grrrrrrrrrrr networksolutions sucks wind 3 years now tried to transfer a domain off there with NO success ZArcher ( joined #gnuenterprise. try this time and the email account i have on the contact record is hotmail account i havent touched for over 2 years and is shutdown so i call up to change it and they agree to call me back no call back come to find out phone number has my OLD area code i.e. phoenix changed area codes in last year grr now they tell me they can not call me at that number so basically im screwed i can fax over paperwork BUT the chances of them getting it resolved in time for me to transfer the domain is nil NEVER i repeat NEVER deal with networksolutions if you can avoid them Remosi ( joined #gnuenterprise. Action: derek regrets i actually have some stuff old enough that networksolutions was the only option :( :( Action: jcater got all mine transfered long ago but remember having issues then too jcater: i did two except ONE i had just renewed it for 3 years when they opened up registrations to other folks and then for past 3 years keep getting screwed out of transfering it and have to overpay for another year :( granted its my own fault as i 'forget' about it until like 30 days before its up and then networksolutions jerks me off until its too late to transfer it ninja (rossg@ joined #gnuenterprise. Isomer ( left irc: Read error: 60 (Operation timed out) psu (psu@ joined #gnuenterprise. dsmith ( left irc: Remote closed the connection reinhard ( joined #gnuenterprise. btami ( joined #gnuenterprise. good morning morning morning folks and a very good morning it is, too. Action: psu has an 8am meeting at my employer's site that is just 3 minutes from home rather than the 20 minutes from home site I normally work at so today, I'll get paid to actually go to work ;-) lol psu (psu@ left #gnuenterprise. Action: btami is away: work insanity_ ( joined #gnuenterprise. morning heya derek: u there? johannes ( joined #gnuenterprise. reboot insanity_ ( left irc: "ChatZilla 0.8.10 [Mozilla rv:1.2b/20021016]" btami ( left irc: can somebody give me a hand how to get it running on windows? (got the latest cvs from the site) dyfet ( joined #gnuenterprise. Yurik_ ( joined #gnuenterprise. ariel ( joined #gnuenterprise. Nick change: Yurik_ -> Yurik btami ( joined #gnuenterprise. Insanity: any success? nope not yet can u help? what's the problem won't start pythonw gnue-forms simpleform.gfd does nothing ninja (rossg@ left irc: "Client Exiting" which version/platform WinXP & latest cvs (from yesterday) python gnue-forms simpleform.gfd saids its unable to load any valid UI drivers you installed common,forms with "python install" yes and wx ? wxpython ? I installed wxPythonWIN32- wait a min. reinhard_ ( joined #gnuenterprise. reinhard ( left irc: Read error: 111 (Connection refused) Nick change: reinhard_ -> reinhard Yurik ( left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) Insanity: try "import wxPython" in python k and then? is it ok? Remosi ( left irc: "Client Exiting" Isomer ( joined #gnuenterprise. wb hmm now i need to figure how we do this ipv6 stuff :) how do I run it then? what was your problem with setup exe's i think today cvs is not the best choice to test gnue the setup exe did not open the gnue-sb forms so they said yesterday: install from cvs. so I'm trying right now. you have better suggestion then? ariel ( left irc: Read error: 113 (No route to host) no, gnue-sb forms in 0.4x format IIRC, but cvs (0.5) introduced a new what error you get with 0.4.3 exe none. it simply doesn't do anything when dbl clicking a form file in task mng i see gnue-forms.exe for a sec and then it dissapears but it does open the intro form. you used the debug-on version? nope can install it if you like? please try that, it has console for error msg installing MSorc ( joined #gnuenterprise. how to start manually? gnue-forms.exe some.gfd k ariel ( joined #gnuenterprise. lol. its db related you should output these msgs though... saves some time ;-) ? MSorc ( left #gnuenterprise. I see in the error log that it asks for a specific connection name. would be nice if it showed that in windows also.. common error i think. ? any id which is the starting point for gnue-sb? do you have gnue-sg database with tables? gnue-sb indeed yes :) btw. what error you get when double click on intro.gfd ? none . that works ok its db related now and with gnue-sb forms ? it makes a select count query on the empty tables so I think I need the right starting point? (or a navigater overview or something?) for what? for gnue-sb ask derek :) derek? =) Action: ajmitch pokes derek ra3vat ( left irc: Read error: 60 (Operation timed out) ariel ( left irc: Read error: 113 (No route to host) ariel ( joined #gnuenterprise. jcater ( left irc: "Client Exiting" SachaS ( got netsplit. SachaS ( returned to #gnuenterprise. dyfet ( left irc: "Client Exiting" SachaS ( left