chillywilly ( joined #gnuenterprise. :(, my laptop keyboard no worky hmm is interesting chillywilly ( left irc: Remote closed the connection chillywilly ( joined #gnuenterprise. you running windows over there or what hmm come and go come and go hehe derek: that is an interesting link always nice to know what's out there Action: derek cant find a political niche i fit in im a loner i guess i am all about liberties and am socialistic which kicks me out of any republican, capitalist movements derek:! ;P yet i have strong religious beliefs which kicks me out of about everything else i.e. it seems the 'smaller' parties are into supporting feminism, gay/lesbianism and other deviants chillywilly: they lost me on the second sentence likely because they want to accomodate as much support as possible and MOST people with their views dont have moral convictions against such things anyhow though people into freesoftware might find that link interesting not endorsing them or anything Action: derek just likes political debate ;) derek: there's a fine line between "endorsing" and "tolerating other ppls right to sin" I don't think a lot of the smaller parties endorse such things as much as, "who are we to judge" but it's too late to get into political debates so nevermind :) ? what second stance? sentence :) jcater: actually i agree with that statement about it being too late? i just dont like that they are so flagship about it hmmm? i.e. i actually agree with statement 'who am i to judge' Action: chillywilly has to use an external keyboard with his laptop :-/ I'm not used to having a keyboard this big s/keyboard/col1 combined with conversation last night and thats an interesting statement you are strecthing it now bucko btw, OQL 0wnz j00 that is all... jcater (~jason@ left irc: "sleepy" wimp it's not even close to sunrise yet.. that's what I am saying reinhard ( joined #gnuenterprise. yo reinhard hi chilly anyone know how to get good fonts on gnu/linux that is fonts for graphics not for desktop true type chillywilly ( left irc: Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer) btami ( joined #gnuenterprise. I love using sodipodi.. chillywilly ( joined #gnuenterprise. Action: Vee2d2 thinks the trout must be fighting back, tonight. *cough* windows user ? jo momma is a windows user... btami ( left irc: Remote closed the connection SachaS ( joined #gnuenterprise. btami ( joined #gnuenterprise. oh bed time i suppose Action: derek is away: sleep Brian ( joined #gnuenterprise. hi anyone involved with gnue-sb? hi Brian hi ask derek/jcater about gnue-sb but they are sleeping now ok - any idea what time they usually come online? they are in US so they will be approx 5-6 hrs behind UK time then so wait 6-8 hour yes ok thx so how is GNUe coming along? so-so so so? btami ( left irc: Remote closed the connection Was just wondering how close to being ready for use on a production environment it was btami ( joined #gnuenterprise. wb btami thanks ToyMan ( joined #gnuenterprise. dsmith ( left irc: "later.." SachaS_ ( joined #gnuenterprise. btami ( left irc: jamest ( joined #gnuenterprise. SachaS ( left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) dsmith ( joined #gnuenterprise. Nick change: SachaS_ -> SachaSZzzz fixe ( left irc: "Client Exiting" ajmitch ( left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) Action: derek is back (gone 06:50:49) chillywilly ( left irc: Remote closed the connection chillywilly ( joined #gnuenterprise. Brian: its ready for production use but development of next release is running a little behind what we had hoped so probably explains the 'so-so' response ajmitch ( joined #gnuenterprise. aaron_ ( left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) thx where can GNUe-sb be downloaded from? aaron_ ( joined #gnuenterprise. Brian: from cvs, any other way apart from cvs? not at the moment. hmmm cvs looks a bit complex dont let it be. It's really not that complicated. what sort of system are you using? i'm on win2k here at work I dont know exactly how to help you, but I know others here use cvs from windows What's your interest in the project? I want to look at it to see if it would suit the sort of system that we require or if we will require the full blown GNUe What is it you do? I'm the IT Co-ordinator for an electronics recycling company we're just getting started on it, so there's not much of a system at the moment. ahh, neat. trying to find anything that is even nearly suitable is a nightmare - we are only a small company so SAP and the like is out of the question yea, I feel your pain. not sure if GNUe-sb would fit the purpose either but was curious too see just the same so you work out a relationship with a mfg, or large companies to take their old equipment, then repair what can be repaired, see it as refurbished goods, and scrap/recycle the rest? s/see it/sell it/ we dont technically we are basically a hub here in the UK - we collect product sort it and send it onwards for processing I see. jbailey ( joined #gnuenterprise. So