Action: derek needs to run off to bed Action: derek is away: sleep #gnuenterprise: mode change '+o derek' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. Topic changed on #gnuenterprise by derek! Welcome to #gnuenterprise.... where cvs is on fire! - GNUe developers please check DCL for overdue tickets and close what has been resolved. --da masta KILL [00:31] Last message repeated 1 time(s). da masta admonishes you to KILL ALL BUGS SO IT HAS BEEN WRITTEN Mr_You ( left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) reinhard ( joined #gnuenterprise. btami ( joined #gnuenterprise. btami ( left irc: Remote closed the connection btami ( joined #gnuenterprise. Action: Vee2d2 rolls to bed SachaS ( left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) SachaS ( joined #gnuenterprise. btami ( got netsplit. johannes ( got netsplit. ra3vat_ ( got netsplit. aaron_ ( got netsplit. paqan (whaq@ got netsplit. ajmitch ( got netsplit. reinhard ( got netsplit. dtm ( got netsplit. ra3vat ( got netsplit. chillywilly ( got netsplit. IsoosI ( got netsplit. mdean ( got netsplit. InsanitY ( got netsplit. derek ( got netsplit. Stoke ( got netsplit. SachaS ( got netsplit. derek ( returned to #gnuenterprise. SachaS ( returned to #gnuenterprise. btami ( returned to #gnuenterprise. reinhard ( returned to #gnuenterprise. ra3vat_ ( returned to #gnuenterprise. dtm ( returned to #gnuenterprise. johannes ( returned to #gnuenterprise. ra3vat ( returned to #gnuenterprise. chillywilly ( returned to #gnuenterprise. IsoosI ( returned to #gnuenterprise. aaron_ ( returned to #gnuenterprise. mdean ( returned to #gnuenterprise. paqan (whaq@ returned to #gnuenterprise. ajmitch ( returned to #gnuenterprise. InsanitY ( returned to #gnuenterprise. Stoke ( returned to #gnuenterprise. #gnuenterprise: mode change '+o derek' by lupo_ ( joined #gnuenterprise. !seen kid THERE IS NO KID ONLY ZUUL hmm kid's are data now? Action: dtm crushes the city streets behind lupo_ as lupo_ flees ok i need cereal. so it's a good thing that i have some. cereal is good dtm: have you taken the blue or the red pill? yeah "honey bunches of oats", 2 boxes for $4. at Safeway. uh oh, dtm on the rampage hello here IsoosI lupo_: uh which was the one that blows everything up? lupo_: coz i done took that one. Action: lupo_ announces the "dtm anti-agression programme" with multiple levels of simulated weird brutalities and enriched soy milk for $3 per 64oz Nick change: IsoosI -> Isomer ooooooo sign me up !!! Action: dtm <3 lupo_ together with 3 billion e-mail addresses and free viagra just $999 oo it's a "programme".... that's one of those crazy exotic European dealies isn't it? yes ok yeah 3B will do uh so when i installed this Debian thingie operating system uh they told me that I'd be receiving free offers in the mail and you got? for Instant Pestering, news, stocks, ads, services, and ads well ALL I GOT WAS THESE STOOPID DATABASES that's all they got on this server here! that's all it does, is the dynamic html and the compilers i mean, what?! who needs that stuff? what am i, some geek? where's the hot gnu on bison action?! the movies, the sports, the Chinese rope lasso lessons?! # apt-get install jackie-chan this is #gnuenterprise, right? ** PLEASE INSERT $9.95 TO CONTINUE ** ajmitch: where? Action: ajmitch sobs quietly in the background hey dont be makin with the interweb hacker talk on me, baby Action: dtm gets loaded up on Aqua Teen Hunger Force, for inspiration brb coz as i'mj typing to you guys, my cereal's getting soggy Action: lupo_ wonders wtf is going on lupo_: dtm's here, need we say more? pre-war behavioral disease? normal behaviour for dtm, i'm afraid HELP! lol he's a secret iraqi agent who wants to stop patriotic software like gnue! (standard accusation of the week (tm)) patriotic? down with america! :) down where? dunno not down here, anyway under? *g* no! keep it away! perhaps you meant "drown", like atlantis oooh, that'd be fun fok. here i am. it would be sufficient to drop the current administration s/f// Action: ajmitch heads off to bed ajmitch: thansk for your help, hackerboy night all ajmitch: l8r night may you dream of streaming mp3s and free video game preview downloads i still feel strange when i type that immediately after lunch lupo_: yeah. dtm: you've missed the "drop bush not bombs" part