lies! ssshhhh! no one can silence the truth! how about 100 bucks? will that shut you up mr. truth ;) okay that is acceptable. lies! ah silence is golden. (pun intended) no one can silence the truth! Action: jcater holds his hands out cha ching! Action: derek shoves a donut in the jcaters mouth if you cant silence it maybe you can muffle it with donuts? what good is a phone call if you cannot speak!? you breath heavily? thats better than speaking on the phone anyways hah ok i suppose its my bed time so i can get up way too early tomorrow yea Action: derek is away: bed well I guess that means it's past my bed time Nick change: chillywilly -> cwZZZ jcater ( left irc: "night" cwZZZ ( left irc: Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer) cwZZZ ( joined #gnuenterprise. psu ( joined #gnuenterprise. cwZZZ ( left irc: "Free Your Enterprise! -" hmm# Action: psu is obviously not necess privvy to all of the "politics" of the situation but I would still rather we did the back-office stuff packages + acclite rewrite as "real" GNUe packages if at all possible even if 0.0.1 or 0.1.0 versions current perception for casual visitor to website == tools good, packages not started which is probably fair If we start packages elsewhere (even with a prominant link to or whatever) this perception will remain even though we will have stuff that is emminantly usable Action: psu is just looking at this from a webmaster/PR point of view IMHO people would rather have packages that meet someone's need and can be used as a basis for something more general than get stuck in Proposal Hell for another 12-18 months i.e. if the "politics" is just the need to be seen to follow the proposal process I would say change the process. derek: I don't really have the server spacem, but I can set a (t)wiki up easily enough. The question might be though, if are doing it. Is it worth doing repeating? WHat is the actually plan for acclite at the moment? Current having hacked around the code somewhat it just seems to be a modified version of nola to work _somewhat_ with postgresql. esands: if people really want a wiki, I would rather host it as Is someone working on forms for it? psu: true enough. Personally I think wiki's work. Of course I might be biased. ;) esands: I believe that a couple of screens have been converted to GNUe Forms but that it has been a bit on back burner esands: re. wiki. As I;ve said before, I'm not opposed to wiki per se, just to adding another channel of comms that may not get used but simply spread even further all the things people need to keep in touch w/ the project At the moment, I would say anything that people might want on a wiki e-mail it to True. However the main page always seems static. It might pull people in if there some more web-visible noise. Of couse your KCs are priceless reinhard ( joined #gnuenterprise. as I'm sure I can find a sensible place to slot it The front page still concerns me The "What is GNUe?" needs to be up front for newcomers but for old hands, we really want the news to be first up since, as you say, the project looks a lot more static that way Start link to the getting to be useful DG as well. Even htmlising it would be a good idea I think GNUe - the iceberg project Action: psu wonders how difficult it would be to use a cookie or similar to change the front page first time == That sounds like a good releas name. ;) what is gnue first, news second No. after that == other way around I tend think things like that overly complicated the information interface but then the page is not idempathetic(?) i.e. diff people see diff pages Just have to different entry points People bookmark the page they want. Otherwise the server is making decisions for the client esands: true Check this ( ) it see how an active TWiki can drive the interface between developers and the users. Of couse maybe gnue isn't quite their yet, since it since needs a few good 'showoff' applications The GNUe wiki, suggested code: #! /bin/sh mail %1 EOF 'course, that's not platform-independant yet but we're working on that ;-) Action: psu would probably end up raiding the wiki for website material anyway The big issues on the website at the moment are a) Docs need updating - I just need to Wouldn't put that on the web either. %s = " ; mail blah < /etc/passwd". Not so good. Anyway. get around to recompiling them from CVS b) FAQ needs updating really badly A lot of the material is already on the website just needs folding back into FAQ But then, as always, we accept patches ;-) Sounds like we need to clone psu. :) Actually, #1 priority is to get website into CVS wikis tend to make that process a little easier. (provision of patches) so other people can touch site w/o me going frazzled Action: psu was going to fire off some more e-mails on that until esands got me talking (heh - now it's *your* fault ;-) Action: esands runs for cover btami ( joined #gnuenterprise. good morning hi btami hi psu any linux gurus in da house? very basic linux newbie question coming if I want a shell script to run (as user foo) every time that foo gets an e-mail how do I do that? Action: psu is guessing biff, or a friend of biff Action: reinhard associates procmail with that type of job but never actually used it Action: psu will hunt around in the procmail docs .forward ? I use maildrop, but its probably similar with procmail How about: :0 | (/home/salvo/rem/ cf Do you actually use procmail at the moment? not for the situation I'm considering - but no grief to install if needed Which mail server? qmail or the rest? ie. .forwards or .qmails? could be any MTA. Probably exim, as that's what I'm used to Arturas ( joined #gnuenterprise. but I will gladly use foomail if that has it built in ;-) hi :) .forward then. hi Arturas esands: thanks. I'll do some swotting up I think in .forward its "| /scriptname". I'm not sure how to make to deliver after that. You might then need to install procmail to handle that part of the job I use qmail so things are pretty easy there k gotta run now - work time For example in qmail it something like this: nic@woodcut:/home/vmail/plumtree] cat .qmail-nic #./Maildir/ |/usr/local/bin/odeiavir | /usr/bin/preline /usr/bin/maildrop /home/vmail/plumtree/nicholas/.mailfilter Ok. Action: psu will do some further reading tonight thanks Heh, of course its dinner here. ;) psu ( left #gnuenterprise ("work is the curse of the driking classes"). paqan (~paqan@ left irc: Read error: 60 (Operation timed out) ariel_ ( joined #gnuenterprise. jamest__ ( joined #gnuenterprise. jamest_ ( left irc: Read error: 60 (Operation timed out) Action: Arturas is away: Lunch Action: reinhard is away: lunch neilt ( joined #gnuenterprise. #gnuenterprise: mode change '+o neilt' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. btami ( left irc: neilt ( left irc: "later all" reinhard_ ( joined #gnuenterprise. reinhard ( left irc: Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer) Nick change: reinhard_ -> reinhard paqan (~paqan@ joined #gnuenterprise. neilt (~neilt@ joined #gnuenterprise. #gnuenterprise: mode change '+o neilt' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. siesel ( joined #gnuenterprise. hi siesel: hi siesel: i understand you are working on pyro? I havent begun yet. There should be a pyro adapter for GNURPC. do you want to use it? jbailey ( joined #gnuenterprise. Mr_You ( joined #gnuenterprise. Action: derek is away: work dneighbo_ ( joined #gnuenterprise. Action: Arturas is back (gone 02:08:04) siesel: I say the stub files in common and wondered if anyone was working on it? s/say/saw/ ToyMan ( joined #gnuenterprise. derek ( left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) revDeke ( joined #gnuenterprise. if someone sees jcater later tell him i have a quote for him in the logs... Ask not what you can do for your country. Ask what's for lunch. -- Orson Welles ToyMan ( got netsplit. Mr_You ( got netsplit. jbailey ( got netsplit. siesel ( got netsplit. reinhard ( got netsplit. ra3vat ( got netsplit. nickr ( got netsplit. gnuebot (~eggdrop@ got netsplit. gnuebot (~eggdrop@ returned to #gnuenterprise. ToyMan ( returned to #gnuenterprise. Mr_You ( returned to #gnuenterprise. jbailey ( returned to #gnuenterprise. siesel ( returned to #gnuenterprise. reinhard ( returned to #gnuenterprise. ra3vat ( returned to #gnuenterprise. nickr ( returned to #gnuenterprise. #gnuenterprise: mode change '+o gnuebot' by jbailey ( left irc: Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer) siesel ( left irc: "" jcater ( joined #gnuenterprise. if someone sees jcater later tell him i have a quote for him in the logs... Ask not what you can do for your country. Ask what's for lunch. -- Orson Welles :) rofl Action: jcater likes that I think I may frame that on my wall ariel_ ( left irc: "Uscita dal client" could someone help me a bit? in wx/ i've found widget.SetValue(bla-bla) function call but i can't find function itself :/ ? i mean: def SetValue(self, ... function definition|source|body|... :( SetValue is calling either wxTextCtrl.SetValue or wxComboBox.SetValue (depending on the type of widget) widget is a WX "widget" either i'm too stupid to find it or the day is just too bad :\ i run a full search of source searching for SetValue all i found was function calls, not definition now i'm searching for wxTextCtrl and wxComboBox but as farr sa it oes i can't find them :| ah, thank you :) :) :) bye :) Arturas ( left irc: "Client Exiting" bye all reinhard ( left irc: "Anything is good and useful if it's made of chocolate" neilt (~neilt@ left irc: "later all" paci (~paci@ left irc: "ciao" grib ( joined #gnuenterprise. siesel ( joined #gnuenterprise. jcater ( got netsplit. Mr_You ( got netsplit. gnuebot (~eggdrop@ got netsplit. nickr ( got netsplit. ra3vat ( got netsplit. ToyMan ( got netsplit. gnuebot (~eggdrop@ returned to #gnuenterprise. nickr ( returned to #gnuenterprise. #gnuenterprise: mode change '+o gnuebot' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. ra3vat ( got lost in the net-split. Mr_You ( got lost in the net-split. ToyMan ( got lost in the net-split. jcater ( got lost in the net-split. ToyMan ( joined #gnuenterprise. siesel ( left irc: "Don't comment or patch bad code; rewrite it." jcater ( joined #gnuenterprise. Mr_You ( joined #gnuenterprise. ra3vat ( joined #gnuenterprise. heikoV ( joined #gnuenterprise. ToyMan ( left irc: ": I'm off to make more toys..." revDeke ( left irc: "CGI:IRC 0.5" revDeke ( joined #gnuenterprise. ToyMan ( joined #gnuenterprise. can anybody here comment on the use of the designer and other tools with Guile? are they totally tied to python or somewhat language neutral? afaik its all python right now right now they are tied to python we have plans to support triggers in other languages but no code exists yet to take advantage of it tied to python designer will likely always be unless there is a port (me sees little value in a port) as to the forms client (forms is a spec, there already are php and javascript and java implemenations in cvs) ableit far from complete i would say there is LITTLE need to make an implementation in a separate langaguage as they are TOOLS not applications i.e. we plan to support business logic in ANY language so people writing gnue applications should be able to write applications only knowing their favorite language by creating an 'alternate' implementation of the tool is a lot of maintainance and duplication (but as stated we have samples in cvs so its doable) python is about as portable as it gets i.e. from handhelds to mainframes i hope that answers the question grib: you might be interested that there is a native gtk2 version in cvs in case wxpython is one of your concerns hmm, all the official gnue packages in debian have been orphaned stbain (~stuart@ joined #gnuenterprise. good we need a maintainer to submit what we have to official :) I'd be willing to do that if they don't suck. heikoV ( left #gnuenterprise. nickr: any chance you could review them for 'suckage' and if they dont suck take over the packages and get what we have uploaded to debian? Yea, I have a few work things to do and thenI can look em over revDeke: hm, ok. semi-too-bad I guess .. I am using a similar designer via glade that's tied to scheme in the same way; I just happen to like scheme more :) the nice thing about the gnue designer is the twist you guys put on it to support character cell layout. I am pretty likely to be doing a significant chunk of ERP type stuff for some car dealerships and I was hoping to give/take some with gnue, but I don't think I'm ready to switch the tools over to python. o well. sounds like you need to be converted ;-) hey, guile is good don't be knocking guile. refering to python Mr_You: eh. I don't have anything against python, I just like lispy languages better. guile has its limitations but at least I know what they are. I'm not knocking anything. Action: Mr_You was making a joke. bbl guile/scheme looks very cool problem is it has a big learning curve compared to python for business programmers i dont think that makes it bad, just we tried to pick something closer to our target market plus larger programmer base grib: the 'right' thing to do if you wanted to do this and not loose scheme is adopt the formats i.e. keep own designer just make it write out gfd's and grd's then make a forms client in scheme this shouldnt be overly difficult and it woudl actually give you compatiability to GNUE i.e. a form you write should be usable by python clients as long as you are in spec especially once we have cross language trigger support just a thought we are getting