irc: Excess Flood SachaS ( joined #gnuenterprise. ajmitch: maybe you will like this looks good :) ariel_ ( joined #gnuenterprise. ariel ( left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) SachaS ( left irc: Read error: 113 (No route to host) ariel_ ( left irc: Read error: 60 (Operation timed out) ariel_ ( joined #gnuenterprise. btami ( left irc: SachaS ( joined #gnuenterprise. ariel_ ( left irc: Read error: 60 (Operation timed out) question: is auto-complete supported? ariel_ ( joined #gnuenterprise. ToyMan ( joined #gnuenterprise. ariel_ ( left irc: Read error: 60 (Operation timed out) ariel_ ( joined #gnuenterprise. jamest ( joined #gnuenterprise. johannes_ ( joined #gnuenterprise. ariel_ ( left irc: Read error: 113 (No route to host) johannes ( left irc: Read error: 111 (Connection refused) MSorc ( joined #gnuenterprise. hi guys! can i find anythere a GNUe system architecture documentation (eg. UML or something similar)? um i believe everything we currently have is on the documentation page on our site there were some uml diagrams in CVS but they are out of date how old are they? whew um let me look they were at the tool level not the project level 2 years ago :) what are you looking for? i want to discover if its possible to build document management system on GNUe yes you could bbl jamest: you know how to keep ethernet and ppp up at same time? currently i have to del default route to use dialup under linux? yeah it should "just work" if i dont delete default route when i connect under ppp both ethernet and ppp 'work' but cant hit anything that's odd as my home server is setup with ppp variant (for DSL) and my local ethernet :( i don't recall any issues beyond jacking around with the telco MSorc: when you say document management system as i have to kppp to get into work but then i have to kill internet to do so so will be back in a bit you're wanting to store files/images/etc? I bet your ppp is reseting that route as part of its starting up you could probably disable it and use a static route but I'm not sure MSorc? not just store system as document i understand document in organisation and support of user access, document templates, some business rules it would be a major undertaking to do something like this in gnue today johannes ( joined #gnuenterprise. you mean that you are planning to start such tool? actually someone was going to do such a system under the gnue project a year or two ago MSorc: which other options you are thinking of? but they never really got started jamest: it would be nice to have gnue working ok first ;-) InsanitY: version system, document history, workflow Docustore (and it was nickr) was what was proposed also GNUkose has similar goals Action: derek still thinks you could do this in gnue today to a large degree especially if you combined gnue and cvs cvs for versioning derek: any how do I start gnue-sb? install it all then you can run gnue-forms nameofform.gfd the gpd doesnt work at this time but all individual forms should work then I probl. have something wrong cause it doesn't work. =) I get a: "Relation 'email_type' does not exist" on a SELECT count(*) FROM email_type WHERE ((1 = 0 )) has docustore moved further of proposals? MSorc: what other solutions u consider? derek: any suggestions? actually i am involved in relative commercial DMS project and want in leisure build my own vision of dms from my management what u mean? i mean it could be interesting for me to build such dms but it will take a lot of time. which company u r working for ? its in ukraine Stoke_ ( joined #gnuenterprise. how much time u have MSorc? or aren't u alone? about 10 hours per week or less cause a commercial dms is $$$$$... and not for nothing. what do u mean? that unless you plan to spend 2 years or so you will not make it alone with 10 hours a week. just 2 much work i dont plan to use thing alone derek: ^^^ any suggestions? its an open project as i understand and maybe somebody likes my idea InsanitY: you have to create the tables in the database jamest: I did :( i wish I knew more about gnue-sb so I could help MSorc: they all do. But I think they need their time to finish gnue. derek should know?? yes, he created it actually why not? the worst thing could happen the project[dms] will die MSorc: if you have a good id, I'm willing to think about it. Stoke ( left irc: Read error: 60 (Operation timed out) Stoke_ ( left irc: Read error: 60 (Operation timed out) But I don't think gnue is the right platform to build it on. that is why i want to see something about system architecture MSorc: I'd love to see such a beast for gnue and speed of developement in not something gnue is known for :) dsmith ( joined #gnuenterprise. MSorc: I would make it more object driven as derek suggested. Use rdf or something like that. the one thing I'd worry about is the fact you're working for someone that does commercial