yeah yeah yeah dropping Bush and friends on iraq. lolo and let the natives sort it out. yeah they're stupid and dumb and they suck and they're ruining everything and... and.... hopefulyl nothing else. coz man, i already done played Rampage once today for like 30 game days. that's a lot of virtual quarters. that game eats em up. it's like impossible. to not die. which is apparently what Bush thinks too about life. on saturday a german musician said that no bomber pilot would fly if he had to shake hands with each victim yeah that's a good idea. they should send em in there and have em shake hands "hey there. i'm boutta bust your ass to the bujeezus and back. wellp. I guess that's about it. bye." and then have em write a postcard to the survivors. ugh yeah they'd be motivated then. and write a book report on the local culture and publish that and be forced to advertise it on local TV yes and then apologize. "here's the book with photos of all the people i've killed (before and after!)" DEAR VICTIMS I'M SORRY YOU WERE RIGHT AND I WAS WRONG. I WAS DUMB AND YOU ARE SMART. I AM UGLY AND YOU ARE...... VERY ATTRACTIVE. :(" yes not that it would help as all these ppl are already dead but well SachaS ( left irc: Read error: 113 (No route to host) oh yeah well you can address it to the survivors then, SIGNED -- MISTER WARMONGER ok you people, there1 ! oh yes, they'll surely forgive debian people in da howse i'm boutta take the plunge yeah after they WAKE UP DEAD THE NEXT DAY :=[ i'm-a walkin' a looong looong waaay-a in da debian street-a! hey i have an idea they blasted the dirt off of the earth over there in Japan twice then later nationally apologized and then? and rebuilt the stuff so like hey MAYBE THIS IS THE MAGIC TIME i have a deja-vu when scorched earth will solve a problem. i have an even more unique idea: what about a faked attack on pearl harbor? and imprinting human silouhettes into concrete will be more advantageous than just not having trained the terrorists and incited them to violence IN THE FIRST PLACE what? hey you know what's the creepiest, scummiest thing ever? i saw pictures of a PRO WAR RALLY in the US yes, idiots are a powerful human tribe they are everywhere they have their own set of euphemistic delights such as "FREEDOM IS NOT FREE" along with a picture of military graves. more powerful than the illuminates and like when these million-person anti-war rallies were happening these people were showing up nearby in numbers as high as 35 at a time! wow (official count by the participants) really encouraging for the bush administration but they said they were just getting started and now 35 ppl is a good reason to go to war there was like more signed up, but it was dark out. i read the message board they were saying things like WOW YOU ACTUALLY GOT OUT THERE A WHOLE DAY? MAN IT WAS JUST DARK OUT, WHERE I WAS LOLOLOLZ HADDA TAKE THE LAWN CHAIR AND THE YOUNGUNS IN EARLY YOUNGUNS??? BUT THEY HAD US A BUG ZAPPER SHOW AND SOME HOT DOGS SO IT WEREN'T COMPLETE BUST! P.S. FRY SADDAM!!!!!! :-/ sick fry chicken! we share DNA, apparently, with this element. to some degree. we share DNA with mice, so be cool about that point. it says nothing. oic noted there are apes that have closer relationship with us than these ppl o/~ isn't it time we stop the hate understand our fears neat btw i should like to meet these brethren apes of yours. tell them i said hi could you please explain why so many US citizens think that "they (the muslims) hate 'us'" ??? we should totally rap over some sign language ohhhhh yeah that can be summed up in a few words i think. xenophobia oh bigotry cultural isolation aha fear interesting total misinformation national fundamentalism? yeah i guess so sounds good see in the US it's very hard to find unbiased information not so much objectively speaking, but subjectively so the political war is not christian vs. muslim world but fundamentalists of both sides vs. those who choose to think for themselves ? what do you read to get useful information? well like on the day of Sept 11, 2001 i was in #worldtradecenter in here, and in the following days and weeks i was *still* gleaning information FOR THE FIRST TIME IN MY LIFE about what Islam even is, and what life in Afghanistan is at all. dude as it turned out, it was like i had never heard