sub_pop_culture (~link@ joined #gnuenterprise. Vee ( joined #gnuenterprise. Vee2d2 ( left irc: Read error: 113 (No route to host) reinhard ( joined #gnuenterprise. Arturas ( joined #gnuenterprise. Vee ( left irc: Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer) Hello Arturas ( left irc: "Bye :)" Arturas ( joined #gnuenterprise. Arturas ( left irc: "Bye :)" Arturas ( joined #gnuenterprise. Arturas ( left irc: "Bye :)" SachaS ( left irc: "leaving" Arturas ( joined #gnuenterprise. Eulenreich ( joined #gnuenterprise. Eulenreich ( left irc: Client Quit Eulenreich ( joined #gnuenterprise. Is here someone to tell me some about GNUe: 1. is ist workable for a simple 2 men office 2. is it possible to have ms-Win-XP clients hmm yes for the second and afaik 1 is true too 3. Is it possible to develop and customize on W2k with cygwin ? I believe so I'm not an expert in the field :) ... the implementation shall run on Suse 8.1 I have read about many projekts: Sql-Ledger Erp5 Linux-Kontor ....etc But this projekt seems to me most open and lively yeah, it is :) Some developers reside in germany like me - i have seen - Where do you live? Look like New Zealand ? yeah I'm a New Zealander :) Do You develop ? Or do You have expirience in implementing GNUe Vee2d2 ( joined #gnuenterprise. Eulenreich ( left irc: Remote closed the connection Ulenrich ( joined #gnuenterprise. ToyMan ( joined #gnuenterprise. exit Ulenrich ( left irc: Client Quit rabuso ( joined #gnuenterprise. Arturas ( left irc: "Bye :)" rabuso ( left irc: jcater ( joined #gnuenterprise. jamest ( joined #gnuenterprise. what's a good way to do a "Loading .... " type of screen for a web app? refresh? prolly no FLASH! or JAVA! Loading... the problem is that the load time is variable it's a CGI that contacts UPS and UPS sometimes takes a long time to respond I see some sites that have a "Loading ..." page that is immediately replaced once the requested content is available but have no idea how it's done and can't remember the URL of any that I've seen havoc: hope that helps Action: havoc is looking ... half way down the page is "LoadingBar " it has a view demo you can look at ah, I know how to implement the bar my problem is knowing when to end the "loading ..." page esands_ ( joined #gnuenterprise. EUREKA! I'll have CGI send header, open popup that says "UPS being contacted blah blah", then when page finishes loading, close the popup and ppl who have popups blocked will just have to wait it's all good =) the problem is the variable time it takes UPS to respond :( bastards jhihn1 ( joined #gnuenterprise. it's not like that your fault paypal has a Loading... page paypalsucks ya think? Action: chillywilly thwaps derek chillywilly: Ideally we'd want to load a page, then be able to send another page whent he info is available how long does it take to ping UPS? not ping rate request and last night was taking up to 25s so it's not a network thing but just server response is slow as hell? it would be both I figure word up, all all words up, here chillywilly: yes esands ( left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) dsmith ( joined #gnuenterprise. ra3vat ( left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) is anyone getting version GLIBCPP_3.2 not defined in file with link time reference when upgrading sid? Action: jcater has for last 2-3 days several packages, lilo included, won't install because of it yea, you gotsta downgrade -dpkg- downgrade to the pre5 version of libstdc++5: wget; dpkg -i libstdc++5_3.3-0pre5_i386.deb who uses lilo? grub! yay grub Action: Vee2d2 doesnt boot often enough to bother with anything besides lilo lilo and stitch i use lilo [11:35] Last message repeated 1 time(s). see no reason to switch it does the job fixe ( joined #gnuenterprise. Vee2d2: thanks! that worked um, why is my cvs version of designer in Kanji? you should know japanese! our designer? cool yeah that that's a "feature" the labels are in japanese the labels on the properties I mean the Menu is in english how can I fix it? where it has ID, Language, Name, Src, and Type are all in Kanji hmmm what environment are you running in? i.e., wx version gtk version red hat 8, and I just got wxPython like 5 minutes ago (for Python 2.2.1) jhihn2 ( joined #gnuenterprise. it looks lik very nice Kanji though hmm we had that problem with an internal program several months ago but an upgrade to wxWindows fixed that I'm really not sure how to fix it are you on wx 2.4 or 2.2 ? wxPythonGTK-py2.2- fresh off the ftp looks liek everythign in bold is fsck'd Action: jcater is reasonably sure it's GTK font mapping issues but I have no idea how its triggered or how to fix it gtk always frells up the fonts how far along is the qt driver?