chillywilly ( left irc: "Lost terminal" chillywilly ( joined #gnuenterprise. siesel ( joined #gnuenterprise. morning hi hi chillywilly :) took you a while to respond there... are you busy busy busy? kind of Action: siesel is updating the jsforms client to the new Appserver API seems like just html clients are supporting Unicode and the gtk2 client is broken since the forms ui mockup :( Remosi ( left irc: Excess Flood Remosi ( joined #gnuenterprise. how are you doign char positioning in JS? doing sub_pop_culture (~link@ joined #gnuenterprise. with a hugh tabel but I think, that I will switch to CSS, because its MUCH simpler steveb (~steveb@ got netsplit. steveb (~steveb@ got lost in the net-split. sub_pop_culture (~link@ left #gnuenterprise ("Client exiting"). steveb (~steveb@ joined #gnuenterprise. SachaS ( joined #gnuenterprise. dsmith ( joined #gnuenterprise. SachaS ( left #gnuenterprise ("Client Exiting"). reinhard ( joined #gnuenterprise. hallo reinhard dsmith ( left irc: "later.." siesel ( left irc: "Client Exiting" Stoke ( joined #gnuenterprise. deprogram (~hmason@ joined #gnuenterprise. jamest ( joined #gnuenterprise. ToyMan ( joined #gnuenterprise. dyfet ( joined #gnuenterprise. ni3ola ( joined #gnuenterprise. hi dyfet ( left irc: Client Quit ni3ola ( left irc: "ChatZilla 0.8.23 [Mozilla rv:1.3/20030312]" How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world. --Anne Frank (1929-1945) dsmith ( joined #gnuenterprise. Stoke_ ( joined #gnuenterprise. ant68 (~chatzilla@ joined #gnuenterprise. jamest: testing against 0.5.0 is going slow Action: derek fell asleep at 8:30pm last night while eating dinner :( heh Action: Vee2d2 wipes the mashed taters from derek's face to put it softly... i pulled a vee2d2 ;) jamest: seriously i found two or three bugs in testing and it looks from commit messages jcater patched those if you can hold off and have time tonight i can give them a good pounding this evening if btami has pre's for windows i can test those at work today we're not ready to release just yet anyway Action: derek would test right now but i agreed to take kids to school Action: derek is downloading as we speak to try to squeeze in validation of jcater's patches ;) i've got to test against woody yeah gotta test your woody ;) read wx2.2 this might be a dumb question, but is there a way we could bundle all the tools into a single tarball called GNUe-ApplicationFramework-0.4.99-pre8.tar.gz or whatever Action: jamest thwaps derek and basically when you untar that it has all the tools? Action: derek notes this would be for next pre releases not saying go do this now Stoke ( left irc: Read error: 113 (No route to host) ;) jamest also we should consider making dneighbo@latitude:~/cvs/gnue-sb/item/forms$ gnue-forms --version GNUe Forms Version 0.4.99 GNUe Common Version 0.4.99 dneighbo@latitude:~/cvs/gnue-sb/item/forms$ read 0.4.99-pre9 etc ? *** NOTES TO JCATER *** bug 1: commit enabled bug. This appears to be fixed, the only possible problem would be that if you had something with only one value. that is the 'commit' doesnt enable until you exit a field on the new record (which is way better than it not enabling until you exit the record itself) i consider it fixed, but wanted that side note bug 2: foreign key populating all lookups is _not_ fixed instead of it populating with the value being committed on commit, it now populates with the previous record on commit *** END NOTES TO JCATER *** oh that is with pre9 jamest: im saying the version numbers from the tools should spit out more valid version numbers so that we can tell if we ask, whether someone is using cvs, a pre-release or a stable version currently cvs and pre1 - pre9 all have version of 0.4.99 and when you start having 4 or 5 copies of the framework installed it can be helpful to verify that you are running the version you think you are running ;) that's not easy to do though that .99 is automatically generated internally the value is set to 0.5.0 but the release flag isn't set so it sets itself to 0.4.99 0.5.1 will be the .99 simply tells you that you are running prerelease code to make it make it then would have to edit specific .py files s/make it make it/make it do that/ ah well i think it might be worth considering certainly not mandatory Action: derek has to run to take kiddies to school can someone tell jcater to read backlog re pre9 testing (unless jamest wants to jump on that foreign key bug and