Action: jcater is away: sleep sheep? Baaaaaaahhh. Action: ajmitch kicks jbailey jbailey: should i submit bug Whatfore? dneighbo: Probably, which package? ajmitch: What did I do this time? for debs sheep jokes :P ajmitch: says gtk2 isnt in there Action: dneighbo was thinking we would do gnue-forms-base gnue-forms-gtk2 gnue-forms-curses gnue-forms-wx gnue-forms-curses etc er gnue-forms-html and gnue-common-basse er base gnue-common-pyscopg or such if that makes reasonable sense to you to give people finer grain control of the install ajmitch: Nothing wrong with sheep jokes as long as I don't inflict them on NZers, right? dneighbo: Yes, I think that's the plan. certainly for forms anyway. The hard part with doing it too much is that people will never figure out what to install. dneighbo: i've got to find out how to fill in the summary & source, but it gives a useful hierarchy :) hmm, why is it that everyone goes silent when i'm around? :) Dunno. It's a usual phenominon of this channel when actual work is being done. I'm in here for 30 minutes thinking about work, no noise. I mention sheep and both you *and* derek appear out of thin air. =) I tihnk the trick is to make it look like it's not important. That way noone gets scared off. =) i appeared a few minutes after your sheep remark ;) i was busy looking at what inherits from what in the source fixe ( left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) suck gsd importer seems broked jbailey: couldnt we do something like task-gnue for the people that dont want control i was waiting for something not important :) Action: dneighbo skitters off again bleh silly derek, running off all the time sheep Bed time! =) sheeple even jbailey (~jbailey@ left #gnuenterprise ("Client Exiting"). night blah jbailey sucks wet sheep farts ;) Action: chillywilly should watch the clone wars again that might make me feel better :) Action: chillywilly goes off to read HHGG KeithJagrs (trilluser@ left irc: "later" yummy wet sheep farts rdean ( joined #gnuenterprise. chillywilly ( left irc: "Free Your Enterprise! -" fixe ( joined #gnuenterprise. woo hoo gnue-sb has working item management ! is it committed? yeah but not the main maint screen Action: dneighbo forgot that one duh... what gcvs is for? it wraps common so say you write a script that usues common instead of having to set python paths you can just do gcvs oh, good thing which is nice since the gsd converter uses common but isnt a real script as of yet gcvs mycool.gsd postgresql > newpsql.sql anyone else using cvs? combo boxes seem broken for me the data shows up in the list how to do .gsd -> .sql for postgres db? but when you select it, the value doesnt seem to stick Action: dneighbo needs to debug fixe ( left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) combo box = dropdown? it works here thanks, you answered my question before i ask :) ~/bin/gcvs ~/cvs/gnue/common/src/schema/scripter/ schema.gsd postgresql > PgSQL/schema.sql ra3vat: hmmm my form or data must be hosed but im not getting errors dneighbo: are you saying it works badly when you use mouse to choose? i've asked jamest about it, it is a known issue ? yeeehaw combobox works for me now old designer seems have typecast some fields that dont work with new schema fixed those up and all is well you know how to use format masks? if so i think i will have a pretty sweet form for item maintenance ready woo hoo tab order fixed format masks are about all i need Action: dneighbo goes to find developer doc gack its almost 2am Action: dneighbo must think he is ajmitch or something have not tried format masks yet :) btami ( joined #gnuenterprise. good morning all hi btami hi hmm looks like masks arent quite there yet hi btami hi derek please if you have time make some windows pre releases :) i can, but i'm with slow modem here (at home) so can send on monday only be back in 1 hour but if you want, i make a try today ra3vat: i just committed the item_maint.gfd that actually manages the items so item management is now officially in gnue-sb cvs its basic but its a start Action: dneighbo is away: bed it can wait till monday i suppose ok back Action: ra3vat is looking what btami has asked him to test btami ( left irc: Read error: 60 (Operation timed out) dimas ( joined #gnuenterprise. fixe ( joined #gnuenterprise. psu ( joined #gnuenterprise. Action: psu is away: assisting essay crisis downstairs assisting = helping with, not adding