wtf reinhard ( joined #gnuenterprise. derek ( left irc: Remote closed the connection derek ( joined #gnuenterprise. derek: does it do this in cvs> ? or only when you install it? sorry ksnapshot locked x on me :( kde in sid is horribly screwed Action: derek has fscked up fonts after trying to move to kde (grrrr) let me try cvs you are cursed yes he is :) dneighbo@latitude:~/cvs/gnue/forms/samples/zipcode$ ~/bin/gfcvs zipcode.gfd WARNING: Cannot build about form [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home/dneighbo/gnue/shared/dialogs/about.gfd' WARNING: Cannot build jumpto form [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home/dneighbo/gnue/shared/dialogs/jumpto.gfd' WARNING: Cannot build messageBox form [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home/dneighbo/gnue/shared/dialogs/messageBox.gfd' i get these w/ cvs i didnt get with install you need to rerun cvs performs the same way Action: derek will try and try again dialog errors go away but cvs performs same way wrt inserting wtf def insertRecord(self): calls self.notifyDetailObjects() notifyDetailObjects calls masterResultSetChanged and masterResultSetChanged appears to call the listeners publisher subscriber design pattern there ok barking up wrong tree i think that message is misleading the debug statement prints before it does anything ;) Action: jcater gives up on taxes for the nite later all jcater ( left irc: "sleep" sigh guess that means im done testing Action: Vee2d2 hands derek the queue stick a form in him he's done fork* hmmm, form works too ;) hmm.. I dont think I want to start a fresh pot of coffee.. but I need sompn.. Action: Vee2d2 raids the fridge to see what's drinkable Action: chillywilly has to go make a soda run btami ( joined #gnuenterprise. good morning hi morning btami well i found the bug and check out the comment # TODO: There should probably be some tests here.... GDebug.printMesg(5,'Should do TESTING') if not self.isSaved(): GDebug.printMesg(5,'Im Saved') dispatchEvent('canCOMMIT') else: GDebug.printMesg(5,'Im Not') dispatchEvent('cannotCOMMIT') i added the GDebug.printMesg() statements but the TODO: already existed ;) too much code to wade through to fix properly tonight =) heh did you commit it to cvs? python is so beautiful $Product->{"Accessories_aref"} = &getAccessories("productKey" => $productKey); # Many to many self referential $Product->{"Accessories_href"} = {}; for (my $d = 0; $d < @{$Product->{"Accessories_aref"}}; ++$d) { $Product->{"Accessories_href"}->{$Product->{"Accessories_aref"}->[$d]->{"primaryKey"}} = $Product->{"Accessories_aref"}-\ >[$d]; } :) fugly! you're enjoying your tour de perl? erm...kinda but python is better ;) perl likes to fail silently python will throw exceptions at you cause if I mistype a variable name (which of course I do all the time) perl will just simply chug along like everything is gravy that depends I think depends on what? try to access a non-existant variable of some python object and see what happens ;) add a -W to your perl arguments.. eg: #!/usr/bin/perl -W should give you warnings doesn't help witha cgi nor does it ever tell my anything useful I require()d a file that was non-existent and all I ever got was empty output python would throw ImportError *shrug* I'm far from a perl monk.. I know just enough to be dangerous.. =) sub_pop_culture (~link@ joined #gnuenterprise. Action: Vee2d2 fades in and out of conciousness i avoid perl like its herpes Action: derek goes to bed night nite derek last night I fell asleep sitting here for a good 10-15 mins heheh, in the computer chair? rofl yea.. Action: derek is away: sleepy I need to finish this email and I'm off to bed as well. Action: chillywilly has work to do Action: chillywilly will be up for another 2 hours at least ra3vat ( left irc: "Client Exiting" ra3vat ( joined #gnuenterprise. aaron_ ( left irc: Excess Flood aaron_ ( joined #gnuenterprise. johannes ( joined #gnuenterprise. sub_pop_culture (~link@ left irc: "Client exiting" jrs ( joined #gnuenterprise. btami ( left irc: Arturas ( joined #gnuenterprise. Hello