dcmwai (~chatzilla@ joined #gnuenterprise. hey dcmwai hello jcater Josh and I've talk about the issue derek and I have talk about. And Josh seem to like the idea. And he say that we all will arrange a metting on the net to talk about it. Action: jcater doesn't know what you and derek talked about Action: dcmwai find something wrong on the last line but don't know where... jcater: Oh I think you will read the log? when was the conversation? I can go back and reread I usually don't read backlogs without a reason to about June 05 if I'm not wrong... well... try to get my name on your log... you will get it... I've forgot when it happen :) Action: dcmwai now know the reason of this irc log :) found it and am reading I emailed josh a few days ago he emailed info@gnue.org but I haven't heard back from him I was beginnnig to think I scared you guys away No you don't infact we did like the idea. We don't have much developer Jusy me and Josh and all jobs is done by us :( does Josh use IRC? yes he does... when it is needed :) jcater: Is anyone here want to talk to josh? dcmwai (~chatzilla@ left irc: "ChatZilla 0.8.11 [Mozilla rv:1.2.1/20030505]" roche (~roche@ joined #gnuenterprise. sub_pop_culture (~link@ joined #gnuenterprise. sub_pop_culture (~link@ left #gnuenterprise ("Client exiting"). roche (~roche@ left #gnuenterprise ("Client Exiting"). Sacha (~Sacha@dialup-196-69.wasp.net.au) joined #gnuenterprise. lxf (~agus_tea@ joined #gnuenterprise. Sacha (~Sacha@dialup-196-69.wasp.net.au) left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) lxf (~agus_tea@ got netsplit. chillywilly (~danielb@CPE-24-167-199-51.wi.rr.com) got netsplit. ra3vat (~ds@ics.elcom.ru) got netsplit. lxf (~agus_tea@ returned to #gnuenterprise. chillywilly (~danielb@CPE-24-167-199-51.wi.rr.com) returned to #gnuenterprise. ra3vat (~ds@ics.elcom.ru) returned to #gnuenterprise. tripz__ (~ville@as13-5-6.ld.bonet.se) joined #gnuenterprise. jcater: i have been trying to arrange josh to come to irc there have been no 'talks' other than short original irc session (that you were there for iirc) and email to info@gnue.org morning derek i responded directly to josh from the info list and asked if he could meet us in irc unfortunately the timewarner block of IPs gnuenterprise.org now has is BLACKLISTED by rr.com so my mails to him bounce :( and i have to resend from another means... anyhow tis soccer time bbl hi ajmitch http://www.wlug.org.nz/PostgresVsMysql <-- ajmitch showed me that just what are 'views' in sql terms.. ? Action: Vee2d2 exposes his ignorance basically a table in ram that you can then query against so it's a speed enhancement? yes and a convenience thing derek: are you there? jbailey (~jbailey@CPE0060082df811-CM014260028338.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) joined #gnuenterprise. what's mencoder? Action: chillywilly read gnue logs like a dork hi jeff It's a video format converter. written by mplayer ppl or no? oh I should see if I have Bruce Almighty downloaded now yep got the Centropy SVCD the matrix reloaded svcd from centropy was really nice What's a Centropy? burnt the images to some cd-r s I take it some org/group of people that do movie rips Action: chillywilly uses google right quick http://www.vcdquality.com/index.php?genre=6&grp=4 if you look at their little chart Centropy is a group that does movie rips Action: chillywilly guessed correctly I used to get movie rips, but it's cheaper to just rent the video's I want. =) (and rip the ones then that I want to keep) cheaper? I don't have a dvd drive in any of these machines I only have a stand alone player hooked up to my TV Yeah. To waste 2 blank CDs to find out that I don't like the movie. =) Renting the DVDs costs less. Ah. My machines have all had DVD drives for the last 6 years. err. 5. you can watch it on your computer before you burn it to a CD goofy mplayer whatever,bin *Shrug* I opt to rent anyway. It's like two bucks for two DVDs at the rental place. That's for a week-long rental. well whatever works best bah this is so stupid...I need a burner on one of these machines...windows has crippled ass networking 13mins to go form linux to linux v. 3 hours to transfer to stinking windows If it's that bad, your network card driver is bad in your windows machine. (or the card itself) The ratio shouldn't be that high. but it only pulls at 80k for linus I get at least 1Mbit linux Same machine? no but same card I have same card in all machiens except this laptop machines even the winders machine has the same card in it Check to make sure there isn't a hardware conflict, and then make sure that your duplex/speed settings are the same on all the machine. Windows networking is bad, but it's more on the order of line 60% or 70% of the speed of Linux. how would I knwo if there's a conflict? wouldn't windows complain? I'd like to get 100Mbit ;) I changed the config of the card the other day tried to force it to use fastest speed eth0: NE2000 (DL10019 rev 05): io 0x300, irq 10, hw_addr 00:E0:98:86:36:CF ttyS01 at port 0x02f8 (irq = 10) is a 