btami ( joined #gnuenterprise. morning night jcater ( left irc: "sleep" dimas (~dimas@ joined #gnuenterprise. hi all hi dimas hello btami btami ( left irc: fixe ( joined #gnuenterprise. btami ( joined #gnuenterprise. btami ( left irc: dimas (~dimas@ left irc: "Вышел из XChat" Nick change: sub_pop_culture -> sub_gone_culture Arturas ( joined #gnuenterprise. Hello dimas (~dimas@ joined #gnuenterprise. azazel ( joined #gnuenterprise. Nick change: azazel -> azagnam hi all!! hello azagnam Nick change: azagnam -> azazel can i ask some questions about gnue? are you all eatin' something? ask away is gnue mature for production use? lupo_ ( left irc: Read error: 60 (Operation timed out) forms in 2-tier mode is used already is is good enough and improving daily dimas: you mean the forms client that talks with the application server when you say 2-tier? lupo_ ( joined #gnuenterprise. there is also a 3 tier configuration under works? lelit ( joined #gnuenterprise. Sacha_ ( joined #gnuenterprise. dimas: still there? 3 tier is work in progress there has been some work on appserver lately it already passes basic tests but it is not yet that integrated into the toolchain lupo_: sei italiano? no :) sono tedesco :) ...forse dovevo dire "parli italiano" solo una parentesi how gnu bayonne integrates into gnue? mio italiano Х molto difettoso bayonne does IIRC not integrate into gnue right now jcater (or derek?) told me that it is planned to have forms that are fed through telephony sessions ...maybe using festival... Sacha ( left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) mmmh bayonne has an own "menu system" with pre-recorded parts so, pressing 0-9 on the telephone will result in this or that action on a form oh, i really don't know bayonne :-) lupo_: do you use the packages from the link in the topic? because they depends on libwxgtk2.3-python that are the old wxpython packages. They aren't now on sid i use the CVS version ToyMan ( joined #gnuenterprise. wx-python 2.4 which is in sid should work yes, i think so but the dependancy isn't a range...there isn't a '>='; they require exactly libwxgtk2.3-python hm that sucks :-/ yes.. which of thes files did you use? sorry i mean you used the gnu enterprise packages which are in sid right now? i'm looking at the ah i'm just evaluating gnue i guess that means we have to kick jbailey's debianized ass JEFF! lxf (~trillian@ joined #gnuenterprise. americans are all asleep right now ql i'll drop him a note but i use wxpython for other projects and so i have the lasts wxpython's sid packages.. lupo_: thanks.. another possibility is downloading the source packages from, fix the debian/control file and build them on your own lupo_: there is some authorization infrastructure in the code right now? there is a somewhat like a "role" management? access management is part of the application server role management will be done through navigator, which is the application that connects forms and reports within defined business processes but this role based access control is not yet there lupo_: do you use gnue in production? Action: dimas is back sorry, i was busy don't worry... :) no, not currently i play with it since a couple of months and have reported some minor bugs i still wait for the right ocassion to use gnue at a customer site azazel: jcater did some deb's for wx 2.4 you can find sources.list link in yesterday's log the logs are on the gnue site, right? yeah siesel ( joined #gnuenterprise. Hi all hi jan hi christian jamest ( joined #gnuenterprise. Arturas ( left irc: "Bye :)" lxf (~trillian@ left irc: "Trillian (" i guess that means we have to kick jbailey's debianized ass JEFF! americans are all asleep right now ql i'll drop him a note lupo_: for the record, "Jeff is Canadian, not American" normally i wouldnt go out of the way to point that out, but because our president is such a buttwipe i wouldn't want _anyone_ falsely accused of being an american, especially the guy we depend on for our debian packages. ;) He is American. derek: Canadians are Americans as well :) wtg ( left irc: "You ain't got debian you ain't got shit!" this is true He lives on a continent called "America", which makes him an American. This is stereotypical US-centrisism. in that cause our argentinian pals are american as well i suppose er s/cause/case yes the US are member of the organization of american states but you are right we are 'taught' that american means US (re: United States of America, shortened to America) i.e. the centralist attitude soon we will be able to form the United States of Arabia hehe