ninja ( joined #gnuenterprise. dsmith ( left irc: Remote closed the connection hi ajmitch rossg_ ( joined #gnuenterprise. psu ( joined #gnuenterprise. rossg_ ( left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) hi psu hi ajmitch Action: psu was looking thru' the debian package archive for a decent weblog application i.e. one that sits on local PC like radio userland rather than a full remote service like blogger or livejournal can't find anything much hmm k guess it's time to write one ;) Action: psu may have to roll my own of course, if I decide to use a d/b backend for this, GNUe becomes a potentially useful framework yup "Do blog entry" form, "Publish blog entry" trigger/report etc just not sure if I might be biting off more than I can chew, however Might be easier to do some simple text file manipulation in raw python ugh, sounds in gAIM Easiest of all, of course, would be to bite the bullet and just use livejournal sleeep... write a forms frontend to one of those ones that use xml-rpc or similar interfaces chillywilly ( left irc: "Free Your Enterprise! -" Actually, the main reason I want a local application is so I can put on my own website but I suppose I could just include livejournal pages in it as derek does ok some of those php apps would have xml-rpc interfaces :) Action: psu fears RPC lol why? For something that's meant to be as simple as this, it sounds over-the-top This isn't meant to be a multi-user client-server n-tier app ah right just a way of easily doing some frelling webpages ;-) hmm, I might have guessed there would be an "emacs as weblog" tool of course Or, I suppose, I could d/l the livejournal server code & set it up as a local app or... or... Action: psu thinks the problem w/free software is usually the number of options rather than the reverse Of course, none of them are ever exactly what you want so you either compromise or (if you're a Not Invented Here weenie) head off to savannah to roll your own Action: ajmitch wonders how many dead projects are on SF Action: psu suspects we are in "grains of sand on the seashore" numbers I really ought to just sit down and list the features I want/need & do a proper MoSCoW analysis (Must Have, Should Have, Could Have, Would Like to Have) against what's already out there even pure CMS like slash, phpnuke and postnuke are possibles. Action: psu is away: church psu ( left irc: "[x]chat" siesel ( joined #gnuenterprise. hi hi siesel ninja ( left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) ninja ( joined #gnuenterprise. Nick change: Sacha_away -> SachaS ninja ( left irc: Remote closed the connection Nick change: SachaS -> Sacha_sleep siesel ( left #gnuenterprise. siesel ( joined #gnuenterprise. crap sid has gone to hell in a hand basket evolution broked go to file bug report and reportbug is broked rdean ( joined #gnuenterprise. derek ( left irc: Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer) ngterry ( joined #gnuenterprise. ngterry ( left irc: Client Quit somebody tell derek that sid is *UNSTABLE* rdean ( left irc: "Client Exiting" jbailey (~jbailey@ joined #gnuenterprise. jbailey (~jbailey@ left irc: Remote closed the connection rdean ( joined #gnuenterprise. reinhard ( joined #gnuenterprise. hi reinhard hi siesel jbailey (~jbailey@ joined #gnuenterprise. jbailey (~jbailey@ left #gnuenterprise ("Client Exiting"). reinhard_ ( joined #gnuenterprise. reinhard ( left irc: Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer) reinhard_ ( left irc: "There are two types of people: those who divide people into two types, and those who don't" jamest ( joined #gnuenterprise. derek ( joined #gnuenterprise. hi derek hey is there a way to 'downgrade' debian? not safely :) from say sid to sarge as sid is HORRIBLY jacked right now download woody cd, reformat, and start over :) ouch jcater : sigh what's wrong with sid? i wanted to get a concert recorded yesterday (big mistake) apt-get install 3 packages derek: I was joking... I have no experience downgrading and it broke the previously working program but I can imagine it'd be damn hard so figured it was 'dependency' issue so apt-get upgrade and 230+ packages need upgrade so i do it and the previous program works (yeah) uh oh but this mornign try evolution and it dies horribly go to file a bug report and it tells me get newest package so i do and it still fries so i go to file a bug report and reportbug segfaults [09:37:58] --- Topic for #debian is /msg the bots, NOT the people, flood in #flood not here || || for recent {testing,unstable} problems /msg apt news #debian (za) || /msg apt releases || Debian World Domination! (foo) || DO NOT USE UNSTABLE (SID) unless you know how to use dpkg (greycat) Action: ajmitch wonders at that