reinhard ( joined #gnuenterprise. psu ( joined #gnuenterprise. hi reinhard psu chillywilly hi hi all cw! hey Isomer Isomer! evenin' ajmitch :) chillywilly: you know how you were saying you didn't understand why I'd want to do that stuff with python and C and stuff? good morning sheeeit I can't even recall what it was anymore ;P chillywilly: well, I've got a practical demonstration now :) excuse the flood: import _c"/lib/") strlen=lambda s:a.call_int("strlen",s) strlen.__doc__ = "returns the length of a string" print strlen("Hello World") So, you can write functions in C, and then just "call" them from python instead of spending ages writing glue code to do it ok my next step is to make lines 3 and 4 disappear and then replace line 2 with "import libc" so my eventual goal would be import cmoule import libc print libc.strlen("Hello World") ok dneighbo ( joined #gnuenterprise. hi so writing C modules for python would be trivial hey normally i dont use dhcp but recently started too because of new device what do you do when you dhcp is on crack and assigns the same ip address to two different clients er?! i.e. client a gets address x then goes off network client b gets address x and stays online what DHCP server do you use? it needs to renew its IP before getting back on the networ next time client a comes online it gets address x Isomer: some shitty one in a cheap dlink router Mr_You: i tried pump -R to renew w/ no luck will try again Action: chillywilly uses dhclient hmm cause pump wouldn't work with my cable modem Action: Isomer wouldn't know what dlink routers dhcp servers are like dneighbo ( left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) doh dneighbo ( joined #gnuenterprise. dneighbo ( left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) we're doing very well on LinuxFund great the 2 website bugs chillywilly found are fixed ? now for the rest of the todo list... dneighbo ( joined #gnuenterprise. what did I do? a) GPL != GNU Public License ; b) icons in accounting package doc oh, that chillywilly: ok i have dhclient now how do i get it to give me a NEW ip address? pray? ;) Listening on LPF/lo/ Sending on LPF/lo/ Listening on LPF/eth0/00:10:a4:d1:6f:c6 Sending on LPF/eth0/00:10:a4:d1:6f:c6 Sending on Socket/fallback/fallback-net DHCPDISCOVER on lo to port 67 interval 8 DHCPDISCOVER on eth0 to port 67 interval 5 DHCPOFFER from DHCPREQUEST on eth0 to port 67 DHCPACK from SIOCADDRT: File exists bound to -- renewal in 1800 seconds. latitude:/etc/pcmcia# it gave me same one try -r Usage: dhclient [-c] [-d] [-e] [-p ] [-lf lease-file] [-pf pidfile] [interface] not valid i cant find a lease file that makes no sense grrr i hate crappy things SYNOPSIS dhclient [ -p port ] [ -d ] [ -q ] [ -1 ] [ -r ] [ -lf lease-file ] [ -pf pid-file ] [ -cf config-file ] [ -sf script-file ] [ -s server ] [ -g relay ] [ -n ] [ -nw ] [ -w ] [ if0 [ ...ifN ] ] The client normally doesn't release the current lease as it is not required by the DHCP protocol. Some cable ISPs require their clients to notify the server if they wish to release an assigned IP address. The -r flag explicitly releases the current lease, and once the lease has been released, the client exits. GACK latitude192.168.0.10100-10-A4-D1-6F-C6Aug/31/2002 22:01:45 aegagrus192.168.0.10000-E0-06-F7-23-BDAug/31/2002 22:01:10 it doesnt show my third machine carpine as being on the network no wonder it keeps giving latitude but carpine is up and working im streaming files off it :) to another box what is that output from? dneighbo ( left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) raytrace ( joined #gnuenterprise. dneighbo ( joined #gnuenterprise. raytrace ( left #gnuenterprise ("Client Exiting"). gack interesting. Action: dneighbo cant get to my main computer to look at stuff too many people over :) where the frell are you? late night heh why are there people over? make them go home ;) hehe hmm guess I should have guessed the credit card was an MBNA card in disguise they are the leaders in affinity credit cards (in UK at least) "affinity" Action: psu notes a UK card is on the way "affinity" = linked to some other org, usually one that people have some loyalty to many UK soccer clubs have them yes charities too I would guess 90%+ of them in UK are MBNA-backed you and your big werdz I have 2 MBNA "accounts" hey, dude, I'm just trying' to talk the American slang, right? peep this yo I'z just trying to kick it up in here Action: psu notes that 2 out of 3 of his existing CCs are, in effect, affinity cards and you be trippin' I finna have to get my gat and smoke yo a** sheeeeeit yo yo yo, where my bootie at? dneighbo ( left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) blah Ozzy puts me to sleep when it's late Action: chillywilly listens to "Seet Child O' Mine" dneighbo ( joined #gnuenterprise. nah Action: chillywilly switches to hendrix good choic e all I can say is, if dneighbo is only kidding about having dhcp problems, he's doing a v good impersonation dneighbo ( left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) he's fo those lizards that changes colors to match their env but I can't remember how to spell it ;) Action: psu can't either - chameleon bah dneighbo ( joined #gnuenterprise. I forgt the h dict wasn't smart enough to help piss on dhcp, you have 3 boxes why isn't one of them a server? ;) then you can statically assign private IPs ;) so are all the lamericans here off of work tomorrow? ;) must be - why else up this late? ;-) heheh I am no way psu I stayed up just to talk to you and my good buddy reinhard :) Action: psu gets a warm, glowing, feeling inside either that, or I shouldn't have had the curried prunes... I hope you are joking... that sounds nasty to me :P A v old joke from the Goons - certainly older than I am ;-) hehe however, talking of work w00t, Pantera is now playing but I'm not in the mood for that psu ( left #gnuenterprise ("time to go"). dneighbo ( left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) Action: chillywilly gang tackles ajmitch Action: chillywilly forces him to attend winblws 2000 server class ;) kitty is dreamin heh night night kitty dneighbo ( joined #gnuenterprise. damn you dneighbo Action: chillywilly uses toothpicks to hold his eye lids open Action: ajmitch attends Windows .NET 2003 Server class dneighbo ( left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) ajmitch: w000000, lucky you! Action: ajmitch learns how good this really is Action: chillywilly asks himself why he made a 1000+ line example file rofl. dneighbo ( joined #gnuenterprise. danielb@obfuscation:~/src/cvs/gnue/appserver/src/_featuretest$ wc -l thekitchensink.godl 1433 thekitchensink.godl kill me Action: ajmitch takes out his mauser dneighbo ( left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) dneighbo ( joined #gnuenterprise. dneighbo ( left irc: Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer) dneighbo ( joined #gnuenterprise. paci (~paci@ joined #gnuenterprise. btami ( joined #gnuenterprise. hi dneighbo ( left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) siesel ( joined #gnuenterprise. morning not yet another 3 hours to go or so :) btami ( left irc: "Client Exiting" gnuebot (~eggdrop@ left irc: Remote closed the connection gnuebot (~eggdrop@ joined #gnuenterprise. #gnuenterprise: mode change '+o gnuebot' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. chillywilly ( left irc: "woooooosh!" JohannesV ( joined #gnuenterprise. Arturas ( joined #gnuenterprise. Hello siesel ( left irc: "(way home)" SachaS ( joined #gnuenterprise. reinhard ( left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) Arturas ( left irc: Remote closed the connection reinhard ( joined #gnuenterprise. Arturas ( joined #gnuenterprise. reinhard ( left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) JohannesV ( left irc: Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer) reinhard ( joined #gnuenterprise. JohannesV ( joined #gnuenterprise. jbailey ( joined #gnuenterprise. chillywilly ( joined #gnuenterprise. JohannesV ( left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) dneighbo ( joined #gnuenterprise. chillywilly: fwiw i ran static ip for about 3 years and EVERY time i had any issue at all first thing people said was WHY ARENT YOU USING DHCP heh which normally my answer was um if i cant remember 3 stinking numbers i dont deserve to use a computer which didnt much satisfy them I just think it is one less thing to configure well i figured it as 3 things 1. one less to configure 2. one less daemon clogging up a machine (yes i know resources are minimal) 3. one less thing that can have a vulnerability and open my machine what i REALLY love I think thse are all valid points is that people that would beat me up on #2 were same folks that say the only way to get real performance is to compile your own kernel :) but anyhow 1 and 2 went away because the dhcp is on a 'black box' maybe if you compile in preemption patch you'll get a slight performance boost the debian kernels do have 686 arch kernels its fun to play with dhcp at home though well kind of fun Action: dneighbo is starting to think this might have been my wan card issue probably anyone here using fluxbox? I use dhcp because I'm lazy i have two silly questions before i go read the fm jbailey: that was the allure to me once i got this box as (1) was taken care of and that was mostly a lazy thing :) With Debian, dhcp is trivial. Fewer lines to add to /etc/network/interfaces, and just `apt-get install dhcp-client3' I have too many machines in too many places to remember piles of IP