mdean ( left irc: Read error: 60 (Operation timed out) mdean ( joined #gnuenterprise. hi mdean jamest ( joined #gnuenterprise. i guess jcater didn't make it in? not that i saw oh well i hunt him down in the AM l8r jamest ( left irc: Client Quit bye psu ( joined #gnuenterprise. reinhard ( joined #gnuenterprise. morning psu, reinhard hi ajmitch good morning all Nick change: reinhard -> rm-away morning reinhard dimas ( joined #gnuenterprise. btami ( joined #gnuenterprise. good morning hi btami hello well, better head off to work 4 meetings of 1-2 hours today including one from 10-11.30 and another from 11-12 haven't quite worked that one out yet ;-) have fun psu :) Action: dimas is at home celebrating good old communist holiday psu ( left #gnuenterprise ("TV advt - "Meetings, the *NEW* alternative to doing stuff...""). what is the gnue python xml parser based on? libxml? libxml is licened under MIT licence .... SachaS: one that is shipped with python dimas: what is that one based on? written from scratch in python??? i'm do not know exactly libxml is licences ad mit licence which is obviously gnu gpl compliant. but licence should be like for others main python libs everything gnu or what? :) i hope it is appropriate :) all recent python licenses are gpl compatible ok. thanks ajmitch. ajmitch do you roughly know the difference between ruby and python? as i am looking at ruby to do some programming. nope, haven't looked at ruby ruby has c-like syntax i've heard grib ( left irc: Read error: 113 (No route to host) Nick change: SachaS -> SachaS_away Nick change: SachaS_away -> SachaS Nick change: SachaS -> SachaS_away ariel_ ( joined #gnuenterprise. ColeMarcus ( joined #gnuenterprise. dimas ( left irc: "÷ÙÛÅÌ ÉÚ XChat" Some circumstantial evidence is very strong, as when you find a trout in the milk. -- Thoreau fortune of the day :) btami ( left irc: dsmith ( joined #gnuenterprise. ariel_ ( left irc: "Uscita dal client" grib ( joined #gnuenterprise. dimas ( joined #gnuenterprise. chillywilly ( left irc: "Free Your Enterprise! -" quick factoid #1: Kiwis are the only birds that hunt by smell. SachaS_away ( left irc: Read error: 113 (No route to host) _Maniac ( joined #gnuenterprise. ToyMan ( joined #gnuenterprise. ColeMarcus ( left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) Maniac ( left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) jamest ( joined #gnuenterprise. GACK!!!!! Action: jamest just noticed that dcl splits ticket listing into multiple pages dimas ( left irc: Remote closed the connection rm-away ( left irc: "There are two types of people: those who divide people into two types, and those who don't" ColeMarcus ( joined #gnuenterprise. dimas ( joined #gnuenterprise. dsmith ( left irc: Remote closed the connection dsmith (~dsmith@ joined #gnuenterprise. dsmith_ (~dsmith@ joined #gnuenterprise. dsmith_ (~dsmith@ left irc: Remote closed the connection Nick change: drochaid_ -> drochaid ariel_ ( joined #gnuenterprise. drochaid ( left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) drochaid ( joined #gnuenterprise. drochaid ( left irc: Client Quit drochaid ( joined #gnuenterprise. ariel_ ( left irc: "Uscita dal client" yogurt2unge ( joined #gnuenterprise. dsmith (~dsmith@ left irc: "later.." yogurt2unge ( left irc: Client Quit y2unge ( joined #gnuenterprise. y2unge ( left #gnuenterprise ("Client Exiting"). yogurt2unge ( joined #gnuenterprise. yogurt2unge ( left irc: Client Quit jcater ( joined #gnuenterprise. dsmith (~dsmith@ joined #gnuenterprise. StyXman ( joined #gnuenterprise. hi. anything wrong with cvs? I get cvs server: cannot open directory /cvsroot/gnue/gnue/forms/src/uidrivers/nstti: No such file or directory cvs server: skipping directory forms/src/uidrivers/nstti nstti is no longer... it's curses now (since we are using our own curses lib) ah, ok. so I just wipe out that dior can you stop coding? I can't keep up with you, guys! :) StyXman: if you do cvs update -Pd it should clean things for you jamest: ok, zanx also StyXman: no way! we need to start looking into what it's giong to take to merge trees :) or at least make papo's a branch in our cvs so that we can abuse you guys less that sounds reasonable just... try to do a few things this weekend, ok? :) i have my kids so expect nothing on my end :) Arturas ( joined #gnuenterprise. Hello hello Arturas Arturaz ( joined #gnuenterprise. Arturas qr tu? |} mdean ( left irc: Read error: 60 (Operation timed out) mdean ( joined #gnuenterprise. ColeMarcus ( left irc: drochaid ( left irc: "Client Exiting" ColeMarcus ( joined #gnuenterprise. drochaid ( joined #gnuenterprise. reinhard ( joined #gnuenterprise. ColeMarcus ( left irc: hey y'all. just