fixe ( left irc: Read error: 60 (Operation timed out) jcater ( left irc: "Client exiting" reinhard ( joined #gnuenterprise. Arturas ( joined #gnuenterprise. Hello Cole117 ( joined #gnuenterprise. johannes ( joined #gnuenterprise. Cole117 ( left #gnuenterprise. lupo_ ( joined #gnuenterprise. Arturas ( left irc: "Bye :)" vrooom uh, yea it's too frickin' early to be awake what the hell ajmitch is back but he's too good to hang out in this channel... everyone harass him ;) hm? nm away Action: lupo_ is away: +49 171 700 31 48 ToyMan ( joined #gnuenterprise. carX ( joined #gnuenterprise. jamest__ ( joined #gnuenterprise. reinhard ( left irc: Remote closed the connection jcater ( joined #gnuenterprise. hey dudes yo what's with the tail? you see jcater er, jcater's comments from yersterday regarding tails yesterday i have no idea i must have a system logged in somewhere ah, my home account how is the dsl connection? pretty fast? chicks dig tails ? hehe, yup ;) Action: Vee is being paged, bbiab reinhard ( joined #gnuenterprise. jbailey ( joined #gnuenterprise. carX ( left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) dsmith ( joined #gnuenterprise. How much sump could a sump pump pump if a sump pump could pump sump? how much money have ya got? A pile of pennies within arms reach. Action: Vee claps his hands and says, "today is going to be a great day!" Action: jamest__ takes the crack pipe away from Vee any day that involves going to work can't be a great day would for me Action: Vee notes he's at home I like work. They pay me for it. I need muohuhohuhouhhhhny, that's what I want. jamest__: Just you wait until you don't have work to go to! the number of places I've seen shutting down is pretty scary dsmith ( left irc: "later.." alex_kar (~alex@ joined #gnuenterprise. alex_kar (~alex@ left #gnuenterprise ("Client Exiting"). Vee: you evil bastid ;P whoever wrote this code was on crack IMHO you still working with havoc? yea but he didn't write this someone else magled it into this state mangled ;) just teasing it's not that bad, but it has to be changed I am so frelling tired you know playing guitar helps my typing guess it gives the forarma a good work out heh, I take it back ;) nothing can help my typing fagit abot it heh I was just curious, btw.. not implying that havoc writes bad code.. =) he has other minion^H^H^H working for him ppl blah maybe I need some caffiene Action: chillywilly feels like slug man I'm addicted to coffee, there's no doubt about it fixe ( joined #gnuenterprise. ello fixe hey chillywilly! jhihn1 ( joined #gnuenterprise. good day let's hope so hehe... James clued me into GNUe... I have several questions: I'm not sure we allow questions. Aren't those being added in a future release? you're saying any questions are unsupported? is there a patch? He mentioned that HTML UIs are in the works... Can I get a more complete status? Lots of patches. =) There's a buch of stuff on the website for roadmaps and what features are being added when. The HTML UI is in the works, but no code has been committed jamest: I sent off for my assignment papers finally, BTW. well, like a typical user, I'd like to have it sooner than later ;-) ah, excellent! Are you unlike a typical user? Can you write python? =) Most of GNUe at this point is based on what the people who are coding need. So the best way to get the features you want, is to want what the developpers want. I'm learning it - outside of gnu for my own benefit =) I've been playing with wxPython.... But I'm also well versed in perl and php, c and c++ Python wil come to you very easy then. well it's a lot like vb, but soooo much better The whitespace is a bit weird to get used to - That can be worked around if you've got a good IDE. python smython It's like vb, but not. =) I've been following basic since the 80s, though when I got into college, i put my childish things away Actually I was looking at doing my current project in python anyway because there will be several coders and python stays striaght forward the other thing that I'm looking forward to is the somewhat obscure curses support Curses support appears to be unfinished, but in CVS. I saw the screenshot on the web page.. I guess colors and such can be changed by at worst, modding the python classes Like the menu... I could change that to be more spiffy? I'm off for lunch... k ask jcater he wrote the curses