I always forget the order of a diff is it diff file.org file? this seems too odd. I have a words file of 230,000 words. it's about 2.5MB. but when I put it into an SQLite datatbase, it takes up more than 30MB. yea, but the db has all the sotrage overhead and such meta data and such pattieja (~pattieja@www.pcxperience.com) left irc: Read error: 60 (Operation timed out) table structures, etc. errrm, but that does seem to be a lot ow my throat hurts jcater (~jason@ left irc: "Client Exiting" pattieja (~pattieja@www.pcxperience.com) joined #gnuenterprise. crap I forgot like everything for my dcl account on gnueenterprise.org... gnuenterprise.org BLAH Hmm.. the database actually ended up being 40MB. I think wrt my last email on gnue-sb list and the pricing thing.. the best way to do it, is to have simply a 'price' field in the item table.. then there should be a discounts table (or whatever you wanna call it) which references the products in the product table and has a qty and price.. then when needing a price for a product, for sale a sales order, the discount table would need to be checked.. and if no discount item or if the qty ordered were less than that in the discount table the price from the item table would be used. derek: you still here? I need someone to help guide me through using dcl to keep track of time on a project reinhard (~reinhard@M690P031.adsl.highway.telekom.at) joined #gnuenterprise. and also maybe some terminology calrifications hi reinhard good morning like what the heck is the diff between a ticket, project, WO, etc. and an account... oh and sequence too Nick change: chillywilly -> cw-zzzZZZ nite chilly nite btami (~tamas@ip102-205.ktv.tiszanet.hu) joined #gnuenterprise. morning btami good morning wtg (~merlinx@ppp384.qld.padsl.internode.on.net) left irc: "You ain't got debian you ain't got shit!" fixe (~fixe@dsl093-081-253.chi2.dsl.speakeasy.net) left irc: "Client exiting" btami (~tamas@ip102-205.ktv.tiszanet.hu) left irc: Read error: 60 (Operation timed out) Arturas (~arturas@gsk.vtu.lt) joined #gnuenterprise. Hello bbl Vee (~vin@c66.169.136.41.ts46v-07.otn-c1.ftwrth.tx.charter.com) left irc: Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer) reinhard (~reinhard@M690P031.adsl.highway.telekom.at) left irc: "War doesn't solve problems. War creates problems." jemfinch (~jfincher@ts33-3.homenet.ohio-state.edu) left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) jemfinch (~jfincher@ts33-14.homenet.ohio-state.edu) joined #gnuenterprise. reinhard (~reinhard@M690P031.adsl.highway.telekom.at) joined #gnuenterprise. ToyMan (~stuq@smtp.dstoys.com) joined #gnuenterprise. Nick change: cw-zzzZZZ -> chillywilly jamest (~jamest@hobbes.math.ksu.edu) joined #gnuenterprise. jemfinch (~jfincher@ts33-14.homenet.ohio-state.edu) left irc: Read error: 60 (Operation timed out) Arturas (~arturas@gsk.vtu.lt) left irc: "Bye :)" dsmith (~dsmith@borg.altus.cc) joined #gnuenterprise. jcater (~jason@w202.z065105010.mem-tn.dsl.cnc.net) joined #gnuenterprise. V_laptop (~vin@c66.169.136.41.ts46v-07.otn-c1.ftwrth.tx.charter.com) joined #gnuenterprise. anyone awake? jcater: you here? jamest: how about you goat boy ;)? morning hi morning chillywilly Action: chillywilly has been up since 7am actually I was beating winders into shape how I am futzing with dcl a bit...but I don't want to spent too much more time playing with the damn thing now* why the hell is no one ever around when you need them ;)? care to pass along your loved-by-chilly-grant.sh? hrrm, do you have access to gnue dcl? cause it is ticket number 123 dont think so oh, ok I'll throw it up on me web server http://www.libertyetech.com/grant.sh I should see if I coul ever get letinc.com nope bah and let.com is of course squatted fricken squaters bah, I can't plat with dcl any longer this is getting rediculous ;) play* ? oh someone is here hey I forgot my gnue dcl password and I wanted to log in to look at the "severities" for gnue dcl Action: chillywilly installed it at http://www.libertyetech.com/dcl chillywilly: you sure you grabbed the right one? geeg:/usr/share/dcl/scripts# diff -u grant.sh.stock grant.sh geeg:/usr/share/dcl/scripts# ls -l g* -rwxr-xr-x 1 vin vin 1574 Mar 10 10:10 grant.sh -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 1574 Feb 18 18:35 grant.sh.stock geeg:/usr/share/dcl/scripts# diff -u grant.sh.stock grant.sh geeg:/usr/share/dcl/scripts# can you reset my password? hmmmm try again better, thanx! =) np chillywilly: i can't, i have no clue how to do it revDeke (www-data@alt1.libertydistribution.com) joined #gnuenterprise. chillywilly: send www-support@gnuenterprise.org a request to change your password fixe (~fixe@dsl093-081-253.chi2.dsl.speakeasy.net) joined #gnuenterprise. i will look at it when i get home Action: revDeke forgot dumb su password for dcl ;) Action: revDeke will have to circumvent this to reset it, but dont have shell access from here hell I'm not ever sure what my user name is... your userid is danielb ok I thought so revDeke: sine you are here... nm, look over in #dcl hey what the heck does gnue have set for woops oh well roflmao just guessing passwords i got in on your