good night people. dsmith ( left irc: "later.." derek ( joined #gnuenterprise. derek? derek! Action: ajmitch rushes forward to get an autograph HEH Action: chillywilly runs in the opposite direction form whence he came reinhard ( joined #gnuenterprise. SachaS_ ( got netsplit. SachaS_ ( got lost in the net-split. btami ( joined #gnuenterprise. SachaS_ ( joined #gnuenterprise. ninja (rossg@ joined #gnuenterprise. ninja (rossg@ left irc: "Client Exiting" btami ( left irc: Read error: 60 (Operation timed out) treinar (~treinar@ joined #gnuenterprise. I would kindly ask you: which is the correct channel to contact GNU Enterprise for questions regarding my participation in the project? here hopefully there are some people around :) OK. I'm a student at Ostfold University College in Norway. I'm doing a project, and the objective of it is to develop a system which makes it easy to create dynamic web sites, more specificly the forms part of them. My initial sketch of a design was very close to yours. So, the egoistic part of me thinks "bugger - I'm not as inventive as I thought I was", but my second thought was that I might use the project to contribute to yours. I won derek: how far have you come on the HTML interface and the Java interface? they haven't been worked on much, afaik and the forms file format has changed a fair bit for 0.5.0, so they'd have to be updated for that anyway I'm a decent Java programmer, and I'm catching up on Python and XML (it's part of one of my classes this spring). I also have quite a lot of experience on forms design with PHP/HTML, so I guess I'll manage the Python/HTML combination fairly well. Who should I contact to get more detail on the status of the HTML and Java interfaces? probably a good idea to talk to jcater or jamest This is my first IRC session ever. Could you please tell me how to get in touch with them? (I'm using X-Chat). email could b best - don't know when they'll be online :),, Can I find their email adresses somehow? oops. Thanks! :-) ok, i need to go off & sleep now - good night good night ajmitch sweet dreams about rtf -> pdf conversion ...... Goodbye. Thanks for the information. treinar (~treinar@ left #gnuenterprise ("Client Exiting"). hallo Reinhard how are you? hi SachaS_ a bit busy at the moment but apart from that, fine, thanks sounds good :) keeps you paid the bills then :) will not interrupt then. see ya. ToyMan ( joined #gnuenterprise. jamest ( joined #gnuenterprise. microsoft has filed a patent for the .net API and my harddisk is full i'm not sure which of these is worse... lol Action: jamest has never understood the idea of .NET so really can't get excited about this .NET always seemed to be "whatever generates the best hype" ok harddisk problem is resolved i leave the other one to icaza ;-) :) dsmith ( joined #gnuenterprise. derek ( left irc: Read error: 60 (Operation timed out) dsmith ( left irc: "later.." derek ( joined #gnuenterprise. anyone here running cvs server on debian? dsmith ( joined #gnuenterprise. dsmith ( left irc: "later.." jamest: yes running cvs on debian. with very basic setup chillywi1ly ( joined #gnuenterprise. chillywilly ( left irc: Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer) Action: derek needs to ditch sprint and move to the beast called cox (sigh) jamest: i was going to set one up at work is there something i should be aware of? Action: derek is away: work i was just curious as to it's default repository location one of my boxes is /var/lib/cvs the other /var/cvs Action: jamest must have changed one to be non-stf s/stf/standard I installed it just recently, and I think it moved to /var/lib/cvs recently == last 3 or 4 months ok, then I'm not on crack well, at least as far as cvs is concerned dsmith ( joined #gnuenterprise. oooh, new xchat 2.0.0 released blah, I like irssi-text I use xchat, bx and darkerirc depending on where I am and what machine I'm one and sometimes even cgi::irc that comment is funny "pissing in our lemonade" lol heh Action: jcater is getting sick of this whole topic jcater: what, "IRC clients"? no eGovOS conference ah lol the latter :) M$ should not be there nuf said I agree but being assholes doesn't make things right jcater: right, they lack tact and balls I don't think Ruben lacks balls maybe but he definitely fits the asshole part chillywi1ly: ok, they lack tact and/or balls he's just kinda pissed off but being openly angry helps no one man, I should be a high profile opensource spokesperson as I am Evil ;) rather I use my evil powers for good :) orth is my hero he uploaded new kde packlages and fixed my konsole lets see if I can install koffice now... yaaay hmmm, but he didn't fix kdenetwork or kdegraphics dsmith ( left irc: Remote closed the connection dsmith ( joined #gnuenterprise. wb dsmith chillywi1ly: thanks I found a bunch of wrong permissions on /usr/local/bin, so I "fixed" them. Then my localy built fluxbox wouldn't start. :( I'm back now. I need to get off this Eterm crap now that my konsole is fixed bbias chillywi1ly ( left irc: "leaving" chillywilly ( joined #gnuenterprise. wb chillywilly chillywilly: That was a quick shower chillywilly: Or did you just wash your hands? ? I wanted to start irssi inside konsole and not fugly Eterm chillywilly: But you *were* using Eterm? yea cause konsole was b0rked but now my friendly neighborhood debian paclager fixed it packager* chillywilly: And now you need to be cleansed yea einer (~andrew@ joined #gnuenterprise. hello everyone. I just have a quick question that may not actually be related to GNUe at all... ask away I'm using a software package called Database Schema Designer (it's a sourceforge project) One of the neato whiz bang things that this package does is allow you to design a database schema and export it to xml Unfortunately, it doesn't allow you to export it to sql. :) HEH There is (supposedly) an xsl file that allows a transform into sql from xml our designer was supposed to let you design schemas in our xml format and that could be exported to sql I dunno if that works right now this xsl file is named pgsql.xsl and I found it listed in GNUe from google. their xml is probably different than ours jcater: does the schema thing in designer work? I figured as much. hmmm, I need some lunch omg, they are still talking about the eGovOS conference ok, I am now sick of it officially So, the pgsql.xsl that you guys use is not compatible with the designer with their format I doubt it it is with our xml (gsd) format I wonder how he did it then, because he mentioned that file name... He could have written his program to output conformant xml and planned the translation functionality later... it's just a command line away when you ahve the right xsl file... Well... If that file doesn't exist, is there another schema design tool you would recommend that exports as sql? alright then. einer (~andrew@ left irc: "Client Exiting" Action: dsmith wonders if there is a standard xml fromat for sql scheme and is it DTD or Schema havoc: yeah, DTD and schema chillywilly ( left irc: "restart X" chillywilly ( joined #gnuenterprise. morning chillywilly ajmitch: got that gtk2 driver done? Action: jamest ducks not yet :P chillywilly ( left irc: "leaving" chillywilly ( joined #gnuenterprise. wow, it's snowing Action: jcater looks out his window I beg to differ jcater: beg all you want, it's snowing jcater: Just look a little farther dsmith ( left irc: "later.." ajmitch: how about now? havoc: like a mofo snowing all over the place pretty hard too jamest: hmm? you're more impatient than i am :) chillywilly: yeah, first real snow this year chillywilly: but it won't last long reinhard ( left irc: "Never wrestle with a pig. You both get dirty and the pig likes it" chillywilly: already mostly past us -> anyone want to hear my solo? :P I recorded it for _Simon in #dotgn cause he kept buggin me I'll give you his remixed version lol I fucked p at the end though and if you listen close you can hear my yell ;P Action: ajmitch is grabbing it Action: ajmitch wonders why it's at such high bitrate, for your not-so-great recording equipment sounds pretty good still Encoded_using: oggdropXPd interface. hmmmm that was _Simon sing some prop. app using sure... ajmitch: I use the ktown source: deb stable main esands!! btw, it wasn't me asking :) probably my arch-nemesis chillywilly away log doesn't lie. Looks like your auto-complete on the wrong guy. 8) yep :) i complained about xchat's autocomplete ;) was pointing out to chillywilly & others that krdc isn't in sid how've you been? anyway the ktown src is pretty good. They guy is contacted to provide the germany govt the debs sid debs took at while because of gcc 3.2 and libstdc++ in sid yup and because it's debian me? I've been busy. Working on a cashflow projection until March 2004 at the moment. Black magic voodoo stuff ugh Action: ajmitch shudders at the thought Actually the 3.1 'stable' debs where out almost the same day as the release ajmitch: what did you think of my little solo? was good stuff thanks esands: yeah, gotta add overrides manually for every new package into the archive tho I am going to record a couple songs I think one I am writing for SynrG and Ariannah's midnight moca show (it's anexotic little chord progression and some soloing) The ktown guy talks about that in his README. At the install part and then I have that other song that includes the solo you heard cool but I need to find a better program to use I am going to try this one -> jamest ( left irc: "[x]chat" jamest ( joined #gnuenterprise. good morning howdy i dislike mysql mysql is evil but gtk2 drivers under forms are the bomb right? ;) they will be Action: jamest is enjoying given ajmitch crap hehe pygtk has approximately nil docs :) yeah, i looked once lol it wasn't pretty i go off the C docs ajmitch: if it makes you feel any better win32all and pyqt are the exact same way :) they expect you to use the C docs excellent nope!!!!!!!!! or c++, whichever nope? that's 1reason i grabbed qt as my 2nd test you found real docs? Action: jcater tried 6 months ago and couldn't well, kick ass yip i've started a qt driver already and some year I'll finish it are you going to keep the curses working or let someone else fix it? sigh Action: jcater searches for a bat i'm going to try to keep it working but that thing scares me I'm just curious... no big deal Action: jcater eyes the bat in the corner i need it to work why scare you? I lack the m4d sk1lz of the kurses koder the event model heh truth be known, UIcurses overrides the cursing event model last I looked was a bit, um, convoluted yeah, it looked like another kwalitee kater koding kreation hey, now i'm still in therapy over some of the things I've seen in datasources :) wait until you see the gtk2 driver gack! not 2 of you guys no anyone know the url-friendly %?? code for semicolon? jcater's code is pure