Nick change: rdean -> rdean-ZzZzzzz jamest ( joined #gnuenterprise. hi jamest jcater (~jcater@ left irc: "nite" ni hi i need to sleep l8r jamest ( left irc: "[x]chat" rdean-ZzZzzzz ( left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) rdean-ZzZzzzz ( joined #gnuenterprise. dtm ([ joined #gnuenterprise. Mr_You (~car@ left irc: "Leaving" Mr_You (~car@ joined #gnuenterprise. derek ( joined #gnuenterprise. Action: Mr_You thinks he found some admin work. yummy derek ( left irc: "Client Exiting" Action: Mr_You works to coexist with mom and pop hosting companies. congratulations Mr_You yer client just printed out a form with proper placement. heh looks freaky on the Mac tho. night Action: Mr_You & Sivart (~trav_c@ joined #gnuenterprise. anyone home? Isomer ( got netsplit. drochaid ( got netsplit. mdean ( got netsplit. fixe ( got netsplit. ajmitch ( got netsplit. sfb- ( got netsplit. nickr ( got netsplit. Sivart (~trav_c@ left #gnuenterprise. Isomer ( returned to #gnuenterprise. drochaid ( returned to #gnuenterprise. mdean ( returned to #gnuenterprise. fixe ( returned to #gnuenterprise. ajmitch ( returned to #gnuenterprise. sfb- ( returned to #gnuenterprise. nickr ( returned to #gnuenterprise. reinhard ( joined #gnuenterprise. Mr_You (~car@ got netsplit. pattieja (~pattieja@ got netsplit. gnuebot (~eggdrop@ got netsplit. gnuebot (~eggdrop@ returned to #gnuenterprise. Mr_You (~car@ returned to #gnuenterprise. pattieja (~pattieja@ returned to #gnuenterprise. #gnuenterprise: mode change '+o gnuebot' by DanielD ( joined #gnuenterprise. nickr ( left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) ajmitch ( left irc: Remote closed the connection ajmitch ( joined #gnuenterprise. drochaid ( left irc: "Client Exiting" ninja ( joined #gnuenterprise. DanielD ( left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) SachaS ( joined #gnuenterprise. DanielD (~daniel@ joined #gnuenterprise. Nick change: rdean-ZzZzzzz -> rdean-yawa jamest (~jamest@ joined #gnuenterprise. rdean-yawa ( left irc: "Client Exiting" reinhard ( left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) reinhard ( joined #gnuenterprise. psu ( joined #gnuenterprise. jcater (~jcater@ joined #gnuenterprise. hi jcater morning Action: psu dcc's jcater some extra donuts for pre-release stress-reduction you have any spair working copies of gnue-tools-0.4.0.exe laying around? I sure could use one :) Well, if we could get a quick "installing from source on Win32" document done I would say ditch the .exes for the moment and get the release out of the door Action: psu is frightened how much like dneighbo he can sound sometimes i.e. most of our users are on *nix anyway that doesn't sound like dneighbo You don't really need sleep do you? We need those! :-) Actually, we have probably the basis of a Guide to Source Installs on Win32 somewhere in the KCs when I do get the .exes working, they won't have support for interbase/firebird like I thought Action: jcater thinks that either their win driver is missing a DLL or a interbase/firebird dll is required Action: jcater forgets which DLL it complains about but I couldn't find reference anywhere on the net to it so I'll worry about that at a later date :) jcater: I guess that, with the whole of as your sources.list, sometimes you can't beat a good .deb lol Action: jcater wonders how the .debs for gnue are going ajmitch? were you still working on that? What about SAP-DB? ISTR that the drivers for those, whilst free, were only WinNT or higher psu: the SAP-DB guys said I should be able to use the Python drivers under any Win32 I know ajmitch had a rough bit of common but I can't find how to do that yet (may take a recompile or such Action: psu would like to clarify that last statement I *really* wishes we could get whatever he has into CVS c/wishes/wish hey, the KC GNUe isn't up yet you know, this ruins my entire Sunday morning schedule? Action: psu pokes ajmitch - come