Action: derek is back (gone 25:59:11) Action: derek is away: sleep jcater ( left irc: "Client Exiting" reinhard ( joined #gnuenterprise. wayneg ( joined #gnuenterprise. netgod ( joined #gnuenterprise. V_laptop ( left irc: Remote closed the connection reinhard_ ( joined #gnuenterprise. reinhard ( left irc: Read error: 111 (Connection refused) kid ( joined #gnuenterprise. morning @ everybody Nick change: reinhard_ -> reinhard good morning kid i think i now have an affordable unix-box but it will take some time to be delivered and probably more to get installed but it's incredible what you can buy for < 450 eur nevertheless it will take me some to get this running so I can't help much in the next days np you already helped much it was ok with the pyunit-test? this is what i want to extend in the next days, now that my machine in nearly ordered yes i got the idea of pyunit startup sequence is a little bit crude i still have to take a closer look but testing-code can be checked very easy however the mad goats have come back for new year's day... we have already our new year's supriese the flood is in our twon i was driving away the car at 4 am now we half 1/2 m water in the garden no way to leave the house on dry feed ouch at least it's slowly decreasig now nice experience to drive through 30cm water with a non-jeep this is scary as this xsl stuff is making sense now ;P hi reinhard, kid and anyone else who is still awake hi chillywilly or just got up? ;) u like xsl? it's kinda 'functional' i think it's one of the crudest ideas in the last years this is right but this is the only + for it I didn't say i like it, but I understand the xsl files that transform the gsd format in gnue/common/utils/xml2sql last i had to do that stuff i used jython and xerces I am thinking of writing an xsl file to go from godl to grpc a little more to types but readable at least for fun and profit or something ... ;) best would be: for fun AND profit yea, well...that profit part is the tricky part ;) only issue I see is where you don't want to export every interface in your godl file sheesh, you unsubscribe from some spam list and they just keep on sending you crap so, ordered my new machine now - doing something for it-industry by ordering ordering a bulk of out-dated parts hmmm? a new box to get linux or some bsd running gnu/linux ;) my two other machines are loaded with games for family (and quake for me) my company notebook has win2k ew ;P and i wanted to update my linux knowledge anyway maybe i should start with the hurd port of gnue gav ( joined #gnuenterprise. 450 euro for 60 gb hdd and 512 mb ram I believe ajmitch was attempting to get gnue running on the hurd is hurd installed "on top" of a running linux or on its own it runs on top of Mach a multi-server environment on top of Mach that emulates a POSIX-like system yes, technically, but if u install it as your machines os is it a self-complete os? yes it runs by itself ah it's not "feature" complete but you can get it up and running i just read some of the ideas and it sounded great #hurd is valuable resource here well Mach sucks ;) it is kinda slow this was also in the nextstep, wasn't it? but life mshould be better when the L4 port is done Mach? I dunno rumor has it MacOS X is running single server BSD on top of Mach when i remember correctly than macosx has its roots in nextstep yea...nextstep is objective C based env right? yes then we have GNUStep... is this the gcc version of objective C? GNUStep is Free nextstep-like clone afaik part of the GNU project they were going to eventually build a desktop env and be the official one...then Gnome came around and stole its thunder so some rival to hurd? nah or more the gui-part it's a app develop's platform and gui thing like Gnome ah but a nextstep clone...written in ObjC you dig? slowly as always I don't think they really do have a desktop env though just the development libs guess there's not much interest in ObjC afterstep wm uses GNUStep libs I think even now when they spoiled c++ with godzillion of features I like c++ i liked it until version 1.2 even heard the big master BS himself in munich strustroup? bjarne telling everybody not clever enough to follow his path to not be worth a C++ coder yes he's a bit arrogant? borland had organized a seminar at least he knows that he is more smart then average well, he did develop a programming language and its sometimes more or less background of his arguments but arrogance is unacceptable in my book no question, I admire his abilities ;) but I think that they went to far with C++ possibly anyway - goslin bashes C++ and thinks that he was more clever with java so some point other way round bah just use C# ;) heheh it was more easy for MS learning from the mistakes of java after 5 years and heilsberg is not that stupid too I don't think that this is about better C# or Java but about that MS had not forgotten to add more languages to .NET and this is a big mistake with the Java approach they should support jython what exactly is Jython python binding for Java? moment pls anyway, I was kidding abot C# although there is the DotGNU project ;) sorry, i have to take a break - family awaits me at breakfast table