front end oh jcater... you around? Action: jhihn1 pokes jcater occasionally hehe hello. What could you tell me about curses support? shakey, at best oh really? y? I had to put on hold for a little while to revamp the underlying curses library oh well, how complete would you say it is? to put it another way what is not implemented? This gnue thing looks cool, but I get the feeling that it is not ready yer er, yet well it's hard to say "not ready" we are using the wx client in production the curses is mostly implemented it's mainly odd things that have to be tracked down but the whole project is a work in progress of course, that's OSS or FS depending on who you talk to ;) but I wouldn't put curses in production use, definitely :) that's not what I want to hear :-( i don't mind fixing little gotchas, but I'm not in a position to write whole sections use the source luke ;P hehe Ok, I know you're looking for .5 to come out, any idea how long that will be? Action: chillywilly thought it was already released... /topic is your friend :) whoops. well some pages still say that.4.99 is it what pages? s/what/which/ the combination of the two (without a newer entry) mak me thing .5 hasnt happened yet and at the top f each page "0.5.0 pre-releases available for testing" someone should update the news chillywilly: I choose you :) HEH we need to get psu to teach us how to update the stuff I don't even have a shell account anymore or I don't remember my password ok, jcater, could curses be used for development? is it that complete? just use LTSP like jcater does ;) and the wxwindows ui Action: chillywilly runs LTSP? linus terminal server project I know wxWindows though :- :-) linux even ooh, I fully intend to but how does that go with what you're saying? curses is not that far from completion I was planning on LTSP'g the ncurses app cause some people still like text - it's faster data entry and graphical Ok, so dropdowns, check boxes and stuff are implemented? s/and graphical/than graphical/ i think the biggest issue w/ curses is the lack of window support which the new dialogs/message stuff in 0.5.0 needs really it just needs some tcl as the core of forms works tcl? tlc Action: jcater thwaps jamest__ no tcl in gnue! how about JAVA!!!!! Action: jcater thwaps jamest__ Action: jamest__ is a java fool now NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!1 jhihn1: the nice thing is that you can develop and test w/ wx now and curses will just work when it's complete jamest__: who are you and what have you done with the real jamest would the real jamest please stand up please stand up man I'm hungry since designer is written in wx you'll need that anyway Action: jcater hopes to add a curses preview mode into designer soon but not this release sigh, i need to get back into gnue code again soon I agree i don't think I've broken anything in months though designer is still hurting from my last efforts yeah bwahahahahaha I need to do a 0.5.1 designer release soon er, i mean, that's unfortunate I have a list of 5-6 big gotchas in the 0.5.0 release i've got 1 in forms that makes it suck when used with navigator fixed in head Action: jbailey thwaps jamest__ You said Java. ewww.. sigh, i know i can't get the stains off my fingers so I may as well keep coding w/ it right? I could chop your fingers off. Chillywilly eats meat, he might be interested in them. They've got to be better than those chicken fingers he was talking about. Chickens are scrawny. i thought he ate trout I am not a cannibal chillywilly: Are you an jamest the same species? w00t! See! I'm human! oh wait, he's a penguin Action: chillywilly is a pengnuin no, pen-gnu-in big difference ;) jhihn1: what's your timeline? It means he can eat penguins too. i sec.. phone he's witht he SEC? :-o Did GNUe go public? Where are my shares! I want options! I've been abusing you long enough... me too you turn in the html driver you get options HEH lol options like 1) you can now work on the menu system 2) you can now work on the gtk2 driver 3) all of the above ;P we're happy to provide options hehe Action: jcater needs to get rid of his options give them to ajmitch he's too cowardly to show his face here cause he was trying to ditch his options [13:15] --- [ajmitch] ( : ajmitch [13:15] --- [ajmitch] #metawrap #dunlug #dotgnu [13:15] --- [ajmitch] : [13:15] --- [ajmitch] idle 03:55:29, signon: Mon