danielb acocunt what does gnue have for severities, priorities and actions? what? lol well you do paste them in irc enough ;) j/k i suspect you never reset the default i gav eyou :) my bad... hmmm if i wanted to guess chillywilly's password i would try trout =) slap well i guess i'd have 50% then anyway :) heh revDeke (www-data@alt1.libertydistribution.com) left #gnuenterprise. kreiszner (kreiszner@ppp008.alx.la.xspedius.net) joined #gnuenterprise. Hi Kenneth Hi Vee2d2 Vee2d2: What part of the gnue picture do you fit into. working on gnue-sb.. I'm Mike Vincent, btw. Ok The I need a suggestion from you. gotta feed baby, but will be back in just a bit. Thats fien. Thats fine V_laptop (~vin@c66.169.136.41.ts46v-07.otn-c1.ftwrth.tx.charter.com) left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) V_laptop (~vin@c66.169.136.41.ts46v-07.otn-c1.ftwrth.tx.charter.com) joined #gnuenterprise. lupo (lupo@pD9E68A86.dip.t-dialin.net) joined #gnuenterprise. good evening anyone around? have some trouble with subversions.gnu.org I here have you recently done CVS updates of gnue No and I am a user not a developer. have you downloaded anything from subversions.gnu.org in the past few days? No would you like for me to. no, thanks I just synced, no problem it's just that the server cancels me from the connection after trying for 3-5 times, everything works fine not using anon though i'm using it but last week it was hideous i think a cvs up took me an hour HM Action: Vee2d2 puts baby to bed strange do you know who's the admin of that server? perhaps a note should be dropped to him and what is "file not found: /home/lupo/cvs/gnue-head/.cvsdevelbase/gnue/forms/dialogs/login/login.gfd" ?? when starting forms that directory shouldn't exist anymore rm -rf cvs/gnue/forms/src/dialogs/login because i want to fiddle around with forms from cvs head 0.5 simply tastes better okay the message doesn't display lupo: it may taste better, but it leaves a worse aftertaste :) any more :) hm neither the gauntlet nor the layout sample works no error message yeah the forms window looks as if only 20x20 pixels are displayed those are samples we put together to test the 0.5.0 releaase (which obviously hasn;t been released :) those are on our bug list i see :) s/bug list/short term TODO kreiszner: you were wanting to talk about something? any forms that work with cvs head? (except for self-written ones :) Vee2d2: Although I have been following gnue for over a yr now I have limited experience with the data bases gnue uses. I have always felt a need to understand things from the ground up and recently went through a postgresql tutorial thinking that would be the best server to use for gnue-sb. Does that sound OK or are other db's like sap preferable. kreiszner: postgresql does just fine. quite a lot of ppl here work with it. kreiszner: I'm no db guru, but I thought postgresql would best fit my purposes so that's what I'm using. kreiszner: postgres is probably your best bet all the main developers use that to test against so that's probably the best supported database kreiszner: derek has a been suggesting some people (in particular, if you're using windows) might prefer sap-db Thanks all I am trying to wean myself from windows. apropos, there were rumours spread about a native win32 gui? it's being worked on Action: lupo is away for a short moment it displays forms but events aren't in place so they aren't usable just yet but it's quite exciting both a qt and win32 driver are nearing completion s/both a/both a native/ great lupo the forms/samples/zipcode and intro are 0.5.0 and samples/testcases/forms/gaunlet and samples/testcases/forms/layout they are 0.5.0 you can make any 0.4.x form a 0.5.0 form gnue/forms/utils/gfd04to05 oldformname.gfd will convert it I need accounting and I need it tomorrow grrrr accounting is pushing for us to look for another package again dude, that gives you 11 hours can't you whip something up in gnue in that time? Action: jcater may submit an AP/GL proposal to gnue-sb in the next few days one that'd fit my needs in that spare time I have you know, the 2 minutes I spend drying off after a shower I'm sure I can whittle that down to 30 seconds and get some programmign time int in just get a good fabric marker and a white towel cool! =) lol *g* I thought you said fabric maker Action: jcater was looking at Vee2d2 (though he doesn't make fabrics per se just makes them better :) Action: Vee2d2 does embroidered dictation stick the marker in any, um, orifice and then by controlling the movements of the towel you dry and create at the same time lol Is there a How to for installing gnue-sb or a list of things to install. j00 guys need help kreiszner: what OS? kreiszner: I would first get the db installed and going. You'll then need to get a copy of gnue from cvs and install it by entering the gnue directory and running setup-cvs.py and following the directions. You'll then need a copy of gnue-sb's cvs, and enter the gnue-sb/schema/PgSQL directory and cat schema.sql|psql gnue_sb to create the db needed by gnue-sb. I'm assuming you'll be using postgresql on a *nix system. kreiszner: you'll also need to