Sacha ( joined #gnuenterprise. Vee2d2: here? btami ( joined #gnuenterprise. hello btami morning ra3vat how to start say mozilla from trigger code under win32? os.system does not work for me don't know never tried os.system complains about spaces in the path yo look at demo app in Pythonwin maybe it helps hi chillywilly hi way past my bed time ;) night' night chillywilly ra3vat: wx has in demo dir too works but does not help much uses the same os.system thing but does not work Sacha ( left #gnuenterprise ("Client exiting"). why ActiveXWrapper_IE doesn't help? what do you want to do? i had button with generating report and showing it in browser do not want to use activex for that webbrowser does work with default browser now i'll find how it does it btami: thanks for the suggestions nothing :) please let me know if you have success btw. how you call reports from a gfd? nothing fancy os.system("grcvs -D file -d ~/tmp/openrecl.html and next command started browser to show it ok import webbrowser webbrowser.open_new(url) it works from python prompt but not from trigger code NameError: name 'webbrowser' is not defined in there is no open_new class or func you have to do: f=webbrowser.BrowserFrame(url) f.Create('sometitle') if i don't misunderstand something sorry, i'm wrong webbrowser is a standard python module and the Pythonwin demo app too :) ra3vat: it works!!! just make your trigger type="NAMED" like in intro.gfd use your named trigger as src="yournamedtrigger" type="On-Action" man, it's great for previewing reports! trying my problem that d:\Python22\Lib where is located is not in sys.path inside triggers than you cant run intro.gfd, koz it has: from string import .... in "PigLatin" named trigger my mistake it is there but i allwais had webbbrowser is not defined error until i moved to d:\Python22\
import webbrowser webbrowser.open_new('c:/python22/doc/index.html') ]]> this works here it is just sys.path problem may it be that path is case sensitive? no btami: can you confirm it works with named trigger and does not other way ? yes btami ( got netsplit. fixe ( got netsplit. Vee2d2 ( got netsplit. Stoke ( got netsplit. btami ( returned to #gnuenterprise. fixe ( returned to #gnuenterprise. Vee2d2 ( returned to #gnuenterprise. Stoke ( returned to #gnuenterprise. ok, seems to work now great! Sacha_ ( joined #gnuenterprise. hi Vee2d2 :) ra3vat: after reading DevGuide i have to say you don't have to use named trigger just add: global webbrowser before importing it btami ( left irc: Nick change: Sacha_ -> SachaS ra3vat: still here? jamest ( joined #gnuenterprise. mornin jamest hi neilt ( joined #gnuenterprise. yo 'sup Action: Vee2d2 ponders if it's time to get a new scanner chillywilly ( left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) chillywilly ( joined #gnuenterprise. reinhard ( joined #gnuenterprise. here ok, so what's the scoop? =) ^) :) Vee2d2: have a few minutes for gnue-sb? heh, bush fell off a segway.. pictures of him in midfall on cnn sure contacts.gpd yea, the navigator files have been completely neglected Hard coded path's to derek's files location it s easy to fix hyst s/home/dneighbo/cvs/fsfoffice/contacts/forms/, eh? reed_at_work ( joined #gnuenterprise. s/hyst/just/ Hello, #gnuenterprise. What's up? hello reed_at_work i changet it to ./forms/... I'm interested in adding a new middleware/RPC backend to Common. Any suggestions on where to start? What is the current status of Common? I still get an error where it doesnt understand the description attribute of ÓÒÆÔÐÕ ×ÕÙÓËÛÚÅÛÝÔ ÕÍÕËÎÃÒÕËÕ ÅÝ ÅÛÅÄÕ oh change "description" everywhere on "title" well allllll right. =) and check that form's file names referenced with lu_ btw, what does lu_ mean? loookup reed_at_work: common is pretty stable or something ;) :) Ok
you should start y reading the source ;) s/y/by/] bah can't type title of different forms are the same in item maintenance and .gpd for them are missed My project is VOS ( If anyone is interested... I probably won't get a chance to work with GNUe for a while, but if there is interest I will. jbailey ( joined #gnuenterprise. hi jeff heya dan Just working - slow responses. siesel ( joined #gnuenterprise. hi all reed_at_work: as long as it keeps the floors shiny it's all good hey siesel chillywilly: It tastes pretty good, too. like chicken or something? hi chillywilly No, more like a nice sugary desert topping. bah I want steak mmm steak and eggs would be a good breakfast reed_at_work: the whole rpc stuff is in common/src/rpc, and you can find some more information about it in the GComm proposal reed_at_work: if you make it taste more like donuts it would be accepted here :) in docbook/Proposals/GComm We could try that. All you need is a Steak Type Definition, add Properties (Rare/Medium/Well donw), and implement Local and Remote Metaobjects :) siesel: I'll take a look, thanks. damnit I want steak and