> lemme log out and back in qt driver? for? designer doesn't do qt it's wx only jhihn2 ( left irc: "Leaving" heh. designer just took over my desktop.. hada drop to the console to kill it.. =/ i got a warnign when logging in that said that my hostname couldn;t be resolved and that it might mess stuff up do you think it's related? I'd hope not. at most it should only need loopback I wouldn't think so is this a fairly fresh redhat install? yeah Action: jcater wonders if more fonts need to be installed Well it's just the bold stuff neat, it's reproducible, too.. I'd loaded james's scanner.gfd for more studyin and clicked the dropdown in the code editor to look at the triggers, when I click on one of the triggers in the dropdown, I can move the mouse around, but it doesnt do anything when I click and the dropdown stays open, the keyboard's also unresponsive. I can hit escape before clicking on a trigger and the dropdown closes as it should. you ever hear the story about the guy who went to the doctor i have a scanner.gfd out there? and complained that his arm hurt when he bent it a certain way so the doctor says, "don't bend it that way and it won't hurt" =) ok.. so just read the file in a text editor for the time.. =) actually, the mouse issues are on my list of about 6 things that must be fixed for 0.5.1 due out May 2004 what! we moved the date up? oooo typo due out May 2006 I dunno I think we can probably make december we'll build up momentum on that release by announcing 0.5.0 availablity on the web site a few months earlier I suppose we should announce 0.5.0, eh? Action: jcater runs off to read psu's notes annouce it? I thought it was released a long while ago yes, and your point is? just because we worked hard on a release doesn't mean we're wanting people to know about it ok... :) Action: chillywilly thwaps jamest we never announced the release anyone know how to checkout www/ directories from savannah? jamest: I thought it was something like that jamest: what version of scanimage are you using, the one I have here doesnt understand --resolution (which seems odd) scanimage (sane-backends) 1.0.11; backend version 1.0.11 those optoins are scanner specific ok i think ii libsane 1.0.11-2 API library for scanners i honestly didn't know I had a scanner.gfd out there should be libinsane you sent it to me ah =) cool :) I'm attempting to learn something from it ra3vat ( joined #gnuenterprise. ra3vat ( left irc: Read error: 60 (Operation timed out) ra3vat ( joined #gnuenterprise. ra3vat ( left irc: Read error: 60 (Operation timed out) ra3vat ( joined #gnuenterprise. ok, website updated mortal ( left irc: "leaving" Nick change: jhihn1 -> jhihn|RTF Nick change: jhihn|RTF -> jhhn|RTFM siesel ( joined #gnuenterprise. sup dude sup :) havoc: did you find a solution for "Loading ..." problem? if not I would recommend to use "dynamic" html, i.e. send some parts of the html page (containing the "loading label") first, then do the query to UPS, and when its ready send the rest of the page. You could use CSS attributs to position the "loading" label in the middle of the screen, so it is overwriten by the real page when it is ready I think he opted to say the heck with it for now as we are getting close to a deadline bah you're not living if you haven't gone over your deadline no comment ;) siesel: no, not yet :( siesel: I had considered that as a possible solution If you find a solution which works for browser from links over mozilla to ieXX, please tell me. heh, ok :) siesel: I don't think I'll be worrying about it just yet anyway reinhard ( left irc: Read error: 60 (Operation timed out) other things need to be done first dsmith ( left irc: "later.." ToyMan ( left irc: "Client Exiting" curtisv ( joined #gnuenterprise. Hi all, Is this the conversation that I've been following in the log? ;-) Hi Chillywill, I got dcl working, on to GNUe now. siesel ( left irc: "night" cool looked like you all had a good meeting too bad everyone took thier bats and balls and went home! ? I was following the log any I may be refering to when people left a long time ago. (Bad joke ... unfortunatly that is the usual for me.) I have installed 0.5.0 on my Debian (testing) box. Things seem to work... I'm trying to get used to 'Designer', are there any good tutorial yet? ToyMan ( joined #gnuenterprise. Ah yes, Here is a db question. Is there a reason to use (or not to use) the same database file for dcl and gnue stuff. I am thinking that I would like to create some forms to augment and use the data that is entered in dcl. Hi ToyMan howdy dinner calls... jcater ( left irc: "home" action: heading home. curtisv ( left irc: "BitchX: the un-Cola" jcater ( joined #gnuenterprise. stuq_ ( joined #gnuenterprise. ToyMan ( left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) carX ( joined #gnuenterprise. stuq_ ( left irc: "Client Exiting" icltlfatppl ( joined #gnuenterprise. carX ( left irc: Remote closed the connection carX ( joined #gnuenterprise. Nick change: carX -> torenvliet SachaS ( joined #gnuenterprise. torenvliet ( left irc: "Client Exiting" dsmith ( joined #gnuenterprise. aww man.. I forgot today was the free ice cream at baskin robbins day wt ? doh! me too I did remember the Little Caesar's Customer Appreciation Day today though aussie baskin and robbins dont have a free ice cream day .. .what's the go ? wtg: it was some special promo today only, a free cone.. jcater: I thought they went under.. arr i c ? under like kapewt, kazoiks, outtabuiz.. ah not here in memphis alive and kickin with over a dozen locations neat.. I had a bad bad addiction to 'crazy bread' I have a bad addiction to their cheapness sigh I'm doing an add for the bookstore for the local high school's newspaper and have no idea what to do :-/ teen age guys like nakid chicks good point you should put lots of those on there s/teen age// :) nute haha ... only teenage guys ? er nite I hear the owner of little ceasars is an evil genius. He puts an addictive chemical in the crazy bread that makes you crave it every fortnight. Thus the "crazy" name... jamest ( left irc: "Client exiting" mdean ( left irc: "Client exiting" It was "cravy" bread, but that didn't do very well in the focus groups. I can't see how that could be legal coca-cola used to use coca leaves with cocaine in them back in the day That was cool. But hey, on Little Ceasars Customer Appreciation Day, customers who pass out from grease poisoning are whisked away to headquarters. Where they are fed to very appreciative, very fat sharks. ...with laser beams. Action: chillywilly thwaps icltlfatppl with a forzen trout frozen* chillywilly: I liked forzen better whatever man Action: icltlfatppl fires laser pistol wildly Action: chillywilly takes the crack away from icltlfatppl Action: dsmith dons the mirror suit Action: icltlfatppl laughs a secret laugh that only those who have a second, hidden crack bottle can understand. crack bottle? I think crack comes in a vial at least or a baggie hrrrm, that explains it he has a whoel bottle of crack whole Action: jcater notes that little caesar's has much less grease than Pizza Hut or Dominoes and I keep it hidden in my secret forzen whoel. Action: chillywilly hands jcater the thwap-o-matic for pizza on the cheap, I do cici's Forzen is cool. Reminds me of borken mmmm cicis wtf is cicis? I think they just opened one of those in a near-by town chillywilly: it's da bomb like $3.99 for a buffet something like $4 all you can eat buffet or $3.99 :) Action: jcater likes their alfredo cheese pizza good thing derek's not here he'd be drooling on all our monitors damnit.. yall are making me hungry me too and I already ate dinner once for that price you can only look on the foods here Action: icltlfatppl is getting hunger cramps, which only exaggerates his crack munchies Action: chillywilly is heating up pizza :) no pizza for the crack heads though Action: icltlfatppl groans "I'!" unh. Action: icltlfatppl too weak to go for pizza, crawls painfully to the refrigerator to pull out day old taco bell, swearing vengeance on c.w. with each strained, painful breath. what kinda taco bell? taco bell ain't too bad Action: chillywilly is having a boboli pizza hmmph. I'm going to tell you?, pizza horder. Action: Vee2d2 just melted some cheese on a tortilla and made believed it was pizza ;P well, o.k. it's a bean burrito, no nothing (beans only), and a chicken soft taco, no cheese. why? why no cheese and nothing on your burrito I am trying to be healthy. bah you're gonna die anyway hmm that sounds like a threat yes, but I don't want to die from taco bell guacamole poisoning. call it what you will, I just can't stand the thought my mom seeing me, splayed out on my office floor, drooling gree stuff out of the side of my mouth. Taco bell will do that to you, you know, they're owned by the same guy that owns little ceasars. riiiight at least the guacamole will. ok.... Action: chillywilly hands jcater the thwap-o-matic again are you gonna use it or what? chillywilly: dunno... is it gonna poison me? Action: chillywilly puts on his protective helmet erm, yea sure whatever sub_pop_culture (~link@ left irc: "Client exiting" brb Action: derek slaps you all im starving decided to read log before eating now no matter what is waiting for me in the fridge i will feel cheated thtat it isnt pizza I got your log right here. Action: jcater troutslaps chillywilly Action: icltlfatppl in a lousy, crack down, pizza deprived mood, goes for coffee. --- Thu May 1 2003