and yes: jython is python compiled to java-classes, with the possibility to use java classes back wb kid i think that C# has at least some preprocessor features i will never understand why they missed this in java but as i said: with the good xml-support in java-libraries and jython as a robust scripting language you have a good alternative to this cruel xsl at least imho chillywilly ( left irc: "Free Your Enterprise! -" reinhard ( left irc: "Don't believe in miracles -- rely on them" netgod ( left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) Remosi ( joined #gnuenterprise. hmm Action: Remosi ponders if anyone is awake Nick change: Remosi -> Isomer jamest ( joined #gnuenterprise. gav ( left irc: Read error: 113 (No route to host) gav ( joined #gnuenterprise. kid ( left irc: Read error: 60 (Operation timed out) reinhard ( joined #gnuenterprise. jcater ( joined #gnuenterprise. Action: Vee2d2 watches in amazment as the stargate like teleporter drops down huge donuts and pulls them back up revealing jcater dude that's not the teleporter pulling those donuts back gav ( left irc: "CU" ok then, what was it? =) kid ( joined #gnuenterprise. some1 here working with freebsd? jbailey ( joined #gnuenterprise. jcater ( left irc: "later" revDeke ( joined #gnuenterprise. yogurt2unge ( joined #gnuenterprise. Action: drochaid is back (gone 10:58:42) dsmith (~dsmith@ joined #gnuenterprise. jamest ( left irc: "[x]chat" I work with freebsd why? What? just for interest: i ordered a newbox and thinking whether to install linux or freebsd you have a question? Well, you can install Debian GNU/FreeBSD or Debian GNU/Linux without problems. =) there's a Debian GNU/FreeBSD? ;-) i read this somewhere but in this post it seemed to be unofficial I don't think so. ;-) Mr_You: Yup It's not a released arch yet, though but as far as i found the necessary things should be available with the normal freebsd at least i hope Not sure I see much point in it. ah thx Mr_You: If you want freebsd but (like I do) hate the ports tree concept. than this was probably an old post but ppl seemed not to be unhappy with the freebsd ports Also, with Debian you'll know that all of the config files are in the places you expect them to be in a Debian OS. kid: IMHO the ports tree is what really limited FreeBSD's deployment. last time i worked with linux was some 0.96 - so not much i'm used to now I would rather see someone enable Debian within a FreeBSD Jail ;-) jbailey: but why not just run Debian? ;-) and I hoped that i found a "small" system where I know what happens Mr_You: I don't understand your question. You would be running Debian. Action: revDeke doesnt see much how many people can used a 'compiled' system except for rare cases it leaves SO many variables its hard to assure 'sanity' jbailey: what is so important that you run the FreeBSD kernel? Mr_You: The firewalling kicks ass. jbailey: you don't get any benefits from apt-get well I imagine thats debatable. as essentially a locally compiled kernel/package makes you the only person on the planet using it which for 'corporate' type support is a headache Mr_You: What do you mean by no advantages with apt-get? not saying i dont see any value but its limited jbailey: I guess you could run all the apt-getable binaries in linux compatible mode.. *shrug* Mr_You: Your statement doesn't make sense. Why would you do that? The binaries are all freebsd native binaries. from where? so as i feared: there is no simple answer to my simple question: what is to be installed on my nice new box using apt-get? Mr_You: Yes, using apt-get. That's the nature of the Debian port. kid: you never asked the question :-P so what do you plan to use it for? jbailey: and where are these apt-getable binaries coming from? Mr_You: The freebsd Debian buildd. 1. re-enlarge my *ix knowledge you are telling me someone has ported all of them to freebsd kernel? ;-) yow 2. have a better chance to contribute to gnue which is not easy with win2k Mr_You: Yes. Same as happens with the hurd-i386 buildd, same as with the linux ports for sparc, sh, s390, m68k, etc... Mr_You: Debian is not necessarily Linux. 3. spend some momney for it industry kid: in short: install debian woody jbailey: I know, I just don't see any benefit.. freebsd is really easy to config kid: in precise: install debian gnu/linux woody ;-) this was an eays answer Mr_You: I told you why I'd use it on my FreeBSD systems. Because my router shouldn't have a compiler installed on it. so just rm it. for this gnu/linux i found something: But then how do you update your ports tree after? if you are already running FreeBSD it wouldn't be an "upgrade".. scary actually.. jbailey: why would a router need a ports tree? Mr_You: proxy server, ssh. jbailey: you could install the binaries. Mr_You: From where? I thought FreeBSD didnt' provide binaries. I dunno.. I see it as a hack, not a production tool.. jbailey: packages. reinhard: because of the supported programs / hardware / packaging system ? you can install them from the sysinstall menu or pkg_add Mr_You: Interesting. I didn't know FreeBSD was now providing binary packages. been that way for years.. kid: two resons In the past I rarely used ports and just used