establish the connection to the gnue-sb db in gnue's connections.conf. something like: [gnue_sb] comment = The GNUe Small Business Project provider = psycopg host = localhost dbname = gnue_sb encoding = SQL_ASCII Action: Vee2d2 goes to the other room so wife can take over this computer.. =/ Vee2d2: Thanks np jcater: linux jcater: redhat 7.3 at this pt. I have postgresql running with python availablility. I neglected to mention the createdb gnue_sb part of setting up postgresql My plan is to set up Debian machine shortly that will be a db, file and print server. I will prob. wait till that is complete to install gnue-sb. What things are working or partially working in gnue-sb contact management and item maintenance were main targets so far iirc V_laptop and revDeke can comment better though Action: jcater has, embarrasingly, not been able to commit any time to gnue-sb yet jcater has, also embarrasingly, not been able to commit any time to the appserver folks Action: jcater holds head in shame kreiszner amused derek spoke of some commits coming soon, I'm not sure what all he will be commiting.. wether it will be the reworked item_maint form or maybe a reworked schema.. either case, I expect that by the end of the weekend that the item management will be working again V_laptop: that sounds good as soon as I can put things together I will install I must warn you I can break almost anything. I am a pro at crashing MS applications. derek is a professional breakmonster too don't worry there's plenty to break here so you should feel right at home ah savannah.gnu.org says mldonkey clients are hitting savannah over and over with HTTP requests that's why the machine is so slow and i repeatedly get EOFs from cvs mldonkey clients? regarding gnue-sb which version of forms does it require? jcater: yes, mldonkey don't ask why :/ p2p is nothing but controlled DDOS File "/home/lupo/cvs/gnue/.cvsdevelbase/gnue/navigator/GNParser.py", line 33, in ? from gnue.common.formatting import GTypecast ImportError: No module named formatting ??? do you have the latest gnue-common? i suppose i have the 0.4 tree as well as head neither works but with different error messages :) i have tried to start contacts.gpd with both 0.4 and head navigator i will make an update of the 0.4 tree i hope that's it lupo: it requires what will be 0.5.0... gnue cvs head okay DB000: gnue.common.definitions.GParser.MarkupError: Error processing tag [I do not recognize the "description" attribute when starting gncvs-head with contacts.gpd the contact mgmt forms still need to be converted & I dont think any effort has been made yet to bring the navigator files upto date okay you'll just need to run the forms directly i'll try contact_manager.gfd with forms-head "I do not recognize the "height" attribute" [in ] wtf i seem to have no luck with gnue today :( you need to convert it 1st using the gfd04to05 script in the gnue/forms/utils(?) dir brb i've tried that, still the same message i thought there were some changes to layout issues yes it starts well now the -PRE05 file is backup, not vice versa :) but still no forms display, because of the known bug jcater already mentioned kreiszner (kreiszner@ppp008.alx.la.xspedius.net) left irc: "Client exiting" man, the old form with 0.4 forms works nearly perfect :) lupo: gauntlet.gfd worked here. it was my first try of the head when was your last head update? today lupo: yes, I apologize.. the contact mgmt stuff hasnt been touched so you can/could have used 0.4.x just fine.. wont be staying that way for long though. hm lupo: the item mgmt forms do req. 0.5.x V_laptop: I'm desperately longing for 0.5 :) ra3vat: forms starts, but it only displays 20x20 pixels of the form, the rest is grey ra3vat: jcater said it's a known issue lupo: everything is in transition right now we had a major coding weekend getting ready to transition over to 0.5.0 it's possible stuff works under one setup but not another that's our current focus... getting all those bugs out oh that's what I meant well lupo: have not met any big problem yet, designer complained probably about deprecated trigger types in my own forms. gauntlet worked fine nice idea i'll start designer :) ToyMan (~stuq@smtp.dstoys.com) left irc: "Client Exiting" hm works well except for saving he complains about some decode stuff lupo: can you paste the error here? DB000: Traceback (most recent call last): DB000: File "/home/lupo/cvs/gnue-head/.cvsdevelbase/gnue/designer/base/Instance.py", line 623, in OnSaveAs DB000: self.save() DB000: File "/home/lupo/cvs/gnue-head/.cvsdevelbase/gnue/designer/base/Instance.py", line 566, in save DB000: fileHandle.write(self.rootObject.dumpXML(treeDump=1).encode(gConfig('textEncoding'))) DB000: File "/home/lupo/cvs/gnue-head/.cvsdevelbase/gnue/common/definitions/GRootObj.py", line 57, in dumpXML DB000: treeDump, gap, xmlnamespaces=self._standardnamespaces) DB000: File "/home/lupo/cvs/gnue-head/.cvsdevelbase/gnue/common/definitions/GObjects.py", line 247, in dumpXML DB000: addl = ' %s="%s"' % (attribute, saxutils.escape('%s' % val.decode(gConfig('textEncoding')))) DB000: AttributeError: decode lupo (lupo@pD9E68A86.dip.t-dialin.net) left