brainstorming with some folks and thinking about how it all fits in with gnue. a few thoughts/questions: kadink so the application server. does Zope fit in there at all? it has many of the properties of an application server and gives you a lot of freebies. and it's already python. for example, the ZPT mechanism and TAL/METAL could be used to process a report definition (in XML) into a filled-out report (in XML) essentially for free. since it already talks XML-RPC every which way it seems like it could interoperate with some of the existing gnue stuff, no? StyXman ( left irc: "ircII EPIC4-1.1.7 -- Are we there yet?" anyway. just thinking. I don't have enough experience with the state of the art in gnue to really know how the pieces fit together so the above is likely to make no sense. revDeke ( joined #gnuenterprise. oh studs de la network do any of you have experience with duplicate packet transfer? i.e. whenyou do a ping you get say 3 packets for every 1 requested with a (DUP!) revDeke: are you pinging a broadcast address, x.x.x.255 for example? well if its a broadcast its not x.x.x.255 its actually the proxy server so i dont think it should be 'broadcasting' Action: revDeke is far from a networkign guru but i think they have some routing tables messed up here OR they ahve multiple machines with same mac address or something Action: revDeke was going to try to use tcpdump but i dont knw what to really look for i did a traceroute and only 3 machiens between me and this box if i ping each intermediate machine i dont get DUP's so the DUP is happening at last box i just dont want to go stir the hornets nest that is lan services btami ( joined #gnuenterprise. hi all unless i can confirm that this should NOT be happening i.e. im not as concerned in fixing it (As thats the network guys job), but rather in diagnosing it as a problem btw: windows tools do not show the duplication but research tells me their tools are buggy and thats why jcater: SyntaxError: invalid syntax in line#679 and #688 except AttributeError bkuhn ( joined #gnuenterprise. bkuhn ( left #gnuenterprise. that was quick ToyMan ( left irc: ": I'm off to make more toys..." Arturaz ( left #gnuenterprise ("So fasten your seatbelts and enjoy the ride"). btami ( left irc: Read error: 113 (No route to host) johannes_ ( left irc: "Client Exiting" pradhap (~pradhap@ joined #gnuenterprise. jcater: hi jcater: i want some example of oracle with gnue... jcater: if any application... can you juz tell me.. pradhap: an example of what? would load balancing cause duplicate packet creation? jcater: sample application... that conects oracle database... add/remove record some thing like that... jcater: if you have any apps like that juz mail to pradhap: I'll see what I have most of my stuff is internal to my company... but I think I have some samples somewhere jcater: i really need a small application.... ToyMan ( joined #gnuenterprise. pradhap: all of the samples/ stuff works under Oracle you'd just need to alter the create statements in the .sql "create" files jcater: oh !! jcater: i will try... i will get you back if any problem..... is there like a set object in Python? setadd, setremove, union, difference these are useful features. nickr: afaik, no but there are proposals to put in native sets bye Arturas ( left irc: if you need them, you might want to look at kjbuckets damnit boolsheet Varadhan (~Varadhan@ joined #gnuenterprise. jcater: Hi.. i need a favour from you... Varadhan: yes? jcater: i have to install Oracle 9i on an Itanium box with debian... jcater: i have downloaded the Oracle 9i Release I, developer version for IA 64... Action: jcater drools jcater: according to the supplied doc, it doesnot have any "runinstall" program to install the Oracle... jcater: rather, it asks us to do some pre-installation configuration and some post-installation configuration... ok that sounds familiar jcater: and the main installation is just "un-tarring" the dowloaded tar.gz file... jcater: we have done as per the document... and we are able to run system queries like "Select sysdate from dual" etc... jcater: the actual problem is we are not able to create a database... hmm let me send you my script that I use I've hung on to it for the last 5 years and slightly modified it for each release of oracle maybe you can gleen some information from it where would you like it emailed? Action: revDeke thwacks jcater on head Nick change: revDeke -> jcater2 if you give me an ssh account on that IA64 box i will gladly help you install provided you let me install and run tests for gnue on it regularly Nick change: jcater2 -> revDeke jcater: it says "Create database failed" with "ORA-29702:Error occurred in Cluster Group Service Operation" um I have never done clustering revDeke: you get any testing done last night? jcater: even we are going to run gnue on that machine... :) after this successfull installation... no i caught up watching obidiah on tvU after CSI jcater: can you email that script to me??? and fell asleep before i made it back to pc (so sad, im getting old i guess) yeah, but be forewarned, I haven't upgraded to Oracle 8i and I don't use clustering chicken on both accounts jcater: a small correction, i am trying Oracle 9i... err Oracle 9i jcater: okay.... jamest: im out tonight (pillar concert woot!) I'm still on Oracle 8i but i shoudl be able to do some work sun and monday if the schema stuff looks good by saturday night i will have lots of work to do Varadhan: email address? jcater: sure... do you have my mail id??? which i gave that day??? all of which will be GOOD testing for forms Varadhan: can you give to me again? I get a lot of emails and I would have to dig it out Varadhan: plus, I'm very lazy jcater: thats not a problem... hi people people? there are people here? dunno Action: jcater thought we were all bots Action: ajmitch doesn't think that bots can be that chaotic jcater: mail sent??? Varadhan: should be, yes jcater: seems like the server is not responding... if you dont mind, can you please send the same to this id??? btami ( joined #gnuenterprise. jcater: AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute '_parameters' in line #80 in __init__ self._parameters = app._parameters sorry :) i'm just testing :) grrr hmm where'd you trigger that? when running forms? yes btami: ok, committed that one slipped by me :) thanks ok jcater: 'SingleInstance': 1 for 'staticsetrow' in line #422 maybe wrong it breaks static.gfd in samples/testcases yes that looks wrong whoops, i forgot to ask about that just commented out of my parser check siesel ( joined #gnuenterprise. hi all hi jbailey ( joined #gnuenterprise. btami ( left irc: Read error: 113 (No route to host) did anyone ever tried to write any sample application (even a small application with two to three forms can do) in gnue??? definitely paranoia oops yes varadhan Varadhan: yes Mr_You: can you guide me to write one??? pls... you'll want to find Jason Caters developer document.. jamest: do you have any sample documentation to write sample applications??? Varadhan: I do hang on... this is a relatively new doc Mr_You: thankx a lot... but might be a good start jcater: thank you very much... Mr_You: it scares me when you say "definitely paranoia" after a question like that :) wrong channel ;-) sorry heh jcater: yeah.. i am trying to write a small banking application just to show a demo about gnue features... cool jcater: document is nice.. hopefully i will be able to finish my app soon... i know people have said that the roadmap exists only in a few heads of the developers in an effort to do something about that I present or www even :) and I present it is very much a work in progress all of it is it's based heavily upon kde er kde's release feature list with some tweaks while it's not as strick as a roadmap it does attempt to give people an idea where things are going how we think it'd work as the 0.5.x releases progress things get moved from the red area, to the yellow, then to the green Varadhan: you may be interested in the GNUe-SmallBusiness apps which are currently only in cvs 0.6.0 will not appear until either everything in 0.5.0 section is in the green OR something causes us to move items holding us back into a later release section I like KDE's release plans better than the traditional roadmap you see w/projects as it is more fluid and, I think it fits our model of development better so should jason and I continue to work on these or are we waisting our time? [15:38] Last message repeated 1 time(s). Is this thing on? Action: jcater waves his hand at jamest "over here!" who are you asking? #gnuenterprise sounds good to me heh we're asking everyone in the channel how are/will be the feature plans updated? CVS? ...? right now it's horrible vi and raw html I'm pretty sure I'd like to see someone make some databases and gfd files we can run on ash Action: ajmitch likes the feature plans Action: siesel likes the feature plans too. Good Work. then force our webmaster to write some php to create the pages in realtime neilt (~neilt@ joined #gnuenterprise. #gnuenterprise: mode change '+o neilt' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. nr neilt hello we be discussing feature plans :) show him, jamest! how are you? Action: ajmitch has not seen neilt around much lately I am excellent but busy how about you i am fine