it's not easy being all things to all people, is it? =/ Action: jcater pipes in... gnue-sb doesn't have to be all things to all people just useful to lots gnue (the bigger picture) needs to be all things to all ppl that's just my $0.02USD Action: jcater goes back to coding even so, I think if you get 10 people together who can use it, not 2 of them will be using similar SKU make ups... what does SKU stand for? stock keeping unit ta funny I always thought it was jaSon liKes donUts jcater: i agree jcater: that's a stretch >? ? so at some point there needs to be a way to map generic categories to terms the people can identify with, or a means of creating the categories to adapt to existing systems. donuts sound very good right now.. they do... unfortunately I am carless and there are no donut delivery places here :( chillywilly: what's a stretch? or sopapillas mmmm I love flan but only when done right Action: jcater loves visiting texas (esp southern part) because lots of good mexican food :) hmmm im thinking if we come up with some common ones like manufacturer size color Mmmm. Flan. or such this is where i guess i guess im curious more how we will do gnue long term as i would like generic tables and then in the form just change the labels the problem is everytime you 'upgrade' you lose your change UNLESS we can have database lables er labels which would work you could have a category table where you 'label' what cat1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 mean to you right but for gnue the application its not 'dynamic' table structure because trying to remember that Cat1 for me means Family etc.. is a no go.. =) just dynamic lable which i think solves my immediate issue of making the 'tables' dynamic i.e. the gripe about getting data out being a bear jcater what is your though t donuts that's what I do at ncs...database labels Action: derek makes this easier for jason you have a box that holds 12 donuts everyone likes different kinds of donuts at the office you go on a donut run "All problems can be solved by another layer of indirection" how do you make everyone happy derek: easy I only eat plain glazed if I don't get a dozen plain glazed oh wait no one is dumb enough to send you on a donut run unless they are trying to get rid of you for a few hours :) no one will enjoy themselves does forms support db labels? yes has since 0.3.x iirc Vee2d2: we might have our answer ok.. is there a similar way we can change what is in a category.. ? maybe a flag that says this is alpha or numeric content? that's not really a biggie for me, but I know I'm not the only one using alphas in their system that doesnt even matter does it? or does it? =/ Action: Vee2d2 is confused i wouldnt have it be alpha/numeric Action: derek sees no need for a 'number' data type in the code even if you put a number in it if that makes sense it does, thanks for clarifying wait... are we talking input validation or database storage? s/wouldnt/would im talking storage for validation this is another 'customization' question ok... I assumed he was talking input as the 'form' can handle it but but then you know what they say about assumptions :) as soon as you change it to something then its 'custom' and an upgrade will kill it Action: derek supposes we could do metatables for the categories that have label desc and data type input accepted BUT storage was what I was talking about. this goes back to getting overly complex for a 'first round' then ignore what I said ... Action: derek thinks if we can do category tables thats enough for now it was one of those misdirections dsmith spoke of :) hah as since vee2d2 is the first we will label them what he wants in the form :) and 'note' that ultimate goal is a 'metatable' that defines the label description and input restrictions Vee2d2: is that ok with you for first pass sounds good holy crap batman my nephew wanted mozilla themes so i install mozilla to test before upgrading wifes machine came back to galeon and i grabbed some mozilla font package and DAMN does it look sharp derek: mozilla, galeon, or both? both i guess i didnt notice it in mozilla (but i didnt browse much) Action: dsmith uses galeon with beautiful aa fonts. But I don't remember how it happend. Action: dtm uses Macos10 with beautiful everything surroudning free softawer Action: derek will be back soon all i use on macos10 is mozilla, videolan client, xchat, etc. oh wait, and itunes for mp3 but i could use xmms instead. and i can do ogg vorbis in itunes if desired speaking of which, hey chillywilly, what's the url to your guitar playing? i realized after you posted that, that vlc plays ogg. dtm: Ya. osX is pretty cool. Everything just seems to work. We got one in the office "for research". chillywilly: Yeah, where is it? dsmith: heheheh actually its kind of late, im gonna go sack out dsmith: ? nite derek i hope to be back more this weekend