Action: chillywilly thinks derek ran out of gas there at the end yeah it is late Action: sshack thought the interview questions were a little to generic. chillywilly: got nervous :) Action: chillywilly has a bone to pick with Barbicane ? derek: Blah, did fine. I gave him some funny things to ask to break the ice and he didn't ask nto one of them derek: you did a great job, imho what did you give him to ask? The interviewer seemed a little miffed when you didn't get his jokes or respond to his comments though. I don't know any history here, but I thought that seemed a little inappropriate. didnt bother me i felt silly as i had never listend to an interview on there before owww!!! barbicane is a fly-by-the-seat-f-your-pants-kinda-guy Hammer docs! derek: case you have a life ;)?!? i don't often listen in Action: chillywilly <-- no life Action: LuftHans thinks derek did fine no i just found out about wopn like 2 weeks ago and have caught it twice but never an interview Action: chillywilly listens to it all the time yeah, first time i heard interviews tiday it's like crack :) barbicane didn't forget he was there as with happned with chipx86 earlier today :) hehe barbicane was off today Action: derek is horrified to hear the stream later and sound how horridly dumb i sounded you would think he would've got in sooner to be prepared Action: chillywilly has it recorded :) root@obfuscation:~# ls -l *.ogg -rw-r--r-- 1 danielb danielb 101699584 Sep 10 00:08 Radio WOPN.ogg damn this file is getting BIG 8) I suppse I can stop recording now yeah barbicane said he might try & split out the interviews into separate files derek: you did a good job and helped provide direction for us misguided souls ;) derek: I got the sample running, it's complaining about ui frameworks now (no config setup) but I think I should do this tomorrow. I have to be up at 6:45 tomorrow. Action: chillywilly has to be up at 5:30 Tue Sep 10 00:10:13 CDT 2002 yeah, i have to use the gtk2 frontend now :) weeeeeeeee Action: sshack is /NOT/ a morning person. I stayed up just to hear da masta hrrrm, I am hungry now chillywilly: you still got wxpython installed? derek: I *loved* your answer to "what do yo hate to do?" nope it's b0rked now can't install it bitches abot python about yeah wxpython needs rebuilt against python 2.2 jan said you can get the deb and do a --force-depends on it I dunno how well that works badly, i'd imagine Okay, I shall speak with you guys Possibly tomorrow, more likely wednesday though. Busy day tomorrow. Nick change: sshack -> sshack_zzz ok, cya jcater: you ever make it back Action: chillywilly now has a voice to put with the nick(s) derek, dneighbo, etc. ya chillywilly: scary, isn't it :) you should see him in real life you'd fear for your life rofl :) hehe Action: jcater is glad derek has a good sense of humor did yo hear his answer to "what is something you hate doing?" unlike, say, chillywilly "any physical work" Action: jcater can't listen so no lol jcater: if people start emailing you how do I not have a sense of humor asking when the next release is and why they cant get it in debian sometimes I am cranky its chillywilly's fault not mine rofl did you plug us? cool um oh yeah yeah how long was the interview? i mentioned most of the db drivers came out of a pissing contest between you and jamest one afternoon as well :) fa-ever hehe rofl so you got plugged personally even Action: chillywilly is still recording e w eeeeewwwww stop pluggin ppl derek! keep your "plug" away derek doesn't like PLUG anyway, some of us say Open Source :) well stp doing that damnit ;) hehe I like PLUG esp. spelled backwards :) ariel_ ( left #gnuenterprise ("Uscita dal client"). Nick change: rm-sleep -> reinhard good morning all egads! I'm around when reinhard is waking up Action: jcater better get to bed night hi Re reinhard: :) jcater: I concur jcater: yeah i know the feeling howdy reinhard it's the same for me when you get up :) lol jcater ( left #gnuenterprise. Action: ajmitch wonders how many people listened to the interview 10, perhaps? ;) 3 you hans and chilly ;) hehe Action: derek is away: bed JohannesV ( joined #gnuenterprise. Action: chillywilly is away: cw-zzzZZZ Action: chillywilly is back (gone 00:02:56) Nick change: chillywilly -> cw-zzzZZZ psu ( joined #gnuenterprise. psu ( left #gnuenterprise. Remosi ( got netsplit. Remosi ( returned to #gnuenterprise. le_sage ( joined #gnuenterprise. btami ( joined #gnuenterprise. good morning JohannesV ( left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) JohannesV ( joined #gnuenterprise. who I send patches too for the acclite stuff? reinhard ( left irc: Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer) reinhard ( joined #gnuenterprise. send to jcater or derek i think :) Bit of a hack, but the navlink/header part of the code is broken. now its much easier to navigate arround. 