the word "Afghanistan" before i had no idea that the Taliban existed i had met one person who i knew was Muslim is it true that 90% in the US (according to a street survey) weren't able to locate it on a world map? and only because we were coworkers doing some long hours and because we were both highly spiritually inclined, did i even get a chance to understand what the Q'uran (sp?) is or who Mohammed (sp?) is and how this relates to the Bible i mean it took long hours we have learned this at school and a boatload of patience because i suck the spine out of a person and digest it for weeks, when there's something critical i need to know so i have a bare smattering of a clue. same goes for me :) kinda. so i dont think i've ever met anyone else who was born American, who even knows that much. plus i'm in Silicon Valley one of the most culturally diverse and population-dense areas of the US i walk into Denny's at 3 am and there are natives from 10 countries, no kidding. (denny's is a nationwide 24hr restaurant) strange i once lived in a building that was literally 90% indian with > 400 total occupants software industry i guess yeah and research and universities and cultural studies and psychology etc there are schools here specializing in multiculturalism behind all their majors so tell me, where is the xenophobia here? i've known people iwth PhDs from such a school, who dont know what the Q'uran is you are kidding no. you are kidding well they know that it's the religious book and stuff but they dont know what it says. or how it links to the perversely radical beliefs of the terrorists well in their distorted way there is no serious problem in doing the same with the bible in fact, it has been done before eh? oh yeah well they have no problem understanding how the Bible relates to abortion clinic bombings in their perverse way i mean, Americans are on average spiritual seekers if it's possible to make such a grotesque generalization about any population. i mean the crusades of european countries to jerusalem in the 10th, 11th, 12th century but i think 9/11 shows that. yeah well. all i'm saying is that there's a TOTAL LACK OF EDUCATION :) the q'uran is radically different in context, compared to anything i've ever seen even compared to the Mormons which is an alleged extension to the Bible [X] you got the point. how is a person who's never read it and been culturally sensitized since childhood, expected to have any *way* to grasp the skills necessary to tolerate terrorism being linked to a harmless religion? especially when the only thing we've ever been told about such things, are in terms of terrorism it's a radical leap of context it's like imagining living on the moon or in Gingerbread Land some people have the extremely deeply compassionate skills and interpersonal intelligences needed to TRY to bridge it by instinct *g* but literally the closest thing we have to gauge by are things like movies unless you go COMPLETELY totally utterly off the pop culture grid US movies are to education what military is to peace and then suddenly are expected to know how to brave a new world of misinformation and radical polarization. yeah i mean once i started reading the links pasted into #worldtradecenter, i was once again totally disillusioned how can i possibly believe any of it? even in simple unpolitical movies like MIB, you see a US flag every couple of minutes this is sick i'd have to basically spend a couple years of cultural sensitization and research, resulting in the equivalent of an associate degree don't believe anything just to understand what i read in the news. and I'd have to do it by *myself* cultural momentum and groupthink is such a hellish problem that there was a whole country founded on the basis of collective self governance :-/ and that was just a beta test collective self-governedness the reason why it's so heavily linked with "Americans" is because this country is so utterly vast and populous now, if somehow God had broken this part of the continent up into 50 countries, we'd be whistling up a different neck of the woods. a la Europe where people are forced to try to tolerate their neighbors dewd. we dont even have different languages here. across the span of 50 states. i mean.... the next time you wonder why the US seems culturally self