any how Ill look over gnue but this turn may push me to mutate things a bit more, though I would still open co development.. Im not sure gnue's server end is the right direction for the db.. but more ADODB / modularization / pdf templating / and generalization of the data base.. IE make account data types that users can modify to suit their needs.. ADODB'ing should allow linkage to gnue's data or other db types.. and the rest, is well ,,, evolution.. If aria cuts out from mysql / oracle I may splinter it.. but I would always be open to explaining what I build.. so that aria would have the same abilities.. (this is all assuming I find real time to work on it..) Ugg my old profile.. its been tooo long.. any how, Ill check out the latest cvs of aria, and look into this whole gnue bit.. maybe Ill make a new sourceforge account if they wont re config my old one.. and submit some feature requests and what not.. OHHH I see now gnue is all python / wc based.. thus its actually just a bunch of scripts.. ok I will delve deeper.. lates guys.. cy83rpunk ( left irc: "Client Exiting" dood that conversation was seriously confusing back Me too Hello derek Private.... Action: derek is amazed at why people want to use php/mysql to write business applications but anyhow jcater: i think i have about 15 - 25 people signed up for GNUe Training 12 hour course Training? I also want :) well tempe, az likely is a long drive for you ;) don't tell me that I only can have training over your place... for now im going to try to create 'courseware' then I'm not driving but flying ... and give class Hey why don't you make the course... Online :) either 2 nights a week for 3 weeks or 1 night a week for 6 weeks place has donated training facility to use ooh.. long long time. dcmwai: ultimately yeah woudl love some webbased training no good freesoftware for it currently :( plus that would be way more involved for now i plan on beefing up the user guides just put a camrecorder there and recorded them up :) and just 'orating' most of the class ok real work time tonight ooh... sigh but i have real life stuff to do first should be quick then i have to decide what my poison is ... Where would the training be? at Which country? USA at which county .. oh ... 12 hours... "fly" ignore me... alandd ( joined #gnuenterprise. Action: alandd is away: I'm busy hi alandd ok first few tasks done one or two more and im ready to gut ARIAS muhahahaha watch out dcmwai Action: derek is hoping to slurp ARIAS and compare it to acclite with any luck i can run patches against acclite then beg you guys to kill ARIAS cvs and use Acclite instead Action: derek garners his evil laughter reinhard ( joined #gnuenterprise. grr its much later than i thought slurping arias cvs, GNUe cvs and acclite cvs cvs party my house $2 cover charge... sorry its free speech not free beer ;) so what does arias offer to gnue ? some of the business logic ? or just web interface ? derek: heh reinhard ( left irc: "Reality is for people that lack imagination" Nothing much, Just man power :) dcmwai: actually that's fairly well stated PLUS plus what? a web interface if they choose to want to continue that and some 'starting' points for accounting and hr to help get things rolling quicker that is a must :) Did you find any way to compare both of the CVS? updating them now found i had some work to do for and some emails to send out for GNU Enterprise Training courses coming up in july plus trying like mad to be civilly disobidient to the MPAA and not succeeding Action: derek updated aria and acclite Action: derek cringed to see the illegal stuff still in arias cvs from nola namely MS fonts and zipcode databae er database ack illegal stuff? oh the zipcode db it is still there... bittorrent downloads of movies ;) muwahahah in the filldata.sql derek: will you still be here after 8 hours? um im always here just sometimes not at the computer Action: dcmwai now is 1500 (GMT+8) wow you are almost EXACTLY on the other side of the world i am GMT -7 8 hours more will bbe 00:00 (GMT+8) woo... +8+7=13 woo... Action: dcmwai sometime will make mistake like tha above.... 8+7=15 15 hours different. Will be 3 pm there on your side. derek: Will you make it here tonight? Action: dcmwai id now blur about the time now, for me is to night for you is everning dcmwai where are you from? me Perth, Australia atm Perth +8 as well I'm from Malaysia :) Anyone can tell me what is .... "Check out order" AND "Return from checkout" ??? Action: chillywilly pokes derek dcmwai: Kick derek Action: dcmwai Kick derek :) IRC war .. :) ouch Action: chillywilly trout slaps all channel infidels (this means you dcmwai) Action: dcmwai get a gun and shoot chillywilly. Action: derek ducks derek: Inventory is killing me.... comparision is nasty will be no simple way arias vs acclite not impossible just will be time consuming mommy its late Action: dsmith hands chillywilly a 15 barrel rapid fire trout-o-matic w00t Action: dsmith then runs away Action: dsmith ducks behind a mountain of aol cd's, waiting for the troutslapping to begin Action: dcmwai