eggs now Arturas ( joined #gnuenterprise. Hello yo hello Arturas Hi Daniel, Dmitry :) ra3vat: fixed thanks Vee2d2: title of different forms are the same in item maintenance and .gpd for them are missed reed_at_work: hello Hi jamest. WHat's up? VOS is crystalspace based isn't it? Vee2d2: and some kind of .sql to load initial data would help newbies a lot Sort of. Our client (TerAngreal) uses both VOS (for networking) and CrystalSpace (for 3d rendering). But the VOS system is a general library. ah, i'm currently messing about with using the gnue common as a framework for crystalspace based application ra3vat: I am working on a gpd for items right now.. I'm not sure I follow you on the titles though.. guess I'll fix the titles too =) jamest: Ah cool. Small world :) What is your application? common itself is pretty solid and I use it for gnue and non-gnue apps it's vapor at the moment Just looking at some of the docs, Common seems to use provide a very database-like interface. for most of the lu_item_ forms i'm just playing hooky from gnue at the moment it provides a database abstraction layer that deals with primary/forgien key relationships it is heavily influenced by the needs of gnue forms and reports as the origial db code was part of forms years ago then replaced/rewriten with the shortcomings of the original setup in mind Have you guys seen the "Eclipse" program? ( I believe). It's an extensible IDE framework. i've used it unfortunatly WOrking with that is also on my TODO list (down near the bottom, however:) Not that great? well, the IDE was too wierd for me so I gave up and returned to emacs/vi I've just taken a brief look at it, but it seemed interesting enought to revisit at some point in the future. Well, old habits die hard. <-- still a die-hard vim user. Even working on my Mac. Hmm, perhaps I will start with the Forms client. Sounds similar to my 'metatronic' program: a GUI is described abstractly and a generalized client does the display. One random question about GNUe; something I have been trying to come up with a good approach to: user-identification amongst various applications that are communicationg on a network. Is there any such concept of user-identification in GnuE? Also, what is the relationship between GEDI and Common? gedi is gone, replaced the appserver James - Java Apache Mail Enterprise Server Ah, okay. the gedi name was used in two places and was a bit confusing ra3vat reading ? :) It's still mentioned in the docs. as for authentication we're still doing directly against the backend and there is a way to plug in custom authentication but I'm not sure anyone is using it SachaS: yeah, jamest would like it Well, here is a specific problem I'm working on right now: I have an agent which two client programs can talk to. One is a 3D graphics interface, the other is a regular GUI. The 3D is rendered by a 3D client, and the GUI by a GUI client. How does the agent know that message from the 3D client and the GUI client are from the same user? Note that multiple users can be talking to this agent. My tentative solution is to have the 3D client pass the URI of an object that it owns to the GUI client, and for the GUI client to keep a list of such objects that it has been given. But there has to be a much better way to do this kind of thing. (My other possible solution is to keep a little id string, e.g. "user@host", in both clients that the agent can compare) (Or a PKI certificate of some kind) your clients dont register and get an id...then each time you pass on the id reed_at_work: your clients dont register and get an id...then each time you pass on the id Register where? Register with what? Some kind of authentication service that is always running maybe? register with the server, the agent. seesion ID? Possible. Trying to find a nice general thing to do. observer design pattern ...... maybe Well, all the inter-client communication can already be done through TLS (SSL). So if both clients had the same TLS certificate, the agent could use that to assicate them. I guess either way, the agent would have to store a mapping of remote clients and identifiers. Was hoping to avoid that :) s/assicate/associate Well, this is getting pretty off topic, was just wondering how you might address this situation in GnuE. lol: Working with James, Parts 1 and 2 part 1: send cash part 2: send mt. dew then I'll do pretty much whatever a person wants (within reason) hehe add a goat and you can throw out reason all together Goats? You guys haven't talked about goats in here in ages... Action: jbailey feels nostalgic. we could move the conversation to mooses if it makes you more comfortable.. =) jbailey: just because we don't talk about them doesn't mean we don't think about them jcater ( joined #gnuenterprise. yummy I see gnue-sb commits howdy jcater heh see mention goats and jcater comes a'runnin hmm.. in designer's schema