to - potential ambiguity there drochaid ( joined #gnuenterprise. mdean ( left irc: Read error: 60 (Operation timed out) mdean ( joined #gnuenterprise. fixe ( left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) siesel ( joined #gnuenterprise. good'ay hello siesel hi ra3vat jbailey (~jbailey@ joined #gnuenterprise. morning jbailey from common/ if encoding == 'ascii': encoding = 'iso8859-1' # TODO: fix this when we have [common] section try: # in gnue.conf encoding = gConfig('formFontEncoding') when will we get that [common] in gnue.conf? Heya siesel. jbailey: one question: should the /etc/gnue/sample.connection.conf and /etc/gnue/sample.gnue.conf be configuration files? ra3vat: its just a bit hacking needed, i.e. changing all calls in form from gConfig to gformConfig and using gConfig only to access [common] values gConfigForms? siesel: I don't think so - Because they're intended to be samples, there should be no good reason to change them. But debhelper will mark them as such automatically. I so I will probably move them into /usr/share/doc/PACKAGE/examples that would be great, thanks. Is it causing you grief? (Assessing urgency) ra3vat: you can set global configuration commands in If yes, please file a bug so that I remember it. jbailey: just a question of astetics :) ok, I will file a bug. Thanks. do you remenber the name of the command line tool? oh, found. "reportbug" reportbug is sweet. =) reportbug is really great. Action: siesel can't stop using it :) fixe ( joined #gnuenterprise. siesel: So does that mean people might actually be using the packages? =) chillywilly ( joined #gnuenterprise. jbailey: yes. no ;P jamest ( joined #gnuenterprise. sup home billy not much ok... my son is harassing me to take him to McDonalds ;) Tell him that animals get slaughtered for food there and he should be a vegan. On the down side, you won't be able to cook your usual meals for him. On the upside, he'll never ask for Macdo's again. Action: jcater is back (gone 09:02:49) jbailey: uh, no rdean ( left irc: "Client Exiting" chillywilly ( left irc: "Free Your Enterprise! -" jbailey: my daughter is going through the vegan stage i think she still likes meat so its it but really struggles with it.... at her slumber party they had hotdogs or something and my daughter was like.. you know that the ground up insides of a pig and like 9 out of 10 of the girls wouldnt believe her (which amazed me) and then she was like yeah and a hamburger is a ground up cow and 7 of 10 didnt believe that Action: dneighbo is back (gone 06:38:19) jcater: you around? jamest: you around? Action: jcater waits to see if jamest responds before answering..... damn, guess not dneighbo: yeah :) i didnt get prereleases tested (me got busy and used cvs forgetting) stuff looks very good much more solid that 0.4.0 i have questions on formatmasks actually i worked around it so the question lies in feature map we need to add number/currency format/input masks and documentation of masks :) i ahve to take kids swimming but when i get back i have a nice 5gallon drum of lube and i plan to sit down with navigator so expect the feature map to fall out ;) input masks are a BIG todo we are very close but no cigar quite yet (that should be in 0.5.0 plans, if not, I'll add) again im not dictating which release :) it's a biggie as in, needs well, and programming too I guess although most of the backend is in there it could be i didnt look i know we talked about it in designer the other day looks like date stuff is there and documented some siesel ( left irc: Read error: 60 (Operation timed out) btw: you might want to check out gnue-sb its product stuff might be getting closer to usable for the bookstore hopefully by next sunday inventory will be there cool also i noticed something in the import statements of the gsd if i have and item_source.gsd contains it works but if contains
