whuss up JohannesV_ (~jve@M702P025.adsl.highway.telekom.at) left irc: "Client Exiting" Action: dneighbo is back (gone 06:39:48) jcater: if you are here i could use a tutorial in gear whats gear? ahh I recall somethin about that grrr the reports tarball wont download can anyone else attempt? http://www.gnuenterprise.org/downloads/prereleases.php GNUe-Reports-0.0.2a-pre3.tar.gz nevermind it went now grr jcater you are killing me... all old forms are broked :( Action: dneighbo is SOOOOOOOO screwed for presentation his own fault of course ooh? what changed, and how broked? sigh the tar balls are worthless for demos the wizards are horridly broken :( Action: dneighbo scrambles to get 0.3.0 reinstalled Action: dneighbo is going to be mighty embarassed as 0.3.0 has bad bad issues too evil but at least the wizards work so i can 'fake' things these issues must be fixed before 0.4.0 release Action: dneighbo is so mad at himself um yeah maybe its just me can you download 0.4.0 of forms, common, designer run a 'simple form wizard' choose a table select more than one field then run it? Action: ajmitch has cvs here, want me to try tarball instead? and tell me if it stacks all widgets in exact same x,y coordinate? you can try cvs Action: dneighbo goes to try that now ok crap its late yup all my marketing materials are with someone else so having bear of time putting together slide show (as i didnt expect to really need one) i might just cancel my presentation and say gnue is in bad shape right now check back later ugh not good image triple ugh but not good image to demo broken product 2 CFO's are coming specifically to review gnue yikes! otherwise i would just demo and say this is fixed honest, wait for the next 0.4.0 release and such sigh, you are so right about the designer wizard bug Action: ajmitch looks at cvs commits to see who to blame crap cvs is broked too how long has this been broken? ajmitch: this problem has existed for a LONG time though i think 0.3.0 worked or so i hope wow Action: ajmitch hasn't used designer in a long time ok i found a relevant aug 16 commit from jcater well i was DUMB and never submitted bugs (mostly cause dcl was down) and have just used 0.3.0 to build forms and ran them against cvs forms :) ok the bug is in the display code of designer if i can get 0.3.0 working i will be cool since it saves the forms in the right layout as dont have time to look at code right ajmitch: it doesnt save things right best i can tell when is this needed? that or forms is dorked as when you run a form saved like that it saved it right for me, form loaded fine it comes up blank ah form didn't load fine form loaded fine in designer, not forms client :) now i think someone else had this problem and reported on irc a few days ago and maybe they said save form reopen in designer resave it chucked the stuff on a new page, for some reason and then it works or something regardless i cant demo 5 minutes of work around for broken wizard :) hmm Action: ajmitch ponders this needed for today? yes needed NOW fsck fsck fsck i cant get 0.3.0 to install it reports itself as 0.4.0a sigh crappy crappy rm? i got it have to delete /usr/local/gnue/lib/python/gnue/* right whew and it works the wizard your prayers have been answered :) yes 0.3.0 seems usable whew great Action: ajmitch heads away to read a book whew that was close reinhard (~rm@ joined #gnuenterprise. whew powerpoint done too its bed time Action: dneighbo is away: sleep guys i'm having stupid trouble with postgresql installation. postgres is evil, can i help? i have a clean installation of redhat 7.3. i log in as root and then do 'su - postgres'. i do 'createuser dbname', with the ability to create databases, with or without a password and with or without the ability to create new users. the problem is that it wont let me authenticate that new user. at all. so i can't do anything with it. i can create new db's and users using the 'postgres' user. but those new users and useless. s/and/are/ the only change i did to the installation was i edited /var/lib/pgsql/data/postgresql.conf to allow tcpip connections this is on pgsql 7.2 i can do everythign fine on pgsql 7.1 the webmin 1.0 module for pgsql can't even start. ajmitch: any clooz? Action: ajmitch blinks there's nothing more basic that it could get hmm i mean, there's nothing else to it but basic is yucky you create users and db's and it either works or it doesn't why is it yucky what errors do you get when trying to login as that user? can't authenticate. i'll try again and