suny (~zll_sy@ left irc: Nick change: Sacha_lunch -> SachaS fixe ( joined #gnuenterprise. jemfinch ( joined #gnuenterprise. siesel ( joined #gnuenterprise. morning mornin reinhard ( joined #gnuenterprise. suny (~zll_sy@ joined #gnuenterprise. Hallo Reinhard good morning hallo do you have any ideas to change the API to make it XMLRPC conform? sadly i don't know what xmlrpc defines and what not what data types xmlrpc knows if all else fails we could concatenate all strings of the table together and define column dividors, row dividors and an escape character and pass it as a single string like I hope that we don't have to go that far reinhard;lustenau;austria|siesel;bonn;germany Action: siesel is looking at the specs at seems that there is a struct type. that would mean, that we could still use our api. well a quick question we defined the result of fetch being a 2-dimensional array but you impelemented it as an array of dictionaries i guess we must at least switch to the 2-dimensional array for xmlrpc conformance i'm not sure if a struct helps us for those writng the kc this is about how to access the new appserver api over xmlrpc we have some functions in that api that return a 2-dimensional array of strings which seems to be a problem for xmlrpc -- Nick change: SachaS -> SachaS_away reinhard: in my understanding, the problem with XMLRPC is that the API transfers everything as array, and don't create struct types so we have to use arrays or we need to change the RPC abstraction layer to be able to pass dictionaries as structs Action: siesel is finally realizing that difference between API documentation: (2dim array) and implementation (2dim dictionary) Action: siesel will check what will be easier to implement :) i'd say we should rather look what is easier to transport (over rpc) because implementation will be no big difference suny (~zll_sy@ left irc: siesel ( left irc: "later" paqan (whaq@ joined #gnuenterprise. reinhard_ ( joined #gnuenterprise. bbl reinhard_ ( left irc: Client Quit reinhard ( left irc: Read error: 111 (Connection refused) Arturas ( joined #gnuenterprise. jemfinch ( left irc: Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer) jemfinch ( joined #gnuenterprise. hello lupo ( joined #gnuenterprise. hi Arturas hi lupo :) does cvs work for you? one moment it seems that no ToyMan (~stuq@ joined #gnuenterprise. dsmith ( left irc: "later.." great because the last few days CVS was a real bitch and i can't check today's situation, because i'm on a really bad line 30% package loss ouch it's sufficient for irc and mail, so it doesn't bothers me too much i just have to develop some stuff for the company i work for and we use an own cvs for devel work i'm making "debian/" so that we have debs for the rollout btw, who's the maintainer of gnue debs? stuq_ (~stuq@ joined #gnuenterprise. don't know this "unknown host" damnit ToyMan (~stuq@ left irc: Read error: 60 (Operation timed out) jamest ( joined #gnuenterprise. hi jamest jbailey ( joined #gnuenterprise. stuq_ (~stuq@ left irc: "Client Exiting" jcater ( joined #gnuenterprise. jbailey ( left irc: "Client Exiting" jemfinch ( left irc: Read error: 60 (Operation timed out) wtg ( left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) dsmith ( joined #gnuenterprise. hello jamest: hello 'lo hey what is the status of curses driver? anyone test it? Action: jcater was working on it last night actually it's broken it did not survive the UIDriver reorganization but I hope to slap it into shape tonight i'd like to test it and help where possible help=blame someone hardly until it gets shape Tesla ( joined #gnuenterprise. hi, can you tell me what 2-tier and n-tier means ? Tesla: yes quite simple in two-tier mode, you have layout and software logic on the client side and the database on the server side in three-tier, you have layout on the client, software logic stored in an application server and the database on a server due to the mini-faq 2-tier mode is already useabel but 3-tier not, is that still correct ? through an intelligent driver model, gnue is able to operate in both modes which enables MS Access-like operation as well as true multi-tier architecturing right now, yes but this is being worked on from what i see it's a question of connecting gnue forms with the appserver there are some issues appserver itself is supposed to run quite fine i hope this will be resolved before the 0.5.0 release of gnue then you can enjoy 3-tier mode with an official release :) I wouldn't expect that for 0.5.0 do you think its already possible to use it as