irc: "using sirc version 2.211+KSIRC/1.1" revDeke (www-data@alt1.libertydistribution.com) joined #gnuenterprise. grrr missed lupo gnue-sb requires cvs head (0.5.x) the navigator screens do not work (im not even sure they worked under 0.4.3 ;) Action: revDeke has that on the todo list for next wave of commits jcater: any chance designer supports navigator layout? no did format change much? between 0.4.x and 0.5.0 er 0.5.x Action: revDeke will dig for samples when the time comes i think btw: we need a gnue-sb roadmpa for folks :) revDeke: tell the gnue-sb guy oh, wait.......... both kids should pass out very soon Vee2d2: you willingly to do any grunt work ? YES. =) revDeke: I'm working on AP/GL notes Action: revDeke is thinking of making a report for one of the lookup tables Action: jcater will email soon and then perhaps you can "clone" it for the others :) then i can push navigator to call a lookup form and report and you can clone that :) jcater: cool Action: revDeke needs AP/GL badly for church dude so i am willing to do a good deal of work I started on some stuff for NCS .... ls -l total 64 -rwxrwxrwx 1 500 users 628 Mar 10 13:28 ap_payment_terms.sql -rwxrwxrwx 1 500 users 781 Jul 19 2000 ap_vendor_classes.sql -rwxrwxrwx 1 500 users 1077 Jul 19 2000 ap_vendors.sql if there is a spec to drive from look at those dates it's been a while :) jcater: the good thing accounting has changed for at least 150 years so something from 2000 is likely as valid as it was 3 years ago ;) er s/has/hasnt me needs to make a sap-db statement (as i think my response confused some) mysql is a toy (imho) if i were on windows i wouldnt use postgres (windows postgres sucks) so i would choose interbase or sap-db knowing interbase political history and such that would drive me into sap-db on windows i think it is probably similar resource consumer and same to 'manage/administer' as it has a nice UI for windows on unix, i would stay with postgres its MUCH easier to install and maintian and less of a resource pig of course if you want a 'better' database and have big aspirations i dont think sap-db is a 'bad' choice just not a small biz choice per say on *nix jcater: you actually help a lot on gnue-sb just by fixing the bugs we find :) and specifically by keeping up schema tool ;) the next big item (pretty soon i suspect) will be the ability to do schema 'upgrades' vs 'replacements' i.e. as soon as people start getting data in gnue-sb after first release or two whew.. revDeke: back to the grunt work you spoke of earlier.. you said you were thinking about making a report for one of the lookup tables, what kind of report? If we get the pricing thing worked out/into.. I can imagine (and need) a report to generate a price list.. =) yes Action: revDeke is very big on reports grrrrrrrrrrrrr i figure look up table reports should be pretty easy (even if they arent all that used) i havent gotten to read all the emails about item stuff Action: revDeke fscking hates this irc clienter grrrrrrrrrrrrr everything between the grrrrrr's was lost originally the item stuff i want to talk to some other folks on and remember how setup for LDC Action: revDeke THINKS we did in a cool way (but will suck cause gnue framework doesnt support well) in that you set the 'cost' of the item LDC? then you set a 'base price' liberty distribution corporation ahh.. the two are related though, you agree? largest distributor m&m mars candy (iirc) we wrote a system for them (propeitary :( ) but then every one of their customers had own item and price list Action: revDeke thinks this is likely more 'distributor' oriented than 'retail' oreinted but the concept is i might offer 800 products but to customer A only 100 of them might be available for purchase and customer A might pay more than customer B for item xyz so basically pricing is set at 'customer' level by default setting a customer up for an item defaults the item default price of course you can have discounts as well Action: revDeke has to think for a bit (after reading what you and ken sent) to make sure we can do somethign that works for someone like a distributor that deals with same customers over and over as well as the retailer who is much more PoS oriented with regards to customers I think wrt my last email on gnue-sb list and the pricing thing.. the best way to do it, is to have simply a 'price' field in the item table.. then there should be a discounts table (or whatever you wanna call it) which references the products in the product table and has a qty and price.. then when needing a price for a product, for sale a sales order, the discount table would need to be checked.. and if no discount item or if the qty ordered were less than that in the discount table the price from the item table would be used. [15:17] Last message repeated 1 time(s). erp ^ what I wrote in the wee hours last night Action: revDeke is wondering if could use the concept of item by customer could be used and if you didnt do 'wholesaling' that you would in essence just setup one such record in that table or i suppose just doing it as volume based (By customer) would work the key being