reinhard ( joined #gnuenterprise. psu (psu@ joined #gnuenterprise. anilp (~tell_anil@ joined #gnuenterprise. anilp (~tell_anil@ left #gnuenterprise. btami ( joined #gnuenterprise. psu (psu@ left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) fixe ( left irc: "Client exiting" Arturas ( joined #gnuenterprise. Hello Hi Arturas hi Jan :) Action: Arturas is away: lunch Action: Arturas is back (gone 00:56:50) lekma ( joined #gnuenterprise. siesel ( left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) lekma ( left #gnuenterprise. siesel ( joined #gnuenterprise. siesel: welcome back :) lekma ( joined #gnuenterprise. hi guys anybody here? hi yes, anybody sometimes is somewhere here :) i was wondering if there are win32 binaries of the pre-release available... you need especially pre-release? hi all yep i would like to test gnue-sb pre-releases are old btami: hi Bajusz :) hi Arturas! i mean the last pre-release 0.4.99 of forms lupo ( joined #gnuenterprise. lekma: try CVS instead tons of stuff changed/fixed ok... then is there anywhere a clear list of dependancies i only have a gentoo linux at hand what's a good cvs client? the command line output of CVS is too long for me to keep track of changes wxpython, egenix-mx and some db drivers needed lupo: i once used tkcvs and liked it once := long long time ago :) lekma: python2.1 or greater, wxWindows with python bindings 2.2 or greater, egenix-mx in a halfway recent version and db drivers for python, such as psycopg for postgres lupo: i'm using gcvs on woody btami: what about PySablot and/or sablotron ? lekma: afaik only needed for the GSD tool and reports if you don't need any of these two, you won't need them gnue-sb has no reports yet btami: oh. i didn't know that this was about gnue-sb yep but a lot of gsd's :) Nick change: lekma -> lekma-afk ToyMan ( joined #gnuenterprise. lekma: i'm not sure the status of xml2sql util btami: i've written some of the xml2sql doc :) btami: it works just as expected and documented as i know there is a new schema/ without xslt but i never tried Nick change: lekma-afk -> lekma btami: where exactly is that? common/src/schema/scripter lupo: xml2sql doesn't work good for mysql (i.e. a lot of UNHANDELD TYPE are generated) btami: yes indeed btami: xml2sql is no longer status quo, first because of its xslt proc dependency and second because at a certain level xslt makes things harder than coding the stuff btami: so, in the future the schema/scripter/* stuff will be used lupo: i think scripter needs more processors (now postgresql, oracle exist) Stoke_ ( left irc: Read error: 60 (Operation timed out) btami: yes. i'd like to do that, but i only work with postgres, so i can't help much. anyway, it looks quite easy to add new processors. Nick change: lekma -> lekma-afk whereas i don't like the word "processor", as it's commonly used for either hardware things or data processors in a narrow sense. i'd rather call this adapters. whatever :) uh there are some commits to the forms curses UI stuff whoho doesn't work here, damnit well, at least the wx ui works fine thanks to whoever did that have to go home, bye btami ( left irc: Stoke ( joined #gnuenterprise. dsmith ( left irc: "later.." lupo_ ( joined #gnuenterprise. lupo ( left irc: Read error: 113 (No route to host) jamest ( joined #gnuenterprise. hi jamest hello hi jamest it seems that the datasource extension isn't working anymore do you have any idea how to fix it? ? Stoke_ ( joined #gnuenterprise. :) it was possible to access special db function through an extension attribute f.e. MyDs.extensions.getSequence("MySequence") where MyDs is the name of the ah Stoke ( left irc: Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer) datasources are trigger enabled now it has been moved from to and it seems that it didn't worked anymore since then ok, so how can I reveal the extension attribute to the trigger namespace? so if you need a special function on a datasource you need to look at common/src/datasources/ look for the TriggerSupport section er # trigger support I did. And it wouldn't be a problem to define a function getExtensions in __triggerFunctions yes, that should replace the old method Stoke_ ( left irc: Connection reset by peer well self._triggerFunctions er sorry I misread your line or a property in self._triggerProperties Stoke ( joined #gnuenterprise. but then it would mean to change the syntax from MyDs.extension to MyDs.