in fact dneighbo@latitude:~/cvs/software/gnue-sb$ man chkconfig No manual entry for chkconfig dneighbo@latitude:~/cvs/software/gnue-sb$ it doesnt even seem to be on debian machine :) sounds like a distribution centric command well i ran redhat from 5.0 to 7.0 and never used it I agree w/Vee2d2 most users talking about it are redhat users I recognize the name but I think it's a repressed memory dood its raining all day... i think more rain in past 2 weeks than history of arizona supposed to get more tomorrow and next week too :( =) i think they said if we get good rain tomorrow we will have more rain from Jan to Now than we did ALL last year we're getting some nice freezing rain right now. should be some sweet driving conditions in the morning how are you suppose to access the menus using the curses driver? File, Edit, Data, Help F10 maybe if you're lucky and cross your fingers right =) I hate this network and all the littel bitches that run it for the record they they're op happy censoring little homos wsdnisehfit$#@%vtb7^ I love this channel! Action: Vee2d2 reluctantly hugs chillywilly reluctantly? you're in a hateful mood.. =/ and I smell trout yes but not at anyone here just some lame ass ppl trippin' in #wopn they need a big trout to the head It seems like a recall that's where this net got it's roots.. but maybe I dont know the real history or an crossing it with something else.. finally GNUe Forms Version 0.4.3 GNUe Common Version 0.4.3 helping some poor chap get postgres restored(im a bleeding heart, since i have been on the other side more than once) yeah my gnue works again on this machine Action: derek does happy dance hip hip dsmith ( got netsplit. V_laptop ( got netsplit. Remosi ( got netsplit. hoooray! blah nutsplit ? ouch Action: Vee2d2 waves buhbye to his alterself derek: making fun of netsplit it's not a netsplit it's a nutsplit dsmith ( returned to #gnuenterprise. V_laptop ( returned to #gnuenterprise. Remosi ( returned to #gnuenterprise. chillywilly: i spent some time with gnome2 last weekend... got it nice and red just like i need it ;) might be able to tolerate it now HEH hehe.. I think I'd get pissed off using a dt like that.. freak that is truly horrid but whatever floats your boat dude no wonder you are always so, um, short with people what player is that a skinned xmms? staring at that much red :) I seem to recall a 20/20 study or something similar where they painted prison cells various colors to see if it affected behavior at all and they found light tones of pink and blue seem to make the inmates more comfortable where as strong tones of red made them very agitated lol aw dude you have chris rice cartoons I love that song seems Vee2d2 and I were thinking the same things :) :) rofl i generally will do an 'outrageous' theme and run with it for a month or so then go back to 'basic' for a while I change all the time also remember this is only home machine, so not on it much (not like used to be) ;( cause I get bored after while and/or I just need something new derek: so you liek Gnome 2? like* Action: derek generally leaves as default until i get stick up my butt what prompted this was looking for a better metacity theme at and saw 'translucent panel how-to' and i couldnt resist I see you have Gnome Sword there :) only way it would be worth it would be to make it outrageous chillywilly: i dont know i got so used to fluxbox i think i could live with anything at this point i.e. im so non dependent on the windowmanager its not an issue er desktop xf 4.3 will be pretty cool Action: derek doesnt really like metacity well if nautilus wasn't such a pig...the most annoying thing is that it redraws my desktop so slowly...I hate it the ui management tools for gnome suck kde runs fast and doesn't suck like that i HATE as in REALLY hate oaf, bonobo and ESPECIALLY gconf they are satan's spawn agreed Ok, time to change that thread to a pretty pink they are slwo slunky things clunky nautilus is slick but SLOW and BUGGY i really like evolution (despite it being sluggish) kde has a nicer api too psu (psu@ joined #gnuenterprise. and i like galeon a lot I take c++ over c any day I've never cared for nautilus, I can appreciate what it is as a fm but cant stand that it wants to control my dt short of galeon/evolution im not hot on gnome per say derek: galeon loves you, too ;-) heya psu galeon is slower than konq also and I will never stop using mutt i will get flamed but i dont like kde's widget set its clean