last item :) sid is supposed bo be horked. i'm running sid with no problems at the moment even rebooted yesterday go to church try to run powerpoint and X no longer likes to switch :( ajmitch: i advise not to upgrade :) I'm runnig sid, but I haven't upgraded in a few weeks nickr: i expect sid to be horked derek: there's nothing important to upgrade to i just didnt expect so much to be horked at one time :) midrelease transition cycle it had been working so well for so long i was loving it perhaps i'm just lucky Action: derek only went to sid cause woody didnt have some stuff i needed and sarge was more horked than sid and still getting 50% plus packet loss from my broadband provider all the stuff that apt-get reports needs upgraded is mozilla related or other crap Action: derek wishes reportbug was functioning functions here where does it segfault? maybe it's not broken for me because i rebooted ;) I've not upgraded because of the stupid gnome transition ah, i run garnome anyway nickr: i think thats what is killing me gnome transition possibly Action: derek wonders how to file bugs against reportbug when reportbug is broked : 0 the oldfashioned way, duh I've never used reportbug in my life if the answer is email or 'web' then no Uh if the answer is 'telephone' ok Uh. you'll use reportbug, but not email, even though reportbug uses email? yip i refuse to use something that is inefficient that is the dumbest thing I've ever heard you say raw email gives me no way to see what other bugs are filed heh and makes for duplicate bugs Uh. that's why there's a purty web interface on and thus lessens effectiviness of getting bugs fixed i would rather not file a bug the reason i like reportbug is that it gives me a highly usable way to search 'existing' bugs Its very hard not to say rude things in hte face of such ignorance. :) ajmitch: the web interface to debian bug tracking sucks ALMOST as bad as bugzilla nickr: if email provides me EASILY a way to QUICKLY get a listing of all bugs on a package that's not humanly possible im cool with email Action: derek doesnt know how to do that (ignorance) if the answer is go look on the web I don't see how its difficult to type the name of the package into the search box and get all the bufs for it i say pffft... the interface is horrid i don't see how its difficult or confusing There is no interface, its just a list of bugs! i think that the interface is very simple especially if you're using galeon :) nickr: besides having tot fire up a beast of a browser its not my fault you use a beast of a browser. and use stateless shit called a web application dude. wtf ever. Suffer. nickr ( left #gnuenterprise. and the fact that half the time it times out or goes to wrong place nickr: i suppose i could use lynx but lynx is a horrid interface as well :( if i could do something like you've chased him away guess my idiocy frustrated him too much Action: derek finds it funny that having to run a webbrowser should be a requirement to filing bugs yeah you could just use querybts btw: now reportbug isnt segfaulting querybts is a nice, simple command line app that lists bugs for a package reportbug worked and bug is now submitted what package? jbailey (~jbailey@ joined #gnuenterprise. hello jbailey Heya Andrew. I got my first bug on designer, and it's packaging bug. *sigh* I wish there was a way to autodetect the python dependancies for the modules like there is for libraries. yeah Hmm. It would be Yet Another Thing on my todo list, But to hack python to include a --trace feature. So then you run the python compiler over your code, and it should know from that which other files got called in. For there, the rest of the shlibdeps calculation is easy. It's just the emulation of objdump / ldd that's hard. hmm not hard to wrap the import statement to track what is included Hmm. chillywilly ( joined #gnuenterprise. Are they always done trhough 'import' statmements? hello chillywilly If that's the case then it should be easy enough to run over everything with awk. =) Hey Dan. jbailey: or the equivalent __import__ hello how's it going fellas? jbailey: in our code grep for import since you can pass a variable :) or dor dyn_import dyn_import is cool jcater: Well, it would be nice to write the module generically for all python code. jcater: That way it could be submitted upstream and I wouldn't have to maintain it. =) (upstream, like to debhelper) ah yeah, dyn_import works ok Most of my bugs so far have been forgotten modules (wxgtk2.