centric, imagine what it would be like if you could just take a weekend off and drive across your entire continent using one ID, one currency, one language, and were able to eat at exactly the same menu from the same restaurant every 10 minutes. :) and once you've done that, you can resume fearing it ;> coz it sux i challenge any other group to grow up in those conditions and not behave the same way. cultural diversity is like trying to escape from a tar pit. which you were born in the center of and can't even see out of in a period from 2nd to 9th grade, in my childhood, I recall seeing in my entire school district only about 5 kids who had a significantly different color of skin than me, and they were only there for about a year each. that was in rural Kansas a huge area SachaS ( joined #gnuenterprise. i've been in California for about 4 years now and I still totally stare at people every day coz of the wonderful diversity it's embarassing but i can't stop looking :} i walk out of a restaurant and tell my friend "that person had such as awesome face!" lupo_: so THERE YOU HAVE IT AS I SEE IT. :) wait! 'apt-get purge ' doesn't exist. how's that work again? apt-get --purge package right? ok so what line am i supposed to enter in this /etc/apt/sources.list ? sorry my big boss called on me im back now that you for your opinion in eu, we are quite misinformed about life in the US what do you want with the sources.list? hehhe gotta go swimming :) bye lupo_ ( left irc: "using sirc version 2.211+KSIRC/1.1" dtm: apt-get --purge remove dtm ( left irc: Read error: 60 (Operation timed out) btami ( left irc: jbailey ( joined #gnuenterprise. dsmith ( joined #gnuenterprise. jbailey ( left irc: "Client Exiting" Action: derek is away: reloading crack pipe Yurik (~yrashk@ joined #gnuenterprise. Yurik (~yrashk@ left irc: "Вышел из XChat" jcater ( joined #gnuenterprise. Nick change: dsmith -> ds|lunch wtf kind of topic is that kind of pisses me off I think it's a joke man I don't think so seeing as how my inbox was full of dcl reassigns this morning the appropriate topic should be: Welcome to #gnuenterprise... CVS is broken, please don't report bugs against CVS!!!! revDeke ( joined #gnuenterprise. jcater you around? Action: revDeke is doing some python stuff and am really rusty and forgot my python book in and out i think i have an easy question as pertains to syntax dealing w/mass user hysteria this morning :) im trying to pass command line 'list/dict' of files so say ['foo.txt', 'bar.txt','fred.txt'] which seems to work ok then loop through that and do open(file) so for file in file_list: try: file_output = open(file) except: print "goat rapist" which works fine but really i need file_output to be a dict/list i tried file_output[] = open(file) file_output = [] .... doh file_output.append(open(file)) thanks np gack it solved the initial problem but i think i have some other issue :) why the ['foo.txt', ....] syntax on command line? it doesnt treat my command line like a list :) Action: jcater thinks what you want to do is: jcater: i didnt want to 'hard code' the file names import sys file_output = [] and files dont exist yet who's reporting bugs against cvs? dammit ppl stop interrupting my code listing import sys file_output = [] for file in sys.argv[1:]: try: file_output.append(open(file)) except: pass ... then you call it file1.txt file2.txt file3.txt Action: chillywilly gives jcater a happy pill not quite so simple btw, if these are WRITABLE files, and not reading files, it has input and output files you need to do open(file,'w') where you have input and output, eh? filetoconvert and converted file as parameters and its not a one to one thing sometimes its 1 input and 3 output (as is the case right now) sometimes its 1000 input and 1 output (as is the case when i originally wrote) so how were you thinking of calling it? on input files i made it smart enough to glob things so i could say check_negatives.exe *.txt alldept.txt i planned on calling you could always do something like mihsload.exe hractual.txt ['deductions.txt','employee.txt','paytype.txt'] check_negavitves input1 input2 -- output1 output2 i.e., the -- signals the end of input and beginning of output part of the problem is i do a lot of programs like this that would be easy to implement and trying to