it does not and never gives errors ie the import 'name' must match the table 'name' or the .sql doesnt get created, but no errors are generated im not sure if you meant it to force a name match or not if not its a bug um if so, we need an error message saying the .sql isnt created yes, it has to have a name to import against that's the purpose of that field but it is definitely a bug that parser doesn't bomb off with an error hmmm ah, found it ok, committed Action: dneighbo must run fixe ( left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) Action: dneighbo is away: swimming ColeMarcus ( joined #gnuenterprise. Action: jbailey is away: Taking the cat to the vet. Wish me luck. Isomer ( left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) fixe ( joined #gnuenterprise. dimas ( left irc: "Client Exiting" ColeMarcus ( left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) Action: dneighbo is back (gone 01:29:30) chillywilly ( joined #gnuenterprise. grrr my connection is still a little bit 'goofy' why? [11:36] Last message repeated 2 time(s). cause i said so sigh sprint support is so much fun at least the answered the phone with in 10 minutes the guy says can i have your last name (me would suspect that means he is ready to recieve it) so i say my name AND spell it out and he says can you repeat that slow what's so difficult about neighbors? any moron shold be able to spell neighbors yeah nabors neybores well...bak too kodun lol chillywilly: just like ANYONE should be able to spell Cater yes, Mr. Carter ;) Action: jbailey is back (gone 01:28:00) actually after the rude intro this guy is pretty good hasnt asked me to go into microsoft networking yet hehe neigbours is easy. =) bah. neighbours. did yo tell him you are running GNU/Linux? you Action: jcater can see it now with the new training "Is GNU/Linux like Linux?" and ran network tests instead of assuming i was an idito idiot and ran same tests i have and confirms there is about 20% packet loss happening and will be sending someone out to replace the hardware chillywilly: no i learned the hardway to never do that :) i told him i was running M$ Advanced Linux Pro he said he hadnt tried that one yet... ;)? tech coming on monday to bring me new modem until then i guess i suffer technician shows up and notices that mr neybers has his home stereo speaker output spliced into network line because we wanted to be a webcaster roflmao um jamest now they have guitars that support ethernet connections why splice ;) gives new meaning to pinging a guitar Think of the hack value. 'cause next will be 802.11b I'd just hate to see the DoS on that thing what would happen? strings break? And just *wait* until some major rock star in some major concert forgets to turn on encryption or uses an insecure password. hehe "Daddy, why does the guitar sound like it says, "I ownz ju"??? Headline: Geek arrested today at Metallica concert for incitement to riot. "I thought it would be a good prank", said the man who simply gave his name as "Hax0r". Earlier today, metalica began to play, when the sound cut out and began playing a backstreet boys song. "It was hard to find the culprit with all the blood and corpses around", said Officer Kruptpky, "but the laptop was a dead give away." you guys are just taking this too far It's either this, hack glibc, or do homework. =) well a wise man once said to me, "why don't you do something with your life?" chillywilly: why haven't you answered?,24195,3363342,00.html jcater: I'm afraid heheh is it ethernet or not? or is it just using RJ45 "Gibson did this by modifying the Ethernet networking protocol...." Action: jcater hopes that was journalism error that is frelling cool man who knows most tech articles are written by morons ariel_ ( joined #gnuenterprise. hehe, I like the comment about M$ mixers and amps ;P jcater: i dont know, but its interesting none the less hmmm, most ppl still dig analog music though that's why we still prefer tube amps of course its patent stuff so it needs a free equivalent :) thought they said it was going to be royalty free? so the patent is a bit moot isn't it? not hardly I'll let you use my foobulation library royalty free, chilly i saw the license just now its not even royalty free what happens when you piss me off, chilly? its royalty free for 10 years i.e. they want people to adopt over next 10 years jcater: yea, I know patents are still crappy and then when they ahve everyone by the balls the royalty wears off Negotiate for royalty-free for 25 years. =) funny thing though yeah, but with a Mickey Mouse Copyright Act, 10 years could become 100... I thought patents had a 14 year shelf life? Is there a license fee for developers? No. We are providing a ten year royalty free license on MaGIC. or 1... This is the same BS that Henry J's been trying to force down the throats of the rest of the industry for the past two years. It's why Gibson bought and killed Opcode. It's not a patch on the ass of Yamaha's MLan standard that's based