8) ok hello all btami: you here? sorry, reading back logs hi :) ra3vat: ? back me too btami: are you playing with appserver? is working as standalone test? without xmlrpc transport it needs xmlrpc, IIRC xmlrpc comes later 1 import test 2 class rpcTestApp(test.testApp): 3 4 def getSession(self): ariel_ ( joined #gnuenterprise. but as standalone it complains about unproper connections.conf setting sorry, i can't help you ok maybe ariel_ :) Action: btami is away: work le_sage ( left #gnuenterprise ("Client Exiting"). ra3vat: wassup? btami: are you playing with appserver? is working as standalone test? without xmlrpc transport ra3vat: i suupose yes but you have to setup the database sorry, that was in _featuretest what should be set as a provider then? umhh try to run gtestcvs with option 1 (start server) first looking into then python2 from another window chose xmlrpc ok, i will play with gtestcvs options esands ( left irc: "later" btami ( got netsplit. cw-zzzZZZ ( got netsplit. ajmitch ( got netsplit. btami ( returned to #gnuenterprise. cw-zzzZZZ ( returned to #gnuenterprise. ajmitch ( returned to #gnuenterprise. Nick change: cw-zzzZZZ -> chillywilly Nick change: chillywilly -> cw-away btami ( left irc: "Client Exiting" ToyMan ( joined #gnuenterprise. IsoosI ( joined #gnuenterprise. Remosi ( left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) siesel ( joined #gnuenterprise. hi all :) hi siesel hi reinhard stbain (~stbain@ joined #gnuenterprise. Is dcl running again, or should I still send a mail to to report bugs? StyXman ( joined #gnuenterprise. Action: siesel found a bug, that makes a table with ten rows in a mysql db to behave like a million row table :( yay! (hi guys) how's that? Don't know, I seems to be a mysql dbdriver bug, it repreats the 10 rows over and over without and end :((( ah. found, not fixed. I get the difference... siesel ( left irc: "later" SachaS ( joined #gnuenterprise. anybody, besides jcater, knows how dows reports give parameters to datasources? s/dows/does/ datasources look at the code :) is perlhead around/ derek: not appeared at work yet: too early in the morning. derek: and I've been looking @ the code for a day and half I followed the _parameters to GRReport, but I don't see where are they 'fetched' by datasources or 'given' to datasources.... but I'll look in GDataSources... (btw, it's 11:40 here :) 11:40 and the boss isnt there yet man i would always be to work early and leave early ;) well, the term boss does not applies to anyone of us. we just have coordinators and steerers. (and I'm @ work early, planing to leave early :) el jeffe jcater ( joined #gnuenterprise. and here does he come jcater! I still fighting with the parameters. I can't find where are they handled to dtatsources. (datasources) ariel_ ( left #gnuenterprise ("Uscita dal client"). uh, gotta go. brb. StyXman ( left irc: "ircII EPIC4-1.0.1 -- Are we there yet?" StyXman ( joined #gnuenterprise. back SachaS ( left irc: Read error: 113 (No route to host) Action: derek is away: work perlhead ( joined #gnuenterprise. StyXman: I just added the feature you need but I need to remerge back into head as I accidentally did it in my input mask branch ough! hu, you left me otu of work :) can you send me a (quick) patch, anyway? jcater: and anyway, I don't see the magic yet. can you brief me on how do you pass params to datasources? it's in GFParser you'll see when I commit ah, so it should be in GRParser too yes search for 'cparam' in GRParser ok merge3d Action: jcater hopes I didn't break head too badly Action: StyXman crosses finger too Action: jcater didn't have any forms w/parameters to test so it might need slight debugging uh, I'll need to get the individual