the packages. Cool. Every *BSD box I've been on does the whole ports tree thing. I really hate it though. a) is a very philosophical reason (freedom, ethics, value of the GPL etc.) Anyhow. They're definetly aiming for Production stuff. b) is a very practical reason: i found it to always have been the easiest way to do what most others do Action: Mr_You values more freedom from BSD. ;-) i.e. for example oh Freedom. most people here use debian, so you are very likely to get help if you have a problem with debian happens to me all the time btw :) I had the impression that linux now is veeery big and cluttered with all these distributions yeah where freebsd seems to be concentrated with just one source base that's why debian is the distribution to choose when selecting gnu/linux Linux is a kernel.. all the distros are the userland and configurations. you can have a running debian system with < 100 MB it's not the bare size of the system i just like to know what happens an runs on my machine - even for the price to write a config manually probably everything is too big today for this approach My base Debian GNU/Linux install is like 35 megs. I can safely say that I understand almost all of the pieces of it. not sure what you mean with "like to know what happens and runs on my machine" what about a dual boot - just to postpone the decision : someone tried this? if you want experience in both OSs if you say you want to understand all the code that runs at any time i would say this is not really possible but if you just want to do GNUe dev, just pick Debian. if you say you want to understand the general function of all processes you can have that with debian we have a redhat at work and all this package installation doesn't give you a feeling what happens this is what i MUST see when i edit config manually yes i understand that i had suse earlier this is what i mean with "seeing what happens" before i was converted to debian You probably want Linux From Scratch then. ;-) just make code from source. to "see what happens" heh compile code from source that is. seems that no one does this - so probably not a smart decesion sorry i have to leave for some time - eat for me does what? thx for the hints anyway Just go ahead and write your own multitasking multiuser os! Worked for me all the times. -- Linus Torvalds ;-) I hear that argument (I want to have complete control of my system, down to the finest of details, etc..) from a couple people still bent on using slackware, but I still say there's way too much overhead in maintaining such systems to make them worthwhile, and more often they're pretty out of date when compared to systems like debian IMO, a package system is a requirement of a modern OS. and normally theres not a lot of behind the scenes magic except for dependency checking. Vee2d2: They're useful to a point, though. That' how I learned how I know about glibc and the Hurd. By breaking it over and over again... I cut my teeth on slackware.. but that was a long time ago and at the time, it was the main dist.. =) Action: Vee2d2 lights the grill and gets a steak ready mmmhhh chillywilly ( joined #gnuenterprise. back again - sorry again for this unpolite leaving of the self-startet discussion just to make it clear: I don't want to be the big guru maintaining its own system - i just don't like the idea to NOT know *ix but to know e.g. redhat x.y or suse a.b so this is why i like at least on start to work on a non-tool level with a new system as far as possible and from the stuff i read to today freebsd seemed a little be more apted for this small wish hi kid hi chillywilly what are you going on about? just uncautiously started a discussion about best unix for my new machine Debian GNU/Linux of course :) i was thinking about installing freebsd instead of linux why? ah - i have to repeat you'll learn *nix all the same whichever way you go to make it short at least as long as i start i like to see what is running and where i have to change something that it runs and i think that is not so easy to be seen with the different distribution tools and this is for sure the reason of their existence but it seems that this point finds not many friends kid: to make this discuss a perfect one, you should also ask whether to use vi or emacs ;-) Debian is pretty low level in that regard this is easy for me i use emacs since 198x even on os/2 and win2k so this decision was done decades ago hmmm what about kde vs. gnome? don't know enough of these GPL vs. MIT? pgp vs. gpg? Gnome, GPL! ;) gpg! i stopped with bare-bone x-manager and motif there's so many flame wars... ;-) seriously i think i understand what you are after i think i have to go back: just install win98, add 3d-card and install quake also on my new machine this is where i have no daoubt: best 1st person shooter ever and i must say that i learned a _lot_ about unix internals since i switched to debian at least i know that i'm bad on fast decisions and added a 60 gb drive lol so this is an argument but i never tried freebsd and you think that it does not as much as suse, redhat and these well just to give you an example not that i think it means a lot the default /etc/profile in debian woody is 