hehe dont tell the people in the bay area you swallow Tough_Nuts (~Tough_Nut@xd877febe.ip.ggn.net) joined #gnuenterprise. Good Morning all.. Looking for someone who might know some Python & Oracle.. Trying to get the two to talk and using the DCOrcale2 Adaptor.. http://www.gnome.org/fonts/ Action: Vee2d2 installs right away if jcater were here... derek: you know any oracle? some not much I would love to say the problem is with Oracle.. But I think its more with the DCOracle2 Adaptor.. DCOracle2 - Python Adaptor.. Tough_Nuts: lets start from beginning is your Oracle installation up and working As it should be. :) yes.. Action: derek points this out as 4 out of 5 times someone comes here and has installed oracle but has not 'configured' it The instance is up and running without a hitch.. Action: derek has only used preconfigured oracle, jcater is the oracle master I have a db created and tables loaded.. generally the bitch best i can tell is setting up the 'connection' nope.. works great.. which is different than installing and creating tables i.e. there is some nasty mojo you have to dance with to get ora connections working Not really.. Not anymore.. what version And the linux install is a breeze.. this one is 8.1.7R3 are you trying to use gnue w/ oracle? or just python with oracle the latter have you tried oraclecx at all my problem is the fact that I am trying to use variables in the select statements that I am building under pythonn.. er cxOracle well if you were trying to use gnue i could be of more help :) yes... could get it to work worth a crap.. :( gnue is what ? http://www.gnuenterprise.org looking now.. :) Action: ajmitch wonders if Tough_Nuts found this channel via google :) WoW.. probably :) yes.. google is /was my buddy.. is that bad ? :( Tough_Nuts: seems that like half of what we search for anymore gnuenterprise comes up in the top 50 no its a good thing we just think its funny the #Python were not much help tonnight.. :( derek: reminds me of searching for gstreamer & .shn - logs from here was #4 :) gnue looks pretty cool.. I will need to spend some time to check it out.. :) gstreamer and flac works :) Action: derek did a few sermons with it derek: was looking for something to convert from shn to flac :) it would do that er should Tough_Nuts: if you wanted to test your oracle stuff you could install gnue ;) just edit the connections.conf file and it should give you some indication of where your problem lies true... need to get my python interface working first.. :) but this gnue looks REALLY cool.. well it gets your python interface working (or at least tests it out for you) does it use cx_oracle ? it can use eitehr cxOracle or DCOracle iirc neat.. ok.. I will look into it.. Right Now.. :) thank you.. and I shall be back.. Better informed.. :) Oracle ====== *** DCOracle [http://www.zope.org/Members/matt/dco2] POSIX Support: YES Win32 Support: YES [prebuilt binaries (WinNT only)] Platforms Tested: GNU/Linux [RedHat 7.x] Description: An Oracle driver from Digital Creations (Zope). Works with Oracle 7.3 and 8.x via Oracle's SQL-Net OCI interface. Example connections.conf entry: [myconn] provider=oracle # Use the DCOracle2 adapter service=mytnsname # The TNS connection string of the database Notes: 1. Requires Oracle Client Libraries 2. Does not recognize the TWO_TASK environment setting. 3. This driver has been partially tested. If you are successfully using this driver, please let us know. *** cxOracle [http://www.computronix.com/utilities/] POSIX Support: YES Win32 Support: YES [prebuilt binaries] Platforms Tested: ??? Description: An Oracle driver from Computronix. Works with Oracle 7.3 and 8.x via Oracle's SQL-Net OCI interface. Example connections.conf entry: [myconn] provider=cxoracle # Use the CX Oracle adapter service=mytnsname # The TNS connection string of the database Notes: 1. Requires Oracle Client Libraries. 2. Does not recognize the TWO_TASK environment setting. 