reinhard ( joined #gnuenterprise. btami ( joined #gnuenterprise. good morning good morning gack! bed time jcater ( left irc: "nite" reinhard_ ( joined #gnuenterprise. reinhard ( left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) Nick change: reinhard_ -> reinhard JohannesV ( joined #gnuenterprise. reinhard ( left irc: "The more often you run over a dead cat, the flatter it gets" ninja ( left irc: Remote closed the connection btami ( left irc: dragon ( joined #gnuenterprise. dragon ( left irc: "[x]chat" SachaS ( left irc: "Client Exiting" ninja ( joined #gnuenterprise. rdean ( left irc: "Client Exiting" chillywilly ( left irc: "Free Your Enterprise! -" ra3vat ( left irc: "Client Exiting" ToyMan ( joined #gnuenterprise. jamest ( joined #gnuenterprise. ninja ( left irc: Remote closed the connection yogurt2unge ( joined #gnuenterprise. ra3vat_ ( joined #gnuenterprise. StyXman ( joined #gnuenterprise. hi siesel ( joined #gnuenterprise. ninja ( joined #gnuenterprise. hi all Nick change: ninja -> all hi siesel Nick change: all -> ninja StyXman ( left irc: "ircII EPIC4-1.0.1 -- Are we there yet?" siesel ( left irc: " * Blackened *" StyXman ( joined #gnuenterprise. fixe ( left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) jcater ( joined #gnuenterprise. stbain (~stbain@ joined #gnuenterprise. hi jcater hi stabin (almost) hi stbain mdean ( left irc: Read error: 113 (No route to host) mdean ( joined #gnuenterprise. reinhard ( joined #gnuenterprise. hello fixe ( joined #gnuenterprise. zbrown ( joined #gnuenterprise. StyXman ( left irc: "ircII EPIC4-1.0.1 -- Are we there yet?" Hi folks stbain (~stbain@ left irc: "Client Exiting" zbrown ( left irc: "ChatZilla 0.8.10 [Mozilla rv:1.2a/20020910]" stbain (~stuart@ joined #gnuenterprise. yogurt2unge ( left irc: "Client Exiting" Arturas ( joined #gnuenterprise. Hello perlhead ( joined #gnuenterprise. reinhard ( left irc: "Friends may come and go, but enemies accumulate" ra3vat_: translations updated Chipaca ( joined #gnuenterprise. Arturas: thanks reinhard ( joined #gnuenterprise. Action: Chipaca is in #python arguing for the benefits of Perl ]:) the only benefits of perl are text processing :-/ Arturas ( left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) which python can do all perl can do, only it's not built in as language constructs what python can do turing machines can do... it's only not built in the machine as a primitive :-) Language wars are boring. no kidding not when you convince 'em :) JavaBoy ( joined #gnuenterprise. JavaBoy: et tu, brutus? hey does gnuE use j2ee no JavaBoy: sure! we are a scheme shop mixed with low-level assembly SPARC, obviously no? how come? EJB and RMI are the bomb you use JBoss though right? we have this dude who thinks he's the boss but we call that vBoss (virtual boss) so we don't need jBoss interesting, you use JavaPOS at all? i like java, can i work on your project? JavaBoy: sure Action: JavaBoy was noting the cool language war conversation earlier we can use you as a bad example we are in need of XUL programmers if you'd like to learn that thought i would play usual javaboy subject jcater: i like XUL, want to learn more about anythign that is riddled with acroynmns is good .NET should be a joy this one summer at programmers camp....... eeew Nick change: JavaBoy -> derek we don't want to know how you played w/the MS Joystick controller so how goes the war on releases? derek: well, there's been a few fatalities it's not looking good for the home team nice try, but we dont have any relief pitchers, you will have to throw until that arm falls off bbs derek ( left irc: "CGI:IRC 0.5" Action: Chipaca cuts off jcater's arms and runs Action: Chipaca goes back to _dbsig with the chainsaw Action: jcater doesn't take too kindly to people hurting my baby Action: Chipaca hands jcater a book on speaking in the third person Action: Chipaca grins evily Action: Chipaca cleans the blood and bone shards off his face Action: jcater thinks to himself, "Chipaca is a smart ass" is that better form? :D almost there ToyMan ( left irc: "making toys" stbain (~stuart@ left #gnuenterprise ("Client Exiting"). derek ( joined #gnuenterprise. as much as i despise lindows this is interesting read derek: why do you despise windows? i mean lindows? oh um they are crooks i.e. i have no problem with business models or repackaging others work but in case of lindows they seemingly lie to customers selling them a PC for $199 saying its $100 cheaper than the same PC with windows but then to get additional software you need to pay Lindows $99 to me this is 'false' advertising and makes the GNU/Linux community look bad nah, the people will see it as AOL :) Action: derek also isnt in love with anyone whose mission is to make GNU/Linux like windows they're obviously used to being ripped of by AOL i dont mind offerring tools/programs so you can talk to windows but windows sucks, thats why i dont use it :) so turning GNU/Linux into windows is not good :) Action: Chipaca wonders what crooked person decieded "sucking" was akin to bad there are at least two projects trying to make windows OS clones that or free that are new code and not GNU/Linux code probably somebody who was sucking on the wromg thing? people wanting a free windows should support something perlhead: let's not go that way LEt's Action: derek wonders if sucking is referred to what a woman does to a mans genitals orally It depends on the woman. and generally in previous era's that was considered gross and detestable and something only a prositute would do Stay away from them when they're wielding scissors. and thus by saying something sucked you inferred it was gross and detestable Hint: that's * Hint: that's *not* called sucking. err... derek: if the past had been filled with puritans, perhaps. But then puritans wouldn't've come up with it, either :) perlhead: point Action: Chipaca walks away hahaha too funny that's too funny jinx one two thee Action: Chipaca watches from afar so, is the proper usage: java sucks or java sucks python ? err... java sucks python? what's that? Action: Chipaca needs some sleep, obviously reinhard ( left irc: "Anything is good and useful if it's made of chocolate" Mr_You ( joined #gnuenterprise. re fa haha psu ( joined #gnuenterprise. Like McArthur, I have returned just about everything that could have gone wrong w/my Debian upgrade did It can always be worse unreadable CDs, fell hook line sinker for libc6, found my window mgr had uninstalled itself in favour of enlightenment etc etc ToyMan ( joined #gnuenterprise. Action: psu actually likes enlightenment now it's working properly psu: and yet you have survived but even that took some sweat wonderful ddttmm: key thing is that there is always apt to get back to together w/your apt front end of choice so you are saying the next KC is ready ;) which for me is still dselect psu: i've been using apt on redhat well, may be a few hours late it appears to be not-totally-dissimilar to up2date apt is nothing apt is the little-death Action: psu is off for his own little-death now psu ( left #gnuenterprise ("nite..."). jbailey ( joined #gnuenterprise. Any DCL hackers around? chillywilly ( joined #gnuenterprise. Dan, are you a DCL guy? not really Okay, thanks. derek and mdean are the DCL gurus Ah, okay. Hey Derek, wake up. =) mdean is the DCL gut though, it's his project that he brought to GNUe er, guy oops I just need someone to advice me on whether they're planning on updating to a new version soon. I don't want to fix the package only to find out I have to upgrade it in a week. ah didn't you make the first package? Mmm. Not exactly. I made the current package and am the Debian maintainer. ok you want to know if another release is on the horizon? Yes. =) so you don't have to do it again? k wasn't there just one a little while ago? Fith of July, IIRC. hmmm, that was a ways away im up im up i was ready to release a new one last week and couldnt find you :) dtm has cajoled me into doing some versioning and roadmapping so i was considering holding off but if you ar eup to it maybe i can tweak out a new version with current fixes and just plan on a x.x.X release shortly after with final wave of clean up glad you are here to ask as we plan on doing a fairly stable release then start refactoring head some how will that work in Debian? if i do a 0.9.0 release in sid then get some feedback and a few more fixes and release 0.9.1 how long till that could be moved to sarge? so that we could get 1.0.0 debs ready shortly after? with new stuff from head? It's 10 days bug free in sid. (plus it's dependancies, of coruse) I'm probably not hacking this weekend, since Angie's away all next week. ah how have we been on that? But that means next week Iv'e got time. ok cool, i will carve some time as well just to get dtm off my proverbial rear end ;) 162177 is the only upstream bug. is there an easy way to use reportbug when you dont ahve a package installed? Action: jbailey is away: work related afk... i.e. i use squirrel mail and want to submit crap against it all the time, but its not installed on 'my machine' submit debian package bugs? easiest way I know is to use reportbug chillywilly you have to have the package installed to do that i think not sre if that requires you to have it installed or not I'm not sre though, it seems to pull info right ot of the BTS hey w/o cheating can anyone here name the five freedoms in the first admendment? s/ot/out/ uh no cheating speech, press, religion,... to form a group or whatever that is assembly and petition the govt assembly o ok derek: the standard five freedoms? or the ones dubya wants to give? :-o i am curious to dubya's or, more specifically, ashcrofts :) 1. read your mail 2. catch you on video tape 3. search you property at will 3. wiretap you without proper due process s/3/4 s/you/your/ 3. strip search you when we want illegal search and seizure did nayone else get distrubed by this