I'm curious, what your needs from a system are? you dont really have any products, right? morning jbailey Heya Vee2d2 well we do have products which we sort and well kind of sell to our parent company we bring in goods and split them into like types or strip them down depending on what they are interesting. Its kind of the reverse of a manufacturing process - instead of a Bill of Materials we have a Reverse Bill of Materials if you like There's a pretty large electronics recycler not too far from here.. but I never knew just what they did with the 'junk' they didnt refurbish. At the processing plant in Singapore all the nice stuff happens where boards get melted down and the precious metals etc are extracted so do you strip the boards down completely or is it ok that components are stull soldered on? s/stull/still/ I'm unable to connect to that url atm. Its ok that components are still soldered on - there is more precious metals in the chips than the actual boards - thats the Singapore site - its full of flash though so its not that fast at loading hmmm looks like our webservers gone down - so much for 10 mins to go till finishing time =( ahhh - fixed page should now be available lol - I wondered what that bit of cat5 was for =) Brian: so what sort of system are you using to manage everything, now? errr don't laugh - Excel Accounts are done on Sage Line 50 I use a spreadsheet atm too so I can understand.. =) we have around 20 different spreadsheets that just need to be put together into some king of system well.. I bet with some effort a gnue(-sb) solution is certainly possible I gotta run for a bit, bbiab me too better go put that cable in properly jamest ( left irc: "[x]chat" dneighbo_ ( joined #gnuenterprise. derek ( left irc: Read error: 60 (Operation timed out) fixe ( joined #gnuenterprise. has anyone here gotten gnue running on OS X? kreiszner ( joined #gnuenterprise. kreiszner ( left irc: "Client Exiting" kreiszner ( joined #gnuenterprise. kreiszner ( left irc: Client Quit kreiszner ( joined #gnuenterprise. revDeke ( joined #gnuenterprise. fixe: yes neilt has gotten gnue to work on OSX read the email archives, i think recently he walked someone through the 'proper' route to take Action: revDeke is OS X clueless but it appeared there was more than one path you could choose neilt tried most of them and only got one to really work bbl revDeke ( left #gnuenterprise. kreiszner ( left irc: "Client Exiting" kreiszner ( joined #gnuenterprise. Stoke ( joined #gnuenterprise. dsmith ( left irc: "later.." Stoke_ ( left irc: Read error: 60 (Operation timed out) ToyMan ( left irc: Remote closed the connection reinhard ( left irc: "War is never a solution." jamest ( joined #gnuenterprise. ToyMan ( joined #gnuenterprise. dsmith ( joined #gnuenterprise. SachaSZzzz ( got netsplit. SachaSZzzz ( got lost in the net-split. jcater (~jason@ joined #gnuenterprise. uh oh here's trouble heh hungry... SachaSZzzz ( joined #gnuenterprise. ninja ( joined #gnuenterprise. what's the tag name for the stable 0.4.x branch? gnue-tools-0-4-0 ? ToyMan ( left irc: "Client Exiting" dsmith_ ( joined #gnuenterprise. dsmith ( left irc: Read error: 113 (No route to host) Nick change: dsmith_ -> dsmith dsmith ( left irc: Read error: 60 (Operation timed out) V_laptop ( left irc: Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer) V_laptop ( joined #gnuenterprise. ajmitch doesn't seem to eb around these days. Hmm. The hurd's bot says he last spoke 25 hours ago, though. Maybe he just doesn't love me anymore. we still love you jbailey with any luck he's neck deep in gtk2 client Awwww.. Thanks jamest! (as long as the .debs keep a coming) :) They're breathing hard and moaning away in the background. just think how wonderfulll you'd be if libc moved into testing Ayup. If only. =) revDeke ( joined #gnuenterprise. jbailey: well i upgraded gnue's dcl install to 0.9.2 it was using the old deb package (and you thought no one was) and it upgraded REALLY nicely all the attachments and stuff are in a separate directory by default in the debian package :) which was always a pain with tarball i submitted a few 'minor' bugs on it but am happy with outcome none the less Cool. see, he loves you too. I need to talk to some people to find out what I should do about automatic upgrades and stuff. did you plan on doing debs for 0.4.3 of gnue? Action: revDeke would love you to as 0.5.0 will probably be in the cooker a bit before its announced as stable and we are getting ready to dig into gnue-sb pretty hard (the email lists have erupted since you so kindly turned them on) ;) *lol* and it will target 0.4.3 oh Glad to know they work. until 0.5.0 is stable Action: V_laptop hugs jbailey for fixing the lists V_laptop: i got your email and LOVED it will look at implementing stuff tonight Action: revDeke thinks we found perfect gnue-sb candidate one that is in irc as much as we are and has the time to write detail emails on their needs and not afraid to break some stuff :) jcater: did you guys institute case