on, 4:30 am already jcater: well, I only sent it to Zack about an hour ago as I wake up right before noon, come read KC GNUe, then go eat lunch now you've thrown my whole day off :-/ Action: jcater will get over it :) I can e-mail you the source if you like, but as you know much better than I reading XML source is not fun how true Action: psu can type by telekinesis now uggh! mcmillan installer just released a bugfix version a week or so ago Action: jcater bangs head against wall Action: jcater crosses his fingers psu ( left irc: Read error: 113 (No route to host) nickr (~panphage@ joined #gnuenterprise. aye stupid DSL btami_ (~btami@ joined #gnuenterprise. hi jcater? hrm later... btami_ (~btami@ left irc: wow, I dig the new site design psu ( joined #gnuenterprise. nickr (~panphage@ got netsplit. jcater (~jcater@ got netsplit. jamest (~jamest@ got netsplit. DanielD (~daniel@ got netsplit. Mr_You (~car@ got netsplit. gnuebot (~eggdrop@ got netsplit. pattieja (~pattieja@ got netsplit. gnuebot (~eggdrop@ returned to #gnuenterprise. #gnuenterprise: mode change '+o gnuebot' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. pattieja (~pattieja@ got lost in the net-split. Mr_You (~car@ got lost in the net-split. DanielD (~daniel@ got lost in the net-split. jamest (~jamest@ got lost in the net-split. jcater (~jcater@ got lost in the net-split. nickr (~panphage@ got lost in the net-split. jamest ( joined #gnuenterprise. pattieja ( joined #gnuenterprise. Mr_You ( joined #gnuenterprise. nickr ( joined #gnuenterprise. pattieja ( left irc: Killed ( ( <- jamest ( left irc: Killed ( ( <- Mr_You ( left irc: Killed ( ( <- jcater (~jcater@ joined #gnuenterprise. jamest (~jamest@ joined #gnuenterprise. DanielD (~daniel@ joined #gnuenterprise. Mr_You (~car@ joined #gnuenterprise. pattieja (~pattieja@ joined #gnuenterprise. jcater_ ( joined #gnuenterprise. pattieja_ ( joined #gnuenterprise. Mr_You_ ( joined #gnuenterprise. jamest_ ( joined #gnuenterprise. Mr_You (~car@ left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) jcater (~jcater@ left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) pattieja (~pattieja@ left irc: No route to host jamest (~jamest@ left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) Nick change: jcater_ -> jcater yow wtf that wasn't nice its possible to validate things in forms based on data in tables in the datasource, right? short answer: yes long answer: hard, very hard? long answer: I'm not sure exactly what you're after :) gasp! I have windows .exes I *think* :O And there will be singing and dancing in the streets tonight... like say the user can select something that may or may not be available by the time they select it is this like Escher for forms? Action: jcater can't quite parse that last sentence the front is the middle but cheese has no name okay, Bob is designing a form to allow users to select a terminal to reserve so he selects all the unreserved terminals from the database and presents them as a list the user sits there for 20 minutes trying to decide in that amount of time, one of the terminals on his list of available ones has become resolved reserved y'see? Zest! yeah so whats the best way to deal with that sort of situation? have a trigger that is executed when they select their choice and if no longer available say, "your slow ass lost you this seat. try again." and thats not a problem eh not at all beauty. Mr_You_ ( left irc: "changing servers" Mr_You ( joined #gnuenterprise. woohoo! new KC is out so I can get on with my Sunday routine that's a good thing too, as I was getting hungry huzzah oh joy, a web form that tells me my DoB is invalid for no obvious reason don't you feel so invalidated? either the javascript is broken for my browser or my parents have been lying to me all these years but how the phone company would know that, I've no idea I think I found some admin work!! whoo hoo! congrats, Mr_You Action: psu