get an apache to follow dsmith Action: dcmwai Shoot on spolt :) derek: I think know why... derek: I've modified arias a lot .... really alot.... Action: dsmith converts the ulgy apache config files to beautiful Scheme code with mod-guile Bah Later dudes derek: If you want to do that here is a hints... Ignore $Lang['STR and STR_ That is the Languages translation Modification. After $lang['STR and STR_ have been taken out, I think that the differenr will be alot more smaller. Vee2d2 ( left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) i'm curious ... will there be any web support for gnue thourgh forms ? ... or is the plain just to run the web stuff seperatly ? Sacha: what do you mean in Perth atm ? ... do you make it over to the east coast much ? wtg: yes there 'will' be web support just not today er there is web support today todya? there is not html support today but there will be today... there will be... well technically with ssh tunnel to the database HAR... you can run forms over the internet to a backend not HAR i do it all the time it's not my fault the world equates 'web' with HTML I do it as well.. but and how will that work ? ... will forms run a mini server to dish the forms out ... or some other way ? you use a broswer i use a forms client but anyhow same way webservices now have to be .NET ? but things like CDDB has existed for years and last i checked it was a 'web service' to me :) it is a CGI services :) whhooo ... you guys have lost me ... isn't the idea of forms to run on multiple platforms/gui environments from the same *.gfd files ? Yes it should and it will how am i going to be able to view a *.gfd file through a browser ? wouldn't there need to be a web server runing some where ? that I'm thinking... or will forms just parse the *gfd file and convert it to a *.html file to put on an apache server ? an AppServer will ease the design jobs but will effect the AppServ Performanc wtg: can't really do that.. s/effect/affect wtg: going back to europe at the end of this year i see Sacha ... so your not australian ? wtg nope. well ... how do you like australia then ? hope your time here has been pleasent wtg are you from the east coast? yes wtg yes i like it here no way! which city? haven't been to Perth but i will one day Toowoomba it's two hours west of Brisbane excuse me i dont know where Toowoomba is :) what the next ..... Brisbane ah friends of mine are living in Brisbane atm schweet ... will you be seeing them any time before you leave at the end of the year ? not sure. there is a conference in Brisbane in September i think. hi i am working in the area of ebXML. i'm moving 10hr north in about a month ... but if you make it to the east coast ... i will happily travel to meet a gnue person =)) heh hello ajmitch sup dudes? hello chillywilly hi wtg more australians... hi ajmitch wah so happening :) wtg: i met reinhard twice back in europe. haha we need more aussies and less kiwis ;) Action: chillywilly runs :( haha chillywilly wtg: will let you know Action: ajmitch wonders why esands & isomer aren't lurking wankers that would be great Sacha excuse me, chillywilly? kiwis aren't that bad ... rooting sheep ain't my idea of a good time .. but each to their own haha! Action: ajmitch sighs =) my best mate i go to uni with is a kiwi ... so that sort of entitles me to put crap on them =) Action: chillywilly hugs ajmitch you know you're still my best virtual buddy ;) ajmitch: are you from nz ? yes course he is ;) i'll be finished uni in 6-7 months ... then i will have a job(cash) ... and i love snowboarding ... so i'll have to visit the ski slops of nz and meet you next year =) heh, fun night night chillywilly dcmwai (~chatzilla@ left irc: "ChatZilla 0.8.11 [Mozilla rv:1.2.1/20030505]" Sacha ( left #gnuenterprise ("Client exiting"). mdean ( left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) dcmwai (~chatzilla@ joined #gnuenterprise. ajmitch ( left #gnuenterprise ("I like core dumps"). derek: Remember the meeting is on today 11st June at 00:00 (GMT+8) jcater: I'm here to tell you that the meeting is on today 11st June at 00:00 (GMT+8) Something was happen to Josh yesterday and make him can't attend the meeting yesterday. And He say sorry for that. :) See you tonight 7 hours more Now is 17:12 siesel ( joined #gnuenterprise. morning morning siesel hi wtg wtg: /me read in the backlog, that you talked about how a .gfd file could be displayed in a browser tripz__ ( left irc: "using sirc version 2.211+KSIRC/1.2.4" Using Javascript this is no problem, there is already a forms client written in javascript working together with appserver to access the database flax07 (~flax07@ left irc: Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer) siesel: So that is possible How should the server be configured? (apache and appserv) flax07 (~flax07@ joined #gnuenterprise. the comunication between appserver and the forms client in the webbrowser is using XMLRPC, which can just connect to the same host/port where the web page was downloaded, so there are two possible configurations: 1. load forms