wiki wiki! come on ppl set it up chillywilly derek: do you have some way of marking contacts as imported, or something like that i.e., I foresee some of my contacts being created by other programs and wouldn't want those records editable in gnue-sb that may not fit in with your mental model though :) Action: jcater is still hungry Vee2d2: no one trusts me to have access to their servers except for havoc :) mmmm smack ramen oddly it appears that the tables for aria and acclite(nola) are different nectar of the gods btw: i use gnumeric most of the time too, but use excel at work a LOT (and recently stopped and switched to open office) so now im using it at home a lot too hmm what apps i figured it would go the OTHER way for contacts basically would push gnue-sb contacts to ldap directory Action: jcater reminds derek I'm tying this into custom system so I'd like to push sales reps into gnue-sb as i see client management as where you would edit the contacts and other applications would basically be using them as read only but it's not a biggie though I imagine I won't be alone ramen noodles? jcater: in that case i suggest 'roles' that is dont give users ability to 'edit' contacts i suppose could make a field on there for imported ramen noodles derek: that's what I was thinking.. an imported field I don't see how roles would fit in Action: chillywilly prefers to eat cereal this late at night well in integration i have worked on I dunno why you choose one system that is if you say contacts are edited in application X they are edited in application X if they are in app Y they are app Y some cocoa kripsies or hiney bunches of oats but there are sooo many types of contacts i.e., you'd have the A/P vendors honey* you wouldnt do application X imports to Y and you edit Y so by making Y be readonly Action: jcater usually doesn't see it that straight forward and constantly feeding X into it roles solves the problem jcater: thats cause you have bad business rules ;) and ask for pain that's easy to say but yes roles doesnt solve your problem without knowing needs or existing systems you don't throw away working systems for something new the import/readonly flag would Action: derek will STRONGLY discourage people from using unless they realize we will not support their data pain i.e. my fear is that people blame the 'system' for problems that are data integrity problems caused by poorly written interfaces ;) i agree 100% dont throw away working systems but any time you are letting more than one system 'update' the data you are talking about fairly complex interfaces that need some babysitting well, I would think that's a given best i can tell the people that think mysql is a power database are not the people i want to support doing such integration ;) sorry for slamming anyone that likes mysql ;) no, you're not we know better :) mysql is ideal for web apps imho it's not an enterprise database though and some ppl prefer to handle things more in the app layer and wants more of a data store which mysql serves well as yip Action: jcater agrees w/the ideal for webapps but not for handling things in the app layer as before long, the person has to start to deal w/transaction logic and that's not something that an average programmer can just whip up web apps don't really need transaction why do they have to? chillywilly: that's why I said yeah to the web apps you open the connection do your thing close it but not for regular apps regardless of where the logic is stored it's all pretty static well, unless it's a read-only type store if you have your own transaction mechanism you can change it to use various do gain more flexibility but you have to maintain more code now it's a tradeoff but a transaction mechanism is a huge investment *shrug* Vee2d2: back to work! :) heh Action: jcater should sleep but, man am I wired HEH wish I could say the same wifee just got home hi wifee seriously mysql is pretty much a readonly database (imho) its start of 'table level' locking was proof of that Action: derek understands they are getting better but its a 'mentality thing' read only, or logging for all practical purpose, that's all I'd consider it for ok have arias, acclite, jcater compared how does jcater compare to arias? jcater: by read only i mean light inserts and minimal updates very much like slashdot usage um jcater is much lighter than arias (bet jcater dont hear that one often) ;) but arias is missing some stuff like balance information and any sense of 