__properties__.extension or MyDs.getExtensions() properties are not really entended for functions however now that I think about it you really dont' want to do that no. I want to leave it as it was. there is a autofillBySequence trigger functoin that used to be on widgets it looks like it got moved to i think this may be what you're after lekma-afk ( left #gnuenterprise. hmm, I just took that seqence stuff as an example. I just need access to the extensions object, to do f.e. a MyDs.extension.ldapsearch does it even exist anymore? i was thinking the extension thing was a hack at the db driver level it exists, but is not exported to trigger namespace anymore. If its only purpose was to provide a hack at db driver level, then it shouldn't be exported to trigger name space and I can't use it. But if extension would really mean extension of normal db driver functionality, then it should be accessible through the trigger name space, because this would be the only way to access db driver specific features true if it would be accessible through trigger namespace it would also be possible to remove some db driver specific features (like "call" for appserver) from GDataObjects/GDataSource i'm trying to remember how I did __properties__ I don't think a dict base property will work as IIRC you do a set/get method for each property you define you did properties with get/set functions and extensions was a dict wasn't it? extensions is an object Action: jamest has 0 time to look into this code at the moment (time crunch) so it would be possible to convert it into an GObj and make it a child of GDataSource that may be a solution the only drawback is that DBdrivers has to import GObj almost everything has to do that now anyway if possible I'd hold off and run this past jcater as well but I don't see an issue with this myself ok. this being reactivating extensions IMHO it would make sense, especially because we now have driver/*/Extension subdirs that's odd, maybe jcaters done some other method of getting to them then as I thought they were completely dead if he put the effort into an Extension subdir that implies that they are now er not dsmith ( joined #gnuenterprise. there are still used, f.e. that autofillbySequence is calling datasource.extension.getSequence its just not possible to access new functions in that extensions. i.e. extensions are kind of STATIC Action: siesel will have another look at the code, to check how difficult/easy parent/child relationship between extension GObj and GDataSoure objects would be ah then I think this would be fairly easy to expose I hope its just a "if isinstance(extension,GObj): self.addChild(extension)" i think it may be easier than that we'd need to think about it a bit but the _properties_ code might be extended to export an object directly into the trigger namespace for an object morning kind of a reserved word for a specific object IIRC the only reason I did __properties__ was to avoid collision with field names it should be trival to add a flag to a property definition that would shove the name into the namespace minus the __properties__ what about something like self.__triggerProperties = { "extension": {"get":self.getMe,"set":self.setMe,"direct":1}} that would be more flexible than hard coding a special exception in for extensions yes, something like that however we will be creating namespace collision issues with field/block names unless we made that _extensions and a basic rule that said never use field/block names that start with _ can you access the fields of a datasource directly through the datasource? i would think so but I don't recall I think for the namespace issue it doesn't matter if we add the extension functionalty by transforming it into a gobj child object, or passing it to the trigger through an property. implementation would probably be easier via the property extension but my namespace concern is a seperate issue that is just a question of additional functionality /overhead (for the GObj way) I don't care to pollute the trigger namespace with too many reserved words as I could see datasource.field being handy in a trigger yes. it would really be. especial for fields which are not defined elsewhere and I don't want to risk having too many field names that can't be used in a becasue foo is reserved by forms LJHAPHQ ( joined #gnuenterprise. LJHAPHQ ( left #gnuenterprise. I aggree. MyDs._extensions looks horrible, but its better than a poluted namespace foo is reserved by forms? gnue reserved word list: "foo", "bar", "goat" ... ;) don't forget "fsck", "argh!", "whimper" no foo was just an example IIRC __properties__ is the only thing taken so far so what about making extensions a "direct property" and export "direct properties" by adding a "_" into the normal objects namespace extensions could then be access by two ways: MyDs.