is about to admin w/extreme prejudice this crappy web form dneighbo was right - web apps suck I bet this would work if I was using a non-GNU/Linux browser just curious, with GNUe how would you go about restricting data to the user? in other words, I only want a customer to have access to his information, not all customers ;-) I'd just like to say taht sqlite rocks. cool nick Mr_You: Usually someone says "role-based access control" at this point of the discussion, so I thought today it might as well be me RBAC! DanielD (~daniel@ left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) ok, so nothing is implemented at the moment? RBAC is on the "To Do" list for Naviagtor DanielD ( joined #gnuenterprise. which I believe the papo boys are looking at either doing or doing something similar as they need it RSN it strikes me that rbac needs pervasive support, not just in the client side :) In the meantime, as of today, if the number of users isn't too bad and your underlying d/b supports it just use seperate d/b logins and views on the transaction tables yah Action: psu realises this isn't a feasible solution if you have 500+ users all with diff privs Anyway, I'm going to have to go and try another PC's browser for me, it comes down to restricting data based on IP address. and see if that thinks my birth date is invalid too Mr_You: sounds like a trigger that adds "and IP_addr in select allowed from security_table" or domain name to the end of each query ahh psu ( left irc: "bbl" easy to bypass if the db doesn't prevent you itself. DanielD ( left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) lupo ( joined #gnuenterprise. lupo ( left irc: Client Quit <=- man I hope something good comes from this SOON ;-) IRIS: Infrastructure for Resilient Internet Systems hah! Mr_You ( got netsplit. jamest_ ( got netsplit. pattieja_ ( got netsplit. jcater ( got netsplit. nickr ( got netsplit. nickr (~panphage@ joined #gnuenterprise. Mr_You (~car@ joined #gnuenterprise. pattieja_ ( returned to #gnuenterprise. jamest_ (~jamest@ joined #gnuenterprise. jcater ( returned to #gnuenterprise. rofl did anybody see the gnue-info mail? Q: " Would you like to Lose Your Accent ? " - DO YOU FIND OTHERS HAVE A HARD TIME UNDERSTANDING WHAT YOU ARE TRYING TO CONVEY? - DO YOU FIND THE NEED TO REPEAT YOURSELF FOR OTHERS TO UNDERSTAND YOU CLEARLY? - DO YOU FEEL EMBARRASSED OR LESS CONFIDENT WHEN TALKING TO WORK COLLEAGUES? - DO YOU WISH TO COMMUNICATE YOUR THOUGHTS MORE EFFECTIVELY? - DOES YOUR FOREIGN ACCENT SIMPLY GET IN THE WAY? lol wouldn't that be something for our developers from southern us? hrm so, what are you trying to say? Action: jcater thinks I'm the only developer from Southern US to frequent here jcater: yes? Action: reinhard isn't good in geography but i would have counted arizona to the southern part of the us, too ah well the US people suck at geography lol Southern US is typically the "Old South" defined by the civil war ah ok so we consider Arizona to be "Western" go figure :) so i do not only suck at geography but also at history :) well, Civil War + Expansionism Arizona was part of a series of "West" acquisitions by the US if you drew a line, though, I suppose Arizona should be "Southern" the US is just plain weird :) :) good night all reinhard ( left irc: "If you think there is good in everybody, you haven't met everybody" gah! Intro.gfd works in windows again Action: jcater faints Action: nickr gets the smelling trouts er, salts. Yea. you can run gnue with like wxCarbon can't you? ajmitch: hey you use Galeon, dont you? hi everybody ajmitch: i just found out i work with the guy who added mouse gesturing to Galeon ToyMan (~stuq@ joined #gnuenterprise. jbailey (~jbailey@ joined #gnuenterprise. there is mouse gesutring in galeon? nickr: yessar i have seen it! howsitwork? maybe I need to upgrade if you go to flip it off then Mickey appears pretty cool, eh? (or is that another