on the much faster IEEE-1394 (aka Firewire). It's another worthless ego-trip for Gibson's delusional owner. Back to "Gibson Makes Music 'Magic'" they all assume ppl would uise winders what geek in their right mind would use winders? a windows geek? Tremble wiv fear, KC is here,24009,3363342-551620,00.html?netsection_id=2100118 what's this crosstab and pivot table stuff? psu: I always fear with the new KCs. I keep being worried that you'll list cw's new homepage jbailey: grow up <- the mote in our own eye chillywilly: People have been passing the link around work, it's quite frightenening. Action: psu is back (gone 07:29:06) jbailey: I have seen ppl refer to that thing so many times that it is older than dirt now ;) it's worn out and yes it is just plain sick wtf is a prelease? Action: jcater must've been on crack ? oh, nm hehe Action: chillywilly didn't even see the typo right away so don't feel bad Action: psu will probably be looking to hook some people into helping on KCs i.e. a group-authored approach but I'm thinking how to do it first then will look for some volunteers I'll be happy to volunteer some people for you no volunteers == carry on solo, but not cover everything s/everything/as much jcater: A prerelease is like preboarding an airplane. since it doesn't cover *everything* even now jbailey: ? jcater: It's a fiction created by marketing people to make others think something cool is happening and that they're not part of it. =) Action: psu would not have been able to keep up this week if he hadn't been on vacation psu: I would volunteer to help, but I already spend too many hours on gnue each week :( ooo jcater: agreed agreed? you've been talking to my wife? does this mean we'll get little cocktails w/frilly umbrellas psu: You'd know better than me if people have made the same mistake you made "How can I help?" =)_ served by nubile flight attendants whenever we d/l the prereleases? nubile? I don't think you've seen the flight attendants on air canada these days. =) Action: psu has only been bumped to business class once but then there's not a lot of biz class on Newcastle-Heathrow Action: psu notes that the phrase "business class" usually occours in this channel in a completely diff context afaict we have a 2 man marketing team psu and derek ;) hey now I try why would you *want* to be part of the marketing team? isn't that how you get the chicks? marketing == easier than coding but you're married chillywilly: shhh! don't tell my girlfriend do you have a desth wish? death she might get jealous besides, the way things currently are I'm married to GNUe the wife is my mistress I escape to occasionally chillywilly: you'll understand after 7th June 2003 heheh Action: psu notes that is the only 2003 date in my diary so far well, apart from my Feb dentist appointment that date is "tentative" ;) ok Action: jcater hates programming in curses jamest's analogy of the even system is funny event hehe, I see derek finally forced yall into roadmaps? no! not roadmaps! feature plans, dammit feature plans ;) anyone here have a good crockpot chili recipe? I do. bah But it's all vegan, is that okay? that uses ground beef? actually that might be good what's in it? I always wonder when I see people put meat into crockpots. I didn't think those things stayed warm enough to keep away bacteria. I'm pretty sure they do I also have the same fear when I see those rotating slabs of meat at greek take out places. kebabs a spit? Action: psu likes the way they call them "doner kebabs" to imply the animals were volunteers Action: psu guesses that "Donner kebabs" has a diff implication in USA hehe said entirely differently than doner though yummy Action: jcater runs off to start ground beef sigh I haven't rewired my new house Action: psu is away: kc-ing so I don't have cat5 in the kitchen for my recipe station :( dragon ball z rocks jbailey: what's in your vegan chili? a couple types of beans, fried onions, lots of tomatoe sauce. (or crushed tomatos) Carrots, spices. Trying to tihnk what else I throw in there. sounds pretty good I like using black beans and black-eyed peas. I tried chickpeas once (garbonzo beans for the UKer), and that was a mistake. =) mmmm If you're using a crockpot with chilli and you want to throw in corn or something like that, don't throw it in until near the end or it turns into mush. I'm torn between wanting to turn up the heat and wanting icecream. I probably shouldn't do