something like an customer db, with addressbook schedule and document managment ? Tesla: this is quite realistic of course, right now you have to write the application for yourself, based on the gnue tools the packages for these tasks are not yet ready this means creating the forms and the logic yep whereas i think that such an application shouldn't require too much logic can you add custom widgest in the forms designer (e.g. for a schedule) ? tools provide a lot of internal logic for select, search create update db entries what do you mean by "custom widget"? esv ( joined #gnuenterprise. in the GNUe Designer there are only labels, textfields, drop-downs and buttons. I now want to have an date selector or something else more complex okay yes, in theory. actually, you would rather use a report for that in gnue which means, you have forms for data input and querying, and reports for output, be it a nice screen output or print or mail etc concerning dates, there are (will be? jcater!) facilities for input masks so to get really new input masks you need to write them in c or whatever gnue is not intended as an all-purpose application framework it is quite specific in solving business related tasks sure, that also what i need it for the idea is not to have an intuitive package, but one which increases productivity ok ;) Tesla: need of date selector was discussed but not yet implemented writing new widgets needs python, not c so it's a bit more user-friendly imho we are working on input masks, yes and there is no C code zip nada :) (i have to read your messages from the logfile because my net connection is too slow, so don't wonder about strange replies) revDeke ( joined #gnuenterprise. Tesla: some clarifications to what Lupo said custom widgets are possible, they would be in python not C the team is trying to make it more plausible to 'easily' plug in new custom widgets however, there are plans for entry boxes that do more than 'raw entry' new widgets in Python new input masks are a functionality of forms like 'search' boxes date pickers one clarification to revDeke's clarifications: custom widgets are *not encouraged which means they are written as part of gnue forms definition files but will be supported at some point input masks would deal with date formatting, but not date picking jcater: absolutely you just didnt let me finish the idea is that custom widgets would be 'easier' to add but we do not encourage them, because it puts you in a bad position of having a 'custom' (read non supported) framework jcater should know the most about that what we generally ask is if there is somethign you do not see ask so right now there are no custom widgets, but you can add new widgets by writing them in python i think in most cases there is sufficient comprimise made to get 'functionality' into the framework that avoids the need for 'custom' components Tesla: yes, but as jcater stated we strongly discourage it GNUe is not a GUI framework... it's a data manipulation and reporting framework we instead courage asking the developers 'how can i do 'X' and see if they can provide an answer by extending existing widgets sometimes the answer will be 'we have no intention to support X' in which case likely gnue isnt a good choice for the application at hand but to re-iterate what jcater and lupo have both touched on gnue is not glade it is specific to database productivity applications Action: revDeke wouldnt write a cdplayer, webbrowser or image editor with gnue framework :) the fact we choose to support a myriad of platforms from curses to gtk to qt to html to you name it we limit ourselves to a much more concise 'widget' catalog well i dont want to do that ;) its just we have an existing app here (combit) and I think they wouldnt accpet it, if it had less useability... we dont specialize in 'pretty' whiz bang widgets true i right now havent thought of curses and hmtl i think customer db is a 'no brainer' gnue type application i.e. its kind of thing gnue was made for i think you mentioned 'calendar' program? that is where i get a little uneasy yeah a need something like there is an apointment with this customer at this date i think its reasonable for us to support 'calendar' date picker entry fields Action: revDeke notes we dont currently, but i think it would be feasible request but writing a 'calendar' application that is like calendar in outlook, gets a little shakey we could support the 'functionality', but i dont think there are plans to support calendar widgets Action: revDeke could be wrong its never been discussed