now that i have finished uni for the year :) time for some hackering looks like a lot of work and forms etc yup lol, most of it is placeholders bbl all, i have to go out in the rain & get very wet now the only ones that have been worked on are common, forms, reports and then only a little i think jason is banging on reports now though yeah trying to jcater: can you execute "/usr/sbin/ssl-certificate --force" on ash to recreate the ssl certificate? ok thx Oh weird. I didn't think gnue actually had a featuer list they were trying for. =) I thought it was just "do everything for everyone" btami ( joined #gnuenterprise. sorry work is good on the roadmap stuff no it's a feature plan over time i hope to get these generated directly from dcl Action: jcater ducks jcater: im fine with calling it a featureplan as thats what i pretty much am defining by saying roadmap i.e. a list of what features are targeted for what release i woudl call it release schedule but that sounds like it has a 'time' connotation and we all dont want that I don't care for release schedule at all roadmap is better than that rofl may i suggest layout engine plugins (independent from xslt) for reports 0.3.x feature plan we can call it foo as long it exists i like the way its going, will give me idea of what i need to add to dcl so that someday it can configure them btami: we are independent from xslt now Mr_You: sorry had gone for a tea.. can you name some of such apps (small business apps)??? Mr_You: can i get links to such apps sources??? jcater: ? FuturePlan(tm) already i plan to add 'versions' properly into DCL btami: maybe I misunderstood your suggestion revDeke: I thought about using DCL for this varadhan: go to the cvs page at and instead of "gnue" use "gnue-sb" in the cvs command lines. so that people can file bugs against versions more like bugzilla but also allow developers to put 'release version' i.e. what version its slated to be fixed but I'm a little concerned about the flexibility jcater:i have to use xslt now to make a html or text or pdf ... but we could try same could go about its workorders 9features) jcater: so am i right now NO WAY it coudl do it it will take some shifting of DCL btami: that's because "xslt" is the only plugin we've written for those report types for now i would suspect that DCL be done to track the work (bugs) not so much plan it revDeke, could you add Q&A to DCL too? Like gnue-forms passed test X and failed test Y... btami: actually, that was implied by the 0.2.x section yes on GNUe:Reports:Standard Documents I'm hungry anyone have any food? hehe Action: siesel had orderd piza and lasagne :) jcater: i mean no intermediate xml, just layout events delicious :) siesel : well over time yes to Q&A i would see new features as being WorkOrders and then when a work order is filed instead of being 'closed' it goes to Q&A and Q&A has extra fields yada yada yada Mr_You: except DCL, other projects have the status of "Not yet started"... but thats far down the road btami: ah, I see im sooo happy to see loose feature lists jcater: you talked about before :) Mr_You: is there any other smallbusiness apps just to show as a gnue-demo??? i dont want to get out of control varadhan: go to the cvs page at and instead of "gnue" use "gnue-sb" in the cvs command lines. btami: no, I haven't discussed, but I've been personally thinking about that its only accessible via cvs Mr_You: OH!! lemme try... jcater: ok dsmith (~dsmith@ left irc: "later.." jcater: and maybe some visual reports support in designer 0.6.x ? btami: that would go into the designer feature-plan, which we haven't started on but, definitely that's going to be a biggie :) btami: that was a "cp common.html designer.html"; notice the header... I'm still in the reports.html right now reinhard and I talked about autocreated forms out of database metadata. pradhap (~pradhap@ left irc: you could almost take the Designer wizard examples and use them as is to do that (well, and make them non-interactive) Action: siesel thought doing that :) can you add it to forms roadmap? (or add me to www-users group :) ) we need our website in cvs pretty badly but thats another discussion what you want on forms? autocreated forms from database metadata? is that it would that go into forms? or appserver? Action: jcater would think that'd be an appserver thing actually can I ask the usefulness of such a thing? Action: Mr_You & as designer can easily spit out forms jcater / jamest when i get a chance one thing i can do on these maps is replace Mr_You: i got the code, thanx for your help... though, i could not figure out the starting file, can you help me pls??? but I rarely see an autocreated