latest lady beating her child in a parking lot incident? Action: chillywilly smmnaries no. 3 bbl smmarizes Action: Mr_You & damn typing everyone was going ape about how she treated the kid Action: jcater hasn't caught the videos but I'm disturbed it's on the news is it that bad? Action: jcater is curious to see them my first thought was "big brother" is watching or is it like a spanking? its bad, what she did chillywilly: that's what I was curious about at fifrst i saw only second half at first it looked like a really upset mom, throwing kid in sit and smacking them pretty hard (no harm to me, not good, but not evil) but then she put on the seat belt and started closed fist punching the kid in the head and i was like whoooaaa but then i finally saw the whole thing and it was 100x worse heh, the only time that happened to me was when I was a little smart ass punk and thought I could take my dad :P before she put the kid in the van she looked all around to make sure no one was watching chillywilly: did he troutslap you really badly? Action: chillywilly notes he said *thought* which means it wasnt a fit of rage (which i can relate to with a 4 year old) I got my ass kicked but rather she premeditated doing really bad just a teenage punk is this kind of crap being used by the US govmnt to justify surveillance? omg, that's the spin they are trying to take? wtf I mean, aren't arabs who can't be trusted to properly celebrate an anniversary enough? ? They mounted all this security monkey circus... and then nothing happened. They did it on purpose (I mean, the *not* doing it) just tom make them look bad. Deviuos towelheads. We need surveillance all over the place, or we're toast. damn them Action: perlhead can't beleive just how easy it is to manipulate scared people. what's their to be afraid of anyway? I know the gov't they scare me more then any "terrorist" you know what really scares me? No, Barney he freaks me out dude In other news, Sky reported to be Blue Experts say that its a trick of light well its my understanding that this was a walmart chain of some sort they have a policy of 'following' anyone who returns merchandise via closed circuit television so that they can track license number and such to prevent 'shrinkage' in their chains my issues are there was shrinkage! a. should they be taking this closed cirucit stuff to the authority for things out of their jursidiction w/o the police requesting it? b. are they properly ensuring that customers are notified that they are on closed circuit that will be at some point possibly broadcast to a larger audience My opinion is that if you're in a public place, then you are under observation If you think otherwise, you live in a deluded little fantasy world. jamest ( left irc: "[x]chat" nickr that is my thought as well but 'legally' im curious and the only reason i 'care' is because if they are video taping everything in 'public' its only a matter of time before they want to tape the 'public' Action: jbailey is back (gone 00:31:24) another example that is huge are 'nanny cams' where peole hire a nanny/sitter and put up cameras to record how they interact w/ their children derek: reportbug doesn't need the package installed, it just can't record version numbers while i adore the ocncept of knowning what a caretaker does with my children when not around im horrified about the ramifications but this is private citizens ding that er, doing i think maybe perlhead was alluding to if the only way we trust people is by videoing their every move, we are screwed sure derek: For dcl (while I'm back. I might get called away again) Do a release next week then? but any logical person is going to have god reason for video taping their nanny, imho I also see that the FSF has come to a solution for php4. yeah chillywilly: but, putting it in perspective, several states won't let you tape record your phone conversations w/o the other person knowing not just becase they are paranoic delusional freaks so I think video taping someone for 8 hrs is even worse chilly the best was my dad got an article here for war driving x10 cameras (nanny cams) unless of course you tell them ahead of time ok, so say you hire someone to watch your kids and they have all these bruises all over them, shouldn'y you be allowed t catch them in the act? people would set up an X10 wireless nanny cam, then leave them on and people would war drive and then beable to spy on neighbors with their own equipment :) war drive? chilly listen jcaters argument yea, but if you tell them then you're not going to catch them if a sitter comes to your house you think questionable, and you tell them, we have strategically placed hidden cameras to evaluate you chillywilly: if my child comes home all bruised up, she gets fired then chances are they will (a) tell you to take off or (b) be on best behavior I'm not going to "monitor" it for a week yes, I know but, I agree w/derek's analysis I tell them up front and is it your