and start implementing some of what we discussed is that cool vee2d2? very, I'll be running shirts all weekend.. so I should be here.. chillywilly: url to your guitar playing. oh yeah Apple's X11 server (xfree86 integrated with Quartz and Aqua and the Dock) has transparent OpenGL support... so all yer opengl/x11 apps are natively hardware accelerated by Quartz Extreme. Action: derek is away: sleep we were rocking tonight :) chillywilly: is this take2-new from tonight/ ? derek: l8r the first song is a kinda fast rock tune and I was letting loose no cool it's a solo track with no rythm behind it just a sample for a guy that kept buggin me to record somehting oic did you record tonight? chillywilly: What kind of guitar do you have? and old Ibanez, a new Ibanez, a '64 fender jagar, and some old thing my dad slapped together fender power chorus solid state amp with a digitech valveFX preamp/effects processor chillywilly: I've got a gibson "pro" which is an es335 Action: dtm hax0rs chillywilly's ogg erm, I have a half stack too with no head though and a waa waa pedal a fox tone machine holy crap. i didn't know chillywilly was good at this. chillywilly: I've got a Mesa Boogie the blue fuzzy one chillywilly: geez man, this is cool. :) chillywilly: Yeah, pretty cool. that solo is for a whole song I have yet to record chillywilly: did you write the song? yes well. what's it about? it has no words now how is it that i had no idea you did this until recently :) dunno it must be because you're so outspoken and understated. everyone tells me how good I cna play but I haven't done it in a long recently Matt has gotten me out of my shell so to speak and playing some HEH jcater ( left irc: "Client Exiting" we had sch fun tonight jamming :) well cool. yeah i'm long overdue for getting my sticks and pad out we need a bass player cause Matt ws playing bass tonight and I like it better playing gitar with him...oh well does anyone here have nontrivial knowledge of the Network Appliance products? Action: Vee2d2 drops a pin Action: dsmith hears the sound of a slight breeze dtm: The only "network appliance" I've worked with is a cobalt qube (and a raq). They are just RedHat inside. dtm: With some perl cgi for the gui I think he was talking about those lil boxes that the mfg got teed off finding out everyone was hacking them to be more useful than intended Vee2d2: no idea :) i'm talking about :) Vee2d2: heh. Network applicance is a very borad term. not when capitalized! dtm: Never heard of them. oic yeah they're something like the #2 SAN OEM or something them and EMC that's what I was talking about Vee2d2: heheh no i'm talking about real Network Appliance(tm), not a class of consumer gadget that a semi-literate webmaster decided to arbitrarily capitalize :) but thanks for the memories =) i worked at companies that were busily reverse engineering those in the competitive analysis labs why do some ppl even bother occupying a help channel? chillywilly: I just don't knw. I really can't wait until that "stab ppl in the face over the internet" device comes to market dtm: I've has jsut a little experience with sharks, which are ibm's san storage. oic chillywilly: *snort* yeah! sounds great! well. OST is working on a touchtone system that'll send 20,000 volt charges via a common phone line G'night guys. dsmith ( left irc: "later.." it's a secret R&D... i mean... whoops, is this channel logged? well if dave wouldn't have ignored me I would've had a read threads expert to help me...but does he ever respond?!? no! *grumble* anyway I am not blaming him but ppl in #java are lame for the record (yea I knwo it's stinking java) what exactly is wrong with java in your experience? gimme the 10 second rundown nothing really ppl jst have a bias against it oh. here anyway heheh plkus I don't feel like getting into it so what are you doing with java? yeah I am kinda pissed off now looking at some simlation package well i just didn't know if there was some way in which java itself was lowering your quality of life. simulation of what/ and trying to figure out how the processes suspend and resume themselves I don't understand the presence of this little count variable I tried to ask for hekp and the a-holes told me to go read the threads tutorial which I have read today mong lots of other things hehe :/ I should post to bug-commoncpp they would help me ok. SachaS ( left #gnuenterprise ("Client Exiting"). haha! check out the cover of business week funny shit that makes me want to go buy it just for the cover woops that's a little better ;) chillywilly: hahah that's awesome. dudes this is an interesting talkback :) the cover article kinda blows though has lots of factual errors and spreads the common "anti-business" and "hippie" stereotypes hmm. paqan (~paqan@ left irc: Killed ( ( <- paqan (whaq@ joined #gnuenterprise. ajmitch ( left irc: Killed ( ( <- Stoke_ ( left