Mr_You ( joined #gnuenterprise. psu ( joined #gnuenterprise. hi hi psu when derek wakes, remind him to change the topic this topic nazi stuff is VERY lame Action: chillywilly plots to destroy the #gnuenterprise topic nazis hehe chillywilly ( left irc: "brb" chillywilly ( joined #gnuenterprise. Action: derek runs off to bed Action: derek is away: bed reinhard ( joined #gnuenterprise. shit reinhard is awake this means it is definitely past my bed time yep morning reinhard hello all "reinhard is nature's way of telling americans to go to bed." ;-) lol one good thing about free s/w you can always tell when it's the 1st of the month as all the mailman servers send you a little reminder hehe Action: psu isn't complaining, the number of lists he subscribes to, he'd never remember all the p/w unless I made them all "password" psu: what's you opinion on GNUe release cycles? ;) s/you/your/ brb I think getting people to shell out for a GNUe t-shirt has proved difficult, so getting them to buy a celebratory branded bike might be a bit much ;-) Seriously, we seem to be about quarterly at the moment which seems fine to me Enough to make releasing a special event Not so rare that the project looks dead Also, at the moment, release staff == development staff so every release is 1-2 weeks out of the devcl cycle If we had a dedicated release team, I would say release monthly hah, a dedicated release team this is free s/w there's no such thing ;) Action: Mr_You would have bought a t-shirt but I need to eat. Action: chillywilly is just cheap ;) well, in the dim, distant future, we might be able to get leading GNUe consultancy firms to sponser releases "This release is brought to you by the letters Q and X, and Chillywilly Enterprises Inc." it's actually Liberty Enterprise Technologies ;) get it right ;) heh try whois re release names seriously i thought about that, too release names? and as we have some tolkien fans among us i could imagine bilbo, frodo, gandalf et al who was talking about release names? like in debian yesterday i read it from the log ok Action: chillywilly is just now reading LOTR Action: chillywilly sucks although I loved the hobbit and FOTR is trning out to be very cool hard to put it down Nick change: reinhard -> rm-away off to customer it's hard to choose between farscape names and tolkien names for computers ;) I think farscape is winning though I already have 'frell' bye rm-away night all chillywilly ( left irc: "Free Your Enterprise! -" psu ( left #gnuenterprise ("work time..."). hmm Arturas ( joined #gnuenterprise. Hello hi which tool do the hip kids use to configure XF86 on a current debian system? XF86 works but i wanna just increase the resolution paci (~paci@ joined #gnuenterprise. JohannesV ( left irc: "Client Exiting" ddttmm: i use vim /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 :) Action: ajmitch can't increase resolution ariel (~ariel@ joined #gnuenterprise. ajmitch: but do you know how i can try it? Action: ajmitch is unsure btami ( joined #gnuenterprise. hi Hi Bajusz :) hi Arturas have you tried released .exe on any win32 ? i'v tried on XP an win2k, but both failed without any error msg no, i haven't yet i'm trying to implement for windows, so i'm planning to try everything then (in a week) ok, just curious but i haven't played with setup.exe versions hello all hi Dmitry :) hi ra3vat still sleepy? :) hello Arturas hello btami btami: i've tried exe under w98 yesterday did it work? forms worked cool designer no Arturas: btw. i find "fsutil hardlink create" exist on XP but not on win2k i know :) that's why i'm working on setup-cvs for win :) i think we can iclude this util in our /common/tools (or how is that folder called) so it'll work with 2k and XP however for 9x and NT i have no ideas it will work on 2k and XP definitely couse it is filesystem related ntfs xx version ntfs 5 supports only hardlinks Arturas: translation does not work though ra3vat_: could you give some more details?? :) please :) :) btami: so called soft links are 'shortcuts' :\ windows... Arturas: i can't, as i spoke about exe under w98 ah i don't knwo for sure, but i believe gettext does not exist under windows maybe it's possible some