'heirarchy' in structures Action: derek suspects windows programmers never get their apps to point where the users request reports ;) Action: derek is kidding of course ;) im going to attempt to throw gnue-sb structures on the fire you guys can answer a php question for a friend? of mine Action: chillywilly hasn't php'd in eons as well as stuff Vee2d2 sent to list how about you derek ? what is the question one sec lemme drag it outta him /msg jcater response same as me "use python" hahahaha ooops ;) derek: he just asked me if you're the derek form #PHPfreaks um nope thats not me right I thought he was talking about an irc channel here... nm know anything about templates? does s/he have a specific question? trying to get to the bottom of it seems pretty basic template usage though so I dunno wtf his deal is jcater ( left irc: "period.close()" heh he's just tired and doesn't know wtf he is doing Action: Vee2d2 makes adjustments to guess he figured it out ra3vat ( left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) doh he left piss and i about had comparsion done Vee2d2: you still around slightly or should i wander off to bed I'm pondering it myself have comparison of arias, acclite, jcater, mike v and gnue-sb up was going to add louis' stuff as a comparision as well is louis the guy from bombardier? Action: Vee2d2 cartwheels off to bed yeah damn i just finished too Action: derek will post to the net is it a spreadsheet ? Action: Vee2d2 summersaults back in the direction of bed reinhard ( joined #gnuenterprise. .sxc spreadsheet yes psu ( joined #gnuenterprise. Action: psu wishes to register a complaint I note that there was next to no KC-able discussion from Thu to Mon But there are at least 3 threads for yesterday and 1 already today which is fine, by the "KC-week" runs from Thu to Wed Can I request that people only say interesting things early on in the week to give me & Arturas more time to get the summaries done ;-) roflmao HAH psu: you are funny man Of course, for this to work, you need to know what I consider "interesting" psu: I never say anything worth recording in the KCs so I feel that I am doing my part ;) which probably involves getting further into my thought processes than you really want to go chillywilly: I rely on you for the occasional pithy one-liner to finish a thread off ;-) lol psu can you put a link somehow to gnue-sb from gnue people keep asking hmm there is one somewhere, just not very prominent let me look but that's well hidden Do we need a "Looking for gnue-sb? Click here, bozo" link on front page as well? prolly i've got a church meeting tonight, but will add it later in he week ok is the source file anyway, work time psu ( left #gnuenterprise. .src? Action: derek runs to bed Action: derek is away: sleep btami ( joined #gnuenterprise. Nick change: chillywilly -> cwzzzZZZ InsanitY ( joined #gnuenterprise. ra3vat ( joined #gnuenterprise. Remosi ( joined #gnuenterprise. IsoosI ( left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) btami ( left irc: ra3vat ( left irc: "Client Exiting" ra3vat ( joined #gnuenterprise. ra3vat ( left irc: Client Quit ra3vat ( joined #gnuenterprise. ToyMan ( joined #gnuenterprise. derek: poke me whenever you have a minute or two dsmith ( left irc: "later.." jamest ( joined #gnuenterprise. mornin jamest hi Action: derek pokes Vee2d2 never you mind got it all squared away? sorta not really. I'm doing 'the thing'.. and well.. I'm still confused by this: Vendor mgmt, Client mgmt, Contact mgmt. Are these 3 distinct things? hmmm yes no and maybe ;) vendor management i think is probably separate and so is client management let me perhaps explain my frame of mind vendor management manages a bunch of stuff about the vendor (a small portion of which is the contacts you talk to at the vendor) client management manages stuff about your customers in a pos environment it probably wouldnt be much if any, but in other businesses like software consulting it could be quite extensive contact management is that portion that manages the actual "contacts" Action: derek hasnt thought it out long and hard but i suspect it could go one of two ways contact manager is the large "container" in which anything with "contacts" belongs this way contact info for anything is available in single location I'm good with that, I expect we will provide some linkage in the contact mgmt to say this contact is with that vendor or some such? however i dont think people always think of "contact" when they have