Apr 21 02:13:39 [13:15] --- [ajmitch] End of WHOIS list. I see him fixe ( got netsplit. jamest ( got netsplit. InsanitY ( got netsplit. johannes ( got netsplit. ra3vat ( got netsplit. blah jamest ( returned to #gnuenterprise. fixe ( returned to #gnuenterprise. johannes ( returned to #gnuenterprise. InsanitY ( returned to #gnuenterprise. ra3vat ( returned to #gnuenterprise. damn freenode wb net splitters ok, back stupid work Hmm, now that we've started to think like a dot com company and takling about stock before a product release, we're doomed, aren't we? anyway, my timeline is sort-of up in the air. I need HTML first, Action: chillywilly listens to slayer chillywilly: When did you start listening to slayer? then curses, then GUI I was thinking that a cgi rpc driver would be best to accomodate a web client jbailey: I have some erm "worldly" music in my play list Concur. Should be easy to do the wrapper also in a way that it will like mod_python. RPC? yea for the appserver we have an abstraction I was just thinking: what happened to jan's javascript setup of rpc in gnue common chillywilly: Initially it's easier to wrap on forms until appserver is up to the challenge. wasn't that a forms ui driver we don't allow thinking in these parts jamest__: afaik, he hacking on it jamest__: I played with it the other day i saw a working demo a few weeks ago using appserver jamest__: Have they reimplemented the forms logic in appserver now? I saw one the other day I wouldn't care if I had to hand-write html because there is no kind of absolute positioning no the jsforms is a separate client no, appserver has a gnue-forms datasource driver so it's a ehole different cat to skin and it was using the appserver driver The final logic can't be in the client, it's insecure. *especially* something like Javascripts that's way too easy to edit. hack, etc.. agreed anyway lemme paste into here How would you enforce jcater's input validation stuff? table | element | abs_position | control| ctrl_attrib | validate_func -------------------------------------------------- address | address1 | (45,34) | NULL | NULL | val_addr_address() address | state | (34,65) | NULL | NULL | val_addr_state_() address | ex_bool | (34,32) | CHECKBOX | NULL | NULL ummm, thanks do it in triggers triggers are evil they are good stuff we have triggers in forms they're not evil...just misunderstood so..I don't see how ou can get full forms in html jamest ( got netsplit. fixe ( got netsplit. InsanitY ( got netsplit. johannes ( got netsplit. ra3vat ( got netsplit. write a ui plugin html won;t ever be as rich as GUI you can't get the real time validation html forms will be crippled javascript does pre-validation jhihn1: It theoretically could be. but all validation happens in the backend "virtual form" jamest ( returned to #gnuenterprise. fixe ( returned to #gnuenterprise. johannes ( returned to #gnuenterprise. InsanitY ( returned to #gnuenterprise. ra3vat ( returned to #gnuenterprise. cause it doesn't work like a gui But you must *never* trust a browser. then the sever does final web apps have no state dna this aplitting is driving out of my frellin' mind so data can still be validated johannes ( got netsplit. ra3vat ( got netsplit. jbaily: hence he trigger validation johannes ( returned to #gnuenterprise. ra3vat ( returned to #gnuenterprise. Well, I was going to write my own system, then james told me about GNUe if I should suffer why shouldn't he right? I was going to rely on a database table and triggers, and for html throw n javascrpt for RT validation jamest ( got netsplit. fixe ( got netsplit. jhihn1: Putting the triggers in at the database level means that you lose the abstraction. jamest ( returned to #gnuenterprise. fixe ( returned to #gnuenterprise. no, it means you gain a final check I think that logic is best suited to go in at the appserver so that sane results can be handed back to the clients. triggers aren't portable fuck MySQL forms doesn't care, it can work either way db triggers jamest ( got netsplit. fixe ( got netsplit. mysql is excellent for web apps geeze Postgres is the shizznit :-) validate with triggers or in the form, or appserver, or all three yeah, it can;t hurt to do it everywhere as for storing the form in the db i've debated doing that not as a table but as a text field I can tell you it's the wayt o go fixe ( returned to #gnuenterprise. jamest ( returned to #gnuenterprise. I have mixed feelings about it I think I am going to kick lilo in the nuts j/k lilo!!! because having it in files completely defeats the database aspect dude like watches the logs and shit you have forms definitions int he clients all that have to be updated seperately Action: chillywilly thought a db was for data chillywilly: It's like apparently they have a wall of monitors at google showing all the in progress queries. in a database, update a row and everyone has the new stuff screen layout is data our forms client can pull a form from http: chillywilly: I keep wondering about directors meetings. When "goat sex" goes flying across all the monitors... oh, that's cool heh and adding support for putting them in the db shouldn't be too hideous it was a SQL*Forms feature I never used it;s just a blob jamest__: I think it would be nice if eventually the /etc/gnue files could also be refered to off of the web server somehow, and just cache the passwords or something. big fat blobby bitches you mean set at runtime? er install time ok, well I have to run out for a second, but I'll be back Or just as part of the gfd. silly lilo Define the data source there. So if you've got a trusted connection to a web server (say, an intranet or an entrust encrypted connection) you can push an apt-get install gnue-forms, and then push out a menu entry that says gnue-forms http://foo/my.gfd and have it Just Work. interesting IIRC there is almost nothing stopping this from working now as we use our openResource() to open config files IIRC yeah we've already hacked openResource() to look in gear files Nice. =) dsmith ( joined #gnuenterprise. l8rall reinhard ( left irc: "If you think there is good in everybody, you haven't met everybody" dyfet ( joined #gnuenterprise. you said you needed window support in curses, but it looks like you have it in the screenshot...? ah, i mean overlapping windows 0.5.x eats it's own dogfood wrt to dialogs so forms can call up other forms as dialogs curses can't do this cleanly yet however UI drivers and docs are what are left in the 0.5.x series if we can keep focused then things should start coming together a little faster than 0.5.0 took there's no call to save_background(top,left,w,h)? lupo_ ( left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) OnClose(): restore_background()? brb that's my understanding but jcater is the man that knows the exact details psu ( joined #gnuenterprise. psu: how do we add news? we releases 0.5.0 like 2 weeks ago but I don't think anyone knows how to release the news on the site um, it's all documented somewhere let me look And there is a new bayonne release too :) basically we do everything on website via CVS now with some very low-grade python I wrote to do the templating & news is your friend ;-) As python scripts to update our website are technically FSF software I've included the standard "Front Cover Text" ;-) The quickstart guide is a) Check site out in CVS b) Write news article with XML tage tags c) run d) recommit to CVS "Whatever the source of the news item, prepare it as an XML file using your favourite text editor (emacs, vi, kate, cat " Action: psu doesn't like to be too prescriptive in the matter of text editors. Oh, and the code to also post web site news to gnue-announce I never got working but the stub is there dyfet: Is bayonne assigned to the FSF? dyfet: It's April, so theoretically I'm supposed to start hacking on that stuff to configure a PBX. its assigned to ost for the most part What will you want for the copyright on pieces that I write? your first born? :) Done! Well, wait. I should check with Angie first. But I think it would be sweet to deliver you a child in 5 or 6 years with a tag that reads: Actually all you need to do is use one of the fsf copyright assignments, you can assign it fsf or ost, whichever makes you happier "Do you remember on #gnuenterprise at 15:10 Eastern time, you said..." I don't know if the FSF will take the copyright assignment if they don't have all the rest of the program assigned to them. fsf europe is also a valid option for bayonne developers to use in europe They have done it in the past (partial) it also serves everyones goals better to have joint custody among a few parties, rather than a single entity a single (commercial) entity can change license on whim (look at mono)... Yeah. spread