kind of workaround but i guess we'll have to use English language only for Windows (it's only a guess - i have no facts) ra3vat_: does your translations work (under linux)? yes Arturas: i tried on win32 before and it worked IIRC excellent :) but then i dont know why translations does not work under win will look at it in a few days source installation and more tests are needed it seems it always works for me with CVS fersion of GNUe it=translation (hu_HU) i will install from cvs under w98 and test then somebody get me a very large gun please ? ?? trying to get mysql to work nicely ajmitch: aren't gnue's regular trouts large enough? ra3vat_: not for this ra3vat_: what is 'gnue regular trout' ? unless it's a tnt=loaded trout Arturas: ask chillywilly :) ok :) ajmitch: why mysql, may i sugest firebird with kinterbasdb? btami: can't this isn't gnu i'm playing with ok :) s/gnu/gnue/ lupo ( joined #gnuenterprise. hi hi i've heard you'll join the meeting in frankfurt? lupo: hi, where to read about the exibition itself? Nick change: rm-away -> reinhard hi lupo, reinhard hi reinhard :) ra3vat_: reinhard: thanks lupo: i don't know yet if i can join, but yes, i'm planning so :) ra3vat_: (should be in english, not sure) Arturas: great :) reinhard: you've read volker's mail? lupo: thanks, again :) lupo: which one? reinhard: the last, where he said he has no room but a corner yes i am just trying to get a room in a hotel near the expo i hope that's fine enough for us be warned, frankfurt is not known for small prices i might be able to find a conference room for about 10 people at an affordable price if i find one then we can take that if i don't find anything then we can come back to volker's corner great jan said network access would be nice anyway if i am present at the right time, i'll try to write a protocol for psu which can then be reused in the next kernel traffic sorry, cousin lupo ( left irc: "using sirc version 2.211+KSIRC/1.1" ariel (~ariel@ left irc: Killed (NickServ (Ghost: Amy! ariel_ ( joined #gnuenterprise. Action: Arturas is away: lunch btami ( left irc: ninja ( left irc: Remote closed the connection ninja ( joined #gnuenterprise. lupo ( joined #gnuenterprise. huhu huhuhu lupo ( left irc: "using sirc version 2.211+KSIRC/1.1" Action: Arturas is back (gone 00:54:27) Action: drochaid_ is back (gone 08:18:24) JohannesV ( joined #gnuenterprise. reinhard ( got netsplit. Isomer ( got netsplit. nickr (~panphage@ got netsplit. derek (~dneighbo@ got netsplit. reinhard ( returned to #gnuenterprise. Isomer ( returned to #gnuenterprise. derek (~dneighbo@ returned to #gnuenterprise. nickr (~panphage@ returned to #gnuenterprise. Isomer ( got netsplit. nickr (~panphage@ got netsplit. derek (~dneighbo@ got netsplit. reinhard ( got netsplit. nickr (~panphage@ returned to #gnuenterprise. derek (~dneighbo@ returned to #gnuenterprise. Isomer ( returned to #gnuenterprise. reinhard ( returned to #gnuenterprise. ToyMan ( joined #gnuenterprise. Yurik ( joined #gnuenterprise. yrashk_ ( joined #gnuenterprise. Nick change: yrashk_ -> Yurik_ Yurik ( left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) Nick change: Yurik_ -> Yurik SachaS ( left #gnuenterprise ("Client Exiting"). ToyMan ( got netsplit. reinhard ( got netsplit. Isomer ( got netsplit. nickr (~panphage@ got netsplit. derek (~dneighbo@ got netsplit. ToyMan ( returned to #gnuenterprise. nickr (~panphage@ returned to #gnuenterprise. derek (~dneighbo@ returned to #gnuenterprise. Isomer ( returned to #gnuenterprise. reinhard ( returned to #gnuenterprise. reinhard ( got netsplit. ToyMan ( got netsplit. Isomer ( got netsplit. nickr (~panphage@ got netsplit. derek (~dneighbo@ got netsplit. ToyMan ( returned to #gnuenterprise. reinhard ( returned to #gnuenterprise. Isomer ( returned to #gnuenterprise. derek (~dneighbo@ returned to #gnuenterprise. nickr (~panphage@ returned to #gnuenterprise. jamest ( left irc: Remote closed the connection jamest ( joined #gnuenterprise. jcater ( joined #gnuenterprise. good morning :) jamest ( got netsplit. Yurik ( got netsplit. JohannesV ( got netsplit. ninja ( got netsplit. ariel_ ( got netsplit. Mr_You ( got netsplit. ddttmm ( got netsplit. dres ( got netsplit. jamest ( returned to #gnuenterprise. Yurik ( returned to #gnuenterprise. JohannesV ( returned to #gnuenterprise. ninja ( returned to #gnuenterprise. Mr_You ( returned to #gnuenterprise. ddttmm ( returned to #gnuenterprise. dres ( returned to #gnuenterprise. yrashk_ ( joined #gnuenterprise. dres ( left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) dres ( joined #gnuenterprise. Yurik ( left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) ariel_ ( got lost in the net-split. is kde3 in sid yet yogurt2unge ( joined #gnuenterprise. JohannesV ( left irc: "Client Exiting" NO GOD NO AND AGAIN NO!!! bye Arturas ( left irc: "Client Exiting" dneighbo ( joined #gnuenterprise. stbain (~stbain@ joined #gnuenterprise. greetz <-- yay, someone mentioned gnue in an enterprise discussion psu ( joined #gnuenterprise. psu ( left irc: Client Quit psu ( joined #gnuenterprise. /topic New releases at plz yrashk_ ( left irc: Read error: 101 (Network is unreachable) reinhard ( left irc: "Friends may come and go, but enemies accumulate" DanielD ( joined #gnuenterprise. hello daniel fwiw: windows install is a dream its great hi HOWEVER it is hosed wrt functionality drop down box behavior is severely crippled i will send bugs as i get a chance Windows and cvs: could it be that the various images in gnue tree are not checked in as binaries? I see 'keyword substitution: kv' from the log command and I can't really view them. yes its VERY likely Action: dneighbo thought we added some cvs rules to fix this, but likely only did it at the www/ directory and below i know we added something to stop addition of *.pyc and ~ files (iirc) yogurt2unge ( left irc: "Client Exiting" siesel ( joined #gnuenterprise. hi any postgresql masters here? Chipaca ( joined #gnuenterprise. hi all any news wrt the release? hi Chipaca aprono ( joined #gnuenterprise. ToyMan ( left irc: "making toys" stbain (~stbain@ left irc: "Client Exiting" psu ( left #gnuenterprise ("nite..."). nickr (~panphage@ left irc: "leaving" siesel ( left irc: "l8r" DanielD ( left irc: ToyMan ( joined #gnuenterprise. nickr ( joined #gnuenterprise. jamest ( left #gnuenterprise. DanielD ( joined #gnuenterprise. jcater ( left irc: "Client Exiting" Chipaca ( left irc: "restarting fX" aprono ( left irc: "Client Exiting" chillywilly ( joined #gnuenterprise. Action: chillywilly inhales a culver's steak sandwhich Action: ddttmm observes the standing pile of bone and ligament which only seconds ago was a complete living calf squirted with BBQ sauce -- the transition of which chillywilly euphemistically calls "sandwich" chillywilly: you mean inhaled like that? hehehehhe hopefully not *that* fast OMG IT'S STILL MOVING IT'S GOT *EYES*!!!!! ariel_ ( joined #gnuenterprise. ariel_ ( left irc: Client Quit ddttmm: I haven't eaten al day ddttmm: so I stopped at culver's now I am getting som home made chilly (the food not the bird ;) ) s/bird/pengnuin/ if your bird is cold .. give her a cuddle Action: drochaid_ returns to said corner ahem, pen-gnu-in ;) Action: drochaid_ can't read the screen from the corner Action: drochaid_ is sure it was very good though :) Action: chillywilly smacks drochaid_ around while he can't see ;) bleh DanielD ( left irc: jamest ( joined #gnuenterprise. hi jamest hi looong time no see er talk ya hows life well good and bad well if jcater asks tell him 'bad' good in that I have my health, no one is trying to kill me for my beliefs, I'm well fed, etc, etc no persecution? bad in that I'm burried in work - bringing it home w/ me tonight hi jamest :) as i thik he is considering getting one ( a life that is ) so we could use the extra negative press ah ok with the bookstore opening I doubt he gets a life anytime soon Action: dneighbo is equating anythign sucking time outside of gnue a 'life' even if its another evil addiction one is feeding (like a bookstore) :) so gnue != life heretic! thou shalt be smitten Action: chillywilly whips out his trout-o-nine-fins Action: chillywilly beats ddttmm into submission shall we a. burn him on a cross b. hang him from a tree c. stone him to death d. off with his head e. put him on the rack worse than that...... z. make him support users f. put him in the stockades