ready to rollout quite a bit of application base very soon geared towards manufacturing but most of it would be relevant to car dealerships too as keeping books and paying bills is pretty universal :) revDeke: o really! what's coming out? any peeks available on web? revDeke: Seems like the gfds should allow you to say 'this trigger uses this interpreter' reinhard ( joined #gnuenterprise. no peeks just yet hopefully cvs will be up tonight :) Action: revDeke looks at jcater for a better answer to cvs that is revDeke: I just mean roughly what's in the new rollout. or is it a secret? :) no secrets nickr: we have that functionality, just no sublanguages all triggers support a language="" attribute Action: revDeke is on phone ah just right now, "python" is the only valid answer :) but does the forms client really have to be written in the same lanugage as the triggers? NO not at all the idea is that python version will support triggers in ANY language someon write a wrapper for jcater: likely we could make designer work same way for plugins? ? some again i.e. could we make the plugin architecture support other languages come again I suppose so but that's a slightly different audience yes Action: jcater isn't sure of the benefits agree 100% but it is certainly doable well im thinking if grib is saying gnue isnt appealing because its python if one could reasonably extend designer with non python code well, there's a difference between "gnue being in python" and all business applications coudl be extended with non python code and "my apps which use gnue would be in python" jcater i realize this im just saying if we make a concession for business applications to be outside of python (the biz logic/triggers) would it make sense to offer this flexibiltiy for designer plugins Action: revDeke isnt pushing hard here or saying its high priority just questioning I don't see the benefit, but it's doable jcater: im thinking as it does more and more and everything almost is done via plugin we might get more stuff written if we offer to let poeple write in language of choice or at least python/scheme/perl revDeke: i'm not saying gnue isn't attractive because of python. no offense, but there's not much to gnue at the moment WRT application-level stuff. I was talking about the possibility of contributing large amounts of stuff, but that's only practical if the core gnue components and my dev tools can play nice. psu ( joined #gnuenterprise. night all i'll probably not log in again before i head for frankfurt tomorrow morning so bye all :) reinhard ( left irc: "All things being equal, fat people use more soap" psu ( left #gnuenterprise. From latest DWN: * [68]gnue-common -- The shared library for many items of the GNU Enterprise Framework. ([69]Bug#166339) * [70]gnue-designer -- Rapid Application Development tool for GNU Enterprise. ([71]Bug#166343) * [72]gnue-forms -- An XML-based forms painter. ([73]Bug#166351) All * [68]gnue-common -- The shared library for many items of the GNU Enterprise Framework. ([69]Bug#166339) * [70]gnue-designer -- Rapid Application Development tool for GNU Enterprise. ([71]Bug#166343) * [72]gnue-forms -- An XML-based forms painter. ([73]Bug#166351) er, All Orphaned good those are so damn old yup we have a private repository on though I think the best thing for people to use is the cvs version anyway. Might be nice though to have a list of deb dependancies to make it easier to use. siesel ( joined #gnuenterprise. stbain (~stuart@ left irc: "Client Exiting" hi siesel heh, they are creating a kid racing track in my home town. racing young goats? :) hi Mr_You, hi all. jbailey ( joined #gnuenterprise. I guess maybe 7-10 year olds in a short circle track kid racing track sounds great. esands: they can add a line to their sources.list and just apt-get the new stuff deb woody main I think it works fine but it's never made the site news for some reason jamest: Have you got .debs now? yes Ah, cool. Are they going into unstable at all? these are 0.4.0 debs created by jcater based upon zope's Nice. we don't have a clue how to make it happen last I knew which it? jbailey: they probably will if you spruce them up :) Are they going into unstable at all? we don't have a clue how to make it happen oh, I see. =) Sorry. I can make that happen easily enough. Especially since we might start using gnue here. =) it's fine w/ me i think jcater is cool w/ it too I should check with jcater what he wants I guess. jcater: Wake up. what am I cool with? See? It works. =) Action: jcater wants money donuts our debs in unstable women Nick change: jamest -> jcarter and debs in unstable go for it I have vegan donuts. =) I'm very happy. as my work is BugFree Nick change: jcarter -> jamest chillywilly ( joined #gnuenterprise. i'd love to see them in testing as well but I know they have to play nice in unstable for a while jamest: The way Debian is right now, it'll probably be a cold day in hell before they get into testing. =) Although, maybe python apps are still flowing in. hi all :) jbailey: why is that? Action: jcater is ignorant Action: jamest is too jcater: unstable is still suffering with the glibc 2.3 transition and the perl transition. jamest: btw, blame jbailey for all your libc 2.3.1 problems :) Action: jcater ducks Action: jamest grabs a big stick and some salt for the wounds And I suspect that just as it's recovering from that, we'll have gcc-3.[23] problems. Ooo baby. do you feel the love? That moaning is pure pleasure, I assure you. jcater: So... Is the idea that you want me to take over the packages completely? I know you had some other flunky who was taking care of some things before. I don't care whatever you do PLEASE keep the changes in CVS I have all my debian files in our cvs structure Action: jamest seconds that we tried time and time again to get the files and a simple how-to in cvs Now the funny part is that I just prunes all of the python development stuff off of my machine this morning, and rm'd the gnue repository last week. It's like lighting a cigarette at a bus stop. =) but people treated us like we were derek and just ignored us :) but without good reason :) lol well, yeah, so I guess it wasn't like derek then eh? jbailey: if you're not up for it then I'm sure we'd be happy to maintain them we can maintain them I don't mind that we just need a sponsor we just need someone wise to tell us what hoops to jump thru it's not like they were hard to create read the docs on becoming s debian beotch? ;) s/s/a/ personally I'd like to see the maintainer listed as the project itself as the orphan problem seems to haunt debian projects the debs dont have to be in the offical rep. hmmm, do they allow that? chillywilly: That's generally the accepted answer. but, but, but jamest: If you want me to babysit it in