gestering? hehe forms should have gesture support thumps-up --> commit thumbs-down --> rollback balled fist --> start up Bug Tracker middle finger --> Install a competitor's product ddttmm ( left irc: Remote closed the connection ooooo and voice-recognition every time you curse after using GNUe it puts money in our GNUe fund hehe rdean (~rdean@ joined #gnuenterprise. jcater: HAHAHA that rewlsz rdean (~rdean@ left irc: Client Quit SachaS ( left irc: "Client Exiting" greetings all hi ajmitch: how goes the debs? debs? they're getting there must update to latest pre & package the tools properly forget the pres Action: jcater just uploaded final ah nice Action: ajmitch must work quickly, for great justice! rdean (~rdean@ joined #gnuenterprise. hi rdean hi jbailey (~jbailey@ left irc: "Client Exiting" Nick change: rdean -> rdean-away derek (~dneighbo@ joined #gnuenterprise. hi derek hi DEREK ITS BEEN SO LONG snubbed. grrr why is it sometimes having #!/bin/sh at the top of a script results in a Bad interpretor? yet I can go run another existing script with it, and it works fine am I missing something obvious? must be you using deodorant? cause something smells might fishy ;) stinker anyone know of a decent cd management application i tried kmusicdb and it looked ok, but the package doesnt install the db i try to make the application do it and it creates the db but none of the tables and i cant seem to find docs or the table creation scripts to do it manually chillywilly (danielb@ joined #gnuenterprise. hello chillywilly hello ajmitch impressive, kernel panic on bootup Hurd? linux oh hmmm found a sample.db maybe that will work that stinks fsck sig11'ed Action: derek needs to know how to friggin do debian packages and then kernel went down hard so i could make this part of the package and give back Action: chillywilly needs to learn too Action: ajmitch needs to learn heh Action: ajmitch thinks this computer could be slightly dead you already know man ;) Action: chillywilly doesn't want to go to work tomorrow then don't HEH I could only wish it was that easy Action: ajmitch sees if it kicks the bucket this time.... can I have a volunteer? anyone? [22:35] Last message repeated 1 time(s). jcater: what for? nope volunteer first Action: ajmitch hides behind chillywilly then I'll tell you :) uh, no tell first, then someone might think about it ;) in 1:30, can someone(s) (with broadband preferrably) grab scp is going slowly that is a binary image of our tools w/all dependencies hmm sounds mildly evil Action: chillywilly grabs it ala the OpenOffice setup program chillywilly: I still have 00:45 ETA :30 good gosh minutes?!? :20 :10 chillywilly: yeah, 30 minutes I just tarred up / think that'll work? come on.... ok i have 28 secs left it's uploaded 19 oh er, so why did yo want someone to dl it? to install it and test it what's in "tools"? well, that contains Designer, Forms, and Navigator Action: jcater didn't want to fsck w/Reports at the moment ok and AppServer would have to be separate as it's a service jcater: how hard is it to 'uninstall' is this a tool for windows and linux? derek: rm -rf /usr/local/gnue/ /usr/local/bin/gnue-* and is it from openoffice installer derek: no or 'like' openoffice that's for Linux hmmm you realize IF this works we can have debs in like 10 minutes probably derek: "like" as in "single thing to download" btw the Windows installers are up uh, the tarball is bad same way flash and openoffice debs work this time around i.e. just put binaries in place and make menu entries and they will be just in unofficial debian :) there's a single Windows installer unexpected, but you're not fone are you?!? until someone (evil stares nickr/ajmitch) gets them done :) erm, done Action: ajmitch cries Action: chillywilly consoles ajmitch hmm she's working for me poor kid Action: jcater wonders if youstarted too soon> ? is anyone else downloading it? if this works I am restarting