suprise jcater with a fix) ;) Action: derek is away: work jcater ( joined #gnuenterprise. jcater ( left irc: Remote closed the connection jcater ( joined #gnuenterprise. aaahhhh designer locked up X yip, 0.5.0 is ready! Action: jcater doesn't feel good about releasing a new desigenr until I get that to happen wooohooo Vee2d2 ( left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) Vee2d2 ( joined #gnuenterprise. deprogram (~hmason@ left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) cool.. got printing working from the vmware session via samba to cups deprogram (~hmason@ joined #gnuenterprise. vmware is non-free man ;) hey, werent you trying to print from windows to cups the other day? no from linux to winblows connected printer via samba/cups not my machine ahh and I also got it working ;P beats transfering stuff to the web serve then having to use windows server to print now I don't have to touch it ;) dsmith ( left irc: "later.." ant68 (~chatzilla@ left irc: "ChatZilla 0.8.23 [Mozilla rv:1.3/20030312]" Vee2d2! chillywilly! hi why are you so excitable? UM err, um I dunno good lunch? what did you have? fried catfish salad mash potatoes w/gravy pinto beans and bread where'd you go to get that? Action: chillywilly can't eat fish nearby cafe Action: chillywilly is allergic l8r reinhard ( left irc: "The more often you run over a dead cat, the flatter it gets" mmmMMMmmm Action: Vee2d2 just had a thai cucumber salad and some stir fried cauliflower n' pork Action: chillywilly had a smoked turkey sandwhich and a big ol can of chunky soup campbells chunky that is Action: jamest had 3 day of pizza heated up in a microwave s/of/old yum yum yummy revDeke ( joined #gnuenterprise. was worried about the culinary exploits of this channel until jamest piped up with a nice solid pizza response Action: revDeke notes that old pizza is much better cold than reheated ;) also many of the lower quality pizzas actually get 'better' with age opposed to worse as inexpensive cheese is often more tasty in a solid state (i.e. cold) jcater: you get my log message on testing your patched bugs? no grrr Action: revDeke slaps everyone in channel i requested someone tell you to read the log :) search for *** NOTES TO JCATER *** Action: revDeke would cut and paste for you, but this irc client isnt that 'powerful' ;) if you can solve the foriegn key one and do a pre10 (along with your fixes to designer i see committed) i can try to give all the tools a nice thorough butt whooping when i get home as vee2d2 if you are around tonight i think i might finish out item_maintenance form out if jcater or jamest is around for bugging then i might add some of the more complex features that will require triggers jcater: i hope to at a minimum tonight test some navigator stuff and the 'schema scripts' cool I'm fixing to head north and pick up my toddler from the granfolk bbiasompn revDeke ( left #gnuenterprise. dsmith ( joined #gnuenterprise. siesel ( joined #gnuenterprise. hi guys howdy sup Action: siesel is reading quite interresting, but a bit too long ;) is that the thing in debian? fontconfig hmmm i need a postgresql user at < 7.3 that has cvs and a few minutes cw: its the discussion about the XFree86 issue happy friday, everyone Action: deprogram does the 5pm friday happy dance deprogram (~hmason@ left irc: "BitchX: born to raise hell" dsmith ( left irc: "later.." jamest ( left #gnuenterprise. jcater ( left irc: "home" siesel ( left irc: "sleeping" steveb (~steveb@ left irc: "new hd" jcater ( joined #gnuenterprise. jamest ( joined #gnuenterprise. jamest ( left irc: Remote closed the connection jamest ( joined #gnuenterprise. jamest ( left irc: Remote closed the connection jamest ( joined #gnuenterprise. Action: chillywilly thwaps jamest HA! Action: jamest has had his thwap resistant boxers on all day i'm submitting designer bugs so I had to heh SachaS_ ( joined #gnuenterprise. jamest_ ( joined #gnuenterprise. jamest ( left irc: Read error: 113 (No route to host) Nick change: jamest_ -> jamest Stoke_ ( left irc: Remote closed the connection V_Folx (~vin@ joined #gnuenterprise. steveb (~steveb@ joined #gnuenterprise.,2100,58326,00.html V_Folx: is that mikey playing covert ops from his parents house? ToyMan ( left irc: "Client Exiting" SachaS_ ( left #gnuenterprise ("Client Exiting"). V_Folx (~vin@ left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) Stoke ( joined #gnuenterprise. --- Sat Apr 5 2003