gnue, then that won't work. I can ask for a list to be created in Debian though. I thought that's what we're saying jbailey: ?? Unofficial deb rep is easy enough to set up. Until another maintainer joins the project or someone goes though the new maintaner process nickr volunteered earlier to help Y'see - I'm not subscribed to the general gnue mailing lists and don't want to be. the NM process is a little stalled at the moment It would be crazy silly for bug reports to go somewhere I wasn't subscribed to. jbailey: i meant that the maintainer be gnue itself vs an individual as usually there is someone about that can see to fixing things No rush though to get the debs back in. Can always do maintain it external and pass it to a debian maintainer to commit to the rep. we have external repository now i set that up about a month ago using jcater's debs jamest: Sure, sure. No problem. I'm thinking that creating an email list, though. jamest: it's been that long? yip time flies when you're having fun :P WHy not just ? esands: deb woody main would be your sources.list entry for our external repos chillywilly: oct 9th no sid debs? some of live on the bleeding edge ;) er, of us would work too. I just don't want to be sub'd to the main mailing lists. yeah thanks. got that. like I said I generally use the cvs is probably easier to setup and maintain what is this for? bug submissions? the bugs submitted via the debian bug tracker The gnue debian maintainer group-entity mailing list? debian has 9000+ packages now...WOW chillywilly: more than that Action: chillywilly remembers when it was only about 6000+ ajmitch: that was a rough estimate I remeber when it was one disk ajmitch: stop picking nits! ;) chillywilly: synaptic lists > 11000 woah ;) ajmitch: How much of that is offical ? esands: 99.9% the only non-official apt line is my own but there's no decent jabberd deb! dagnabit! ;) chillywilly: so make one & stop complaining *whine* *whine* *whine* chillywilly: this one works for me : deb file:/dev/null unstable main haw haw too bad your file url is malformed Action: chillywilly smacks jcater with a WI lake trout that's what you think it is not file:///dev/null ? try it out in your browser ;) are you mocking my null-ness? I am making fun of yor malformedness What's a WI lack trout? lake, rather. a lake trout? I think the former described it better they have those in CA come on man What's a "WI" lake trout. WI just means I saught it in WI ;) er, caught I figured out what a trout is. =) Oh - Umm. Wisconsin? a lake trout is not the same as a regualr run of the mill trout chillywilly: Where I come from there weren't lakes, just oceans. yea, you know where I happen to live WI, USA And the lake here is umm.. likely to produce fish with 3 eyes. yum! I'm hoping to wind up in Madison sometime soon. Do you live close to there? jbailey: northern CA had EXCELLENT fishing jbailey: and hour and a half or so eat of it why does noone visit me in NZ? ajmitch: We're scared of the sheep. Action: chillywilly lives outside Milwaukee Menomonee Falls chillywilly: Ah, nice. s/had/has/ Action: ajmitch kicks jbailey norther CA *has* excellent fishing :) northern, damnit my fingers won't work like usual perhaps I should stop cramming them up my...uh, nevermind... ;) nice visual eh? w00t! yes, you should stop cramming food in your mouth how do yo know that I am eating? Action: chillywilly is having some potato chips ajmitch: bah, put a sock in it sheep boy ;) Action: chillywilly needs to finish reading the appendix of LOTR tootle-loo yay! and peace reigned in the fair land of GNUe forever more... Action: chillywilly says, 'Well, I'm back' Action: ajmitch screams as the peace is shattered into a million pieces, each crying out for vengeance "we come in peace. You leave pieces" bah in pieces. jamest ( left #gnuenterprise. i dont have time to fully read back log if debian bug tracker has to email something howabout thsi way it will file bugs automagically into DCL and we can have one 'official' person in charge but certainly others can put on watches or the likes That's probably suboptimal, since then you'd have two bug tracking systems. neilt ( joined #gnuenterprise. #gnuenterprise: mode change '+o neilt' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. well i dont think we want to use debian bugtracker personally we have dcl Like, you'd have to wire DCL to close bugs in the BTS when they were closed there, etc... we would liek to use that i.e. let people use BTS to log the bug and we just do something clever to have DCL report back to BTS on things this way our developers have a single system but people can still file bugs via BTS Hmm. i.e. im not against BTS but we need to have bugs in one place for us and dcl is that place It's the Debian Developpers job to handle bugs and file them upstream when needed. well i would consider this no different just our debian developer is a 'collective borg' and so it auto forwards everything upstream :) Action: revDeke must run bbs revDeke ( left #gnuenterprise. Tell you what - I'll upload it at first sending the bugs to me. When you get it wired up, lemme know. =) siesel ( left irc: "night" it be snowint chillywilly ( got netsplit. Mr_You ( got netsplit. ra3vat ( got netsplit. jcater ( got netsplit. dneighbo_ ( got netsplit. paqan (~paqan@ got netsplit. jamest__ ( got netsplit. mdean ( got netsplit. wayeg ( got netsplit. Isomer ( got netsplit. fixe ( got netsplit. pattieja ( got netsplit. dtm ([ got netsplit. neilt ( left irc: "later all" dtm ([ returned to #gnuenterprise. chillywilly ( returned to #gnuenterprise. ra3vat ( returned to #gnuenterprise. Mr_You ( returned to #gnuenterprise. jcater ( returned to #gnuenterprise. dneighbo_ ( returned to #gnuenterprise. paqan (~paqan@ returned to #gnuenterprise. jamest__ ( returned to #gnuenterprise. Isomer ( returned to #gnuenterprise. pattieja ( returned to #gnuenterprise. wayeg ( returned to #gnuenterprise. mdean ( returned to #gnuenterprise. fixe ( returned to #gnuenterprise. jcater ( left irc: "home" Ah, it looks like baux orphaned all of the gnue stuff. So it won't be a problem for me to pick it up then. gnue uses zope? nope not at all Mmm Then jcater's readme files have wrong information in them. =) jcater based the debs off zope's packaging :) that's hardly unexpected :) dsmith ( joined #gnuenterprise. Oy. He's got one of those non-trivial sort of Debian setups. I just read on Debian Weekly News that the gnue-* packages are orphaned. What's up with that? they're nearly older than i am? I'll ITA them in a couple of minutes. Cool. I just have to remember how. I think it's just a retitle. =) Let's see if that worked. hi dsmith long time no see Hmm. I think it did. =) The retitle happened. I guess it's probably cronned to recreate the pages. jbailey ( left irc: "Client Exiting" jcater ( joined #gnuenterprise. mr cater. your debs are being mangled now by jbailey mangled? yup dismembered in what way? just touching them up a bit, i think ;)_ ah perhaps he'll have to change directory locations lol rereading the backlog.... the README was one of the things i needed to touch up as well as our description: fields ok touch up == rip out, mutilate, and otherwise sterilize oooooo Action: jcater wonders what kind of bribe it'd take to get him (or someone) to do? to get nickr's pysablot debs in unstable? I do know those need to be renamed to python's standard (which I guess would be python2.2-sablotron) ?? should be simple since reports requires that it would be ultracool at some point or was nickr waiting on something from upstream?