say a vendor problem the other way to approach is vendor, client, company etc are all separate modules and imbedded they have contact management i.e. almost like a pop up form to manage contacts or such Action: derek suspects we could do both ways (and thats how i envisioned) that you could do vendor management and "pop" a contact screen that has just that vendors contacts right, well that's what I thought we were going to do, use contact mgr as a large container and add a 'relationship' field or something to define the contact as a 'Client' or 'Vendor' or 'Pizza Guy' or whatever.. or you could open the contact manager that has ALL your contacts regardless of source and then you could pop more information about their "parent" Action: derek hopes that made the question more clear and not more muddy btw: this is exactly stuff i hope we can start documenting :) I like the rolodex approach to having everything there, but I agree there needs to be extensive additional information which is unique to whatever the relation, vendor, client, etc. so are you saying we do both? keep all the contact information in 'contacts' and the extensive additional stuff in 'vendors', 'clients', etc..? potentially extensive I guess I should say. The kind of data I would actually need is pretty similar between vendor and client relations yes the tables are currently set to support it as well say you have vendor vendor id tax id foo foobar foofoobar then you have a vendor_contact id vendorid contactid so anywhere you have "contacts" they go in the contact table regardless of what type of contact they are i guess i think of contact management as "people management" ok, but in reverse if you're going through the data in the contact table there is or will be a way to identify the contact is a vendor, or client, etc? opposed to entity management right dsmith ( joined #gnuenterprise. Vee2d2: im not sure the structures are there for it yet but yes we should make it so its identifiable and they should be able to belong to more more than one "type" yea I s'pose so. i.e. your mfg is a vendor scenario a contact for that would be both a vendor and a mfg or employee as a client/customer jcater ( joined #gnuenterprise. frelling cable company good morning to you too :) I'm suprised this connection didnt drop cable was out for a good 10-15 mins.. how doo, jcater. bbl reinhard ( left irc: "People will believe your argument much better if you tell them that Benjamin Franklin said it" Action: jcater wanders if Ben Franklin said that? i thought you just wandered about the vending machines? man, i would have swore I would have gotten thwaped for that Action: jcater thwaps jamest hi all howdy Action: esv I saw some discussion about the contact manager section in the logs. oops Action: esv working on the intro to python section Nick change: cwzzzZZZ -> chillywilly esv: cool did we get the copyright disclaimer from you for work on gnue? Action: jamest is blanking no Action: esv guesses it is somewhere he can download it just dont expect a superb writing, lets say fair or poor whatcha workin' on esv? writing the python intro, so I remember it. just a quick question on OpenO oh cool for the examples Im using the "Example Code" paraghrap selection, but it breaks the vertical line on the left, I wonder why it does not do the same for the previous examples. what are you writing it in? docbook? OOo? jamest: does the gnue-sb team need one too? I sent the spanish translation messages. chilly: OO k is there a case like command in python? if... switch/case is just a syntactic convenience perl doesn't have it either ;) k paging revDeke [11:03] Last message repeated 1 time(s). any of you have a favorite salary advisor? dilbert wife reinhard ( joined #gnuenterprise. yeah wife she advises me all the time mine isn't enough (salary, that is) (don't go reading into that any other way :) sure, whatever you say ;) Action: chillywilly thwaps jcater before he can thwap him Vee2d2: What's does a salary advisor do? he just harasses you about how you should be making more money ;) give you a salary range for job title in an area and my wife is too brutal to be useful in her advice. Vee: would you define brutal, pls? 2 definitions found From Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913) [web1913]: Brutal \Bru"tal\, a. [Cf. F. brutal. See {Brute}, a.] 1. Of or pertaining to a brute; as, brutal nature. ``Above the rest of brutal kind.'' --Milton. 