jbailey ( joined #gnuenterprise. we have Afghanastan, Iraq, Qatar and a few others and english as the official language only time until we have Iran, Syria "new world order" at which point Saudia and UAE and Yemen will cave in we will have to storm turkey and might as well take Sudan too at that point we will have to see if the world is willing to stand up to mini-Bush or not Action: lupo_ thinks about becoming a terrorist :) if not i suspect he will try to take egypt too egypt is already under british control only one safe is pakistan, cause they have nukes and bush is chicken jbailey: hey! jbailey: got my mail? though he did call to have our nuke production kicked up lupo_: Dunno. What did your mail say? speeding up nuke production is a sign of an economic downturn Action: derek is trying to be funny, but sadly i think bush will actually try to invade iran and/or iraq within the next 12 months jbailey are you thinking of releasing 0.5 as debs for unstable? jbailey: gnue package dependencies for sid are wrong s/iraq/syria jbailey: you want bug reports on the debs? jcater was giong to release a 0.5.1 if he is going to do thtat in next 3-5 days US trade saldo for import/export is -500 billion $ Action: Sacha_ was happy to install a deb so i dont have to mess with cvs til i saw that the debs are from 2002 (- means "minus" or "negative" *cough*) maybe its best to wait for 0.5.1? Sacha_: ?, the debs should be from less than a month ago (in sid) they are just broked what is scheduled for 0.5.1? MFC UI driver, Designer changes, what else? lelit ( left #gnuenterprise ("Client exiting"). derek i could install them then i run gnue-designer - version is which was released back in 2002 Sacha_: YEs. Jamest and I need to fix gnue 0.5, though first. lupo_: Ah yes - I thikn I asked you to file a BTS bugs so that I remember when it comes time to fix those. jbailey: when you want to do that? jbailey: hm okay jamest: Oy.. umm... You working this afternoon? dimas (~dimas@ left #gnuenterprise ("Вышел из XChat"). Action: siesel is working on making Unicode the internal gnue encoding, it isn't a big change, but it would like for 0.5.1 is out wtg ( joined #gnuenterprise. /.../but I would like to wait for 0.5.1 before commiting it to cvs jbailey: yes, but if the errors are not huge then I can still help out siesel: good plan :) jamest: The only draw back is that the recent gtk2 driver changes I made need UTF8 as internal encoding, so 0.5.1 wouldn't ship with a up-to-date gtk2 driver jamest: They shouldn't be huge. It's mostly: how to cleanly separate out the different front-ends, and squishing all the stupid warnings that were popping up (mostly in front ends that aren't finished, like curses) When is 0.5.1 due out? Nick change: azazel -> azarafanas 0.5.1 will come out tomorrow, so you gotta hang on till tomorrow, come what may tomorrow, tomorrow! tomorrow! I love ya tomorrow! sung by jcater first and the gimme gimmes, from the broadway music GNUe nice :) Nick change: Sacha_ -> Sacha Nick change: Sacha -> SachaS 0.5.1 is out real soon now the ui driver work alone was worth a release but now I think we're pending a buglist cleanup on designer i really wanted to get input masks in there too but I have yet to start work on them so I'd say that aint going to happen jamest: It would be nice to fix the .deb's before 0.5.1, so that I can just use the released versions. jbailey: it would be great if you could package the actual cvs instead of the 0.5.0 release no we made a CONSCIENCE decision to not bundle cvs several months back we need to get 'off' using cvs if we want people to use stuff in production and we want stuff in woody if we want to package a 'cvs' version we need to do separate cvs packages (in the form of snapshots), but i dont think its worth the time unless its automated I could setup automated snapshot packages, but I'll only do it if someone would actually use them. botsie (~botsie@ joined #gnuenterprise. I would like that, but its possibly just needed short before a new release Gotta run to work, I'll be back on in an hour (I'd love to continue this discussion if folks will be around) lxf (~knoppix@ joined #gnuenterprise. jbailey ( left irc: "Client exiting" botsie (~botsie@ left irc: "back to work!" Nick change: SachaS -> SachaZzz jbailey ( joined #gnuenterprise. dsmith ( joined #gnuenterprise. So gnue-snapshots... Who would actually use them? And would it make a difference if they were done for woody vs. being done for sarge/sid? jbailey: i'd like debs working for 0.5.1 as well i wouldn't use snapshots Action: derek either