> I guess we should ask him :) Action: ajmitch wanders off into the afternoon ToyMan ( left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) chillywilly: Hey there Yurik ( joined #gnuenterprise. re memmett (~user@ joined #gnuenterprise. memmett: hi hi haven't used gnue in a few months, as the form i was trying to make just didn't work as i expected. i gave the cvs version a shot today, and my form works perfectly! thanks gnue! what!?!?!?!?!?! a form more than a few months old that still works!!!! what have we done!?!?! Action: jamest__ is off to screw with the parser code Nick change: jamest__ -> jamest well, it's not that it _still_ works.. it's that it didn't function before, and now it does. ah, well, that's ok then i guess some bugs got fixed since i last tried. anyways, i'm stoked that it's working now. now i'm keen on that curses interface... Yurik ( left irc: "Вышел из XChat" jcater ( left irc: jamest: will jcater be returning? i believe so or do you know the status of the application cvs? Nick change: dneighbo_ -> derek i have not talked to him about it since this morning #gnuenterprise: mode change '+o derek' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. application cvs? the cvs for applications we have been discussing we have some 'small biz' stuff getting ramped up and ready acclite and others? there was concern about putting in place of 'official' gnue packagine er packaging and we definitely didnt want in the gnue tools cvs jcater had task of getting new cvs ready So its just the place right now, not the applications? Action: derek was asking jamest if he knew the status i hope to check some goodies in tongiht I guess you are creating a GAN. cf CPAN Anything interesting? well i have product management basics ready and contact management stuff is nearly ready those two things are the BASE for ordering/invoicing/inventory and the likes as you ahve to have product and customers :) Cool. Hopefully when I get this FX management stuff sort, its something you might put in there. i also plan serious ramp up and extension of pieces of acclite What is the roadmap for acclite? You going to work with the php base at all? Or develop the form/gnue side of things? originally i had planned on keeping the php side up but more i look at it its likely i will not but others could no thanks. ;) Action: derek suspects it will depend on how much we start modifying the underlying structures if its minor tweaks there are reasons to keep the php up The question then is if the schema is worth using if its more major or new stuff its probably not worth the core's time if the schema isnt worth using we will modify as necessary Main thing I'd need fix in order to use it, is sales tax on the vendors sise i already have own product structure and own contact structure Action: derek has not compared how that looks to acclite at first gander i suspect (hope) to rip a/r, a/p and g/l from acclite likely might not use anything else One wonders if its worth using the nola base at all, or starting for scratch looks like it has some docmanagement stuff but the ui of forms might not be good for that nothing to do with core accounting stuff though. Doesn't dcl handle some doc management stuff? I think though that doc management is an important part of contract/CR management doc managment has about 10 different sdies i think ulitmately we will need another 'tool' for this one that forms can interact with whatever the case I'm up for provide input and some development work to the accounting side of things. Actually more so the business process. cool note, one of the pluses i saw in not doing official gnue is no hold ups er? What hold ups? i.e. this isnt design by committee :) muhahaha input definitely wanted but things will be moving faster than making the right decision the first time :) Of course esands: when you get 300 people on a mailing list and design software you get no where quick :) I remeber the gnue mailing list when it first started. ;) as there are a million well if you do this you get X and basically every sanctuary has its price there is rarely a definitively right answer Its true enough, develop something that works for people. Either i) people will come and improve your work, ii) people will come see your work and have that flash and see how they can complete rewrite to to work for them and you Action: derek is just stating that the small biz stuff (because of outside requirements) will likely be very much do, refactor, do, refactor, do Either way its good for you and your got something working we have 2 or 3 'customers' that are really driving the development originally we were going to do in a more private cvs and wait until release to open cvs but we feel that is not the free software way Refactoring only works so far. For instance leaving out sales tax accural on purchase in nola makes it tricky to hack in we would rather let people play interactively even if sometimes we have to say too bad esands: thats kind of thing im actually talkinga bout to a degree Yes, I'm keen to see what you are doing. WOuld give me insight in now to solve some of my mine problems. baby steps being able to catalog your products on a computer is better than not being able to even if you dont have inventory of them or the likes so one might say products w/o inventory module is dumb i say products is base for inventory so its progress :) to me at this point that is most important progress More like one piece of the puzzle as long as the applications are moving forward im happy :) as the two things i have seen 'drag down' projects piece of the pizza? Item maintaince is the first part of inventory maintaince a. bickering to decide on decisions for so long that you could have implemented in all proposed ways in the amount of time you spent arguing about it. b. not starting anything until you have decided on EVERY possible feature and/or scenario i call (b) waiting onthe perfect design :) b) never works though. Prefection is impossible to get. Afterall who's