siesel (jan@ joined #gnuenterprise. morning hello Jan siesel (jan@ left irc: "restarting ion" IsoosI ( joined #gnuenterprise. Remosi ( left irc: Read error: 113 (No route to host) Remosi ( joined #gnuenterprise. IsoosI ( left irc: Read error: 113 (No route to host) IsoosI ( joined #gnuenterprise. Remosi ( left irc: Read error: 113 (No route to host) ToyMan ( joined #gnuenterprise. Remosi ( joined #gnuenterprise. btami ( joined #gnuenterprise. any appserver gurus here? sorta :) i'v just started gnue-appserver on win32 and get errors Import Error: No module named commdrivers._parser.Parser in line 133 hmmm what version of appserver do you have installed and what version of common? cvs head it seems that referenses old dir structure IsoosI ( left irc: Read error: 113 (No route to host) sorry, but have to go home bye btami ( left irc: hmason (~hmason@ joined #gnuenterprise. Nick change: hmason -> deprogram jamest ( joined #gnuenterprise. jamest: kent state, huh? kansas state of course :> jbailey ( joined #gnuenterprise. reinhard: how much is actually being done to the appserver? it seems like everyone is working on a 2-tier arrangement that's not quite true us 2 tier losers have less of a live than the appserver people s/live/life and the goal is that forms/reports/designer just work w/ 3 tier I think about appserver alot. Does that count? that's why the appserver interface is just another datasource in gnue jbailey: um, no if things we think about alot counted, i'd have been arrested by now lol Hmm, good point. well... i have a massive legacy application that needs to be reworked into a modern architecture i'd like to put as much as possible into a middle tier I don't know what deployment looks like for appserver deprogram: appserver unfortunately has much less progress than i would want it to have one thing that would help though is having someone like you using it reinhard: so it seems - i'd be happy to work on it I know forms/reports/common are driven by jcater and my needs and sometimes even a user request one thing that would help though is somebody that kicks my ass on a daily basis but we try to avoid that reinhard: I'd offer but it's a hell of a commute :) deprogram: if you were to work on appserver that would be great deprogram: yes what jamest said we're always looking for help very great well, it would be. i have to get more familiar w. python it's simple, just dont read gnue code :) well, some of it :> it seems pretty transparent i've been told that some of it is too hard on python newbs deprogram: We call that 'whitespace' ooo. i like whitespace (i was a graphic designer) before you got too deep we'd need copyright assignment all of us have signed a copyright disclaimer assigning copyright to the FSF i s'pose oic it's our way of insuring no one can take their ball and go home later certainly jamest: And passing the buck legally to someone else. oh yeah makes sense. it may be difficult to persuade my boss that he needs to pay me to hack open src it'd be much harder to sue the fsf than say jcater deprogram: It's usually less hard than you think. of course you wouldn't get much sueing any of us :) otoh, if i write a closed package he will be faced with maintaining it after i quit and move to amsterdam deprogram: The trick is to do a serious cost-benefit analysis. If, in 2 weeks of solid hacking you can get X, and there's no assets, it's usually worth it. which i will if bush gets re-elected Most employers hate acquiring assets - then they have to write them down. A serious database app can be $10k easy. we've been throwing time (and clients money) trying to get a broken proprietary product to work i would say quite a bit more than $10k InsanitY ( left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) jbailey ( left irc: "Client Exiting" Arturas ( left irc: "Bye :)" dsmith ( joined #gnuenterprise. psu ( joined #gnuenterprise. hi all howdy psu greetings psu heh Action: psu is looking at the website we currently have the downloads just on the version of the site I guess we really ought to have them on the site as