psu ( joined #gnuenterprise. i have arrived and to prove it, I'm here greetings i believe derek was looking for me? i believe so he had some news to add to the website cool i sent a news item to the website there he is! and i never got a mail to 'approve' it should i be concerned? erm no For the testing session yesterday I removed your name from the To: list as your inbox probably groans at best of times & forgot to put it back rofl ok you are lucky i wasnt in my impatient mood and reclick submit like 50 times :) Action: psu will try his python news update script "in production" for first time 22noonsatsunset ^W ignore that, that's my ash password or *was* until 30 seconds ago... website updated this will all be easier once we get HTML CVS set up RSN crikey its bed time I've got a revised text for front page too cool as per derek/jcater discussion gimme 30 secs and I'll cut & paste it in the channel psu you GMT +1 GMT +1 summer, GMT +0000 winter i.e. its 07:04 for me now ok, I was going to shorten the first para to GNU Enterprise is a meta-project which is part of the overall GNU Project. It is three linked things: and put the GNOME ref in the third numbered para A general community of support and resources for developers writing applications using the GNUe Tools (whether part of the 'official' GNUe Packages or not). It is designed to collect Enterprise software for the GNU system in a single location (much like the GNOME project collects Desktop software). etc etc Not sure whether to drop the hyperlink to GNOME, but it *is* free s/w and I suppose we should be promoting it and there are some people out there who equate enterprise s/w == desktop s/w so may come looking to us for GNOME-type stuff by mistake I'll upload the revised text, and we can discuss later if anyone has any strong views Action: derek is away: bed reinhard ( joined #gnuenterprise. psu ( left #gnuenterprise ("work..."). reinhard ( got netsplit. nickr ( got netsplit. dres ( got netsplit. ajmitch ( got netsplit. sfb- ( got netsplit. fixe ( got netsplit. nickr ( returned to #gnuenterprise. dres ( returned to #gnuenterprise. ajmitch ( returned to #gnuenterprise. fixe ( returned to #gnuenterprise. sfb- ( returned to #gnuenterprise. reinhard ( got lost in the net-split. reinhard ( joined #gnuenterprise. SachaS ( got netsplit. ninja ( got netsplit. Mr_You ( got netsplit. Isomer ( got netsplit. derek (~dneighbo@ got netsplit. Isomer ( joined #gnuenterprise. Isomer ( left irc: Killed ( ( <- SachaS ( returned to #gnuenterprise. ninja ( returned to #gnuenterprise. Mr_You ( returned to #gnuenterprise. Isomer ( joined #gnuenterprise. derek (~dneighbo@ returned to #gnuenterprise. Remosi ( joined #gnuenterprise. Isomer ( got netsplit. ninja ( got netsplit. Mr_You ( got netsplit. derek (~dneighbo@ got netsplit. SachaS ( got netsplit. ariel_ ( joined #gnuenterprise. SachaS ( returned to #gnuenterprise. ninja ( returned to #gnuenterprise. Mr_You ( returned to #gnuenterprise. Isomer ( returned to #gnuenterprise. derek (~dneighbo@ returned to #gnuenterprise. Isomer ( got netsplit. ninja ( got netsplit. Mr_You ( got netsplit. derek (~dneighbo@ got netsplit. SachaS ( got netsplit. SachaS ( returned to #gnuenterprise. ninja ( returned to #gnuenterprise. Mr_You ( returned to #gnuenterprise. Isomer ( returned to #gnuenterprise. derek (~dneighbo@ returned to #gnuenterprise. Isomer ( left irc: Connection timed out lupo_ ( joined #gnuenterprise. hi lupo_ if all goes well we will have our own conference room in frankfurt hi reinhard great in the intercity hotel which is very near the expo who comes? siesel, you, me, johannes, arturas and i am trying to reach jens mueller (ICJ) excellent who did some thoughts for appserver already but has disappeared excellent :) ICJ? could it be that only middle europeans are brave enough to hack an appserver? *g* :) Action: ariel_ is also considering to join the party why not :) do i need to register? if you want to attend the actual trade show, yes if you just want to meet us, i don't think so (reinhard?) too bad I am in Australia and not in Liechtenstein :( you come from liechtenstein? yes. atm in australia to study. will be back in liechtenstein end 2003. will have to look for