterprise. nickr: are you here? or chillywilly? how do you 'scale' games on xmame? its been a long time and i dont remember annd not finding option in gnomame yea hmm doesn't say in the help? I know you can give a multipliar i tried to use man xmame and the man pages are dorked xmame --help? and xmame --help was more confusing than helpful hmmm -scale maybe grr i cant run it from command line Action: dneighbo remembers there being some voodoo involved derek: do you know how to use sql-ledger? -scale is the one you want LuftHans: you dont use sql-ledger I'm trying to. it is best i can tell horribly laid outon the backend a pile of perl mess i would use NOLA instead nickr: i cant get the roms to run using xmame directly gnomame works but i can only scale to 4 NOLA is a cookie sucking morass which is too big :( actually I don't know about the morass part :) LuftHans: i will take cookies over something that has no capacity to reconcile an account but im more accountant than programmer :) that might be the issue I'm running into I don't know much about accounting, but I need to get some invoices out this weekend dneighbo: you have tno tell it the romdir lufthans: I use email ;-) which reminds me, its the 1st I had someone recommend it because that's what his wife's business uses. I've been waitnig for some decent accounting software, and I'm getting tired of waiting Mr_You: trying to be more sophisticated. Also trying to not have to resurrect my cheesy program. man, my email invoices look MUCH more "sophisticated" than Covads that I receive and if you want to be real fancy, you can do HTML email invoices HTML! Bah! A pest on HTML email! :) nickr: i got workignn thanks anyone know of good site to get help on key combos (i thought i had one) I did gpg signed plain text. Whatever I use will eventually get that capability as well :) I hate HTML email also, but my invoices are great.. Action: chillywilly uses zsnes plain text email what kinda roms can *mame play? personally I don't think customers care about gpg signed invoices you can't inline gpg sign HTML granted I might be going the same direction with PDF :( Action: chillywilly 's jabber.xml file si b0rked Mr_You: mine will. I just have to teach them. aargh! popup windows too! these seem to actually be needed, though... I'm emailing an invoicing or will offer faxing and thats it chillywilly: they sure do make jabber hard to configure lh-cookies ( joined #gnuenterprise. nickr: just got the yahoo transport configured now I have AIM and Yahoo nice I wish they'd ship those in the debianp ackage fun. nola has two different company lists. dneighbo ( left irc: Remote closed the connection nickr: I am running cvs as there's an isse with the threading library it uses with the lastest release gnu portable threads I think it uses pth yea can' t seem to see t he yah transprt whren I browse though er, yahoo 20020901T20:33:49: [notice] (-internal): initializing server 20020901T20:33:49: [notice] ( AIM-Transport starting up for instance 20020901T20:33:49: [notice] ( Yahoo! Transport v2.0.0 [RC6] starting. NOLA's javascript closes the main window rather than the popup :(. o ok hmm I hate having so many projects now if only I could remember my yahoo id toprach ( joined #gnuenterprise. oh I had a question.. does GNUe allow you to show partial text, like a CC or social security # for example? I don't think GNUe is that far yet - still very early development as far as I know yeah..thats something I require sigh toprach ( left #gnuenterprise. uggh I say, uggh!!! lupo ( joined #gnuenterprise. lupo ( left irc: Client Quit siesel ( joined #gnuenterprise. what do you mean by partial text Mr_You? hi jan Hi chillywilly Hi all :) like only transmitting and showing the last 4 digits of a credit card or social security #. hmmm Mr_You: actually, I am implementing input masks I have a branch in CVS and it'll let you do that well, they provide a means to do that Action: jcater hadn't thought about using them that way but it's a good idea Nick change: jcater -> jcAway I was thinking about input your masks... er, your input masks :P input masks? siesel ( left irc: "What's a script?" yea yu specify the format of the input and they have to enter it like that like for SSN they have to enter all digits from 0-9 and it pt dahses in automagically for example this is different or you specify what can be shown not really ok you can specify what can be shown, thats what I'm refering to would that be an output masks? well he needs to add that, that's what he said anyway output mask yea, I suppose or yo cold jst clal it a "frmat mask" and be generic about it I suppose er, call blah u and o keys are horrible on my laptop I need a new case again k for