irc: Killed ( ( <- Stoke ( joined #gnuenterprise. ajmitch ( joined #gnuenterprise. dtm ( left irc: Killed ( ( <- chillywilly ( left irc: Killed ( ( <- mdean ( left irc: Killed ( ( <- derek ( left irc: Killed ( ( <- mdean ( joined #gnuenterprise. chillywilly ( joined #gnuenterprise. dtm ( joined #gnuenterprise. derek ( joined #gnuenterprise. psu (psu@ joined #gnuenterprise. heh website updated for new "Help GNUe" page At least, I *think* it'supdated I seem to have my usual problem with an over-helpful ISP cache so I cant see the changes I've made ;-/ psu: hi there yeah i dont see how an ISP cache can be a very good thing. seems to me that their cache should only cache very high traffic sites. especially those which are known to either give caching hints or to be updated relatively infrequently or to just cache images if I ran an ISP, i'd have a tiered offering based on cache, static IP address, speed, etc ToyMan ( joined #gnuenterprise. dtm ( left irc: "Client Exiting" dsmith ( joined #gnuenterprise. ra3vat_ ( left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) dsmith ( left irc: "later.." dsmith ( joined #gnuenterprise. ra3vat_ ( joined #gnuenterprise. dsmith ( left irc: "later.." Action: derek is back (gone 05:54:42) jcater ( joined #gnuenterprise. sup donutKing dsmith ( joined #gnuenterprise. werd brb trying to get AA fonts working derek ( left irc: "Client Exiting" derek ( joined #gnuenterprise. ToyMan ( left irc: Remote closed the connection dsmith ( left irc: "later.." ToyMan ( joined #gnuenterprise. jcater: how to work with db sequencies from common programming? ToyMan ( left irc: Remote closed the connection neilt (~neilt@ joined #gnuenterprise. hello, anyone around? long lunch ;-) hi hrrrrm, gotta go help a friend cya chillywilly ( left irc: "leaving" \join #dcl ToyMan ( joined #gnuenterprise. psu (psu@ left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) mdean ( left irc: Remote closed the connection neilt (~neilt@ left irc: dsmith ( joined #gnuenterprise. Bobacus ( left irc: "[x]chat" yummy i faked a transparent panel chillywilly ( joined #gnuenterprise. Nick change: dsmith -> ds|walkingdog Nick change: ds|walkingdog -> dsmith Stoke ( left irc: Remote closed the connection ToyMan ( left irc: "Client Exiting" . .. bash: .. : command not found somewhat of a slow day net wise, t'day.. in #gnuenterprise or network traffic wise? Action: derek had soccer games all day and honey do's burning a few cd's for the kids Action: derek was hoping to gnue today, but it didnt work out that way kids consume a lot of time.. not that I'm complaining.. =) how old is your oldest? our lil one is definately a daddy's girl.. she'll be walking soon.. I cant wait.. =) they go in phases i think infants suck up time as do toddlers she'll be 3 on may 4 then they get a little independent for a bit then they go to school and get involved in 'activities' which consumes a LOT of time running them around and such my oldest is 8 then i have one that is 4 (almost 5) and one that just turned 2 Action: derek is most productive when i only have to watch the 4 year old as she plays polly pockets and entertains self only asks for drinks or food :) Action: derek ashamedly admits i think polly pockets are kind of cool and can be found playing them at times especially if they let me have the jeep w/ the surfboard :) I play with the megablocks all the time.. she'll definately be getting more of those come bday.. =) Vee2d2: my son is a train nut so we have like 10 miles of track and a ton of thomas and friends 'working' engines Action: derek likes to build the tracks :) you know its bad when you are on the floor playing with the kids and its not until about 10 minutes after they have moved onto something in the other room that you realize they are gone heh.. well I had that reaction when I was watching their shows on pbs with 'em and they pass out and I dont change the channel.. yeah last night i got mad my wife wanted me to shut off 'rocketpower' 5 minutes before it was over to watch a movie with her :) Action: derek is tired for some reason (too much sun i think) Sun! dsmith: you've seen it too?! sup dewds I just nearly killed myself taking out the dog a minute ago. Pure ice everywhere. My knees still hurt. I can't wait until tomorrow, first song is a kick butt rock tune I am going to go nuts dsmith: stay off your knees ;) havoc: My boot's weren't coperating. xai ( joined #gnuenterprise. heya xai dsmith: im sunburnt from today Nick change: ra3vat_ -> ra3vat it was probably 80 if not 85 its 63 right now lick me hi xai derek: I rained all day, but I have a mighty strong suspicion it's below freezing now. chillywilly: yeah right my tongue might stick to you HEH Action: dsmith shows no compassion or merct for derek s/merct/mercy/ hmmm, LinuxFund.... they never listen to the votes man hi. Whats going on? howdy same old same old --- Sun Feb 23 2003