so what's Chana Masalla? jcater: why do you like to pick on mr. bailey and tell him you're eating meat? um because he's a good sport and I always seem to learn something new in the process :) that he is but it still makes you looks bad ;) hmm what's that old phrase something about "pot calling the kettle black? yeah, that's it >:) are yo implying something ;)? you* cause we can take this outside any day you want oh..wait.. it's IRC nevermind chillywilly: you get your sci-fi fix? watching it now ah Vee2d2: Sorry baout the lag. Getting ready for bed. =) Vee2d2: It's an indian dish. Garbonzo beans in a sauce. I see chillywilly: It's actually surprising. I know alot of people who say they only eat meat when I'm around. =) it's the same reason I tell derek I'm eating pizza Is he unable to eat pizza? at the time that I tell him, at least Action: jcater actually doesn't eat a lot of meat I just get excited when I do as it's a treat but too expensive to eat regularly Action: Vee2d2 actually does jbailey: no he's just addicted to pizza Action: chillywilly had a steak tonight :) I think I am gonna put scotty in bed he's crashed out on the couch :-o good gawd man, it's midnight Action: jcater puts tj down at 8 it er, it's a treat I told him he could stay up with me he didn't make it ;) we were gonna play monopoly junior again oh well chillywilly: Teaching him about the monopolistic evil overlords early in his life? we've got nowhere to go except I am gonna go to the LUG meeting jbailey: heheh jbailey: you know I just thought about that game and it really is twisted the whole point is to build a big monopoly and brankrupt everyone else but it is kinda fun ;P ninja ( left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) if you're winning right caroline kicked my butt Action: chillywilly got bankrupt s/got/went/ ninja ( joined #gnuenterprise. it's at least some excuse for everyone to sit down and spend some time together :) it's not all bad :) I prefer games where I don't want myself lose for an hour. Card games or games like 'sorry' are nice for that. Angie and I play Rummykub. eh...scotty likes it he wanted me to play so I did I like playing mini baccarat, black jack, caribbean poker with the kids? mine are too young to play anything but slober cards and card rain heheh 1am. blech Time to go to bed, I Think. g'night all! night jbailey (~jbailey@ left irc: "Client Exiting" ninja ( left irc: Remote closed the connection ninja ( joined #gnuenterprise. ninja ( left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) ninja ( joined #gnuenterprise. ninja ( left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) ninja ( joined #gnuenterprise. hmmm, you guys ever see this: seems like a better way to parse your xml at least they boast a cleaner API than SAX chillywilly ( left irc: "Free Your Enterprise! -" ninja ( left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) reinhard ( joined #gnuenterprise. johannes_ ( left irc: "Client Exiting" jbailey (~jbailey@ joined #gnuenterprise. johannes_ ( joined #gnuenterprise. dsmith ( joined #gnuenterprise. dsmith ( left irc: Remote closed the connection chillywilly ( joined #gnuenterprise. lupo ( joined #gnuenterprise. hiho hi lupo cvs server: Updating reports/grpc cvs server: [11:36:21] waiting for anoncvs's lock in /cvsroot/gnue/gnue/reports/grpc cvs server: [11:36:51] obtained lock in /cvsroot/gnue/gnue/reports/grpc ??? lupo: could mean that somebody checked in/out something at the same time as you and you had to wait for him to finish but not sure okay someone else was checking out anoncvs at the same time or cvs up'ing okay other prob cannot start navigator from CVS head (CVS per-user install) it's because some links to the source files are wrong (links to .cvsdevelbase) where do i have to fix them? rerun okay, that's not the prob that is the script that makes the links it's because some reports files have been moved from reports/src to reports/src/base ooooh so some source fix: blame jcater ;) jcater! gnue/navigator/src/ line 33 change "from gnue.reports import GREngine,GRExceptions" to "from gnue.reports.base import GREngine,GRExceptions" hmmm btw, does reports work within navigator? I don't think so the links in the script probably need updating unless he truls broke it into a module... lemme see do you have a gpd file? that you are running? in navigator/samples are some fine ones k they have no special requirements, so they are a good testbed you get an import error for gnue.reports related stuff? yep right hmm ok, committed hehe :) the reports support was done wrong anyway no other tool shouild be required to run heh da masta i.e., if reports isn't installed that shouldn't mean navigator won't start jcater: does reports truly work within navigator? beats me that was a patch haven't tried myself okay remove the "truly" from my question and answer again, please :) sample works now i just want to see a simple report in navigator jcater: youu read about XmlTextReader API? :) jcater, same for navigator/src/, line 49 i know it's just a temporary fix did you update? yes jcater: how would you solve the forms/reports