__properties__.extensions and MyDs._extensions there's an idea this sounds reasonable to me good. Then I hope that Jason joins us soon, because I want to try it :) Action: jamest sits a platter of steaming hot donuts in front of the monitor here cater, cater, cater jcater ( joined #gnuenterprise. did /. mention the major samba security hole from the 14th /. only announces important stuff like as I see they plastered the iss issue (looks like the donuts finally worked siesel) on the front page but I don't recall seeing A Photorealistic CGI TV Series Coming Real Soon Now "Run Samba? Got root?" jcater: if you could read todays logs and comment the conversation started about 50 or so lines ago when I logged in what I ***really*** wanted to do w/the extensions (and btw I didn't realize they were broken; oops :) if you have a connection called "gnue" I'd like a gnue object in the trigger namespace that exposed the extensions so if you had in a trigger you wouldn't have to do MyDTS.extensions.getSequence() but could go gnue.getSequence() Action: jcater hasn't finished the backlog, so this may not be what the question was about extensions is the issue Arturas ( left irc: "Client Exiting" well, I don't think I'll be going through Canada on my vacation you were planning to? Action: chillywilly doesn't see how Canada is on the way to Boston chillywilly: I occasionally get bored, and take different routes lupo ( joined #gnuenterprise. but the last thing I want to do is sacrifice two days of my 7 day vacation trying to cross the border HEH true dat I *know* how long it can take normally, and during heightened security PITA of course we'll be vacationing in a terrorist first-strike city :( (Boston) oh well unless they attack my bar, we should be safe ;) what important points can be attacked in Boston, besides FSF? heh, who knows it's just a high population density area are those canadians causing trouble again? ninja (~rossg@ joined #gnuenterprise. :) jamest: scroll back a bit lupo_ ( left irc: Read error: 60 (Operation timed out) I just don't want to waste precious vacation time sitting at the border twice where bueracracy and security collide havoc: i expect future terrorist attacks to target non-spectacular places, such as shopping malls to spread real fear of death among civilists who knows? just expecting the worst to have a good feeling when it's better than "worst" :) nevola ( joined #gnuenterprise. Jason, if I got your point right, then you would like to have an extension/connection object, which can be accessed at global scope through the connection name and also through the name extension below a datasource it would be easy to solve this by making that extension/connection object a GObj and a child of GDataSource lupo ( left irc: "using sirc version 2.211+KSIRC/1.1" ToyMan ( left irc: "Client Exiting" nevola ( left irc: Stoke_ ( joined #gnuenterprise. Stoke ( left irc: Read error: 113 (No route to host) jamest ( left #gnuenterprise. ninja (~rossg@ left irc: Read error: 113 (No route to host) psu (psu@ joined #gnuenterprise. hi all jcater_ ( joined #gnuenterprise. jcater ( left irc: Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer) heya psu, wb jcater+tail yo Vee2d2 Nick change: jcater_ -> jcater howdy pattieja ( left irc: "[x]chat" Action: psu is watching the iraq debate from House of Commons on TV kreiszner ( joined #gnuenterprise. jamest ( joined #gnuenterprise. psu (psu@ left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) revDeke ( joined #gnuenterprise. jcater: you get my donut screen saver suprise ;) yeah haven't had a chance to look at it it was zip file so I assumed it's windows? large .bmp file ah zipped to not 'clog email' the others were links to download the 'real' thing reinhard_ ( joined #gnuenterprise. jbailey ( joined #gnuenterprise. reinhard ( left irc: Read error: 111 (Connection refused) bbl revDeke ( left irc: "CGI:IRC 0.5 (EOF)" Nick change: reinhard_ -> reinhard jcater, jamest: I've added "extensions" to the triggerProperties of GDataSource, to make it accessible for now. If you have no objections, I would like to commit it. this restores the old functionality? mydts.extensions.whatever() ? no. to restore the old functionality the trigger code has to be changed so how does this work? mydts.__properties__.extensions.whatever() ok I suppose that works until we have time to reimplement properly so I say, commit it done btw. there is a problem with enabled/disenabled icons in cvs-forms. If I modify some entries, the next record/prev record get disabled can you give me a hint where to look for that stuff? Its getting on my nervers to allways have to use "go to record X" to be able to switch to the next record after some modification night all reinhard ( left irc: "War doesn't solve problems. War creates problems." kreiszner ( left irc: "Client exiting" bitsko ( joined #gnuenterprise. anyone know if there are any companies far enough along using GNUe that they'd be looking to hire GNUe developers? how many core+tier developers currently work for solid GNUe users? havoc ( left irc: Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer) havoc ( joined #gnuenterprise. revDeke ( joined #gnuenterprise. bitsko: the answer is yes about a year ago i was hired to work on gnue full time for a health spa they had trouble garning capital to sustain their estimated growth rate, and shrunk back to two clubs (and thus didnt need an advanced membership system) there are several