DMS i would not make it object driven is that correct? not sure how my name got suggested to that InsanitY: have you imported the .sql file into your database? derek: we blame everything on you, you know that derek: fes basically its saying the email_type table doesnt exist in the database you are pointing to derek: you suggested gnukose. that object oriented derek: hmmm that's weird afaik it exists i didnt suggest it... i said it looked promising (or somethign like that) i reviewed it, but its vaporware to date johannes ( left irc: "Client Exiting" commercial one is built on C++ and MS Outlook. i'm not going to share any commercial secrets. i want to build my own one back to your problem i have like 5 min or less derek: ow ok.. sorry bout that then... =) so the quicker you respond the more help you get :) what gfd are you trying to run have a db 'gnue-sb' which HAS a table named 'email_type' thats not what i asked :) contact_manager.gfd lets start with a more simple form k which? try lu_email_type.gfd same error ok can you paste your gnue.conf file for me er not gnue.conf your connections.conf [gnue_sb] comment = GNUe Test Database provider = psycopg host = duh found it sorry what was it btw: you will need to run each of the lu_* files thanks guys. bye the db name there wass spelled wrong... have been installing al versions ..... so probably overlooked and popluate some data aha so when you run contact_manager.gfd there are things in the drop down boxes MSorc ( left #gnuenterprise. as i dont think i 'default' inserted any data into them Action: derek really has to run k thx did lu_email_type.gfd fire up for you now? have contact before me now cool THX a lot! i will try to check the log every hour or so if you have questions as ask k thx! and i will try to make it in and answer them bbl Action: derek is away: jcater ( joined #gnuenterprise. SachaS ( left #gnuenterprise ("Client Exiting"). Nick change: jamest -> uncleBob Nick change: uncleBob -> jamest johannes_ ( left irc: "Client Exiting" Stoke ( joined #gnuenterprise. Stoke_ ( joined #gnuenterprise. Stoke ( left irc: Read error: 60 (Operation timed out) reinhard_ ( joined #gnuenterprise. reinhard ( left irc: Read error: 60 (Operation timed out) reinhard_ ( left irc: "It is easiest to suggest solutions when you know nothing about the problem" fabravo ( joined #gnuenterprise. fabravo ( left irc: Client Quit dyfet ( joined #gnuenterprise. revDeke ( joined #gnuenterprise. dyfet: look at the up stir you caused ..... the gnue list.... newsforge and now slashdot poor dave, probably figures he would have been better off just going to the dumb conference ;) InsanitY: how is gnue-sb working for you? i.e. you get stuff to work lol beyond it just starting up? maybe i am trying for sainthood in the church of free software :) revDeke: i was going to post a message about not attending the fsf member meeting, but then thought better of it :) (i'm in prague for that whole week) rolf bbl revDeke ( left #gnuenterprise. oi revDeke: looks nice. And could use some expansion. I have a database myself with a LOT of tables (also with users, projects, tasks etc.). maybe I'll make some forms for that. revDake: going home now..... will read queries tomorrow. siesel ( joined #gnuenterprise. hi guys! hello hello Action: jamest is debating on harrassing the NZ'r Action: ajmitch leaves how? by changing the UI to force them to rewrite the gtk2 driver? ;) siesel: ooooo, good plan Action: jamest is off to break things ra3vat ( joined #gnuenterprise. hello all aprono ( joined #gnuenterprise. Chipaca ( joined #gnuenterprise. hi all what's up with text fields? As in they show up as 'None'...? we have a database that has a table that has a field that is 'text'. We try to access that field. That field shows up as 'None' even though the field in the database has a value in other news, free barbecue at 9 beer, too dancing girls? rats. Chipaca: Try donuts yeah, donuts! of course! huge, home-made, dulce de leche-covered, doughnuts! dsmith ( left irc: "later.." rats? rat donuts? bbq sound pretty good Chipaca ( left irc: "changing universes" ToyMan ( left irc: "Client Exiting" jamest ( left #gnuenterprise. the eGovOS thing was also on LinuxToday tony is saying some 'interesting' stuff aprono ( left irc: "Client Exiting" what is "interesting"? jan ( joined #gnuenterprise. siesel ( left irc: Read error: 60 (Operation timed out) dyfet: you have more power than you know ;) lol bbl dyfet ( left irc: "Client Exiting" ToyMan ( joined #gnuenterprise. jbailey ( joined #gnuenterprise. I think jbailey wins the beautiful fqdn award this evening I try. =) jan ( left irc: "Client Exiting" chillywilly ( left irc: "restart X" jamest ( joined #gnuenterprise. SachaS ( joined #gnuenterprise. jcater ( left irc: "home" jamest HELP i have a rogue print job that i can not stop been going 3 days prints nothign but ooze to the