me my warranty is up though btw the geas api is in gnue/appserver/grpc/GEAS.grpc any XML readers being used? IE displays xml nicely ;) j/k I dunno dude, moz/gecko jst strips the tags Action: chillywilly is away: dinner thans Action: Mr_You & Mr_You: you can define separate input masks and display masks for any field could I display something like "xxx-xx-9099"? or only "9099"? Action: chillywilly is back (gone 00:55:08) man, you musta had a pile of food nope, was watching cartoons with scotty samuri jack on the cartoon network how far along is appserver? when can i use it in production? Action: ajmitch hasn't been following it too closely it's not far enough that doesn't tell me a thing it doesn't do much but let you traverse records in a db there's more code in _featuretest that jan added I am trying to finish the parser for the object format right now still ;) actally jan has code to play with records and such and even execte python code stored in a db ok the README is informative so pretty non-functional other than as a layer between the db & forms the one in gnue/appserver/src/_featuretest well the stuff in _featuretest is functional you can setup the sample db, then run his test program it's been a while since I read his code Samurai Jack sounds cool heh it's a cool cartoon ;) wow, has positive message/values too samurai jack is a stand up guy :) check into aikido if you son wants to be a samurai one day ;-) Action: Mr_You wonders if they do any "samurai walking" on that cartoon. my samurai walking is pretty good I must say ;-) heh what is samurau walking? er, samurai some look like they are seating on a skateboard and rolling hmm.. might need to find a description that has some animated gif I tend to keep my posture straight ahead more than he does. some black belts who can do this well and wear the long skirt-pants clothing look like they are rolling with a skateboard underneath, cause you can't see their feet and their posture stays forward. cool I got some great compliments from the two teachers that were at last class something like "most students make progress then their progress plateaus, but you just keep going and going, its fun to watch" ;-)) brolly3k ( joined #gnuenterprise. nickr: or someone Nick change: brolly3k -> derek big trouble little china my mysterious debian oddness cropped up wrt networking how so? well two problems one always existed the other is new : wow, heh hello all 1. all output goes to console instead of logs (been that way for some time) Action: ajmitch wonders at derek's amazing powers to uncover bugs 2. all out bound routing from ethernet cards is blocked but best i can tell i have successfully removed ALL firewall type tools so i dont know what the heck is blocking it what do you mean, outbound routing? what are you trying to do? i vaguely remember this problem before and it being a serious bug with netbase or ifupdown there are some options in /proc that can be set ajmitch i had a WORKING gateway i.e. one nick to my cablemodem one nic to my internal net i bought a router/firewall/wireless point so i plugged all my boxes into it cat /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward on the gateway machine i brought down ok that has one line 1 ok, that's fine the ip_forward file let me get you the error what is the problem? or goal? to have a working network I would assume ;) it writes a BOATLOAD to the screen ah, chillywilly can help, he's the expert but the gist of the error (or oddity is) ping: sendto: Operation not permitted ajmitch: uh? and yes the network works umm yes the cables work yes the network cards work etc etc Action: ajmitch wonders if ping is not setuid root its either configuration error or something ls -la /bin/ping umm Mr_You: something sounds broken can you ping as root? is ping in a chroot? i am root Action: derek could swear last time i saw this or somethign like it, there was a debian bug certainly i can be doing something dumb here but i really think there is some weirdness here i have about 3 more minutes to fix or it goes unfixed for another week everything work besides ping? I still dunno what the problem is. Action: ajmitch has no clue is VERY similar to my issue Mr_You: NOTHING workss other than ethernet cards coming up and getting valid ip address from dhcp you running filters? does netstat -nr look ok? Mr_You: please read back log tcpdump? im fairly certain i successfully remove ALL forms of firewalling well depending, a kernel might default to block all still getting IN=.... type messages at the console? this is wacky iptables -F && iptables -X if everything is going to console,sounds like syslog config has changed sorry that machine is not on net so getting info to you is