prefection is it? Obviously its the person actually writing the code, thus you are back at some form of a) again. Anyway it'll be good to see what you guys have got so far and what your roadmap is. I can provide input on how that would work for the business enviroment here. jcater ( joined #gnuenterprise. mmmm doesn't this make y'all hungry? derek: in response to your question the gnu hackers haven't acknowledged my messages not an ok, nor a "we need to check and see" not even a "fsck off, bastard" jcater: fsck off jcater: bastard hope that helps gnu hackers? which ones? :) ajmitch: they'd have to respond in order for me to know which was ignoring me :) oooo, I'm on that list! yes, so am i i saw your application earlier so...... see my previous responce i think it's jaime's turn this week? now it's official :) (for approving) heh i need off that list sometime Action: ajmitch should go on the savannah team & have fun approving projects :) as I was going to be messing w/ it and postgresql IIRC heh, too much mail? but that died when postgresql had issues with kerberos ah always, but the reason is I don't do anything w/ savannah jamest: rofl generally if you have ssh access to their box, you're expected to help them out with admin work i have ssh access hehehe and I do help out give me ssh access I'll "help out" interesting mwahaha so you can fix up cvs problems, like that symlink issue? but currently my helping out is usually limited to cvs of gnue jcater: i have ssh access to the rest of gnu :) same here root? da fools hehe yip fun unless it was cut off on last h/w swap lucky jamest, poor GNU :) they did have some issues in july just in july? i didn't do it! ;) sweet cake, should of done pizza though ;) well pizza was the original plan but then I got to thinking.... greasy hands from pepporoni + books jcater: issues like boxes being cracked :) != a good thing hmmm i never have that problem when you 'hoover' your pizza, no mess. ;) boxes being cracked? or greasy hands? or greasy boxes being hand-cracked? crap im out of caffiene i think grrrr ajmitch: what's the typical turn-around to requests like mine? it's a project submission, so could be 2 days if you're _really_ unlucky I usually am jcater: honestly over a month usually a few hours, depends who's evaluating ah well then derek: say what? I'm obviously unlucky :) psu has had an unfinished item for abuot 30 days derek: that's a support request, right? our general course has been give savannah-hackers 15 days then contact brad and rms heh good idea usually that gets things resolved but this one is going on 30 days derek: please see my msg to jcater even after rms/brad involvement perhaps i should join them, & give GNUe priority ;) what was your message? the gnu hackers haven't acknowledged my messages not an ok, nor a "we need to check and see" not even a "fsck off, bastard" jcater: fsck off jcater: bastard rofl i'm on that list so concider it offical responce from this list member be realistic derek: looks like psu just mailed the list, didn't submit a support request>? why do you need a subproject that doesnt make sense you need to make four directories under your current module triple symlink it add the following to your .emacs file and emacs will treat the files like a separate repository i dont use emacs well seems like there isnt much we can do for you, we will put on the future todo list, but its not high priority hehehe can I submit a TODO request? thats fine we can just put on the servers yeah, using an emacs module why dont you guys use savannah, you really need to until then see our offical responce www.some.url//fskoffbastard.html btw: any log readers i am being a smart ass, but sometimes it feels this way hehe this is one for the KCs :) derek: i understand, i've read the mails on the list :) Tensions in GNUe! Developers telling each other to fsck off! Full story at 11:00 derek: is savannah often that bad? :) hey dont run a story like "GNUe developers engaged in fsck fest!" ajmitch: i have never had much luck im always told i want 'exotic' or strange things yeah or my simple requests go unanswered for a long time "Goats, trout worried to be taken hostage" or they are made overly complex simple things like restricting cvs access but they are trying to get better its really not fair to complain after all its volunteers i mean - surely some members should only have bug report access, or similar sometimes i think they could structure better though i know but i still complain :) for example now that this is freenode that's never stopped people complaining about us :) they should have savannah-hackers on here or something #savannah mathieu roy lurks there, but hasn't spoken for awhile and i talk to loic there sometimes i talk to loic regularly but he doesnt really do savannah stuff much anymore i know he's busy with FSFe Action: derek really kind of digs edna that is jbailey ( joined #gnuenterprise. hey jeff here's the man himself sup stud oh yeah jcater what is chance of make-ssh-tunnel being upgraded to support ssh2? ajmitch: What are you blaming on me now? as my primary machine i use that bad boy on got upgraded to ssh2 recently and doesnt accept ssh1 connections anymore :) jbailey: um nothing to see here move along. take the blame and dont whine ;) derek: Very good then. jbailey ( left #gnuenterprise ("Client Exiting"). gack come back haha hey is there a good AOL IM to IRC gateway? jabber, maybe? :) derek: that would require me to understand ssh 2 autologins [16:53:10] See what happens when we don't ignore him? =) ? that might work my new phone supports aim messaging would be cool to get irc on phone :) via aim jabber might do IRC my fone no do jabber I believe jabber can interface with AIM, ICQ, etc. derek: that's easy fixe ( left irc: Read error: 113 (No route to host) install bayonne on your phone then hack bayonne to do whatever you want :) fixe ( joined #gnuenterprise. gack wtf dneighbo@latitude:~/cvs/acclite/schema$ ~/bin/gfdes Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/dneighbo/cvs/gnue/.cvsdevelbase/gnue/designer/", line 61, in ? from wxPython.wx import * ImportError: No module named wxPython.wx dneighbo@latitude:~/cvs/acclite/schema$ did you upgrade to unstable's python? mommy has debian busted wx seriously in sid busted? yes busted is the wrong word thrashed is better do an goat raped ah apt-get install wxgtk2.3-python lovely! 