[23], xml, etc) yeah evolution works now apt-get upgrade fixed it libgtkhtml20 was problem evolution sucks ;) yeah... sucks resources :) give me text email or give me death! pine rules! :) chillywilly: i cant find good free text mail client Action: derek likes pine a lot mutt but it isnt free mutt is better than pine, imho and mutt, well its ui leaves a lot to be desired i would like it if i took time to get used to it but i have to support evolution so its good to eat own dog food who uses evolution? erm, that you have to support it johannes_ ( left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) at work? wife johannes_ ( joined #gnuenterprise. hrrrm I still don't see what is so great about it? is it the calendaring cause I sue as hell could do without html email er, sure most html email I get is spam chillywilly: honestly whats great about it, is it looks like outlook I use evolution. =) this made the transistion for my wife seamless but I think I got ridiculed for that already a few days ago. i know its silly but when you support other people sometimes transition pain is far greater than ANYTHING else ask jamest :) yea, well it took me a while to get used to emacs too and why he has desktops that still have word perfect like 3.0 ;) so I can relate I had to try it several times er to switch that is I'm happy that my life is mostly emacs-free now. I started my quest to eliminate it about 6 months back. And now I only use it when I'm programming on other machines (so that I can't get an X session of anjuta up) anjuta? Action: derek would ike to break my emacs fetish except for remote machine file editing i.e. no X derek: what's wrong with cat > filename? why do yo want to get rid of emacs? works on most machines derek: Anjuta is a gnome-based IDE. even works in some form under DOS It's got most of the major functions of emacs: CVS capabilities, Syntax Highlighting, run window, etc. chillywilly: emacs is a beast :) It's also threaded, so it's not pig slow. derek: naaaah Two feature that I really like it for: anjta has emacs key bindings? 1) The ability to colapse blocks - So that if it notices a braced section (or an indented section when you're in python mode), you can click a little '-' to make that section go away so you don't have to look at it. anyone have gtetrinet installed ans want to try to see if they can connect to my server? chillywilly: Yes. I use the gnome bindings, though - That was part of my irritation was having to remember which key bindings to use depending on which window I was in. 2) The ability to take a whole bunch of loaded files and save a "project", so when you want all those files open again, you just have to open the project. I think emacs will let me do that GNUe Designer's code editor does 1 :) (With 2 in the works) it can remember which buffers I have open, iirc jcater: sounds excellent so no one has gtetrinet installed? does it have emacs keybindings chillywilly: i have it installed try to connect to i won't give in to bunny like that ;) she's connected to it now so I dunno wtf her problem was chillywilly: spectator password? :) ummm, I'm not sure one is set ;) hmm I just compiled and ran the bugger and left the stock config it doesn't let me connect as spectator without one jcater: Is that the new 1.5 designer? ajmitch: no spectators! ;) bah I couldn't connect as spectator to bunny's server either Action: ajmitch closes gtetrinet 0.5 designer not quite 1.5 0.5, yeah. :) What you said. =) What are the plans for native UIs for designer? It didn't look like it had the UI broken out the way forms does. none afaik :) since you'd be duplicating too much functionality in each UI driver yeah, I'm somewhat tied to wx for designer I'd like to do UI independence but like ajmitch said it's not like forms so much would have to be rewritten for each gui you'd essentially need to write your own toolkit abstraction (like wx) No worries My end users don't have to see designer. =) And it wouldn't be so bad if it weren't... quirky. blame the coders blame the goats Yeah well. Since the amount of effort I'm willing to put into fixing wx is exactly 0. =) that's what I do... blame the goats somewhere between zero & nil? Exactly 0. I checked. =) i find it easier to blame chillywilly, actually zero means there is no quantity, while nil means there is nothing :-) Zaphod: How many guns are there in the cabinet? Ford: Did you *count* them? Zaphod: Twice! yes plz blame chillywilly ok it was chillywilly's fault I blame the old andrews from NZ it's their fault even Designer (which wasn't even started yet) yup yea, it's all their fault those guys were crazy jcater: I'm just looking at your designer screen shot - It looks like almost a straight ripoff of parts of anjuta. =0 That means I'll probably like it. =) all the tool panels are repositionably or, can even be made free floating that's just my particular arrangement Action: jcater has never used anjuta MDI? :) That's