paste. sh-2.05a# su - postgres bash-2.05a$ createuser --createdb --no-adduser -e phpgw0 CREATE USER "phpgw0" CREATEDB NOCREATEUSER CREATE USER bash-2.05a$ createdb --username phpgw0 -e phpgw0 psql: FATAL 1: IDENT authentication failed for user "phpgw0" there ya go. no password set on it? Action: ajmitch guesses ident authentication would fail since you're not trying it from the 'phpgw0' system user correct. i'd get the same result if i did, with or without encryption. well there isno system user by that name. i'm doing it as the pgsql 'phpgw0' user i'm specifying that username yes i know so what's the issue? perhaps i'm missing something the ident method is used when the db user & system user are the same, afaik eg from /etc/postgresql/pg_hba.conf: "local all ident sameuser" whereas i have this: btw i just tried it and you're right. "local all password passwords" i tried it from 'dtm' ok, hopefully config is in same place on RH Action: dtm kisses ajmitch's forehead and showers him with flower petals, jewels, exotic silks, and assorted fine meats heh this shall be documented once.... and for all time henceforth. ONCE AND FOR ALL oh hey you better refrigerate that stuff pronto Action: ajmitch has setup postgresql on here before Action: ajmitch has both postgres & mysql running me too tis annoying i would prefer to be able to use one db setup for all ****SUCCESS**** for all what? for things like dcl, phpgw, xoops, any other random crap that i may want to use s/use/play with/ man i hate to be critical against free software in terms of gameplay, xgalaga *sucks*. :/ i can't believe they named it after galaga. both in terms of it being such a pale comparison, and in terms of copyright those are my $0.06 That is all. ajmitch: i'm only accessing this db from localhost. do i need to enable tcpip connections for use with web apps? yeah i do because otherwise they'd have to run 'psql' or use a special file or something likek that, right? i want to make it so that any local user (only local users) can authenticate to the db but only if they use the right pgsql-based username/passwd. the former part is in postgresql.conf and the latter is in pg_hba.conf like you said. ajmitch: and the aforementioned web apps only do plaintext auth, not encrypted, so i'll not use that ok i have it. pg_hba.conf: host all password === [dtm@axis dtm]$ createdb --host localhost --username phpgw0 phpgw0 Password: CREATE DATABASE there's my conf file and then the results. 31337? we dont need local sockets. lupo (~lupo@ joined #gnuenterprise. hi hi Action: chillywilly smacks dtm with a postgres admin manual ;) printed pgsql manuals? where? in /usr/doc/postgresql-doc/html, print them yo damn self ;) argh hehe uhhhh huhuhuhuh. dead tree copies are lame anyway :) it's a war against the trees save the trees! the best things in live a printed on dead trees s/live/life/ I beg to differ Action: chillywilly writes sme more tests for piostream manipulators dhap (~dhap@ joined #gnuenterprise. hi everyone whenever i invoke gnue-forms i get "Error: Unable to load any valid UI drivers. Aborting." what is the problem.. d you have wxwindows installed? yes .. i have installed wxPython libs k then I have no idea :) which library should i install exactly there r different versions of wx libs not sure lupo (~lupo@ left irc: "lupo #gnuenterprise mattr chew.exelus.net irc.freenode.net sfb- H :0 Matt Raykowski" perhaps you can wake jcater ;) he would know the answers to what you seek or maybe ajmitch knows what version, not sre if he knows what the deal is with that error message ok ajmitch hi Action: chillywilly is pretty useless ;) Arturas (~arturas@fmgs-03.vtu.lt) joined #gnuenterprise. Hello hiya ...scary... ? no one ever told you that you're able to scary people even over irc?? :) but I only said 'hi' how's this scary? no, you said 'hiya' :) :) ['hiya' != 'hi'] don't pay too much attention to me i was trying to make life a bit funnier hiya ~= hi ;) Action: dtm does a gigantic Hassan Chop completely through the floor heheh I suppose it could be construed as a high-ya what's the passwd for the 'postgres' user by default? als;kfjd;kj chillywilly: what's going on man are you up early or late? i'm late setting up axisgropuware from SCRATCH on a new server I took a nap while revising my docs on the procedure so, yes I am up eary early I couldn't stay awake last night even if I wanted to siesel (jan@ joined #gnuenterprise. hi howdy Hi chillywilly how are you? hi Jan Hi Arturas :) cw: fine, thx Isomer (dahoose@ left irc: "Client Exiting" jbailey (~jbailey@CPE014260028338.