2.3 is in sid?? they (dumbasses) droped the stable 2.2 support hmm do i want to switch to different python or use 2.1 python ah and went with the 2.3 unstable branch why didnt the DEPENDENCIES pick up something cos they're crap? i.e. why did it switch my python to 2.2 but not fricken grab its dependencies jamest ( left #gnuenterprise. looks like jabber doesn't do IRC jabber does do irc tastes great, less filling smokey the bear python2.3-egenix-mxdatetime - python 2.3 is out? what? not according to the websitre 2.2.2 was just release, though on Oct 14 wow and they say debian is behind bullshit! python1.5-egenix-mxdatetime - Date and time handling routines for Python 1.5 python2.1-egenix-mxdatetime - Date and time handling routines for Python 2.1 python2.2-egenix-mxdatetime - Date and time handling routines for Python 2.2 python2.3-egenix-mxdatetime - Date and time handling routines for Python 2.3 unstable is so damn current, it has software that hasn't been written yet! all packages say 2.3 is out is there a python2.3 ? python2.3-numeric-ext - Extension modules for Numeric Python python2.3-orbit - Python 2.3 bindings for ORBit python2.3-orbit2 - Python 2.3 bindings for ORBit 2 python2.3-osd - Python bindings for X On-Screen Display library python2.3-oss - Open Sound System (OSS) interface for Python python2.3-pgsql - A Python DB-API 2.0 interface to PostgreSQL v7.x python2.3-popy - module providing access to PostgreSQL from Python2.3 python2.3-pyopenssl - Python wrapper around the OpenSSL library, experimental! python2.3-tk - Tkinter - Writing Tk applications with Python (v2.3) python2.3-twisted - Event-based framework for internet applications. python2.3-twisted-bin - Event-based framework for internet applications python2.3-unit - PyUnit -- Unit test framework for Python (2.3.x) python2.3-xml - XML tools for Python (2.3.x) python2.3-xmlbase - XML support included in Python (v2.3) and thats just a sample python2.3 - An interactive object-oriented scripting language (version 2.3) maybe they started to 'get ahead' and python2.3 is cvs branches or something so when 2.3 comes out they can move quickly? wow 2.3 has a lot of changes I still see no reference to a 2.3 release but I'm looking at the language ref plans they have a bool() datatype wow generators enumerators interesting stuff oooo and here's the relevant one for us Action: derek wonders what you get if you apt-get install python2.3 :) I would be afraid if you have to PORT shouldnt it be 3.0 there's porting pages for all the 2.x point releases i.e. generally i wouldnt expect to have to port really form a x.X release ah and, yes, we've had to clean up our code ok thing is it's ALWAYS that the new version enforces a language rule that they were lax in before so the code, once "ported", still works in the older 2.x version :) rock e.g., 2.2 really enforced namespace scope rules that they spelled out for a long time but didn't enforce that broke some people's python but that's because they were writing broken python :) we don't ever do that wow designer schema wizard kicks some arse it actually seems to be working dude works but doesn't Action: derek anxiously awaits the output ah snap we want ONE giant schema? or one per table? oh im jazzed Action: derek hugs designer we've had this debate before it seems stable again and I don't think anything ever came of it :) jcater: yeah but im too old to remember what we decided :) both ways have merit well i think we all liked idea of single file per table but were all a bit lazy and kind of liked it all in one too I *think* the outcome is we should support some kidn of mechanism and we said if we coudl 'include' (or import) that single was probably better of course, if someone would submit a patch that implements a good schema editor, it wouldn't matter :) for now i think i will do as one big one and if we change our minds with the schema wizard shouldnt be hard Action: derek was SO impressed to see you could pick table listings only thing missing is it needs to pop a dialog when done saying 'done' i just noticed that the term window stopped spitting out debug messages :) well the idea with it being a "new" wizard is when it's done you have an open editor instance Action: derek might submit a patch so I think that will go away once we have an editor :) jcater: normally thats ok when you have a visual something but the window is blank (so to speak) so its misleading but it still rocks well you are right that's what I'm saying when there is an 'editor' ok, if you say so :) that will be the visual cue jcater is this right? amount | numeric(12,2) | not null default '0.00' translates to hmm lemme think about that one for a minute 12 and 786438 I'm going to have to do with, "No, can't be" what database? postgres s/do with/go with/ hmm somethings screwy with the introspection it seems to convert int to number (which could be right) psycopg is the driver (fyi) that's right int -> number but obviously the size is wrong numeric(12,2) is that the actual python type? sigh postgres type? i.e., did you post that from pgsql? crap int should be type int not type number i posted that from postgres and form the resulting gsd file can you do some stuff for me? go into pgsql ok select relname, relkind, oid from pg_class where relname = '' memmett (~user@ left irc: acclite-# ; relname | relkind | oid ---------------+---------+-------- apbillpayment | r | 144301 (1 row) select attname, pg_type.oid, typname,attnotnull, atthasdef, atttypmod, attnum from pg_attribute, pg_type where attrelid = 144301 and pg_type.oid = atttypid and attnum >= 0 order by attnum attname | oid | typname | attnotnull | atthasdef | atttypmod | at tnum ------------------+------+-------------+------------+-----------+-----------+--- ----- id | 20 | int8 | t | t | -1 | 1 apbillid | 20 | int8 | t | t | -1 | 2 amount | 1700 | numeric | t | t | 786438 | 3 checkid | 20 | int8 | t | t | -1 | 4 checkvoid | 20 | int8 | t | t | -1 | 5 entrydate | 1184 | timestamptz | f | f | -1 | 6 entryuserid | 20 | int8 | f | f | -1 | 7 lastchangedate | 1184 | timestamptz | t | t | -1 | 8 lastchangeuserid | 20 | int8 | f | f | -1 | 9 (9 rows) gack there is that 786438 guess we need to learn 'conversion magic' ah, crap... we are obviously misinterpreting what atttypmod means Action: jcater goes a googlin we are making int8 number it should be int and it looks like numeric should be float not number (at least looking at the dcl gsd) (the doc i know that exists for gsd) ;) sigh BUT siesel messed with some of this stuff so i dont know necessarily what is what I'm not sure I like that, for portability reasons... but I'm not sold either way I had it so we used numeric(8) for an 8 position integer and a numeric(8,2) for an 8,2 position float jcater: it could be different im just looking at dcl.xml Action: jcater thought that was more portable BUT you are right' siesel was messing with what I had so I don't know what it is now crapo atttypmod the above 2 xml lines are from dcl.xml is only useful for varchar and bpchar sigh postgres catalog table doesn't store like I expected old working form with current cvs DB000: entry = self.findFocus(object) DB000: File "/home/dneighbo/cvs/gnue/.cvsdevelbase/gnue/forms/", line 229, in findFocus DB000: entry = self.findFocus(child) DB000: File "/home/dneighbo/cvs/gnue/.cvsdevelbase/gnue/forms/", line 229, in findFocus DB000: entry = self.findFocus(child) DB000: File "/home/dneighbo/cvs/gnue/.cvsdevelbase/gnue/forms/", line 229, in findFocus DB000: entry = self.findFocus(child) DB000: File "/home/dneighbo/cvs/gnue/.cvsdevelbase/gnue/forms/", line 223, in findFocus DB000: if (object._type in TabStops and DB000: AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'mode' can I see this form? any ideas does that happen on startup? or while tabbing?