g. make him use windows XP dont even go there oh oh Action: jamest is having to make his network play nice w/ xp g! g! h. make him admin lusers using windows XP in a mixed network environment oooh w/ active directory it gets better :) yeah thats real torture jamest you really are bringing good input to the table ;) ooooo ooooooooo how about this make him use admin win XP while listening to spice girls and while watching infomercials :) call the s.o.b. down and show him a completed application written in access that you want supported on the network or ported into postgresql evil only make sure that for the last 6 months you asked how to do it and had him tell you that access wasn't the way to go yeah madainn mhath dneighbo, jamest, ajmitch nah, i take it back, that'd be too cruel no jamest: sounds like Real World(tm) experience talking ;) drochaid_: as I told you before none of the ppl here are fluent in drunken scottman, plz speak english ;) poor chillywilly its good to be back jamest: it's good to see that you have a pulse chillywilly: can I point to ajmitch in response to your comment ;P drochaid_: um, no ajmitch is a crack addict nothing he says is coherent ajmitch: ciamar a tha thu? fine Action: ajmitch is leaving anyway... HEH jamest: while you are here you know of a good way to export a table in postgres to csv or tab ? guitar tab ;)? Action: dneighbo needs integrator like yesterday :) waaaaa, waaaaaa, integrator chllly you know any place good to get bass tabs for guitars ummmm nope how hard is it to make kde3 work on debian sid? Action: dneighbo wants to get kmusicdb workign but the version having stuff i want relies on kde3 on sid? Action: ajmitch has kde working fine, but not from packages yip sid i used that site to pull 3.0.3 into woody and had little to no trouble with it dneighbo: what does kmusicdb do? manages music collection pop a cd in it reads cddb and makes an entry in postgres for you then you can add own stuff (even mp3, ogg, etc) and has some cool little reports dneighbo: probably far more than you need .. but looked at Netjuke? mainly with kids listening to music having to constantly 'see' if im missing cds or not and when go to buy cd's want list of what i already have we have been buying about 5 cd's a quarter at least a quarter?!?!?!?! you sound like an accountant! :) sometimes wife gets etc so want to star cataloging and such darn i slipped thats 5/month i was going to say 15 a quarter but didnt want to sound like a CPA... sigh i did the math but used the wrong identifier (you have me outed) anyhow i like that its in postgres so i can replace OR extend with gnue easily Action: drochaid_ doesn't think dneighbo is interested in Netjuke ja man where's the gnue music db app ;) freakin' a chillywilly: Netjuke :) I expected much more from you Action: chillywilly doesn't know what netjuke is netjuke.sourceforge.whatever netjuke is cool for PLAYING music and .ogg/.mp3 im looking to manage a cd collection though dneighbo: ahh .. you're using kthingy for cds as well as mp3/ogg etc? gnue! ;) ? i hadnt planned on using it for mp3/ogg, just stated that you could woops ToyMan ( left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) i love ogg/gnutella and such but GENERALLY the quality is so bad, its not worth bootlegging Action: dneighbo buys lots and lots of music sod bootlegging .. I rip my cds to ogg i generally will get mp3/ogg of stuff though you are the RIAA poster boy dneighbo ;) yeah all my cd's get ripped to .ogg I've probably got less than 20 tracks I don't own on cd jcater ( joined #gnuenterprise. not really RIAA poster boy steals music and never buys it wassup! uh, no i buy about 60 - 100 cd's a year hardly not supporting the record industry blood pressure Action: drochaid_ thinks he's missing out on the RIAA poster boy thing wassup jcater: weight dneighbo: sorry dewd but as long as you buy it form the largwe media companies yo are supporting them and I think 100/yr is a LOT cholesterol levels my IQ drochaid_: no, really just from talking here ya know ;) sorry that should've been 85% of all music is released by 5 major labels (Sony, EMI, UMG, Time Warner, & BMG) Federal Trade Commission (FTC Statement) chilly