16 lines the default /etc/profile in suse 6.4 (old one actually) is 304 lines this is exactly what i meaned debian somehow has the strategy of installing all programs more or less as provided by the author Debian is great for learning the nitty gritty, imho suse sets tons of automatic options, has lots of changes in all kinds of config files and does 100's of automatisms RedHat is just a PITA to maintain and Mandrake is too GUI admin happy or can do LFS (Linux From Scrath) ;) sorry phone Scratch w/ a default debian install, you have 4 open ports (IIRC) one thing for chillywilly w/ a default suse install, you have about 20 open ports gentoo be a really snake ;) yea, or gentoo the BSDs are dying anyway ;) reinhard: Debian's default inetd config sucks. Action: chillywilly hides Action: revDeke is against any system that compiles everything from scratch for production work against? Like leaning against? yeah against ms supports bsd for rotor and not linux opposed to pushing against? =) Action: chillywilly smacks derek about macosx is bsd kid: yes, i agree that there are linux systems that don't use GNU kid: that's exactly why I use GNU/Linux for all the others to distinguish them :-) much to much the hacker mentality just asking for maintenance nightmares in my opionon im not against bsd im against compiling a system from scratch however i don't want to get into the next flamewar :-) yes you do yo lve this stuff er, you love ;P i understand compiling specific applications for specific reasons Action: chillywilly compiles gtk2 version of gtetrinet right now =) but it seems silly to compile a whole system from scratch in a production environnment except for the most specific cases Action: jbailey is away: food i.e. i think its GREAT that its an option, but at work i would never advocate it revDeke: you learn a lot if you do it from scratch that's the point i agree to pplunge straight in i said and will say again, i woudlnt do it for 'production' machines but maybe he doesn't want to be that extreme ;) maybe it is best to stick your toes in the water first that doesnt mean there isnt value in it if i had a faster machine at home i would try gentoo just to play aroudn and learn more I would try it to if I had the HD space...but I don't er, too oh well revDeke: :) gtk2 version man make world (compiling everything) actually doesn't take too long with freebsd.. compiles all standard freebsd tree nothing wrong with freebsd...I think jcater started with the bsds didn't he? I'm just saying compiling all of userland is not as big a deal as it might seem. unless of course you had to do it for lots of machines ;-) not much point in that tho. you could just mount and make install if they were the same I see absolutely no big different in FreeBSD port vs. Gentoo Linux though difference er, ports blah is DCL themable? someone is asking in #dcl yes and no everything is themable when you mod the source ;-) Action: jbailey is back (gone 00:13:34) lupo ( joined #gnuenterprise. hu back again all ppl calling today: we're living in the center of the big flood in my hometown looked like venedig at 6 am this morning where do you come from? northern of bavaria/germany you're in a flood and you have power? yes anyone up for tetrinet...I need to test my gtk2 client ;) kid: sersn alder, wo genau? but street was under water for about 60cm yea...that's it ;) cellar is still full of water coborch alda oder: coburg du? hirschaid b. bamberg :) lustig 40 km small world experience :) funny no problems in bamberg? kid: none that i know of itzgrund full of water from coburg to bamberg okay one guy said its like north-sea currently drop your bottle message and i look whether it arrives they even have seagulls there hey, who messed with reports??? kid: what are you doing here? :) who said that bsd will die: ms supports it => i started some development w/ gnue during my christmas holiday and reinhard convinced me that i can only do some usefull stuff with a *ix box so until i have some i'm in this chat to get used to the topics and the like sometimes asking stupid questions kid: i see. same goes for me. kid: sometimes i even respond to stupid questions, so be careful. :-) where is your interest? i'm always careful i'm not a good project leader when it comes to software (after i had my 3 children) organizing parties, fine, but no software project management you or your wife? i have them too - for sure my wife gave them birth okay :) well, i'm here because i'm an excellent "mitläufer" and you would like to work on app-server or gui or which part i don't work precisely on something i comment on this or that look how development goes ask questions (which is sometimes really important) try to get familiar with using the gnue tools and actually use them then u are further then i i was only able to do something with the appserver test-programs you got appserver running? trying to catch the data model of app-server at least i could run the test programs even with win2k but it needs some manual work so i decided to afford a small new machine for development under unix clever decision i'm not at home during the week (in mannheim) so i need some machine, my notebook is from the company