elegance compared to mine hey! why can't you code to my fscked up coding style instead of your own my code is pure elegance! period Action: jcater waits for everyone to agree Action: jcater is still waiting hrm Action: ajmitch snickers quietly in the corner Action: jamest runs off to see if there is some alternate definition of elegance he's unaware of anyone? [18:32] Last message repeated 1 time(s). hmmmm, nothing about smoking crack beuler? [18:32] Last message repeated 1 time(s). Action: ajmitch raises chillywilly's hand hrm hmmmm, nothing about coding naked I guess I'll google for it i don't know it isn't there a python lib that'll htmlize any string yeah urlencode() or something %3B fsck i need a working designer to make my dialogs ooh is it be nice to jcater time? ooooo that reminds me um, no Action: ajmitch slips jcater some fresh donuts I need to merge my desigenr branch why start now? heh what's in your branch? i just had to get my 0.4 branch running again :) changes to desigenr to match jamest's tarballs from a few nights ago Action: jamest blinks iow, starting to get designer to work with new model you fixed designer already? impressive iow, starting to get designer to work with new model jamest: you didn't break forms enough! ^---- notice that word "starting" good as I wanted to get with you and make a real interface between the 2 ajmitch: oh, no it's broken ajmitch: when I merge the branch you'll see heh ok desigenr segfaults immediately when loading a form yay! no traceback Action: ajmitch likes segfaults just a good old-fashioned segfault compiled a debug wxpython? beats me whatever's in sid 2.4? whatever's in sid do I need to repeat that? jcater: pyqt has an entire book how to use it whatever's in sid sid has 2.2, 2.3, and 2.4, iirc chillywilly: yeah, I gathered that from jamest's url paste so just saying 'whatevers in sid' doesn't help much :) I think I upgraded to 2.4 to get designer 0.4.3 tested and released sorry I probably didn't get down the back log that far alright jcater: want me to try & build you a debug version of wxpython & wxwindows? sure ok, will try jamest ( left irc: Remote closed the connection gack we scared him off jamest ( joined #gnuenterprise. ah the memories come rushing back damn he's back oops wb jamest! we missed you! did I say that outloud? no it was your imagination Action: jamest forgot that designer 0.4.x likes to sometimes grab the keyboard and mouse and never let go ouch ajmitch any nice dreams of rtf - pdf ? kill -9 is your friend doesn't help sure nope... have to bring X all the way down :) killing designer doesn't release the input streams killall X :P SachaS_: no yep, you have to restart X goof job jcater ! ;) dtm ( left irc: No route to host good SachaS_: nicer dreams of nicer things than that ;) ajmitch haha jcater ( left irc: "home" rofl it's fn messing wityh people via vnc hmm? I connected to the windows bo x and my sister was writing a paper and I started typing stuff in there nasty person at least you didn't bring up a porn site in IE I cna spy on her now Action: chillywilly feels special until she figures out how to stop that Sigh, when we revealed to you the secrets of VNC we had hoped you'd choose to use your newfound powers for good. ToyMan ( left irc: "Client Exiting" alas, this appears not to be the case now we must sign you up for every MS related mailing list we can find :) now I am typinh in he rIM windows that's scary she'll figure it out sis: i want you, i want you here! now! gma: dear, are you ok? lol so, hows the gtk2 driver :) she won't figure it out she's not that quick she Action: ajmitch redirects any & all comments about gtk2 to /dev/null :) lol i can't help myself, i'm wanting other people in the ui drivers to find issues now they will be worries cause I can spy on them muwahahaha jcater ( joined #gnuenterprise. wb jcater thx jcater: apt-get install libwxgtk2.4-dbg <-- they already provide a debug package Action: jcater thinks ajmitch is hinting for me to code hehe jcater: not sure if it works with wxpython or not tho :) Action: ajmitch wouldn't give a hint like that :) Stoke ( joined #gnuenterprise. Stoke_ ( left irc: Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer) dsmith ( joined #gnuenterprise. jamest ( left #gnuenterprise. ajmitch_ ( joined #gnuenterprise. ajmitch ( left #gnuenterprise. Nick change: ajmitch_ -> ajmitch aaron___ ( left irc: Remote closed the connection Action: derek is back (gone 11:35:28) Action: derek is going to go nuts i cant handle internet this friggin slow :( jcater ( left irc: Remote closed the connection derek ( left irc: Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer) jcater ( joined #gnuenterprise. derek ( joined #gnuenterprise. Sacha ( joined #gnuenterprise. wb derek how's your connection? chillywilly! we need you to donate your body^Wpc to science hmmm? whatcha mean? peercast stuff :P oh... _Simon keeps buggin me about that yes, and i am too yea well you gotta wait for WOPN to end as I told him i don't care if you keep listening to WOPN & just redirect his stream to /dev/null, just connect my answer remains the same there's one song left it'll end soon liek now :P woops gotta listen to mexico guess there's another song on ok how can I test it? I'll do something with it werd bah yo moo SachaS_ ( left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) Sacha ( got netsplit. Sacha ( returned to #gnuenterprise. --- Wed Feb 12 2003