well or even go the whole hog and put them in only problem is that I can't find any documentation on how to do the latter aha found it but doesn't seem to load to, just savannah Action: psu is not sure about just putting the downloads on the same way as they are on for three reasons: a_ non-standard wrt b_ uses probably more space on than we should really be using c_ anyone who wants to check out the web CVS (e.g. for a spelling mistake) ends up d/l every previous version as part of the web CVS download I don't thing it should be on like our site we should use jamest: I agree main issue is that we would need to get an account(s) on for upload not sure how big a deal that is It would be seamless to end user, as we can still have d/l pages that work as moment with file lists all prettily formatted but the URLs would just be ftp:// rather than http:// i think my account on gnu machines gives me access to i'll have to look into it jamest == elite ;-) lol i wish ello hi ajmitch has ftp access don't you have access jamest ? Actually, would only really work for the official releases dude this guy is a joke first he goes on a rant insulting ppl now he's beggint he GSL developers to switch to LGPL I can imagine "issues" with trying to get jcater's hourly snapshots auto-ftped oh then he instults them again at the end on both sides only releases go on chillywilly: just tell him diplomacy is the art of saying "nice doggy" while you reach for the monkey wrench... they have a seperate setup for alpha code Action: jamest doesn't recall the details jamest: true I think the best thing to do at the moment psu: well a good metaphor for his conduct would be bashing them with the monkey wrench over and over then saying "nice doggy" is to make the downloads still come from for everything but for me to fix that irritaiting <$ tabs () > bug on both sites chillywilly: heh a) "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" b) "if it is broke, fix the broken bit only" jcater ( joined #gnuenterprise. re er re == regards Action: chillywilly thwaps jcater is that a better greeting? ;) InsanitY ( joined #gnuenterprise. can we stop the InsanitY ? ;) ello InsanitY nice to be able to put a face to what ails ya ;) heh, this dude does not give up the gsl guy? sub_pop_culture (~link@ joined #gnuenterprise. can anyone point me to a reference in the GNUe code to download a file listing from a web server directory ? psu__ (psu@ joined #gnuenterprise. hmm lost connection there what I'm trying to do is something like glob.glob ( '*.*' ) but which works ;-) that I'm not sure of Action: psu__ wonders if the code that allows Forms to access a gfd from an URL might help problem is http is not a shell ;) chillywilly: you got that right might be 'interesting' if it was well it is a shell with very limited commands GET, POST, PUT you can pass lots of params well that's not true if it's an IIS server you could get lots of functionality out of it Action: chillywilly was talking about HTTO HTTP Action: psu__ wonders if I can wrestle around with the urllib library to get what I want I think it is a possible to have some sorta HTTP globbing thing psu ( left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) glob calls os.listdir() that would have to be replaced with a GET of some sorts I think you could use urllib to make a GET request then use fnmatch() oops, he went bye bye nope that's mini-me ;-) oh that was the old psu ;) Nick change: psu__ -> psu urllib2 looks more useful back fwiw, I was in the middle of a joke re IIS getting 0wnzed all the time :) ah ;) but I got called away before the punchline the dir would have to be browsable and you'd have to strip the uri stuff off, AFAICT chillywilly: yep. Almost easier to drop down to shell and use wget ;-/ erm, I don't thin you have to strip anything off nm anyway, fnmatch is the key you just need the list of the filename strings chillywilly: yes you should just write a web shell ;) I wanna do psu% ls ;P j/k I was planning something I could do this afternoon, really ;-)) one could argue your web browser is a web shell ;) one could argue your text editor is a web shell... if you use emacs heheh also your spreadsheet, lisp interpreter and one could argue your webserver is a shell with the right rootkit emacs rocks GNUe Designer substitute jcater: HEH jcater: and appropriate webserver softwrae form a certain convicted monopolist makes that argument ever so true speaking of web security how paraniod are we about ash ? i.e. do i need to program defensively against attacks by people who have CVS access no or can we assume they are good guys ? well Action: jcater isn't sure what you're thinking of :) It's the old php trick of passing "../../../passwd" as a parameter but the only way you can do this is by CVS access anyway I guess the one line of code to strip out any /s is worth it *** New prereleases (-pre8) uploaded yay I think these fix derek/revDeke's bugs s/bugs/current bugs fixing all of revDeke's bugs is beyond anyone ;-) yeah I've never seen anyone have as many issues Action: jcater wonders if it's subconsciously self-inflicted sometimes :) The way I look at it, what we lack in quantity of testers we make up for in quality ;-) lol 1 RevDeke == entire M$ beta testing team hehe the man is hopeless isn't he? jcater: even *with* the correct exploit, IIS is useless true dat can anyone confirm that apache/unix is massively more responsive on any given hardware? IIS's threading model may be great on the benchmarks, but single-page load times seem much greater Action: psu guesses this isn;t really the place to look for IIS expertise ;-) doesn't seem like it :> Action: deprogram supposes this is not a bad thing lupo ( joined #gnuenterprise. hullo hi lupo hey psu whazzzuuuuup? prerelases no. 8 on the website memmett ( left irc: Remote closed the connection testers welcome is that the same as CVS head right now? chillywilly ( left irc: "leaving" no the pre8s test the stuff too which cvs doesn't :) well i'd love to test it but i have an exam in inorganic chemistry tomorrow Action: deprogram grabs the packages no noticeable difference fyi: designer startup on win2k produces this output C:\Python22\Lib\site-packages>C:\python22\python.exe c:\python22\scripts\gnue-designer Warning: No event tied to File|New|Form Warning: No event tied to File|Save Warning: No event tied to Edit|Insert|Label Warning: No event tied to Edit|Insert|Unbound Entry Warning: No event tied to Edit|Insert|Drop Down Entry Warning: No event tied to Edit|Insert|Button Warning: No event tied to Edit|Insert|Box DB000: Traceback (most recent call last): DB000: File "C:\Python22\Lib\site-packages\gnue\designer\forms\LayoutEditor\", line 471, in OnPageSelected DB000: self.dispatchEvent('ObjectSelected', object=p, originator="Forms::LayoutEditor") DB000: File "C:\Python22\Lib\site-packages\gnue\common\events\", line 72, in dispatchEvent DB000: handler(event) DB000: File "C:\Python22\Lib\site-packages\gnue\designer\forms\LayoutEditor\", line 165, in onSetCurrentObject DB000: self._setSelection(object, selection) DB000: File "C:\Python22\Lib\site-packages\gnue\designer\forms\LayoutEditor\", line 248, in _setSelection DB000: for key in self._currentSelection: DB000: AttributeError: LayoutEditor instance has no attribute '_currentSelection' the designer loads and appears to run correctly anyway fixed btami ( joined #gnuenterprise. hi jcater: the designer-forms conflict still exist > ? designer saves new forms with name="form" with and without wizard and forms gives Key Error: __main__ sigh I thought that was fixed weeks ago in line 299 ok, committed sigh ok, thanks jcater: nice siesel ( joined #gnuenterprise. hi hello :> hi Jan hello siesel 'course, i still can't connect to a db using any driver... can give traceback if it'll help siesel: when i start gnue-appserver, i get ImportError: reinhard ( left irc: Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer) No module named commdrivers._parser.Parser in line 133 reinhard ( joined #gnuenterprise. i'v reported this to reinhard too :) wb reinhard deprogram: the last few lines of the traceback would help btami: I'm committing a fix now