consolidate them down for reuse as i go ulitmately this should be exactly what i need integrator so desperately for problem is these things come up and have to be done in like 3 hours so dont have time for 'proper' workings luckly they come up often enough the process has been refined a bit though reuse jcater: why are you experiencing user hysteria? revDeke: import sys inputs = [] outputs = [] doing_inputs = 1 for file in sys.argv[1:] if file == '--': doing_inputs = not doing_inputs elif doing_inputs: inputs.append(open(file)) else: outputs.append(open(file,'w')) would that work? then you could do check_negavitves input1 input2 -- output1 output2 that kind of input let me see chillywilly: just unusually busy this morning annual sales meeting is next week I suppose that's part of it ok Action: chillywilly is feeling a bit under the weather jcater is there a way to globably comment instead of use # like equive of /* foo [11:11] Last message repeated 2 time(s). */ not technically though """ foo [11:12] Last message repeated 3 time(s). """ will turn it into a doc string that is ignored as long as there are no other """ """ pairs in that code fragment jcater what woudl be proper way to remain able to wild card? inputs.append(open(glob.glob(file)) elif doing_inputs: for f in glob.glob(file): inputs.append(open(f)) I think jcater: you know where you can change the mailto: handler in konq? I want it to start up mutt in a konsole and not kmail Action: chillywilly gets unlazy and looks rock i think it works now that i fixed the glob muhahhaa jcater is python master duh er jcater: how do i access the files er bad questions i assign 3 files into outputs how do i specifiy which output file to use? heh, who would've though you had to change it in "component chooser" outputs[1] wtf outputs['filename'] I hate trying to find things in guis outputs[0] would be first one outputs[1] would be the second hmmm, now how the heck do I pass the mailto: url to the app.... bah grrr i dont like pythons less than stellar error messages some times sigh the """ """ commenting bit me :) jcater the code you gave has an oddity the else: doesnt work else: ouputs.append(open(file,'w')) got changed to else: try: for f in glob.glob(file): outputs.append(open(f,'w')) except: print 'kiss my butt' and if i put a print 'im here' before the try it sees it if i put a print 'im here2' before teh for it sees it if i put a print 'im here3' after the for before teh ouputs.append it doesnt see it i think this is some oddity in the else: any ideas apt-get --pure remove python2.2 ;P --purge jcaterf any way to get a file name from the file object? er jcater even you know there are online python docs ;) im starting to look at them now :) just easier if jcater knows :) I just like giving you a hard time it appears Nick change: ds|lunch -> dsmith reinhard_ ( joined #gnuenterprise. reinhard ( left irc: Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer) sup reinhard with a tail Action: chillywilly gets out his carving knife Action: ra3vat_ hides will be back later revDeke ( left #gnuenterprise. Nick change: reinhard_ -> reinhard chillywilly: Can you believe it, my boss and I argue about "apt-get --purge remove something" and "apt-get remove --purge something" why are you arguing about it? chillywilly: I like --purge remove and he likes remove --purge. chillywilly: I's a matter of taste! I use the former I agree with you chillywilly: Of course you do. You have excellent taste. HEH thanks ;) how's business anyway? chillywilly: Right now? I'm on irc right? Action: chillywilly is finally done being lazy and is organizing his massive paper pile hehe does that mean it's slow? Yeah, for me. No upcoming gigs right now. My boss is working at Chase Manhattan in Columbus OH and NY k aren't you related to your boss or something? chillywilly: Yeah. brother-in-law alright Action: chillywilly is not feeling so great right now ugh Action: dsmith prays for chillywilly thanks dsmith chillywilly: np ToyMan ( joined #gnuenterprise. jbailey ( joined #gnuenterprise. reinhard ( left irc: "War is never a solution." collord ( left #gnuenterprise. ToyMan ( left irc: "Client Exiting" dsmith ( left irc: "later.." revDeke ( joined #gnuenterprise. wb Derek. hey jbailey Got time for your thoughts now? ToyMan ( joined #gnuenterprise. jcater ( left irc: "home" yes can you repaste the conversation i vaguely remember it as being dcl, stuff and crack ;) jcater ( joined #gnuenterprise. revDeke: Integrating a wiki into a CRM/DCL combo./ ah just a sec DCL / CRM combo is right around the corner the CRM stuff in gnue-sb uses the table structs from DCL account/contact tables for dcl 1.0 im half considering if 1.0 is a long way off creating a GNUe DCL version that uses GNUe SB CRM and slightly modified DCL UI to handle using its data I would rather _not_ do this it is purely a time trade off proposition as to the wiki i think thats a bad idea Action: revDeke personally doesnt like wiki too much (which is probably some of it) but i think with some modifications DCL could give you desired effect through email and/or web interfaces to a customer for example right now i can send an email and a ticket is created the part that doesnt happen is the ability for me to communicate back to you via that ticket it is an oft requested thing (and work will likely need it) so i expect that feature to show up at that point the information is being logged into a database and wouldnt be too difficult to make other UI's to get at it or search it for historical purposes The thing that the wiki brings is a free form place where people can write documentation. Documentation both on troubleshooting steps, as well as documentation on internal servers and stuff. The thing I was thinking of was that a wiki-type of system might be nice to integrate complete documentation systems in with this. i disagree to an extent what i would like to see for you documentation problem is SAP Knowledge Something i.e. its a 'documentation' system that is fully user extensible we will need something like this for gnue applications on the whole anyhow wiki imho is not good for documenting persay not horrible just not what i would choose that certainly doesnt mean others might agree with you and that integrating something like that into dcl wouldnt be a horrid thing would need to think about it more i suppose i have to run, will talk about it later, you see my dcl debs look good note? i.e. upload those suckers to sid so i can upgrade ash ;) ttfn revDeke ( left #gnuenterprise. oooo eeee oooo aaaa [18:35] Last message repeated 1 time(s). bing bang wadda wadda ching chang #gnuenterprise: mode change '+o jbailey' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. Topic changed on #gnuenterprise by jbailey! Welcome to #gnuenterprise.... where cvs is on fire! - GNUe developers please check DCL for overdue tickets and close what has been resolved. --da masta | dcl 0.9.2 uploaded to sid. #gnuenterprise: mode change '-o jbailey' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. dtm ( joined #gnuenterprise. SachaS ( left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) SachaS_ ( joined #gnuenterprise. SachaS_ ( left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) dsmith ( joined #gnuenterprise. stuq_ ( joined #gnuenterprise. SachaS ( joined #gnuenterprise. jbailey ( left #gnuenterprise ("Client Exiting"). ToyMan ( left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) stuq_ ( left irc: "Client Exiting" firs ttime i paid much attention but in 24 hours spam assasain has filtered out 279 emails derek: herro is spam running mad or what not bad yes 'tis i've noticed more in recent days a new one's coming in from the mailer at ya, pretty bad i'm getting "message cannot be delivered" headers from, and the body is the error plus spam. at least 5 a day this is on yahoo mail which already has a spam filter :\ so what's up, guys? are you having a lovely evening? *burp* yup hmmm im hungry now bbiam jcater: thanks for the tip today the burp? was able to knock that out pretty quick after you answered my questions python is pretty groovy like that its very nice for manipulating text files :) elite. well if you post your resume to lots of job boards you get work at home spam too and other related job site's cool...or something Action: chillywilly smacks everyone awake skwashd ( joined #gnuenterprise. hi all hi hey chillywilly got a GNU project question what is the GNU Groupware Standards? i was reading an old log which some gnu enterprise people were involved in the discussion btw i am involved with phpgroupware ..... but seek3r is not being very