addresses. =) But that's what I get for working in IT. =) dneighbo ( left irc: Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer) he's still playing with his network? dneighbo ( joined #gnuenterprise. are you still playing with his network? er, your well, to each his own :) I used to be the lazy one who used static until I realized I could be even more lazy w/dhcp :) actually, I got tired of reconfiguring the clients depends on how many clients you got there's only 3 compters n my network SachaS ( left #gnuenterprise ("Client Exiting"). geeze bananahead pos is a bitch to install on debian it assumes RedHat 7.x that's grounds for a beat down bye Arturas ( left irc: "Client Exiting" dneighbo ( left irc: Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer) dneighbo ( joined #gnuenterprise. jcAway: have you played with fluxbox more? dneighbo: I was going to use it at the bookstore dneighbo: as these are lowend machines Action: dneighbo got irrated that 'key binding didnt work so i went to look just now and it FRIGGIN ROCKS its like emacs :) Nick change: jcAway -> jcater you can do complex key binding and customize it to do anything you want pretty trick actually dneighbo ( left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) Action: jcater slaps dneighbo around fix your damn network, boy! hehe dneighbo ( joined #gnuenterprise. grrr getting ip stolen regularly is irrating [11:26:52] * jcater slaps dneighbo around [11:26:57] fix your damn network, boy! grr Action: chillywilly peers at Mr_You what bananahead uses configure, so I can do a ./configure --prefix=/usr/local (as it defaults to /usr) dneighbo ( left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) 's that registrar you like? but all it's scripts hardcode /usr uh? speak english plz dneighbo ( joined #gnuenterprise. dneighbo: you have a piece of hardware doing the dhcp right? i fixed it for now was able to get to the server finally and grab new lease you still have a satellite connection? kaw kaw Action: chillywilly throws crackers at nickr man, I got my weekend all out of the way yesterday, what am I supposed to do today? party like a rock star I don't have the resources for that ok, then sit at your computer and be all geekly :) code on gnue bah double bah Action: dneighbo starts chanting gnue debs, gnue debs..... enunciated gnu - e - debs dneighbo: many have tried, all have failed roflmao :P It woulda been funnier with Dune lines many have tried ... 'tried and failed?' tried and Died. it's the "Sword in the Stone" "Who will step forward and retrieve debs from the CVS?" heh Action: dneighbo remembers paul having to stick his hand in that box that reminds me of gnue yea pretty much 'how much pain can you take' GNUe Gom Jabbar why do people not like the old Dune movie? Action: dneighbo is away: labor daying a lot of people say some series they had about it was better...I never saw it though the scifi channel miniseries you mean? they don't like the old dune movie because they've seen the 90 minute chop o fest that makes no sense instead of the superior 4 1/2 hour cut the miniseries had a lot of good points, though it was rather entertaining it had a much different feel I missed that when was that on? a couple yars ago my room mate has it on DVD, also where can you get the 4 1/2 hour cut? 4 1/2 long movie...heh oh, I dunno actually scifi occationally shows a cut version that is about 4 hours long I've only actually seen the version that I'm thinking of once, on TV, about 12 years ago on the station that created it, I think cool whoot! after an entire weekend, I finally have a login screen to bananahead and people complain about our install sheesh how dare they! Action: chillywilly goes about writing a parser Gtypecast basically casts the xml tag info into appropriate "objects"? tag info? it converts the xml attributes, which are always stored as strings, to the appropriate datatypes so rows="10" is stored in python as rows = 10; err, is stored as entry.rows = 10 casts the string to an int object? ok or a string, or a float, or whatever is needed yea what's name, text and whole whole ==whole number? name is a restricted string i.e., it is expected to be A-Za-z_- or such i.e., representable in the python namespace perhaps I should change all my tag attributes id="ClassName", id="InterfaceName" to name="ClassName", ... err I actually want to change the existing stuff to use id= instead of name= stbain (~stuart@ joined #gnuenterprise. ok... actually I can levae my attribute names as id and still cast them to names right? ya ok and text is a multi line description? er, maybe not mltiple lines text is just returned unprocessed ok btami ( joined #gnuenterprise. hi all hi hi chilliwilly jcater: have you read my e-mail (patches and more) ? ok jcater if I have a tag that is