what it looks like. sounds kind of like eclipse perspectives no, it's GNUe Designer I find that really handy because with the dual monitor setup at work, I put all the auxillary panels off to one side, and maximize my coding window. :) I know, but it seems similar to eclipse let's see I've heard, i need another monitor for that :) 1. It's almost like Delphi 4+ 2. It's like anjunda 3. It's like Eclipse um Action: jcater has heard others but I forget them :) they're all the same :) 4. it's like cat > file it's emacs! jcater: i was trying to use custom login, have couple of questions i took example in 0005.txt technote results = cursor.execute ( 'select 1 from users where username=%s and password=%s', (loginData['_username'], loginData['_password']) ) if not results.fetchone(): results.fetchone() does not work here while cursor.fetchone() does rdean ( left irc: "Client Exiting" ok is it required to return loginData? I believe so how would you suggest to save user name he authenticated with to use it later from trigger? something additional to loginData? ok, that my correction was not wrong ra3vat_: the example could very well be incorrect that was an example of how it might be done not an actual cut-n-paste from working code if the example is wrong, though, we should fix please correct that with results.fetchone() ok and does [common] block implemented in gnue.conf? as it referred to put ImportPath there right I'm gone. C'yall tommorow or something. dsmith ( joined #gnuenterprise. jbailey (~jbailey@ left irc: "Client Exiting" i was only able to use ImportPath from [forms] section with these small correction example would be very helpful jcater: what about saving authentication name? put something like loginData['authname']? fixe ( joined #gnuenterprise. ra3vat_: the idea is to add a getAuthenticatedUser() call to the trigger namespace siesel ( left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) siesel ( joined #gnuenterprise. jcater: can you add just a stub for that where it belongs? ra3vat_: I'm adding the actual function right now Action: ra3vat_ is preparing his editor again ra3vat_: are you using 0.4.x branch, or cvs head? branch ok, let be backport to 0.4.x and it'll be ready it'll be form.getAuthenticatedUser() ok, give it a shot it works in 0.5 and I backported to 0.4.2 bbiaf siesel ( left irc: "Client Exiting" bbiaf = be back immediately after feasting (jcater style) close enough :) # Ask the UI to prompt for our login data loginData.update(self._loginHandler.getLogin( [connection_name, self.getConnectionParameter(connection_name,'comment',''), dataObject.getLoginFields()], errortext)) why in this code you do not use authenticator.getLoginFields(dataObject.getLoginFields())? fixe ( left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) dsmith ( left irc: "later.." jcater: thanks fixe ( joined #gnuenterprise. Nick change: Sacha_sleep -> SachaS Action: derek is away: movies fixe ( left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) Action: derek is back (gone 00:15:31) mdean ( joined #gnuenterprise. hi mdean derek! sup? trying to get gnome2 working on debian doh! easy enough apt-get remove gnome2 tard derek: are you running sid? apt-get install gnome doesn't work? chillywilly: yeah looks as though jbailey had the answer debfoster -u gnome chillywilly: i did apt-get upgrade this morning no gnome2 debfoster -u gnome does show all new gnome stuff what's debfoster? i think its a flag thing the packger says use apt-get install -t expiremental gnome to get get it to install hmmm testing? cause all the gnome 2 stuff is available in sid Packers clinched the division today a packager to upgrade only what you want and install only what you want im in sid ok and apt-get install gnome also gives me same packages as debfoster -u gnome Action: derek must not have had 'gnome' installed before ;() Action: derek is specifically trying to get gdm2 installed as it looks pretty slick well i hit 'Y' let the hell begine I don't think that's packaged gdm2 that is woooo I'll hold your hand ;) if the antialiased fonts are nice enough i think i will drop fluxbox and go back to gnome i think woooo one sec as im really starting to use wifes computer a LOT because the frelling fonts are so clean hmmm, I wonder where the heck the snapshot thingy puts stuff my understanding is that xfree 4.2 supports antialiased fonts natively regardless of window manager ja, but the toolkits still have to use that support ;) you anus? jcater: its my understanding that xf4.2 sucks crap it may not be turned on or installed that way in debian, though... not sure (compatability thing possibly) as opposed to gnome? as is evidenced by ever upgrade breaking at least ONE of my machines xf4.2 