3. This driver has not been fully tested. If you are successfully using this driver, please let us know. warning grab 0.4.3 and not CVS as CVS is broked at moment also if you are ever around during United States Business hours jcater is usually around he runs an oracle shop and wrote most of the db driver system so he could help you quite a bit more than i can ok.. I will stop tommorrow night then.. thanks for the info.. gnue looks neat, so I am off to tell some buddies about it.. :) cool take care all.. good night.. Tough_Nuts (~Tough_Nut@xd877febe.ip.ggn.net) left #gnuenterprise. hmm, another interested party :) all i can think is if setting up oracle is easy to him, gnue will be a wet dream Action: derek thinks possibly the only thing more daunting than configuring oracle is uninstalling microsoft internet explorer from windows Action: ajmitch shudders isn't that done by installing linux? uh oh thats how i did it ;) Action: ajmitch runs from chillywilly, forgot to say GNU/Linux i went to install oracle 9i (iirc) on GNU/Linux a few years ago its machine specs were like pII 400, 128mb RAM and 4 gig space MINIMUM impressive and it wanted me to patch kernel and install different whacked stuff i was like um no thanks so i went to try db2 specs slightly smaller BUT had to run korn shell and do a ton of system level mods i was like um no thanks ;) scary the only upshot to that is that i dont have a way to test db2 drivers other than on our mainframe at work ;) muhahaha hmm i think sheriff has IBM DB2 UDB on Red Hat Linux somewhere... i should see if i could get someone down there to run some tests for me GNUe will one day rule the world... well, once i get stuff finished :) jcater (~jason@cpe-066-061-083-220.midsouth.rr.com) left irc: "Client Exiting" hi ajmitch: I am not the GNU/Linux nazi chillywilly: did he say you wer? were? hehe 00:34 * ajmitch runs from chillywilly, forgot to say GNU/Linux satidfied mr. Bethe heh satisfied even hmmm, I should go back to bed again having a head cold sucks dude dsmith (dsmith@oh-strongsvillecadent1-1c-203.clvhoh.adelphia.net) left irc: Remote closed the connection tho i did get annoyed with linux earlier - had to compile ipv6 into it - didn;t load as module why didn't it load? chillywilly: sorry to hear that dewd I feel like caca :/ btami (~tamas@ip102-205.ktv.tiszanet.hu) joined #gnuenterprise. hmmm, I wonder if irssi lets you write scripts in python good morning I know it supports the evil perl ;) chillywilly: was having trouble resolving a symbol morning yuck yeah, works fine compiled in tho (2.5.62) aren't we brave ;) I could've had me a 2.5.x kernel if I would've known to update the modutils stuff... oh well apt-get install module-init-tools i had troubles - found buried deep the 'virtual terminal' option i _thought_ i'd gone thru everything will that ever let you go back to 2.4.x? obviously not :) sure i'm running 2.4.20 on my main box 2.5.62 on the other one Linux frodo 2.4.20-xfs #4 Thu Jan 9 11:54:54 CST 2003 i686 unknown unknown GNU/Linux recompiled 4-5 times today Linux ajmitch 2.4.20-xfs #1 Sat Nov 30 08:35:01 NZDT 2002 i686 unknown unknown GNU/Linux hehe, compiling kernels at midnight what a dork ;) huh? me I am a dork ah, that's lunchtime er, you;re right what the hell I am thinking you're thinking 'man i could do with some pizza & beer right now' anyway, I blame it on the fact that my head wants to explode ;) hehe you're using XFS ajmitch? nope but i compiled it in, intending to use it :) ok did you compile SGI's cvs? nope okey dokey so chillywilly you use XFS totally, right? chillywilly: do you use ACLs you probably have no real call for it eh? yea, for like everything except the /boot partition ummm, I haven't used ACLs I am pretty sure GRUB will do XFS partitions now SachaS (~Sacha@dialup-196-235.wasp.net.au) left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) SachaS (~Sacha@dialup-196-147.wasp.net.au) joined #gnuenterprise. btami (~tamas@ip102-205.ktv.tiszanet.hu) left irc: Remote closed the connection Yurik (~yrashk@ joined #gnuenterprise. Yurik_ (~yrashk@ joined #gnuenterprise. Yurik (~yrashk@ left irc: Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer) Nick change: Yurik_ -> Yurik Yurik (~yrashk@ left