a job then no university in vaduz? no ocean, no real summer in liechtenstein :) that is a very obvious reason :) somehow I cant get into gnue on my own. SachaS: it's a hard nut to crack, indeed so that linuxworld meeting in frankfurt would be cool for me, but maybe next year. jan has some good examples on when i get some time i will have a look at UBL (universal business language). i might be interested in gnue-gnue or gnue-sap etc ariel_: would be great if you come bbl reinhard ( left irc: "No problem is so interesting that you can't just walk away from it" what's UBL? its a oasis project at the moment. its about business its about business messages its about typical, common, repetitive business messages or business data in general eg. so, a framework for describing business processes? a company has an address problem if one company has one line of street and the other two for example not really business process but more deeper okay tell me more :) want to come here when I did some more reading and will tell you :) : :) could be cool to have .... gnue maybe to support UBL just finish your example, i'd really like to have an idea what it does that when gnue has example applications, that those applications use some UBL work. cool. will do so maybe next week or the week after. according to OASIS: The purpose of the UBL TC is to develop a standard library of XML business documents (purchase orders, invoices, etc.) by modifying an already existing library of XML schemas to incorporate the best features of other existing XML business libraries. sounds very interesting yes. i am a bit into ebxml ( so it grew out of ebXML, I think so there will be a registry with ubl content so, it could be a handful of XML files that you send to a debitors or creditors accountant? and basically you could reference them. yes. it has a bit more to it, which i did not understand yet. i should prepare my ERP co-worker :) its about context like if you talk about an address, you can talk about a memory address or a company address so you have to make sure the context is right.... that all are talking about the same thing... wow no more f***ing eldanorm or datanorm btw, what do you study? computer science, doing a masters by research in computer science. for more infos ..... topic is: "ebXML Collaboration Protocol Agreement formation". ok. got to go. see you lupo_ bye SachaS ( left #gnuenterprise ("Client Exiting"). lupo_ ( left irc: "using sirc version 2.211+KSIRC/1.1" jcater ( joined #gnuenterprise. jamest ( joined #gnuenterprise. ariel_ ( left irc: "Uscita dal client" ajmitch ( left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) ninja ( left irc: Remote closed the connection ajmitch ( joined #gnuenterprise. ajmitch ( left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) ajmitch ( joined #gnuenterprise. fixe ( left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) perlhead ( joined #gnuenterprise. psu ( joined #gnuenterprise. fixe ( joined #gnuenterprise. hey all hi ajmitch expect a plug for FTBA in this week's KC ;-) uh oh FTBA? which, due to Real Life pressures over the weekend may be out earlier than usual neatly disrupting jcater's usual Sun a.m. routine no!!!!!!! psu: how soon? of course, you could just not read it until Sun a.m. as usual ;-) ajmitch: hours - unless you really want me to pull it psu: doesn't worry me just a short summary of what you said in IRC don't think i said much in this channel, unless you've been stalking me elsewhere? we have spies everywhere oh dear you know that thing on your dorm room door that looks like a peephole for you? it's actually our hidden webcam... i'm not in a dorm :) DanielD ( joined #gnuenterprise. foiled again ;-) looks like daylight savings starts here tomorrow Maniac ( left irc: Killed (NickServ (Nickname Enforcement)) Maniac ( joined #gnuenterprise. Maniac ( left irc: Killed (NickServ (Nickname Enforcement)) Maniac ( joined #gnuenterprise. Maniac ( left irc: Killed (NickServ (Nickname Enforcement)) User_ ( joined #gnuenterprise. too many Maniacs ;-) hehe is this KC a big one? slightly below average - 33212 of XML source biggest ever was #32 at 94284 bytes smallest #6 at 13584 ok Action: ajmitch wonders how many