independence of navigator? try/except? *g,d&r* I hope caroline wakes her butt up soon so I can go to the LUG meeting!!! heh freakin women ;) I just got up myself morning :) um, yeah freakin cold out yea XmlTextReader? yea dewd a DOM-like API but it works more like SAX I hate DOM and SAX :( i.e., doesn't read the whole shebang in I like XML though :) I prefer XML::Simple ;) gotta go bye lupo have a nice day lupo ( left irc: "using sirc version 2.211+KSIRC/1.1" eh, we have our own parser anyway, creates a tree of GObjs yeah chillywilly: cool but it uses SAX to built that tree jcater: ok yea hmm well, SAX is lighter than DOM anyway but this XmlReader is basically what I was trying to do with the reports filter support's xml support but yo create a new parser all you need to do is create a dictionary for the tags well...there are python bindings to it ;) s/yo/to/ but your purposes are radically different from mine chillywilly: I think I'll stick w/my implementation where your task is to abstract and generalize, mine it to specify and optimize our goal is also to create code maintainable by others :) hmmm it is? ;) jcater: but you are creating a kindof tool, rather than a finished end product yes so you have to handle a lot more sledom used crap seldom in the grand scheme of things we will have both though in my experience, finished end product is an oxymoron I have the luxury of handling only what is immediately needed :) jcater: I think you are misunderstanding havoc: jcater: you are creating something used to create something else jcater: I am creating that something else it's a start eh, cool.... I didn't know was a shortcut yep for lazy bastards :P havoc: no, no misunderstanding I was just making general observations I though gnue was a framework type thing? nothing specific about what you're doing as I don't even know what you're doing havoc: only part of the project is a framework jcater: I'm writting an app we are a big project havoc: I gathered that "meta" project or something... chillywilly: exactly thank you :) I have, UPS, FedEx and Ariiba integration that all uses XML GNUe include a framework and apps....but apps of course are waiting on the framework to some degree...we also encapsulate bayonne and dcl and I hard code all the XML sent, and use a stripped down parser to return structs ah, better term, my app is "single-purpose" yes, I know what an application is you guys have the more difficult task jbailey (~jbailey@ left irc: "Client Exiting" hmmmm, death to sleepy heads! wooo, the sleep head awakes! anyone have a really good potato soup recipe? heh, not I chillywilly: caroline live near you? yes you have no vehicle? yea, she has it cause she needs new tires on hers and haven't gotten them yet ah I'm takin the Woman's BMW, as I broke my truck :) :( snapped a plug off in the block och ouch jbailey (~jbailey@ joined #gnuenterprise. jeff dan chillywilly: yeah :( I think jcater did something similar Action: chillywilly remembers him complaining about spark plugs yeah, a week ago Useful things, spark plugs. They break glass very nicely. jbailey: I also find them useful for running my truck :) Bah! My scooter had a sparc plug in it. =) That's when I finally found out what the things did. anyone here use gnucash? jcater: heh, I did it ~2 weeks ago and haven't had time to fix it since jcater: yea it'll prolly sit until spring I used to swear by MS Money back in the day until I decided to be MS Free but damn the usability of gnucash sucks big time imho how so? chillywilly: you know if it does check printing? supposedly never used it chillywilly: let's just say you can tell it was designed by ppl studying at MIT in AI and not ppl w/usability training or accounting training HEH sigh Action: jcater is gonna try to force myself to use it Action: chillywilly looks around for GnuCash lurkers well it's the only personal finance program I've used BUT it does proper double entry unlike what I hear of other programs yes it does and that's SOOO intuitive for a home user lemme tell ya bah they should learn proper accounting imho ;) proper double entry accounting doesn't have to equal shitty double entry interface for end users though the version I have has all the cool bidness features maybe that's my problem I grabbed the latest sid version that's the on with the bidness stuff er, one hmmm, I need to do some things... Action: chillywilly is away: stuff jbailey (~jbailey@ left irc: "Client Exiting" Action: chillywilly is back (gone 00:22:07) is it just me or do women ALWAYS take forever? Action: chillywilly wonder is havoc left yet wonders if this licks the bag chillywilly: yes, they do UNLESS you did something wrong then they are really quick (about pointing it out) HAH chillywilly ( left irc: "Free Your Enterprise! -" alandd ( joined #gnuenterprise. alandd ( left #gnuenterprise ("Client Exiting"). chillywilly ( joined #gnuenterprise. reinhard ( left irc: "Anything is good and useful if it's made of chocolate" KeithJagr (trilluser@ joined #gnuenterprise. hello yo ;) btami ( joined #gnuenterprise. hi hello btami hello ra3vat i'm sad in these days, 'cos