pc have done lpq see the job do an lprm jobno says cancels job but it still just prints turned printer off for a day when turn back on it just spews :( chillywilly ( joined #gnuenterprise. Debian? yes lprng Oh. Never used it. make the bad man stop please :( daughter has report due in the morning this printer no fixy me will be banned from house wassa matta? i have a rogue print job that i can not stop been going 3 days prints nothign but ooze to the pc have done lpq see the job do an lprm jobno says cancels job but it still just prints turned printer off for a day when turn back on it just spews :( hmmm and you're using lprng? can you delete it from the spool on the disk? if i knew where that was /var/spool/lpd/ seems promising look in /var/spool but i dont know what to delete I dunno where it is either Soo. Why did you use lprng? can you stop the print deamon eg /etc/init.d/lpd stop I use CUPS usually but I don't even have a printer here anyway I used to share the on upstairs via samba but the vserver.vxd file is missin on that stupid winblows machine so no more file/print sharing erm, yea that's an idea but if the buffer on the printer is full won't it keep printing anyway? jcater nad jamest use it and usually they are the best source for help SachaS: i stop daemon with /etc/init.d/lprng stop but it still prints garbage characters? yip printer sucks buying a laser i think that specifically says suports debian :) sometimes it helped me to turn off printer for an hour or so. in your case it keeps printing. does it keep printing if the printer is not connected to the network/pc? can you take the RAM memory out of the printer? (wow is that thoughtful) are you running kde? they have a print job gui program ;P SachaS: i turned it off for 2 days whacked /var/spool/lpd shutdown lprng shut off computer will turn them on in reverse order I think there still might be a print job in the buffer of the printer chillywilly: ok great but how the hell do i kill that? i mean the thing is a cheapy little computer er printer ive let over 100 pages run through it dunno unless the daemon was going bezerker (same 10 pages 10 times) heh the prolly not Action: derek is ready to smash it when to say you "whacked" it what did you do? smash it :) i think i might have to drive an hour in the rain back to work dont smash it :) :( I say smash it if it makes you feel better ;) and no reset button on the printer with lpq the job is still in the queue? it probably doesn't have that big of a buffer, it's probably a software issue like lpd is going nuts and with lpqrm you can delete the job but it still will be in the queue? yea if you use lprm does lpq still show even after the fact? question is what is going nuts? computer only, printer only or both wtf i unplug parallel port from the back and turn off and turn on and it stops if i plug it back in and it goes its debian thats freaking it out is computer still sending stuff? and the lprng daemon is STOPPED aaron___ (~aaron@ joined #gnuenterprise. and no other computer on that network? ps ax | grep lp* no other computer possibly sending stuff? sure as shit it starts again so one printer one printer jcater ( joined #gnuenterprise. do you still see the job in the queue? jcater: welcome to fun with derek's printer ;P hmm uggh jcater ( left irc: Client Quit lol lol rofl 32094 /bin/sh /usr/share/lprngtool/ps-to-printer.fpi killed that bitch lets try again that looks like a filter I don't think he's coming back... sigh even with that it still prints I don't blame him now ps ax |grep lp returns nothing Action: derek gives up but i cant i HAVE to print issues with the parallel port? well i smashed the printer for real i think i may have broken my hand but it stopped printing ;) yeek derek with lpq do you see a job? who cares he broke the printer it's not going to matter now i did break it and my hand but i just tore it open and pulled it apart so it would start printing again wtf jcater ( joined #gnuenterprise. my terminal just wrote lp0 on fire from the machine that is plugged int and if i hit up arrow it dont display that i.e. i didnt type that i cant print since a week. it says there is a paper jam Action: derek wonders if i have be 'infected' by something derek: HEH it says there is a carriage jam. but there isnt. it wont .... nevermind :) hmmm > There's a dedicated overheat signal in the classical parallel > interface. For a modern printer, it's more likely that you have a bad > wire, a strange parallel port mode mismatch, or some other problem. i guess if you smash your printer hard enough (like REALLY physically break it) you cna break your parallel port? :P linux is nice enough to tell the kernel your next move will be to torch its ass The lp0 on fire message simply means that the kernel can't figure out the printer status. The fire bit is an old joke. i hate to try another computer grrrr as that