bigbrother joined #gnuenterprise. grib ( left irc: Connection timed out ToyMan ( joined #gnuenterprise. Mr_You ( joined #gnuenterprise. hi dtm ( joined #gnuenterprise. mdean ( joined #gnuenterprise. Remosi ( joined #gnuenterprise. derek ( joined #gnuenterprise. havoc ( joined #gnuenterprise. havoc ( got netsplit. Remosi ( got netsplit. mdean ( got netsplit. derek ( got netsplit. mdean ( got lost in the net-split. Remosi ( got lost in the net-split. derek ( got lost in the net-split. havoc ( got lost in the net-split. jcater ( joined #gnuenterprise. mdean ( joined #gnuenterprise. ra3vat ( joined #gnuenterprise. Vee2d2 ( joined #gnuenterprise. havoc ( joined #gnuenterprise. Remosi ( joined #gnuenterprise. derek ( joined #gnuenterprise. Remosi ( left irc: Excess Flood Remosi ( joined #gnuenterprise. derek ( got netsplit. derek ( got lost in the net-split. derek ( joined #gnuenterprise. dtm ( left irc: Read error: 113 (No route to host) psu (psu@ joined #gnuenterprise. kid ( joined #gnuenterprise. good morning @ all hija kid hi hello kid, psu hello ajmitch I would like to have all the docs/irc logs in a db that I could sit and query all day long.. I would like to have all the docs/irc logs in a db that I could sit and query all day long oops Vee2d2: not quite what you asked for, but fairly close ;-) chillywilly ( joined #gnuenterprise. google doing irclog query quite good good morning, mr. chillywilly hi my server HD died :( gah double plus ungood yep had all my email stored on there oh well not to mention the config that's some hours there Action: psu notes it's almost a month since his last full back up better do it now ;) Action: chillywilly has no way to back anything up look at it positive: gives u the chance to configure better this time hmm uh, no there was nothing wrong with the config at least that's what i do in these cases can't do it any better ;) oh - u already reached the state of perfectness well apparently not cause I have no backup ;P can't be more than a few 100 FD's ? only thing I am gonna miss is my email...should've said to hell with the imap server but I wanted a more portable solutions I am gonna try and use this half dead drive this other one hmmm, oh and my whole domain is down which will suck for email yaaaay I think I have a set of floppy images... for debian i just got the 7 cd's this week, takes sooooome time Action: psu prefers the DVD version as you can go mad swapping all those CDs chillywilly: may be it's just a time for sleep for your HD and for you? :) depends on the PC havinga DVD drive, of course ra3vat: nope ra3vat: gotta have something back up and running ok sync woops Action: psu remembers when his back-up used to be 6 floppies anyway, shops will be opening soon I need some new jeans and a haircut and a trip to the comic store for different levels of "need" in each case ;-) s/need/want psu (psu@ left #gnuenterprise. I hate floppies kid: just next day we were talking about refactoring tools i've found that recyclerepairman got vim plugin and it was written by someone Arturas knows personally :) damn floppies woohoo, I/O error reinhard ( joined #gnuenterprise. stuq_ ( joined #gnuenterprise. ToyMan ( left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) Mr_You ( left irc: "Client Exiting" chillywilly ( left irc: "Free Your Enterprise! -" SachaS ( joined #gnuenterprise. hi everyone hi ajmitch hey hey today was rhys presentation hey i had no idea what i was talking about and fell asleep heheh heh what he was talking about, you mean/ ? hi Remosi s/what i was/what he was hi! yeah, it was quite technical, i'd imagine i had no idea i read his paper that he was using that would have been easier maybe it was only a 45 min talk, surely you couldn't fall asleep in that time? :) how many went to it? maybe 30 or so the guy from distcc was giving a talk, that was good ajmitch: have you seen distcc? yup haven't really used it tho solves dependencies just dists the jobs/process... yeah yep. ok dont want to disturb you from hacking gnue ;) hehe no i'm in the middle of dotgnu discussions :) with rhys? nope