and has only win2k so no other way to start what a pity but hey, as long as it works and you can submit bug reports for win32 :) only other chance: to steal my wife/children one of our home-computers hehe i have to do development at home as well because my beloved f***ing university only provides 10 megs of space per user. lupo: 10 megs *is* an awful lot of essays/ at least u are still at university and can save your nerves during the day 30 hours/week and 50 new complex facts per day don't make life easier ... i always found it simpler to replicate that what you already know instead of learning something new except for the long holidays, i'd prefer to work lupo: tell that story to the gnue cvs jbailey: tell that story to the gnue cvs argh perhaps i should study something idiot-proof with 10 hours/week maths! :) you do this: uni-ba (wirtschafts)informatik? please don'T i still prefer biology for my taste, i know enough about computers, so i'm not that interested in computer sciences stupid and over-curios question: what is the connection between biology and an erp-system? lol it has to do with well i do some work for the FSF Europe ( probably would have been necessary for all these biotech cash-burners and working with these people, i learned that working together doesn't require leadership, but excellence sure, i'm not excellent, but trying to become it is more important that being a good leader (excellence includes vast knowledge) so i went where i thought i could help a bit that was GNUe and besides, i do some professional work (for real moneeeeeey) i have to design a custom ERP application within the next months i might have to write a customer relationship management and i like free software for which brache? branche kläranlagenbau um i know i guy working for this branche - but on the process-control part of the software chain was working with him onb some projects i think that's "purification plant construction business" yogurt2unge ( left irc: "Client Exiting" yes, i know one too. that's why i got the contract :) but your guy is not from freising? nope would have been too much randomness true if you have to beat dead some time, this is very funny (german only): is wuerzburg on your way from/to mannheim? yes - but i go by train oh what do you do there? working? sure Action: lupo is very intrusive today to expensive to go their just for fun i know what mannheim looks like and i would only go there if i was paid the "quadrate" only? yep it's not that bad but i see nearly nothing living in a small flat 50 m from the company i try to remember which high-tech companies are in mannheim abb, siemens, ... but you wont know mine (even after your next question) but - guessed right - it's software development what kind of software? btw, what has siemens got to do with high tech? *g* lol this would be a too good hint - not unrelated with erp stuff currently no application-development but system-development systems development? do you work together with the university? no we have some guys from "business academy" because they got quite a lot to do with systems devel BA students? yes INA? what's this a company in mannheim :) no just a random guess because they have a lot of IT engineers from the BA we also have some but i have only one (good) in my team he's now on his diploma thesis as they call it even if its now - compared to university standards old story yes - but new for me only knew university and fachhochschule before without being hypocritical, when i compare myself to our CS students in Wue, i wonder what the hell they are doing all day long and BA is supposed to be "below" a university degree CS? cs = computer science not counter strike! ah sure not - quake or nothing *g* these guys stumble over if's and while's how are they supposed to develop complex information systems? ts my background is also not cs - i'm process engineer, so i can't help you with this question btw: what kind of unix do you run? so, what's your interest in gnue, being a process engineer? i use debian gnu/linux 3.0 i have used the solaris shell, so that is my maximum "other unix" experience process engineer can consult/code for process-industry companies and they have/need erp systems it's really that simple jamest ( joined #gnuenterprise. jamest ( left irc: Client Quit what constitutes a "process-industry company"? i was especially in food, beverage, brewery process-industrie is "verfahrenstechnische industrie" - counterpart is "fertigungsindustrie/maschinenbau" okay so your customer is also process-industry even if one might say that they handle "stückgut" well, they have a pool of "modules" for each plant which can be combined together in a couple of ways but you are not in the process-control-part? nope sad the erp system comes from the other direction but i assume that computer-supported process control might get a topic in that company always this obsolete differtiation between technical and commercial software i agree then you can remember me and i can remember my old cod connections i see that there is no need to seperate them, but it's a question whether it is commercially viable i was working on integration of these parts for years before i startet