but seems too 'cartoonish' for me or something gui email program doesn't make sense for me konq is ok im just used to galeon at this point lol I guess that shows differences between ppl it's interesting (and pretty cool, actually) just how many fricken browsers there are now.. as the cartoonish look is my favorite aspect of the widget set though like gnome, that's all themable gack hmmm? now whatcha gonna say about my desktop? i never criticize much anymore chillywilly: I just got an email from our web design company i have come to like that free software is all about choice to review their designs so I am very much in criticize mode so don't ask :) say it then I'll have reason to whip the trout out ;) the color scheme is hard on the eyes Action: chillywilly readies to pounce the background isn't meant to be a focal point it's meant to be a continuation from window to window blue is depressing Action: jcater stops there I said I was in criticize mode :) but I like it and there's nothing wrong with the colors those are the default colors anyway and I am depressed like all the time anyway so wtf does it matter if my desktop reflects that? you wanna fight? lets see your desktop cause I wanna lay into it like nobody's business i like to be angry give me some red baby :) SachaS ( joined #gnuenterprise. chillywilly: i like your arrangement Action: derek would have hard time as i like transparent terminals and they dont work with 'contrasting' backgrounds I should turn that on or detailed ones does the desktop reflect that? or induce that? ? i turn it on in gnome-terminal jcater: thinks he's some kinda graphics expert ;) dereK Action: jcater was pulling a revDeke and scanning old logs and responding as I came to them Action: chillywilly thwaps jcater with a magazine iow that was to chillywilly not you roflmao Action: jcater isn't a happy person does not reflect what I am looking for Action: jcater searches for his can of kickass s/kickass/whoop-ass/ yeah, that's it Heard the name of the latest coffee franchise sweeping the country? Bad Ass Coffee yeah seen that my how times change :) sheesh those sites blow jcater chillywilly: no shit Action: jcater was hard on them said to be named after the mules that are used to bring the coffee from the fields.. is that one big ass image? wrote a loooooong email detailing every fscking thing I dislike well, initial designs usually are the final wouldn't necessarily be but even then they sure are relying on a lot of images have y'all seen my redesign of why didn't you design it yourself :) not sure if they are gonna use it or now not you're a magazine guy afterall... whipped that up last friday night chillywilly: don't go there please don't go there as that's been a bitter subject for the last 2-3 years Action: chillywilly *IS* going there the general concensus is I don't have the time to be spending doing website design which is true but lets count the hours I've spent w/web designers and in meetings re content and direction and blah blah blah you redid the LTSP site? looks better than there current site not bad for a couple of hours work, eh? lol dudes asked "what frame work you use" Action: chillywilly is scared to show jcater his site my response, "vim" :) framework? beats me reminds me of savannah =) but that was the ? hey yours fit aall on page too Vee2d2: in what way? no scrolling to the right Action: jcater hates svannah's sit4e contract sucks contrast* use of whitespace sucks jcater: tell taht to jbailey we had an argument on savannah usabilitytoday :) you can tell savannah was designed by hackers thats what i said :) Action: jcater is in a very critical mood tonight savannah doesn't bother me and whoever decided on brown over baby shit yellow needs to talk w/an optometrist but I guess I am not all picky and no graphic artist beotch ;) re destroying eyesight by improper lighting/contrast what about this site -> :P chillywilly: well I must say I like that better than savannah plz overlook it's lack of content and better than those designs for my site I pasted I keep debating whether leave it lined in the middle or to the left... though I could get critical there too :) go for it your the expert contrast dude! contrast what? blue text on blue background bad jcater: I drew the vague similarity to the use of yellow and white, and a menu/nav/whatever on the left of the page.. nothing beyond that.. yea... what color should I use? Action: Vee2d2 ponders a gnap Vee2d2: oh, you call