as long as we are current on releases im happy Action: siesel wants to use snapshots for pre 0.5.1 versions, as I don't think that it makes sense to package 0.5.0 without any patches derek: what do you have to do to get mails for timcards and adding WO, etc. in dcl...cause I don't get emails anymore which sucks I am assuming some config thing needs to be turned on? or I need to set a watch? maybe not... IMHO its important to have debs to test BEFORE the 0.5.1 version is out, rather than to have to fix bugs for the release first and than have to fix bugs in debs afterwards Action: siesel never wanted OFFICIAL debian packages from cvs, rather than snapshots to do developing and testing lxf (~knoppix@ left irc: Remote closed the connection jcater ( joined #gnuenterprise. hi jcater siesel: I'm not thinking official debs, put snapshots that I could post on If I did that, i'd prefer to make them only for sid, though. (and they'd never be uploaded to the main archive) SID would be ok for me. do it ;) I'll try and hack that together this afternoon/evening, I guess. cool :) hey chillywilly hi derek: When is DCL going to become gnue-based? port it ;) chillywilly: Not my problem, I don't use it. chillywilly: But it's sufficiently annoying to package that I mostly ignore it. There's no good way for doing PHP web-apps in debian. that's pretty lame then ;) I think it's the auto* tools doesn't handle scripted programs well ;P You're right. Perhaps I should just orphan it. =) is subversions down for anyone else ? Yup, looks like. Action: chillywilly smacks derek awake dsmith ( left irc: "later.." Action: jbailey is away: toastmasters and lunch. Nick change: SachaZzz -> SachaZzzz Nick change: azarafanas -> azaway lxf (~agus_tea@ joined #gnuenterprise. jhihn ( joined #gnuenterprise. hello all.. I'm back! hello jhihn I'm playing with the win32 designer at the mement and when I go to drop an edit box, it says "there are no blocks on theis form" got any ideas: ? i did not use designer for a long time oh and it just crashed.. oh well that's a feature oh, so it's documented it crashed in some wx windows DLL nah, I was being a smart ass i was too :-) no offense, but this forms designer sucks I think i'll stick to text files, that wasy I don't expect much jhihn: what version you installed? Like being able to resize and drag form elements um, the L&G dsmith ( joined #gnuenterprise. pulled it off the page not 20 minutes ago 0.5.0-setup debug-on dsmith ( left irc: "later.." jhihn: designer 0.5.0 is hurting it's got issues because of major changes to the underlying systems ah, well waht do I expect from a .5 rel? jcater is working on clearing things up in 0.5.1 when does the next version look like it'sll be out? soon :) (tm) week/month/quarter? i'd guess in a week or so oh ok real soon now (tm) but I don't know for sure I finally got some time to really take a look at this project jhihn: when it's ready ;) oh you're like the postgres crew I think that's the normal response for any Free software project about a release date ;) mozilla seems fine with saying dates.. getting them right is another thing though anyone know php? php? never heard that. can I do: switch ($var) { case 'this_is_a_string': break; } I know it works fine on int, chars, and the like but they make you use strcmp for strings jcater ( left irc: Remote closed the connection jcater ( joined #gnuenterprise. Action: jbailey is back (gone 02:24:12) ToyMan ( left irc: Remote closed the connection jhihn: I think you can switch on a strings. ToyMan ( joined #gnuenterprise. hrm.. didn't seem to work.. ToyMan ( left irc: Remote closed the connection ToyMan ( joined #gnuenterprise. how could i preselect a row in dropdown list by name or id in trigger? you should be able to do a entry.set(id) thanks DB000: File "/home/ds/cvs/gnue_pure/gnue/.cvsdevelbase/gnue/forms/uidrivers/qt/", line 72, in getLogin DB000: if os.path.isabs(gConfigForms('loginPNG')): DB000: NameError: global name 'os' is not defined import os solves this ra3vat: set the default="keyValue" ah, jcater answered my bad yes, thanks siesel_ ( joined #gnuenterprise. i'm having gtk module but not pygtk, what's the difference between them? siesel ( left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) jamest ( left #gnuenterprise ("Client exiting"). jcater ( left irc: "Client exiting" lxf (~agus_tea@ left irc: Ping timeout: 14400 seconds jamest ( joined #gnuenterprise. jbailey ( left #gnuenterprise ("Client exiting"). ra3vat: the pygtk modules is to tell python if you want to use gtk 1.0 or gtk 2.0 if you have just installed