2. Like a brute; savage; cruel; inhuman; brutish; unfeeling; merciless; gross; as, brutal manners. ``Brutal intemperance.'' --Macaulay. From WordNet (r) 1.7 [wn]: brutal adj 1: (of weapons or instruments) causing suffering and pain; "brutal instruments of torture"; "cruel weapons of war" [syn: {cruel}] 2: (of persons or their actions) able or disposed to inflict pain or suffering; "a barbarous crime"; "brutal beatings"; "cruel tortures"; "Stalin's roughshod treatment of the kulaks"; "a savage slap"; "vicious kicks" [syn: {barbarous}, {cruel}, {fell}, {roughshod}, {savage}, {vicious}] 3: (of circumstances; especially weather) causing suffering; Intresting. "brutal weather"; "northern winters can be cruel"; "a cruel world"; "a harsh climate; "a rigorous climate"; "unkind winters" [syn: {cruel}, {harsh}, {rigorous}, {unkind}] Action: chillywilly runs off I'm looking for work, btw. thanks ;) Action: dsmith trips chillywilly with a 50 lb websters ouch I probably deserved that Action: chillywilly waits to be kicked from the channel ;) dsmith: I forget, are you the one with ambitions of being a owner-operator? in retirement as I recall Vee2d2: Nope. not me. maybe it was havoc in retirement? havoc owns Infinite Probability Networks, Inc. right now... chillywilly: iirc he was saying he would like to be an owner-operator in retirement.. drive around the country, etc.. hmmm, yea that sound like him ;) sounds revDeke ( joined #gnuenterprise. some one rang? esv send email to with subject: ESV Copyright Assignment Request I did, but am having hardware issues now :( and i will get the paperwork started for you on copyright assignment jcater: anything pressing? no Action: revDeke only has a few to stick around, i can come back in about an hour and a half if that works revDeke ( left #gnuenterprise. OO 1.1 beta is out and import/export docbook s/and/and it and it has? ;) and it can? can Support for exporting as a flat XML file. Action: jcater is downloading now cool of course I don't see anything about _loading_ said flat file :) hopefully the flat xml works in this beta didn't work in 643 Action: chillywilly goes to get it too ooooo command line tool s cool Action: jcater thinks it still requires X11 head I remember looking at that a month or so ago on their dev site X11 head? heh wtf you can't run it headless i.e., DISPLAY must be set and valid oh I was thinking X11 HEAD like CVS version of X11 XFree86 or whatever it's a big mother :P Hmm. Says it has a new db type of MySQL. Wonder if it still uses jdbc to talk to databases. heh, the install program can't connect to my X server hmmm... anyone get that bugger to install? seems I can't run any X programs as root... blah crap I don't remember how to fix that chillywilly: xhost +localhost chillywilly: Naw, just do xhost + , and tell me your ip. ;^) no I figured it out +localhost wouldn't work though only + Action: chillywilly shurgs ah crap I don't have enough space for OOo ;P chilly: then use xhost + Action: chillywilly install OOo into a different partition esv will try that afterward Action: esv still downloading OO 1.1 and getting my IP si easy fewl /whois chillywilly Action: chillywilly waits for the break in ;) wtg ( left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) erm, actually I'm behind NAT chillywilly: It was just an attempt at humor. and I don't have X ports open to the world :) I know Action: chillywilly was also joking OOo is a pig ;) But that reminds me. I was able to start X progs as root until just a little while ago, and my Boss (on his machine) couldn't. But now it's the other way around. We have identical machines, running sid. me too they changed soem config in sid I think prolly to be more "secure" or some goofy crap I could never figure out how the machines were different. all I wanna know is where to set it at...I don't recall that either Action: chillywilly doesn't want to have to type xhost chillywilly: Well, you could put xhost + in sour ~/.xsession script. but I supposed I don't do a lot of gui things as root anyway right Stoke_ ( left irc: Read error: 113 (No route to host) Stoke ( joined #gnuenterprise. Action: esv learns so SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSLLLLLLLLLLLOOOOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWWWWWW now. ? chillywilly: ssh -X root@localhost :) no Action: chillywilly does an xhost - right quick ;P my OOo fonts are butt ugly chillywilly: Mine are pretty. aa and everything. you install anything special? msttcorefonts? evil ;) KeithJagr ( joined #gnuenterprise. hello ;) hi hi chillywilly chillywilly ( left irc: "leaving" wtg ( joined #gnuenterprise. reinhard ( left irc: Read error: 111 (Connection refused) chillywilly ( joined #gnuenterprise. chillywilly ( left irc: "leaving" chillywilly ( joined #gnuenterprise. KeithJagr ( left irc: "later" ToyMan ( left irc: "Client Exiting" Stoke ( left irc: Read error: 113 (No route to host) Vee2d2 ( left irc: Remote closed the connection Vee2d2 ( joined #gnuenterprise. Vee ( joined #gnuenterprise. jamest ( left irc: "[x]chat" Vee ( left irc: Read error: 113 (No route to host) sigh I think I have a botched woody install :-/ apt-get isn't cooperating all of a sudden oops jcater ( left irc: "Client Exiting" ToyMan ( joined #gnuenterprise. havoc_ ( joined #gnuenterprise. havoc ( left irc: Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer) jcater ( joined #gnuenterprise. dsmith ( left irc: "later.." Vee ( joined #gnuenterprise. Vee ( left irc: Vee ( joined #gnuenterprise. havoc_ ( left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) havoc_ ( joined #gnuenterprise. bah, RR :< welcome backman.. have a good time? RR is really pissing me off :< ToyMan ( left irc: "Client Exiting" Vee2d2 ( left irc: Remote closed the connection Vee2d2 ( joined #gnuenterprise. RR sucks ;) derek: I want to clean up the gnue-sb/schema directory a little bit before it gets too overwhelming I think we need a schema/items schema/contacts etc and perhaps a schema/items/schema.gsd that imports all the contact-related tables and a general schema/schema.gsd that would import schema/*/schema.gsd if that makes sense? err that first one was a typo and perhaps a schema/items/schema.gsd that imports all the *item*-related tables :) oh, that'd be nice. for two reasons 1. 'cause I hate big directories :) 2. so I can run the schema tool only against schema/ap/schema.gsd when I'm working on A/P and not have to worry about what's happening in items/ (development only, of course... the released version would be one big schema per the conversation last night) I think I have Vee2d2's support too :) well there could be a schema.gsd in the schema directory that tied all the subdirectories together couldnt there? or does the library="" not support anything more than a filename? etc.. that's what I was implying and a general schema/schema.gsd that would import schema/*/schema.gsd would be imports a specific element imports a file sorry.. tyrd oh neat.. just noticed your commits hmm.. so doing a update -Pd doesnt create new directories it seems.. -Pd is for pruning old dirs well the -P prunes empty directories yea, empty old.. same thing ;) Use the -d option to create any directories that exist in the repository if they're missing from the working directory. so that should have greated those new dirs, right? but the -P removed them :) oh, are they empty? =/ geeze impatient, are we? I just created them 5 minutes ago silly me =) Action: Vee2d2 goes for a cup a joe there will be no java talk in this channel! there are children present oh, the real stuff... whaddaya know joe? say it ain't so moe um, no I don't think so go blow you ho no mo oh, no you di-in't yes I di-id s n a a a p s n a p s n a a a p heh lol you need help jason I'm thinking I need to add a description tag to the schema definition I'm thinking I almost have products edit working products edit? yes perl CGI uses your fav database ;) ah /dev/null? that's my favorite database heheh well that was a sarcastic remark of course I am a sarcastic person it's not really your fav would you expect any less? no what I said was sarcastic no i wouldn't I for clarity purposes and for kernel cousin i asked originally if you preferred one big file one big schema.gsd with lots of imports all in one dir or directories with files with schema.gsd and a big schema.gsd we both decided little files with the include for now (in fact i think thats what spawned the ability to import in gsd's) and we would re-evaluate later :) Action: derek is taking this as re-evaluation and will move things around :) yeah as it is getting bigger now the big thing i caution and the reason WHY we didnt do directories the first time was modularization issues like we discussed esp. if y'all are ready for me to add ap_* and gl* stuff i.e. some things can go in more than one directory we originally scratched the directory thing in lieu of having to make that decision :) ok Action: derek is thinking as long as we arent doing 'modules' for 'installs' this isnt a big deal