works fine here chillywilly: it works 'kind of' hmmm just dont try to switch vt's or pipe a laptop to a tv and see on laptop and another monitor and such crazymike b0rked his box again :P he's good at that it reminds me a lot of programmers fast, efficient, easy to use, stable pick any 2 sometimes you just have to massage gny/linux to get it t do what you want :( er, gnu it can drive me nucking futs i dont massage any gnu gnuts uh neither do I you sick bastard hmmm, try this me purty fonts chillywilly: you get nautilus2 to work yea works fine that's what is drawing the desktop well i think im too scared to upgrade wife pc will tryh to damage my laptop and see where i get weeee Action: derek thinks i should have wife on stable (but i was too dumb) heheh i was going to say should have wife on woody, but that would be stating the obvious (pun intended) hmmm, I bet crazymike's server is down now...he said he was moving HD around and now can't get it to connect to the net....but I wonder if he realizes the ethernet device might be different now derek: lol what a knucklehead chillywilly: dont leave until i get gnome2 working :) its downloading now I won't gah, I am so sick of galeon being so buggy lately all it ever does is want to crash I wish there was galeon 2 debs somewhere...maybe there is dood galeon has sucked bad lately yea it is a buggy mofo and wife is not happy me either i would put here on konq but it cant do anythign any of her websites want to do :( I can't use it for sheeeot I use moz when galeon bites the dust i am actually really growing fond of dillo it suffers konq disease of not being effective on a lot of sites though wow that's easy to misread rofl has anyone tried 'phoenix' the browser nope heard of it, but never tried i thtink it might do what dillo aimed to only hitting more functionality from what I here fwiw: dillo is great for reading html documentation it will be a lot like you are describing konq to be at this point and news websites like slashdot as it loads instantly and renders fast jcater: konq could be better than i say when I tried it it was in crummy state and was more of a toy its been a while it used to have fits with java script and flash or java never worked right konq 3.0 is vastly different than 2.2 i think those things have been mostly resolved it works on almost all my sites with the notable exception of my banks which I have to use moz for :( im not bagging on kde i really am impressed i have konq 3.0.4 i dont do any browsing with it hey I just learned there's a galeon-snapshot package in sid but i do use it as a filemanager I do all my browsing with konq with the exception of my bank because it's so darn fast relatively speaking Action: jcater expects a lot from 3.1 jcater: so i can tell im trying some stuff if 2.2 -> 3.0 was any indication staring with online banking grr 500 internal server error ias: java.lang.NullPointerException most odd well, must run wife wants to go to movie entering site crashes it er locks it so definitely not usable to wifey :( dude Action: derek was excited for a minute put wifey on mozilla which movie? and forget about it hmmm she suffers with galeon fwiw, pillar loads fine w/me even with their damn popup the flash portion? rofl thte popup loaded Action: chillywilly is going to try galeon-snapshot but not the flash ah do you have flash for mozlla installed? they are nice enough to only use flash on the intro (and allow you to skip it) yeah flash for galeon works fine flash for moz you mean which is non-free :( Go to Settings | Configure Konq | Netscape Plugins and scan for new plugins stupid flash I hate flash I went so long without installing flash in linux as it pissed me off and I wrote every website I needed to use and bitched, bitched, bitched never got an acknowledgment from any of them yeah me too me either might be an exception ;) I finally gave up and rape my system by installing flash you know the site that forced me to do it derek: Harry Potter 2 er, if that site is still running... jcater: worse 'trading spaces' derek: no, you asked what movie that's the answer :) ajmitch's box is slow wife told me if she couldnt get on there to see something she wanted windows back (i got flash working real quick) ah its good or so my kids told me harry potter2 ashley didnt like the spider though harry potter is the devil! ;) bah Action: chillywilly says that with his best new orleans accent the devil? lol water boy reference "But momma, he ain't tha devil" chillywilly: you are just jealous cause he can call his gal a witch, and not get trout slapped. dennisk ( joined #gnuenterprise. derek: yea... what is metacity? the new WM for gnome a new windows manager ah Havoc wrote it they ditching