patches. can you tell me which files besides GFParser did you modified? GFParser, GFObjects/GFParameter, GFForm, GFClient, GFInstance a thousand thanks! I thousand tanks! nickr: you weight that much? Only after taco bell dres ( left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) if I ate that much taco bell I'd lose weight jcater: I understand you're the man when it comes to the UI? There's still an issue wrt the encoding of UI strings. siesel ( joined #gnuenterprise. ? I reported it via IRC a few months ago. Action: fixe would like to announce the new AxisGroupware.Org portal. Please take a moment to check it out. It pertains to everyone interested in communication and collaborative software integration. Thank You. I don't monitor the irc logs very much it's in gnue/forms/uidrivers/wx/ dres ( joined #gnuenterprise. the initForm routine doesn't specify an encoding for the UI's strings in order to get it to work in my environment, I must change it to read: widget.SetFont(wxFont(int(gConfig('pointSize')),wxMODERN,wxNORMAL,wxNORMAL,0,"",wxFONTENCODING_ISO8859_1)) Of course, a hardwired encoding like this is a bad thing. perlhead: are you using 0.3.0 or cvs? Should be configurable in etc/gnue.conf wxNORMAL,FALSE,'',encodings[gConfig('formFontEncoding')])) looks like you just need to set formFontEncoding=iso8859-1 in your gnue.conf file OK, maybe this is *again* due to the fact that we're using an older version because our patches aren't in yet. we need to discuss the patches as in your email you imply that they weren't discussed when in fact they were and problems were addressed Action: jcater is busy at the moment I thought that, since this was so long ago, we would have gotten there already. Maybe you misunderstood what I wrote, or I failed to communicate. I didn't say they weren't discussed. On the contrary, I know they *were* discussed. That's why it's so frustrating that they take months to get their way into the trunk. Action: StyXman sigh ...s I am not aware of any thechnical or legal issues holding the incorporation of the patches. If there are, please do tell us. If I undestand it correctly, the problem is that you guys are too overwhelmed with work. In fact, I'm a bit surprised that nobody answered my mail. Action: jcater was working on an answer but to be honest it took me by surprise and I gave myself a few days to cool off before responding Would you care to comment what made you heat up in the first ploace? place as that's quite a harsh/heated email to be sending to the main discussion email list at least I read it that way I mean, I sure didn't mean to offend anybody. well, like I said, I gave myself a few days to cool off :) just in case I was taking it the wrong way Beleive me, either you read it the wrong way, or I failed completely to communicate properly. I tried my best to make the e-mail as matter-of-fact as possible. And made sure that I wasn't throwing blames around. I wholy admit that we are not handling the patches in the best manner possible as they shouldn't sit around for a month or two All the mail says is, in short: "folks, we have a problem, let's find a way to solve it" BUT by the same token some of the patches we receive were discussed and problems raised but submitted anyways as if no problem existed take for instance or those were even discussed on gnue-dev in irc, I was really concerned that adding tags were inappropriate for our model, that perhaps an attribute was more appropriate Action: jcater thinks that was ignored I must admit I'm not up-to-date with the minute details of the patches. jcater: may be I'm too stupid yet Action: perlhead nods and there was concern with how a (or was it ) would fit in with our model StyXman: no I'm not trying to say that I *fully* admit we've been careless jcater: uh, 'es were dropped. and haven't given you guys the attention you need jcater: no, I'm admiting that Action: jcater thought they were in the latest patchsets I got did you notice we got the netrc patch in this weekend? now, theer's a , but I think I didn't submited patches I think we have two issues here: Or better, two kinds. Technical issues are, IMO, the least pressing. We *are* aligned with GNUe's direction. Of course, this doesn't mean that we won't ever have diverging views. We like