the dl via gtm then it was totally worth the frustrations with the conversion to McMillan 5 well, I say "if it works" it's working fine for me i will try in 5 minutes it should be done in 40 secs or so hmmm, I still can't unpack it danielb@obfuscation:~/archives$ tar zxvf GNUe-Tools-0.4.0-bin.tgz GNUe-Tools-0.4.0/ GNUe-Tools-0.4.0/ gzip: stdin: unexpected end of file tar: Unexpected EOF in archive [22:45] Last message repeated 1 time(s). tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now poor chillywilly :) ajmitch: have you tried? downloading now sigh maybe I should reupload first brb Action: jcater is re-uploading jcater: bad! jcater: chillywilly probably broke his download by rushing it ok, reuploaded Action: jcater smacks chillywilly's hands Action: ajmitch untarred it fine why must i be root? because root is da bomb Action: ajmitch has /usr/local writable by the staff group which i am a member of :) oh you could comment out that line then :) is there an easy test to do in a script to see if a user has write access to a location ? well I dl it twice dagnabit chillywilly: you broke it! :) what more do you want from me?!? nope bypass your proxy? you looked at it fnny it's your fault I am not running any proxy then you're screwed ;) I dun think so you test it ajmitch I am going to go watch the packers post game show :) Action: ajmitch doesn't want to write into /usr/local/gnue since that's where the cvs copy has put stuff /msg jcater think i should remove that if (user == chillywilly): mangle_download = true script from apache? heh there see now it unpacks good, chillywilly now get ti working & test it ajmitch: don't make me hurt you ok url to damaage? you couldn't if you tried, chillywilly yea, it's east to talk crap when you're on the opposite end of the planet easy yup, which is why i find it so easy to ignore what you spew out :) woops, I have no wxpython chillywilly: i have it jcater you still around? chillywilly: i rebuilt against python 2.2, it's in my normal apt repository ok cool I ahve your repo in my sources line er, have hmmm, when did you upload it? a week or two ago derek: ja libwxgtk2.2-python? chillywilly: did it not work? chillywilly: yes jcater: depends if it sets LD_LIBRARY_PATH jcater: umm, wxpython has been gone in sid for a while it should this should be self-contained hrrrm wx + Python + mysql drivers + pgsql drivers all self-contained did it not work? :-/ fails to open the .so for wxgtk Action: jcater smacks the libwx maintainer around a fiew times ajmitch says he has it packaged but I can't pull it chillywilly: i have it installed what error are you getting? yep add /usr/local/gnue/lib to your LD_LIBRARY_PATH and tell me if that helped big stack unwind then blah ah, ok if so, I'll make the scripts do that automatically /usr/lib/ /usr/lib/ Action: ajmitch has those installed from the package now it says it can't find forms ? jcater: thats a chillywilly bug report danielb@obfuscation:/usr/local/bin$ ./gnue-designer DB000: Traceback (most recent call last): DB000: File "", line 41, in ? DB000: File "/home/jason/cvs/gnue/.cvsdevelbase/gnue/designer/", line 90, in __init__ DB000: File "/usr/lib/python2.1/site-packages/wxPython/", line 1607, in __init__ jcater: can you test X DB000: File "/home/jason/cvs/gnue/.cvsdevelbase/gnue/designer/", line 105, in OnInit DB000: File "/home/jason/cvs/gnue/.cvsdevelbase/gnue/designer/", line 286, in newInstance DB000: File "/home/jason/cvs/gnue/.cvsdevelbase/gnue/common/", line 41, in dyn_import DB000: File "", line 296, in importHook DB000: ImportError: No module named gnue.designer.forms chillywilly: my kernel doesnt recognize python /usr/local/gnue/shared/images/ jcater: what kernel you running chillywilly: i rolled my own an hour ago, nothing works yet ;) kernel? 