irc: Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer) SachaS (~Sacha@dialup-196-147.wasp.net.au) got netsplit. SachaS (~Sacha@dialup-196-147.wasp.net.au) returned to #gnuenterprise. anyone ever test the sapdb driver? SachaS (~Sacha@dialup-196-147.wasp.net.au) got netsplit. SachaS (~Sacha@dialup-196-147.wasp.net.au) returned to #gnuenterprise. SachaS_ (~Sacha@dialup-196-159.wasp.net.au) joined #gnuenterprise. SachaS (~Sacha@dialup-196-147.wasp.net.au) left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) dsmith (dsmith@oh-strongsvillecadent1-1c-203.clvhoh.adelphia.net) joined #gnuenterprise. ra3vat (~ds@ics.elcom.ru) left irc: Read error: 60 (Operation timed out) ra3vat_ (~ds@ics.elcom.ru) left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) ToyMan (~stuq@glvv-dsl4-93.citlink.net) joined #gnuenterprise. ToyMan: hi there! howdy btami (~tamas@ip102-205.ktv.tiszanet.hu) joined #gnuenterprise. reinhard (~reinhard@M704P020.adsl.highway.telekom.at) joined #gnuenterprise. btami (~tamas@ip102-205.ktv.tiszanet.hu) left irc: Remote closed the connection dsmith (dsmith@oh-strongsvillecadent1-1c-203.clvhoh.adelphia.net) left irc: "later.." Tough_Nuts (~Tough_Nut@xd877febe.ip.ggn.net) joined #gnuenterprise. ToyMan (~stuq@glvv-dsl4-93.citlink.net) left irc: "Client Exiting" Good Morning all.. I was here in the channel last and I was told that maybe someone here might know something about using cx_Oracle or DCOracle2 to talk to Oracle8i from python. I am trying to do INSERTs and to variable substitution using tuples. And i cant seem to make it work. dsmith (~dsmith@borg.altus.cc) joined #gnuenterprise. dtm (~dtm@h-68-165-0-110.SNVACAID.covad.net) left irc: Read error: 60 (Operation timed out) Tough_Nuts: jcater should be in within an hour or so i think he gets in around 9am his time and its 5 til 9am his time fabravo (~Snak@user-112uhdq.biz.mindspring.com) joined #gnuenterprise. Is there anyone here who could answer a DCL question for me? fabravo (~Snak@user-112uhdq.biz.mindspring.com) left irc: "Bye." jcater (~jason@w202.z065105010.mem-tn.dsl.cnc.net) joined #gnuenterprise. Good Morning all.. I was here in the channel last and I was told that maybe someone here might know something about using cx_Oracle or DCOracle2 to talk to Oracle8i from python. I am trying to do INSERTs and to use variable substitution. And i cant seem to make it work. ex: db_curs.execute("INSERT INTO TEST (name, rank, serial_number) VALUES (:1,:2,:3)", 1=n, 2=r, 3=s) yeah I use DCOracle2 give me a few minutes.... users np morning g'day chillywilly hi Tough_Nuts: >>> import DCOracle2 >>> conn = DCOracle2.connect("user/pass@db") >>> curs = conn.cursor() >>> curs.prepare("select * from dual where dummy=:dum") >>> curs.execute(dum='X') 1 >>> curs.fetchall() [['X']] >>> curs.execute("select * from dual where dummy=:dum", dum='X') 1 >>> curs.fetchall() [['X']] >>> so yours might be db_curs.execute("INSERT INTO TEST (name, rank, serial_number) VALUES (:1,:2,:3)", 1=n, 2=r, 3=s) err (bad paste) db_curs.execute("INSERT INTO TEST (name, rank, serial_number) VALUES (:n,:r,:s)", n=n, r=r, s=s) and n.r.s could be varibles I have define before the INSERT ? and possible have read them from another db ? yeah you know when I look at that line.. it looks like goop.. hehe ToughNuts (~Tough_Nut@xd877febe.ip.ggn.net) joined #gnuenterprise. Tough_Nuts (~Tough_Nut@xd877febe.ip.ggn.net) left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) could be worse :) some databases do positional as in ... VALUES (?,?,?) and you pass a tuple of 3 values which is harder to do more complex stuff with i guess my problem is: VALUES (:n,:r,:s)", n=n, r=r, s=s) makes no sense to me.. and it looks strange.. also, the other DB (DB2) its driver gives 1 record as a tuple, and I would like to transfer that into oracle. verbatim.. is that possible ? I think he means somehting like: db_curs.execute("INSERT INTO TEST (name, rank, serial_number) VALUES (:n,:r,:s)", n=1, r=2, s=3) to use your example ty.. :) ah sorry Action: jcater is only half paying attention another rough day at work jc np.. I understand.. you a sys admin ? he's the VP! ;) db_curs.execute("INSERT INTO TEST (name, rank, serial_number) VALUES (:name,:rank,:serial)", name="Jason", rank="Captain", serial="666") is another example along chilly's line jcater is also my hero ;) that looks cool and it works btw.. Now all I have to do is figure out how to load the vaules I need from the OTHER DB and I should be go to go.. what we are doing is going from 1 db to another db.. and using python to do the translate.. what database? Db2 -> Oracle ah db2_curs.execute("select name, rank, serial from test") for record in db2_curs.fetchall(): db_curs.execute("INSERT INTO TEST (name, rank, serial_number) VALUES (:name,:rank,:serial)", name=record[0], rank=record[1], serial=record[2]) is a quick synopsis of how I do it hey, this is Tough's partner - I'm the one doing the actual coding so are you TenderNuts? :) The problem with doing a fetchall is 1. there are up to a million and a half records. and 2, some of the data will be updated and some will be inserted. Actually, my game name is GemFire do you know how to use fetchmany() ? Action: jcater was just giving a quick example certainly I was not telling you guys how to code or anything fetchmany has the same #2 problem as fetchall well, that's a separate problem independent of whether you use fetchone, fetchmany, or fetchall I take it that if a record already exists, you update the name and rank and if it doesn't, then you create a new one? exactly btw, why doesn't it work to simply create a string and send the string to the db. it does work on select statements. what do you mean, simply create a string? Right - like I said, it will work for Select statements I'm back do you know how to get around #2? put an if statement right after the for record.... however, I was looking at the db_curs.execute you used above ... and it is (except for using the variable 'record') exactly like something I've already tried. Whenever I try :var1 in the statement and then var1=stringvar[0] type of statement I get an ORA-01043 user side memory corruption um yuck I've never seen that error before but it sound unpleasant I get the same error whether I use and individual variable or a tuple (which is what I really want to use for values) I have also gotten the same error with 2 different instances of Oracle. does it happen immediately with the first insert/update, or does it happen some way into the process also, are you using the latest DCOracle2? bbias jcater (~jason@w202.z065105010.mem-tn.dsl.cnc.net) left irc: Remote closed the connection jcater (~jason@w202.z065105010.mem-tn.dsl.cnc.net) joined #gnuenterprise. ToughNuts (~Tough_Nut@xd877febe.ip.ggn.net) left irc: reinhard (~reinhard@M704P020.adsl.highway.telekom.at) left irc: Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer) reinhard_ (~reinhard@M700P015.adsl.highway.telekom.at) joined #gnuenterprise. Nick change: reinhard_ -> reinhard Nick change: lex -> lex_cowardly Nick change: lex_cowardly -> lex_afk Nick change: lex_afk -> lex derek: you around ? revDeke (www-data@alt1.libertydistribution.com) joined #gnuenterprise. does a goat eat trash? whats up? revDeke (www-data@alt1.libertydistribution.com) left #gnuenterprise. ra3vat_ (~ds@ics.elcom.ru) joined #gnuenterprise. lex (~lex@host-148-244-140-29.block.alestra.net.mx) left #gnuenterprise ("Aplicación Saliendo"). hey.. what was the suggestion to the screen-scraping query a week or two ago? I seem to recall a perl module being suggested but I dont remember exactly.. reinhard (~reinhard@M700P015.adsl.highway.telekom.at) left irc: "War doesn't solve problems. War creates problems." Vee2d2: http://www.gnuenterprise.org/irc-logs/gnue-public.log.17Jan2003 first conversation on that page Action: jcater guesses that's what you're thinking of jbailey (~jbailey@atlas.fundserv.com) joined #gnuenterprise. thanx! heya jbailey Heya vee2d2 dsmith (~dsmith@borg.altus.cc) left irc: "later.." yo jb Heya Dan. how's it going? isn't it time to go home yet :)? 