job to do a sting or just make sure your children are safe? as either a or b will happen normally just like if I tell my son that his grandparents have permission to spank him if he acts up it changes everything plus, the poor little kids the parents end up seeing their every move could you imagine? if you were growing up under the camera even if it were for "someone else" besides, isn't that the govt's MOA ? ;) "Did you take that last cookie?" "No mom" yea, I was just poorly trying to play the devil's advocate "Oh, yes you did... wanna see the footage?" poor kids let's jst argue for argument's sake ;) jcater: yeah that was my point, that simply stating the camera is there would be deterent i woudl susspect it's fun and I have nothing better to do anyway.... I am now going to go search my neighborhood for hidden cams I think the gov't may have implanted a listening device into my skull chillywilly: they must be bored to tears Action: chillywilly hacks some c++ shut it Action: chillywilly rears back a trout at jcater rears. Like child rearing? Your little kid is a trout! That explains so much... =) 3. To lift and take up. [Obs. or R.] And having her from Trompart lightly reared, Upon his set the lovely load. --Spenser. REAR THAT TROUT WEEN IT 5. To breed and raise; as, to rear cattle. He's breeding with trout. And the trout's rear at that? Ewwwww.. =) clearly I am not *rearing* a trout in the child sense Action: chillywilly trout slaps jbailey into a coma It's not clear at all. I can't claim to have ever seen a trout. Perhaps your child is the perfect specimen.= ) hehe I'm just a poor little vegan. =) What do I know about fish? didn't your dad ever take you fishing up der eh? No. =) My great grandmother was an inuit. We've been trying to avoid emulating their eating habits. =) derek ( left #gnuenterprise. what's wrong with eating a fish? Depends. Does it want to be eaten? why don't you ask it ;) I've tried. The only times I've gotten responses, the fish was not only dead already, but I was drunk. I try to forget those times, too. =) I wouldn't worry about the dead fish NOT talking back when you're drunk I'd worry when they DO Hmm. oops Action: jcater mis-parsed your statement that's what you said Action: jcater goes back to his corner jcater: go to your room! jcater: You might enjoy it. =) fish heads, fish heads rolly poly fish heads is that the one? yup =) hehe that's funny eat them up yuuum I tok a fish head out to see a movie took didn't have to pay to get it in Action: chillywilly goes back to gnu common c++ hackin' chillywilly: gnu, or gnue? gnu a c++ lib I have a thread-safe iostreams imeplementation in cvs now gnu is a c++ lib? no well that's as far from unix as you can get no wonder gnu's not unix er Bayonee uses it Bayonne apt: bayonne the GNU telephony server is written in c++ ah part of GNUe and/or GNU Comm project has classes for threading, networking, etc. ah what are iostreams? those funny things you do >> and << to in c++? yes in cc++ there's tcpstreams and such for network i/o Dave is going to conditionally allow yo to compile in piostreams (my lib) and the rest of the i/o classes can use it as a foundation you just do ./configure --with-piostream right now every operator<< or >> call is thread safe, but I think I may use the Strategized Locking design pattern to allow other schemes the other methods that operare on the streams are thread-safe too er, the stream state you can do pout << "Hello World" << endl; without having to use any mutexes of your own assuming you do using namespace ost; :) I don't c++, but sounds pretty weird if you have to explicitely protect something like a pout c++ and python are my favorite languages (I'm guessing pout is akin to puts) no Action: Chipaca begins to understand c++ has stringstreams fr string i/o cout == printf() buffered i/o cout == stdout, cin == stdin, cerr == stderr puts(a) is like printf("%s\n", a), but cheaper ok pout, pin, perr == thread-safe versions of the gobals iostreams why would you have to explicitely protect printf with mutexes in a language designed to do threading with? ah c++ has no built in threading now we're getting places oh? it punts on the issue see, I don't c++ C doesn't either of course, C is assembler :) that's why gnu common c++ was created to provide a framework for c++ development as c++ doesn't have an "environment" per se like Java r even Python to some degree ta gnu common c++ also works on winders and many other POSIX platforms it's pretty decent :) chillywilly: you make it sound as if winders were a posix platform perlhead ( left irc: "Client Exiting" well...umm woops it's not obviously ;) phew for a moment I thought they'd done a OsX on us with say BeOS btw, I think in glibc printf is now thread-safe if y use the new libio of course this is a gnu extension on any other ANSI C platforms printf is not guaranteed to be thread safe s/platforms/implementations/ threads are for wimps anyway :) Action: jcater thinks Chipaca has a compulsion to fight today heheh yeah, mid-term exams do that to me jcater: want to make something of it? yeah, punk! bring it on Action: Chipaca hurls his Alonso & Finn at jcater Action: Chipaca sprains his wrist hehe you guys are so loopy Nick change: Chipaca -> ChoopLoops no mmmm beer Action: ChoopLoops blows beer bubbles in chillywilly's direction Nick change: ChoopLoops -> Chipaca *sigh* it's going to be one hell of a summer silly southern hemisphere Its gonna be a hell of a winter! 