sawfish just what the world needs :) another WM you can use either but metactiy is the offical and defualt, afaik official default typing sucks I need speech recognition Damn you computer. If you don't move the file, I WILL trout slap you! computer moves the file well having a keyboard that I don't have to beat on to get it to print letters might help too Action: derek thinks of chillys room and thinks crime novel where they find the killer and he has some gross fetish that emits eeriness in his dwelling i.e. CSI shows up at chillys house to a fishy smell they kick the door down only to find half rotted trout laying all about now those gill slicings on the victims face make sense... a fatal trout slapping Action: jcater is away: movie I should watch that CSI show one of these days... everyone is so gaga over it man he leaves for harry potter instead of watching CSI : Milwaukee [ Something Fishy This Way Comes ] HEH bah, I have to update to get the galeon snapshot omg ppl pan handling over the web sorry chillywilly looks liek the ratings are down, we are gonna have to put you on hiatus fun a story on the local news here rdean ( joined #gnuenterprise. dennisk ( left irc: "using sirc version 2.211+KSIRC/1.1" Setting up file-roller (2.0.4-1) ... xmlNanoHTTPConnectHost: Failed to resolve host '' - Non-authoritive host not found or server failure. gah, that's so lame you can ignore it for the most part i hit ctrl-c to bypass it for now I thought they fixed that stupidness gnome-control-center might be hanging though you should let it run they try to dl some DTD from that url although I swear it was changed now to use the DTDs on your HD Setting up gnome-control-center (2.0.3-2) ... its just sitting on that for a long time no harddrive action or anything oooh, I got galeon 1.3 now it uses purty gtk2 it will take a while unfortunately can you ping the oasis site oh I know what my problem was I had a crappy thing turn on in my kernel with the netfilter stuff so i couldn't reach that site something about congestion control flag you cold turn it off ajmitch pointed it out to me fixe ( joined #gnuenterprise. i control c'd tis arse and will come back well if you ech 1 to the proper file you might then be able to reach that site and dl the DTD er, echo lemme look in /proc.... Errors were encountered while processing: file-roller gnome-control-center gnome E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1) latitude:/etc/X11# but at least the rest installed jamest ( left irc: "[x]chat" if it will time out and fix itself thats fine i will go potty and get some munchies while i wait try to ping once er, or telnet to port 80 im trying to install just those 3 packages now or use wget gack my term looks different :) must be a gtk2 one :) ok its pinging away now what Setting up file-roller (2.0.4-1) . is still hung try telnet 80 once if it don't work you probably have that stpid flag turned on like I did some sites firewalls are lame Action: derek thinks it doesnt seem to work it was a thing in /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ cd into there and try er wait dneighbo@latitude:~$ telnet 80 Trying Connected to Escape character is '^]'. ls *ecn* explicit congestion notification or something er cat /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_ecn should be 0 if not then echo "0" > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_ecn hmmm that doesn't make sense then but if you wait long enogh those packages will install they will just take forever and a day it already is 0 yea and you can connect I dunno yummy Action: derek forages for food it's lame that the packages do that, imho perhaps you can install the proper dtd with apt-get or just wait...and wait... :( derek: if you get gnome 2 working you should install galeon-snapshot it's a lot more stable, imho <-- purty galeon :) ok all gnome packages installed now what :) Action: derek still woudl really like gdm2 do you run gdm? I just use gdm and login er, well when first loggin in I usually levae myself logged in ;) apt-get install gdm you can probably compile gdm2 I haven't tried it ok i found it somewhere :) gdm2 deb? where? gack poor aj Err ./ Packages Something wicked happened resolving '' (-3) 84% [Connecting to] something has happened to him :) er something wicked Action: chillywilly is watching the Packers show er, on the news chillywilly: i will give you deb lines if i can get it to work ok hmmm seems his entries are bad er but the sources.list doesnt work :( the deb lives here he has some other interesting sources.list that might be worth exploring though :) okey dokey are you using gnome 2 yet? derek ( left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) fixe ( left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) cool xchat2 derek ( joined #gnuenterprise. chillywilly: help gdm2 fired up went well gnome2 not so great it asked if i wanted to 'convert' and against my better judgement i said yes where'd yo get the deb from again? it converted and all panels were gnoe and such it uses a diff config er, it should anyway and said if you dont see panels your upgrade failed click 'keep' to keep or cancel to logout and login with default gnome i clicked 'cancel' and it 'hung' you should've mv'd .gnome now if i come in i get fluxbox windows manager and fscked up panels i deleted all .gnome and .gnome2 dirs and restarted and it still frelled up any hints on how i can make it think i installed gnome for first time? short of uninstsalling ngome and reinstalling it? hmmm trying something else derek ( left irc: Client Quit remove some other dirs bah he's gone rm -r .gnome* derek ( joined #gnuenterprise. any luck? I was going to suggest rm -r .gnome* stupid question where is the gdm2 deb? sigh gnome2 is spawn of satan it uses gconf for everything i.e. registry hell here we come Action: derek sobs and now admits gnome is doomed chillywilly: any thoughts? i.e. can i blow away my registe^H^H^H"^H gconf keys and have any chance well i did that and no dice hell i cant even figure out hwo to change the window manager short of editing the registry chillywilly: have no idea its in my back log er look in the log my back log is gone eh ummm #gnome on is VERY helpful and yes gconf is lame I'm asking for help ;) derek ( left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) derek ( joined #gnuenterprise. hey hmm was told to delete .gconf as well and that was no help they said rm -r .gnome* rm -r .gconf well i did that blah and run and it didnt prompt me for much oaf-slay and bonobo-slay anything else before i leave and come back btw: how the hell do you change window managers well you remove one and install the other Action: derek sees some appeal to gnome 2, but frankly the usability went WAY down hill unless you think like a mac person er, no chillywilly: wtf? there's a thing to do in the config i shoudl be able to have more than one installed it can I fucked up if i edit registery i can change it read what I type plz ;) but that seems sucky you can use nautilus and go to the desktop prefs well im going to go delete dirs again and slay bad ideas (bonobo and oaf) or the menu then i will be back where on the menu hmmm, I am trying to find it i dont see desktop prefs in nautilus you go to preferences:// it's in the top level of the menu too derek ( left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) lemme ask these ppl I always forget this crap sawfish sucks anyway ;) go metacity! derek ( joined #gnuenterprise. sigh for the record that didtn work you find out how to change window managers yet? not yet I dun remember Action: derek thinks gnome2 is well so far disappointing, but gdm2 seems cool gnome2 is cool I just can't fsking remember I suck sawfish sucks anyway ;) use metacity! ;) i would love to use metacity oooooh but you cant seem to tell me how to change metacity is sINSTALLED alright sorry rip sawfish out once rn metacity and save the session that's a hack ;) Action: derek really doesnt understand why this should be such a bitch cause my memory sucks I can;t help that you miss the point I've only changed it once something that critical/basic shouldnt need to be so damn hard to do can you ask in #gnome it's no harder than frelling winders in trying to remember where some shit is I've has same issues im not comparing it to windows like where the hell in the stpid control panel something is im comparing it to gnome 1.4's a new interface it takes some time to find some shit...they've dmbed it down instead of bombarding with options not sure if I liek that or not probably not ;) sigh that was windows PROBLEM you couldnt find shit yep :( ok /usr/bin/metacity exists right im editing the frerlling registry and crossing my fingers I am trying to remember if it was something stupid like use gconf-editor which is LAME brb keep looking if you could nah I don't think it was that bad derek ( left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) derek ( joined #gnuenterprise. sigh its just evil Action: derek feels like im fighting the windows registry i change the value restart gnome and the old value comes back killlall -9 sawfish ; sleep 1 ; metacity & this was told to me what setting? wm setting? wow im glad to see this is so user friendly btw: the command you gave me likely wont work btw: thats fscking retarded vis a vis usability to have to issue insanity command line to change a session Action: derek is totally amazed --- Mon Dec 2 2002