navigator.. The table I need to get to is way down the list, there's no scroll bar and when I scroll down with the cursor keys and click the table I'm zapped back up to the top of the list, scrolling back down to the table with the cursor keys and the table's node is still closed.. yeah ok Action: jcater is wrestling w/wx over that (...and losing so far) I think today is designer-bug-day it is amazing how nice it's becoming though.. =) i agree btw. the multi-table multi-page wizard just creates fields for just one table hmm Nick change: SachaS -> SachaZzz derek ( joined #gnuenterprise. heya derek hey ok, people stop finding designer bugs mikey i like it jcater: i found two or three in playing around i LOVE what you have done with it but i hope the new layout is only half done yeah that's main thing on today's list I think finish the docking system floating docks would be best just too much stuff in one space and to see anything on left you have to close all of them and open just one adds an extra click but i still love it :) so clean and the zoom feature is just awesome where did you get that idea? i feel dumb now as i always thought grrr i hate large form design cause i cant see the whole form never thought of a zoom feature um same experience :) scary jbailey ( left irc: "Client exiting" chillywilly ( left irc: "irssi restart" chillywilly ( joined #gnuenterprise. Ok, autopopulating the reference field in lu_item_mfg_model_maint.gfd.. =) Each manufacturer has a line of products with their own model numbers The idea is to normalize all these different model numbers by indexing them per mfg So, an int8 field has been added to the item_mfg table, called model_count to keep track of the sequence. When using the lu_item_mfg_model_maint form where mfg's model information is keyed in, the mfg is selected/typed the mfg's model# is typed right here a check needs to be run, post-change trigger? Is there already an entry for this mfg/model pair? yes) retrieve the item_mfg_model.segment for the match and put in the "Ref#" entry might as well populate the "Desc" and "Details" fields as Ok, autopopulating the reference field in lu_item_mfg_model_maint.gfd.. =) Each manufacturer has a line of products with their own model numbers The idea is to normalize all these different model numbers by indexing them per mfg So, an int8 field has been added to the item_mfg table, called model_count to keep track of the sequence. When using the lu_item_mfg_model_maint form where mfg's model information is keyed in, the mfg is selected/typed the mfg's model# is typed right here a check needs to be run, post-change trigger? Is there already an entry for this mfg/model pair? yes) retrieve the item_mfg_model.segment for the match and put in the "Ref#" entry might as well populate the "Desc" and "Details" fields as well. no) retrieve the item_mfg.model_count for this mfg, increment by one and put in the "Ref#" entry well. no) retrieve the item_mfg.model_count for this mfg, increment by one and put in the "Ref#" entry derek: is that how you would go about it? weird.. that pasted funny here.. Ok, autopopulating the reference field in lu_item_mfg_model_maint.gfd.. =) Each manufacturer has a line of products with their own model numbers The idea is to normalize all these different model numbers by indexing them per mfg So, an int8 field has been added to the item_mfg table, called model_count to keep track of the sequence. When using the lu_item_mfg_model_maint form where mfg's model information is keyed in, the mfg is selected/typed the mfg's model# is typed right here a check needs to be run, post-change trigger? Is there already an entry for this mfg/model pair? yes) retrieve the item_mfg_model.segment for the match and put in the "Ref#" entry might as well populate the "Desc" and "Details" fields as well. no) retrieve the item_mfg.model_count for this mfg, increment by one and put in the "Ref#" entry cat's better than the mouse.. =) would also need to update item_mfg.model_count of course brain.... melting.... lxf (~agus_tea@ joined #gnuenterprise. gnooo! Action: Vee2d2 gets bucket chillywilly ( left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) Thanks for the info, see you guys around. reed_at_work ( left #gnuenterprise ("Client Exiting"). chillywilly ( joined #gnuenterprise. jcater ( got netsplit. siesel ( got netsplit. reinhard ( got netsplit. siesel ( returned to #gnuenterprise. reinhard ( returned to #gnuenterprise. Action: chillywilly stills wants steak and eggs jcater ( returned to #gnuenterprise. hmm.. that doesnt sound bad TheDru|D ( joined #gnuenterprise. hello! howdee worst :) Action: derek has melting brain too Action: Vee2d2 runs to get more bit buckets im not in gnue-sb mode so your pasting was overwhelming can you send it via email to the gnue-sb list? sure then i will try to respond tonight as of now im late for work so must