client + gfd's from apache and connect to appserver via xmlrpc proxy 2. load forms client + gfd's directly from appserver ra3vat ( got netsplit. ra3vat ( returned to #gnuenterprise. wb ra3vat :) dcmwai: the last version of the javascript forms client can be found at, at the moment the gfd parser is broken, but it is possible to pre-generate webpages with gnue-designer, which include the jsclient code its fully compatible to the standart forms client, except, that its missing dropdowns, date/time masks and multiple row support cf. your idea (backlog) about using appserver as an "possible" backend for database access, there is an php client for appserver which just needs to be updated to the newest Appserver API last but not least, ?????? Oh that is real good options about the communication I would like the 1 way. It make the Configuration More Extensible but more difficult. But something I'm not sure, How is the DB communicating? Anyway, I'm going home :) And going offline now. Will be here at 00:00 (GMT+8) See you soon siesel the javascript client sends login/create cursor/fetch dataset etc requests to appserver... cu siesel: so Javascript and appserver is as a bridge to the DB... yep. Action: dcmwai still here ... because of siesel siesel: Will that make the appserver performance drop? (If say I've 30 user :) you mean switching between configuration 1 and 2. ? or communication via XMLRPC siesel: Will you be here 5 hours after now? comminucation vis XMLRPC yes, I can be here Then please be here :) Thank You I really have to go now ;) CU ok, CU. dcmwai (~chatzilla@ left irc: "ChatZilla 0.8.11 [Mozilla rv:1.2.1/20030505]" ra3vat ( left irc: Read error: 60 (Operation timed out) reinhard ( joined #gnuenterprise. hi reinhard Arturas ( joined #gnuenterprise. Hello hi Arturas hi Jan :) Sacha ( joined #gnuenterprise. ToyMan ( joined #gnuenterprise. hi siesel hi Arturas hi all hello reinhard hi reinhard hello reinhard :)) dimas_ (~dimas@ joined #gnuenterprise. hello all hello dimas_ hello wtg siesel: thanks for the explaination before .. i dont quite get it ... but i'll let my brain stew on it for a bit Action: alandd is back (gone 06:53:32) alandd ( left irc: "Client Exiting" Vee2d2 ( joined #gnuenterprise. jamest_ ( left irc: "Client exiting" jamest ( joined #gnuenterprise. jbailey ( joined #gnuenterprise. dimas_ (~dimas@ left #gnuenterprise ("Вышел из XChat"). ra3vat ( joined #gnuenterprise. dsmith ( left irc: "later.." chillywilly ( left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) chillywilly ( joined #gnuenterprise. Nick change: Sacha -> SachaZzzz jcater_ ( joined #gnuenterprise. Nick change: SachaZzzz -> SachaS Nick change: SachaS -> Sacha Nick change: Sacha -> SachaZzz jcater ( left irc: Killed (NickServ (Nickname Enforcement)) Nick change: jcater_ -> jcater jcater_ ( joined #gnuenterprise. Vee2d2 ( left irc: Remote closed the connection Vee2d2 ( joined #gnuenterprise. Vee2d2 ( left irc: Remote closed the connection #gnuenterprise: mode change '+o jcater' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. jcater_ kicked from #gnuenterprise by jcater: jcater dcmwai (~dcmwai@ joined #gnuenterprise. wb dcmwai hello siesel You are always here? Vee2d2 ( joined #gnuenterprise. not so regulary at the moment, because I'm quite busy this month Arturas ( left irc: "Bye :)" In normal cases I'll join #gnue a bit later, i.e. 20:00-24:00 CEST CEST is central right how many GMT? (relative? GMT+1 I think oh oh then is 7 hours in different... i'm 11 here you there shouls be 4pm :) So you are in the same time zone as Taiwan, Hongkong, China Yes, I'm from Malaysia :) a relatively small country compare to China ;) but a big country compared to singapur ;) siesel: hehe... I amd looking for something... is that a standart way to do a business (I menat a standart way of processing the data in Gune or something electronically.) lxf (~agus_tea@ joined #gnuenterprise. I don't think that there is any "standart" way, as we haven't started the package part of gnue yet i.e. standart business rules still have to be defined siesel: so There aren't any... Ok Now we can have our own way :)... Oh siesel, are you a developer? yes. reinhard, johannes and me are working on the gnue appserver dcmwai: my gf bought a proton satria xli ... made in malaysia ... it was a sweet car ... untill she crashed it =( oh. Who actually start Gune? who have the idea and how you all people gather? wtg: What do you think about it... ability to crash ? :) thats a question you should ask reinhard, jamest or derek Very... Soft (the car is too soft) the car was great ... my gf's driving out though =) there is a history page on the website that does a pretty good job on the history s/out/ain't jcater: btw, did you test openoffice 1.1beta2 ? I did test it on Windows... it was great no I'm still on beta1 that's on my TODO list which is not shrinking hello jcater morning Action: siesel is trying to get the jdk detected for debian packaged oo 1.1b2, but it don't work here is Might Night.. :) oop... midnight :) dcmwai (~dcmwai@ left irc: Remote closed the