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) joined #gnuenterprise. zbrown (~zbrown@ joined #gnuenterprise. reinhard (~rm@ left irc: "Anything is good and useful if it's made of chocolate" siesel (jan@ left irc: "*monkey grin*" dneighbo: there's more to life than wizards sigh Action: jcater goes to check them out, noting he hasn't used a wizard in months you should learn how to use designer properly :) although I do wonder who broke my wizards Action: jcater thinks he sees the issues jcater has "issues" (I wonder if that will go up as a quote on the kc. I should be careful what I say in here) of course I have issues at least according to wife of course, she sees my GNUe work as a "personal issue" too but we won't go there :) =) Question: I notice the docs on the web site are all 'chunkified' into smaller HTML pages. Who should I ask about also providing printable versions? oops duh nevermind bye Arturas (~arturas@fmgs-03.vtu.lt) left irc: I notice there's a naming conflict between the GNUe Form Definition Language, and the GNU Free Documentation License. It doesn't seem likely to cause much confusion, but it took me a second to realize what was being talked about... zbrown (~zbrown@ left #gnuenterprise. ra3vat_ (~ds@ics.elcom.ru) left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) ra3vat_ (~ds@ics.elcom.ru) joined #gnuenterprise. GFDL != gfd there's no conflict ;) mdean (~mdean@ left irc: Read error: 113 (No route to host) mdean (~mdean@mkc-65-28-72-76.kc.rr.com) joined #gnuenterprise. jbailey (~jbailey@CPE014260028338.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) left irc: "Client Exiting" dhap (~dhap@ left irc: "BitchX: anything else would be uncivilized" chillywilly: I tend to agree :) drochaid (~drochaid@pc2-kirk1-3-cust16.ren.cable.ntl.com) joined #gnuenterprise. drochaid: hello i agree as well jcater: if you read last night logs ignore most of doom and gloom Action: dneighbo was way stressed that things were not working and have presentation this am was hoping to have working 0.4.0 so could demo gear and connection editor and other things i have heard so much about hey dneighbo I see you're nearing another releaes, what will this one bring? too much to list are there release notes for the pre-releases? nope doesnt appear to be the various ChangeLogs say what has changed ;) there is some stuff listed for 0.3.1 I know that much Action: dneighbo needs to better review that kind of stuff for releases Action: dneighbo is noting some of it looks paritially done from prior releases dneighbo: is there somewhere on the site I can get more info? the pre-release page mentioned in the topic gives me 1 paragraph and lots of errors oh dear that link worked last night psu.... oh psu Action: dneighbo is seeing if i can do damage to repair i have NO clues on how the website is maintained nowadays heh it's some php code, I am sure yo can handle it dneighbo ;) sorry for bringing you more problems ;) **note to psu** whatever editor you are using is leaving ^M all over the place :) **end note** LOL Action: drochaid is guessing it's not vi I need to look into bayonne now I've heard it no longer requires dedicated cti hardware ... I also just noted it's mentioned briefly on the gnue site dneighbo: ew dneighbo: need to get psu off winders ;) is that just for easy reference or is there maybe some integration due in the future? i think he is well those are winders OEL chars, iirc EOL this file could be older Action: drochaid uses ultraedit pro on windows when I'm not using vi through cygwin well it seems the preleases directory is gone would seem to pose a minor problem where the hell they went is beyond me jcater you here? I'm sure it was there upto 0.2 microseconds before I checked it certainly was at 2am my time :) heh looks like scp isnt working either or my net connection took a crap oh there it goes gah where's prereleases go? beats me the whole dir was gone i recreated the dir Action: chillywilly blames dneighbo and uploading the .tar.gz's i downloaded at 2am ssh: gnuenterprise.org: Temporary failure in name resolution lost connection dood ash is losing its mind hey someone put files back there Action: jcater is reuploading -pre4 um so am i so I still have an account? hopefully they dont clobber each other :) how are you reuploading -pre4? s/so/do/ Action: dneighbo stops his s/re/ realizing he was uploading 0.3.0 jcater: last night i grabbed pre4 at about 2am and its broked bad had to downgrade back to 0.3.0 you must've grabbed -pre3 as I