35ºC today Uh, ouch. this is spring :) room temp is 20C right? actually, this is about the hottest it'll be till january -- october it snows you mean right now? no generally Action: chillywilly is trying to get a feel for 35C 20 is comfortable 15 is hmm should i put on a pullover s/pullover/sweater/ Action: Chipaca 's old english shows 15 is ouch-i-shouldn't've-come-out-in-shorts 25 is english summer :) 28 is the edge if pleasent 30 is i-should-be-in-the-pool 35 is sit and sweat 20 is 68 f 35 is 95 35 is 95 yea Action: Chipaca found his calculator hot, but not deadly now when it hits 45 we can talk 35c? no Depends on the humidity at that point. when it hits 45 we *cant* talk hehe jbailey: exactly well sure its ALL about humidity this is a normally dry region; today it's been completely humid 40% humidity, and 30c is a lovely hot summer day. 35's tollerable if there's a breeze. jbailey: if it's from a cooler region Yeah. The ocean is ideal. =) The bay area is nice for that. (San Francisco, that is...) i guess i'm going home now. 'gnight all. jbailey: cheers jbailey ( left irc: "Client Exiting" I'm off Action: Chipaca waves Chipaca ( left irc: "ircII EPIC4-1.1.5 -- Are we there yet?" jcater ( left irc: "home" jcater ( joined #gnuenterprise. hi Action: dneighbo is away: date night jcater i will be back way later tonight to do some serious testing i have a presentation in the morning on gnue dneighbo: I hope the wife doesn't know about date night might cause some, um, friction jcater: yeah :/ they're picky like that ToyMan ( left irc: "making toys" jcater ( left irc: Remote closed the connection jcater ( joined #gnuenterprise. jcater ( left irc: Remote closed the connection jcater ( joined #gnuenterprise. ToyMan ( joined #gnuenterprise. jcater ( left irc: bigbrother joined #gnuenterprise. ninja ( joined #gnuenterprise. ToyMan (~stuq@ joined #gnuenterprise. #gnuenterprise: mode change '+o gnuebot' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. Isomer (dahoose@ joined #gnuenterprise. chillywilly ( joined #gnuenterprise. pattieja (~pattieja@ joined #gnuenterprise. Nick change: dtm_ -> dtm jcater (~jcater@ joined #gnuenterprise. waaaaazapaaaaneeeen! Action: chillywilly is back in da hizouse woot! man I'm tired... Action: chillywilly is also VERY full all the blood rushes straight to the gut after a big meal this is why we feel sleepy ;) that's my theory and I'm sticking to it ;) crap, phone is that your todo list? crap then phone ? or simultaneous mdean ( left irc: Read error: 113 (No route to host) mdean (~mdean@ joined #gnuenterprise. who cares life is essentially pointless true dat I sit and wait for death lemme guess... judging from previous comments tonight you are sitting on the toilet w/phone waiting for death ? oooooooo that must mean you are on hold with some customer service department yea, the customer service dept of the grim reaper SprintPCS? nope who sits waiting for customer servie at 11pm anyway? that's not a very likely scenario you've obviously never had to talk w/SprintPCS yo can do better :) nope I have US Cellular jcater: i know the scenario of which you speak. MDEAN why does there have to be 2 dtms? one is enough I tell you! because he's twice as nice GOODNESS. twice as crazy?!? all the souls in the land are up in arms over the nicks! cause it is driving me mad ;) I cannot take such change makes me think I have double vision ;) dont project that onto the nicks! ;) yea Action: chillywilly feels he has a stutter or something dddtttmmmm chillywilly: that's the one i have when i'm at my third office. dddddtttttmmmmm!!!!! ddttmm: well aren't we special but you dont see that so far coz when i've done that, it's just to talk in #axisgroupware real quick and so i just start up ircii real quick, remotely but i think i'll start using Chatzilla over there! H0H0H0 so i can sit in all the channerz! chatzilla?!? why? because i want a zero impact presence, using only the software i find there! plus it's a security company. TELL NOONE! they're too secure to have customers. HAH! WE WON'T TELL A SOUL!! good *grand* uh, I am going t blab it to the world too late well ok btw, this channel is logged ;) so you're the blabber mouth, it's not me ;) antyway back to beating my code into oblivion ajmitch: what't the longest uptime you've had cause they are bagging about 100+ days or so in #wopn uptime? chillywilly: only 123 on my box i gots 196 days ToyMan (~stuq@ left irc: "making toys" --- Sat Sep 28 2002