machine is my file/print server it can't figure out printer status cause you smashed it fewl if its toast for printing i imight as well pull out the drive and put in my main box and throw it out chillywilly: i did more than smash it #gnuenterprise: mode change '+o jcater' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. i will post pictures sometime jcater: you have any ideas is there something in /var/log/messages or /var/log/daemon.log or /var/log/lpr.log etc etc? Topic changed on #gnuenterprise by jcater! Welcone to #gnuenterprise.... cvs is on fire! Topic changed on #gnuenterprise by jcater! Welcone to #gnuenterprise.... where cvs is on fire! derek: clear out all jobs stop printer services date > /dev/lp0 and see if your lights flash what kind of printer is this? PoS :P Topic changed on #gnuenterprise by jcater! Welcome to #gnuenterprise.... where cvs is on fire! oops... typo Welcone jcater Thancs deskjet 842C yuck yeesh deskjecs are a PITA what started this problem? what do you think? printing pr0n? ;) large pr0n? how do i clear jobs? i did lprm -a all returns Printer lp@carpine: and thats it then it should be clear lpq Printer: lp@carpine lpqxyzabc Queue: no printable jobs in queue so now what? date > /dev/lp0 does that hang? I thought you broke this printer? nah... just set it on fire chillywilly: i told you i fixed it (i will send pictures to show you i really did smash it) bash: /dev/lp0: Device or resource busy hmmm which sounds right as its still printing crap out do the print logs in /etc/log/lp***** say something? /etc/init.d/lprng stop i have done that lots did again and still nothing printing away to its heart content i have hmmm stopped lprng what is it printing? removed all jobs any chance you've triggered demo mode on the printer? unplugged printer (and parallel port) left off for 10 minutes and then fired it all back up what was she printing from? in reverse order and still no dice just prints junk i think i may just reboot at this point ok i hit reboot figure it cant get any worse lost 400 days or so of up time no big deal Action: jcater thinks derek should invest in $50 linksys print server considering it i need a new printer and new computers well, yeah that too and am broke :( 400 days uptime thats too cool :) we were on 211 on our server at work... my longest time yet then hard drives go out of course it was up 120 or so before that... but we moved offices Action: jcater will never get 365 :( can unload the parallel port module? ToyMan ( left irc: "Client Exiting" i think thats printer i want jcater: well you already beat winders systems looks to have good linux support you'll always have that ;P and is cheap for a laser (under 150) I will never own another inkjet number one reason i want it derek: I've been looking at that one too under supported software Debian 2.0, 2.1, 2.2 and above looks nice first time i have seen a printer manufacturer on the manufacturer website not only say they support linux but specifically debian :) Action: jcater will spend the little extra for one with a native PS interpreter though Action: chillywilly has an old deskjet sitting right next to him but it's not hooked up what's a god printer that has a ps interperter in it? er, good sigh reboot no help it's SOOO much easier to deal with in *nix land yea dude that's too wild ps aux|grep lp 204 ? S 0:00 lpd Waiting Action: chillywilly told him to do that killall pld erlpd wtf is printing? kill! [20:45] Last message repeated 3 time(s). surely it's not lprng lsof|grep lp fsck it now the paper feed is hosed because i brutalized the printer i think its time to run to office depot its gonna cost me 200 to print a report for a third grader sigh :( run to kinkos only a couple of bucks lsof command not found but wait i think it stopped apt-get install lsof are you root? you can create other accounts? j/k yeah but it stopped lol let me start lprng and see if it goes again question: why did it stop? he got lucky ;) it didnt start again date > /dev/lp0 made lights blink an is doing something weee yes it printed the date too bad you smashed the damn thing i might be in luck you call this luck? Action: jcater makes a note not to hang out w/derek when in AZ jcater: come on now you know he's cursed this is NOT news but [20:49] Last message repeated 1 time(s). it's still fun to tease him i thought you might catch on jcater: never said a word when on a 300+ mile road trip it was odd that we couldnt find a single place open to 'eat' and the one we did didnt accept plastic well ok we did find ONE place aaron___ (~aaron@ left irc: "Client Exiting" but he found out the luck bounces both ways like when we got 5 cheese burgers a BAG of french fries and other loot at wendy's when we only paid for about 2 bucks in food ;) true dat of course on that same trip, MBNA froze my credit card sigh now open office on other box displays splash screen