too far and its not possible to change the license when its actually needed (look at mozilla) Hence, I think two-three entities with similar philisophical viewpoints is probably most ideal Hey - maybe if I write good enough code, I'll convince OST to take me on as a coop student when I start school. =) maybe :) i have to go... dyfet ( left irc: "Client exiting" ToyMan ( left irc: "Client Exiting" psu: I don't like how you have kate as the third option in your text editor list and emacs as the first! what favoritism! Action: jcater runs to sulk in the corner Action: psu notes that most lists of text editors usually start & end "emacs, vi" Action: psu is being quite catholic including kate too ;-) lol as well as that ol' faviourite, cat < con: how's the new job? pretty good so far oh, so ncurses can't save the background? i think that's the issue we adopted a package called nstti and jcater had his way with it, er, i mean worked on it a lot i haven't touched that code since I first split it apart and added distutils Action: jbailey melts in pain at the site of the word 'disutils' at least I think that's what I did, jcater probably changed all that too Action: jamest__ thwaps jbailey that sucks. At least in DOS you could memcopy the video segment you were going to overwrite learn something new ya gezzer You're telling me that, while jhihn1 is talking about how thigns are done in *DOS*? =) er, i mean, sorry to cause you pain Mr Bailey /msg jbailey he's too new a abuse...wait till tomorrow s/a/to to get a save_background to work, you have to track waht each cell was rendered as /msg jamest__ Yeah. Just remind Derek to wait that long. it's not really a matter of not knowing what to fix, it's a matter of taking the time to fix things /msg jamest__ Although.. How long had psu been around before we put him on the rack? /msg jbailey too long. We're getting better though jcater seems to think he has a life or something Action: jamest__ thwaps jcater As long as he doesn't get a wife. Those take too much time. so what's the likelyhood of curses getting a save_background? curses has been stable for, oh, over a decade or so so if it isn't there, we probably won't see it we are using ncurses though, which has several enhancements so how do they save_backgrounds()? it may ahve something like that we don't know about I know you can grab a character cell at a time so you coujld do your own save_background char and attrib? I think so so overload the window driver to call a save_background(), then restore_background() on close or am I over simplifying ? well the issue was not entirely just figuring out how to save the background it was more time than anything we have to do an interface that actually keeps track of windows make time; make install lol I wish :) $ make time make: *** No rule to make target `time'. Stop. ooooo if you implement make time You don't make time, you do time. Action: jbailey pulls out the handcuffs. could you also implement make cash I can do "make cash" I have the printers make cash, also results in 'do time'. just don't turn me in :p I have the equipment just not the balls :) make love can result in time too, if you get creative making time is no harder than inserting moments between now and then Of which, there are infanantly many :-) jacter why track windows? if you think about it, if you save and restore a background, then all you need is done psu__ ( joined #gnuenterprise. but something has to keep track of what windows have focus and what is overlapping what the stack dos that right no, the restore_background does that but something still has to track all that no, they dont lemme explain everything is a 2d projection of 2d plaines arranged on top of each other (Z order) the stack tracks the Z order. Because windows are popped off the stack, if each one restores his background then everythign will be resotreed correctly assuming all windows are modal which might be an ok initial assumption, I suppose more or less, they are that's an OK assumption for the moment as far as forms in concerned if they are not, then they have to implement a redraw function psu ( left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) and when the stack comes back to them they redraw Nick change: psu__ -> psu forms itself doesn't expect modal forms but all the dialogs implemented so far are modal that should take care of 99% of