anyway got to go nah, rhys is not online ok, bye ninja ( joined #gnuenterprise. chillywilly ( joined #gnuenterprise. bigbrother joined #gnuenterprise. ninja ( left irc: Read error: 113 (No route to host) kid ( joined #gnuenterprise. jcater ( joined #gnuenterprise. ra3vat ( joined #gnuenterprise. Vee2d2 ( joined #gnuenterprise. ninja (rossg@ joined #gnuenterprise. grib ( joined #gnuenterprise. dsmith ( joined #gnuenterprise. hmm if anyone's running a MSSQL server you'd better check it since a worm is running around infecting them and causing massive issues lol time to upgrade to a Free SQL server :) damn skippy And they are saysing that 5 of the 12 root dns servers are down. Does that mean they are using mssql? Action: dsmith is shocked nah they're saying that they are getting flooded with UDP packets HEH leave it to M$ to bring the net down OH one of the root name servers runs postgres now chillywilly: twice now in 3 years isn't it? the mssql servers are hitting them at thet port oh but kid ( left irc: Remote closed the connection they're being flooded with UDP 1434 GNU/Linux hasn't gotten the popularity and hasn't got everyone tryin to crack it this is M$'s defense I read sme article where they claimed that yeah well, the thing with GNU/Linux is you have far less of a monoculture that is the biggest bunch of crap I ever heard ninja (rossg@ left irc: Read error: 113 (No route to host) oh well I really should go to bed now that I have my box back up and working again ;P :) I should sleep too it's nearly 3am Nick change: Remosi -> Isomer dsmith ( left irc: "later.." chillywilly ( left irc: "sleep" psu (psu@ joined #gnuenterprise. jamest ( joined #gnuenterprise. SachaS ( left irc: No route to host psu (psu@ left #gnuenterprise. stuq_ ( left irc: Read error: 113 (No route to host) kid ( joined #gnuenterprise. nevening @ all howdy hi kid dsmith ( joined #gnuenterprise. back again, hallo reinhard [OT] some fan of blind guardian here - they have concert this june in MY hometown dsmith ( left irc: "later.." grib ( left irc: Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer) chillywilly ( joined #gnuenterprise. chillywilly ( left irc: "Free Your Enterprise! -" chillywilly ( joined #gnuenterprise. chillywilly ( left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) chillywilly ( joined #gnuenterprise. kid ( left irc: Remote closed the connection chillywilly ( left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) kid ( joined #gnuenterprise. jcater ( left irc: Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer) jcater ( joined #gnuenterprise. dsmith ( joined #gnuenterprise. chillywilly ( joined #gnuenterprise. greetings sir hows the KDE luving going? I like it cause it doesn't tax my PIII 450 ;P but I just recovered froma HD failure on my server :( what's a goof kde jabber client? er, good gabber :( heh i haven't found on I like gabber one I guess I'll stick with it then kopete? is it actively developed? cause most of them I see have been rotting for a year kopete is ok kewl it's in me apt archive hmmm, but I need to bring the jabberd back online *sigh* I guess I leach off someone for a bit until then reinhard ( left irc: "Wouldn't it be wonderful if real life supported Control-Z?" jamest: still around? jamest: you use that same apt line as jcater? er, for kde 3 chillywilly ( left irc: "Free Your Enterprise! -" jbailey ( joined #gnuenterprise. chillywilly ( joined #gnuenterprise. wb chillywilly thanks silly kdm taked forever to start and set the dpi to 100 for X takes* chillywilly ( left irc: "Free Your Enterprise! -" jbailey_ ( joined #gnuenterprise. jbailey ( left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) chillywilly ( joined #gnuenterprise. Nick change: jbailey_ -> jbailey dsmith ( left irc: Remote closed the connection grib ( joined #gnuenterprise. tricia_12 ( joined #gnuenterprise. tricia_12 ( left irc: Client Quit jbailey ( left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) jbailey ( joined #gnuenterprise. jamest ( left #gnuenterprise. jbailey ( left irc: "Client Exiting" --- Sun Jan 26 2003