jcater (~jason@cpe-066-061-083-220.midsouth.rr.com) left irc: "Client Exiting" ra3vat (~ds@ics.elcom.ru) left irc: Read error: 60 (Operation timed out) reinhard (~reinhard@M689P021.adsl.highway.telekom.at) joined #gnuenterprise. btami (~tamas@ip102-205.ktv.tiszanet.hu) joined #gnuenterprise. good morning hi tami hi reinhard morning V_laptop (~vin@c66.169.136.41.ts46v-07.otn-c1.ftwrth.tx.charter.com) left irc: V_laptop (~vin@c66.169.136.41.ts46v-07.otn-c1.ftwrth.tx.charter.com) joined #gnuenterprise. reinhard (~reinhard@M689P021.adsl.highway.telekom.at) left irc: "There is no war against terrorism. War is always against people." bada (bada@ joined #gnuenterprise. hi all btami (~tamas@ip102-205.ktv.tiszanet.hu) left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) johannes (~johannes@M697P006.adsl.highway.telekom.at) joined #gnuenterprise. how is stable a current release of geas and forms? derek (~dneighbo@cpe-24-221-112-50.az.sprintbbd.net) left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) bada (bada@ left irc: "BitchX: No windows left!" ra3vat (~ds@ics.elcom.ru) joined #gnuenterprise. mm.. donut. lekma (~lekma@opixido.net1.nerim.net) joined #gnuenterprise. lekma (~lekma@opixido.net1.nerim.net) left #gnuenterprise ("Client exiting"). harryF (~harry@pD9E94D7A.dip.t-dialin.net) joined #gnuenterprise. does anyone know whether there is a GPL/LGPL OQL (Object Query Language) parser out there? ninja (rossg@r6-sniHS1.S.loxinfo.net.th) joined #gnuenterprise. sawadee ninja sawadee khrub Vee2d2 bpen bang-ngai bhaang? (how are you!) ninja: mai bpen bang-ngai(?).. =) :) duh - i meant yang-ngai, not bang-ngai - my thai's getting worse! ninja: been busy on the island? not too busy spent a week on the mainland - three days sleeping in hammocks under the stars, and three days in Pattaya got my brother over for a couple of weeks, will be going to Phuket in a couple of days for a bit of hang-gliding still managed to find a bit of time to get a decent patch into gdm2 HEAD to enable support for a load more languages (including Thai) ninja: =) Vee2d2: how about you? ninja: not too bad.. ToyMan (~stuq@smtp.dstoys.com) joined #gnuenterprise. ninja: I wont be out hang-gliding or visiting anything like Phuket (dang!) but spring is almost here, and business is picking up slightly.. so I cant complain. =) morning ToyMan Vee2d2: glad to hear Vee2d2: guess i'd better make the most of it - back to UK next month Action: ninja crosses his fingers and hopes a couple of contracts will get renewed so doesn't return homeless! morning Vee2d2 jamest (~jamest@leibniz.math.ksu.edu) joined #gnuenterprise. morning jamest morning how goes gnue-sb ? heard about a possible upcomming release It goes well.. I think I should be able to use it for 'something' by the end of the week what new functionality is being added? i know derek was going contact management but that's all I've kept up on right now we've just been reworking the item mgmt all that lacks is the main item_maint form to be fixed up/rewritten and some trigger work I think.. we made it so that the sku could be 'built' from lookup tables ninja (rossg@r6-sniHS1.S.loxinfo.net.th) left irc: "pop gan mai" neat does 0.5.0 appear to be getting closer? There sure have been a lot of commits lately closer yes i'm pretty sure that 0.5.0 is going to be targeted only at developers esv (~esv@dsl-200-67-32-146.prodigy.net.mx) joined #gnuenterprise. I guess it's pretty standard for production purposes to stand clear of "point oh" releases in most projects.. =) morning esv yeah, lots of new(untested) changes lots and lots of them morning all morning dsmith (dsmith@oh-strongsvillecadent1-1c-203.clvhoh.adelphia.net) left irc: Remote closed the connection derek (~dneighbo@cpe-24-221-112-50.az.sprintbbd.net) joined #gnuenterprise. morning derek dsmith (~dsmith@borg.altus.cc) joined #gnuenterprise. jbailey (~jbailey@CPE0060082df811-CM014260028338.