my current job working as consultant/coder/integrator/deployer so i can write a book about this special topic but - what a pity - not about more intersésting topics what is more interesting, in your opinion? i like the integration part : this peace from process control to material management and production planning this is where i want to work again this is a big white spot in todays software tools some say they have solutions, some might really have, but i never found an affordable one in 6 years affordable at least for non nestle/unilever/... hm i might talk this customer into process control :) this means some money which you will miss for "your" part so first get this running i get a fixed amount, so it doesn't matter for me and then awake some interest about automatic data delivery from in-plant-control good idea :) yes, i even made this sometimes: beeing my own sales clerk u know whether it's ok to spoil this log here or shouldn't this be a private querry first of all, he knows how business works who? my customers customer, singular he's an open guy that's good, than they can pay you so i could even tell him about this conversation, because i know that sales talk doesn't work on him, and no matter which way i propose a process control system, he will evaluate it on the base of facts, not of buzzwords and happytalk BorgBaby ( joined #gnuenterprise. this is perfect, these guys like engineers so listen his words: you are paid to learn from him he is an engineer and got procurist only by accident :) thank you such advice helps a lot i had some customers that learned me more than 1 semester at university at least i started to code as a student so i didn't waste much time for lessons but learned something usefull my daily slogan: "do something useful instead of botany." i can subscribe this and i even had a perfect excusion: i had to earn money because i had the feed two children even as a student tough now the two girls are bigger then their mom i'm also bigger than my mom :) how old are they? the boy is 12, the girls 14 and 16 he, too young for me :) hopefully i wouldn't dare this is what i was trying to say i always have my shotgun loaded and can pick it up from dm6 nothing below 18, that's a question of honor and personal integrity btw, i love shotguns and leaves you the girl-students anyway i sometimes visit the psychology lectures, 85% female, that's what i call fun :) problem might be conversation with these special kind of ppl conversation can be learned :) i know - my wife is also much more in these "weak" sciences i think you can do some small talk with ppl and find out whether they are idiots within five minutes i think there are two good ways: 1) try to behave stupid for some time and learn as long as the other ppl underestimate you (best in groups) 2) be very hard and aggressive from start on, you learn more from ppl if they are under pressare (like mtbf computation) hm my tactics was "start with small talk, then raise the bar bit by bit" what height did we reach now? so you can see how clever they are / to which point, and how far conversation is possible and makes sense well, we've started with flooding, continued with ERP and talk about talking right now, whereas the latter is recursive and requires significant imagination so you get an AAA rating from me :) thx a lot this was the oberfranken-bonus somehow :) perhaps with siesel and reinhard, we could open up the dark lustenau-coburg-wuerzburg-cologne connection the dark side of the GNUe force anyone else here from southern germany? :) i would say that a have to add some useful addition before i would allow myself to feel part of this connection btw: you drive by car from hirschaid to WÜ? you could contribute nasty questions kid: yes kid: on work days, i've stayed at a friend's couch, but since december 1st, i have my own little flat but i still drive to/from hirschaid on weekends if you would drive by train we could met in train i always have BA-WÜ om on monday morning and friday night hm on friday, when does your train arrive from wue/mannheim? if everything is okay i'm about 8.30 pm in ba jbailey ( left #gnuenterprise ("Client Exiting"). but often i have delays and than it's about 1 hr later that's a little bit late for talking so i'm home most of the time after 11 pm yes, but with this small distance it should work out one day right you know weyermann malzfabrik in bamberg? yep that's on the other side of the rail station plus a couple of meters down the rails i was there for some "actions" among others for a process control system it's still running - '95 os/2 installation cool so also at "bamberger malzfabrik", was a LIMS there i could give you my phone number and you can call me when your train is on time ok that's 0171 700 31 48 but best i can offer is a 1 hr meeting at the station ok, thx on the other side of the station is a great pub, so we could go there better then the mcdonalds my personal schnitzel palace with the coolest bar keeper ever sounds good and one can still afford beer in oberfranken-pubs other than in rest of this country yep tip: never go to munich :) i lived near munich for 18 years so this is what i know for sure 3.90eur / 0.2 l of