to think that we are at least able to contribute some original thinking. This will most likely cause a few discussions and disagreements in the future. But that's for the good of the project. No dissens at all is bad for a project's health. Anyway, we *won't* do stuff that hasn't been agreed upon. I agree with everything you said and I admit So any technical issues that arise in the future will be discussed, and settled, and that's that. we have a problem but where do we go from here? Another typical day in free software development. The problem that looks harder to solve is of a more practical nature. You guys are *swamped*. jcater: well, now we're trying to resync with *the* gnue and then, I guess, resubmitt the patches... You do great work, and have created an amazing project. That takes a lot of effort. We acknowledge that, we know that you are not ignoring our patches. dres ( left irc: Remote closed the connection jcater: how do you want to use parameters? Just for triggers? stbain (~stbain@ left irc: "Client Exiting" well I'm not 100% sure yet but we already have the capability w/reports and there's time in the past I've needed them Action: jcater is away: lunch jcater: we were thinking of calling forms with data already there. StyXman: I've needed to do that as wel s/wel/well where you can change the dataset used just by passing a parameter reinhard ( left irc: "Never wrestle with a pig. You both get dirty and the pig likes it" ok. And the default values for a parameter are defined in the GFD? Action: siesel finally found the parameter discussion in the log :) StyXman ( left irc: "ircII EPIC4-1.0.1 -- Are we there yet?" perlhead ( left irc: "Client Exiting" gontran ( joined #gnuenterprise. bigup gnue crew perlhead ( joined #gnuenterprise. jcater: it seems, that parameters can be defined correctly in a gfd file, because just take a "name" and no "value" attribute. If it should be that way, how can I define a default value? hrm in reports, I had a separate tag that defined valid parameters and any default values Action: jcater didn't think about default values w/forms oooo cparam is a place holder for parameters to be substituted in Conditions Action: jcater was reading technote 00003.txt or by adding a tag to the gnue forms definition file. does not set a parameter a prime example (an example of how I use it) yes, but just defining that we will use a parameter X doesn't make much sense for me, why not import the parameter from report definition? huh? oh yeah sorry, I mean why not use the same tag in forms as in reports. yeah we should I just saw, that the tag in report has quite a few attributs. I don't know if we could use/need/implement all of them ( 'name' 'required' 'limited' 'default' 'description' 'source' 'type' ) we at least need 'type' and 'default' 'description' would be good too. (although we have to provide a "--show-user-parameters" command line option :( true geeze, siesel are you trying to make me work :) thats my job, isn't it? ;) btw. what does "limited" and "source" means? that is primarily for reports I don't see that being a use for forms but in reports the plan was to have a gnue-reports client that would prompt for the parameters if they weren't specified on the command like and source= could point to a datasource that would give valid values and limited= would specify the valid values (neither of those 2 options are implemented) ah. Action: siesel sees a light :) we still could use "source" in forms, because like in the example in 0003.txt, the exchangerate parameter could be f.e. provided by a database. It would be great if the parameter code could be shared between reports and forms, even if the normal forms user never will use tags in form files using parameter tags with source attributs could be a SQL less solution replacing "simpleQuery" commands in triggers erm hmm that wasn't my intention imho that's making parameters too complex i.e., then you have a datasource not a parameter sorry, I misunderstood "jcater] and source= could point to a datasource that would give valid values" siesel: but that was not for runtime I just read "source= could point to a datasource that would provide values" that was to prompt the user for a value to pass to the reports engine possibly its better to have a