x="1" y="2"/> width="32" x="12" y="2"/> I didn't mean paste it :) yip at startup for the sake of debugging its a VERY simplistic lookup table editor well i pasted as its so darn small :) its in cvs for ue can you move the readonly field to be after the other field? Action: jcater is curious flopping those makes it work ok so I now know where to look :) flopping back crashes Action: derek swears im a walking light bulb (fricken bugs are attracted to me) now, when you have it flopped and it starts upo up can you "tab"? does it then crash again? its like life cereal.. they give it to mikey... mikey likes it new release... hand to dekey dekey can use it..... ok here is scoop i fire form and it brings me to description i cant tab or move down no errors just cant do anyuthing but if i take mouse and click in id then i can tab to description but once in description cant do anything hope that is verbose enough description are you w/in cvs? i checked out cvs about 30 minutes ago (or an hour ago) and reran setup-cvs if so can you cvs update and try again with them flipped back to originbal slurpping now roflmao my nephew puts his music on my server when he comes over edna picked it up and there is song by characters of southpark called ice ice timmy Action: derek gives jcater a donut good programmer Action: derek thinks its fixed Action: jcater is almost ready for a 0.4.1 release of stuff cool did we come up with a way to update lu comboboxes? we had discussed using triggers or the likes it's not fully tested this is a big deal for the 'categories' form but we have an Entry.resetForeignKey() if you can give me sample of what to use for a trigger i can test and if it works for me you can probably put in 0.4.1 ;) I'm afraid to have you test rofl Action: jcater wasn't joking Action: derek hopes im not that bad to work with Action: jcater whistles and looks around how does this form work? Action: derek doesnt even remember what trigger events exist which form as that determines where you'd put it the category one yeah it has id description parent the parent entry is a combobox with a list of all categories so to make a new parent you have to make it as child then it would show up in the parent combobox but currently you have to exit the form and re-enter in order to get that to happen Action: jcater couldn't grok that last part so to make a new parent you have to make it as child then it would show up in the parent combobox right the parent combobox is a list of all categories so you ahve to create a category (child) in order for it to show up in the parent combobox parent/child is bad terminology in this case :) but basically the category table is a foreign key to its self ok the problem here is we can do this BUT any new "childs" will need to be committed to the database right i was going to put the resetFK before we can get the dropdown to update in the postcommit ah then you just have a "Post-Commit"> ComboEntryWhatever.resetForeignKey() hopefully Action: jcater knows this will fail for derek I added the reset key method which I'm sure will work and I started on the changes to get WX to refresh but I didn't have a test case so I'm not confident WX is going to properly refresh at the moment didnt work, BUT didnt get a bunch of errors :) Action: jcater is worried that derek thinks I'm excited to hear that DB005: [GDataObjects:704] Posting datasource dtsitem_category DB005: [DBdriver:50] _postChanges: statement=INSERT INTO item_category (description) VALUES ('SOMETHING') DB005: [DBdriver:299] DB-SIG database driver: commit() DB005: [GDataObjects:498] Master record changed; Notifying Detail Objects DB005: [DBdriver:540] SELECT count(*) FROM item_category DB007: [DBdriver:516] Implicit Fields: {'id': '', 'description': ''} DB005: [DBdriver:533] SELECT id,description FROM item_category DB005: [DBdriver:142] Field names set to ['id', 'description'] DB005: [DBdriver:146] ResultSet created DB005: [GDataObjects:498] Master record changed; Notifying Detail Objects [23:42] Last message repeated 1 time(s). DB005: [GFEntry:312] Created for DropDown: {'': '', '1': 'FOO', '2': 'SOMETHING'} DB010: [GTrigger:620] No triggers to fire im not sure why it seems to say No triggers to fire ah inpParent.resetForeignKey() that could mean anything you don't know what object is saying that it could be a field or the block DB005: [GFEntry:312] Created for DropDown: {'': '', '1': 'FOO', '2': 'SOMETHING'} are those the updated values? yip i added SOMETHING ok then the trigger is working wx is just not refreshing properly as I was worried about fscking wx so where are the error messages? its a problem child :) derek: not bug in wx just the way we use it no error messages for once :) i posted you the last 10 lines or so of a debug-level 50 output ah ok this is good though you now have the form the way it needs to be it's just we have to get forms up to par w/the gfd :) like the guy on the list or on irc that said hey i upgraded and forms from a long time ago worked, when they didnt before :) yeah that tripped me out :) wtf: 'pass the dutchie from the left hand side' what is my nephew listening too ? if that's a cultural reference it's above my head rasta culture passing the doobie ah and how old is he? unless its food they talk about food in the song (but i figured that was the munchies) most rasta songs are about dope yeah, we got a rasta MP here in parliament has dreadlocks down past his waist :) jcater how hard would it be to fix the resetkey to update widget pre or post 0.4.1 pre 0.4.1 but post-10/29/02 I can probably do tomorrow cool if I have a sample form to play with of course i can check into ue cvs I could get off my lazy ass and write one but that'd take effort isn't that sad I'll take the time to fix the bugs but not to do the simple form that demonstrates it :) (the silence isn't reassuring :) in ue cvs it has all the schema and such as well item_category_maintenance.gfd Action: derek is irrated that savannah cvs response so slow or it woudl be in gnue-sbe cvs instead! heh even after the project is approved you have to wait for the 6 hourly cron job :) dammit this is the modern gen-x day I want it AND I WANT IT NOW --- Wed Oct 30 2002