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) joined #gnuenterprise. morning all g'morning Dan. sup Vee2d2 blah, there's like 3-4 more inches of snow that I still have to get off the driveway now chilly, jbailey jbailey: where are my debs this thing is broken HEH Action: derek is teasing jeff for his comments the other day ;) chillywilly: Has it stopped snowing there? It's still going here. now that's a greeting if I ever heard one derek: See? derek: Exactly like I said! =) Hey V jbailey: think of it this way jbailey: ys, it has stopped but it kept going on after I shoveled yesterday as long as you make debs for packages i use chillywilly: It hasn't stopped here yet. you know you will always have email ;) Action: derek needs to get to work Work? Bah! Action: derek is away: work Action: chillywilly checks the daily spam Anyone know of a good online LDAP tutorial or a paper book? I'd rather not spend more than 50EUR or so. (I should figure out how to make the euro symbol, hmmm...) home depot was bought by M$ man What? Really? erm, in a figurative ense they went with M$ software after billy g threw them some cash that sucks home depot used to use linux havoc: time for a boycott ;) chillywilly: Everyone here boycotts Home Depot anyway. =) chillywilly: no, they're gonna need the extra revenue now ;) who cares if they need it, they shouldn't have let Billy G buy them it's their choice havoc: We could start our own home-imrovement store using Linux. With the moneyt we'll save, we'll drive 'em out of buisness. it's disappointing, but it's still their choice and it is also my choice not to spent money there and tell others not to either they were using linux for their POS for ~5yrs though that's capitalism jbailey: I saw a series of three articles on the web (just intro) thou. esv: What? Articles on anythign in particular? jcater (~jason@w202.z065105010.mem-tn.dsl.cnc.net) joined #gnuenterprise. jbailey: LDAP Oh! Sorry! reinhard (~reinhard@M689P021.adsl.highway.telekom.at) joined #gnuenterprise. There's a reason I'm still home sick. My brain isn't at full speed yet. jbailey: no problem, should have said that before. dsmith: hah.. yea, then in everytown you can count on there being a home depot, and within a block there will also be a lowes, and within a block there will also be a LinDepot(tm) morning jcater, reinhard morning Vee2d2: LinDepo, I like it. havoc (~havoc@mke-65-31-168-36.wi.rr.com) left irc: Remote closed the connection sounds like a store that sells gnu/linux LumberGnux! we should start a Cheers-like bar and call it Gnuts Place! no yer right this *is* our cheers-like bar just plain Gnuts would work in that case, "bartender, I'd like an Alabama Slammer" Action: chillywilly serves it up Action: jbailey tries to remember what's in an alabama slammer jbailey (~jbailey@CPE0060082df811-CM014260028338.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) left irc: "Client Exiting" jbailey (~jbailey@CPE0060082df811-CM014260028338.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) joined #gnuenterprise. showing screenshots isnt very popular with the commercial erp vendors it seems.. hmmm? I've been poking various websites to get a feel for the different products out there, etc.. http://www.erpassist.com/nav/s.asp?s=17&p=420&h1=17&h2=420 havoc (~havoc@mke-65-31-168-36.wi.rr.com) joined #gnuenterprise. does anyone know whether there is a GPL/LGPL OQL (Object Query Language) parser out there? most of the sites however just tell you, usually pretty vaguely, what it does.. heh, well.. if that. =/ ToyMan (~stuq@smtp.dstoys.com) left irc: "Client Exiting" understandable I guess.. they want a sales person to handle the introduction to their product(s).. well they usually lure top execs about the supposed benefits and luxury show rooms. dont they? harryF: OQL? Hmmm. Sounds Interesting. harryF: nope, but I suppose I'll write on eventually ;) one* Stoke (~stoker@ppp608.tc-1.roc-pt.ny.localnet.com) left irc: Remote closed the connection there's an ODL parser in appserver/_featuretest Stoke (~stoker@ppp608.tc-1.roc-pt.ny.localnet.com) joined #gnuenterprise. chillywilly: acutally, I'm striving for an OQL -> SQL tool chillywilly: so let me know when you're ready with the OQL stuff ;) I see harryF: a quick google search tunred up "castor" as the first link. A oql -> sql tranlator in Java. BSD license. now wouldn't that depend on your object to relational mapping? ;P harryF: OQL->SQL is a non-trivial mapping. dsmith: thanks, I found a bunch of Java solutions, but no C/C++ chillywilly: sure, I'm writing one at the moment and try to spice it up with OQL :) Easier to have an underlying object store and choose