command line option like "--read-parameter-from" nevertheless, I think the main usage for parameters in forms is to send information from a main form to a popup subform. I agree IMHO its just would be easier to share the parameter definition with reports than create a new one dunno how much work it is to combine it with forms :) psu ( joined #gnuenterprise. it should be rolled into GClientApp but for the time being I'm going to leave them as they are filc ( joined #gnuenterprise. hi hi Mr_You have some quick UI driver questions lemme know if this is documented.. I'm looking for comments on what I might "seperate" in my code.. which would be used in the perl module/library. for others Hi psu for example, should I put "everything" except the actual UI rendering? jcater: that 100% ok for me. btw. what do you think about that reload parameter in the allowedValues(reload=0) trigger function (see 0003.txt). so that way other perl people can make their own interfaces.. hmm this is gonna be wicked.. heh I haven't fully tested it (and I don't think, that it will work with dropdown entries at the moment), but If you think that it make sense then I have a small patch to implemet it ehh guess I'm on my own heh siesel ( left irc: "has to run" Mr_You: separate in what way? ie. put certain functions in the library/module functionality I'm working on a GNUe Forms Client perl module.. then I'll have code that uses that.. so I'm just trying to seeif anyone has any general comments on what would be put in the module. like, obviously I would put the "get gfd" function in the module somehow I would need to put some widget stuff in there.. or hmm but I have to consider the most efficient method of integrating the module with user code understand? Nick change: sshack_zzz -> sshack Morning. sshack: only for non-trivial values of TZ ;-) just looking for comments before I start doing the hardwork of planning uhm, only for TZ values > PST8PDT. Action: jcater is back (gone 01:56:16) Well, <= -8 really Mr_You: I think the key message is to think about how much you have to do in perl and how much you can reuse I guess the best way to explain might be.. I'm isolating GNUe perl functions in the module so that multiple interfaces could be created from that module. i.e. I would definantly re-use GNUe Common exactly psu and you might get 90% of what you want for 10% of the effort by just teaching oh ok, how would I use GNUe Common? Action: psu is hoist by his own petard there's some docs somewhere, I'm sure jamest wrote something for reinhard when we decided to make appserver use common and you might get 90% of what you want for 10% of the effort by just teaching the python version of forms to handle wrapped perl triggers hmm but, this is free s/w and it's your itch ;-) is ther an LXR for gnue at the moment? the php forms client has its owncommon hmm I see filc: there was, but I don;t think it's working right does it? I thought siesel had decided to use the python one jcater: thanks... thought it might be just me... it has a common.php file: # DESCRIPTION: # database abstraction part for phpforms # (a bit like gnue-common, but using php) I don't see where it might attempt to link against something else. Nick change: gontran -> gon_lunch Action: psu just goes by what he reads in KC which is, in turn, only as accurate as the source material ;-) perlhead ( left irc: Read error: 113 (No route to host) perl_head ( joined #gnuenterprise. der_edoc ( joined #gnuenterprise. perl_head mr you and psu MY understand (as im probably the source) was that jan originally was writing php version of common (i.e. doing his own db management) then he stumbled into master/detail and said, 'dang you guys are doing a lot more than db abstraction how can i use common' at which point he started work on gnu-rpc in gnue common and started accessing the db funtions of common via xml-rpc (or so thats how i understood it) perl_head im not ignoring your email i jsut havent responded yet (had radio interview last night) just pre-emption of responding to email the .netrc patch was applied over the weekend we need to sit down and talk you jcater me and chipaca styxman and discuss how to get your tree and our tree back in synch so you can kill your tree and work out of cvs head and we will institute