the root of the docment but this can also be nested (i.e., nested modules) I can just set SingleInstance to 0? always contains and can be nested in btami: yes, and I apologize for not committing yet (haven't been where I can GNue for a few days) chillywilly: yip ok err I also think there's a UsableBySiblings or something like that that should be set Action: jcater forgets the name jcater: do you know your last commit breaks reports in CVS ? try foobulation re btami: really? uggh that commit was actually to get an important report I use at work working so I wonder what broke Action: jcater will try to squeeze in an hour today to GNUe (i..e, get your patches in and debug reports) jcater: what do you think about firstrow, notfirstrow issue? structural/formatting ? I wasn't sure what you were asking you introduced some tags (firstrow,notfirstrow), but i think these functionality is an output formatting thing originally, I did too then I realized I couldn't implement grouping without them i sended a modified monthly.grd without these tags, and it worked well with fo.xsl or i misunderstand something ok, I will look later thanks if you got the same functionality without using the firstRow stuff, I certainly wouldn't mind getting rid of them so, please look at my attach jbailey ( left irc: "Client Exiting" btami_ (~btami@ joined #gnuenterprise. sorry, was a private call jcater: btw. i tried my fo.xsl with another grd on a big database, and FOP failed with OutOfMemory exception jcater: in the schema parser what do you use GSObject for? I know it is like the parent of the heirarchy bt why did you write it? where's it used and what for? chillywilly: it's there in case I need to add functionality in the future oh and can I add triggers to GObj derived objects? chillywilly: with forms and reports, we didn't have that common class ok chillywilly: but needed it later on and regretted having to change all the code :) just consider it planning ahead, although it is useless now :) jcater: what do you think about writing our (GNUe) own formatting engines? and do GObjs support triggers? if FOP fails on large reports btami_: I very much want to do that especially knowing that it gets an out of memory error Action: chillywilly sulks in the corner chillywilly, sorry :) chillywilly: sorry, I misread that I thought you were making a statement not asking a question yes, they do heheh it's ok thanks jcater: what is your plan, FO or something else? fo == f*** off ;), j/k btami ( left irc: Read error: 113 (No route to host) btami_ (~btami@ left irc: bt (~btami@ joined #gnuenterprise. you guys need to keep me chained up I scare everyone away bt*: something else i'm back why not FO? cause that's not avery nice thing to say to people ;) i'm just curious :) blah, back to work jcater: what do I say is the parent of my GObj if it can only somtimes have a parent? like GODLSpec somtimes had GODLModule as a parent er, has b woops oh wait that's a defalt arg nevermind bt (~btami@ left irc: "no more question for today" Action: chillywilly leaves out the default arg since GODLSpec can have a parent nah, I'll leave it in jbailey ( joined #gnuenterprise. lupo ( joined #gnuenterprise. hi hi hi jbailey, lup o G'day Mr_You et al. hi any news since last week? hi ajmitch, Barbicane, chillywilly, dneighbo, dres_, Isomer, jbailey, jcater, lh-cookies, LuftHans, lupo, Mr_You, nickr, paci, pattieja, ra3vat, reinhard, sfb-, and stbain chillywilly: you forgot gnuebot ! oof heh piss on the bots they don't have feelings ;) hey, they are also human beings! erm wait uh, no no feelings? really? gnuebot: you bitch! gnuebot: you suck If someone pisses on my computer I'll be.. ermm.. mala ( joined #gnuenterprise. pissed. I can't boot windows using the grub (grub error 25), any ideas? hi mala You're using chainloader +1 right? hey chillywilly jbailey: you were asking me ? mala: YEs. # Entry 6: Sample chainloaded OS. title Winblows 95 map (hd0) (hd1) map (hd1) (hd0) rootnoverify (hd1,0) # Chainload from the first sector chainloader +1 makeactive Hmm. i think so jbailey: i think so I've never done the map bit. hey, nothing new in cvs for a couple of days :( Action: chillywilly notes he no longer has winblows on that machine anyway lupo: I resent that whats chainloader +1 anyways ? Action: chillywilly 's example file is 1000+ lines long ;) any idea regarding to my question it says se winders loader That tells it to execute the code at the first block of the partition. tells grub to lad anther loader er, load another mala: If you're impatient and start asking if we have any idea, it really discourages me from continuing to type. hence the term "chain load" jbailey: sorry chillywilly: It doesn't have to. You can use it to boot oskit example kernels, IIRC. Action: lupo slaps gnuebot around with