well, we can postpone that decision again i.e. if we are assuming the lay person is just going to run the big daddy schema.gsd this is not much of an issue its if we want to start saying only install A/P ;)O we need to make sure things are more separated BUT im willing to call you an expert (read big boy) and let you resolve individual table dependencies as need be if you are only doing ap also in the ap schema.gsd we could always import files from other directories ah well in a nutshell i agree directories are needed and will work on it I wasn't thinking in terms of importing cross-module dependencies as we are monolithic i.e., ap/schema.gsd would only import ap/*.gsd i just wanted to point out that i didnt just shove everything in single directory without thought, but rather it was an avoidance tactice we agreed on :) yeah, I know jcater: i tend to agree with that I was just bringing it up again :) but if you want to install ap "stand alone" there will be tables outside ap/ you will need afaiac, we needn't worry about that that would be an unsupported install at least based on what we discussed yesterday 2. so I can run the schema tool only against schema/ap/schema.gsd when I'm working on A/P and not have to worry about what's happening in items/ Action: derek took that to mean you were only interested in installing ap (development only, of course... the released version would be one big schema per the conversation last night) but i guess in re-reading you mean development as in, in the beginning I'll have to drop create drop create ..... gotcha tables alot but then again Action: derek thinks 'schema update' functions will come quickly if you come on board true it's probably not worth the effort Action: jcater just wants to get started as im already spinning wheels DROP database gnue_sb;CREATE database gnue_sb; is one of my favorite postgres commands of late ;) I was looking at compiere today as 2 weeks ago I got my Oracle9i on linux database working ah yes we never got to have the conversation as I plan to migrate from Oracle 8i on Solaris to 9i on Debian so I ahve my test going Action: derek is thinking im not going to like this conversation, but will listen anyhow they scare the shit out of me to get Print to PDF support requires a $50/user license btw: OO 1.1beta on windows is a WET DREAM to get a data migration tool (to upgrade from older version) email pdf is just too cool requires a support contract but anyhow lets hear about the compiere news ;) they've canceled postgresql migration "due to lack of embedded transactions" (which, btw, I've never heard of) embedded? wtf but they did say if the users want to raise the money to pay a professional to implement a java-level transaction engine they would support it after it's written *snicker* that was one bad dream they sound like they are smoking good crack these days no it's just their mindset "money, money, money" "open source" is a PR angle for them at least, imho yea... but I guess it does beat great plains some ppl though I wonder Action: jcater just cringes at the thought of running a java app on our machines don't do it! ;) you must resist! well catch 22 :( ack it would give me more options than many of the proprietary i.e., I could insert data directly into their tables from our production system but, god I would be selling my soul :) this may be bad logic on my part but I feel better buying proprietary Action: chillywilly calls on the power of the great savior gnue than something parading as free s/parading/misleadingly parading jcater: i tend to agree what is worse getting somethign with source that 'pretends' to be free and thus helping them enslave the unsuspecting or well I can see the logic in that getting something totally proprietary at least the prop. vendor is being honest with you yeah chillywilly: thats kind of way i look at it when accpac tells me to go fsck myself at least I know they are genuine Action: derek got bad vibes from compeire guys from day one doesn't make it right though :( what I really want is gnue though :) cause I know y'all are honest too I know when chillywilly says "fsck off", he's being genuine HEH crap jcater is committing to gnue-sb time to run ;) and mdean going crazy mad on dcl commits Action: derek is under attack ;) nah, time to dance in the streets chillywilly: im just worried that reportbug will catch fire ;) for all his hard work and dedication we the gnue lurkers hereby award jcater the honorary gold trout of achievement :) erm, s/trout/donut/ that's better Action: jcater is thinking we need to associate default gl accounts with ap vendors (or vendor classes) but you can't eat it i.e., when you go to enter that fedex bill it can automatically have line items at the bottom Customer Orders: Office Supplies: (or whatever... bad example) Action: jcater doesn't see that in some of the other schemas, or I'm missing that) was my start at a feature outline, was this something like what you had in mind, derek? Also I think you'd mentioned including some table data and descriptions which makes me think such a beast would be better off broken down into a page per module.. I believe you mentioned doing it that way anyhow.. anyway, that was just what I'd done last night in OOo I think the little one must be sick, but she doesnt have an obvious symptoms other than being cranky and a light sleeper all the sudden =/ jcater: we are doing KISS so i expect schemas to be missing a LOT definitely we could have 'defaults' for things Action: jcater meant the other "brands" of schemas i.e., nola, etc which leads me to believe I am thinking about the situation wrong this is kind of stuff i want in the 'feature' lists :) so we dont forget about it later :) jcater: what would it take to get Vee2d2 an account on ash? so i can do emails :) so something similar :) a donut Vee2d2: what name would you prefer? mike@ Remosi: your sample Vee2d2 i think works fine vee2d2@ someguy@ hmm, vin ok i agree page per would be preferred (i backed off it as we didnt have featuers for lots of the stuff) and didnt want 'blank' pages :) Action: derek isnt thinking we would put 'schemas' you want an ash account? i like the bullet point feature list or just email forwarding? jcater: its nice to have ash account to 'post' things er s/vee2d2/jcater forwarding works for me unless I may need the account for something?? so if you want to put something up that is 'semi' official only reason I would think is if you want to put web stuff on you can point to ahh.. well sure then instead of but of course thats up to you :) Action: derek wanted a accoutn for you so i coudl remember it, but i guess is pretty simple to remember too I have about 100 aliases Action: chillywilly has a alias :) you could probably email and I would get it Action: derek goes to get drink and crank up tunes then its back to gnue sb Vee2d2: do you have 'permissions' to check in www updates for gnue-sb? afaic if you feel comfy with those 'requirement(s)' html files feel free to add them to www cvs and link to them from index.html and they will show up on the website a few hours after you commit them ok, fowards to jcater: diff subject, what is status of 0.5.x releases still looking for people to beat on them? um accpeting bug reports? er accepting even afaik we are trying to figure out a segfault in designer well, I guess it's safe to announce the new reason I need gnue-sb fairly soon wife and I rented out 9,000 sqft next to the bookstore to put in an antique store we will likely even have employees soon Action: jcater doesn't know whether to go jump off a bridge, check into an asylum, or be excited hehe does your wife have "Honey, I have an idea" moments all the time, too? yes sigh Action: jcater would have liked for her to wait for bookstore to break even first but whatever hence why you said "businesses" the other day? ;) well, I already had more than one bookstore + rental properties oh yea if you consider rental properties one rental properties is my wife's present kick I do come repair time :) rental properties are my thing these retail stores are brandy's we're getting ready to demolish one and build a new house in it's place, then do it again in another year or so Action: jcater doesn't like retail storefronts personally as I hate dealing w/people and it's too, um PR-based? Action: jcater isn't sure what word I'm looking for Vee2d2: not in the same place, I hope :) yep, in this particular case we have 2 houses on a lot.. Action: jcater really needs to get back to coding on Rentfree as tax season this year would have been much easier :() Vee2d2: do you do apartments, etc or only houses? we have another lot down the street from it, but it's vacant right now. Action: jcater only does houses at the moment houses but is curious Action: jcater doesn't really want to do that full-time that's one reason I haven't looked too hard you might want to /clear that =) so the wife doesn't read over your shoulders and get ideas :) she's