form that doesn't need a "little" tweaking All outstanding critical bugs in dcl, if any with actual bug numbers and desc w/ links Varadhan: maybe someone else can I need to run. if appserver plans to serve up forms files as often we might not actually schedule to close every bug for a release some might be better closed in subsequent releases jcater: i think they want a data browser jcater: we discussed that it would be better if forms would have that functionality oh point forms at a database and it opens a tree hmm click on a table and it opens a grid is that a forms thing ? that I don't know I wanted a grid view ???? can any1 help me to run the gnue-sb application??? i just downloaded from the CVS... i don't know how to start it... pls help me.. a grid view is nice as then I could replace pgaccess here which i dislike stongly jamest: but that gridview would probably be a gridview of an existing form, right? yes but i dont know if forms should be a table manager like that revDeke: that's my fear I don't think it should either I'm not defending it i suspect designer is better suited to hav e that functionality I would like to see what jamest wants though revDeke: well, it almost does File | New | From Wizard | Simple Wizard click save jcater: pretty much clijc Debug | Run :) but i mean real time yeah but seriously it's amost there anyway more like pgaccess/such you just add a menu option but yeah the wizard save is what i use all the time :) that automates a few of those steps Action: revDeke thinks maybe what people are wanting is dynamic forms can any1 help me to run the gnue-sb application??? i just downloaded from the CVS... i don't know how to start it... pls help me.. i know thats what the geas people want the idea was to produce a form on the fly. Varadhan: you cant until the gsd engine is fixed siesel: you have an ash accout right you wont be able to make valid schema's from the gsd's yep. revDeke: Oh!!! revDeke, gsd is broken??? sorry for the breakage/cruft siesel: VERY broken VERY VERY broken Action: revDeke wasnt pleased but i promised to not get too mad about it revDeke: is there anyother sample application available in gnue except DCL and gnue-sb??? the gsd's worked fine with my local setup from a different cvs Varadhan, but as part of fixing gsd engine we decided to do things differently i have since changed the gsds in gnue-sb to reflect those decisions so no engine will parse them currently :) hopefully by monday Varadhan: gnue/forms/samples/ has plenty simple one's if you have a database with data dont bother looking for an app make one siesel: I understand creating forms on the fly... but I question that being a function of forms in 3 minutes or less you can have a form jcater: i would say it should not be function of forms well let me restate that, as long as i can always have flat file forms im content not saying i wouldnt use dynamic or database ones, but for now its nice to have flatfile ones The idea was that for some simple tables you don't even have to startup designer. revDeke: thanx for your suggestion... i have a question... siesel: whats the diff if you start forms or designer Just point form on it. "gnue-forms gnue:mytest" i.e. if we add more dbmanager like functionality to designer (which i think we plan to) revDeke: you said that there is some problem in gsd's... is it with the gnue-sb gsd's or any other gsd's that you create using gnue-designer??? man all gsd's at this point (iirc) unless jcater has modified designer to match the new specification wouldnt this data browser be fairly simple standalone app the diff is that the end-user shouldn't use or install designer jamest: i think so based on gnue-common im thinking maybe its a 'plugin' to designer and wx than could be called indpendently i see many of things in designer being like that where you can access them from within designer or launch on their own but maybe im crazy Varadhan: for now if you have tables and data go to designer and choose the wizard and follow it well, I really don't have strong feelings for or against and you will get a form that works :) as honestly a small plugin to forms would do it too assuming your connections.conf is correct jamest: true just have it build the xml form on the fly thast something we hadnt really talked about before reinhards idea was NOT to have a data browser, but to use dynamic forms for 80% of all cases. forms plugins I'm thinking standalone app myself siesel: thats what i said when 'appserver guys want dynamic forms' revDeke: I have just chosen a simple form wizard, it works.. i can browse thru the records of my Oracle table... yes but wouldn't that be something appserver serves