what your flat database would be on top of that, I think. harryF: anything here would be written in python ;) jbailey: yes, but I have to retrieve the objects at some point, so a pluggable OQL parser with some hooks would be nice. Action: harryF feels like the only non-python developer on this planet Hmm. It would be fun to dust off gnusql again someday and do things like have it be OQL based instead. well the ODL parser I wrote use PLY python lexx/yacc but it doesn't really parse into anything just has hook methods based on thegrammar rules there's much opposition to the ODMG standard within the development ranks here ;) (well excluding me) chillywilly: parts of ODMG are not bad, the OQL could be implemented as "optional" feature into any persistence library, if only there would be a free parser :) I like ODMG. =) I learned it before I learned SQL, though. havoc (~havoc@mke-65-31-168-36.wi.rr.com) left irc: Remote closed the connection alex_k (~alex@ joined #gnuenterprise. hello everybody well I have thought of what I should parse things into and decided on a GObject tree...but I don't see any point in continuing further with gnue appserver and ODMG as there's too much opposition and I feel that I am wasting my time... alex_k: privet Action: ra3vat wonders if we have compiere.ru why does not gnuenterprise.ru exist? havoc (~havoc@mke-65-31-168-36.wi.rr.com) joined #gnuenterprise. ra3vat: cause you didn't translate the web site yet ;) maybe it's better to create independent russian site, not just a translation? alex_k: you see where the only cause is? ra3vat: yea alex_k: once caught you can not be independent :) ra3vat: i mean original russian site, not just exact copy of gnuenterprise.org, it's seems better to me anyway gnuenterprise.ru is a good idea :) goodbye all alex_k (~alex@ left irc: "Client Exiting" chillywilly: you think i should start this? For bored people: http://board.crewcial.org/t.php?id=16330&r=57 V_laptop (~vin@c66.169.136.41.ts46v-07.otn-c1.ftwrth.tx.charter.com) left irc: Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer) where do I set the system's timezone on a debian woody install? Action: jcater is having a brain fart jcater: Isn't it a symlink? tzset I think hmmm ah tzsetup thx reinhard (~reinhard@M689P021.adsl.highway.telekom.at) left irc: Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer) reinhard_ (~reinhard@M702P014.adsl.highway.telekom.at) joined #gnuenterprise. Nick change: reinhard_ -> reinhard Action: chillywilly thought it was tzconfig tzconfig works too V_laptop (~vin@c66.169.136.41.ts46v-07.otn-c1.ftwrth.tx.charter.com) joined #gnuenterprise. man.. this pricing article ref'd by slashdot is pretty interesting/entertaining.. =) re: http://www.fastcompany.com/online/68/pricing.html reinhard (~reinhard@M702P014.adsl.highway.telekom.at) left irc: "War causes terrorism." psu (psu@public1-wear2-3-cust32.midd.broadband.ntl.com) joined #gnuenterprise. jbailey (~jbailey@CPE0060082df811-CM014260028338.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) left irc: "Client Exiting" psu (psu@public1-wear2-3-cust32.midd.broadband.ntl.com) left #gnuenterprise. Stoke_ (~stoker@ppp289.tc-1.roc-pt.ny.localnet.com) joined #gnuenterprise. Stoke (~stoker@ppp608.tc-1.roc-pt.ny.localnet.com) left irc: Read error: 113 (No route to host) chillywilly (danielb@mke-24-167-199-83.wi.rr.com) left irc: "new laptop keyboard!!!!" jamest (~jamest@leibniz.math.ksu.edu) left #gnuenterprise. jcater (~jason@w202.z065105010.mem-tn.dsl.cnc.net) left irc: "home" harryF (~harry@pD9E94D7A.dip.t-dialin.net) left irc: "ZZZZzzzzzz" dsmith (~dsmith@borg.altus.cc) left irc: "later.." jamest (~jamest@adsl-64-216-111-42.dsl.tpkaks.swbell.net) joined #gnuenterprise. chillywilly (danielb@mke-24-167-199-83.wi.rr.com) joined #gnuenterprise. jcater (~jason@cpe-066-061-083-220.midsouth.rr.com) joined #gnuenterprise. so nice to have a new keyboard :) hi jcater howdy but I don't have a new keyboard well you suck then ;) heck I have a whole new chassis, but I don't have time to to take this thing apart #gnuenterprise: mode change '+o jamest' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. jcater: you're a codin' fewl man #gnuenterprise: mode change '+o jcater' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. how 'bout a new