and at this point i dont think is high on the list with pending 0.5.0 list well, that would be just a part i need ;) Action: revDeke doesnt want to scare you away from GNUe, but i want to be honest like all tools we have strengths and weaknesses revDake: wouldn't Telsa's request be part of a CRM module app? yes i would suggest she/he look at gnue-sb it has contact manager that functions with 0.4.3 (currently) yes i think so, i found a list on that said ERP can do everything ;) that probably fits to a small degree the first part of the question in being a customer database dsmith ( left irc: "later.." if not their style, certainly it provides a reference to how one can do a customer database Tesla: what format is the data from Combit in? btw, I have a question regarding the translation i think its some dbase database .db files if its .dbf format why you want to know ? you could likely fashion a driver (or if you have odbc driver (windows) wtg ( joined #gnuenterprise. you could basically just build gnue forms front ends to the existing structures and make things quite quickly looks like it uses foxpro Action: revDeke assumes gnue is a suitable replacement to foxpro, access, filemaker applications well yeah, but the goal is to find an exchange for combit and so its no problem to convert all the data to whatever i.e. the framework shoudl support about anything they do lupo ( left irc: Operation timed out lupo ( joined #gnuenterprise. args damn connection ok were going to have coffee and cake now, thank you very much for your help I will have a look at gnue-sb asap cu guten appetit revDeke ( left irc: "CGI:IRC 0.5 (EOF)" dimas ( joined #gnuenterprise. Administrator_ ( joined #gnuenterprise. dimas ( left #gnuenterprise ("Client Exiting"). Administrator_ ( left #gnuenterprise ("Client Exiting"). hm delicious goose liver isnt that fois gras? It's on my list of things to try sometime.. Action: Vee2d2 remains content with his coffee in the mean time. lupo_ ( joined #gnuenterprise. reinhard ( joined #gnuenterprise. hi reinhard lupo ( left irc: Read error: 60 (Operation timed out) KeaponLaffin ( joined #gnuenterprise. hmm Action: KeaponLaffin calls out hellooooooooo MrYou? err hrm I have a question I need to either get QuickBooks running in Linux, or something that can read it's company files and suggestions? KeaponLaffin: any chances of exporting data? from QuickBooks? yeah lupo_: what now? try to get it into a proprietary ERP? ? ERP? I've seen the issue come up on the sql-ledger list a number of times and I seem to recall someone had written a script to help migrate data from qb to sl, but I lost all references to it in my drive crash. KeaponLaffin ( left irc: "Client Exiting" has the script.. maybe after gnue-sb's schema stabalizes I can attempt to write something similar in python Tesla ( left irc: lupo_ ( left irc: "lupo_ #gnuenterprise whaq paqan H :0 paqan" Arturas ( left irc: "Bye :)" sub_pop_culture (~link@ joined #gnuenterprise. johannes_ ( left #gnuenterprise ("Client Exiting"). reinhard ( left irc: "There is no war against terrorism. War is always against people." aa ( joined #gnuenterprise. heya aa hi all hi Vee2d2 has anybody noticed something wrong with the cvs lately (since day before yesterday, more or less) there seems to be a stale lock file in docbook yea, some dolt used savanah as a server in a p2p network it has been like that for some time now... dont those things go away after some time? well, they're blocking that traffic but that doesnt keep it from coming in.. I think it will take some time to dissipate we are seeing the stale lock too but I can't find where the actual lock is stored on the cvs server we thought it would be in /var/lock/cvs, but can't find any files there :-( hm, i ill see if someone around here knows... some guy posed about there being a stale lock in the hurd cvs too posted even dunno if that's some weird coincidence or something else hmm.. I wonder if there should be a redirection or something when hitting to go to instead probably not a coincidence the load in savannah is ridiculous so I'm sure all kinds of weird timeouts happened to other projects too well, we can still checkout the directories one by one (except docbook) yeah, that's what we're having to do too revDeke ( joined #gnuenterprise. i was able to get cvs last night about 11pm my time w/o lock issues (though horribly slow) so lock must have happened after thta lock has been around for 4-5 days on docbook/shared i 'suspect' they are seeing it a lot because people get sick of waiting (cvs update -Pd on