up? we want dynamic forms :) jcater: the problem would be that forms can "better" do the dynamic form dimas ( left irc: "÷ÙÛÅÌ ÉÚ XChat" as forms knows things about the UI which appserver doesn't know like point sizes of the current font or wouldnt this be a component of common that designer uses? even size of the screen i.e. if designer takes a table def and makes a form via a wizard (for example to distinguish how many rows a "pseudo grid" has) reinhard: actually, no forms definitions ever mention point sizes instead it just makes the choices passed the values or anything like that and isntead of writing a file writes and xmlstream and passes it to forms? i.e. i would suspect the functionality really already exists jcater: yes sorry point sizes are a bad example its jsut a matter of making it accessible to forms or appserver to invoke reinhard: why not a standalone app ? revDeke: its more a philophical than a implementation problem :) siesel: yes it os i think thats a plus of dealing with xml in this case is forms shoudnt care if the definition is coming from a file or directly from a stream it doesn't fit in with any model of forms client we have... the client is always given a definition chillywilly ( joined #gnuenterprise. siesel: my theory is as long as its a choice there is room for it in a sense jcater: i propose that forms does NOT do this jcater: actaully I wanted more dynamic widgets eventually the reason to put it in forms was that it should work in 2-tier too. i.e. it always just builds from a definition so tthat triggers could adjust the UI on the fly you guys suck jamest: yes some other application (or common) could prebuild streams and hand it to forms who moderates gnue-announce? but I think this is slightly diffferent I think I'm in agreement with derek on this but possibly the best place would be in common. like the GPD creation out if a gear file Action: jcater washes his mouth out) jcater: lol siesel: thats where i was going siesel: I'd agree with that is if it were in common so who whats to update the appserver.html ? gpd's or reports or appserver could get at it in fact forms could in a sick way :) Action: siesel can't read as fast as he writes :) :) you coudl have a form that called a trigger to make a dynamic form rofl that would be funny siesel? sorry reinhard? this is a good discussion but i'm dog tired and i'm not even sure if i can still follow ist it dog tired? aehm you've been hanging around us American's so long reinhard: please just say yes to jamest question, ok? this is how we say it that you've picked up our idioms :) oh, it's Austrian idiom too? cool ah Action: jcater learned something new today jamest: answer to your question is "siesel" ;) rabäh j/k Action: jamest waves the write permission to the web site around seriously here siesel, siesel, siesel Action: siesel will try if I have time i don't think we are far enough with our plans about _what_ we want to tell _when_ we want it however if i want to survive this week i have to go to bed now anyway :) night all reinhard ( left irc: "All things being equal, fat people use more soap" chillywilly: no, you suck :)= Action: chillywilly hurls bricks at jcater psu ( joined #gnuenterprise. chillywilly: why do we suck? btami ( left irc: "l8r" cause someone moderated my w00t! from gnue-annouce ;) chillywilly: that was me nothing personal corse it was yea right but we promise that list will be low traffic so a "woot!" response was moderated out :) you could reply to gnue-dev if you'd like moderate this but gnue-announce is supposed to be low traffic I don't give a shit yeah, I got your "moderate this" right here! bring it on Action: revDeke wonders if chillywilly takes one? chillywilly: seriously, nothing personal why when we dont care do we say 'i dont give a shit' (when giving a shit would be the pinnacle of not caring) Action: psu though gnue-announce was his own personal mail list yet when we 'give a shit' as in go potty we saywe ('take a shit') it fscking is only the gnu-elite get to say what goes there not really psu was more correct Action: psu is not the gnue-elite i think its pretty much his list :) the frelling gnue gastapo either "more KC crap for you to read" or "I changed something on website, wanna look?" well I get to use it about once every 3-6 months for the release announcement :) there's a gnue-announce? :o yes we gnue-announce to the world our plans for world domination Action: drochaid wonders what else he's missed Action: ajmitch back & soaking wet! ajmitch: careful, don't touch that keyboa.... bzzzt oops, nevermind afaik, a w00t is annoucement of joy ;) damnit that's my story and I'm sticking to it well can I