chillywilly ( left irc: "Free Your Enterprise! -" chillywilly ( joined #gnuenterprise. jamest ( left irc: "[x]chat" yo RedHat made a profit wooo and in THIS economy that's pretty cool jbailey (~jbailey@ left irc: "Client Exiting" night chillywilly ( left irc: "Free Your Enterprise! -" heh reinhard ( joined #gnuenterprise. halo good morning psu (psu@ joined #gnuenterprise. morning psu btami ( joined #gnuenterprise. good morning hi all howdy btami Has anyone been giving the 0.5.0 prereleases a good bashing? esp. the Forms convertor to get your gfds from 0.4.x to 0.5.x format Action: psu can imagine major grief if we don;t catch any problems with that before we release I know jcater and jamest have tried it extensively with their own forms hi all but there's nothing like putting things in the hands of users to uncover bugs you never even would have thought of testing for... psu: i converted few of my forms succesfully IIRC, it's quite a comprehensive conversion script even makes a reasonable job of simple code triggers Weird & wacky triggers, well, you;re on your own with those ;-) the only thing when manual changes were needed - ON-SWITCH trigger or may be even that i did before conversion Action: jcater is away: Um, I'm not here Action: jcater is back (gone 00:00:24) jcater ( left irc: psu (psu@ left #gnuenterprise. johannes_ ( joined #gnuenterprise. btami: you here? yes :) ra3vat: ? has interbase driver included in binary build? yes are you trying firebird? i started to play under win if you want to use interbase/firebird i'm suggesting to wisit too but i also have a friend in moscow who would use oracle and interbase He is on the binary installation for now s/Wisit/visit that's why I'm asking ok alex_k (~alex@ joined #gnuenterprise. btami: it is him - alex_k :) heh theres an alan_k too! btami ( left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) i got a problem trying to connect to interbase using kinterbasdb driver -901 Unable to determine field precision from system tables: Attempt to execute an unprepered dynamic SQL statement.. jamest ( joined #gnuenterprise. btami ( joined #gnuenterprise. btami: wb i got a problem trying to connect to interbase using kinterbasdb driver -901 Unable to determine field precision from system tables: Attempt to execute an unprepered dynamic SQL statement.. huh does introspection work "works for me" and so wizard in designer yes ok but not in head yet he has released build yes is the table working with ibaccess good what is the schema seems so may be employee demo what table s/what/which it's employee demo table country wait a min, i'm trying... no error here i made a country.gfd with designer's wizard then run it without any error with 0.4.3 exe's and firebird 1.0 which versions you use ? reinhard ( left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) ? reinhard ( joined #gnuenterprise. jamest: may i ask you some little bugfixing i'll sure try? s/?// in designer schema/ correct line 36-37 to: from gnue.designer.ToolPanel import * head or 0.4.x from gnue.designer.GridCellEditors import * head in line 39 just uncomment it btami: you have a savannah account setup ? no i don't know btw. i'v got signed papers back from FSF yesterday um is this you Bajusz Tamás yes, it's me Action: jamest only knows people by their IRC handles :) then you have copyright assignment in i see you on the list oh, so what to do which means i will let you have cvs access you need to setup an account on jbailey (~jbailey@ joined #gnuenterprise. please tell me step-by-step what to do Ooo That's an invite. =) :) btami: 0.4.1 exe & interbase wi-v6 btami: step1: ask jbailey :) ok, go to :) :) on left is a new user via ssl setup your account ok (i'm going to have to do this from memory) you go to your user preferences and in there is a place to upload an ssh key jbailey: feel free to jump in if I'm wrong :) alex_k: i never tried this pair you upload a key which will be used for cvs access via ssh jamest: Y'know I've never actually done this. jamest: Folks with real accounts on savannah are handled completely outside of it. don't think me too stupid, but how can i know my ssh key(to upload) me too :) you have to create it with ssh-keygen thanks sure as for the 6 hour wait the last time i checked it was running the import on a 15 minute cycle btami: how's it going? sorry, real work is going now :( jamest: i'm ready with my account, i think what's next? you uploaded the key ? yes ok, i'll activate cvs username on savannah? btami you have been added you'll need to recheckout the code base via your username instead of anonymous thanks then you can test it my commiting your edits s/my/by i have to go home/pickup kids, thank again bye btami ( left irc: dsmith (~dsmith@ joined #gnuenterprise. jbailey (~jbailey@ left irc: "Client Exiting" Action: drochaid is back (gone 10:57:52) jcater ( joined #gnuenterprise. alex_k (~alex@ left irc: "Client Exiting" Action: derek is away: work derek ( left irc: Read error: 60 (Operation timed out) jbailey ( joined #gnuenterprise. jcater ( left irc: "other office" <-- jcater has quit ("other office") --- I wonder if that's the one with "Men" written on the door? ERr.. I've never met jcater. So for all I know it could be the one with "Women" written on it... rofl i don't think that'd be an easy mistake to make once you've met him Nick change: minddog -> minddog[out] Y'mean he's big, burly, and would rip me in two pieces if I implied it? ;) jbailey ( left irc: "Client Exiting" jbailey ( joined #gnuenterprise. hahaha Action: jbailey is away: lunch er, something like that derek ( joined #gnuenterprise. derek ( left #gnuenterprise ("Client Exiting"). derek ( joined #gnuenterprise. hi derek are the field types available in .gsd documented anywhere? I thought I remembered reading something but I'm not finding it.. n/m Action: jbailey is back (gone 00:52:37) dsmith (~dsmith@ left irc: "later.." morning afternoon ajmitch siesel ( joined #gnuenterprise. hi halo KeithJagrs (trilluser@ joined #gnuenterprise. KeithJagrs (trilluser@ left irc: "later" psu ( joined #gnuenterprise. btami ( joined #gnuenterprise. hi all jamest: you here? btami: how is cvs access? cvs [server aborted]: "commit" requires write access to the repository :( but i have to say, i'm on XP (at home) and trying with putty and wincvs ColeMarcus ( joined #gnuenterprise. maybe i'v missed something... btami: using ssh, rather than anoncvs? have you done fresh checkout? yes, putty with ssh no fresh checkout under linux CVS_RSH=ssh should be set you *have* to do a fresh checkout since each dir still has the anoncvs settings :) ajmitch: How's the gtk-on-windows? ok, i'm doing jbailey: haven't got windos setup yet ;) ajmitch, thanks :) ajmitch: *lol* jbailey: am going home to parents in a couple of days, will use their box to play with dsmith (~dsmith@ joined #gnuenterprise. gar jamest: you around? ;) matkor ( joined #gnuenterprise. psu ( left #gnuenterprise. Only for a few seconds heading out the door to catch LoTR gotta take in all that lush NZ countryside and wonder where they hid the sheep while filming :) looks like you missed me :) jamest ( left irc: "[x]chat" dsmith (~dsmith@ left irc: "later.." drochaid_ ( joined #gnuenterprise. drochaid ( left irc: Connection reset by peer chillywilly ( joined #gnuenterprise. hey hey any coffee drinkers here? I ran across this the other day matkor ( left irc: "Client Exiting" ColeMarcus ( left irc: reinhard ( left irc: "Anything is good and useful if it's made of chocolate" jbailey ( left irc: "Client Exiting" btami ( left irc: "l8r" revDeke ( joined #gnuenterprise. Vee2d2: or gnue/common/utils/xml2sql/schema.sxw in your local cvs will give you doc for GSD datatypes iirc hopefully that helps you some must run again if you need more info email and i will try to respond revDeke ( left irc: Client Quit siesel ( left irc: "night" well.. I was on the wrong path when I asked that earlier.. I thought I would setup some forms to manipulate my products table and started by hand writing the schema into .gsd files, but that's not necessary since my tables are already setup.. =) was also hoping to try .5 in this playing but with the wizards be broked so I figured I would use 4.1.99 and use the conversion script hello heh I got +q'd in #freenode for ctcping the channel I am however a little bonked on how to proceed here.. I have a couple tables I use as lookups when building a product code, a families table and mfgs table.. a finished product code will have 3 segments:, prod is insignificant without referencing the other 2.. when I first conceptualized this system I envisioned a form where I would select a family, select a mfg, input a mfg model #, the system would do a quick check rify there was not already an entry in the products table referencing the same family, mfg, and model#. if not then it would do something like select the max(prod#) from the table where our selected family and mfg matched, then increment that value as our new prod# else it would be '1'.. CTCP GOATS!: goats! goats! from chillywilly (chillywilly! to #gnuenterprise heh CTCP BEEEHEHEHEH: from Vee2d2 (Vee2d2! to #gnuenterprise :P Action: Vee2d2 chews on chillywilly's shoes CTCP RED_SUCKS_MAN!: from chillywilly (chillywilly! to #gnuenterprise CTCP APPSERVER_RULES: from chillywilly (chillywilly! to #gnuenterprise Action: Vee2d2 ponders chillywilly's color bias I'm not the one with the red fetish Action: chillywilly pokes derek in the eye hmmm, I think freenode staffers are power hungry crabby little biotches btw, those of