16550A eth0: found link beat eth0: autonegotiation complete: 100baseT-HD selected that's from my laptop Action: chillywilly is just checking all network crap brb chillywilly (~danielb@CPE-24-167-199-51.wi.rr.com) left irc: "Free Your Enterprise! - http://www.gnuenterprise.org" chillywilly (~danielb@CPE-24-167-200-152.wi.rr.com) joined #gnuenterprise. danielb (danielb@CPE-24-167-200-152.wi.rr.com) joined #gnuenterprise. danielb (danielb@CPE-24-167-200-152.wi.rr.com) left irc: "leaving" fixe (~fixe@dsl017-020-123.chi1.dsl.speakeasy.net) joined #gnuenterprise. Vee2d2: actually, views are "alternate viewpoints" into your data Vee2d2: you could pull data from different tables and make them appear as a single table via a view or create a restricted view into a single table something I'll hafta learn up on sometime f.e., if you have a table called horses, and a table called riders you could create a view, HorsesWithRiders, that combined the two Action: chillywilly was implying that for the fucking record well, I saw the part about speed enhancement and views really have nothing to do with speed enhancements, but security and convenience well.. I still dont fully understand.. I can combine the two tables with a join yes but why do ti every stinking time? if you do it a lot you may want to create a view ok, I s'pose that is pretty nifty.. f.e., suppose you have these two tables Horses Id Name Age Riders Id Horse_Id Name You could create a view, HorsesWithRiders from the following SQL: create view HorsesWithRiders as select horses.id as horse_id, riders.id as rider_id, horses.name as horse_name, riders.name as rider_name from horses, riders where horses.id = riders.horse_id; and do: "select * from HorsesWithRiders" and get: Horse_id Rider_Id Horse_name Rider_Name 1 1 BlueTooth Bob Smith 2 3 BabyFace Jane Doe 6 9 Funny Smell Kevin Wilson are you pating that? pasting that seems familiar is that from postgres docs? I typed it in vi before pasting oh no, that's jcater braindump scary ;) I had a situation where I had line items for a sales order.. and workorders where there could be many work orders to each line item.. and I was wanting to find out the sum qty of line items which were for like products (fe: the same shirt, possibly different colors/sizes) with exactly the same work order requirements (fe: logo X embroidered at location 4 and logo Y embroidered at location 3) so that I could use those price breaks that was a very very painful experience in MySQL.. =/ I bet Action: Vee2d2 gains new understanding of views.. while beating myself up over that problem I kept thinking if I had the use of subselects things would be much easier.. but now that I see where views come into play they certainly would have made things easier to work with. I should probably go shower the stench off and get ready to goto the party bah, anyone knwo how to delete a WO in dcl? Action: chillywilly just said fsck it and used psql to remove the bastid ;) lxf (~agus_tea@ left irc: Vee2d2 (~vin@c66.169.136.41.ts46v-07.otn-c1.ftwrth.tx.charter.com) left irc: Read error: 113 (No route to host) niktarin (~niktarin@hera530-a059.otenet.gr) joined #gnuenterprise. niktarin (~niktarin@hera530-a059.otenet.gr) left #gnuenterprise ("Έξοδος πελάτη"). party at vee2d2 one hour woooo chillywilly: why oh why you are so bad why what? why not choose 'delete work order' from the workorder screen didn't see it and then choose ok when asked 'are you sure' where's it at? as way you did it, you probably didnt do a 'cascade' delete which means you created orphans probably you bad bad bad man there's probably dead links in there now data integrity was fux0red ;) s/was/is/ derek: if you would've responded maybe you could've helped me find the damn delete ;) i wasnt here or i would have btw: unless you had attachments, sequences or projects tied to that work order you probably didnt make orphans, i was giving you crap ;) ah, ok I didn't have any of those things ToyMan (~stuq@65-73-36-222.bras01.mdl.ny.frontiernet.net) joined #gnuenterprise. srbaker (~srbaker@u164n248.eastlink.ca) joined #gnuenterprise. anyone around? nope fine then, fuck you :P you're lucky I don't have ops in here chillywilly: heh. you know you love me I think what you said displays your immaturity well chillywilly: lighten up don't take yourself so seriously dsmith (xj7b3x213m@oh-strongsvillecadent1-1d-165.clvhoh.adelphia.net) joined #gnuenterprise. srbaker (~srbaker@u164n248.eastlink.ca) left irc: "Client exiting" hi dale did you start your new job yet? chillywilly: GReetings. I start on the 16th. yay jafgon (~jafgon@dhcp024-210-188-138.woh.rr.com) joined #gnuenterprise. hello gnuenterprise people ToyMan (~stuq@65-73-36-222.bras01.mdl.ny.frontiernet.net) left irc: "Client Exiting" was hoping to talk to derek and jcarter must go to pub now ... tata jafgon (~jafgon@dhcp024-210-188-138.woh.rr.com) left irc: "Client Exiting" haha, jcarter jbailey (~jbailey@CPE0060082df811-CM014260028338.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) left irc: "Client exiting" --- Sun Jun 8 2003