respond to gnue-dev with "fsck off!" ? that's an announcement not that I would ever want to do that to any threads I am sure you have the power to do so no-one seems to understand our mailing list structure I understand it Action: drochaid wonders if he can annouce the updating of on gnue-announce [once has actually been updated of course] gnue-announce --> psu's mail list gnue-discuss --> arguments I wonder if we should start treating them as mailman umbrella lists gnue-dev --> general complaints and subscribe gnue-dev to gnue and gnue to gnue-annouce and rationalise the membership lists "About time for our annual mailing list re-org" ;-) psu: after that should we start planning for the annual website backend change? Action: jamest just notices he getting no mail from gnue-announce sigh that;s not due for another 6 months jamest: yea, is cool like that jamest: it likes to frelling frop yo ass from the list whenever it feels like it or perhaps it is overzealous moderators? ok, time for me to get to work Action: chillywilly forms his conspiracy theory s/frop/drop/ wtf is a frop? gah frop? frop off jcater it's a stale Starbucks drink Action: jcater thinks Action: ajmitch wonders what chillywilly is dribbling on about frop ajmitch: none of yor damn business is a fscking drop chillywilly: fine ooooo I like that that's what we should call gnue-sb they have MYM (Managing your Money) we need NOYDB "None of your damn business" because with GNUe.... ... it's never business as usual jbailey ( left #gnuenterprise ("Client Exiting"). Action: drochaid assumes the lack of being told to fuck off means that he can indeed announce next update on gnue-annouce :-D gnue-sb - freedom for small businesses that aim to get bigger nope, I have rights on it will probably be the tag line for the new website when I get a round tuit l8r jamest ( left #gnuenterprise. same as "putting the free back into free enterprise" on main site you chased jamest away :( psu: don't get me started revDeke ( left #gnuenterprise. Action: jcater must go home now as much as I love my conversations w/chillywilly jcater ( left #gnuenterprise ("Client Exiting"). and they all leave neilt (~neilt@ left irc: Remote closed the connection neilt (~neilt@ joined #gnuenterprise. #gnuenterprise: mode change '+o neilt' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. anyroadup KC has gone to Zack, expect it up either tonight or tomorrow dsmith ( joined #gnuenterprise. I'm out of here for the weekend bye Gonna try this "real life" thingy they keep talking about it's overrated been there, done that from the name I was guessing it's one of those macrobiotic youghurts but apparently it's even more interesting than that... nah it's all shit MMMmm yogurt. Any emergency changes to the website while I'm gone, let me know Ever have port yogurt? "Meat on the bottom!" (we really must get in CVS RSN) Gahhh! PORK ew that sounds nasty It's a joke. psu ( left #gnuenterprise ("real life is for people w/o cable modems"). well it was a lame joke You go in a supermarket, grab a yogurt, and say that. Then watch. no thanks Action: dsmith shut's up now. I don't have a life much less do I ever leave the computer room I am fed intraveniously sp? whatever intravenously dsmith ( left irc: "later.." jamest ( joined #gnuenterprise. jamest ( left irc: Client Quit jamest ( joined #gnuenterprise. wb jamest jamest ( left irc: "[x]chat" quit night siesel ( left irc: "night" heheh yes? neilt (~neilt@ left irc: "later all" ajmitch: bite me chillywilly ( left irc: "Free Your Enterprise! -" chillywilly ( joined #gnuenterprise. Nick change: _Maniac -> Maniac ajmitch: you there ;)? yes i am present Action: ajmitch wonders what chillywilly wanted nothing much just picking on you cause I wub you i see whatcha doin'? did you finish exams? yes i have finished exams i was just eating, and about to get back to work yaaaay! ok ToyMan ( left irc: ": I'm off to make more toys..." ajmitch: time for some hacking? :) perhaps rdean ( joined #gnuenterprise. chillywilly ( left irc: "Free Your Enterprise! -" jamest ( joined #gnuenterprise. jcater ( joined #gnuenterprise. kickass cable modem works finally after 5 days yay yippie! Action: jcater can feel the love^H^H^H^Hsarcasm Action: jamest pictures jcater sitting at pc with wires running to the modem from the alarm clock, microwave, washing machine, and cat actiing as a bypass filter X10 rocks heh X10 sucks [sorta, if you're talking about the HA tech] HA? High Availability? home automation ahh yeah.. why you think it sucks? interference caused by appliances, constant module failure, large and bulky, limited number of house codes/unit numbers, not all support discreet on/off