by customer as in the wholesaling business its more 'contract' like in the way discounts are handled somewhat.. Action: revDeke wont give you much of a break just cause you buy 400 cases of m & m's one time but if over the course of a year you buy 400 m&ms 500 milkyway 200 hersey etc etc im gonna make sure you get a decent price break or you will make sure that you do :) Action: revDeke thinks with LDC its a volume thing by contract (been a long time) the biggest wholesaler I work with is very much volume/order based. they have a piece price, dozen price, and case price and a secret '4th line' price they give to the high volume accounts which is a bit better than their published 'case pricing' actually it's pretty much like that with every wholesaler I deal with so say i agree to give you at least 400,000 in business this year you agree to give me a 20% discount on all merchandise Vee2d2: yeah i guess im thinking the 'secret price' thing :) right which is what I was getting at by saying I would like in my client's records a way to point at which column he gets as default pricing. which we should be able to do as long as we add ability to do 'customer' based discounts you can do 'volume discount' and do purely by qty of item then compare that to the 'customer' discount (if one exists) and take the lower of the two so if you tell me i always get 20% off I uploaded that script via dcl cause for some reason it did not take the attachment in my email just an fyi and i order 4 dozen it finds 4 dozen is 21.5% off and gives me that but if i order 1 pc it is 0% off but looks at my 'customer' discount and says hey you get 20% off right that's what I want ok =) i will read the emails and kens and and if there are questions i will bring up here and then try to 'make a 'requirements' piece' that outlines end game :) revDeke: I just doubled check and I did attach the patch...dcl attachment support must be b0rked there maybe several discounts setup so it waterfalls down them from largest discount to smallest, until it finds a fit.. chillywilly: it might be... i think some of the 'directories' are created as user/group that dcl-www cant write too Action: revDeke thought i fixed them, but probably didnt get each of them Vee2d2: i liked that article that i saw you mention Action: revDeke thinks 'pricing' is going to be a KEY to a kick butt gnue-sb revDeke: wrt pricing? I found it pretty cool too.. it was on /. btw. as both other groups i have worked at as well as LDC doing stuff like complex pricing is where are the shrink wrap stuff SERIOUSLY falls down on its face Action: revDeke thinks that pricing article explains why the pricing game is so important yes it does. the more agile you can be with your pricing the more effective you can be Maniac_ (~Puffy@209-5-247-105.mb.skyweb.ca) joined #gnuenterprise. I plan to read it again sometime this week.. =) for example the darn gas station had gas as i think 1.80 yesterday morning 1.81 last night 1.82 this morning i.e. they are changing their price twice a day :) imagine if you added something like if its and SUV its 10% more ;) Action: revDeke would love to see gas like water in arizona the more water you consume the higher the price per gallon Action: revDeke has to run will be on tonight revDeke (www-data@alt1.libertydistribution.com) left #gnuenterprise. reinhard (~reinhard@M690P031.adsl.highway.telekom.at) left irc: "Fighting for peace is like fucking for virginity." Maniac_ (~Puffy@209-5-247-105.mb.skyweb.ca) left irc: "Client Exiting" eh, cool on google search for: accounting package requirements GNue is first hit not sure if that's good or bad but cool I found some old threads last night, around this time last year on the mailing list.. I need to work on getting my crap in order so the cpa can begin working on our taxes.. gotta get gnue-sb in shape so it wont be such a chore to do .. =) jamest (~jamest@hobbes.math.ksu.edu) left #gnuenterprise. dsmith (~dsmith@borg.altus.cc) left irc: "later.." pattieja_ (~pattieja@sc2- joined #gnuenterprise. jcater (~jason@w202.z065105010.mem-tn.dsl.cnc.net) left irc: "Client Exiting" Vee2d2: ;) I know I'm not alone in my pain, too Action: derek is facing the "get the crap ready for the cpa" dilemma pattieja (~pattieja@www.pcxperience.com) left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) Action: derek is away: soccer practice Stoke_ (~stoker@ppp419.tc-1.roc-pt.ny.localnet.com) left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) jamest (~jamest@adsl-64-216-111-42.dsl.tpkaks.swbell.net) joined #gnuenterprise. ToyMan (~stuq@170-215-206-10.glv.frontiernet.net) joined #gnuenterprise. man , is cvs slow again? jcater (~jason@w202.z065105010.mem-tn.dsl.cnc.net) joined #gnuenterprise. quack moo ma moo moo moo behhheheheheheh Nick change: pattieja_ -> pattieja jcater (~jason@w202.z065105010.mem-tn.dsl.cnc.net) left irc: "home" jamest (~jamest@adsl-64-216-111-42.dsl.tpkaks.swbell.net) left irc: Remote closed the connection jcater (~jason@cpe-066-061-083-220.midsouth.rr.com) joined #gnuenterprise. jamest (~jamest@adsl-64-216-111-42.dsl.tpkaks.swbell.net) joined #gnuenterprise. Stoke (~stoker@ppp419.tc-1.roc-pt.ny.localnet.com) joined #gnuenterprise. jemfinch (~jfincher@ts6-13.homenet.ohio-state.edu) joined #gnuenterprise. fixe (~fixe@dsl093-081-253.chi2.dsl.speakeasy.net) left irc: "Client exiting" baaaaaaaaaaaa moooooooooooo jcater / jamest should i call FSF tomorrow about CVS i.e. this is starting to sound like an 'extended' problem have you looked at savannah.gnu.org they have a notice nope :( really sad one of the projects on savannah listed their url as a mldonkey site jcater: sadly i dont care about 'notices' (a p2p program) fix the problem :) well that's easier said than done when someone's DDoS'ing them Action: jcater is frustrated too, but for once it isn't their fault Action: derek isnt saying its their fault but there has to be something to help kill this beast if not it would make for a good free software project Action: derek goes to see if donkeykiller.com is available j/k according to their site, they block what its looking for but the many http requests are bringing apache to its knees even if the http requests are ignored :( it's sad someone would do that to begin with Action: derek is wondering if there is a way to log the ip then black list it or something ToyMan (~stuq@170-215-206-10.glv.frontiernet.net) left irc: "Client Exiting" Action: derek suspects they dont have 'routers' Action: jcater suspects there are thousands upon thousands of clients sigh what the hell is mldonkey someone was hosting a server list which means savannah got into a "get your updated servers list from here" list so ppl who probably don't even know who GNU is are hitting it sucks to be savanah but what is mldonkey? distributed/non-central file sharing something like napster yeah mldonkey is a new client to access the eDonkey oops mldonkey is a new client to access the eDonkey network. It is written in Objective-Caml, and comes with its own GTK GUI, an HTTP interface and a telnet interface. Action: derek runs screaming WRITTEN IN OBJECTIVE CAML it's not that bad a language. I mean, compared to SML it's horribly ugly and has an utterly crappy "standard" library. but in all, it's not so bad. Action: jcater hugs python jemfinch: i wasnt criticizing the language, but in the free software world three things are important if you want success 1. readability 2. reusability 3. popularity in that order if only we could master #3 O'Caml doesn't really have much in either of those departments. 2. lets you use existing code, generally languages that let you use libraries of other languages really help cut your work down 1. helps you get contributors w/o burning lots of time hand holding and 3. helps you not have to spend all your time answering Why not java? ;) I've learned C, perl, php.. I've messed with some assembler, pascal, java, tcsh zsh and bash, javascript.. and I think python is the oddest one I've met, yet. But to it's credit, I've yet to really do anything with it so that's only my initial impression I had the same impression when I began playing with perl jemfinch (~jfincher@ts6-13.homenet.ohio-state.edu) left irc: Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer) Action: jcater thwaps V_laptop V_laptop: i think python smokes all languages on (1) i have yet to see a more readable language it does ok on #2 it plays pretty nice with C stuff oh yea, and we can forget gwbasic number 3 is up and coming i think its less popular than php, C, C++, Perl which are probably the most popular free software languages but its probably the biggest one behind those 4 not by much.. I've heard the python buzz for some time.. but never looked at it prior to hitting this project again.. jemfinch (~jfincher@ts20-5.homenet.ohio-state.edu) joined #gnuenterprise. aaron_ (coyote@msp-24-163-193-174.mn.rr.com) joined #gnuenterprise. aaron___ (coyote@msp-24-163-193-174.mn.rr.com) left irc: Remote closed the connection I'll probably go through a conversion of some sort as I start to use it conversion? generally takes a few hours of coding to think in 'lists/dicts' 'grow to love it' once that is done i think you will complain if forced to use anything else Action: jcater thwaps V_laptop love at first site, dude sight even V_laptop: note python loves to 'learn' jcater right.. my brain still thinks in php atm.. =/ I'm sorry oh heavens you will be in love quickly i suspect ;) jcater: tell you after doing some gnue stuff at axis for like three months then hopping on a php project i fought and found a hack around to achieve a list and for item in list: equiv ;) as i couldnt stomach a normal loop foreach() ? for var in (): V_laptop: yeah i think it was foreach only available in like php 4.1.x or something i had to 'upgrade' php to get the functionality (at that time) ;) yea, it was a nice addition to the language & much needed brb.. wormH^H^H^Hbaby's getting wrestless... rock almost have my interface to my timeclock done ? w00t grrr you were supposed to that as part of gnue-sb :) Action: derek sends the thugs over to jcater's place interface == time clock hardware to database i.e., grab data via the serial port and insert into a database using gnue-common Action: derek envisions 'thugging' jcater goes something