a small 50lb Unix Manual doesn't have to what? oskit kernels aren't chain loaded are they? neilt (~neilt@ joined #gnuenterprise. #gnuenterprise: mode change '+o neilt' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. neilt! he's alive chillywilly: I think some of the simpler ones can be. The realmode bits. hey cw, whats up hello all mala: You still need to tell us what your grub config is if you want us to help. btw, this channel is about gnue though....but we don't mind helping with other free software yogurt2unge ( joined #gnuenterprise. hello neilt hi reinhard! reinhard: wassup? wazzzzzzup hehe reinhard: perhaps i have a sponsor for a european developer meeting oh ? well actually that's a very good news it was a positive "oh" :) ah :) however karlis (redrobin@ joined #gnuenterprise. reinhard: hello though i won't set up a schedule for such a meeting :) of the two scarce goods "money" and "time" the latter one tends to be the bigger problem for me :) i see but i would _always_ have time for a GNUe developer meeting :) neilt: how you're doing? ok, working today i have identified a possible location with quite good catering (no pun intended) and cable modem access reinhard: and how are you? oh it's a holiday in the US, isn't it? reinhard: yes yes neilt: i'm excellent (i hope that is clean english) :) job is doing great excellent all i wish is to have more time for gnue reinhard: me too let's rewrite it *g,d&r* reinhard: do you know wuerzburg? as a black circle on the map of germany, yes :) hi, all north-east bavaria? lupo: ok lupo: i never was there mala ( left irc: Connection timed out reinhard: Lustenau - Wuerzburg 323 km reinhard: Cologne - Wuerzburg 303 km so perfectly in the middle of you and siesel :) later all neilt (~neilt@ left irc: dres_ ( left irc: "see ya" Action: chillywilly is away: movie lupo ( left irc: "using sirc version 2.211+KSIRC/1.1" karlis (redrobin@ left irc: "BitchX: it isn't only my script, its also my client" jcater: do you have the debian/* files to make the .deb file for sparc architecture? TKS in advance debs for GNUe? no, I don't :( I wish I did ya I wish distutils allowed us to install in sane places jcater: sorry I need only pysablot files reinhard_ ( joined #gnuenterprise. the pysablot debs should be platform neutral nickr: nop, pysablot had C and C++ files reinhard_ ( left irc: Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer) ah well its pretty trivial reinhard_ ( joined #gnuenterprise. I'll build a sparc version if you want but I only need debian/* files to make .deb file I want Thank you if dneighbo would get off his ass and get some docs into the upstream source it could be an official package reinhard ( left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) yogurt2unge: stbain (~stuart@ left irc: "Client Exiting" reinhard_ ( left irc: Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer) reinhard_ ( joined #gnuenterprise. stbain (~stuart@ joined #gnuenterprise. nickr: You don't have permission to access /proj/gnue/pysablot/pysablot-0.1 on this server. nickr: My browser said lies! Chipaca ( joined #gnuenterprise. nickr: no problem, I'll try with deb-make Action: chillywilly is back (gone 01:41:30) Action: jbailey is away: I'm busy chillywilly: hi ello Barbicane (Barbicane@barbicane.wopn.freenode) left irc: "off to prepare for broadcast." Action: jbailey is back (gone 00:48:16) reinhard_ ( left irc: "The chance of forgetting something is directly proportional to ... to ... aehm ..." chillywilly ( left irc: "woooooosh!" Chipaca ( left irc: "ircII EPIC4-1.0.1 -- Are we there yet?" chillywilly ( joined #gnuenterprise. yogurt2unge ( left irc: "Client Exiting" chillywilly ( left irc: "bbiab" chillywilly ( joined #gnuenterprise. chillywilly ( left irc: Client Quit chillywilly ( joined #gnuenterprise. chillywilly ( left irc: "woooooosh!" chillywilly ( joined #gnuenterprise. jbailey ( left irc: "A GNU/Hurd - Didn't you hear we come in 6 packs now?" stbain (~stuart@ left irc: "Client Exiting" dyfet ( joined #gnuenterprise. anyone seen derek? Action: chillywilly slaps dneighbo around dyfet ( left irc: "Client Exiting" sklein ( joined #gnuenterprise. anybody home? guess not. bye all sklein ( left irc: Client Quit im here stop slapping me and pulling me off my ass Action: dneighbo thinks the people in this channel are violent :) Action: dneighbo chalked up another debian convert today :) my nephew finally bugged my dad into switching his computer to linux :) SachaS ( joined #gnuenterprise. Action: nickr beats up dneighbo bam bam boof your nephew stays with your dad? nevermind Action: chillywilly is a dense s/a// anti-aliased fonts are secksy chillywilly ( left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) chillywilly ( joined #gnuenterprise. derek: you there? --- Tue Sep 3 2002