you who don't trust paypal there's SendMoney(tm) that is backed by the USPS hmm.. really.. Action: Vee2d2 gets ready to boild some shrimp and do a peel and eat dinner Nick change: minddog[out] -> minddog revDeke ( joined #gnuenterprise. Vee2d2: you sure you dont want to use gnue-sb as what you are discussign is first thing on my todo list for gnue-sb i.e. smart number building of parts i.e. you have several categories (lookups) that you select and then key a number and it 'autobuilds' your part number so you pick manufacturer :foo product class: shocks product line: snazzy foo and then enter a number 133232 and it taks foo id which is 100, shocks id which is 223 and snazzy foo id which is 843 and your product number is 10022384313232 or whatever Action: revDeke hates to see duplication of effort if we are pretty similar we need to get assignment from you and get you some gnue-sb cvs access and put you to work :) Right, I remembered you mentioning that earlier in the week and your solution sounds perfectly reasonable. bbl xmas shopping revDeke ( left #gnuenterprise. kao jcater ( joined #gnuenterprise. jason yo yo yo what it be? word mmm.. shrimp good. hmmm... taco bell not good jamest ( joined #gnuenterprise. jamest ( left irc: Client Quit jcater: think outside the bun! Action: chillywilly almost said run for the border ;) Action: Vee2d2 ponders what sort of effect changing his current product code schema from a letter to number would have on his code jcater: I stumbled on your logos directory earlier.. those look nice thanks just toying around I also found the poem and the wife.deb package pretty funny.. =) yeah, well sometimes i have too much time on my hands not very often though :) hmm.. thinking about how derek intends to redo the items for gnue-sb.. I guess it might actually be possible to use an alpha character to key a category.. could it? well.. anything's possible, but if I understand him correctly he'll be using the serialized id of the category for that part of the finished number. I guess you would limit it's range to 999 and pad it? if not without delimiters the number would prove hard to decipher what do you like to do your gfx in? I am trying to use sodipodi these days but I historically have used Macromedia Freehand for vector it's coming along pretty good and QuarkXPress for page layout (no good free substitutes for Quark, though) they're working on a plugin system for it which should be pretty nifty I've never used any of the commercial offerings.. well, I have to professionally though I have corel9 or 10 somewhere that someone gave me.. but am trying to move away from those oh yea? hey ppl, read this once: ;) I take that back, I used corel 5 (I think) for a short while many years ago disclaimer: die hard data modelers may be offended section 7.1 is where he rips on data modelers sorta anyway, the important part is where he lays out 3 ways to map objects to a relational database and lists the pros and cons of each approach in Section 7.1 he sounds like the type of person he's attacking I see value in his ideas for mapping objects to relational and I had this thing just sitting there on my HD but I'd take section 7.1 w/a grain of salt and finally read it today well it is somewhat of an opinion section ;) I'm of the opinion a good coder can make objects work, relations work, or a combination work but objects won't make a bad coder good ;) sih I have to return videos now bbiaf cya I think I'll post the url to gnue-dev (or at least TRY to post it) brb chillywilly ( left irc: "Free Your Enterprise! -" chillywilly ( joined #gnuenterprise. rdean ( joined #gnuenterprise. re indeed Action: Mr_You has chickenpox :-( ahh that sucks how old are you? 29 in a few days. that can be pretty serious, you never got it in your youth? my mom said I got a minor case when I was very young.. Action: Vee2d2 still remembers when he did, at like 4 or 5.. she tried exposing me to it Action: chillywilly feels a bit tired I just vaguely remember feeling completely out of it and being covered in calamy (?) lotion for a few days.. =) calamine ;P well, maybe you'll be over it by your birthday. =) Action: chillywilly looks for a bootleg of the two towers chillywilly ( left irc: Remote closed the connection chillywilly ( joined #gnuenterprise. hopefully jbailey (~jbailey@ joined #gnuenterprise. wb jbailey tx Vee2d2 hi heya ajmitch Heya andrew. word aj sigh, i have to try & get the gtk2 driver working as good as possible as soon as possible currently the one in HEAD is broken I'm anxious to see it Action: drochaid_ is away: mar sin leibh an drasda Action: ajmitch will probably do something silly like work thru the night doing other work tho hey ajmitch brb chillywilly ( left irc: "Free Your Enterprise! -" --- Fri Dec 20 2002