and dies b/c someone was getting gas on it every few hrs huh? why did they do that? fraud prevention of course freaked me out anyone have a good apt source for newer openoffice debs? lame 'cause my card didn't work derek: nope nope I didn't even know there were debs yep in sid sid? hmm i think mine point somewhere funny derek: sid == unstable Action: jcater ducks sigh I was hoping to gnue tonight but I'm too tired hey what do you know apt-get install found a new version jcater: me too but now i will be up all night getting this report typed and printed for daughter grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr would you like some cheese with the whine? would you like some trout with the slap? you know it bring it on you little bitch Action: jcater contemplates going to bed early don't make me re-enable bigbrother's chilly feature do it! little bitch? excuse me? Action: jcater is a big bi0tch punk are you blind? big little bitch half blind, yes well most of us are... Action: jcater is half blind can only see out of right eye nerve blindness in other so do have problems with depth perception? um how would I know? nothing to compare to you misjdge how close something is that's true for example I thought GNUe 0.5.0 was coming christmas I misjudged how close that was like if I were to toss you something and you can't catch the thing nah Action: jcater played soccer and basketball earlier in life well there's a reason we have 2 eye balls depth perception is one the human body is amazing at compensating I can tell depth just fine perhaps it's from ratios or something well I knwo a guy withone eye and he still drives in the right lane cause he has problems jdging how close cars are has he always been w/one eye? cause that could make a difference no he lost his eye in an accident at's he the safety guy and goes around giving safety lectures and he uses his own story he also makes them cover on of their eyes for a while with a patch and then tosses them a ball and most ppl can't catch the thing their depth perception is fubarred jbailey ( left irc: "Client Exiting" aaron___ ( joined #gnuenterprise. jcater: I thought you were too tired to gnue? Action: chillywilly sees jcater commit piss ok got document done but now when try to print it prints No way to print this type of input file: PostScript docuemnt text conforming at it could print openoffice docs before Action: derek vaguely remembers something like this before sigh im screwed can not print anyone know how to do cups? im in abind REAL bad Bill_H ( joined #gnuenterprise. cups was pretty straight forward for me.. well i hope to simply things for IMMEDIATE needs and so i put the printer cable in back of pc install.. hit localhost:631 w/browser instead of server so should just be able to configure locally poop so i prolly didnt need webmin-lpadmin? Action: derek wasnt sure what tools existed for cups as no one answered *shrug* brb this is real hard w/baby in arms Action: derek is probably only linux user that really hates networking and printing cups has a nice web ui like Vee2d2 said Bill_H ( left irc: Remote closed the connection localhost:631 fails for me grrr how the hell do you start cups sigh you all lie localhost:631/admin configure the printer go to do a test page and the admin tool crashes try to 'edit' configuration and it gives me server errors Action: derek remembers now why i didnt use cups heh sorry.. ok.. so you've got it installed.. it's running? /etc/init.d/cups start|stop|restart|etc.. yes on and running but poor cups admin tool be broked date > /dev/lp0 works so know parallel port, cable and printer work gedit seems to let me pring maybe i will get lucky despite the shortcomings up cups? how did you configure the printer? with localhost:631/admin BUT if i try to print a test page that admin tool crashes if i try to 'edit' the configuration it gets server errors that's quite strange.. but if it let me configure and i can print this one document im happy for now hey its starting to print will it be somethign other than garbage? ......... Action: derek notes cups driver appears MUCH slower than lprng hey its working Action: derek does happy dance hp842c you said? I see like 9 drivers for that.. jeez.. Action: derek is now sorry i smashed my printer if you havent already, I might suggest installing ... cupsomatic-ppd - cups printer ppd's from foomatic-bin - printer support - programs foomatic-db - printer support - database foomatic-db-gimp-print - Printer/Driver database and print system - gimp-print database cupsys-driver-gimpprint - Gimp-Print printer drivers for CUPS maybe more optimal results with a different driver.. and cupsys-bsd will give you some wrappers for like lpc, lpq, lpr, lprm there's only one choice for my printer (epson c80).. the gimpprint one.. works quite well.. Action: chillywilly slaps derek around some --- Fri Feb 14 2003