ok, thanks again ok, new gnue-common prerelease up that should fix that issue (/me hopes) C:\Python22\Lib\site-packages>C:\python22\python.exe c:\python22\scripts\gnue-designer Warning: No event tied to File|New|Form Warning: No event tied to File|Save Warning: No event tied to Edit|Insert|Label Warning: No event tied to Edit|Insert|Unbound Entry Warning: No event tied to Edit|Insert|Drop Down Entry Warning: No event tied to Edit|Insert|Button Warning: No event tied to Edit|Insert|Box DB000: Traceback (most recent call last): DB000: File "C:\Python22\Lib\site-packages\gnue\designer\forms\LayoutEditor\", line 471, in OnPageSelected DB000: self.dispatchEvent('ObjectSelected', object=p, originator="Forms::LayoutEditor") DB000: File "C:\Python22\Lib\site-packages\gnue\common\events\", line 72, in dispatchEvent DB000: handler(event) DB000: File "C:\Python22\Lib\site-packages\gnue\designer\forms\LayoutEditor\", line 165, in onSetCurrentObject DB000: self._setSelection(object, selection) DB000: File "C:\Python22\Lib\site-packages\gnue\designer\forms\LayoutEditor\", line 248, in _setSelection DB000: for key in self._currentSelection: DB000: AttributeError: LayoutEditor instance has no attribute '_currentSelection' duh!!! goddam command prompt! Action: deprogram curses sorry about that Action: jcater committed a fix for that a few minutes ago have you updated cvs>? yeah, worked great i'm so used to simply selecting in a terminal, and having it put in the clipboard windows command prompt doesn't do that tho, nooo... here, try this: DB000: File "C:\Python22\Lib\site-packages\gnue\common\datasources\", line 372, in _load_dbdriver DB000: raise GDataObjects.ProviderNotSupportedError, tmsg DB000: gnue.common.datasources.GDataObjects.ProviderNotSupportedError: No database driver found for provider type 'mysql' ** ok, new gnue-common prerelease to fix my fixes from last prerelease deprogram: you might want to run with --debug-level 1 to see if there's another error message what platform are you running this on? do you happen to know if mxDateTime is installed? i'v got another error when trying to run gnue-appserver DB000: Traceback (most recent call last): DB000: File "gnue-appserver", line 60, in ? DB000:; DB000: File "c:\python22\Lib\site-packages\gnue\appserver\", line 173, in run DB000: {'OldSessionManager': self.requestOldSessionManager, DB000: File "C:\python22\lib\site-packages\gnue\common\rpc\", line 112, in bind DB000: raise InvalidAdapter, mesg DB000: gnue.common.rpc.GComm.InvalidAdapter: No module named commdrivers Action: jcater just uploaded -pre8c to fix that I think ooops I just love getting the's working again it's just SOOOO much fun! appserver it's running now on win32 again s/it's/is jcater: win2k sp3 but a little confusing that it gets rpctype from gnue.conf, not from connection.conf Action: lupo better learns a little bit and then goes to sleep mxDateTime is installed lupo ( left irc: "using sirc version 2.211+KSIRC/1.1" btami: which rpctype are you using on win2k? Is it necessary to change the default? just pw_xmlrpc works no, it's ok good. hmmm. so now i get: DB001: [C:\Python22\Lib\site-packages\gnue\common\datasources\GConnections:365] Using gnue.common.datasources.drivers.mysql as base driver for mysql DB001: [C:\Python22\Lib\site-packages\gnue\common\datasources\GConnections:404] gnue.common.datasources.drivers.mysql is not a dbdriver DB001: [C:\Python22\Lib\site-packages\gnue\common\datasources\GConnections:404] gnue.common.datasources.drivers.mysql.mysql is not a dbdriver DB001: [C:\Python22\Lib\site-packages\gnue\common\datasources\GConnections:412] gnue.common.datasources.drivers.mysql.mysql does not contain dbdrivers this happens for other drivers, too egads siesel: i'v converted the appservertest.gfd to 0.5, but how can i login into appserver? deprogram: can you update cvs (or grab new common prerelease) and see if the MySQL error still persists? bbiaf jcater ( left irc: "rebooting" did you use the appservertest.gfd from the appserver/sample directory? bajusz ( joined #gnuenterprise. siesel: i'v used