chillywilly ( joined #gnuenterprise. Action: Vee2d2 waits to hear whistling from his kitchen making tea? ;) havent decided.. either chai spice tea or hot chocolate chai spice hot chocolate? :-o tea it is you all scared off wombat? Action: Vee2d2 opens a window will people ever learn paypal is evil I've got a cc terminal but have never hooked it up hmm every care to try? Action: derek wants to get credit card interface in gnue Action: derek has some contacts and mainstreet works care yea, but I've only ever had 2 people inquire about paying with cc's so I havent bothered setting up a merchant acct anywhere.. that should change at some point I think, though.. Action: derek needs some sleep Action: derek is away: sleep Isomer ( joined #gnuenterprise. sub_pop_culture (~link@ joined #gnuenterprise. hmm Action: Isomer reads KC "One problem you run into 'starting' is people not wanting to 'use' something until it has EVERY feature but its hard to get features when no one will use it :)" Action: Isomer disagrees I for instance have lots of possible uses for gnue, however I would like *something* to build on it doesn't need to be great just some minimal functionality that can be easily extended johannes_ ( left #gnuenterprise ("Client Exiting"). ToyMan ( joined #gnuenterprise. Action: derek is back (gone 08:43:02) Isomer: that was a 'generic' people i didnt say 'everyone' Vee2d2: you around ore ve V_laptop ninja ( joined #gnuenterprise. actually i need to go to church here pretty quick i will just respond when i get back to your email i think i have answers for most of the questions ;) if you are comfortable with it (and i understand if you aren't) if you could pg_dump gnue_sb for me it would help a lot for testing as then i dont have to 'key' data to test Action: derek is away: church mdean ( left irc: Remote closed the connection jamest ( joined #gnuenterprise. Isomer ( left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) Isomer ( joined #gnuenterprise. Action: jamest is away: I'm busy ninja ( left irc: Read error: 60 (Operation timed out) reinhard ( joined #gnuenterprise. derek: sent an email with the dump attached.. Action: Vee2d2 goes afk for a bit reinhard ( left irc: Read error: 60 (Operation timed out) reinhard ( joined #gnuenterprise. psu ( joined #gnuenterprise. hi all hi I can't believe that we missed National Doughnut Week ? in the UK gack! we really did miss donut week well, I guess every week is donut week in #gnuenterprise "Before she made it as a pop singer, Madonna sold doughnuts at Dunkin' Donuts." "According to the Guinness Book of World Records, the record for doughnut eating is held by a man named John Haight, who consumed 52 ounces of doughnuts (about 26 average doughnuts in just over six minutes) in 1981. " "Americans eat an estimated 10 billion donuts every year." I'm assumin that's in total, not each that's the record? sheesh Action: jcater needs to call those ppl up Action: jcater is reasonably sure he can beat 26 in 6 minutes One thing they used to have here was contests where you had to eat 2-3 standard sugar donughts without licking your lips ToyMan ( left irc: "Client Exiting" derek: sure, but I think there are lots of people that are in the same boat, having something to build on, may end up with something which everyone will build on w00t designer and forms in CVS head now talk the same language again Action: jcater does a happy dance sub_pop_culture (~link@ left #gnuenterprise ("Client exiting"). psu ( left #gnuenterprise. Action: derek is back (gone 06:04:31) went to lunch after church and guess what opened up across the street "donut palace" and no im not making that up all you can eat 24' super donut buffet? you guys are making me hungry! heh.. WELL.. I had to buy one of those supermarket donut packs when I went shopping the other night because yall keep talking about the 'nuts when I cant just run out and get some... so now I have some on hand for the occasion.. =) Vee2d2: are you in tyler? nah about 200 miles or so west of tyler oh maybe a bit less than 200 i think that is where donut palace got its start jcater: you around have some 'schema' questions for you one's i was hoping to avoid for a bit, but i want 'general' opinion before i toy too much chillywilly ( left irc: Remote closed the connection chillywilly ( joined #gnuenterprise. V_laptop ( left irc: Remote closed the connection wassat? V_laptop ( joined #gnuenterprise. oh sorry started reading mail well now that we have some 'structures' in gnue-sb and we are loading them with data we face the 'modification' delimmea Action: jcater fears a feature request coming on that is if mike starts filling tables with good data and we have to 'add' a column or change its datatype currently gnue schema doesnt support this Action: derek knows we can work around it but thats why i wanted to get a general grasp of your ideas for gnue schema moving forward Action: derek isnt asking for the feature yet more querying to how you would plan to attack it and where it fits in the grand roadmap for now i dont mind playing the same game we do for DCL I'm not too worried about it honestly that is make 'upgrade' scripts between 'releases' reinhard ( left irc: "War causes terrorism." fixe ( joined #gnuenterprise. dsmith ( joined #gnuenterprise. hmmmm Is Zope pronounced like soap or dopey? jamest ( left irc: "[x]chat" Zee oh pee eeee Zeeohpeeeeee! ? i thought it was Zah-o-puh like zope rhymes with dope and hope I pronounce it the same.. Action: Vee2d2 cant get rms' "Free the Software" tune out of his head.. is that tragic? Share the software.. grr i have a miserable headache Vee2d2: have you heard the 'techno' remix of 'share the software' it is quite well interesting :) I have it as well actually, I cant find his original.. did he put it out as a wav? um at one point maybe i would suspect ogg is the most common at this point must beat children into bed time submission will be back soon =) havoc ( left irc: Remote closed the connection dsmith ( left irc: Remote closed the connection Vee2d2: you know much about consumer grade sewing machines? Action: jcater hopes he isn't making too many assumptions because you are in the embroidery business havoc ( joined #gnuenterprise. I dont know a whole lot about anything in the consumer market.. embroidery, sergers, or std sewing machines.. I recognize brands.. sometimes.. otay wife has an old industrial juki we thought she'd toasted.. but while cleaning it up to get numbers off of it to try and locate a replacement motor I relized it was smoking all the lint build up in the motor windings.. =) lol brb, gonna see if I can coherse baby into taking a bottle pattieja ( got netsplit. pattieja ( returned to #gnuenterprise. I believ rms original song is in .au format believe at least that's the format I have it in ;P cool.. da fam's asleep sacha_ ( joined #gnuenterprise. HEH I see some guy post from WI on this message board and he puts "Liberal Capital of the Midwest" that is too funny and true erm ,as his location --- Mon Mar 3 2003