savannah's site yellow? Action: jcater calls it baby shit HEH chillywilly: I'm no expert jcater: =) it's in the yellow portion of the rainbow now that I look at it, maybe closer to the shit portion. jcater: erm, well you layout magazine chillywilly: but for the bottom, I would at least do white on blue don't you? ok catalogs not magazines that's a good idear we sell magazine s same difference point it you do graphics layout you have some knowledge and expertise our current website is a jcater original design, badly mauled by me ;-) psu: or as we like to say, "design by committee" :) nah "a camel is a horse designed by committee... it's a definite start but try getting across Sahara on a horse" do yo like my logo or is it fugly? this is all my crude artistic skills can come up with I think ;) I suppose the bell is too dull compared to the torch.... I dun thinkn I ever set that email alias back up reinhard ( joined #gnuenterprise. hi reinhard hey reinhard jcater: you are db stud ;) if someone has derek: thanks! but I'm married dude col1 col2 and col3 and wants to do good morning select col1, col2, max(col3) from foo group by col2; they will get error that col1 is not in the 'group by' is there a way around this yeah as select col1, col2, max(col3) from foo group by col1, col2; select col1, col2, max(col3) from foo group by col1, col2; :) gets rid of the error but doesnt produce desired results what are desired results? btw: someone else is asking my response was same as yours but they say it has too much data they want col1 to show up but they dont want it as part of the agregrate then they have no idea what they want so if col1=supplier and col2=city they wan the MAX col3 for each city but they say they want the supplier name but that is screwed i keep telling them that tahts why i wanted to run it by someone else before telling them they are whacked "you are fscked in the head" derek - it is whacked that;s the official #gnuenterprise verdict arrived using the delphi oracle method i tend to agree im telling them as such now it's two queries one for the aggregate, one for the suppliers-for-each city maybe even a master-detail ;-) sigh i give up on this guy HEH tell him to read that one postgres tutorial that covers sql ;) users guide? he is saying he wants derek: postgres? yea they should probably have the tables arranged better and it should be some kinda join (master-detail) 'supplier in city X with most amt' only for all cities yeah #postgres huh? was helping another chap and he came in and started ranting was going to be nice, now just arguing for sake of proving him wrong :) any one wanting to bicker can gladly join #postgreql :) heheh maybe im dense in understanding his question are these two different problems? chillywilly ( left irc: "leaving" as I have the solution to your first so if col1=supplier and col2=city they wan the MAX col3 for each city is chillywilly ( joined #gnuenterprise. select a.col1, a.col2, (select max(col3) from test where col2 = a.col2) from test as a group by col1, col2; [01:45] Last message repeated 1 time(s). yeah something like that ;-) psu (psu@ left #gnuenterprise. gresco (~gresco@ joined #gnuenterprise. hi people should be free! bye gresco (~gresco@ left #gnuenterprise ("->"). in the words of Buckwheat heh ok "Oh---- tay!" I dont mind paying a lil bit for good people. lol took me a minute Action: jcater was staring at the log thinking, "wtf is he talking about" it's only 2am.. yeah wtf are we still doing up? roaming tag team tech support that was kind of funny Action: derek still thinks as i go channel to channel looking for help i generally get my answer here or from google which points to here :P Action: Vee2d2 is steaming shirts.. it was funny helping that other guy in there Vee2d2: and typing at the same time? was doing while doing paperwork man, I'm impressed and he was like wow Action: derek started thinking guess i know more about postgres than i give self credit for and funny thing i learned it all in here either asking questions or suppporting people in here on it Action: jcater hopes dude wasn't serious about "coding to SQL99" Action: derek wishes employers understood the value of community :( as no major database, iirc, is fully sql92 yet! 01:53 -!