insensitive queries in 0.4.3? no that is where the db value might be Foo but if i put foo in the entry and hit query it finds Foo will this be in 0.5.x? or would it be too rough to back port into 0.4.3 it is one of the reports i get a lot from people using the framework and i have hit myself once or twice i remember talking about it back a few months ago, but i dont recall what you can jcater thought about it I'm pretty sure it's a trivial addition thats what im thinking ilike support needs added to the GCondition/Datasource probably a property in the entry or datasource (or both) i was thinking about this earlier this week actually any chance you could throw in 0.4.3 without lots of work and make it in 0.5.x as well Action: revDeke isnt sure how far off 0.5.x is what I wasn't sure of if this would be a form level or per field level setting thats only reason i ask couldnt you make it either one of three field datasource form ToyMan ( joined #gnuenterprise. that is each could have a property? Action: revDeke suspects for 'immediate' needs form level would get us buy er by as most people that want it, want it on all forms fields, sources but long term it would be nice to have tighter control i guess so but i was worried about too many additional options but you know what is easiest to implement jamest: i tend to agree maybe doing by form with a gnue.conf option (so it sets it for all forms) would be enough meaning I didn't want to just add it everwhere w/o knowing what people wanted it for and we leave 'finer grain' control till someone cries they need it i think that a gnue.conf option would almost be enough as stated most people that want this, want it to be default behavior for all queries er all forms and it makes nice for me with gnue-sb as i can not put it in the form and tell people if you want that turn on in gnue.conf :) i know jbailey also needed it so lets find out what he needs before I do anything blue? also I'm kinda on a tight schedule till next week but I'll see what I can do jamest: My needs are mostly case insensitive matches to company names and people's names. jbailey: you can have baby blue or royal blue what level? field, form, block jbailey; you want on field, on datasource, on form or whole damn framework :) I'm not sure this should go in datasource ok s/block/datasource Action: revDeke reminds jamest i still try to ignore fact blocks exist I'd be happy if nothing were case sensitive - Anyone distinguishing only by case needs to be shot with a ball of their own shit. (tm) jamest: i think he just voted for whole damn framework i'd be happy if people wouldn't put mixed case data in the db um Action: jcater must butt in there aren't many databases that support ilike jamest: Can't do it - Some people get really irate when they're case isn't preserved in company names, etc. Action: jcater only thinks of postgres support ilike? case insensitive like ah damn, i thought that was sql92 nope it might be sql99 btu I don't think so ah never heard of it but I know it's not sql92 fsck, that complicates things alot yeah figured you woudl be doing 'upper' on things that's why it's not there revDeke: that would kill any database Action: revDeke didnt say it wouldnt but like jbailey said people whine about all uppercase data cause it doesnt look pretty in letters and on reports Action: revDeke is very pro upper case data entry Action: revDeke is just relaying what i have heard gripes on that's why oracle created initcaps() :) That doesn't help McDonald, McDonald & Company. no we aren't saying it's not an issue but we are saying we can't just throw in upper() into the queries it's just going to take more thought i have no issue with forms doing it as my own users use mixed case data (grrrrrrrr) gasp not mine what db doesnt have ilike or something like it?\ so I hear about it as well oracle for one Action: revDeke digs around in his box of torture tools hmmm that wont do nope thats not evil enough my solution currently is to tell them they shouldn't used mixed case ah... uncle fester's head vice Action: revDeke hands it to jamest but that works about as well as me sitting in my office telling my mouse that [Mm][Cc][Dd][Oo]... What that kill the DB, too? egads jbailey: um, i think mysql and postgresql are the only ones that could handle that jamest: Microsoft SQL server, apparently. Action: jamest blinks they do regex? According to this web page.. "I saw it on the Internet, daddy, it must be true" Action: jamest figured they'd do something non-std like replace / with \ *cough* Does it need to be just pushed down to the DB layer with a flag? Then each DB can do it it's own way? jbailey: i don't know, have to think about it i have to go get wife from work l8r jamest ( left #gnuenterprise. the only oracle solutions I seem to find are the use of lower() or upper() in the query Vee2d2: what db do you plan on using? better yet what platform do you use? postgres for client and server i assume some gnu/linux distro for server? and possibly client as well? oh.. yea