cola and unkind/arrogant ppl everywhere never liked to be oberbayer "and unkind/arrogant ppl everywhere" --> okay, you've really been there :) u ever visited coburg? i was twice or so in coburg, visiting the theatre. but i didn't have much chance to see more than the central bus station :) you should spend more time for sure bamberg is a very high standard but coburg is also very nice in its best places pl yes why not ppl are a little bit funny there not exactly funny - "eigenbrötlerisch" siesel ( joined #gnuenterprise. siesel: cologne on line! living with 3 borders around for so many years Hi lupo kid: 3 borders? hi all siesel: good new year look at an old map: ddr was in east/west/north we could only go to bamberg lupo: good new year to you too Howdy people. What do you guys know about ActivePython? Does it let you do windozey things like ActivePerl does? kid: let me look, i have an old map around here yes, do i'll remember always kid: right. looks like tettau or hünfeld. coburg is on the "buckel" westwards from tettau i see my father driving with us to the border showing the "klassenfeind" were you in coburg when the iron curtain opened? no, living near munich then only on holiday at my parents a friend of mine was in neustadt (SPD member), and he said "what a world, you can't even rely on commies anymore" :-) ppl in coburg where among the 1st beeing not so happy with this what happened? i know the neustadt oberbürgermeister at this time biggest problem was with the visitors (i was six years old then) 100,000 ppl on 1 weekend uh in a 45,000 ppl town what have they done in CO/Neustadt? now it's the economy, no longer "zonenrandförderung" but "subvention" for thüringen they were buying empty the whole city mother of my wife is boss of a supermarket and they grabbed everything they could get? they changed whole portfolio at this time and bought each 3er BMW available with what money? this is insane they could change 1:1, this was some big present respecting the value their money had before whereas i bought an old citroen at the some vendor but mine was not owned by the bank ts i was in neustadt often as child for playing handball: they had *4* teams in our series these are the hardest ppl i know lol niederbayern suggest they are hard but they are wimps compared with NEC-ppl and they have a crude dialect niederbayern are wimps with a crude dialect, indeed but hey, i'm tolerant i even talk to oberpfälzer me too, just personal remarks their girls' accent is especially sweet oberpfälzer are also tricked by southern bavarians but they dont care so much wo die hasen hosen hasen und die hosen husen hasen perfect slang u ever tried hurd? and there are still ppl who claim that we didn't learn anything in primary school nope i seriously wanted to test-drive hurd it's only about this f*ing 24hrs/day problem but as long as there is no idiot-proof way of installing it, i won't try yep my former school comrades have proposed to create a 25-hours-day: 25 hours of work, -1 hour of sleep but if we could choose, than we should add more than one hr netgod ( joined #gnuenterprise. we could create the "variable work day" and also the "variable holi-day" work as long as you want, sleep as long as you want perhaps we could stretch the time-space continuum for that purpose and then go out and bash the mamoot mammoth and somebody said capitalism is bad... look, we'd even change time for this system! it would be ok for me if we start with something easier: beaming this would give me a few additional hrs per week you read science fiction? let's divide this job: i'll do that time thing, you can work on beaming currently not much but you like this genre? i prefer the apocalyptic ones john brunner ? lemme see, something from him is on my "got to read this" list this will be: morgenwelt shafe blicken auf schockwellenreiter but them on top of the list but don't read the 1st two if you are not in a stable condition shockwave rider indeed this is the most "optimistic" hey, hasn't he got something to do with A Clockwerk Orange? but the most apocalyptic experience is morgenwelt no, this was anthony burgess hm i found something on google which connected him to ACE "the bad thing about the web is that any idiot can put up a web page" then i don't know about this connection yes and i have the "clockwork orange" and i'm as sure as possible google tells me brunner is quite dystopian i don't mind is he crazier than 1984 and Brave New World combined? what's that`? dystopian is the contrary of utopian morgenwelt (stand on sansibar) had a very modern style i don't think this is right he choosed a few problems, separated them and extrapolated each single one of them stand on sansibar => overpopulation sheep look up => environment polution shock wave rider => surveillance by computers damn, if i hadn't to read this "introduction to physical chemistry" first for sure he had some bad book that he wrote just to earn money get "morgenwelt" this is an unforgetable experience what was that with "a stable condition"? at least was one for me but not a happy one so be prepared i'll read it in spring, when nothing can make my mind struggle this book is very pessimistic thats good at least