gtk 2.0 it should be save to remove the pygtk import and the gtk.require line siesel_ ( left irc: "nigth" jcater ( joined #gnuenterprise. rdean ( joined #gnuenterprise. derek ( left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) mdean ( left irc: Remote closed the connection jbailey ( joined #gnuenterprise. rdean ( left irc: Read error: 60 (Operation timed out) ToyMan ( left irc: "Client Exiting" Nick change: SachaZzzz -> SachaS jbailey ( left irc: "Client exiting" derek ( joined #gnuenterprise. jcater or jamest one of you around? depends i think the onboard video on my motherboard took a crap will this be painful? yes laptop or desktop? it appears there is no 'jumper' to bypass it so i will need a new motherboard it is desktop its a duron 1.2ghz what kind of socket motherboard do i need? Action: derek is hardware dumb so it won't boot up? look in the bios settings i assume socket 7 or did you lose text mode too jcater: i cant tell if it will boot (no video) well i thought that 20" egghead was taking a dump as it was getting REALLY bad about 2 weeks it was bad are you 100% sure of that, have you tried other monitor then wife said X locked up so i tried restarting X and it freaked so i rebooted then the switch box came on but no monitor i thought might be switch box so i hooked monitor up directly still no signal so i figured monitor but i just plugged monitor onto laptop and it works fine on laptop and doesnt seem to be 'fuzzy' like it was on other machine so im thinking its the video card on the desktop Action: derek doesnt have another monitor to test :( derek: why dont you get a cheapo pci video card and check it's the video ... the mobo might still be good? Action: derek was dumb and loaned it out and can't seem to get it back wtg: it appears there is no 'jumper' to bypass it Socket A, I think arr ... my bad this video card was poorly supported from day one and i wanted to put in something else (no AGP slot) but no jumper even if i wanted to put old PCI in do you have a model number for that mobo? the problem is a motherboard w/ onboard video, sound, lan will probably be more than a whole new pc jcater: sigh looking for documentation should be imprinted on the mother board this is wifey's pc then spend 30 on a video card, 15 on a NIC, and 20 on a sound card and get away from that integrated crap want to try to fix tonight i hate integrated crap ah was this something like HP or Compaq? but at 30, 15, 20 = 65 plus 80 for motherboard 145 is half way to a new PC um oh snap batman tis the mother board the friggen video chip looks FRIED like burnt like lucky my house aint on fire this deserves pictures I would much rather spend the 145 to get a modular 1.2Ghz machine chillywilly ( left irc: "Free Your Enterprise! -" jcater: im inclined to listen to your wisdom here than $300 to get another piece of shit Action: derek just has to sell that to the wife :) unless that 1.2GHz was much to slow for her how bad is GNU/Linux at coping with a new motherboard um chillywilly ( joined #gnuenterprise. my wife is crying she doesnt want to lose the email on this machine linux won't care Action: derek is so happy to hear that but you will have to reset up the video and NIC drivers in xfree86 and modconf (respectively) Action: derek suspects just have to reconfigure new devices oh yummy well i guess im yanking this and going to the store i might just buy wireless nic for this but i have had such pains im scared um might I also suggest you spend another $80 get another hard disk yes and raid-1 her ass rofl if she's panicking about lost email you willing to walk me through it im all game Action: derek is wanting tot put her on imap to solve the mail problem maybe we should do that at another time :) i agree i really want to get her a new machine just not right now for the kitchen with wireless this machine only has like 1.6gig drive wow so eventually it needs another drive as to burn cds i have to delete stuff :) and clear apt cache all music, photos etc are on a server but the server is slow so i want to eliminate it if i was less chicken i would try to move that drive and remount it as its a drive with only data on it in the server in my house, we do LTSP but I'm wired at 100Mb not wireless i would do that if someone would show me how want to come visit AZ on my dime :) seriously wife may actually be in the area next month as i have a dec alpha machine (small with pcmcia) doing nothing that would make a GREAT terminal station with a nice 15in flat panel I suppose I could come to AZ I haven't taken any vacation this year