both. =) btami ( joined #gnuenterprise. hi all i'v just got a no DefaultUI in gnue.conf common section error ? um wtf? i'm testing on win98 for packaging setup.exe i added that yesterday but swore I included a default Isomer ( joined #gnuenterprise. btami: how new is cvs checkout? updated now have you tried it without it ? your should have that config option listed. Does it? yes, i have no option in my gnue.conf files yes it does why would this be different on windows? sigh if i add a [common] section with DefaultUI = wx, it's OK btami: please look at self.ui_type = self.OPTIONS['user_interface'] if not self.ui_type: self.ui_type = gConfigForms('DefaultUI') is that what you see? chillywilly ( left irc: "Free Your Enterprise! -" yes sigh wait i try again jamest: sorry it's my fault with packaging it's good from c:\python22\scripts Action: drochaid is away: out sorting a machine jamest: may i ask you to change formFontEncoding to reportFontEncoding in and a new one into shouldn't we just have a default fontEncoding for common? Action: jcater thinks so me too morning anyone care to change it now ? I can kewl after I start the crockpot up back to i18n btami: how well is windows working? gnue in windows i'v failed to put into McMillan so i tend to use encodings thing :( but how does forms itself (and designer) run? are they stable/usable or flaky as hell well, they are OK no, thay are flaky except the event issues look collected win32 bugs in DCL :) ok btami: with test you asked i've only got an error when running form from within a designer i put a patch into designer yesterday no so it'll work now but error out at the end ok, will check again part of designer outside of src/forms is still forms specific :( it'll get fixed after release i'v failed with making forms/reports with simple wizard if i used non ascii title when i want to save them ah, i thought he was talking about running form insdie designer via debug-run my bad btami: what happens when you save? btw. i can't run forms from designer via debug :) from today's cvs? wait i try all my things again :) wait re the formFontEncoding what outside of forms will use it? wasn't designer going to support all languages in its menus/dialgos? Action: jamest runs oh, yeah... designer doh! oooh, who has call center software available? :) Action: ajmitch just got email from boss asking about it I have highly custom stuff right, i heard you had some stuff how custom is it? tailored exactly for the business? yeah what industry? fundraising k still w/a lot of oracle-specifics, btw the email i got was rather vague ok we are still "cleaning" it :) big app? i got some forms questions for you later, if you're around ;) (not bug reports this time) ok but i gotta run off to church in the next 10 min just about how to have a unique primary key on a record and using that with master/detail ah that's easy lemme know when you get back ok cool Action: ajmitch runs off :) chillywilly ( joined #gnuenterprise. btami ( left irc: Read error: 113 (No route to host) reinhard ( joined #gnuenterprise. chillywilly ( left irc: Client Quit btami (~btami@ joined #gnuenterprise. huh, finally i reproduced my error :) grd file: címe ûÛ ceg ember eroor is: C:\python22\scripts>python gnue-reports -D file -d x.html -f html x.grd DB000: Traceback (most recent call last): DB000: File "gnue-reports", line 55, in ? DB000: GRRun().run() DB000: File "c:\python22\Lib\site-packages\gnue\reports\", line 203, i n run DB000: runui = GRRunUI(self,reportInfo=self.getReportInformation(reportfile) , DB000: File "c:\python22\Lib\site-packages\gnue\reports\", line 310, i n getReportInformation DB000: return GRReportInfo(location) DB000: File "c:\python22\Lib\site-packages\gnue\reports\", line 38, in _ it's too long just the bottom: DB000: AttributesNSImpl(newattrs, qnames)) DB000: File "c:\python22\Lib\site-packages\gnue\common\", line 253, in startElementNS DB000: raise MarkupError, _('Error processing <%s> tag [invalid type for "%s " attribute; value is "%s"]') % (name, attr, saxattrs[qattr]) DB000: gnue.common.GParser.MarkupError is that it? not one more line? thats all it's without it's really putting the %s in there? btami: could you do me a huge favor and edit gnue/common/GParser and add right before line 253: print name, attr, saxattrs[qattr] as I can't tell much without those 3 fields Action: jcater doesn't know why the raise didn;t work properly ok, wait it's not too easy :) UnicodeError: ASCII encoding error: ordinal not in range(128) in print ... python always wants to convert unicode strings into ascii or defaulencoding if it was set but it wasn't now so it failed cose i have cp1250 (>128) chars ok but I just cut-n-paste from your paste I have this test print "ûÛ" but get no error Action: jcater is confused cose python is clever but it allways uses unicode in XML Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1, in ? print u"ûÛ" UnicodeError: ASCII encoding error: ordinal not in range(128) jason@jcater:~$ gotcha my bad patch in now uses formFontEncoding that is wrong formFontEncoding in GParser? why? sorry, that is not my patch, its from art my is in GRReport but as jamest said, a simple fontEncoding in [common] is a solution but, but, but what fonts are in GRReport? this is where I'm getting lost should that be fileEncoding? or textEncoding yes it's the "font" part that's losing me ok we are on the same page now maybe font is needed for wx which is the better name? textEncoding? ok for me formFontEncoding is needed for wx UI driver but are they the same thing always? and this new one is for parsers ok so this does not replace formFontEncoding? this is a new parameter? did we ever get a global section working in config file? just if someone wants tu use different lang for forms and for reports s/tu/to Action: jamest thinks he worked on a [default] section the same error will come from lin #260 dest.write(child.getContent()) btami: have a mail from python gettext author, would you like to look? is it long? no yes, of course where to post? post here jbailey (~jbailey@ left #gnuenterprise ("Client Exiting"). Dmitry Sorokin writes: > how to reach what GNU gettext bind_textdomain_codeset function is for > with python gettext module? Dmitry, I recommend to use ugettext instead, or wrap it appropriately. ugettext will always return Unicode objects (assuming that the codeset of the .mo file was properly declared in the .mo header). > I'd like to use translation catalog which is in koi8-r encoding with gui > that expects either koi8-r or cp1251. Then I recommend to do something like this catalog = gettext.translation("domainname") runtime_charset = "cp1251" def _(msg): return catalog.ugettext(msg).encode(runtime_charset) Changing runtime_charset will then arrange for _ to return differently-encoded messages. > The problem is that we are trying to leave encoding = "ascii" in > as it is by default and assign needed encoding at run time. That is a good idea. > Without bind_textdomain_codeset we need to put something like > _('Text String').encode(neededencoding) in too many places Not necessarily. Even without ugettext, you could always do def _(msg): gettext.dgettext(domain).decode("koi8-r").encode("cp1251") That, of course, requires you to hard-code the codeset of the catalog, which is undesirable - ugettext finds out the codeset of the catalog dynamically. Remember: _ is just a function. This function can do any computation you want. > Sorry for not asking in newsgroup but personally. That is ok (in this specific case :-). If you think bind_textdomain_codeset is a better interface than ugettext, I encourage you to enhance in this respect. I would add another dictionary, next to _localedirs; say, _localecodesets. Then, add a gettext_codeset method to GNUTranslation, which does recoding if necessary, and use that in dgettext if a _localecodeset has been set for the domain. You might also consider adding a codeset argument to install, which would (if recoding is needed) install a lambda function like def install(self, unicode=0, codeset = None): import _ looks very bad better to forward to maillist :) jamest/jcater: if you introdice textEncodig into parsers, please pot it into line #260 too s/pot/put gack big back log Action: drochaid is back (gone 01:25:57) g'night all btami (~btami@ left irc: "l8r" Action: dneighbo shudders at this i18n stuff yeah sap-db now packaged for debian you and me both reinhard ( left irc: "Anything is good and useful if it's made of chocolate" dneighbo: re i18n - you should be thankful that we Brits took AZ from the Spanish, not the Russians although if they had, I guess computers would use cyrillic as defualt anyway and it'd be W Europe having the i18n problems psu: bravo on newest KC Action: dneighbo enjoys reading them Action: dneighbo needs a print version so i can read them on the head ;) or a tablet pc hmm problem