windows but I see now, that indeed non-modal dialogs are a problem the solution to them is to implement a redraw jhihn1: carefull, you're starting to sound like someone that wants to code and I can assure you we are always looking for victims If I knew python better I would and knew the toolkit better I would jhihn1: if i can hack python, anyone can today is my first day here... :-) be easy on the newbie :-) my last "serious" programming was early 1980s Basic i did that too my past fun project was this: #2 so i gots max skillz when i wants to use them I have to decide though, and soon too, to go with this or go my own route it depends exactly what you're doing but if your goals are at all aligned with GNUe's everything.. html, GUI and curses it's probably worth working with GNUe jhihn1: cool on that openchallenge thing thanks Action: jhihn1 blushes as a) why reinvent the wheel b) you get to hang out with the K()()L D()()DZ here awesome!!! :P c) Synergy and all that I'd like to help out on something as awesome as this jhihn1: neat Action: psu remembers dneighbo_ doing a much more lucid explanation of this but I had been planning on light JS validation, for the web and UIs using 100% stored proceedures for business logic and final validation I asked a Q on postgres-general about something that would allow me to build forms from the database structure on the fly, more or less then frontends are a task, but relatively trivial psu ( left #gnuenterprise. the problem with GNUe is it is a project with it's own momentum (and inertia) but DAMN if Forms,Reports and Designer don't look good! ToyMan ( joined #gnuenterprise. having (according to sloccount) Total Physical Source Lines of Code (SLOC) = 51,599 tends to make one set in their ways :) is that for all of gnue? yes wooo common's the big boy at almost 18000 lines of code when forms to refers to triggers, those are done in python or on the database? a little more info Development Effort Estimate, Person-Years (Person-Months) = 12.57 (150.83) (Basic COCOMO model, Person-Months = 2.4 * (KSLOC**1.05)) Schedule Estimate, Years (Months) = 1.40 (16.82) (Basic COCOMO model, Months = 2.5 * (person-months**0.38)) Estimated Average Number of Developers (Effort/Schedule) = 8.97 Total Estimated Cost to Develop = $ 1,697,911 (average salary = $56,286/year, overhead = 2.40). Please credit this data as "generated using 'SLOCCount' by David A. Wheeler." triggers can be done anywhere you like in forms or appserver (i believe that's working) they are in python but nothing stops you from doing db triggers right... jhihn1: do you have any of our code yet? cvs? i'm going to download it soon we have lots of samples ah and we have a forms developers guide started i'm reading it and a common developers guide started (for using outside of gnue) lots of TODO though sure but 70 or so pages too :) be positive we need the encouragement :) so where is the business logic suggested to reside? depends on your target if you're N-tier then appserver you can put in in the form (or in forms libraries) if you're old school like me or it sounds like you want it in the db as triggers i read somewhere about interconnections between service providers and two ways to do it - to the DB or throught he API I'd prefer triggers (in db) because that's your lowest level you can't violate them what if you want to move to the GPL'd sapdb? i don't know anythign about sap :-( but that's a design decision there's a lot to be said to db-level triggers all i know is that people get paid big bucks for it though it does tie you to a database I use them though somewhat regret it but could not have done the stuff I do now without them who needs anyhting other than postgres? ;-) i've done my share of triggerless MySQL and it sucks jhihn1: You shouldn't be able to violate triggers in appserver either. really? why not? as long as you always use the appserver api you wouldn't be able to and if appserver was where it needed to be :) but it's getting there Action: havoc notes that the *API*, and not the db, should handle all enforcement of data structure and consistency anyway triggers and stored procs are for babies who don't really know anything about engineering ;) dbs frequently outlive their APIs sometimes for decades s/APIs/interfaces jcater: appserver should overcome that. jcater: which is exactly why they should have app loginc in the db