samples/testcases/appserver/appservertest.gfd you should try appserver/samples/appservertest.gfd but you have to "repopulate" your database with appserver/samples/setup-pgsql... i can't see any difference, just address_ addad to table/field names there is an gnue_id in the db tables now ah jcater ( joined #gnuenterprise. and that "address" part is the name of the module the business object person is in ok, trying... jcater ( left irc: Client Quit btw. siesel: have you got a win32 at your hands ? the tabs on tabbed pages doesn't visible on win32 (wx) kind of and i can't follow the wx code ToyMan ( left irc: "Client Exiting" Action: siesel will try jcater ( joined #gnuenterprise. fixe ( joined #gnuenterprise. btami ( left irc: Read error: 113 (No route to host) jbailey ( joined #gnuenterprise. siesel ( left irc: "bbl" psu (psu@ left #gnuenterprise. 'gnight all bajusz ( left irc: night? Where is it night? Mmmm. west asia, I guess. jbailey: europe 23:21 for me jcater: which pieces do i need to [re]install? deprogram: hang on common, obviously yeah, but I need to reload bad typo when I packaged it sigh hmm? i'm using cvs, fwiw oh then cvs update and install common and see how it goes will do reinhard: Mm. I figured out my mistake. I turned 4 pm into 14h00 in my head and then did the math. jbailey: yes, why on earth didn't they make the time system decimal! Or just give up on the stupid use of timezones. Then we'd all just memorise the times instead and be done with it. jbailey: i had no problem talking in gmt that's just an hour away from me :) well two hours actually as we already have dst It's only irritating in that it will change in a week for me. Having dst at different times also annoys me. =) geeze "Don't Worry... Be Happy" -- Benjamin Franklin Err.. Is that quote attributed correctly? Or are there perhaps days, months and years represented in the "..." ? ;P lol just a play on reinhard's /quit message Isn't it make love not war, or something like that? make love not children jcater: nice! for some reason it tries to connect using the loopback address, so auth fails anyway bedtime night all reinhard ( left irc: "Friends may come and go, but enemies accumulate" hmmmmm. i get a login box now. but even with valid credentials, i get 'Unable to connect to mysql' dsmith ( left irc: "later.." ToyMan ( joined #gnuenterprise. hmm well i'm outta here deprogram (~hmason@ left irc: "[BX] With a BitchX here and a BitchX there, here a BitchX there a BitchX everywhere a BitchX" Nick change: jamest -> notJamest siesel ( joined #gnuenterprise. Stoke_ ( joined #gnuenterprise. Stoke ( left irc: Read error: 113 (No route to host) Stoke_ ( left irc: Read error: 60 (Operation timed out) dsmith ( joined #gnuenterprise. dsmith ( left irc: Client Quit notJamest ( left #gnuenterprise. Nick change: jcater -> notJcaRter derek: you here? notJcaRter ( left irc: "home" siesel ( left irc: "night" jcater ( joined #gnuenterprise. jbailey ( left irc: "Client Exiting" deprogram ( joined #gnuenterprise. sub_pop_culture (~link@ left #gnuenterprise ("Client exiting"). jamest ( joined #gnuenterprise. jbailey ( joined #gnuenterprise. jbailey ( left irc: "Client Exiting" Action: derek wonders what siesel wants ToyMan ( left irc: "Client Exiting" chillywilly ( joined #gnuenterprise. chillywilly ( left irc: "leaving" chillywilly ( joined #gnuenterprise. jamest ( left #gnuenterprise. anyone on suse 8.1? Raja ( joined #gnuenterprise. Raja ( left #gnuenterprise. jamest ( joined #gnuenterprise. derek: how goes gnue-sb against 0.5.0 deprogram ( left irc: "[BX] Back wit anutha one of doz BitchX-rockin' beats!" jamest ( left #gnuenterprise. ** New prereleases at (-pre9) not into the double digits quite yet, eh? that'd be a first I hope not this is more than I wanted chillywilly ( left irc: "leaving" hmmm I need to rid my garage/attic of a bunch of atinquated equipment bunch of 386/486 type stuff I should mark a couple hours down this weekend to sorting through it all and trashing a bunch of it jcater ( left irc: "Client Exiting" chillywilly ( joined #gnuenterprise. --- Fri Apr 4 2003