my power supply is dead and killed mainboard too :( it was my office box with asus p3bf oh yes ra3vat: how about ? btami: we've found the problem it did not work for Arturas but i'm too busy to complete me too(busy), but what is the problem at Arturas? without proper header if you have string like #,fuzzy in gnue.po, that is, it cause to remove header when .mop file generated what/why is #,fuzzy for ? so, the problem is not in gnue ? it is something for debugging that other things is ok in .po file but i do not know exactly code i added should check better for such a thing without "fuzzy" Arturas is OK ? yes he reneved for lt translation in cvs then you can commit your patch IMHO will try this weekend jbailey (~jbailey@ joined #gnuenterprise. blah blah blah yackity shmackity chillywilly: Aren't you busy hacking? =) bah chillywilly: you weren't there ummm, I should be right becuse of frelling caroline she never showed up? Action: chillywilly doesn't want to get into *it* she was pulling some crap on me and who is "caroline"? my honey ah apprently I must stay confined to these walls FOREVER!!! where do yo live havoc? how was it same ole, same ole? in Hartland just up HWY 16 from WCTC right I live pretty close to WCTC but well I had t do some crap and she didn't give me any time to do it I thought you lived in germantown? didn't get here til quarter to 1 menomonee falls same thing ;) KeithJagr (trilluser@ left irc: "later" that's not real close to WCTC lots of ppl are still there yea...well it takes a little while to get there right or were when I left ~30min ago joe baker and scott thomason were just leaving when I left I was thinking of bringing scotty with me, but then he wanted to play monopoly junior again it's just not a good time I guess...I should've planned ahead I just want to keep certain ppl happy ppl stay there for like half the day ;) hell most times I go I stay for liek 4 hours I could really only stay for ~2hrs yea if I would've made it I was only gonna stay 1 hour cause I don't want my mom watching scotty all day I would have left earlier, but Joe was using the burner on my laptop I don't like to do that cool derek: I've tried to hack both. nola is a mess, sql-ledger is less of a messy. Beside the the fact nola is php and sl is perl. Nola is not functional for me (and most of NZ/Australia) because it has no sales tax reporting on APs items. Conversely, SL has this. Further, I can see a clear path to adding some multiple currency features to SL to meet my requirements for a package. Unfortunately it'll take longer than I thought to do this, and I don't have the time. So I'll probably use gnucash for now. At the end of the day, regardless of code quality, DB schema quality, system design. SL mostly could work (for me) and nola doesn't at all and I still use gnucash. g'night all btami ( left irc: jbailey (~jbailey@ left irc: Read error: 60 (Operation timed out) jbailey (~jbailey@ joined #gnuenterprise. esands: i still think SL is much more a mess but opinions vary Action: derek never said NOLA was anything great i guess if you like perl you like sql ledger as its written just like a perl hacker would write a business app which imho is crap ;) hehe Action: chillywilly eyes gonna take that? Action: havoc doesn't like sql ledger heh I don't like single dbms dependence poor design I don't like nola either though dewd why the hell are they playing battlefield earth on scifi? heh, I'm writting an accounting package in perl right now but it is *much* larger than either sql ledger or nola and it's being developed for ~5000 users a day derek: true enough. I've come to that conclusion about perl as well. Personall I think php is worse, as it promotes no clear line between code and interface. I didn't understand Python's nicest, now I do. Opinions do vary though. SL works for its target market, regardless of its perl 'messy' code-base. Nola's target market doesn't include NZ in its present form, so is useless to me. Regardless of whether you or I think its cleaner than SL or messyer than SL. havoc: day job? How many others working on it? hang on, switching machines here .... jbailey (~jbailey@ left #gnuenterprise ("Client Exiting"). havoc_lt ( joined #gnuenterprise. hmm, are services down? doh! I didn't reg this nick :) yes! tennessee won! booooooooooooooo! Action: derek does happy dance Nerd chillywilly: i had mcnair all year in fantasy so started following them and kind of like them now tennessee licks fat goat sack blah though right now my favorite team to watch is atlanta Steelers are cooler real ble collar team er, blue Action: derek doesnt care if they win, just want to see vick play derek: don't make me come down there and bitch slap you anyhooters, it should be an exciting game gah I am sick of frickin' sourceforge Joe and I couldn't remember the pass for the SF announce list and now it emails me 50 times a day er, for the LUG yay! :) woops Action: chillywilly is away: pizza roche (~roche@ joined #gnuenterprise. havoc_lt ( left #gnuenterprise ("*I'm* your daddy"). roche (~roche@ left #gnuenterprise ("Client Exiting"). --- Sun Jan 12 2003