generally i try get stuff from artists to a degree, though admittedly most of my business if through BMG as i get stuff there about 4/cd which i think is fair price for cd new delivered to my door chillywilly: ya, and how many long distance phone companies control 85% of the traffic and how many train companies account for 85% in magazine fundraising, one company (QSP) controls 85% my problem with the record labels isnt that there are only 5 its that they want to break the rules of copyright (fairuse) the number is not the point yep oooo, and how much of the market does Coke and Pepsi control becase they have the power to do so because they have the power to? or because people give them the power to? i dont really mind them trying to kill napster, napster was breaking the law they are just an association :) wll when they start buying the laws they want in order to line their pcokets then you have a different thing altogether i have a problem with them pass DMCA and DRM legislation as that breaks the law the other way (i.e. they kill the rules of copyright) imm not pro RIAA really its the artists that should be the most vocal if i like band X, im not going to not buy their stuff because they are on a label as that doesnt help the artist any one sec for a while i tried to say if an artist is on big 5 i will get the .mp3's and buy merchandise instead to support htem, but the quality sucks dneighbo: not that I disagree with anything you say .. but what about the rather high profile case of the artist that was put into liquidation even though the label has made more than $200M from sales of their albums? im saying i like music, i wish artists would stand up to the labels I think artists should release under Open Audio License ;) agreed chillywilly: does that exist?? yes EFF fashioned it after the GPL you can find it on their site any pointers? since I was asking about the very same about a year ago and got blanked EFF? let me show you an example electronic fronteir foundation frontier who started the free software movement and keeps it going to a large degree? users or developers? hippies drug crazed hippies thus why should the listeners be on teh front lines of the music woes instead of teh artists? it shoudl be the content providers fighting developers of course and no one disagrees the artists needs to take a stanad and start their own movement ;) 98% of the artists DO NOT get it the labels aren't needed in the same capacity imho and they know this in FS 20% of developers get it and 80% of users dont thus we get DMCA, SSSCA now CBPDTA or whatever in music 95% of the arists dont get it, 75% of the listeners do you are fighting the label AND the producer of the content it's their last attempt at trying to continue to control their artifical monopoly Action: dneighbo needs to go home seems to me the artists are getting fed up...the digital revolution is here now ;) ok it is? yea, and the FS movement is a big part of it those dirty smelly hippies? foaming-at-the-mouth rabid zealots? ;) yeah they're pretty cool dont forget about sword-swallowing-and-beaver-vertebrae-in-their-dredlocks hehe coz that's what Jason does, the guy i ran a couple FSF booths with he's in Oakland ok... yeah hippies like things free free love free music free bongs only guy i know who's into dreadlocks & stuff like that is an MP (member of parliament) free willy our own dreadlocked, pot-smoking, rastafarian MP oic,2106,2064530a10,00.html free.... *chilly*willy? he's a member of the 'green party' hehe the stick icky sticky icky too that site locked up galeon i know this is probably a sore or lame question, but what's the status of GNUe as a SOHO accounting app? chillywilly: you use a crap galeon then such as compared to MyBooks or Quickbooks ddttmm: ah, some people are very slowly working on it ;) is it within sight? do they have a project plan or status page? nothing that concrete i basically recommend that people use MyBooks so far it's crossplatform Java and odbc no lock-in I think it's an issues with the sound device ddttmm: not exactly a status page it won't use esd anymore it jst wants to open /dev/dsp directly chillywilly: mine doesn't use esd, i don't have