some policies to ensure quick applying of patches DOS? oops hmm I don't see a jan on the developers paged. just a question... is geas officially dead now? geas is dead, long live geas it's being rewritten as appserver/ oakey dokey... gotta run, if someone can msg me jans email I'd appreciate it.. thans psu thanks jason Action: psu is away: Star Wars IV on TV - use the source, Luke! Action: Mr_You & Nick change: gon_lunch -> gontran dsmith ( joined #gnuenterprise. Howdy people. What's been happening with gnue lately? Chipaca ( joined #gnuenterprise. hi all JohannesV ( left irc: "Client Exiting" what's the update policy submitting patches... say if I've found some typos in the docs, or maybe a howto for redhat 7.3? policy ^on^ submitting sigh sore subject right now for now sumbit to if its for other than minor documentation we will need copyright assignment we are working out a FORMAL patch policy Action: filc is feeling there is a high barrier of entry to gnue... :( word. but don't be discouraged. think of the payoff :) filc: well its not a simple application so certainly it will be higher than some as to copyright assignment, consider it a barrier, but have solace that there will be no scares (like there was with python recently) about who can protect the code and whom cant as for 'formal' patch procedure that will exist to LOWER barrier to entry i.e. right now its patch by committee so some patches dangle and dont get committed in timely manner by instituting a procedure it will make sure patches dont go out to the ether ;) we certainly take criticiism on how to make it better siesel ( joined #gnuenterprise. Action: Chipaca grins that's a gross oversimplification :) ok... I'm just learning the ropes at the moment. filc: it's not that bad don't let them scare you away :) Nick change: gontran -> gontr_away see now we've scared gontran away Action: filc laughs Chipaca ( left irc: "brb" ToyMan ( left irc: "Client Exiting" Nick change: gontr_away -> gontran Action: gontran not scared just frightened :) jcater: derek and I scared him all the way to .ca ;-) eh? Action: gontran reaches for canadian beer reinhard ( joined #gnuenterprise. oh no, he's gone native. He says 'eh' and thinks canuck beer is good! :) Action: LuftHans notes that no beer is good. Well, maybe some root beers and there's birch beer, but they're carbinated sugar water. hi reinhard heh. tag Nick change: gontran -> gontran_work perl_head ( left irc: Read error: 113 (No route to host) ok... it's a tiny patch to change GEAS to "App Server" in the main README. But I've sent it to to get a taster. Nick change: cw-away -> chillywilly hi again Action: psu is back the good guys won ;-) filc: ? yup? what's the patch for? psu: i didnt know sunderland was playing today ;( er :) LOL... just a one word change in the README... README in appserver? or in the old geas? no.. the readme at the head of the tree... gnue/README oh GEAS is sorta the official name though even if the new module is named appserver GNUe Application Server GEAS yup... doh... Action: filc going to hide in corner. jst like official name of forms is GNUe Forms but we have a certain naming convention in CVS and appserver seems to be the only one with a cool acronym but I could be trumped on all of this siesel and reinhard are da appserver "gurus" Action: chillywilly <-- wannabe with cvs write access ;) Action: filc <-- wannabe without cvs write access :) do whap, do whap chillywilly! chillywilly: What's been happening with gnue lately? hi ummm, we do have kernel cousins ;) where have you been anway?!? ;) Working in Michigan. Releasing mod_guile. Backpacking. mod_guile? are you sick? ;) obviously he likes to climb mountains and use lisp at the same time? Yes! opposed to climbing mountain dews and using python der_edoc: yo so laaaaaazy im not lazy hah im atively challenged that's up for debate lol atively? yeah, yeah, yer just drawn that way s/atively /actively atively = peaceful coexistance with software bugs? so you are atively challenged Action: jcater would buy that what do they call bug geeks again? entomologists bug geeks? or something oh, you mean gnome hackers? jcater: no comment on that one jcater: what a cheap shot well, I could do an expensive shot but last time I tried to overnight a trout to you