connection dcmwai (~dcmwai@ joined #gnuenterprise. hum.. sorry disc btw, dcmwai are you native malasian, or chinese or.. I'm a Chinese :) cool. what dialect are you speaking? typical Business man (well... Just see the profit that other people don't see ) hehe Cantonese, Mandrain nd sometime hakar :) bu cuo bu cuo, I just speak mandarin and some kejia ke jia is Ha kar... bu cuo, bu cao? what is that? sorry, I meant min nan hua siesel: did you tell me that you are a Chinese as well.. no, I'm sinologist Woo... that is interesting.... Very Very Interesting... it seem to be that joining Open source is really a very good steps for me an health as well... :) I seldom meet people that is ... (how to say) bad or not kind.... in Opensource... maybe there is a real reason behind.... There aren't any profit confilct @_@ :) no, but in this channel there are sometimes other conflicts, f.e. anti java flamewars ;) I'm one of them... Just no flame.. :) I don't know why but I don't really like Java (no flame...) it seem to be always slow... java isn't bad, but its bound to sun and nothing can be compared with python why python? (sorry, I don't really know that languages...) jflechtner ( joined #gnuenterprise. hello hum.. Josh is finally here Everybody... jflechtner <--- is Josh :) no language is as easy and as good as python to programm hi Josh Nick change: jflechtner -> jafgon hello dcmwai, derek, jcater .. siesel: is one of their appserv c hello developer as well is derek around? derek: ....You there ... revDeke (www-data@ joined #gnuenterprise. speak of the devil Action: revDeke looks around... where is chillywilly ? right here who is revDeke ... wassup? derek revDeke == derek woo... I see. so is everybody here? he's youth pastor of his church or something and aren't you ordained or something revDeke? or something... im here yo yeah im a licensed minister so you can marry people? ;) yip is everyone here and have time to talk? have you done any weddings yet? I thought that was only legal in Utah? marrying multiple people What ... revDeke ... is.... ...??? wooo if not i have to jam as i have full schedule today everyone's here josh is here I'm here so is chan yes :) revDeke: was there some reason you were asking for me? or can I go do my work ;) before havoc beats me ;) hahah you can do your work... ok so whats the agenda jafgon: Let start... Action: revDeke is sorry to rush things but i have under 1 hour Action: dcmwai know that >_< what i want to discuss mroe than anything is where to go from here it seems like there is plenty of 'willingness' on all sides indeed item 1 for me is are you willing to assign copyright to FSF on all future works? im game for that item 2 is are you willing to break all NOLA compatiablity and dependencies if the answer to 1 and 2 are yes thats half the battle in working together :) item 2 is a little tricky :) I'll do that and provided them a upgrade path if possible dcmwai: let me phrase it this way.. .how many nola customers do you currently have that you need to upgrade? i am willing to break for a better solution but not just for the sake of breaking if the answer is none, then well its silly to fixate on it I'm not sure... but from the download ... I'm thinking there are only about 10~50 if the answer is 1 or more, depending on the number will depend on amount of time needed Action: revDeke would rather see us build things right and not be 'constrainted' by legacy (that none of us are using) and offer 'services' to help people upgrade gregs_ (~greg@ joined #gnuenterprise. I my self is using aria and nola in the company so either way... the upgrade path is important to me ... Just to do it manually or automatically :) i.e. have the first guy wanting to upgrade maybe pay a gnue consultant to do the upgrade and have the resulting work GPL'ed for others ok dcmwai then i would say you have upgrade path and if you feel strongly provide the upgrade scripts Action: revDeke is willing to help you jafgon: i think we HAVE to break it their inventory, invoicing etc is WAY too print shop specific that would require me to fully understand your future vision the HR and Base Accounting (ledgers) we might be able to not gut too severely It is really Bad way... to customize :( in which i am wnating to do :) well the gnue vision is pasted all over our website wait. their account also have a problem... gnue is a framework so business analysts can customize and not need programmers opening and closing isn't there and isn't possible to implement think SAP or Peoplesoft instead of Quickbooks or Peachtree that said SAP and Peoplesoft deliver 'base' packages i will check out both solutions i see gnue-sb as being a 2-tier small/medium enterprise base package ... so you would get basic invoicing that works 80% of your needs then a non programmer can modify forms/tables as necessary to meet the other 20% That would be good enough. for the vertical industry you are in follow thr rules of 80- 20 :) yes also we are about keep it simple stupid for gnue-sb we want something quickly not something perfect gnue proper (the