issues so when some page has flash or what not it hangs tho my sound card does have 2 channels & do hardware mixing yea, but I have a crmmy single channel sound card in my laptop fewl so did i ;) but i couldn't use my old soundcard in this new box ajmitch: what could possibly get done without a status page? aren't they planning it? onboard sound isn't supported ajmitch: or is it super slow ddttmm: sure, but not as much done online :) esd is about the only thing I can do...galeon used to use it fine i confess, i'm one of the team, it's a group of us here in dunedin looking at it dneighbo ( left #gnuenterprise. ajmitch: cool so more is done offline you mean IRL? yup ajmitch: how about if you prompt someone (such as yourself) to make a roadmap and a status page brain dump plz lots of people want to know ToyMan ( joined #gnuenterprise. is it anywhere near usable ? might be a good idea - not likely until after uni has finished for me nope not even close, huh? well, the first version is usable, but it's not GNUeified it's a php/python hybrid quite ugly but functional what are you talking about ajmitch? chillywilly: SOHO accounting what's SOHO? small office/home office afaik :) ok you have some code for sch a thing? some code, and some forms k can't exactly release the code since it's uncopyrighted (was just an internal project) forms & stuff will be GPL ajmitch: there is no such thing as uncopyrighted code as long as the author is identified ddttmm: sorry, no copyright headers as long as anyone knows who it is ok ddttmm: also that depends on the law of the country so, do that and release it, eh? can't ;) will be releasing forms & stuff once stuff is in place whuh why was it made without gnue? was it wicked old? i didn't do it yes you did! dont lie!!1 it's wicked ugly & non-intuitive who wrote it? Alex? yup why would they do that rather than spend $99 on MyBooks then? accounting is not something to just mess with :) just for his personal use how can they even use it? for what? for his business? yes it works yikes. i know :) does it interoperate with anything, like a bank or other file formats? sounds like a NIH geek most likely :) although i apologize if i'm overstepping my bounds ;> banks do that? wow, your banks must be about 20 years ahead of ours ;) Action: ajmitch doesn't know, actually SachaS ( joined #gnuenterprise. re Action: drochaid_ is away: not ere, over there, sleeping ... hopefully jamest ( left irc: "[x]chat" redbaron ( joined #gnuenterprise. anyone there yup it's called OFX spport or whatever that prorocol is redbaron: the banks thing er, stpid nick completion gnucash cvs supports it you cna dl transactions from a checking account s/cna/can/ uhh Action: ajmitch ponders supports it ;) yep OFX, Open Financial eXchange chillywilly: are you holding a 1-sided conversation? I am trying to provide useful info to those who will listen chillywilly: umm ok like hopeflly you an ddttmm i see Action: chillywilly rolls his eyes i saw redbaron's nick there & thought you might have mistakenly brought a private question in here no that was supposed to be 're:' as in 're: you banking talk earlier' Action: ajmitch drops a truckload of MS(tm) Windows(tm) XP(tm) SP1(tm) EULA(tm)s on chillywilly but the dman nick completion got in the way damn ajmitch: that's not a very nice thing to do to someone who is just trying to help btw, there's a Free libofx or whatever too, iirc chillywilly: i'd enjoy all those EULAs would be good for the fire :) btw thanks for the info :) but I have nore fire place er, no hmmm might be something that GNUe common could have, or something like that? can I use them as TP? ;) sure! if you can stand the feel of pure evil lol I think OFX is an xml format :) evil jbailey ( joined #gnuenterprise. ToyMan ( left irc: "making toys" mdean ( left irc: Remote closed the connection jcater you still at dinner? no but will be at the shop in a minute so speak quickly or carry a big patch err bad pun chillywilly: oh i hadn't heard of OFX i'd only seen people using QIF Thom_ ( joined #gnuenterprise. Thom_ ( left #gnuenterprise. rofl will see you later back to dbacks game redbaron ( left irc: Remote closed the connection --- Wed Oct 2 2002