one of it's common topics is about the possibilities that strong ppl have to change something so this is his - most burried - message so he spreads a bit of hope? not in morgenwelt and schafe blicken auf but in schockwellenreiter so should read this last as your gratification problem is that SF is most of the time translated badly to german same as for hard boiled crime writing so it's often worth to read in english my english is quite fluent, so i don't assume any problems this is good, then get it in english BorgBaby ( left irc: Killed (NickServ (Ghost: bb2! kid: frightening cover but good english authors have quite a vocabulary i only now the german one one sin of my youth: to read this in german :) one sin of my youth: to read marshal mcluhan's understanding media in german this i don't know mom # When Marshall McLuhan first coined the phrases "global village" and "the medium is the message" in 1964, no-one could have predicted today's information-dependent planet. No-one, that is, except for a handful of science fiction writers and Marshall McLuhan. This work was written 20 years before the PC revolution and 30 years before the rise of the Internet. Yet McLuhan's insights into our engagement with a variety of media led to a complete rethinking Synopsis from Amazon ah He believed that the message of electronic media foretold the end of humanity as it was known. In 1964, this looked like the paranoid babblings of a madman. In our 21st century digital world, the madman looks quite sane. so this would be a similar phrase for brunner who thought of trojan horses at this time sounds interesting have to add this to my list my incomplete literature lists are on-line: and which is somewhat smaller now after xmas the book is really crazy so youre nick is sledge and you are driving a lupo? my nick was sledge, is now lupo and i drive a polo :) so not that bad we also share some music-favorites trust me, you wouldn't want to see a complete list of my MP3s my current playlist in xmms consists of Wizo, Stefan Raab, Seeed and King Kool Savas so it's punk, stupidity, near-pop and sexism :) i was stuck w/ queen: music started for me w/ these geniuses jcater ( joined #gnuenterprise. it's just not easy getting use to that bug zapper noise and the sight of those giant donuts coming down from nowhere.. Any gnue people live near DC? I'll be in the area for a week. It might be nice to get together for dinner or something. drochaid ( left irc: "Client Exiting" drochaid ( joined #gnuenterprise. netgod ( left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) hmm netgod got disconnected... netgodess perhaps ;) dsmith: Dr. Stanley Klein and Neil Tiffin are both in DC area neither one is in irc often if you send a mail to the gnue list im sure they would reply reinhard ( left irc: "The chance of forgetting something is directly proportional to ... to ... aehm ..." revDeke: Cool, thanks. siesel ( left irc: "Client Exiting" dsmith (~dsmith@ left irc: "later.." jbailey (~jbailey@ joined #gnuenterprise. jbailey (~jbailey@ left irc: "Client Exiting" jcater ( left irc: "home" hey freaks how's it hanging? kid: get the Hurd CDs if you wanna install it try, r maybe thx just in query with lupo come play tetrinet ppl! ;) tetrinet addict :) damn skippy you wanna play? i have a good conversation with kid and i have to type in my lyrics, so i'm already occupied :/ blah excuses can't find u in top 10 you are hereby banned form my tetrinet server...j/k ;) must be program error revDeke ( left irc: "CGI:IRC 0.5" as long as u don't ban me from this: yo are banned from jolt? kidding I didn't even follow yor rl url Action: chillywilly is away: bbiab Action: chillywilly is back (gone 00:03:48) been away for long btw: q3 isn't my RL hmmm? this was in my url: a link to a q3 server provider chillywilly: is there a java version of tetrinet? dunno there are gtk and winders clients chillywilly ( left #gnuenterprise ("Free Your Enterprise! -"). chillywilly ( joined #gnuenterprise. jbailey (~jbailey@ joined #gnuenterprise. hi jeff Heya Dan. lupo ( left #gnuenterprise. Do you have this snow there too? n8 @ll we don't have any snow right now jcater ( joined #gnuenterprise. we're supposed to get sme tomorrow er, some l8rs chillywilly ( left irc: Client Quit kid ( left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) I hate bugzilla I hate it [19:40] Last message repeated 2 time(s). jbailey (~jbailey@ left irc: "Client Exiting" is interesting... jamest ( joined #gnuenterprise. mdean ( joined #gnuenterprise. _Maniac_ ( joined #gnuenterprise. _Maniac_ ( left #gnuenterprise ("Client Exiting"). drochaid ( left irc: "Client Exiting" drochaid ( joined #gnuenterprise. jbailey (~jbailey@ joined #gnuenterprise. jbailey (~jbailey@ left irc: "Client Exiting" jbailey (~jbailey@ joined #gnuenterprise. jbailey (~jbailey@ left irc: "Client Exiting" wayneg ( left irc: "debian GNU/linux the only way of life" jcater: any reason you use bugzilla if you hate it so much? um, yeah that's what KDE's website uses im sorry me too :( its one of the most evil programs on the planet its horrid to get information out of its a pain to get data into it and its a bitch to configure to boot --- Sat Jan 4 2003