official gnue ERP packages) are available for those wishing to over design a system ok so lets assume we are on all board gnue-sb belongs to get something out to meet basic needs lets discuss step one Just if we have got the correct way Or the Best way of doing things it will be no problem for futher... Step one :) ... I'm waiting :) ok step one ( i dont know what you had in mind) what i wsa thinking was porting all arias changes back into acclite (as its easier to patch than move directories in cvs) however i slurped cvs for both last night and started doing some comparision it would be a good amount of man hour work to do patching this way or ... can be do it in reverse..? i wanted to talk to jcater and see what his effort was originally in moving NOLA to acclite if it was under 8 hours change acclite back into arias. it is probably easier to checkout arias and restructure it then check into gnue-sb cvs or some fresh cvs Yes.. that will be alot more eisier. Action: revDeke hates sourceforge i am not a big fan myself why (leave it for later session) i was just bitching to chan about it plus with all the directory moving its probably easier to start new cvs than fudge with the cvs directories This was my first project :) but that will depend on jcater's response i myself would still keep ARIA on SF and offer minor supprt but concentrate most efforts on this sorry was on the phone and had 2 people in my office waiting for you lol ..... damn work um I think I spent a saturday night on the restructuring so it's probably not a big deal to do it again if need be jcater: by restructuring you mean the directory change? yes ok and mysql<->postgres changes back jcater: you need the CVS right isn't? dcmwai: he can get via anon cvs oh :) if you still wanted to host arias on sf that is cool but i see (sorry if this sounds brutal) arias dying and merging into gnue-sb I agree.. not not at all ? listening. not all people will like the new change some will still want aria so for posterity i will keep it up true but for how long would you want to support that? its not like im being charged to do so :) i would say kill the sf page, but i wouldnt expect us to make changes to both cvs trees by "support" i pretty much mean answering SOS emails ok i agree with that of course there would be a new heading in the ARIA page about GNU-sb :) i suspect it will take a little time to get gnue-sb up and usable so ARIAS still is an option until that time (another reason not to cut it off) "You like ARIA ... try GNU-sb" something like that I think we will make note that we are changing to gnue-sb and during the time ... let people experience gnuse on airas how about that? well i would say the first effort is to restructure arias and get in gnue-sb cvs If you find that you love arias, you will love gnue-sb more :) jafgon: / dcmwai you will want to login to savannah so sump our code into your new hierarchy?! and create accounts and upload your ssh keys jafgon: yip and remove ms font dependencies once that is done we can pump the script into a database and use a tool (that i think jcater has already) to write out a gnue schema file we can do some testing that things still work and create an action plan on where to go from there revDeke: Did we have any schema now? Working the best way i have some product and contact stuff in gnue-sb that is working i will likely revisit comparing those tables to arias and suggest changes Action: dcmwai is too lazy to fix the inventory on arias ... and try to get gnue-sb as the replacement :) but until its in a decent directory structure its impossible for me to deal with (im lazy that way) were my notes/requirements for GL and AP Rev:n what was your model for the gnu-sb dir structure?? which is the direction GNUe-SB was going to go in yes we will need incorporate those changes as well Action: revDeke wants to start simple I'm not necessarily tied to that schema 1. get dir structure over Action: jbailey is away: lunch Action: dcmwai will have alot to read... 2. get schema converted to gnue schema format 3. look at getting gnue-sb product stuff moved over and supported 4. look at getting gnue-sb contact stuff moved over and supported 5. look at getting jcater accounting spec supported 3 - 5 are in no particular order so who wants to volunteer to restructure the directories i can do that no problem Action: revDeke is willing but jcater might be best candidate as he has done once already product stuff and contact stuff what are they? Action: dcmwai is busy to the inventory until he find a replacement .. once that is done i can work on getting the schema converted to a gnue schema format then items 3 - 5 can be addressed incrementally ETF will be one weeks more... Hey.. jafgon ... do you remember something... ?? arias like nola getting files information from the SQL database... yes I did not like that revDeke: gnue-designer has an introspection template to create a schema and store it in a gsd. the conversion should take no more than 5 min. ok im running short on time do we all have agreement (jcater) meaning that