less than easy LuftHans: eth0: promiscuous mode enabled. device : eth0 entered promicuous mode tcpdmp: listening on eth0 i cant stress enough (excuse the frustration) iptables is NOT ON THIS machine unless its in some stealth ass mode that root cant see it :) which with my luck would be quite possible :0 routing table looks normal? derek: it's possible could also be a incompatibility problem with the NICs and hub/end point. tcpdump -l -i eth0 I have had that problem. sometimes powering up in a certain way gets them up specially with my roommates apple airport derek: you rebooted/done otherwise since removing iptables? well good luck because iptables is just the userspace tool to control the kernel functionality - you can remove iptables & still have the kernel firewalling LuftHans: same thing as before yeah.. and sometimes (in FreeBSD atleast) you have the option to by default deny everything or allow going to different vt and pinging out produces nothing new tho in freebsd it still shows the deny statement in the list derek, you might try a boot floppy or such and just see that hardware is working normally.. tho it is getting an IP, its really bizare. Mr_You: it's derek, he can break anything :) :) i THINK maybe just maybe that iptables and such WAS on this machine there are also sub-tables, e.g. iptabled -nL -t nat and i did an apt-get remove and i BELIEVE it removed them that one bit me many times before I understood the zen that is netfilter... doh however it might not have been smart enough to stop the running processes hmm.. maybe boot to a boot floppy, mount partition download iptable packages.. reboot install? look for iptables in your package cache hmm ps -ax doesnt show anything running what would netfilter or such use luft: true LuftHans: you want me to reinstall them if so? Action: LuftHans must get ready. Action: derek knows they aare probably there removing stuff is normally the last thing you want to do when you run into a problem ;-) fyi ;-) derek: whatever it takes to run "iptables -X && iptables -F" iptables is there what will iptables -X && iptables -F do? then also make sure /proc settings haven't been munged. i hate networking with a passion -X kills user chains, -F flushes rules iptables -P INPUT ACCEPT reinstalling iptables that might not be a bad rule to have :) yeah heh crap sorry its ipchains not iptables ipchains -F && ipchains -X that's coming from some crusty memory, though... found iptables removing chains installing iptables iptables == 2.4.x, ipchains == 2.2.x my machine has iptables and ipchains installed learn it love it ;P fsck getting screamed at like no tomorrow actually ipchains can be 2.4 as well iptables -P OUTPUT ACCEPT derek: wife? after i do these things must i restart iptables just run those commands ipchains -F && ipchains -X && iptables -P INPUT ACCEPT && iptables -P OUTPUT ACCEPT dunno why debian would have ipchains and iptables installed guess they don't care to choose cause they don't force you to run a new kernel note the follow up from Tommi on the URL you pasted earlier shows why it's probably the OUTPUT chain and he actually uses documentation to do it :) LuftHans: i owe you beer of your choice after next meeting im out, things work WHY ON EARTH it was blocking without iptables installed is BEYOND me but i guess somehow it was keep the beer, explain how to get NOLA working :) hah LuftHans: i will be around tomorrow i think if micahy comes in or jcAway comes to jcater he can explain nola well iptables is just the utility, removing it doesn't wipe the filters it put in place NOLA, I want GNUe damn it the first step to working nola is LuftHans: yeah, i said that ages ago ;) to get acclite (our branch of nola) used to be at something ajmitch: yes, you did. Just reiterating for Derek's sake :). but that was a wile back i must run or i will be killed thank you all byebye derek ( left irc: "Client Exiting" removing iptables ( the utility ) is one way of making it difficult for a cracker to change your rules if they get in. or you can just crash the box... :) Action: LuftHans is off to get ready. this file is longer than anything... blah [20:34] Last message repeated 2 time(s). god gawd 1492 lines s/god/good/ plz shoot me what? chillywilly: stop rambling & make sense thekicthensink.godl is 1492 lines long! probably going to bring the parser to its knees :( well it si SAX2... s/si/is/ hmm ok, finally got NOLA installed, cause I got a little idea, but I'm wondering why NOLA looks nothing like the screen shot heh any ideas? Nope, never played with it Action: chillywilly thinks that can be seriously misconstrued heheh ok I might give this a shot.. chilly msg cause XT is easier to type oops --- Mon Sep 2 2002