just did -pre4 this morning whatever was there at 2am Action: dneighbo thought it said pre4 but maybe it was pre3 it was past my bed time :) where the heck are you putting the prereleases? dneighbo@ash:/var/www$ ls prereleases/ dneighbo@ash:/var/www$ is showing blank never mind drochaid: http://www.gnuenterprise.org/downloads/prereleases.php looks sane again ta YAY :) hnmm but jcater the files dont say pre4 sigh wtf i dont know where the fudge is? check the donuts ;) Action: jcater doesn't like this /downloads/current/ and /downloads/previous/ business Action: drochaid points out that fudge is merely not-ready-yet-toffee ... and therefore a very poor substitute indeed jcater: im curious as to why um Action: dneighbo is neither pro or con just curious because you frequently break links you should also consider that once anyone gets us in any of the BSD ports well i would suspect what would be best the instead of previous we'll break their ports code when we move it be download and current and download has current in it ya that's what I was thinking and current merely is a symlink to whats in download current could always pull latest but the other has everything in it Action: dneighbo sees value in current as so that people that are new arent confused :) well actually I think current should be nothing more than a php-generated page right screw new .. I'm confused :) I don't see value in separate current/ directory that would work for me when I used FreeBSD (in my former life) drochaid: we call your type 'those that ride on the short bus' ;) I hated projects in the ports collection that did this jcater: im cool with whatever makes sense as long as there is some way for newbies to narrow their choice as soon as a new release was made, the ports collection couldn't install *any* of the versions if its a php page great until it was fixed if its symlinks great Action: dneighbo prefers what works best (even for BSDers) ;) i like everything in one dir for freshmeat and such as well so im sold dneighbo: I'm deeply upset, and may not write that document I promised you about 4 months ago >:) roflmao btw david (who you converted that dat for) has remixed it and played with it and is very happy with sound quality he said to give you many thanks cool, glad to hear that just sorry it took so long jamest (~jamest@adsl-65-71-168-100.dsl.tpkaks.swbell.net) joined #gnuenterprise. jcater: im sending this to postgres list sound fair? After a recent failure and restore I noticed two things that might be bugs in pg_dumpall: 1. It saves the users passwords as plain text in the dump. (gack) 2. It doesnt seem to be i18n friendly. Our tables had lots of umlats and accent's etc in them and they barfed on the restore noticed that they were represented as \0232 or such. I had to hand fix all occurances to import. ya did you see the response to explicit data conversion? > Issue #2 > > This one is a bit more indepth but on updates it appears that implicit > numeric conversion is not happening. Here is a link to some of our > lengthy discussions on it... There has been a great whack of discussion in -hackers recently about the implicit rules. The short answer is Here There Be Dragons. But you can probably try quoting everything; you may find it works fine for you. jcater: did you get the issue i was describing on designer? Action: dneighbo thinks that will need to be fixed before major testing can occur (for me) which one? the simple wizard? that's fixed but I'll say if that's how you're designing forms you need to learn how to use designer :) ? wizards arent a good way to use designer? they are a way the drag and drop stuff never has worked for me it crashes miserably so i gave up Action: jcater hasn't used wizards since 0.3.0 really? yip I designed a complete backend to LanePOS this past week using nothing but designer and at work they kind of work but p133 is too slow for drag and drop plus a custom inventory system wizard plus manilupation works dneighbo (~dneighbo@cpe-24-221-112-50.az.sprintbbd.net) left irc: "Client Exiting" DanielD (~daniel@pD9EB00F8.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) joined #gnuenterprise. Does a DTD exists for the GNUe Schema Definition Format? gnue/common/doc/gnue-schema.dtd (if you have a local cvs tree) Yes, now I see it too. Thanks man the RIAA sucks DanielD (~daniel@pD9EB00F8.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) btami_ (~btami@3e70d725.dialin.enternet.hu) joined #gnuenterprise. hi yo hi meeeester yeeeew watching a beautiful mind ok I think I may have to watch Lord of the Rings again jcater: can you give me some guidelines how to add namespaces to layout tag in SimpleReport.py ? DanielD (~daniel@pD9EB00F8.