is what if you get caught short for paper you might end up being blackballed by KC Actually, given that it's all XML, someone could write an XSLT to voice ogg convertor that someone, however, would not be me ;-) They could even play them on #opn as a form of syndicated content like broadcast radio switches to infomercials overnight or whatever Action: psu needs to go and have a lie-down jamest ( left irc: Remote closed the connection jamest ( joined #gnuenterprise. whoop! got designer to lock my entire UI that's a good thing right? cool one step further down the path to being a dneighbo i remember sosmething similar in the 0.0.1 days ;) with forms how goes the testing with gnue-sb forms? i have them all working i told jcater things look WAY more solid than 0.4.0 very impressive i didnt use the pre-release though (my mess up) i used cvs trnaslation: "I learned how to use the new stuff" s/trna/tran/ i have the contact stuff to go (which is the ugly) if you two are around for a while i will tackle now as surely things have changed on it Action: jcater has an appointment w/the barber in 15 minutes Action: jcater is away: long-needed haircut ra3vat: you need sloppyQueyr? Action: jamest is reading the KC ok jamest you want bug reports? yes or you want me to submit via dcl jamest: i might have some need for sloppy query designer still has really _old_ bug of not properly updating forms in designer when dealing with entry w/ rows i.e. you add an entry then change its 'row' property to 10 it wont show on the screen until you shut the form down and reopen it Action: dneighbo remembers vaguely this being a wx issue i can reimplement sloppy query no, it's our issue but it's not worth fixing at this time as that's going to change anyway jamest: yes jamest: 3 more forms down for testing using designer a bit on them moving to the big bad ugly mo-fo and then actually gnue-sb will have product management and contact management pretty solid for a base starting point :) hmmm DB000: self._err_handler.fatalError(exc) DB000: File "/usr/lib/python2.2/site-packages/_xmlplus/sax/", line 38, in fatalError DB000: raise exception DB000: xml.sax._exceptions.SAXParseException: :154:21: not well-formed (invalid token) Action: psu is back (gone 03:15:45) dneighbo: what are you running? hmm designer too seems width="20" rows="1" style="dropdown" foreign_key="dtsrcPhoneType.phone_type_id" foreign_key_description="description"/> isnt self healed to fk_ might want to make a script to 'convert' these? i can look at a bit later tonight I'm getting ready to move my tank Action: psu wonders what that could be a euphemism for psu: then s/tank/saltwater aquarium/ :) hey how is your tank im runnign contact_manager.gfd Action: dneighbo thinks its just foreign_key is snow jcater: i've applied Martin's suggestion about _(msg) fk_id= fk_datasource= fk_desc= had to get kid out of sink she crawled on coutner to get a bandaid and fellin sink and couldnt get down hmm thats not it either ok that problem fixed dumb emacs left an x i.e. C-x C-c failed on first C-x so left errant x i thouoght that was case but missed it first time so the code is OK? yeah but schema stuff seems broked now self.feed(buffer) File "/usr/lib/python2.2/site-packages/_xmlplus/sax/", line 207, in feed self._parser.Parse(data, isFinal) File "/usr/lib/python2.2/site-packages/_xmlplus/sax/", line 332, in start_element_ns AttributesNSImpl(newattrs, qnames)) File "/home/dneighbo/cvs/gnue/.cvsdevelbase/gnue/common/", line 276, in startElementNS object = self.xmlElements[name]['BaseClass']() TypeError: __init__() takes exactly 2 arguments (1 given) dneighbo@latitude:~/cvs/gnue-sb/schema$ Action: jcater is away: Um, I'm not here Action: jcater is back (gone 00:00:02) this worked yesterday dneighbo@latitude:~/cvs/gnue-sb/schema$ ~/bin/gcvs ~/cvs/gnue/common/src/schema/scripter/ schema.gsd postgresql > PgSQL/schema.sql is command ran that produced that i did edit schema.gsd to add an additional file so will research there ok he did a script to change dimas ( joined #gnuenterprise. he didnt put this file in the import and must have missed it in the sed scripts as all its datatypes were wrong fixed now grr no its not hmmm jcater: hey any ideas on error above? do its length not size ... i think its fixed grr nope still broked ok missing a schema tag and the primary key tag changed a bit Action: dneighbo is glad you used sed on the group :) ? did I miss something? yeah