- gresco [~gresco@] has joined #gnu 01:53 < gresco> hi 01:53 < gresco> people should free! 01:54 < gresco> that's all. 01:54 < gresco> bye :) he was making the rounds i need to get sleep i think Action: derek is away: sleep oooo let's all /msg him and say "and so should goats! otay Action: jcater will sleep now but will /msg him first hehe jcater ( left irc: "sleep" lol kreiszner ( left irc: "Client Exiting" johannes ( joined #gnuenterprise. ok.. nap time chillywi1ly ( joined #gnuenterprise. chillywi1ly ( left irc: Remote closed the connection Remosi ( got netsplit. V_laptop ( got netsplit. dsmith ( got netsplit. Remosi ( returned to #gnuenterprise. V_laptop ( returned to #gnuenterprise. dsmith ( returned to #gnuenterprise. V_laptop ( got netsplit. Remosi ( got netsplit. dsmith ( got netsplit. dsmith ( returned to #gnuenterprise. V_laptop ( returned to #gnuenterprise. Remosi ( returned to #gnuenterprise. V_laptop ( left irc: Read error: 113 (No route to host) Remosi ( got netsplit. dsmith ( got netsplit. dsmith ( returned to #gnuenterprise. Remosi ( returned to #gnuenterprise. ToyMan ( joined #gnuenterprise. SachaS ( left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) dsmith ( left irc: "later.." PurPaBOO ( joined #gnuenterprise. hiya. any NOLA ppl here? PurPaBOO: wait for derek to wake up cool. thanks ra3vat :) ToyMan ( got netsplit. Remosi ( got netsplit. ToyMan ( returned to #gnuenterprise. Remosi ( returned to #gnuenterprise. jamest ( joined #gnuenterprise. dsmith ( joined #gnuenterprise. im up im up Action: derek is back (gone 06:49:05) :) hehehe. hi derek. i had a question on Nola before, but i solved it. did you have a good sleep? ;) NOLA had came to him in a dream .. or is it nightmare? it was ok someone on the Nola email list redirected me to OSSuite. looks pretty damn good. heard some russian fellow screaming my name in my sleep :) PurPaBOO: i had heard of it, but not really investigated it much it didnt exist (to my knowledge) during the time we looked at NOLA yeah, the person on the list told me that NOLA was dead and that work had move to OSSuite you know the license of oss suite nope. haven't checked it yet. i'm hoping GPL. looks good at Vee2d2: i cant get to your catalog with galeon :( the javascript seems defunct PurPaBOO ( left #gnuenterprise. it's a vendor cataolog esv ( joined #gnuenterprise. hola senor esv hi Action: derek is away: work I've got a partially implemented catalog built on my development server... but it will be rewritten soon as we finish product mgmt gnue-sb style Action: Vee2d2 is away: dancing, just dancing. jcater ( joined #gnuenterprise. looks to me like more US gov propagada morning InsanitY ( left irc: "changing servers" InsanitY (~insanity@ joined #gnuenterprise. hi hey, I've been trying to use gnue but I'm completly lost. esv: what is the problem? sub_pop_culture (~link@ joined #gnuenterprise. Action: ra3vat is looking for esv. o O (esv, where are you..) here just retyping too many times. well first I have no experience at all with ERP apps. gnue has no complete erp applications guys, i just discovered the GNUe project, and i have to say, its awesome. i'm so excited about this. :) esv: it is currently more like tools to let you make custom apps yourself ra3: well, then there I started wrong. ra3: ok, I can live with it, how? esv: tools help you to make 2-tier db apps with nice ui by the way, if I want to submit a bug should I donwload cvs source? before phone revDeke ( joined #gnuenterprise. esv we only take bug reports against Stable (currently 0.4.3) and pre-releases no cvs bug reports please :) you can ask in irc if xxxx is a bug or not in cvs but dont file an official ticket :) unless a developer asks you to (against cvs) ;) btw: cvs is grossly broken right now, i strongly suggest 0.4.3 ok bbl revDeke ( left #gnuenterprise. sub_pop_culture: not all written on the site implemented yet :) esv: you have any problem with installation? now, should I report bugs to or to the specific mailing list ie. ra3vat: i know, i saw that most of its not implemented yet, but its still a great idea. probably, well I belive it's installed appserver seems to be running (after a minor patch) and if i ever get some free time, i will look into helping out. but for now, i gotta go to class. :\ Nick change: sub_pop_culture -> sub_gone_culture Action: ra3vat prefer to ask in the channel first well with designer I have two problems, everytime I bring it up with a gfd file it crashes and I can not add a "bound dropdown" nor a button. esv: what version have you installed? 