I run debian all around now. yummy you truly are the perfect candidate if only there were sap-db packages for debian we will start with postgres, but someday i might try to convince you to use sap-db instead for gnue-sb :) muhahaha thats kind of funny sap for small business jbailey ( left irc: "Client Exiting" I've never looked at sap-db, really my experience with postgres is pretty limited but we're quickly becoming friends. =) postgres is more a target for gnue-sb resource and skill wise though i think sap-db will be better than postgres for people on windows as it has better windows admin tools rofl, just heard conversation over my cube guy1: so why didnt they just spit it out girl1: girls dont spit guy1: guess you're right girl1: girls swallow guy2: i wont even go there guy1, guy2, girl1, girl2: insane laughter kreiszner ( left irc: "Client exiting" hehe that's one for the KC headquote "girls dont spit / girls swallow" bbl revDeke ( left #gnuenterprise. ninja ( left irc: Read error: 113 (No route to host) ninja (rossg@ joined #gnuenterprise. jcater (~jason@ left irc: "Client Exiting" jamest ( joined #gnuenterprise. jamest ( left irc: Client Quit hmm.. I need to look into doing an ltsp sort of thing here for the fam.. I'd been thinking about pulling the sparc1 from the garage as an xterm but then I remembered what a space heater the monitor is and decided against it.. jamest ( joined #gnuenterprise. Nick change: SachaSZzzz -> SachaS jamest_ ( joined #gnuenterprise. jamest ( left irc: Read error: 113 (No route to host) jamest_ ( left #gnuenterprise. jamest ( joined #gnuenterprise. Action: pattieja is away: home dneighbo_ ( left irc: "Client Exiting" rossg_ ( joined #gnuenterprise. rossg_ ( left irc: Client Quit ninja (rossg@ left irc: Read error: 113 (No route to host) dsmith ( joined #gnuenterprise. ToyMan ( left irc: "Client Exiting" jcater (~jason@ joined #gnuenterprise. derek ( joined #gnuenterprise. Action: Vee2d2 reads irs tax guides.. blech gack so sorry hmmm i think we have found someone sicker than us ;) doh its been a long time and i cant find my 'cheat' sheet jcater: you happen to remember the incantation to build .sql files from our gsd's? derek, I have mine handy ... hang on... I do 1+1 = 2 2+2 = 4 3+3 = 6 geeg:~> cat `which gsd-to-sql` #!/bin/sh GCVS="/home/vin/bin/gcvs"; CVS="/home/vin/cvs/gnue"; ${GCVS} ${CVS}/gnue/common/src/schema/scripter/ $1 $2 $3 $4 $5 oh, that cheat sheet [23:07] Last message repeated 1 time(s). Action: derek thought i put it in the README Vee2d2: thats a nice little tool i think i might put it cvs :) grrr dont have a ~vin ? =) seems installing common doesnt put anywhere Vee2d2: i was going to modify that to point to 'typical' install install ;) but a typical install doesnt install :) Action: derek thought jcater had a wrapper too that shortened that ah gcvs Vee2d2: just an fyi i see it in there now... me is blind :) ${GCVS} ${CVS}/gnue/common/src/schema/scripter/ "$@" is same as ${GCVS} ${CVS}/gnue/common/src/schema/scripter/ "$1" "$2" "$3" ..... ok.. =) not that I'm criticizing just an fyi :) but i dont have a gcvs gcvs is an, erm, cvs testing tool so it's not installed jcater: any ideas short of installing cvs for an immediate solution? just copy gnue-forms to gnue-scriptor Action: derek both kind of and change the last line for long term ? /usr/bin/gnue-forms oh the file gnue-forms it's a script file Action: derek was thinking directory at first do you know eta's on 0.5.0 yes not within 3 weeks xmas ok but probably before xmas seriously, though not within 3 weeks Action: derek is thinking might end up with one more 0.4.x release but hopefully we can wrap up sometime shortly after that as even when it ships i would be leary to move gnue-sb to it for a week or so until the dust settles I personally don't want to put any more effort into 0.4.x branch but you are welcome ti to I'm not doing a 0.4.x unless there is a showstopper it's not difficult to release one but I just can't see jamest or I sacrificing what little time we have on it well, seems jamest and I agree :) that's an oddity oh, wait... no it's an oddity when derek and I agree so scratch that =) jcater: i didnt mean you and jamest :) remember the idea is that as we get more users and more advancements we will have to maintain a stable branch for longer and longer from gnue.forms.GFClient import * if __name__ == '__main__': GFClient().run() are the last lines of gnue-forms whatt should i change it too for scripter um from gnue.common.src.schema.scripter import Scripter if __name__ == '__main__': Scripter().run() I would imagine err s/src./ Action: derek is thinking it didnt install scripter anywhere but will try that then you have bigger issues latitude:/home/dneighbo# locate /home/dneighbo/cvs/gnue/common/src/schema/scripter/ /home/dneighbo/cvs/gnue040branch/gnue/common/src/schema/scripter/ latitude:/home/dneighbo# but i dont have 'installs' for those cvs versions um im running from 0.4.3 tarball imho oh sigh Action: derek is suspecting install