bigbrother joined #gnuenterprise. [13:20] Last message repeated 1 time(s). #gnuenterprise: mode change '+n ' by bigbrother joined #gnuenterprise. revDeke ( joined #gnuenterprise. gack where are all the peoples bigbrother joined #gnuenterprise. #gnuenterprise: mode change '+n ' by gnuebot (~eggdrop@ joined #gnuenterprise. revDeke ( joined #gnuenterprise. bigbrother joined #gnuenterprise. [14:33] Last message repeated 1 time(s). #gnuenterprise: mode change '+n ' by gnuebot (~eggdrop@ joined #gnuenterprise. revDeke ( joined #gnuenterprise. revDeke ( left irc: Client Quit bigbrother joined #gnuenterprise. is big brother trying to connect to opn? there he is! welcome back, guy hell, big companies like MCI and American Airlines are in bankruptcy right now was away chillywilly: he was trying to connect to opn :) but he's all better now gnuebot on the other hand is on a machien I can't access which one does loggin'? both do they are backups ah Action: chillywilly looks up how to execute a commnd via ssh Nick change: dyfet -> dyfet-away chillywilly: ssh chillywilly@whatever /path/to/whatever --whatever-options yea pretty simple (i like the bayonne library idea...) what lib idea? that jcarter said earlier (but im away...:) ok hmmmmm stupid mail servers matkor ( left irc: "Client Exiting" Everyone please log in to and submit a news article containing any content as long as it's clean! Testing! ajmitch__ ( joined #gnuenterprise. hmm what happened to m y poor xchat Nick change: ajmitch__ -> ajmitch jamest ( joined #gnuenterprise. hi jamest damnit what's a switch for grep that will only display the filename that has the matching string in it? -l iirc? thanks dewd chillywilly: H? -l is the ticket ah, H prints file for each match I always for grep -Hnr do geez Action: chillywilly pets xargs hmmm, seems has been refusing everything I've ever sent to a list case it tries to relay back to me bastid Action: chillywilly reonfigured exim cool I'll just setup my smtp to relay for frodo that should fix it all the way back to Dec 5th \q oops... wrong one 'night all! night aa_ ( left irc: "ircII EPIC4-1.1.5 -- Are we there yet?" fixed it stupid thing I needed to relay mail for I know I had that in there from the last time Nick change: dyfet-away -> dyfet jcarter: are you there? hehehe Action: chillywilly looks at ajmitch jcater is ajmitch_ (i.e., ajmitch with a tail) I don't see a jcarter though :) chillywilly: yeah, i wish that it'd timeout jcater: lol i added a r... so should i install yoper? jcater: for bayonne...what would be calling it? the app at the form level or the app server? um it would be within a trigger so you could do it either place I suppose Action: jcater would be testing at the form level though if I did some stuff jcater: if the app server can do it, and the app server is on the same machine as bayonne, you can issue a control request to bayonne's fifo directly it's funny to see yoper beating out even gentoo & debian on the rankings Action: chillywilly has never even heard of yoper dan, i have... wtf is yoper? another gnu/linux distro yep dyfet: good for you dave ;) lovely Action: jcater hugs his debian Action: chillywilly pets debian good boy but yoper is from NZ! :) ack! then I definitely need to stay away ;) heh "Yoperize stands for converting an existing Office to YOS within one weekend with no disruption to users or service. How is it possible? Watch this space." *snicker* what, an office of 1? yep, matches the "army of 1" jcater: so we can integrate bayonne as it stands right now... what is YOS? dyfet ( left irc: "Client Exiting" jcater ( left irc: "home" rdean ( joined #gnuenterprise. jbailey ( joined #gnuenterprise. yo ho ho and a bottle of rum and a bottle of rum? HEH I was waiting for that :) is anyone having troubles registering a username or posting articles on ? nope because i haven't tried :) well then. HEH then there _will_ be...... Trouble. *sigh* I must be a geek. I looked at that and went "But that's not valid XML. I can see 3 major problems" heheh there's still hope! no beginning tag, no quotes, and no attributes in an ending tag ? that's valid but his had content ;P Vee2d2: Sure, but then the question is why is it empty? jbailey: :) Is it bad schema? Perhaps it should be optimised away. ;) someone yanked robo's voice box out? Unlikely. Probably was dead before robocop spoke. robocop can't die he's freakin' invincible :P No, I meant the listener. =) ooooooh *sigh* I must be a geek. They'll fix you. They fix ... everything. robocop can't die he's freakin' invincible AND he's the star of the movie Thalia (~shuyingw@ joined #gnuenterprise. hello Thalia (~shuyingw@ left irc: "meep" jcater ( joined #gnuenterprise. wb jcater thx jbailey ( left #gnuenterprise ("Client Exiting"). dyfet ( joined #gnuenterprise. ajmitch_ ( left irc: Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer) jamest ( left #gnuenterprise. ToyMan ( left irc: "Client Exiting" wb dyfet Action: havoc kicks Atlantic Records in da nutz morons ok... did they tell you that you couldn't carry a tune? lol jcater: I do work for one of their clients Atlantic's sysadmins are fscking useless hmmm Action: chillywilly needs more vanilla coke yuck vile kiss my ass double yuck even more vile is there a standard email header that indicates where bounces should be emailed to but normal replies go back to the sender no don't they all go to /dev/null? ;) hmmm I wonder if this is postfix-specific behavior but I sent an email to a non-existant account on my server the from was one of my email addresses and the reply-to was another it bounced back to my "from" address ajmitch ( left irc: jcater: Reply-To: is not always the same as From: rtfrfc jcater: Reply-To: is what should be used though hotmail does the same thing havoc: I realize reply-to can be different than from :) that was my point... I was wondering which one was bounced back to but Reply-To: isn't always there if it is email I am originating, it could be like in a properly setup email list chillywilly: good idea... the rfc does answer my question at leastI think it's quite a dry read :) they usually are almost as dry as a W3C standard document ;) are you sure? I'm almost positive I recall a few 'blah blah blah's in some w3c docs.. Vee2d2: are you thinking of my dev guide? :) yea, and my poor excuse for sarcasm.. =) oooooo rfc 822 did answer my question (go figure) I wanna use the Sender field sigh what happened to the logs and this channel all day? bigbrother was trying to connect to which freaks shut down yesterday afternoon yeah that was dumb don't worry... it was a dead day can you change the irc script no freaks it was about damn time I did change bigbrother late this afternoon it's been 5 months since the name change as it logs onto as well but I don't have access to freeloader to fix gnuebot so i couldnt get in all day :) oh, yeah... forgot about irc script irc script? what's that do? www-data :) oh the web one where is it anyway? Action: chillywilly wants poor man's irc good news rolled out a new python app to 150 users today :) cool last program my group has written that doesnt use free software is now replaced :) what does it do? derek: irc script should be fixed now if you wanna test it basically takes a text file and writes a report for it if i would have had more time to play i would have used gnue reports so do it know ;) but i originally wrote the program 8 months ago er, now and made it batch and single processing (at the time i only needed batch) they needed it changed to single (which i figured they would so provisioned for) so when it took about 12 hours to convert, test and deploy they crapped themselves :) liking the free software loving :) 10 of those hours were testing :) so what was dyfet needing? integrated gnue + bayonne demo head hurts too much to read back log cool hmmm, I have mountain dew! wooo! derek: what we talked about was the idea of having the app server trigger to bayonne why would the appserver do it? because it would presumably sit on the same server with bayonne since we don't have xmlrpc yet :) the only advantage of having appserver do it is if the appserver and bayonne server are on same system of course it will probably be much easier to get an xmlrpc setup for bayonne :) long term yes man, I have a headache drink moutain dew you're going through caffiene withdrawals ;) dyfet: we need to get you guys hooked up with a python module so we can access your stuff w/in python more easily :) yes, agreed, at least for the same server hack there's a C++ Python API Action: derek thinks not necessary to use appserver to talk to bayonne from my talking with rich at least for most things i think w/in 20 minutes you could have the dialout solution done he was talking about using a fifo its as easy as a button with a 'trigger' in forms Isomer ( joined #gnuenterprise. that has python straight up call command line dyfet: how is your fifo set up? to issue the dial out it's in /var/run/bayonne/bayonne.ctrl, you just feed it statements it is permission locked against group bayonne typically is there a document on statements that can be issued? Action: jcater searches for his bayonne cvs copy no, but the source for that part of it is very small Action: jcater feels a quick and dirty python module coming on mwahaha read the source luke! ;P is this in C? C++ good I promised myself years ago not to torture myself with c any longer always C++ with dave life was too short some day he will learn the power of the dark side (python) /msg derek just wait.... :) actually, i had looked at how we could embed python in bayonne... i have to go to bed before my head bursts Action: derek is away: bed hmmm if you weren't married and we didn't know better that could be read in many different ways man, a fresh cvs co of bayonne is big and chillywilly