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) joined #gnuenterprise. i like to turn SimpleReport into SimpleTabulationReport, but i think it's to big for me :) s/big/high SimpleTabReport ;-) :) Nick change: btami_ -> btami Mr_You (~car@gso88-217-049.triad.rr.com) left irc: "changing servers" Maniac (~User@h24-82-132-209.wp.shawcable.net) left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) DanielD (~daniel@pD9EB00F8.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) btami (~btami@3e70d725.dialin.enternet.hu) left irc: Read error: 113 (No route to host) btami: I sat down to do that conversion but realized it would take more than a few lines it would take a bit of thought as AddElement doesn't yet support namespace-qualifications oh, he left so I just added a TODO for now :( :P but he's here in spirit but I'm here doesn't that count fr anything? :) are you? am I here? yep drochaid: you are not here damn thought I was :'( woops I said topic when referring to an email subject I irc way too much man lol you don't IRC ENOUGH if you need email :P email is just two people in a /msg typing in turns well ppl sort f frown on sending patches via IRC but there is dcc ;) oh yes :) it's just more official if you email the patch to the list :P :-/ list .... isn't that like, lots of people in a chan checking their logs? hey we have mailing lists do you? oh yeah .. vague recollection of them being mentioned hrrm, ok I know have implemented i/o manipulators for piostreams, now whatever shall I do?!? I have no idea what you said you just did .. so my advice would be a coffee and donut do you know c++? uhm ... I *did* not touched any serious programming since '97 that explains it then sigh wife is going to shoot me when she gets home wassa matta? why? Action: jcater has blue CAT5 running from downstairs to upstairs kitchen via the stairwell and hallway lol Action: jcater needs to test something out up there :) just wire your house up dewd install a few jacks ;) then you become "mobile" I can understand that .. she would have prefered green? I have never seen green cat5 ;) or use Wi-Fi just run the AP on the DMZ and stunnel into anything local from it drochaid: pink Action: jcater wants to do wireless but startup cost is high DanielD (~daniel@pD9EB00F8.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) joined #gnuenterprise. this is a new house, btw we just moved in in my old house even the bathroom was CAT5 :) give me time :) all the more reason to do some remodeling :) jcater: cool :) chillywilly: oh, bellieve me.... :) can I get a hell yea? actually I want to do wireless esp. considering the bookstore we are opening is only a mile or so away Action: chillywilly hordes all the donuts for himself mmm, I need a new house but I just don't have the gbp 6M for the one I designed :'( drochaid: now I'm sure you could scale back to at least 5.5M yeah, but then I'd only have ONE Z9 in the server complex compromises are for girls dtm ([kaaJd3J6Z@ip66.promontory.sfo.interquest.net) left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) indeed chillywilly Isomer (dahoose@port-62-167.jet.net.nz) joined #gnuenterprise. gene9 (as@ joined #gnuenterprise. DanielD (~daniel@pD9EB00F8.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) gene9 (as@ left #gnuenterprise ("Client Exiting"). Maniac (~User@h24-82-132-209.wp.shawcable.net) joined #gnuenterprise. Maniac (~User@h24-82-132-209.wp.shawcable.net) left irc: Client Quit Maniac (~User@ joined #gnuenterprise. dddtttmmm (~chatzilla@ joined #gnuenterprise. chillywilly (danielb@mke-24-167-202-50.wi.rr.com) left irc: "Free Your Enterprise! - http://www.gnuenterprise.org" Maniac (~User@ left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) Maniac (~User@h24-82-132-209.wp.shawcable.net) joined #gnuenterprise. Maniac (~User@h24-82-132-209.wp.shawcable.net) left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) ninja (~rossg@rossg.dial.nildram.co.uk) left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) dddtttmmm (~chatzilla@ left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) rdean (~rdean@chcgil2-ar2-4-64-102-162.chcgil2.dsl-verizon.net) joined #gnuenterprise. Nick change: rdean -> rdean-yawa Nick change: rdean-yawa -> rdean jamest (~jamest@adsl-65-71-168-100.dsl.tpkaks.swbell.net) left #gnuenterprise. Mr_You (~car@ joined #gnuenterprise. --- Sun Sep 29 2002