2.4.18 iirc rofl Linux obfuscation 2.4.19-xfs #1 Tue Sep 10 22:30:57 CDT 2002 i686 unknown unknown GNU/Linux read the dialog :) ;P wasnt asking you what kernel you were running set PYTHON_PATH :) Action: chillywilly smacks derek around to where? ah snap this over stalled my 0.3.0 piss piss piss just reinstall it jcater: does it install samples? don't think so dneighbo@latitude:~/downloads/GNUe-Tools-0.4.0$ gnue-forms ../../demo/myvideo.gfd GNUe Forms Version 0.4.0 GNUe Common Version 0.4.0 Error: Unable to load any valid UI drivers. Aborting. For help, type: gnue-forms --help dneighbo@latitude:~/downloads/GNUe-Tools-0.4.0$ it no worky piss moan not working here either here is what went with install I can't get designer to run chillywilly: stop complaining & submit a patch but I don't know where to point the PYTHON_PATH latitude:/home/dneighbo/downloads/GNUe-Tools-0.4.0# ./ ************************** GNU Enterprise Tools 0.4.0 Binary Installation Script ************************** Installing GNU Enterprise into /usr/local/gnue... Symlinks to the following have been placed in /usr/local/bin: gnue-designer gnue-forms gnue-navigator derek: set your LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/gnue/lib/ ajmitch: lick me then run gnue-forms chillywilly: might catch something rdean-away (~rdean@ left irc: "Client Exiting" and let me know if you still get that error sigh this is all chillywilly's fault jcater: nope jcater: agreed 0:-), I'm innocent see the halo? Action: ajmitch wants to install someplace other that /usr/local/gnue chillywilly: nope Action: jcater assumed you had a big forehead too bad ajmitch ajmitch: not gonna happen with this installer quit complaining and submit a patch :) fsck [23:22] Last message repeated 7 time(s). the .netrc patch breaks my wget Action: ajmitch gets same error as chillywilly ;) piss moan piss moan DB000: ImportError: No module named gnue.designer.forms yeeeep it is b0rked doesn't look like it's including it properly? jcater: I blame you! of course i am using a non-standard install ;) jcater: <-- this is who I blame! ajmitch: non-standard? adding that line fixes for me jcater im going to test against postgres now jcater: <-- hey donut boy it's *your* fault!!! derek: cool :P I added that line to the scripts fsck it doesnt shutdown properly though grrrrrrrrrrrrr what? ctrl-\ doesn't work? sigh well, I said "ala OpenOffice" didn't I? :) i click the door to exit and it shut the app down but didnt give me back my terminal ctrl-c wouldnt either woohoo that's a feature! well we bitch about m$ always crashing programs gnue is so darned hardened it gives you 10 9's baby nothing can kill it ;) not even the sysadmin killall gnue-forms buh-bye nope kill -9 PID gnue-forms isnt an app its a python script so you ahve to kill python k er instance of python exectuing the script yep kill python then ;) we should've based it on "rabbit" so we could "Kill da wabbit" "Kill da wabbit" ouch DB000: File "/home/jason/cvs/gnue/.cvsdevelbase/gnue/forms/", line 210, in findFocus DB000: File "/home/jason/cvs/gnue/.cvsdevelbase/gnue/forms/", line 204, in findFocus DB000: AttributeError: 'None' object has no attribute 'mode' /usr/local/gnue/shared/images/ dneighbo@latitude:~$ wassaat? eek from gnue-forms that looks nice ;) sigh from that binary well, maybe another day dneighbo@latitude:~$ gnue-forms cvs/ue/forms/item_category_maintenance.gfd is what i ran trying to use an attribute of a nil object rock on but dneighbo@latitude:~$ gnue-forms cvs/gnue/forms/samples/intro/intro.gfd works just fine hmmmph Action: derek thinks 0.4.0 broked existing forms or something as i had a ton of issues with cvs running anything old has the format changed? oh did i mention you ahve to kill -9 the darned thing to kill it ;) bah, cntrolling terminals are for girls real men let gnue take control! ;) /usr/local/gnue/lib/ is the process that is 'hanging' gnue is like the won't die even int he event of a nuclear fallout another fun one jcater (just so you really loathe me) dneighbo@latitude:~$ gnue-designer