chatty skwashd: hey there dewd hey dtm .... missed u on #phpgw today long time no see how have u been ? skwashd: i'd be surprised if gnue had any groupware initiative other than axisgroupware :) i mean mdean is the chief groupware minded engineer in gnue, but he's been consumed with just DCL. dtm: the log was a discussion between gnue, dotgnu and phpgw and so dcl is the primary connection between gnue and axisgw, or any other groupware concepts in general afaik GNU Groupware Stds never got started or underway skwashd: oh ok good yeah ajmitch probably knwos as much as anybody he's the ultimate fly on the wall there's been a few promises made, etc (by people like seek3r), but not much more yeah i know as i'm in dotgnu & gnue :) dotgnu is hip hmmm .... not surprised skwashd: i think that OGS needs to be revived skwashd: afaik that was started by seek3r years ago, and there was minimal progress in terms of catalyzing phpgw, OO.o, and Ximian and then the web site disappeared. skwashd: so, someone should do that. and stuff. dtm: yeah ... b4 my time ah i have a copyright assingment form from the FSF .... and it is for the GNU Groupware Standards .... so i want to make sure i am assigning right for the right thing no point assigning copyright for vapourware skwashd: what's this? are you saying that you have a document or something, called "GNU Groupware Standards"? i hadn't heard of that you did ask about it, right? ajmitch: no ... i have been chasing seek3r ..... and as usual i can't catch himn skwashd: i can tell you what GNU Groupware Standards Are but then i would have to make you give jcater a box of donuts dtm: no a form for assigning copyright on my own on GNU Groupware Standards ..... when i said i was working on phpgw and wanted to assign to the FSF hey derek hmm maybe i dont know what it is if there is assignment forms for it ummm .... ok .... but they will be mouldy by the time he gets them from here basically at one time phpgw and gnue met with FSF derek: yeah, it's not really clear and we tried to common to common grounds on certain things derek: the first line of the document reads ..... to prevent duplicate efforts skwashd: oh so you say that the "GNU Groupware Standards" doc doesn't exist yet but that you're going to write it and assign its copyright to FSF? ASSIGNMENT - GNU Groupware Standards the first such venture was to be GNUe Common dtm: no .... code we delievered an abstract RPC mechanism which was quickly snuffed as 'not do able' when we did it and produced it we were told 'well its not in php' at which point we said 'we are too busy for games' and moved along derek: ah ok the RPC mechanism came out of the log i was reading (from nov-01?) ? derek: that's a good summary of events :) skwashd: so xmlrpc works in phpgwapi, huh? derek: yeah i read that too dtm: yep i am using it for the palm sync stuff with a few hacks on the bo/so classes to make it easier for me skwashd: yay ok ok i think im remembering we saw the announcment of gnu groupware standards and were a little 'miffed' as it had much 'duplication' of previously stated goals of gnue yeah .... i found that in a savannah request list archive i think david sugar and others said it crossovered with dotGNU as well so david and i talked to brad abit and we decided to get all groups to meet dotgnu, phpgroupware, gnu standards, gnue and discuss i think to a degree the gnu groupware standards stuff has petered out derek: is that a good thing? derek: you mean it's being settled? or that it's fading away? fading away in the sense i dont know if anyone is actively pursuing but all this contact talk reminds me i owe brad some gnue applications for donor management so i probably need to quit gabbing and start some gnue'ing derek: so do you think in the FSF's mind all 3 projects are under that banner? plus i dont think jcater has enough dcl tickets ;) skwashd: dont ask my opinion on that ;) derek: ah ok as i will tell you GNUe is the oldest and is a 'meta' project and that really the others belong under it thanks for the background info but thats my egocentric view lol so take it at face value k Action: derek is truly being serious, but i realize how it must look egotistical lex ( joined #gnuenterprise. as GNU Enterprise was chartered to be the umbrella for 'enterprise' applications much like gnome