i have a form but egads what the hell happened to spacing? Action: dneighbo falls over, my concat trigger still works it has worked since i left axis pt dimas ( left irc: "Client Exiting" if it's worked that long why be shocked now :) Action: jcater thinks we need a disclaimer of some sort s/has/hasnt o Database commit error: gnueu.common.GDataObject.ConnectionError dimas ( joined #gnuenterprise. ERROR: ExecAppend: Fail to add null value in not null attribute contact_id ah crap i know what this piss piss piss we need an easy way to do transaction stamping i.e. createdon/by modifiedon/by wait thats not it all those fields are nullable="Y" hmmm do have a REAL easy way to do transaction stamping they're called Pre-Update and Pre-Insert triggers no, we need a real, real way :) same principle as setting the sequence value on an insert jamest: ah, my bad can we get date from db though? yes grrrrr simplequery just like you have getSequence you also have getTimestamp ah ok this is the classic the parent needs to create its id in order to store in the child problem do you have a sample form that this works in currently? are they set up as master/detail? as it does all that behind the scenes if so so i can reference you have the sample to getSequence aroudn or is in current developer guid? er guide check the recipe's chapter in the dev guide in the last 5 minutes, every question you had was covered by a recipe in that section Action: jcater sighs :) if self.isEmpty(): self.autofillBySequence('sql_dcl_contact') will that work? or has syntax changed? i knnow sql_dcl_contact is no longer valid which is likely my problem that looks right psu ( left #gnuenterprise ("nite..."). ? i asked one question well two i guess date/time and verification on sequence (and asked is it in the guide) Action: dneighbo has been checking guide but last three times struck out :( i.e. the section existed but was blank, so i was asking if in guide as my net connection sucks and i was too dumb to download the pdf when it was good grrr dude you need to get your modem fixed this is painful all your stuff pastes at once im actgually fighting schema stsuff mostly dneighbo ( left irc: Remote closed the connection is there any side effect of labels being inside block? if you have rows=".." set on the block, they will be repeated once for each row ok DB000: File "C:\PYTHON21\gnue\forms\uidrivers\_base\", line 316, in updateEntryEditor DB000: widget = self._formToUIWidget[event.object] DB000: KeyError: i have this error message when run my form under w98 what does the error mean? I have no idea ariel_ ( left irc: "Uscita dal client" and then strange behavior when i hit "f8" right after form appeared all entries from a few tabbed pages displayed upon each other at once and when i click on tabs one may display what other should this same form works under linux about a week in heavy load. and works great dsmith ( joined #gnuenterprise. dsmith ( left irc: Client Quit back! mdean ( left irc: Read error: 60 (Operation timed out) jamest: you here? what's up all? jcater: i see above talk of setting sequence values on insert, i presume that answers my earlier question? :) pg 29 of the dev guide, i was just looking at that yesterday too :) mdean ( joined #gnuenterprise. wb mdean dsmith ( joined #gnuenterprise. dsmith ( left irc: "later.." dimas ( left irc: "Client Exiting" danq ( joined #gnuenterprise. fixe ( left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) danq ( left #gnuenterprise. fixe ( joined #gnuenterprise. fixe ( left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) derek ( joined #gnuenterprise. jcater / jamest i had to run before something odd happened that needs to be researched i had forms or designer open (i dont recall which) and when i shut it down X crashed and restarted if it were on my normal machine i would say no big deal, but on my laptop X never crashes add to the fact that jamest had same thing happen today (or so it seemed) we might want to look into this other than that cvs has been a dream to play with today responsive, stable and productive i hope to make it back tonight to play some more Action: derek is away: family rdean ( joined #gnuenterprise. jbailey ( joined #gnuenterprise. jbailey ( left irc: Remote closed the connection fixe ( joined #gnuenterprise. drochaid ( left irc: "Client Exiting" fixe ( left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) --- Sun Nov 17 2002