if the dir change the databse will need to change as well how tied to that were you guys? to me, that was a PITA siesel: i stated that already nto "tied" personally but i dont fully trust it so there will be lots of testing involved but the file to DB stuff offered user control access Action: dcmwai is lost in time... ok here we go unless jcater wants to i will restructure according to the acclite standard correct? either way ok how diff is the gnu schemea then current aria? we started from scratch for the gnue-sb stuff but we aren't tied to that and who will do that? so we can start w/the current aria I think I'll be the one ... ok as all people have their jobs :) am i using the acclite directory standard correct? of ap,gl,admin that'd probably be the easiest ok good Make it one way... so it will be simple and fast. then i estimate to have it done over the next 48 hours sooner but damn work That fast? its not difficult just elbow grease :) well, just touch invenroty at the last place ok :) okie dokie HAHA :-D rev & cater: you want me to use the ARIA code in its whole or do you have bugfixes i should look at first gregs_ (~greg@ left irc: "Вышел из XChat" and merge them with our code jafgon: after the directory restructure we will do a compare..... and apply the correct changes sounds good enough with that said i will get busy If I'm not mistaken they will not have the calander changes... i thought you fixed calendar? I did... but they didn't :) i see i will need an account on savannah-run correct derek? and you know the calendar compare is already 100~300 line :( yes we don't have bugfixes we strictly started out restructuring jcater: ok that will make my job quicker so I think you can ignore acclite completely wow this sounds like good timing :) grrr people in my office then what we are doing on the dir change? revDeke: start farting and they'll leave s/what/why at least, that works for me erm, I mean dcmwai: see the acclite tarball for example I think it would work... I'll you sign sign up on savannah run ??? please hold on k ok so jafgon is doing the change gnue schema and arias have NO difference all i mean by 'convert to gnue schema' is change from hard schema to XML gnue schema format so we can support multiple databases (i hate mysql) i figured as micj much that is good dsmith ( joined #gnuenterprise. yes you will need savannah account as noted plesae sign up there and upload your ssh keys oh .... but we will still support MySQL will we not? let me know when you have that done and i will add you to gnue-sb project jafgon: yes ok good i will sign up today jafgon: you will learn gnue philosophy we support everything, even things we hate ;) and get busy tonight after work i.e. we support windows i support windows just dont use it you will stick to the acclite structure correct? yes indeed i think the only real change jcater made other than restructuring was removal of ms fonts dcmwai: remember to create a savannah account Hey how about mac os :) that will be mandatory before checking into savannah am doing :) other than that arias is probably much cleaner (bug cleaning wise) ok i will contact jcater with the details on that and no need to do 'compares' back to acclite sure... ( I think mandatory before checkin is better) :) its getting there :) just steal the directory structure concept and remove font dependenices and that will be good enough to check in to cvs ok then with that said I will get busy jafgon: get the SQL statement also... SQL statement? dcmwai: no need to do that revDeke: Why? dcmwai: they were minimal and postgres has changed a bit the postgresql support will be broken... would rather just keep arias as is, directory structure changed and fonts removed Okok ... get it.. i will then use the wizards to make gnue schema definitions that is a better way run them to make postgres scripts good point and then do some testing fixing as i find issues and committing to cvs guys ...we have an install script you might want to lok at i.e. i want this is cvs sooner than later :) jcater: did you get my email on training classes? if so how long till next gnue release (i can help) and we will need to get jbailey and btami to package revDeke: yes, I got that as i ahve now about 15 natives ready to roll um, honestly and wanting to install and play around before first class ok i will contact you all via email until next meeting I think designer is at one of those points that I can just stop at any given time must get busy now cool though I think I want at least another week jcater: you be around tonight? if possible as I'm on a roll another week works revDeke: I don't know im on vacation next week ciao all. looking forward to progress I'm in the middle of remodeling our 9,500 sqft jafgon: So luckly you can have classes :) so wont be doing training until at least the first part of july getting ready to move my business in understand I'll try to be speaking of which i need to run but won't promise great talking to you all jafgon ( left irc: "Client Exiting" ok later sounds like we have a good base to go