8 minutes. =) you work until 6? Yup. 10h00-18h00 you get to come in at 10? nice :) The sweet part is that i'm walking distance to work. So I still get home at the same time as my coworkers. =) Action: ajmitch waves at jeff Action: jbailey faints Andrew! You're alive! he's always alive just maybe not here no, i'm undead cause ppl tend to keep asking about the gtk2 driver Radagast (~joakim@ joined #gnuenterprise. Hello. ello I was wondering if anyone's working on GNUe financials. nope not at this present tiem time* gnu-sb project has started bt financials isn't even on the radar yet just come contact stuff (beginning of CRM?) The thing is, for the last year, I've been implementing extra functionality in Python to build on top of Systems Union SunSystems 4, so I've gotten more into ledgers and budgeting than I ever hoped to be, and now I'm sort of considering how to make that experience useful to free software. cool jcater (~jason@w202.z065105010.mem-tn.dsl.cnc.net) left irc: "home" well contributing to GNUe Financials would be a great way, imho :) So I was wondering if there was any real work done on GNUe financials, and if not, what it would take to sort of pick that bit up. Time allowing, of course, it'd be about a month or so away that I could start working on it. it'll probably be waiting for you :-/ the big thing here right now is getting ready for 0.5.0 release of some of the tools that 's the immediate goal Yeah, I've been browsing around the website a bit. The architecture looks cool, as well as the tools you guys made, so it looks like it'd be a nice thing to work on. that could possibly take a month at the most hopefully not any longer Action: Radagast nods. there's some rewrite going on and we have major cvs breakage in HEAD I guess I'll start out by pulling down some packages and playing with them, seeing how things can fit together. ok there's a forms developers guide and gnue common (thought that is even less complete than the forms one) right now the ui system in forms is being reworked some and the db layer is also being reworked Cool. not majorly but there is enough change that HEAD is broken Heh, I'm sure your stuff will be great, you have no idea how horrible the SunSystems internals are. heheh Seriously, it runs on MS SQL, and they've just ported their COBOL data files to SQL tables, there are no relations, no referential integrity constraints... yeeesh You can very easily overwrite other people's work if you do something at the same time as them, etc. yuck (The client software they have prevent you from doing two transactions of the same type at the same time, to avoid that, but you have more problems when you screw around directly in the DB, like I did) sounds like a kludgy system to me we supports tons of backends I think they support Oracle too. But the client I worked for had MS SQL, so... postgres, sapdb, oracle, even mysql How's the GNUe database abstraction layer? jst to name a few hmm, that cobol ported to mssql sounds almost like mysql :) HEH ajmitch: does it really have serious concurrent write issues still? ajmitch: Some data files they couldn't be bothered to port, so they just made a general table for it, and stuffed the data into a column, so you use substring to extract it. ugh that is EVIL ajmitch: Tell me about it. :) ajmitch: But at least all the time spend with this stuff made me learn a lot about ledgers and budgeting. they must've been smoking some seriously good stash chillywilly: It basically looks like "EVERYONE USES A RDBMS, WE MUST TOO TO COMPETE IN TODAY'S HIGH-PRESSURE ENTERPRISE MARKETPLACE", and then they sort of just did what they could. hmmm I need a change of pace chillywilly: Methamphetamines will do that for you. no thanks I was thiking gnue code...it's pretty addictive or scary...depending up the author hmmmm, my vnc connect no worky connection revDeke (www-data@alt1.libertydistribution.com) joined #gnuenterprise. yo hey jcater has cruised eh yea but you know he'll be back ;) he just went "home" Oh well, back to coding. Later, people, and thanks for the nice welcome. Action: Radagast waves. bye take care Radagast (~joakim@ left irc: "Client Exiting" the winders machine is acting whacky PoS oh you know what I just