was saying y'all never did anything shame on you chilly what? that's not true j/k eh, cool I see modules/python a good start :) is the only c++ python api Boost.Python or whatever? that allows tgi fast loading of the python interpreter dyfet: where would I look for this file? Action: jcater is new to your cvs structure the file you want is in server/fifo.cpp I think jcater just wants a distration from reports ;) distraction Action: jcater wants a distraction from my new web project HEH the one using that zope-based thing? I have many using zope zope on a rope? ;P plone? that's what I am talking about yeah I'm testing out plone now the developers leave a lot to be desired but it seems neat not sure if I will use it or not what the heck does it do? give me the executive description ;) phpNuke for Zope 'nuff said (though at least it has a slightly better base design than phpNuke did)( a few commands? I count 22 so far s/22/25 CMS system? what do you want with that? Action: jcater is more interested in the community aspect of it you opening some printing indstry portal site ;) no hehe online fundraising thing-a-ma-hob aaaah our competitors site: (though it SUCKS royally) Action: jcater deletes that from our irc logs so they don't benefit from the high-profile linking of on google :) :) ahh.... censorship at its best jcater: well then you'll need an ecommerce engine dtm: yes dstoys just developed one for plone, and i use Interchange. toyman was telling me about his work w/cmfcommerce oh yeah i read that conversation which is the only rteason I was checking out plone what the heck is cmfcommerce? chillywilly: that's what i just said mentioend I currently use freetrade ecommerce engine for plone jcater: never heard of it who wrote cmfcommerce? THERE IS NO FREETRADE dtm: old school ONLY INTERCHANGE chillywilly: dstoys contracted the plone honchos hasn't been developed in years and open src'd it jcater: what was attractive about it? dtm: easily hackable ooooookay. we sell magazine subscriptions which no existing ecommerce package I looked at could handle out of box what's special about a magazine sub? so we had to do a lot of hacking on whatever we used mhmm it just is :) oic well, real engines dont need to be hacked! plus a school and a student had to get credit for the sale dtm: I looked at interchange a lot yay barrier to entry looked too high to me i can herp choo oh. as opposed to hacking the heck out of an obsolete one? isn't it the one that has a custom scripting language? well optionally, yeah. or perl/sql. dtm: it's obsolete now this was years ago you did the magazine sub years ago? initially in '99 iirc oh. speakin of which, i want soda. I really want to get a zope based one now chillywilly: gimme why zope? as I'm migrating most of my other stuff to zope just for completeness this needs to tie into my customer service site, etc oh so you have a ton of cms type infrastructure then? which are already zope hey gimme url where's the gnue ecommerce package? ;) sounds interesting YEAH! chilly wanna gnue ecommerce! dtm: it's behind closed doors right now or I'd give you a link we wanna commerce-ize! o ok man, I have a headache dtm: the zope stuff is newer (not in '99 :) jcater: well staring at the monitor does not help stuff I'm getting ready to roll out a headache chillywilly: bite me you sound like my wife now jcater: I was being nice and concernful ;) and my doctor and my optometrist and my mistress jcater: i worked for beopen in about 99 oh, wait scratch that mistriss? Action: dtm scratches the mistress *tee hee* Action: jcater considers gnue to be his mistress :) as i spend more time w/it than work or wife or .... life omg guys we have to help jcater someone get +o and kickban him he is possessed! #gnuenterprise: mode change '+o jcater' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. mwahahaha ban yourslef ;P Topic changed on #gnuenterprise by jcater! Welcome to #gnuenterprise.... beware the natives heheh topic nazis NAZIS?!?! WHERE? Action: dtm fires his tommy gun into the trenches Action: chillywilly points at jcater man the bayonne guys comment their code even less than we do I didn't know that was possible :) yes. heheh you mean The Bayonne Guy. Action: dtm avoids naming names though commonc++ is well documented though :) Action: dtm whistles and walks off, careful not to attract attention to WORLDWIDE CELEBRITY TELECOM CHAMPION KING INDUSTRY MAN Action: dtm gets knocked over by the horde of Brazilian telecom tradeshow girls lunging after dyfet, screaming, "OOOOOO DAVID!! I WANT AUTOGRAPH RIGHT *HEEEERE*" lol man I need to quit this gnue nonsense then dtm: no soda for you, you're already wired oh crap they were lined up in the front row for six hours before the show and hook up w/bayonne guys nono!!! i'm always like this! jcater: No. There is only dyfet! Dyfet is more man than Mango! You cannot have the dyfet!! --- Thu Jan 16 2003