gnue took nearly 3 hours) jcater: hmmm it didnt show up for me (the lock) and then people 'stop' mid stream i had that problem day before yesterday (maybe another one, but exactly the same) and lockfile gets left out there cvs server: Updating . cvs server: [14:20:23] waiting for anoncvs's lock in /cvsroot/gnue/gnue/docbook/shared Action: jcater still gets it has anyone talked FSF folks I accidentally left mine running all night one night same thing next morning i.e. we know what 'caused' the problem and somewhat know what they are doing about it but would be nice to see ETA or some solution as if this is going to continue for more than a month i seriously wonder if its worth moving our CVS to ash and moving it back when they get the issues resolved then we lose anonymous cvs jcater: no offense i think its gone anyhow Action: revDeke doesnt know too many that will wait 4 hours for an anon cvs update :) and if they will, we probably owe them an account ;) Action: revDeke isnt heavily advocating this btw its more a question of how long is it going to continue as based on what all have said here is that FSF has done everything they can and basically it boils down to a DDoS sub_pop_culture (~link@ left #gnuenterprise ("Client exiting"). now things are coming quite fast, i checked out (everything except docbook) in about 15min maybe less if i had stood over it dsmith ( joined #gnuenterprise. jbailey ( joined #gnuenterprise. revDeke ( got netsplit. jcater ( got netsplit. paqan (whaq@ got netsplit. revDeke ( returned to #gnuenterprise. jcater ( returned to #gnuenterprise. paqan (whaq@ returned to #gnuenterprise. calvino flipped? aa ( left irc: "ircII EPIC4-1.1.2 -- Are we there yet?" revDeke ( left irc: "CGI:IRC 0.5 (EOF)" dsmith ( left irc: "later.." cool I think savannah-hackers took care of the stale cvs lock so? esv ( left irc: "Leaving" ra3vat ( left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) ra3vat ( joined #gnuenterprise. ra3vat ( left irc: Read error: 60 (Operation timed out) jamest ( left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) jamest ( joined #gnuenterprise. ra3vat ( joined #gnuenterprise. ra3vat ( left irc: Remote closed the connection ra3vat__ ( joined #gnuenterprise. jbailey ( left irc: "Client Exiting" anyone know how to make mysql read sql statements from a file? I always use < myfile I don't know how to do it once in the mysql shell :( that's fine SOURCE file yea I just looked in google and it told me to do that heh, didn't give me any output :P but the data is there jamest ( left #gnuenterprise. jemfinch ( joined #gnuenterprise. ToyMan ( joined #gnuenterprise. jcater_ ( joined #gnuenterprise. paqan (whaq@ left irc: Read error: 60 (Operation timed out) jcater ( left irc: Remote closed the connection Nick change: jcater_ -> jcater Action: jcater thought there was a debian-jr project was that renamed? jemfinch ( left irc: "Client Exiting" jemfinch ( joined #gnuenterprise. ah, meta packages are prefixed w/junior-* now doh! drochaid ( joined #gnuenterprise. Action: drochaid sneezes bless you drochaid ty Action: jcater hands drochaid a tissue ack who let that thing in? bwahahaha I got bored .. and had a few mins spare :) you know there's a solution for boredom it's called work ;) maybe you've heard of it? yeah, and I had a 23min break about 4hrs ago that was the first one since 9am [now nearly 1am] jeeze ppl can't take a joke anymore try me again when I'm not so tired :) chillywilly: got your potential business running yet? well not but I am "subcontracting" or somethin' working with someone who has their business going cool jcater ( left irc: Remote closed the connection jemfinch ( left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) Nick change: SachaS_away -> SachaS jcater ( joined #gnuenterprise. wb jcater thx sub_pop_culture (~link@ joined #gnuenterprise. ToyMan ( left irc: "Client Exiting" jcater ( left irc: Remote closed the connection jcater ( joined #gnuenterprise. wb jcater thx setting up ltsp at home ah cool I got that working a few months ago, then didn't have time to actually do anything with it :-/ I use it at my offices but have been meaning to get it working at home so the little kid can use one of my old pcs to play on heh oh well, I've spoken enough here for another month or two .. off to sleep now ;) drochaid ( left irc: "Client exiting" roche (~roche@ joined #gnuenterprise. Nick change: SachaS -> SacahS_away roche (~roche@ left #gnuenterprise ("Client Exiting"). sub_pop_culture (~link@ left #gnuenterprise ("Client exiting"). --- Sat Mar 15 2003