like Action: jcater still intends to do the "human interface" part to be in gnue-sb s/to be// guido ties jcater to a chair and vinny the baker comes in with a bakers dozen of glazed donuts and slowly eats them in front of jcater lol... everytime you say guido, I think of Van Rossen (sp?) the creator of python and I think "why would he send him over" licking fingers and lips gratiously until jcater begs "just shoot me, i can't take the pain anymore" Action: derek has to do some bills so i can gnue-sb V_laptop: done got me hooked on gnue-sb, i jones not be able to work on it if it takes you doing bilsl in order to do gnue-sb, I can send you some of mine actually its taxes more than bills even worse yuck trade ya? Action: jcater hasn't started my taxes yet and I have a small business now to deal with as well as rental properties I've never had to deal w/either before Action: jcater doesn't look forward to it Action: derek didnt think about it till my cpa sister chimed in but i guess there are some serious tax benefits to being clergy Action: derek likely wont do much with it this year, but next year should be able to help shift costs jcater: yea, we have a rental property, 2 mortgages, the embroidery buiz, my wife's job, we each did some contract work, and my wife's gambling at bossier city.. oh, and we hada kid and did 2 401K rollovers, defaulted on a 401K loan and took a real small distribution from another. ooooo wanna go in for a cpa together :) Action: derek holds a crucifix up to the two of you and says 'stay away' Action: derek doesnt want any of that bad luck rubbing off ;) this is also my first year to have to fsck with State income taxes TN did not have a state income tax MS does :-/ why pay MS state taxes if your income is from TN based on where you live not where you work well..... thats partially true luckily tx doesnt have a state income tax as far as MS' team of guidos, it's pretty much completely true it really depends on where your employer pays the taxes Action: jcater owns property in both states your employer SHOULD be paying the taxes to where you live not where you work so I considered claiming TN residency but many employers aren't setup to do so but decided that would backfire on me in other ways like auto tags and so just think gee everyone lives where we do business (MS is much cheaper for my older cars than TN is) Action: derek had that happen when i was working in Silicon Valley but living here they were too 'incompetent' to tax me out of arizona geeze what a commute so i had to file both california and arizona taxes jcater: it was actually quite nice mon work at home tues leave house at 7:30 get to airport 8:00 get on plane 8:10, get in SV at 10:30 get to office at 11:30 go to lunch come back work till 7pm, go to developer meeting dinner crash at hotel 10:30pm wake up 7am go to office work until 4pm go to airport get back home at about 7pm work thurs, fri at home lot less 'commuting' than i do now i.e. spending 2 hours a day jemfinch (~jfincher@ts20-5.homenet.ohio-state.edu) left irc: Read error: 113 (No route to host) jemfinch (~jfincher@ts17-13.homenet.ohio-state.edu) joined #gnuenterprise. jemfinch (~jfincher@ts17-13.homenet.ohio-state.edu) left irc: Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer) Stoke_ (~stoker@ppp191.tc-2.roc-pt.ny.localnet.com) joined #gnuenterprise. jemfinch (~jfincher@ts11-16.homenet.ohio-state.edu) joined #gnuenterprise. Stoke (~stoker@ppp419.tc-1.roc-pt.ny.localnet.com) left irc: No route to host jemfinch (~jfincher@ts11-16.homenet.ohio-state.edu) left irc: Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer) jemfinch (~jfincher@ts29-8.homenet.ohio-state.edu) joined #gnuenterprise. otay, my first email to gnue-sb-discuss was sent out =) be gentle Action: V_laptop gies ti iffuve ack chillywillyism lol Action: V_laptop goes to office lick me beotches did I mistype that?!? DO YOU NEED CLARIFICATION?!? RUN THAT BY ME AGAIN LICK ME!!!! Action: derek lets my rottie up to the computer hope you like german k-9 tongue there lick me boy my schemas were incomplete in that email ooooo in the item system are y'all accounting for multiple companies? y'all? it's a contraction of you all notice the apostrophe this is cool bah Vee2d2: you some jackarse just sent like a 50 page email for accounting to gnue-sb, what a moron oh hey jcater define multiple company and item Action: derek can read that several ways well, lemme rephrase are y'all doing gnue-sb to handle multiple companies I was just thinking the other night that I'd hoped someone with better accounting skillz than I (*wouldnt take much*) stepped in at some point to champion the ar/ap/gl stuff.. Action: jcater will leave at that Vee2d2: don't look my way I only play an accountant-minded person in IRC actually, this all stems from a series of lunch conversations I had with out head accountant jcater: yes and no on what she didn;t like with Great Plains Action: derek loves that answer yes i think we plan to support it s/with out/with our/ not sure how much it will be 'primary' focus Action: derek finds it REALLY easy to get sucked in the add features game it's a requirement