the fedex clerk had a cow so I try to stick with the cheap shots now Action: chillywilly sends rock filled donuts to jcater midletons makes a good, expensive shot. wassat? single-malt whiskey. $10-20/shot depending on the bar. Worth the $10-20. I don't drink chillywilly: but don't you get dehydrated? nope...there's plenty of ice around good, save yourself. If you decide to loes your sanity, though, do it with midletons ;-) no thanks I don't need to dull my senses in order to cope with the realities of life ;) what's wrong with 8 pints down the local every friday and saturday night? I agree with you on that. Unfortunately I really like a couple of alcoholic beverages. I don't drink much and I never drink and drive, so I think I'm in pretty good shape. filc: I highly appreciate your patch we have defined it as incorrect to use the acronym "GEAS" outside the code to clearly distinguish between (old) GEAS and (new) appserver night all reinhard ( left irc: "Even if you're on the right track, you'll get run over if you just sit there" blah Nick change: filc -> filc_away psu ( left #gnuenterprise ("nite..."). Nick change: filc_away -> fic Nick change: fic -> filc siesel ( left irc: Read error: 60 (Operation timed out) chillywilly ( left irc: "Free Your Enterprise! -" dsmith ( left irc: "later.." Just trying to follow through the install notes for redhat7.2, and update for 7.3 ... downloaded from cvs, but seem to be missing objectserver/ ... infact anything in objectserver ;( is it dead? I kilt it and 'ate it ok... its dead objectserver and geas dirs i think are dead yes you should be in appserver/ :) jcater ( left irc: "home" ok thanks chillywilly ( joined #gnuenterprise. yup need new versions of wxPython and co for RedHat 7.3 :( s/yup/yuck/ ? why would you need new versions of wxPython? on the redhat disks there should be python and wxpython I'm getting errors like: DB000: import wxc DB000: /usr/lib/python2.2/site-packages/wxPython/ RuntimeWarning: Python C API version mismatch for module printfwc: This Python has API version 1011, module printfwc has version 1010. ??? is there??? Action: filc looks which are compatiable if not tehn REd Hat is worse than i thought i.e. shipping incompatiable producs you running gnue with python2.2? I was using the stuff from the redhat7.2 docs on gnue website... didn't check redhat7.3 disks yep python2.2 i would look on your redhat7.3 disks btw: wxPython i sdependednt on similar wxwindows and python i.e. you can use wxPython for pyton 2.0 and use with python 2.2 and such so make sure if you downloaded wxPython you download the correct one for your version of python Action: der_edoc gets red hat rpm flashbacks everytime i walk someone through an install of gnue on redhat, so forgive me if i start convulsing ;) Action: der_edoc really needs to get our rpms working again so at least it will give dependency errors Not finding any RPMS on the ftp mirrors of redhat.... i think some are on my website chillywilly ( left irc: "Free Your Enterprise! -" der_edoc: what's your website? chillywilly ( joined #gnuenterprise. crud looks like i didnt move over the python2.2 stuff only the 2.1 stuff i will soon have to download the 2.2 stuff and post there my gnome is sooooo broken well thats what you get for sticking your gnome in every hole you see I've got wxPython for 2.2 ... not sure if the existing wxGTK* wxBase will work.. but here goes!! btw: i made this for you and ajmitch... it will be my standard response to gentoo folk ;) Action: der_edoc runs from gontran heheh there are cold cold fish here in .ca und mine hands are warm with canadian beer chillywilly ( left irc: "Free Your Enterprise! -" jcater ( joined #gnuenterprise. chillywilly ( joined #gnuenterprise. ... getting there... der_edoc... do you want me to send you the dependencies if I get it working? sure SachaS ( joined #gnuenterprise. der_edoc: working and I've updated the install guide for redhat 7.3. I'll send all those to you now. cool sent is gfclient always known as gnue-forms on all platforms? i beleive it is now that was a recent name change as some other tool was shipping with name gfclient i think OK... I'm just going through the tree updating all the places where it's used... ... is there anyone else doing this before i finish and submit a