for common didnt include anything for Scripter Action: derek regrets not testing 0.4.3 better now Vee2d2: i suspect you are running from a cvs install? no, I installed the tarballs, too (4.3) ? you install tarballs using install? you want my $0.02 ???? yes I used the cvs to convert the gsd's yea.. built your .gsd against 0.5.0 common and include the .sql files in gnue-sb because I was using cvs at the time jcater: ok save yourself the effort of converting later (not that the format has changed... but still) I don't think it's worth your effort to spend all night (or more) as long as Vee2d2 is cool with it getting 0.4.3 to work as he will likely be doing schema work as well as the end users probably don't want to generate their own .sqls anyway I was cool with using cvs head before it got fsck'd.. =) i dont suspect we will have other schema contributors for at least 4 - 6 weeks Vee2d2: is the scripter not working in cvs head? Action: jcater didn't realize it was fscked or are you talking head in general? Action: derek will test it in a minute the scripter in head no, I was saying in total.. not speaking of the scripter I havent tried, but I suspect it still works btw: can we make sure that it gets on a list somewhere that common 0.5.0 needs to install a gsd2sql tool :) you have my address and the local donut shop's phone number I think there might be a way hmmm head scripter might be broked Vee2d2: btw, I *promise* the "fscking" of head will be worth it Action: jcater at least keeps telling himself that derek: what's it doing? ./gsd2sql -v postgresql -o foo.sql item.gsd yields DB000: File "/home/dneighbo/cvs/gnue/.cvsdevelbase/gnue/common/definitions/", line 288, in startElementNS DB000: raise MarkupError, tmsg DB000: gnue.common.definitions.GParser.MarkupError: Error processing tag [invalid type for "name" attribute; value is "item"]
is start of that schema file best i know this schema worked with 0.4.x I'm sure it will, jcater.. and I wasnt complaining.. just saying I dont mind riding the edge, is all.. hrm this is 0.5.0 common? dneighbo@latitude:~/cvs/gnue-sb/schema$ ./gsd2sql --version GNUe Schema Scripter Version GNUe Common Version dneighbo@latitude:~/cvs/gnue-sb/schema$ Action: derek doesnt know what means that's 0.4.x branch iirc but /home/dneighbo/cvs/gnue/ was updated about 2 minutes ago and should be head as erm, maybe not /home/dneighbo/cvs/gnue040branch/gnue/ is my branch copy of cvs I just synced to head and get the same Action: derek likes this Vee2d2 guy its nice to have a 2 to 1 vote for once Action: jcater really didn't have time to work on schema stuff tonight sigh assuming jamest finally went to bed ;) nah I think he's just better at tuning y;all out than I am rofl s/;/' i can just install cvs of the branch Action: derek would rather see head fixed er other parts of head fixed Vee2d2: are you getting that error w/the scripter too? as this isnt pressing I just synced to head and get the same I assumed that was same version # oh did he mean same error? you probably are right (about version not necessarily error) jcater: can you slurp gnue-sb it didnt like the name attribute in the
tag if so grab lastest copy and run item.gsd through yoru cvs head Action: derek notes that will be the nice thting about gnue-sb it should be easy for jcater to get cvs to recreate problems Vee2d2: just a warning... i have this knack... nmice? nice? i think jamest calls it a supernatural power how's that nice? never underestimate the power of denial derek: for breaking things? to break things in ways that are inconcievable to be broken no normal people break things my power goes beyond breakage its not common to hear "how the hell did you make it do that, i dont even see how it could do that" derek: I've picked up on that. You ***REALLY*** remind me of a QC inspector named Karl in our QA department at the company I use to work for. derek: he broke things all the time.. and believe me, I watched him closely and I still dont understand how it happened. jcater: you want me to revert to cvs04x for schema or you want to take time to look at head tonight oh bugger Action: derek has no problem using cvs04x for schema only grrrr this is some i18n changes that were commited that break things ok update cvs head weee.. workingness.. yeah works barring a 'you stupide l'american, do you not understand concept of locale's message' yea.. =) jcater: many donut praise to your name Action: derek thinks perhaps we should change our marketing strategy to gnue, the only place where you get head on demand? nah gnue... where head gets better with age Vee2d2: hopefully you will be up and no baby duty derek: with any luck.. I just heard her semi cry, but a couple minutes have passed so I think she went right back to sleep as im printing out your email as we speak Action: derek thinks your wife must really like that you help with baby so much :) I hope y'all don't have any more incidents w/cvs tonight as I'm soooo tired I think I'm retiring for the night shortly --- Fri Feb 28 2003