or set level dim/auto return dimi should I continue? hmm ok drochaid: surely and I did say sorta up there main reason I'm interested is to run/maintain a greenhouse. have you ever seen a bank of X10 din rail modules, ie, a full house controlling bank? nope it takes up a LOT of space the one I'm thinking about is a full wall in the guys Node 0 but then, he does have the most cabled home in the UK [cat5e] all 7kms of it it's only a little 3 bedroom bungalow hehe Mr_You: you looking at 1-wire kit for monitoring the greenhouse? and what about the control/decision module? jamest ( left irc: "[x]chat" anyone know of a wireless-type webcam thingy yep xcam do them I *think* if you serach for xcam 2 you should find them yeah searched for xcam exactly what I'm looking for thanks just watch positioning, like most wirless devices, by default they're wide open to anyone with a lappy and 802.11b card well lemme tell ya what I want to do and it doesn't involve an unsuspecting neighbor :( we have two offices the remote office is 90 miles away and we are their tech support :( (thank gawd for vnc, etc :) today I got so pissed off because they jammed their printer and couldn't tell me what it was saying, what lights were on, etc we have a T1 between the two offices Action: jcater wants to get a wireless camiera that they can move around and I can view from my desk :) it wouldn't take long at all to pay for the thing umm.. ah LOL why on earth could they not read lights? because for mileage expenses, it costs the company $55 each trip that doesn't include the hours they actually pay me while driving (3 - 3 1/2) that's just mileage :)_ I'd tell them "it ain't getting fixed until someone can read the lights" hehe Mr_You: well, it's not that easy they are our "sales" branch and "sales", well, um, let's just say they like to blame bad days on IT stuff haha requirment for opening aticket "what are the lights indicating?" ;-) Mr_You: the brass's response is always "oh, just jump in the car and go... you haven't been up there in a month anyway... you should check everything out" I don't like to give them that excuse :) yeah I know what you mean. Action: jcater can't stand that place normally I wouldn't mind getting a mileage check plus my normal time to just drive but sometimes there's just people that absolutely grate on your nerves I actually enjoy getting out of the office when its not mileage on my own vehicle normally I do too it's just this place...... Action: jcater shudders sales droids? ;-) worse clueless sales droids? 40 x 18/19 yr old telemarketing chicks who's average turn-over is 6 weeks heh Action: jcater grits his teeth that has to be the worst group to provide tech support to! yeah man, but they gotta be cute. a few..... but the others offset that advantage I worked at a startup that had a bunch of girls like that.. they were not cute.. ok, in retrospect, they might be cute heh but that whole "cuteness" kinda goes away after so many calls in a day explaining the same thing over and over and over and over this is tech support for your GNUe apps that they use? makes you want to scream we are still in the process of converting them to GNUe but, yeah a good chunk are still on Oracle Forms Action: jcater is agressively working on that though you usually work on GNUe within work time? shhhhh not in public j/k yeah I usually get to put a few hours a day into GNUe Action: jcater is Vice President/IT... I've saved a few bucks here and there to get quite a bit of freedom :) there's a reason you rarely see me in #gnue before 10:00 am my time :) :) hmm these xcams look cool I wish I could find one a little bigger just for "user friendliness" I really need a Sony Camcorder w/Viewport that also transmits X10 :) wow these things are < $100 I'm surprised aye, they're cheap but not as cheap as a 320x200 webcam :) are 320x200 wireless? no, just shite I'm trying to recall someone else that was doing wireless ethernet cams could have been axis, although you'd be able to buy several xcam 2s for the cost of a single axis someone came out with a new 802.11a for doing broadcast TV.. but its still new. gack I didn't want to spend that much $$$$ :) lol Action: jcater is away: selling my soul to MPAA and watching Spider-Man on DVD SachaS_away ( joined #gnuenterprise. Nick change: SachaS_away -> SachaS Action: drochaid points out to jcater and Mr_You that X10 is actually a Scottish technology, developed by pico in edinburgh in the 1970's hmm, sun will be up soon, should I go to bed now? nah mmm, wrong answer you asked i did oidche mhath night Action: drochaid is away: tha i breagha an-diugh ... you don't hear me say THAT often :) heh --- Sat Nov 9 2002