he's been quoted in :) far too many, i'd say Zack is working on the quote index code again ok " Damn, so people really do want that feature!" ISTR In the meantime, you could always wget*.html and grep for yourself yep i don't care that much :) grep "Andrew Mitchell" gnueall.txt | wc -l 261 how many Jason Caters? too damn many that's how much to add some more to the count but only ajmitch is allowed to read it yet as it says "for 5 Oct" ;-) yay1 Action: jcater will wait until sunday Action: ajmitch readas grep "Jason Cater" gnueall.txt | wc -l 1534 s/Jason Cater/Derek Neighbors 2541 damn! now if he'd just code that much we'd be done Action: jcater looks around for derek phew doesn't appear to be here :) lol psu ( left #gnuenterprise. ajmitch: what package was ftba based off of? jcater: package? no package ah, ok Action: jcater misunderstood what I was reading so, when will it be in cvs? :) and i only have a few forms partly done, i need to package the gnue tools & get onto ftba after exams packaging will be done before then, of course ;) chillywilly ( joined #gnuenterprise. DanielD ( left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) hrrrm, no psu he had the link to my domain wrong it should be (but there's no web site there yet anyway) yep i noticed that :) hehee DanielD ( joined #gnuenterprise. you know there's something sick in the 1st 2 paragraphs of the cnn virus story posted on /. initially it wasn't causing problems for computer users........ then in the next one t appears to be designed by someone who intended to steal credit card info or other data The theft of my CC info isn't an issue?!?!?! jamest: if it's anything like my CC then it's not an issue they wouldn't get far :) they can have my CCs as long as they change the billing address too yeah, i guess they do say initially it wouldn't really be an issue until American Express contacts the user and asks if you are sure you can pay the $5000 in charges to 1-900-hot-codn "where naked koders kome to play" I thought that was #gnuenterprise err, wait you guys aren't coding naked too? Action: jcater wanders off...... Action: jamest is thankfull once again jcater hasn't discovered the joys of webcams chillywilly ( left irc: "Free Your Enterprise! -" reinhard ( joined #gnuenterprise. reinhard ( left irc: Client Quit perlhead ( left irc: "Client Exiting" reinhard ( joined #gnuenterprise. ******** note to derek and all that are subscribed to gnue-info seems like a worm was sent to gnue-info over libertydistribution ******** Action: reinhard is so glad he uses evolution :) Action: reinhard thinks when we talk about viruses/worms, then outlook should be renamed to "look out!" :) how true jamest ( left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) reinhard ( left irc: "For each complex problem, there is a simple, understandable, obvious, and wrong solution" dneighbo ( joined #gnuenterprise. jcater you here? maybe what did I do? im not sure i might send you a sample im in deep crapola dneighbo: I've found this helps: jcater ( left irc: "home" siesel ( joined #gnuenterprise. hi hi ajmitch: have you ever packaged some web application debian packages? nope dneighbo ( left #gnuenterprise. btw. did you make any progress in packaging gnue? uhh, not lately :) that should be something i do this afternoon :) you want debs? :) DanielD ( left #gnuenterprise. yep. Btw. what will be the name of the appserver deb? gnue-appserver ? yeah ok: phpforms ...suggests... gnue-appserver ah, you packaging that? I'm trying. Action: siesel thinks, that if it is packaged there will be more people who like to test, i.e. bugs will be found earlier. how's appserver shaping up? usable for real work? you can use it as a proxy for database access. It works quite well then. jcater ( joined #gnuenterprise. ok hi jcater hi Jason ok hi Remosi ( left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) ajmitch: where do you want to put share files? In /usr/share/gnue-xxxx/ or in /usr/share/gnue/xxxx /usr/share/gnue/xxxx, i _think_ i have to check it out with jbailey & nickr, the debian gurus i have gnue-common in /usr/lib/gnue at the moment you mean /usr/lib/gnue/common ? no /usr/lib/gnue since everything uses code from there :) it's not going to be pretty Remosi ( joined #gnuenterprise. remosi is back! Remosi ( left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) remosi is gone :( ajmitch, jcater: what is the best place for the gnue-forms.php script? /var/www/phpforms/gnue-forms.php or /var/www/gnue/gnue-forms.php or ? gnue imho but that will be ungood for if we have a python or other implementation :) s/if/ Action: siesel will change it to gnue for now. squirrelmail et al put their web stuff in like /usr/lib/squirrelmail then add an Alias to the httpd.conf file just an observation.... don't know that it's correct Remosi ( joined #gnuenterprise. I tryed to do it a bit the phpgroupware style, i.e. moving everything into /usr/share/gnue/phpforms. But for now Im lazy, so I just create a link to it in /var/www instead of doing that httpd.conf include thing. wwwconfig-common has no good Documentation i know another thing. phpforms uses the same images/icons as the normal forms. The easiest way to use these icons is to copy them into the phpforms tree and handle them seperate from the normal forms icons, but by that, they would be at two places in CVS, and possibly in a installation of gnue-forms and gnue-phpforms on one system so, would it be ok to have the same icons stored at two different places? you hoping to get this into debian? hmmm, actually I never really thought of that. siesel: is your form layout reasonably accurate? I think so. cool, mine looks good. if I wasn't so lazy/unfocused I'd have it done already. gonna implement the actual buttons/functionality tonight tho, guess it will be reasonably done. The layout engine of PERL forms is working allready? I guess so. ;-) lemme see lemme show it off this should be scary I gotta reboot to access the latest and greatest to put on this box, brb. heh ajmitch: what do you mean with: "...hoping to get this into debian?" get the phpforms package in the debian archive, rather than just on the GNUe server I mean, does it needs special things (execpt of searching a maintainer to ?adopt?) ? yes, it needs to conform to debian policy ;) stuff has to be in the right place, and it needs to do the right things on installation Action: siesel hopes that gnue-phpforms 0.0.1-234 complies to the policy ;) btw. it doesn't make sense to put a package into debian which isn't allready released :( hah! there's plenty in debian that's like that ;) oh, btw, not all the widgets are functional.. just entry and label ;-) thats the important ones :) hrrmm techincal difficulties hrrmm konqueror is acting weird mozilla? oh oops.. forgot I was in the middle of coding, lemme comment somethin real quick btw. here a very simple example of phpforms layout: grrr... only perl executes commented code oh duh I see why heh stupid Action: Mr_You can load state_maint.gfd after you see the one currently. oh ok just a sec doh SachaS ( joined #gnuenterprise. next parts are to add some sort of page ability and db functionality. I've only been able to run the new client, not try it out. designer and navigator didn't work with XP, will try with Debian when I get a chance. in regards to v0.4.0 btw. although you're layout is using ROWSPAN attributs you still have to remove some table cells to make it fit better (i.e. remove the following 3 cells after a 4 cell wide entry field ) I agree. I had some ways to do this but it never worked right ;-) Action: siesel is getting tired siesel ( left irc: "night" ajmitch? andrew? guess yer busy free software just rocks seeing postgres and sapdb developers help each other make one anothers products better via irc is just SOOOO encouraging Action: jcater thinks derek needs a cold shower jcater, what is great is they both dont like mySQL. ;) who does? ;) Action: derek feels sorry for the poor advanced file system called mysql nah.... sapdb and postgres developers ya'll wanna see my forms client so far? well guess its no big deal.. see one layout seen them all ;-) Mr_You: sure you show us yours, we'll show you ours pages and button functions next I need to have some marathon sessions to get it to usable state. clean it up msg derek hmm I broke the help link Action: Mr_You turns up the heat. Action: derek is away: bed --- Sat Oct 5 2002