for me jcater: again yes and no users drive features ;) AND how would you do multiple companies? i think there are 'different' levels of support that is ask 10 people what it means tot support multiple companies and likely you will get 10 different answers well, from a basic standpoint I mean, I gather you're saying multiple companies on the same books? in G/L you should support inter-company transfers Vee2d2: more like multiple companies using the same table set jcater: ok maybe its best to ask a more generic question on most accounting packages I've dealt with you select the company you will be working in will they have same items? different items when you log in same inventory different inventory etc etc etc ok, that makes sense then Action: jcater is in GL/AP mode not inventory mode I could see inventory going both ways in my case I think we have common inventory i think supporting more than one company in a g/l probably isnt a big deal espeically if everything else is 'shared' going the other way you really need things to be like a 'separate' install that allows aggregation of data I am really 'accounting dense'.. it's something I intend to correct at some point.. I need to get some reading material or something to get started on that. i.e. if you move inventory from one company to another you would basically do a po and invoice (if even behind the scenes) to move the product and/or money ALSO lots of people say i need multiple company support (when talking inventory) when they really mean multiple location Action: jcater is not in inventory mode so you are talking above my head multilocation inventory shouldnt be hard to handle unfortunately I have no need for inventory i'm half bent on doing the KISS and build on it BUT i know jcater will use it and commit code to it ;) Action: Vee2d2 is prone to complications multiple company support in gl and ap is as simple as adding a company key to most top-level tables imho i tend to agree BUT and the user can only be "in" one company at a time Action: jcater thinks that's simple enough thats why i asked 'what do you mean by multi company' ;) jcater: in some ways i am thinking multi company is not really different than FUND accounting only instead of fund they use the word Entity and the balance sheets are different on another note has anyone used this product? http://synergy2.sourceforge.net/ sigh sid just upgraded postgres could put me out of commission eh? the update a couple days ago seemed pretty trivial ok it asked me about 10 questions postgresql (7.3.2r-3) unstable; urgency=low which is about 4 more than it normally asks Action: jcater hopes someone else comes in interested in AP/GL as I really am spread thin already i plan to put one or both of my sisters to work on it from a 'business' perspective both CPA's one is a CIA - Certified Internal Auditor as well hmm.. that project you posted seems like a software kvm? yes only is kv not kvm once monitor is added it will be HIGHLY useful right now i would call it 'moderately' useful, but curious if anyone is using jcater: I'm interested, and it sounded like that's Kenneth's intertest as well from his posting brb hmm, I'm having some trouble with an SQL query of mine. it seems to be entering an infinite loop of some sort, constantly returning the same thing. (is that even possible in SQL?) oh, that's odd. so if I have a table in my select statement that isn't actually used in the WHERE clause, I get infinite looping... snds like a bug that's not standard behavior? mysql> select clients.cid, workorders.wid from clients, workorders where cid='1'; +-----+-----+ | cid | wid | +-----+-----+ | 1 | 69 | | 1 | 70 | +-----+-----+ 2 rows in set (0.04 sec) put another table in there. one that isn't being selected on. in the where? no, in the from. ah SELECT clients.cid, wordorders.wid FROM clients, workorders, someothertable WHERE ... but make sure someothertable doesn't show up in the WHERE. still works. yeilds more results, but works without looping how many more results? depends on what table I throw in there it seems one of them gave me 4 more rows, the other probably about a dozen jamest (~jamest@adsl-64-216-111-42.dsl.tpkaks.swbell.net) left #gnuenterprise. how many rows are in each of those tables, respectively? 3 in one and 6 in the other, of the tables I 'threw' in hmm. you're working with a lot more data, yea? Action: jemfinch is starting to wonder about SQLite. the tables I've got have 8,000, 12,000, and 50,000 rows. I wonder what you would get if you asked it to count() instead of asking it to return the data.. I'll see. or if I ask for DISTINCT. so I made a database for looking up anagrams. I have a words file of 2.5MB; 235,000 words. I have one table, words, which has a word TEXT, an id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, and a sorted_word_id INTEGER. I have another table, sorted_words, which has a word TEXT UNIQUE ON CONFLICT IGNORE and an id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY. (the "word" column in the words table is also UNIQUE ON CONFLICT IGNORE, too) so anyway, from my 2.5MB file, it creates a 39MB database file. --- Tue Mar 11 2003