from see ya later tonight revDeke (www-data@ left #gnuenterprise. Oh.. Just jcater and I left :) actually, it's my lunch time "And then there was one...." Action: wtg is a fly on the wall ... does that count ? jamest ( left irc: "Client exiting" jcater: ok I've to go my bed time :) see you around :) dcmwai (~dcmwai@ left irc: "ChatZilla 0.8.11 [Mozilla rv:1.2.1/20021130]" lxf (~agus_tea@ left irc: Read error: 60 (Operation timed out) jcater, are you back from lunch? yes jamest ( joined #gnuenterprise. cool. :) I've taken a look, why I can change the size of an widget in designer at once, and realized that uidriver/common/widgets/ is still using width and heigth instead of Char__width and Char__heigt hmm We've talked about that some time ago, but I can't remember committed ok, thx Action: jbailey is back (gone 02:01:38) wb jbailey does your client do that for you ... or do you enter a cmd to output that ? it's an annoyance by the client announcing away messages is lame Action: chillywilly thwaps jbailey i agree there annoying but i didn't mean for anyone to get thwaped over it =) Action: jcater thwaps chillywilly wtg: xchat does it. chillywilly: Cope. hmm ... i use xchat ? ... must be an option somewhere nvm jbailey: use proper irc ettiquette and turn it off freak wtg: yes it is an option and option that should be removed ;) s/and/an/ chillywilly: Why should I care about someone else's version of etiquette. I like them. They disabled it by default in xchat 2, and I turned it back on. gee, I wonder why it si disabled... s/si/is/ Action: wtg hides round under nearest table .... to much hostility in the air =) chillywilly: Because perhaps the xchat authors have a different oppinion than I? If it was truly heinous it would've been removed. Like I said: cope. jbailey: no, why don't respect their wishes like a good boy ;) BEcause I'm not a "good boy". jbailey: if you don't like my bickering you can always find another channel to hang out on I personally like the announcements And It's not their wishes, it's their views of sensible defaults. so start being sensible Bah, I give up. jbailey ( left #gnuenterprise ("Client exiting"). haha hey now... until you start packaging our .debs for us don't offend the help =) not my fault he's wound so tight today ;) i've never been to a cwa meeting before ... but i bet there's not this much bickering I was just giving jeff a hard time he was a little over sensitive about it not that i mind ... who needs day time tv when you can watch it here =) hmm, when did jcater op himself? about 4 hrs ago #gnuenterprise: mode change '-o jcater' by jcater! kick me! bah #gnuenterprise: mode change '+o jcater' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. chillywilly kicked from #gnuenterprise by jcater: jcater #gnuenterprise: mode change '-o jcater' by jcater! ok that was unusually fun chillywilly ( joined #gnuenterprise. is that all you got? chillywilly ( left irc: "Free Your Enterprise! -" chillywilly ( joined #gnuenterprise. wuss ;) siesel_ ( joined #gnuenterprise. siesel ( left irc: Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer) reinhard ( left irc: Read error: 60 (Operation timed out) reinhard ( joined #gnuenterprise. hey, jcater, you're commited while I wrote the changelog message Action: siesel_ won't write long changelogs anymore ;) sorry Action: jcater shouldn't be in forms/ any more today no prob. more designer goodness is in store for today btw. have you already defined a key shortcut for switching between different widgets? ? Action: siesel_ searched for a while until I found out that ALT+Cursor resizes a widget ah no right now you have to go to the property editor I haven't given that much more thought what about just use TAB to switch between widgets? oh, I see what you mean I thought you meant a shortcut to change from entry to combo box, or combo box to check box but that's not what you mean yeah, tab makes sense I'll add to my outstanding TODO list ok. what about deactivate CTRL + Cursor ? hmm I didn't even know Ctrl+cursor worked Its quite confusing if just CURSOR, CURSOR+SHIFT and CTRL + Cursor does all the same I'll change anything else? hmmm (my list seems to grow faster than it shrinks :) seems like thats it for now ;) but if you don't mind, i can commit that CURSOR+X stuff have you already done it? SachaZzz ( left irc: Read error: 60 (Operation timed out) yep. surely Action: jcater is getting ready to work in that file shortly ToyMan ( left irc: "Client Exiting" commited cool hmmm the arrow keys have stopped working for me altogether now thats strange ooooo I've seen this before MetaDown() doesn't do what you think it's always true for some reason seems to be X server specific btw. what about allowing resize operation with CTRL+Cur SHIFT+Cur OR ALT+Cur? I'm ok with that good. TheDru|D ( joined #gnuenterprise. hi all some i18n bugs would kill me is GNUe alternative to commerce systems ? ra3vat: what i18n bugs? TheDru|D: GNUe is/will be something like SAP/PeopleSoft what SQL DB use GNUe ? TheDru|D: as soon it start to work with russian i would say - yes :) siesel_> its pay free ? anyone you like. GNUe support allmost any SQL database cool about russian i'm from russi ra3vat: did you try the gtk2 client? i'm from russia priviet TheDru|D: same here :) siesel_: :) hmm.. siesel_: i use pgsql recoding feature to get right encoding under windows and then find that one of my form work fine when other not at all thats strange. ra3vat: you have to work on windows? it should work there if i want to see gnue somewhere except my machine :) hmm, i.e. you have to use wxWindows Unicode build on windows and gtk2 on X11/Linux ok, siesel_... you have your TAB support great! great! great! now I can get productive and develop the forms I need :) Action: siesel_ kicks anoncvs's lock in /cvsroot/gnue/gnue/integrator/doc yeah that's annoying Action: siesel_ is quite happy its in "I"ntegrator and not in "A"ppserver true dat and I'm glad I'm working in designer and not reports hehe ;) good.. here in Russia small business looking for good system.. with low cost and many features... TheDru|D: suggest them 1C :) it is serious and cheap no its worst no a la CRM module gmm.. how you generate from XML GUI for WIN32 ??? i have some expirience in programming for WIN32 GUI.. how it works (shortly) ? there is a main forms programm and uidriver for wxwindows, win32, gtk2, qt, curses.. client under win32 gets XML from database and generate window ? at the moment it loads XML from file or web or X and connects to the database to get/change data TheDru|D: not db but file it mean i need store predesigned forms on local disk? or i can take forms from ftp or over http? yes. but ftp/http etc work too. f.e. gnue-forms no such link ok :)) Not Found! HTTP Error 404 ?? sorry, just a stupid example :( flax07 (~flax07@ left irc: "Client exiting" hmm.. can i construct form with filter... like "all people with name like A...." ? yes, you can add that to the form itself (with ..) but you can do simple querys by just writing 'A%' into one field before you execute a query jamest ( left #gnuenterprise ("Client Exiting"). hmm.. be cool if in future we can write SQL syntax and view result.. jamest ( joined #gnuenterprise. hi jamest hi guys.. can i add some function by action ? (press button) ? TheDru|D: sure there are trigger for everything: focus in, focus out, ... nice.. in what lang ? php? perl? c/cpp ? wau! python python, but new languages can be _easily_ added good.. i don't know python... and prefer C/CPP or Perl.. I'm sure perl support will be one of the first additional languages added reinhard ( left irc: "The chance of forgetting something is directly proportional to ... to ... aehm ..." but I don't think C/CPP would be a good fit for scripting events but I imagine it'll be only python for the foreseeable future (just because resources are being put into other parts of the system and not extra language support) :) ok.. you right.. C/CPP is not optimal for scripting maybe PHP.. PHP have many useful features and interfaces... I imagine scheme will be the first implemented, followed by perl et al can prel return value from Function() ? how much people write this project ? ToyMan ( joined #gnuenterprise. jcater ( left irc: "home" jamest: you there? siesel_: with a tail Action: chillywilly pulls on siesel_ siesel_'s tail yoink! uhh, oink Nick change: siesel_ -> siesel oh crap it came off ;) lol siesel: have you tried btami's win32 driver? yes, but some time ago. If I remember right it doesn't support unicode what should one do with: cvs server: [19:07:07] waiting for anoncvs's lock in /cvsroot/gnue/gnue/integrator/doc ? seems like somebody is trying to fetch that file. I get the same error message since yesterday. you can just press Ctrl-C, and still get the newest version of forms,common,designer seems i find workaround with my i18n issue good luck TheDru|D ( left #gnuenterprise. is i use simpleQuery to select some data recode to windows encoding works if i use F8-F9 it does not too late to dig for it now or too early.. I've prepared some patches to switch gnue to use unicode internaly I'll commit that after the next release, i.e. in 2-3 weeks that could fix that problem will you convert your db data to unicode too? I allways have used unicode as db encoding, but that doesn't matter, as it should be possible to define a database encoding AND a forms output/input encoding besides the postgresql client encoding f.e. what's wrong with postgresql? nothing, but it should be possible to define f.e. postgresql client encoding to iso8859-1 and database input encoding to utf-8 in case you have populated you datasource in the wrong encoding jcater ( joined #gnuenterprise. Jason: I've written a new widget type to display any datatype through OLE/Bonobo etc. I thought of naming it GFComponent, do you have any better ideas? fixe ( left irc: "because I feel like it" rdean ( joined #gnuenterprise. hehe siesel ( left irc: "night" ToyMan ( left irc: "Client Exiting" Sacha ( joined #gnuenterprise. jamest ( left irc: "Client Exiting" rdean ( left irc: "Client exiting" jcater ( left irc: "Client exiting" --- Thu Jun 12 2003