been to grand canyon or sedona? heheh hmm both are nice escapes in the summer here hi dudes I've been to San Fransisco that's the only place past KS I've been chillywilly: word for like 30 what is a good GNU/Linux supported video card? hmm where are you going? BestBuy? is that good place? i was thinking pcclub if they are open as probably better for motherboard I personally hate BestBuy but its late so compusa or bestbuy might be only choices I really don't know what a good linux-compat cheap video card is XF 4.3 probably supports whatever's out there if you want to look here and suggest i woudl be greatful motherboard, video, sound, lan sucks it has to be micro motherboard grrrr er maybe not one i have is, but case might fit larger wow MCI is only sub-$100 motherboard they have and I don;t know that name ouch err, MSI well try as i dont think i can make it there by 8pm anyhow :) looks like this might be a mail order deal (man wife will be PISSED) you need that video card fsck mouse locked up brb jcater ( left irc: Remote closed the connection jcater ( joined #gnuenterprise. have you ever replaced cpus before? looks like almost what i have now yeah a few times never AMD only older pentium 1 and 386, 486 stuff ok kept first comptuer from 386 on to pentium 166 i used to be 'up on hardware' but its changed a lot too many acronymns to follow if you dont deal with it regularly :) that's not a bad looking mobo auto-detects voltage too :) looks like the cheapest one yeah i looked at sub 100 to start with I don't do much w/sound cards so don't know what works and what doesn't but imagine you'd be safe w/the $29 soundblaster looks like no agp support on that mother board though allstarshop used to sell ensonic pci for $15 Action: derek wonders if it has builtin video (i cnat tell) ensonic is soundblaster bought out by them as they made a better product for less money es1371 is the chipset hmm that mobo does have NIC but no video thats cool by me as i HATE onboard video now (second time ive been bit) and onboard nic is easy to override I use the Jaton Video 107 at work for various machine s not my favorite card but at $25, my wallet's best friend *M memory *=8 she won't be playing Doom III, will she? plus it's PCI, so will work with that micro-atx $89 motherboard chillywilly ( left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) hmmm the bad thing is i would like to let them play some games if i can get that win4lin working no doom III but roller coaster tycoon, sims and such chillywilly ( joined #gnuenterprise. Action: derek doesnt know the video they suck and if its doable via PCI card I've seen no practical difference between PCI and AGP maybe some hardcore gamers can attest otherwise but given the same model card with the choice between PCI and AGP, I go PCI and AGP is PCI without some of the reliability constraints s/and/as cool ok do you know if that motherboard will support PC133 memory? as i dont want to have to get new memory :) but if you are wanting a better video card there are some other ones at about $50 that do PCI Supports PC133 SDRAM memory so, yes cool Action: derek was considering getting tv video card :) but wont fight it now probably do cheap pci but then have option to upgrade later :) well, worse case you get the $25 card, but upgrade later on and then have a backup cheap card in your office never a bad thing this looks like a good one ;) that's the one I was looking at bought one of those today you say they work? only I gave $33 for mine as i the trident/cyberblade is what i had that fried and it SUCKED grr its not available in store (go figure yes, the Blade3Ds work w/XF4.3 i guess i will have to gamble need to leave before they close bbiab dneighbo ( joined #gnuenterprise. ack dneighbo_ ( joined #gnuenterprise. derek ( left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) fixe ( left irc: "because I feel like it" dneighbo ( left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) mdean ( joined #gnuenterprise. dneighbo ( joined #gnuenterprise. dneighbo_ ( left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) jamest ( left #gnuenterprise ("Client exiting"). sigh let the torture begin lxf (~agus_tea@ joined #gnuenterprise. jcater you still up? if I stay quiet, will you assume "no" ? big question system bus freq can be 100 or 133mhz default is 100mhz says depends on CPU but there is no 'chart' or anything i can see that tells me which to use Action: dneighbo notes i have PC133 RAM hmm I think 133 is right Action: jcater always off-loads this task to underlings :) --- Fri May 30 2003