leave ;) hello TheDru|D hello, ra3vat ToyMan ( left irc: "Client Exiting" what Python i need for windows Forms module ? jbailey ( joined #gnuenterprise. reinhard: you here? what functionality of php-forms ? I would recommend to use python2.2 chillywilly ( left irc: "leaving" as of php-forms: it is a bit outdated, as it is using gnue-forms version < 5.0 file syntax hmm.. can i view through HTML brouser forms ? yes, you can use forms for javascript. its not in cvs yet, so you have to download it from good ImportError: No module named xml.sax what does it mean ? and how fix it ? you have to install python-xml ok.. thx neilt ( left irc: TheDru|D ( left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) Arturas ( left irc: "Bye :)" TheDru|D ( joined #gnuenterprise. python-xml-2.2-105 need - where i can get this lib? what package contains it? lxf (~agus_tea@ left irc: TheDru|D: which operating system do you use? RedHat / Debian ... there should be prebuild packages SuSe SuSE 8.0 hmmm, never tried that. but we have a SUSE howto somewhere on the webpage expat.rpm is on CD2 (under sgml) (at least, according to would be a good place to start The updated version (6.2.2003) is at hmm wonder why those aren't in synch its seems like all subdirs on ash are not in sync since point to Action: jcater needs to spend some time on the website sometime soon ok.. gnue-forms intro.gfd i think it start.. but in console i see nothing maybe wxPython ? :) much more troubles to install :) for this moment chillywilly ( joined #gnuenterprise. chillywilly ( left irc: Client Quit chillywilly ( joined #gnuenterprise. hey where's that zipcode db file? that used to be in teh form samples the* we have sample state and sample country data but not zipcode whatchya needing? I thought there was zipcodes in there I want all available zip codes ;) i had a file somewhere where? i'm looking if you are wanting to use it for production it is grossly outdated I'm sure heh ah well it's gone if its anything in our samples directory revDeke (www-data@ joined #gnuenterprise. chillywilly: i have the answer for you*checkout*/arias/arias/utilities/zipcode.txt?rev=HEAD&content-type=text/plain i think that might be what you are looking for it however is slightly dated as it don't have 85233 ;) you've be surprised how often zipcodes are created/deleted/rezoned Action: revDeke still thinks we need to start a 'free zipcode, area code, country code' database ok hey any of you know how to create a color postscript file on windows from a printer i installed a postscript driver from adobe and now have a postscript 'printer' and can choose print to file and it does it just fine however, it is in grayscale :( did the postscript driver support color? btami ( joined #gnuenterprise. um dont know wasnt thinking at the time guess the quesiton then would be where is good place to get postscript drivers? Action: revDeke went to adobe thinking that woudl be easiest those are the Tektronix Phaser 550 drivers (arguably one of the kick-assiest color postscript lasers out there) can i install that even though i dont have tektronix printer? if they support print-to-file, they might be good to test probably not err, I mean you probably don't have to have a printer as most drivers, except really crappy ones, will let you install printers on SMB shares hmm what are the ppd / pdf files? and the driver would have no way of knowing if a printer is actually there or not probably the safest did you need a ppd or a full driver? I assumed a full driver i grabbed win2kms.exe well lets see how bad it monkeys things up revdeke: on XP you can chose Allpe Color Laser Writer Action: btami thinks on w2k too jcater you the bomb that image is freaking TIGHT Action: btami uses Apple LaserWriter 8500 to file I wasn't sure which of the laserwriters were color Action: revDeke does happy dance time to get win4lin so i do the evil bidding this opens for me now only if i could find good windows ps to pdf tool ghostview works but loses a lot of quality will save that for antoher day bbl revDeke (www-data@ left #gnuenterprise. Someone should apt-get remove that webserver. It keeps showing up, spewing nonsense, then going away again. ;) bye TheDru|D ( left irc: chillywilly ( left irc: "leaving" jcater ( left irc: "home" btami ( left irc: jamest ( left irc: "Client exiting" jbailey ( left irc: "Client exiting" siesel ( left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) chillywilly ( joined #gnuenterprise. reinhard ( left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) siesel ( joined #gnuenterprise. siesel ( left irc: "Client exiting" allan ( joined #gnuenterprise. allan ( left #gnuenterprise. jbailey: haha oh, 'e split xetrex ( joined #gnuenterprise. xetrex ( left irc: Client Quit lxf (~agus_tea@ joined #gnuenterprise. mdean ( joined #gnuenterprise. fixe ( left irc: "because I feel like it" --- Sat Jun 14 2003