realized now that libxforms that lyx uses is now Free software LGPL where the the winder cvs setup python script install things? winders jbailey (~jbailey@atlas.fundserv.com) left #gnuenterprise ("Client Exiting"). where jcater when you need him? ;) Action: revDeke runs away revDeke (www-data@alt1.libertydistribution.com) left #gnuenterprise. where the frell are fsutils.exe and linkd.exe ? I cannot search for them as all I get is a #gnuenterprise log :( Action: chillywilly grumbles what the heck I search for it on M$.com and no dice either stupid prop. crap lol poor chillywilly anyone who is insane enough to use windowd needs all the sympathy they can get windowz* jcater (~jason@cpe-066-061-083-220.midsouth.rr.com) joined #gnuenterprise. hey jcater where the frell can I get fsutils.exe or linkd.exe for winblows 98? searching on google gives a (surprise!) #gnue log searching on M$.com gives me nothing or searching in the "knowledege" base no idea ugh I'd never heard of them until they were erm committed to cvs who made the commit? nm, I'll look arturas maybe I should try a proper install? blah windows sucks dtm (~dtm@h-68-165-0-110.SNVACAID.covad.net) joined #gnuenterprise. ToyMan (~stuq@170-215-205-41.glv.frontiernet.net) joined #gnuenterprise. ToyMan: good day sir howdy dtm ToyMan (~stuq@170-215-205-41.glv.frontiernet.net) left irc: "Client Exiting" huh prop software committed to our cvs thats a MAJOR no no ? hey jcater where the frell can I get fsutils.exe or linkd.exe for winblows 98? I'd never heard of them until they were erm committed to cvs ah, yeah Action: derek was thinking prop as chilly said that happened last november or such stupid prop. crap we've since taken care of that im not sure what an .exe is really doing in cvs :) jcater: what is plan for gnue (are the roadmaps still valid) last i played i was going to convert gnue-sb to 0.5.0 BUT it looks like 0.5.0 never got really released as official and now much more overall is happening for a 0.5.0 release am i better just trucking away on 0.4.3 for now will you need designer? well if so, you have no choice but 0.4.3 yes an no i can do forms w/out designer but im starting to get dependent on it :) good tools are like that ;) hrm my inclination is to say stick w/0.4.3 for now however, I *know* I'll regret that when you say "can I do xxx in forms?" rps (rps@s-145-133.resnet.unb.ca) joined #gnuenterprise. and I have to say "in 0.5.0 you can" hi rps hello i've been looking at GNUe for a project I want to get going on... is it at a point where it's ready to start developing packages that are built upon it? lol that's the exact discussion you walked in on :) Action: jcater has to run away for a minute, but maybe derek can respond. in a nutshell, yes I've been working on gathering information for a healthcare information system i think it will be called "GNUe Healthcare" eventually to my surprise, the exact things i wanted to impliment for the project (i started 2 years ago) are being done in GNUe anyway, i may pop in another time when i'm not so sleepy. if anyone has any advice you can e-mail me at rps@gnu.org rps (rps@s-145-133.resnet.unb.ca) left #gnuenterprise. hmm, another gnu.org address :) werd bugger... he left Action: jcater needs to request an @gnu.org address one of these days ok send me sshv2 key in a mail signed by a gpg key, and i'll set it up :) or talk to jbailey yo yo yo hmmm what's the haps? Vee2d2: btw thanks for suffering through cups with me that sounds like work Action: derek is really liking it derek: so am I it likes my printer better than lprng did I'm converting NCS over and my laptop likes it too :) CUPS rulez the I like the self discovery that just rocks derek: I wasn't looking for those .exes in cvs I thought jcater also authored setup-cvs-win.py and that mentions you need those fileks for winblows to be able to make links if you run it and don't have them so I was looking on the net but can't find them it said they were available via M$...and the prop., crap reference was to winblows itself no that's not my script Action: jcater doesn't support the cvs-style