donut? ? instead of a kb ah you dig? doh I've been in reports lately most of my braincells are shot HEH I think that is forgivable ;) hey anyone have this annoying feature where anything that was running inside a konsole and the konsole gets close you get this little grey window in the upper left telling you the program that was running in it and its exit status? It sits there for a while unless you happen to click it then it will go away faster closed* I want it to go away ;) Action: chillywilly is running cvs snapshot of KDE though so maybe it's a new "feature" sigh chillywilly, you're diving in the deep end on the whole KDE thing aren't you :) well these are debs their orth's from #debian-kde to be exact they're Action: chillywilly gathers up his sheet music gonna jam tonight w/ Matt at church :) quack Topic changed on #gnuenterprise by jamest!~jamest@adsl-64-216-111-42.dsl.tpkaks.swbell.net: Welcome to #gnuenterprise... GNUe Forms and Designer 0.5.0 around the corner... time to start crunching bugs and testing (just not on live data!) [but first person to log a DCL bug gets hurt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!] quack? IOW: if you do start using cvs head expect problems Action: chillywilly goes off to file dcl bugs quck quack Action: chillywilly gets out the orange sauce and shotgun mmmm, duck dinner crap I have to leave like right now l8r dudes Nick change: chillywilly -> cw-away fixe (~fixe@dsl093-081-253.chi2.dsl.speakeasy.net) left irc: "Client exiting" jbailey (~jbailey@CPE0060082df811-CM014260028338.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) joined #gnuenterprise. merlinx_ (~merlinx@ppp250.qld.padsl.internode.on.net) joined #gnuenterprise. Nick change: merlinx_ -> wtg esands (~nic@mdr1-port40.jetstart.maxnet.co.nz) joined #gnuenterprise. derek: just some input on gnue-sb. re: GNUe KT#70.1. Target sql-ledgers feature set. Except for a few niggles it does the job. Ignore SL's schema and code. jbailey (~jbailey@CPE0060082df811-CM014260028338.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) left irc: "Client Exiting" dsmith (dsmith@oh-strongsvillecadent1-1c-203.clvhoh.adelphia.net) joined #gnuenterprise. esands: no offense, i think sql-ledger is crap the code, the methodology derek i would be much more likely to start with NOLA Action: derek assumes people liking sql-ledger will like it an GNUe isnt for them those wishing to have something they can extend and has clean data structures will look for gnue-sb Action: derek isnt saying sql-ledger is non usable its very nice for the market that is using it it certainly is more functional than gnue-sb and there is something to be said for working code :) derek: head should work again for the most part derek: fwiw, I think he said target it's feature set, but ignore the crappy schema and code in wx mode that's what he said anyway, i wouldn't attempt to use head in production or for gnue-sb as I hear you're close to a release but it would be nice for you to use the converter and test jcater: well my point is they have an accounting system and one of the features they lack is being able to reconcile a ledger imho thats NOT a feature set i wish to mimic ;) jamest: if its that close i will not release i will wait for 0.5.x to be ready for production what i mean by that that is i will use gnue-sb as a 'testing tool' i wouldn't i.e. upgrade the forms derek: I don't disagree with your analysis of SL you know that I doubt i'd use 0.5.0 in production use designer and such well, i will I was just pointing out his points jamest: im not 'pushing' to release gnue-sb i won't encourage others to s/points/view if you guys want 0.5.x tested so it can be 'released' i will do gnue-sb with it if its not ready for testing yet i will stick with 0.4.3 if that makes sense let's do it derek! =) if you are willing to bundle head as 0.5.0-prelease i will move gnue-sb to 0.5.0 what's lilo's help channel here? and over the next week or so we can iron out bugs so we can make an official 0.5.0 release anyone know? Action: jcater thought it was #lilo, but that is private Action: V_laptop misses using the 0.5.0 designer vs 0.4.3 #freenode ? V_laptop: you referring to the segfault feature? if so, we've removed it you looking for help on the irc server or lilo the bootloader *snap* derek: no, someone is pinging me a lot makes me nervous #freenode then --- #freenode :The channel demigods have stolen your voice jamest so what is your take wtf does that mean? you up for moving to 0.5.0 i.e. you willing to let the sharks (v and me) start beating on it or would you rather not face bug reports just yet :") we'll be moving to 0.5.0 anyway so I think it's better to do it sooner than later even if it does mean the tools may be a bit unstable it'll get worked out eventually.. jcater: means they have 'voices' set to off for everyone most odd hmmm you are in that channel did you see my posts? how sucky Topic for #freenode is Welcome to Freenode's admin channel...support and friendly talk. Please, no soapboxing! || For help, please /msg someone w/hostname *.staff.freenode or email staff@freenode.net um 0.5.0 isn't a week out i'm all for testing on 0.5.0 but it's far from stable btw: jcater: who is pinging you.. seems clonebots are on the prowl.... -lilo- [Global Notice] Hi all. We're about to purge some clonebots. It's a semi-manual process, so please email staff@freenode.net if you are klined by mistake. Thanks. there are a ton of changes under the hood jamest: i dont want to move gnue-sb to it until you are willing to release something in tarball format and take bug reports on it then stay at 0.4.3 for now for a release Action: derek would really rather use an unstable 0.5.0-prerelease and file bugs to help 0.5.0 move along than use 0.4.3 and upgrade in 3 weeks derek: this guy was asking valid questions in #ltsp but its really up to you and jcater ah sigh so he doesn't appear to be a bot jamest: i know its a tough decision you dont have to answer tonight :) then I wont :) jcater: is he waiting for you to answer? checking your ping thinking maybe you're deep in lagville or something? he left the channel Action: jcater thinks he's looking for exploitable versions of irc clients that's just mho jemfinch (~jfincher@ts29-10.homenet.ohio-state.edu) joined #gnuenterprise. I hear I can ask SQL questions here... ask away mysql? select question from jemfinch where answer not null rofl SQLite, it's an embedded SQL database. ok we aren't friendly to mysql questions :) I figured :) but sqlite is approved :) (j/k) I'm writing a Factoids module for my IRC bot. jcater: /msg mysticone for #freenode help jcater: technical mysql isnt SQL ;) 0 results I want keys to be able to have more than one fact associated with them. derek: I don't think tarballs are doable at this time but we will need testing to prep for a release so there's a keys table with (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, key TEXT, locked BOOLEAN) and a factoids table with (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, key_id INTEGER, added_by TEXT, added_at TIMESTAMP, fact TEXT) jamest: hmmm, the only reason i need tarballs is i need to be able to point gnue-sb folks to a 'static' copy of gnue that is known to work with gnue-sb I'm going to go out on a limb and say 0.5.0 in under a month pending a good testing cycle so maybe its best to wait a little Action: derek would really like to use gnue-sb to do that testing :( derek: As I've said before Nola is only useful for the USA. Personally having looked at the code for both I perfer SL over Nola. Anyway, if you can basic invoicing, both for income and expenses without stock I'm sure you'll find people to test it and pending jcater, btami, jamest, (and friends) free time but probably wont be able to based on what you said so given a key, I want to find all the facts that match that key. jemfinch: what's the question? (err, nevermind :) anyway. I'm not suggesting using SL's code base or methodology. Regardless you'll need to match most of their feature set for gnue-sb to be useful. so I'm guessing I need to JOIN, but I don't know how. lol, without good solid testing we may be pushing more than a month esands: im not worried about usefulness problems i think we have 3 or 4 real live users that will keep us honest in that regard already in about 10 - 15 hours of discussion and coding i think we might have the most power 'free software' product database ;) jemfinch: the typical SQL way would be select fact from factiods, keys where key_id = keys.id and key = 'some key' ah, ok. I had something similar. I'm