is the parent to gnome applications but thats my egocentric view <-- no that's pretty much correct :) derek: i mean, it's objective and not egocentric! gnue should be the parent metaproject. all that gnome stuff gets along fine, but then, they're implemented using gnome's libs and components. traditionally in a local mostly binary desktop environment Just curious, why choose xml-rpc over soap? so once people think less in terms of implementational details like whether it's all written in one particular language, they can focus on common interoperability and standards. and metaprojects dsmith: cos it seemed easier to me at the time dtm: that is MY point. :) we have something called GNUe Common which is very much like the GNOME core libraries if other enterprise applications would use it..... a LOT of duplication would go away and EVERYONE would be better off again this is my egocentric opinion though im sure that i could get jcater to throw me an 'amen' ;) dsmith: we didnt dtm: that is MY point. :) we have something called GNUe Common amen! yeah amen. i'll do it for him me three dsmith: we have gnue common which wraps any RPC (or theoritically could) i think a limiting factor is that it's python :) dsmith: just xml-rpc was the first chosen to be wrapped (iirc) derek: Ahh. ok. ok .... so the long and short of it is GNU Groupware Standards doesn't really exist .... time to email the FSF no it likely does just dont know how 'active' it is ah ok still need to email the FSF :( derek: but for work on phpgw, what project should it be assigned to? (shouldn't matter too much, really) derek: if i decided to do some work on gnue ..... and have an assignment to GNU Groupware Standards .... would that all be assigned to the FSF in your mind? derek: btw this is hypothetical .... i am not saying i will work on gnue :) yes you will ajmitch: what it will be assigned to the FSF or i will work on gnue? gnue shall absorb ALL hehhe you will work on GNUe :) the metaproject expands to consume all others! whether they know it or not! :) ajmitch: dont know i assume PHP GROUPWARE skwashd: no you would need to assign to GNU Enterprise as well btw: just another reason GNUe should be the parent :) i.e. if phpgroupware was a sub project of GNUe nah you could assign to GNUe phpgw should be a subproject of dotgnu, remember ;) and if you worked on designer, forms, reporter, dcl, phpgw etc only one assignment :) muahahahaha i have emailed the FSF seeking clarification .... i will let you know what response i will get ajmitch: dotgnu should be under gnue too yeah thats it who did you email actually that wouldn't be a bad idea :) brad and rms are on 3 - 5 day lags usually at a minimum natalie the copyright clerk is quick, but likely wont have an answer for you Jessica Natale - copyright-clerk AT er natale that is who i have been dealing with so it will depend if brad or rms are in the office ah ok if they are there, i would suspect you will be answered in reasonable time derek: should dotgnu be a subproject of gnue? well i haven't seen brad on irc for awhile :) well i have sat on it for almost a week trying to get info dtm: dont know skwashd: remember those easterners have been snowed in both gnue & dotgnu are meta-projects in a sense likely no one has been at FSF offices much past week yeah mega bad weather :[ ah ok i have enough trouble keeping up with tz differences for everyone time to keep up on the weather ;) ok ... back to work for me .... thanks for the info cyaz skwashd ( left #gnuenterprise. man i fired up computer number 5 in the office to install debian for the church on it and im like man am i hot got up to look at the thermometer and its 71 w/o heat opened some doors and windows and it didnt feel all that cool came back to computer and gweather is saying its 65 Action: derek has to rub in, for the folks sufferring the blizzard ;) heheh wow it slightly chilly here hmm [17:53:38] skwashd: The GNU Groupware Standard is the xml-rpc/soap def we will be using [17:53:54] Im working on defining it with some guys from Evo weird typical sigh figures yup instead of working with gnu work with ximian and REALLY dork it up i tried to play with libcamel after dsmith or drochaid did one time that is one MAJOR clusterjob it's seek3r :) Action: lex sighs and swallows..... --- Wed Feb 19 2003