should not have oops Or, at least, appserver will be the stick in the mud that you can't get rid of. =) (unlike, say, being stuck with clipper) application logic, sure but integrity logic is a little blurier I would never use db-level triggers except that I'm working w/legacy systems and it makes all the difference in the world in a fresh from-scratch system I would avoid them jcater: Legacy is anything older than gnue-forms 1.0? =) lol Anyone know if anything (browser or server) supports HTTP over TLS yet? dunno speaking of the evils of db level triggers and lock in :) i need to have a postgresql trigger that runs an external app when things chage in a table anyone know how to make that happen there's this guy in kansas this is for my extra spiffy postgresql->word perfect 5.1 mail merge format syncronizer that I usually ask postgres questions to he's quirky with 7 trigger languages.. there are at least 7 ways but seems knowledgable yeah, well he hasn't looked into this before i'd select a language that allows system() calls like python yum! here's my justification: importing data i write a scrupt to process an ascii file to go into the database... I need trigger validation AND business logic integrity otherwise I'd have to write a whole new gnu app yodermk ( joined #gnuenterprise. also update this page jhihn1: there's no reason to need triggers for canned data you're creating that format what the hell do you need to make sure it is validated? s/what/why/ because what if it is to update a record who uses a compund key and one or more parts don't exist? or when you import sucha record then another record is to be created, stuff like that for instance, invoicing.. you have an invoice and a line item. each time you add/del/mod a line item the invoice amount needs to be recalc'd dsmith ( left irc: "later.." even though you shoudl recalc through the records, you have to stote the invoice amt seperately so you can see what was billed even if after they are billed someone goes i and mods it I write a perl script to import data :P jamest__: We've had goat sex, canabalism, and a discussion about appserver, and jhihn1 hasn't been scared off yet. the gnue way would be to use gnue integrator jamest__: Now all he needs to pass is the Derek test, and use should put him to work. ;) but it's not done ukpgc ( joined #gnuenterprise. Nick change: ukpgc -> fil_c johannes_ ( joined #gnuenterprise. johannes ( left irc: Read error: 111 (Connection refused) anyone seen Derek? torenvliet ( joined #gnuenterprise. nope jamest__ ( left #gnuenterprise. has there been any advances on that problem I was having yesterday? jcater ( left irc: "home" jbailey ( left irc: "Client exiting" dsmith ( joined #gnuenterprise. torenvliet ( left irc: "Client Exiting" jbailey ( joined #gnuenterprise. jcater ( joined #gnuenterprise. sub_pop_culture (~link@ joined #gnuenterprise. sub_pop_culture (~link@ left irc: Client Quit sub_pop_culture (~link@ joined #gnuenterprise. sub_pop_culture (~link@ left irc: Excess Flood ToyMan ( left irc: "Client Exiting" sub_pop_culture (~link@ joined #gnuenterprise. dsmith ( left irc: "later.." sub_pop_culture (~link@ left irc: Excess Flood sub_pop_culture (~link@ joined #gnuenterprise. Nick change: dneighbo_ -> derek jbailey ( left irc: "Client exiting" dsmith ( joined #gnuenterprise. jbailey ( joined #gnuenterprise. anyone else subscribed to gnucash list and ready to vomit over the budget proposal being spewed about? being a budget stud in 'real life' their proposal sounds about as brillant as putting square wheels on a bicycle nope hi derek ok maybe not that bad but non sensical (at least to me) I subscribe but these days it's click on folder, Ctrl+A, Delete jcater: me too BUT i had to read BUDGETING PROPOSAL i mean thats like reading MAGAZINE SUBSCRIPTION ACCOUNTING MODULE PROPOSAL in the subject line makes you 'have' to look heya derek Action: Vee is wooped maybe back later.. jbailey ( left #gnuenterprise ("Client exiting"). esands__ ( got netsplit. Stoke ( got netsplit. Stoke ( returned to #gnuenterprise. esands__ ( returned to #gnuenterprise. sub_pop_culture (~link@ left irc: Excess Flood jcater ( left irc: "Client exiting" dsmith ( left irc: Remote closed the connection sub_pop_culture (~link@ joined #gnuenterprise. sub_pop_culture (~link@ left irc: Excess Flood sub_pop_culture (~link@ joined #gnuenterprise. --- Wed Apr 23 2003