0.4.3 also on exit designer gives the following message: DB000: TypeError: OnExit() takes exactly 2 arguments (1 given) are you able to create new form with designer? yup!1 well the problem with the dropdown seems to be related to wxPython... I get the following error when I select the dropdown DB000: Exception exceptions.AttributeError: "wxEvent instance has no attribute 'thisown'" in > ignored or wxWindows dont know. I couldnt open a form from the file menu either, but slightly modified /usr/local/gnue/lib/python/gnue/designer/ [11:17] Last message repeated 1 time(s). now I can load a gfd file from the command line, I just added "string" to the list of imported modules. to /usr/local/gnue/lib/python/gnue/designer/ Ánd what version of wxPython you use? I wish I knew, I tryied installing everything....from everywhere let me check wxPythonGTK-py2.2-, comes out of a rpm -q --all | grep wx Remosi ( got netsplit. ToyMan ( got netsplit. dsmith ( left irc: Read error: 60 (Operation timed out) ToyMan ( returned to #gnuenterprise. Remosi ( returned to #gnuenterprise. dsmith ( joined #gnuenterprise. esv: sorry, i have only cvs installation currently (before cvs was broken) with rpm -q --all | grep wx wxGTK-gl-2.2.9-alt1 wxGTK-devel-2.2.9-alt1 wxPythonGTK- wxGTK-2.2.9-alt1 tryed to install from wxPythonSrc- but no success. esv: does forms working for you? let me check. just installed wxGTX-2.2.9xx forms working fine, let me check designer again had to add "import string" to /usr/local/gnue/lib/python/gnue/designer/ in order to make the dropdown wizard to come up did not get rid of the previos message thou reinhard ( left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) reinhard_ ( joined #gnuenterprise. Stoke_ ( joined #gnuenterprise. revDeke ( joined #gnuenterprise. esv: our standard mode of operation is come here if you have bug and see if it can be fixed immediately :) 2.4 wx windows is not well supported for 0.4.3 definitely you want to be on 2.2 if you dont get answer to your question email our support/bug facility at i.e. or be sure to give information in your email about version of python, wx, operating system (distro) as well as snippet of the trace our support structure is pretty brutalized right now with 0.5.0 development eating a lot of time so it might be highly likely that 0.5.0 will fix this (might be the answer) but its worth submitting none the less Action: revDeke runs off again revDeke ( left #gnuenterprise. Stoke ( left irc: Read error: 60 (Operation timed out) dsmith ( left irc: "later.." chillywilly ( left irc: "leaving" dsmith ( joined #gnuenterprise. dsmith ( left irc: "later.." dsmith ( joined #gnuenterprise. ToyMan ( left irc: "Client Exiting" V_laptop ( joined #gnuenterprise. reinhard_ ( left irc: "War causes terrorism." ToyMan ( joined #gnuenterprise. fixe ( joined #gnuenterprise. revDeke ( joined #gnuenterprise. revDeke ( left #gnuenterprise. jamest ( left #gnuenterprise. jcater ( left irc: "Client Exiting" Vee2d2 ( left irc: "new X and stuff" Vee2d2 ( joined #gnuenterprise. esv ( left irc: "Leaving" chillywilly ( joined #gnuenterprise. hey there chilly dawg sup dawg Action: chillywilly will rockin' out again tonight ;) I hope the music director picks some more rockin' tunes Action: V_laptop might do some sleeping tonight nah, whatever would you want to do that fer? ;) chillywilly ( left irc: Remote closed the connection jamest ( joined #gnuenterprise. dsmith ( left irc: "later.." jcater (~jason@ joined #gnuenterprise. gah, monkey boy is still fuckin on tv I wasnt even aware he was on.. been watching PBS w/kids I think if Americans had actually strived to elect the least intelligent person possible, they still could not have done better than monkey boy I think we'd be hard pressed to find someone who could even *seem* as unintelligent as monkey boy *shrug* idiots in positions of power frighten me dyfet ( joined #gnuenterprise. SachaS ( joined #gnuenterprise. ToyMan ( left irc: "Client Exiting" dsmith ( joined #gnuenterprise. dtm ( joined #gnuenterprise. Nick change: dyfet -> dyfet-away jamest ( left #gnuenterprise. SachaS ( left irc: Excess Flood mooooo SachaS ( joined #gnuenterprise. weeee haw Action: derek suspects havoc ranting about monkey boy to V_laptop (a texan) about ex-Texan likely isnt good ;)( *shrug* jcater: you around ja V_laptop: you working or 'purusing' I'm about to feed the wil one her last g'nite bottle then head to my office she's up late taking after her father? SachaS ( left irc: Remote closed the connection dyfet-away ( left irc: "Client Exiting" dtm ( left irc: Remote closed the connection --- Thu Feb 27 2003