patch? so we figured doing gnue- on all binaries was a better long term move good idea filc i thought it was already done gontran_work ( left irc: "'bye'" not on the cvs I downloaded tonight ;/ if you were using 0.3.0 i woudl say not eveyrthing got fixed but i thought cvs tree was updated with this.... i dont have tree in front of me so i cant speak to it you download cvs tarball? or get cvs from cvs? better yet how did you install cvs? did you do in each individual package dir? or did you run in the root cvs dir? nap... looking on cvs web still says gfclient for forms/sample/intro I ran in each individual package.. per 7.2 ah for cvs probably wiser to run gives you lot more control :) plus then you can run production and cvs in parallel booger. I'm gonna have to install it again, using this method and update the docs I've just sent you psu: im hearing high barrier to entry a lot kevin was good enough to give us redhat 7.2 and filc updating for 7.3 someone else posted debian items please reminde me ot put them all in single location and from home page link out to 'Quick Start Guides' or such or 'newbie' docs or somethign just remeind me (no dcl so i cant remind myself) ;) bye bye ok... just gone through the tree and replaced all gfclients with gnue-forms except for in some of the packaging/installation places where I'm not sure what I'm doing (I can handle documentation!!) I'll do a cvs diff and send it to again hi all jbailey ( joined #gnuenterprise. hi jbailey Heya ajmitch Action: der_edoc runs for his chains jamest_ ( joined #gnuenterprise. would anybody mind if I sent in patches to change gfdesigner, gnuenav, grrun, and grserve to the new versions? Action: der_edoc firmly places them on jbailey der_edoc: Mmm. Actually I have to go, my wife needs the 'puter. I'll be on tommorow all evening, though. jbailey ( left irc: "Client Exiting" Action: ajmitch waves to der_edoc SachaS ( left irc: Read error: 113 (No route to host) talk to you all later... der_edoc thanks for the help again filc ( left irc: "Client Exiting" dres ( joined #gnuenterprise. chillywilly ( left irc: "Free Your Enterprise! -" chillywilly ( joined #gnuenterprise. der_edoc ( left irc: "CGI:IRC 0.5 (EOF)" jamest_ ( left irc: Read error: 60 (Operation timed out) jamest_ ( joined #gnuenterprise. chillywilly ( left irc: "Free Your Enterprise! -" jamest_ ( left irc: Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer) chillywilly ( joined #gnuenterprise. chillywilly ( left irc: "Free Your Enterprise! -" chillywilly ( joined #gnuenterprise. chillywilly ( left irc: "Free Your Enterprise! -" Action: derek is back (gone 11:19:44) hi derek chillywilly ( joined #gnuenterprise. well gonna check out crankyankers on comedy central ;-) bblm SachaS ( joined #gnuenterprise. jamest_ ( joined #gnuenterprise. jamest? like jamest jamest? yeaup hi hi jamest_ jamest_ Action: jamest_ is trying out his new dsl connection finally got broadband? yip finally available in my area yay yipeee so will we see you more often now? Action: derek should ask for your help while you are here as you are the only linux modem user i know only? Action: derek needs to try to connect to work with modem Action: derek did that succesfully a while back Action: ajmitch has a modem but couldnt get anything but the machine i was connecting too ip add the defaultroute option to /etc/ppp/peers/$ISP i think :) derek: on remove server: apt-get install vncserver on local server apt-get install xvncviewer :) jcater: on remote server i have vnc on local i have vnc when i dialed up two things happened a. it dropped my connection to the net b. i could only ping the machine i dialed into, not my workstation i.e. i think i had a routing issue if i got brave i would find something that does radius authentication for VPN for nortel and try it out and use my broadband to do so :) SachaS ( left #gnuenterprise. can you ssh in? hack the sheriff's network and go in via one of their *NIX boxen ;-) ssh in hahahaha roflmao hahaha sorry thats funny it woudl be more likely i could TELNET in before ssh telnet is a few steps ahead of them? jamest_ ( left #gnuenterprise. ajmitch ( left #gnuenterprise. chillywilly ( left irc: "Free Your Enterprise! -" jcater ( left irc: "sleep" chillywilly ( joined #gnuenterprise. --- Wed Sep 11 2002