install under windows as I have no idea how to make it work decently short of a regular install or doing it via nfs or such right I looked in the cvs log and saw it was arturas weren't you paying attention? ;) jcater: I have a gnu.org address jcater: nanner nanner ;P amazingly i faxed over informatoin to the domain registration nazis (network solutions) yeah that's why I decided to get one and within 12 hours they emailed me saying my information was changed 'cause apparently they'll give one to any mammal Action: jcater ducks :'( and all be darned if they actually updated the information and their site is almost usable Action: chillywilly crawls off into the corner to be by himself Action: derek remembers they used to make you do EVERYTHING via email derek: http://web.dotster.com I use them i use domainmonger.com and http://www.zoneedit.com been trying to transfer two domains there for 3 years or more :) just crappy timing and networksolutions buttholes keep it from happening :) I use zoneedit too for NCS stuff Action: ajmitch even has a gnu.org address heheh jcater: non-static IP? at the time i used domainmonger they were BRAND new (like first week it opened up to other than networksolutions) it was as cheap as it got (at the time) jcater: I keep it updated via cron i bought like 5 or 6 domains and transferred a few over about a year later i had a domain coming up for expiration that i wanted to transfer sent all the info and i got home one day and i had a voicemail on the answering machine chillywilly: no just good service really inexpensively basically the owner of domainmonger calling to say 'hey network solutions is hosing you' and not wanting to transfer Action: jcater has always been too paranoid to do my own DNS server do this 5 steps in order and call me back yea, it's free if you only put so many domains in if we can get resolved by tomorrow morning we can transfer it and sure enough it went Action: derek thought "now how often is it a domain registar is gonna call you cause they are 'worried' that your business goes smoothly" that's pretty cool Action: derek knows i coudl get registrations for a few bucks cheaper, but i like knowing there is a phone number i can call that a human will answer and actually help me no argument there chillywilly: i didnt see where zoneedit sells domains just looks like dns services derek: http://web.dotster.com I use them hmm dotster is only 2 bucks cheaper, not worth the hassle funny how they want more for new tld's like .tv and .ws and http://www.zoneedit.com right I don't use those both for registration though only dotster Action: ajmitch has no domain then jcater was talking about how he uses zoneedit for NCS...pay attention man! ;) Action: chillywilly waves the trout around threateningly all this talk got me to check and netsol updated my domain info but not my personal info.. guess I need to resubmit the changes.. chillywilly: he's a log scanner not a log reader we know that :) hehe 3rd Rock was a good show.. eh... Action: chillywilly sees if he can catch Lexx on scifi rofl kongnamool (~krs@ joined #gnuenterprise. derek? here I wanted to update you on the dcl install Rich says "Hi". I am talking to him now On the phone, like normal people. cool hi rich (bodo?) We got dcl working and it took... A theraputic reboot Yes Aaahhh! Dan was right but probably joking when he suggested it It was probably the register globals thing... Maybe it didn't take with an Apache restart? and rebooted did it? I don't know... Derek did we go to the Area Bowl together here in SJ or am I thinking of someone else? nope you are thinking of Hans but i was up there during that trip so its possible we crossed paths Okay. you might of stepped on me when i was sleeping on rich's floor :) :-) kongnamool: yeah apache seems to not pick up that php.ini file change i had someone else fight for days getting it to register and during a reboot voila it worked they were on mandrake i think So... We have some internal uses for dcl but we are interested in making it part of a larger project involving Bayonne --- Thu Feb 20 2003