cvs/ue/forms/item_maintenance.gfd I do not know what to do with a .gfd file! /usr/local/gnue/shared/images/ dneighbo@latitude:~$ if designer dont know what to do with a .gfd we are screwed ;) lol lol bah I'll set this aside for another day it si beddy bye time s/si/is/ ok then we are officially released hooya! eww Action: ajmitch expects an 0.4.1 release out within 2 weeks :) ? once we hunt down lots of bugs & get them fixed sigh Action: jcater has been in prerelease mode for 7 days now derek: still got the designer throwing all fields in one spot bug? we know that nope that's fixed good we'll still find other bugs, don't worry :) poor jcater we have chillywilly to fill out quality bugreports! we arent ready [ajmitch @ ajmitch gnue] cvs up cvs [update aborted]: reading appserver/grpc/GEAS.grpc: Too many levels of symbolic links derek: ? why i get this still? ajmitch: never seen that ajmitch: you are in crack' i tried prelease 3 and it was broked horridly s/in/on/ derek i know 4 was posted god damn itr what prelease are we on? I've been in prerelease mode for 7 days I've released jcater: it points to an absolute path of itself :) we did 4 i would like to install and test a few items first :) ok you released tahts cool we can always do a 0.4.1 4 fixed several things Action: jcater is running a bookstore w/4 i don't see 0.4.0 as released, so it's not too late ;) wife has been using it 10 hrs a day for last 2 days Action: derek thinks jcater is doing this for revenge knowing i committed to being the bastard that volunteered to maintain old releases :) what's outstanding? dunno is the short-term plan to get back to new features, or just bugfixing for a couple of weeks? meaning as 0.5.0 comes down the shoot i will have to patch 'something' ugly while he laughs and causally says oh yeah forgot that one ;) ajmitch: plan is we need a roadmap asap derek: agreed for at least 3 versions (even if rough) i would say 0.4.0 only goest to 0.4.1 for security or grave bugs ok we need a new wxpython soon, right? :) Action: ajmitch didn't see 2.4.0 we need a list for 0.5.0 of what features we want in 0.5.0 and any bugs we hope to squash in 0.5.0 that we know about will that break anything? and we start going after those things wtf danielb@danielb@obfuscation:~/src/cvs/gnue$ cvs up cipher_encrypt: bad plaintext length 337 cvs [update aborted]: end of file from server (consult above messages if any) obfuscation:~/src/cvs/gnue$ cvs up cipher_encrypt: bad plaintext length 337 cvs [update aborted]: end of file from server (consult above messages if any) woops heh, this is lame chillywilly: you broke it suuuuuure btw, I am releasing tonight looks like 2.3.3 was released, not 2.4.0 because I probably won't gnue this week ok jcater hrrmm, I think my key got regenerated a couple days ago fsck 22nd and the 23rd oops, that is _bad_ -rw------- 1 danielb danielb 536 Sep 22 22:31 identity chillywilly: why would you do that? I dunno when I did that or why I sure don't remember doing it maybe you've been h4x0r3d? ;) nah, my memory just sucks how do you mount a music cd in debian? lol sorry you don't mount music cds partly because they don't have a filesystem to mount well kmusicdb (and other applications) dont seem to find the damn things and so tried to mount Action: derek doesnt understand the issue does kmusicdb look at mudic cds? i just want to be able to get cddb info from a darned cd and it doesnt appear to work on debian works for me with grip let me rephrase that grip works depends on your setup, tho but nothing else i cant get xmms to play cds i cant get other applications like kmusicdb to recognize Action: ajmitch puts in a music cd & tests it might help if i had my drive plugged into the soundcard how true, xmms does fail it works grrr you have to be root i forgot i had that issue with grip too oh i had that problem until i fixed permissions ;) you know of a good cddb --- Mon Sep 30 2002