companies interested in GNUe solutions where they might 'hire a consultant' or 'temp' gnue developer we have at least two foreign countries that employee gnue developers as to number of developers there is a core team of about 5 that distribute, coding, documentation, relase, management etc but there is a large second tier contributor level of probably about 20 that use and sumbit patches on a less frequent basis thx. I ask because I'm with a small group that's looking to build up some. we do py and free software very well, but in particular we're a solid team that delivers (think XP at its best). GNUe seems like a really good technology to move into and help support. i think in the small/medium business market you will find lots i.e. people wont ask for GNUe by name revDeke: Where do those of us who hang out and offer abuse go? Or do I get my own special category? exactly, but they may be looking for solutions but they will ask for solutions that pretty much are easy to provide with gnue bitsko: how did you happen to hear about gnue? we are always curious jbailey: we learned a long time ago, dont torture the packaging folks so you go in the "grand debian packaging poobah" category revDeke: I've been following it for about a year or so, mostly thru Kernel Cousins haven't had a chance to dip a toe in yet you have something to do with casbah project once upon a time? yup, that's me Action: revDeke was thinking i remembered name from scarab (sp) when looking for scarab and python somehow got me back to casbah on google heh Action: revDeke never saw casbah but recalls looking at scarab for something what seems like many moons ago scarab and casbah predated my reading XP. we would have had a real project going if we'd done YAGNI and TDD casbah from what i am reading looks almost like a 'web centric' implementation of gnue Action: revDeke thinks i ran into scarab when we were debating rpc protocols in gnue and decided upon gnue-rpc (a generic rpc wrapper) well let us know if you have any questions generally someone is around about 24/7 I think about 70% of what we had intended with Casbah was realized in Zope. the two bigs things that would have been different were language-friendly from the beginning and more distributed if no one appears to answer gently lay a box of glazed donuts on the proverbial irc table and jcater should show up within the hour ;) :) He's picky about which doughnuts, though. i said 'glazed' Action: revDeke thinks we dont consider the vegan things you keep talking about as 'donuts' Action: jbailey larts revDeke Bah! ;P fixe ( joined #gnuenterprise. bbl revDeke ( left #gnuenterprise. dsmith ( left irc: "later.." ToyMan ( joined #gnuenterprise. bitsko ( left irc: "Client Exiting" jbailey ( left irc: "Client Exiting" jcater ( left irc: "home" jcater ( joined #gnuenterprise. siesel ( left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) suny (~zll_sy@ joined #gnuenterprise. Action: derek is away: I'm busy Action: derek is back (gone 00:00:00) hmm guess i wasnt gone w00t are there any characters that cant be used in a linux filename or can they all be used by escaping them ? dsmith ( joined #gnuenterprise. I think you can use practically any character by escaping though that's a bitch to maintain but it's not considered poor form to have a file named q&a.file ? I use '&' in file names occasionally =)) ok ... then it fine by me too Nick change: dsmith -> dpsm thanks jcater Nick change: dpsm -> dsmith chillywilly ( left irc: "Lost terminal" IsoosI ( joined #gnuenterprise. ToyMan ( left irc: "Client Exiting" Remosi ( left irc: Read error: 60 (Operation timed out) johannes_ ( joined #gnuenterprise. chillywilly ( joined #gnuenterprise. johannes ( left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) havoc_ ( joined #gnuenterprise. havoc ( left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) havoc_ ( got netsplit. chillywilly ( got netsplit. chillywilly ( returned to #gnuenterprise. havoc_ ( got lost in the net-split. havoc_ ( joined #gnuenterprise. Remosi ( joined #gnuenterprise. Nick change: SachaS -> SachaUni Nick change: SachaUni -> SachaS IsoosI ( left irc: Read error: 113 (No route to host) IsoosI ( joined #gnuenterprise. Remosi ( left irc: Read error: 60 (Operation timed out) Accounting & ERP Software Consultant Icode, Inc. $0 - $250K does one get to pick which end of that range one's at? Action: jcater would hate to be at the $5 mark :) heh 100% commision I've never been or known anyone who has been such a consultant so I'm not sure what sort of percentage of the sale is generally commision they are one of the few commercial offerings to have screenshots and stuff about their product on thier web page though.. who? chillywilly ( left irc: "reboot into kde" reboot into kde? gack silly chilly chillywilly ( joined #gnuenterprise. so how's the books, jcater? swell jamest ( left #gnuenterprise. --- Wed Mar 19 2003