due home any minute brb there.. maybe she'll stay asleep this time. =/ 2 words peppermint schnapps Action: jcater hides =) StevenCen (~hanlin@ joined #gnuenterprise. HI GUYS is revdeke here? define "here" ;) give him a minue minute he was here a second ago oic, thanks:) anyone here using lanePOS? somewhayt he's still dancing around in his undies getting loosened up for gnue-sb work heh KeithJagr ( joined #gnuenterprise. why Vee2d2 ? why do you put such imaged into our heads? at least we hope he's still in his undies hello images* StevenCen: why do you ask? telnet 101 question hi jcater StevenCen: im here jcater, I need a help on installing lanePOS how do i find out under what name the server is running scripts hi derek derek==revDeke oic:) what issues are you having? jcater: my backlog is gone what do you want on schemas it's been 7 or so months since I installed it jcater, no idea how to run it:( schema/ap/foo.gsd schema/ap/foo2.gsd schema/ap/schema.gsd or ap/forms/ ap/reports/ ap/schema/ ap/schema/foo.gsd ap/schema/foo2.gsd ap/schema/schema.gsd StevenCen: were you looking for me for lanepos stuff? or something different/ derek, absolutely derek, do you succeed installing lanepos? Action: derek has never downloaded lanepos suppose i probably discussed jcater's install of it for the bookstore and you may have found that in google ;) Action: derek is fairly allergic to perl KeithJagr ( left #gnuenterprise. derek, what keyword I should use? jcater, can you help me?:) whatt problems are you having with the install? yeah, what problems? derek, I'm totally no idea how to run it it's been 7 months and, unfortunately, that machine is in the store ok lets back up inaccessible to me at the moment :( what operating system if linux what distribution derek, RH ok derek, RH7.3 how did you 'install' it did you download a tarball? an rpm? binaries? derek, i dunno, that's why I asked u:) I'm download a tarball have done anything since downloading tarball/ derek, yes,try to 'make' and got error derek, then try 'make snapshot' also got error can you paste error here? ok, hold on derek, but I don't think so there have RPM to download? I remember having issues installing it I think it took me a week to successfully figure it out but I don't have my notes jcater, so bad:( Maintenance Makefile for Lane BMS v0.1.1 Valid targets are: snapshot [root@neuis-jagan LaneBMS]# make snapshot Creating snapshot... tar: ../archives/lanebms-0.1.1-2003-03-27.tar: Cannot open: No such file or directory tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now make: *** [snapshot] Error 2 derek, that is the result I got Action: derek thinks you will need perl, perl tk, perl postgres, postgres 7.1 ok, if I already have it all, then what's the next step? I don't remember having to run make I think that makefile is for the developer's use I think I had to copy directories to /opt jcater, then? there was a config file somewhere in there looks like that is for making a snapshot of the code AFAICT I think I had to edit w/the postgres username/password jcater, yeah but I don't know what user should I create? it doesn't matter what you call the user you just need to create a posthres user and database using createuser and createdb, respectively then run the lane-dataset-2002-06-20.sql script using psql jcater, you mean import the structure and data inside postgre, is it? I think I called my database "lane", though you could call it your company name yes jcater, then how to execute the lanepos? ok looking at the tarball I think I did cd /opt yeah tar -zxvf /path/to/lane.tar yes, done then in LanePOS/register yes, it's there egads jcater you are using this? derek: there weren't many options Action: derek downloaded it and untarred it, what a frelling mess esp. outside of mysql + java ln all over the place to other ln StevenCen: I use the TK version all with same names not the text version so I just run register/retailTk/X-pos-wrapper jcater, ok, hold on Tk? ew ;) jcater, I run it, but nothing appear and it hanging Can't exec "./register/retailTk/registerRetailTk": No such file or directory at ./X-pos-wrapper line 26. I got that jcater: you never answered queestion on how you wanted schema dirs try to back up into LanePOS directory and then run register/retailTk/x-pos-wrapper derek: don't care right now we can leave as is for now jcater, I think I should install modules probably jcater, I will try it first, let you know later:) Anyway thanks take care all ok --- Thu Mar 27 2003