not sure if SQLite supports those kinds of joins or not I think it does, but am not sure we'll see soon :) are you sure I don't need to qualify fact? make it factoids.fact? jem: could use just 1 table and just enter multiple rows with the same key to reference several locations V_laptop: I think this way is more "normalized," though, isn't it? jemfinch: actually, that's a good habit to get into but usually if there isn't a namespace conflict, you don't have to what? qualifying the field name? ah, ok. jem: *shrug* jemfinch: Yeah, why do you need two tables? dsmith: it's just more normalized that way. Technically more scalable, not that it matters for an IRC bot. at least, as I understand normalization, that is. well there are different forms of normalization and it boils down to reasonableness jemfinch: it's only more normalized if you add more information to the keys table one could make ever field another table and be normalized than ever Ahh. ok. jcater: why do you say that? derek: that's stretching the definitions a little :) but point taken in this case I dont see 2 tables doing anything but complicating matters.. you're probably right. derek: I don't follow your logic wrt using 0.5.0 vs 0.4.3 but it gives me an oppurtunity to learn more about SQL :) you are introducing a chicken vs egg problem when I imagine we'll both be ready to release at about the same time Action: jcater doesn't see you doing a meaningful release in the next 2 weeks you guys are helpful. What exactly is Gnu Enterprise? me either, so I'm all for using 0.5.0 =) Action: V_laptop does the unstable cheer, rah rah rah! jemfinch: a project to produce tools and applicatoins for business use an ERP a great way to avoid friends, family, and the sun as you sit in front of a screen Action: V_laptop sends jamest out for a laptop w/802.11 and a lawn chair ohh! and sunglasses! damn Action: jamest misread that as V_laptop sends jamest out a laptop w/802.11 and............ I saw something pretty cool the other day.. a usb light.. =) had a little clip on it to clip onto the lcd of a laptop.. the only advantage to this 2-table approach is that I can lock a key and all the factoids get locked. update table set lock='yes' where key='whatever' or whatever would do the same.. yeah, but new factoids for that key could still be added. yea, you'd have to work around that I s'pose.. I see your point. jcater: i woudl be willing to remove the 'need a tar/ball' requirement but are you ready for bug reports :) yes then its worth doing i suppose Action: derek will update cvs head tonight and look at the conversoin tools you two be around for a bit? yes i will yay! Action: derek needs to eat dinner and get a pilates cd queued for burning thanks for the help, guys. and then i can start abusing it btw, are you guys really opposed to MySQL questions? lol no no but we don't like mysql we answer all questions if we can unfortunately we support it most of us anyway I like mysql Action: V_laptop runs Action: jemfinch likes SQLite. Action: jamest grabs a thwapstick SQLite is nice we just often shake our heads at what 'works' in mysql that has no business working ;) I've used metakit in the past before I knew about SQLite Action: jcater wants to convert some internal projects from one to the other later on im suspecting gnue-sb will likely want to be sqllite compatiable jemfinch: I like sqlite too. Sometimes you don't need a huge thing. and it keeps my from entering the RDBMS wars with my IRC bot. "I'm not using SupyBot because it uses MySQL instead of PostgreSQL!" anyone want some ice cream, wife has been getting half gallon of dreyer's 'special flavors' for free we have no room left in freezer yeah, I'll take it. she told me to 'eat ice cream, lots of it' buy another freezer! all i can say is the twix ice cream kicks butt Vee2d2: we have 2 freezers already a full size and double wide fridge w/ half it being a freezer Action: derek has coupon queen for a wife we generally dont spend money on groceries other than milk,meat and fruits/veggies oh and soda ;) we got a deep freeze from my folx when they moved last summer.. meat we get like 98% ground sirlion for like .98/lb anyway of getting to australia? ... i need something to sustain my fat bitchness =) pattieja (~pattieja@www.pcxperience.com) left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) wtg: =) pattieja (~pattieja@www.pcxperience.com) joined #gnuenterprise. likely on transport will melt you are welcome to come over and get some :) =) might have to pass it up =( Action: derek is updating cvs Vee2d2: you might as well get cvs up and running if you want to track gnue-sb ;) it's been up and running.. just waiting on you cheif Action: derek has to eat some ice cream ;) s/cheif/chief/ man after working on the QT driver for forms I swear, if the licensing for QT on Win32 was worked out so it was GPL too I'd redo designer in QT in a heartbeat jcater: w00t! QT rocks it's a very well thought-out/well designed library jcater: I've written QT apps to run on PocketPC/Windows/Linux from one codebase QT is pretty good as are the KDE libs and the general KDE arch Action: havoc likes libs/archs that "make sense" jamest: / jcater: where is the 'converter'? forms/utils no 'bin' no ? forms/utils ok first bug report heh =) there is no README and ./gfd04to05.py yields dneighbo@latitude:~/cvs/gnue/forms/utils$ ./gfd04to05.py --help Traceback (most recent call last): File "./gfd04to05.py", line 306, in ? parser.parse(sys.argv[1]) File "/usr/lib/python2.2/site-packages/_xmlplus/sax/expatreader.py", line 102, in parse source = saxutils.prepare_input_source(source) File "/usr/lib/python2.2/site-packages/_xmlplus/sax/saxutils.py", line 463, in prepare_input_source f = urllib2.urlopen(source.getSystemId()) File "/usr/lib/python2.2/urllib2.py", line 138, in urlopen return _opener.open(url, data) File "/usr/lib/python2.2/urllib2.py", line 320, in open type_ = req.get_type() File "/usr/lib/python2.2/urllib2.py", line 224, in get_type raise ValueError, "unknown url type: %s" % self.__original ValueError: unknown url type: --help dneighbo@latitude:~/cvs/gnue/forms/utils$ um ok Action: derek notes likely the README would exist in the changelog or release notes serious bugs please Action: derek is assuming you want to know what is necessary for 'release' ./gfd04to05.py yourForm.gfd i'll add a README jamest: i figured as much, but im being a QA guy here just a sec um that converter is not a "product" imho but that's just me I guess as one question that comes to mind is that going to 'preserve' my original .gfd i.e. 04to05 myfoo.gfd does it yield myfoo.new.gfd or replace myfoo.gfd iirc it moves the original file to file.gfd.pre050 or something if it replaces myfoo.gfd can i pass it myfoo.gfd myfoo.new.gfd or do i need to back up myfoo.gfd first Action: derek notes this because i know you guys are good BUT it creates a -PRE050 so many vendors just screw you it does both if you specify one file name it backs that one up and places the new version in the original file name fixe (~fixe@dsl093-081-253.chi2.dsl.speakeasy.net) joined #gnuenterprise. if you specify two then the first is "input", second is "output" jcater: i would have tried the input/output method if left to my own devices derek: how about upgrading notes in INSTALL that's how postgresql does it that's what I was thinking we'd do thats fine that was more a 'question' saying 'pay attention for release' ok real bug possibly DB000: File "/home/dneighbo/cvs/gnue/.cvsdevelbase/gnue/common/definitions/GParser.py", line 278, in startElementNS DB000: raise MarkupError, tmsg DB000: gnue.common.definitions.GParser.MarkupError: Error processing
tag [I do not recognize the "height" attribute dneighbo@latitude:~/cvs/gnue-sb/item/forms$ Action: derek converted working form using tool and ran the new generated file untouched and it gets what i pasted that looks like you are running old form in new cvs never mind got your naming conventions messed up does anyone here speak swahili? when i saw -pre05 oops, wrong channel. mean that one for #python, ironically :) i was thinking that was the 'new' file not the old one as i was thinking im usin pre 05 ;) as in pre-release derek: I did the same thing.. new INSTALL file commited V_laptop: you schema file wont import for me lots of 'odd errors' maybe you could do a pg_dump 'data only' proper insert strings? derek: will do in a bit gotta finish cleaning up in here then back to the office.. i think something like pg_dump -adO -f datadump.sql gnue_sb would work V_laptop: no problem --- Thu Mar 6 2003