Lufthans: do you know of a free Entity Relationship modleing tool which produces sql code? hello SachaS hi ajmitch SachaS: I don't even know what that is LuftHans when you think how you will organise your database tables the Entity Relationship Modelling technigque helps you to model the real world and then map it to database tables. ok, then I probably understand what you're talking about :) :) roommie doesn't know of anything either and he knows a lot more about databases than I do no worries. dia lets you draw ER diagrams. so at least you have the diagrams. some tools (non free) can create sql code (mainly create the tables with the right associations) from the diagrams. oh well. someone showed me something like that once the main benefit was having the map of the schema LuftHans your using/developing anything off gnue at the moment? bigbrother joined #gnuenterprise. I'm trying to figure out how it works, I have one project and maybe a second what will you do with gnue? create an application with it? I've got a customer that has an app that uses vb and access they want it replaced with something stable and usable on a stable platform sounds good to me. a "customer" wow :) one who pays you for your work. man i also want to have a "customer" :) yeah, well I have a 'customer' because I don't have a 'job' that's silly customer == job... same thing ;) well, job would be regular pay and at this point more pay then again, if I can get GNUe working for me I think I can have several projects lined up LuftHans what are the areas you need GNUe? LuftHans eg Manufacturing, Marketing, Accounting, Fiancne, HR, ... in the one case, the one I have, it's inventory for a small manufacturer that could spread to encompass all business things except accting actually, it could boot sql-ledger out of accting at some point, but probably not for a while that customer also has sub-companies, such as an ISP, that could eventually move to GNUe sounds like a big job (very big) the other company is needing to do web-based report generation for customers the inventory thing shouldn't be too bad as the app they currently have isn't very complex and sucks really badly :) in the end I hope to get them to help pay for devel on GNUe sb and use it, but first I have to get to where I can create stuff with GNUe ok. are you taking notes while trying to understand GNUe Nick change: SachaS -> Sacha_away away for a while. heh SachaS: I've been giving feedback :) soon I hope to be helping with the docs Vee2d2 ( got netsplit. Vee2d2 ( returned to #gnuenterprise. reinhard ( joined #gnuenterprise. Nick change: Sacha_away -> SachaS johannesX ( joined #gnuenterprise. Arturas ( joined #gnuenterprise. Hello dneighbo ( left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) tripz__ ( joined #gnuenterprise. johannesX ( left irc: "Client Exiting" SachaS_ ( joined #gnuenterprise. SachaS ( left irc: "leaving" johannesX ( joined #gnuenterprise. lxf (~agus_tea@ joined #gnuenterprise. Vee2d2 ( left irc: Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer) johannesX ( left irc: "Client Exiting" Vee2d2 ( joined #gnuenterprise. johannes ( joined #gnuenterprise. salli reini ... kannst du mal nen dialog öffnen johannes ( left #gnuenterprise. johannesX ( joined #gnuenterprise. ToyMan ( joined #gnuenterprise. SachaS_ ( left irc: Remote closed the connection dcmwai (~dcmwai@ joined #gnuenterprise. dcmwai (~dcmwai@ left irc: Client Quit dsmith ( joined #gnuenterprise. dcmwai (~dcmwai@ joined #gnuenterprise. #gnuenterprise Reset?? No topic.. no Channel message? R45 ( joined #gnuenterprise. jamest ( joined #gnuenterprise. that is interesting isnt it? :) maybe the prereleases killed the channel prereleases?? what is that? huh? #gnuenterprise: mode change '+o jamest' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. Topic changed on #gnuenterprise by jamest! not going to advertise the prerelease packages anymore? it's too dangerous people could download them ;-) tehee.. whew.. novell buys ximian wow -> Vee2d2: yeah looks like a april fools joke at first glance, but I dont believe it's a joke. dcmwai (~dcmwai@ left irc: "Client exiting" well on they say the same that's odd siesel ( joined #gnuenterprise. hi guys hi hi chillywilly suuup? do you know how to tunnel cvs through http? no, "tee time" is that eve possible? even why not just use subversion ;) it uses webdav and is an apache module ;P access control is done via .htaccess, et. al. runs as apache2 module well there's a stand alone server too or maybe GNU Arch would work even better ;) yeah, subversion would be great. But I just want to commit some stuff to gnue and I m sitting behind a win98 host with a http only proxy oh HEH hmmmm setup a tunnel? sorry, have to leave the net, I'm back in 15 min. you should be able to specify port 80 and then tunnel that local port to subversion's cvs port maybe I dunno ;) I am tired ok, cya l8r siesel lupo__ ( left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) oh wait... I remember something on savannah hold up siesel Firewall workaround People living behind a fascist firewall can use the port 443 (https) to access the CVS tree with the :pserver: or :gserver: methods. cvs -d lupo__ ( joined #gnuenterprise. hmmm...that won't work for developers though would it... wtf is gserver... gserver == GSS gack did the cvs key to change? bah, that's kerberos they rpobably changed it cause they got cracked probably fencepost went down w/ a reinstall maybe they regenerated all ssh keys they probably did hmm, that port 443 thing is essentially one uses kerberos anyway and pserver doesn't work for a developer siesel: tunneling cvs through http? As in a http proxy? siesel: I tried to do that a while back when I was stuck behind a proxy at a customers site. siesel: If you are on a Debian system, check out corkscrew. It's made for using ssh through a http proxy, but it cna be used for anything. siesel: Http proxy is not that hard, I even set up a tunnel with a shell script and netcat, before I found corkscrew. yea cool siesel_ ( joined #gnuenterprise. Action: chillywilly didn't knwo about corkscrew either he prolly didn't catch that ;) oh well siesel: If you are on a Debian system, check out corkscrew. It's made for using ssh through a http proxy, but it cna be used for anything. just in case :) when were they cracked? jamest, dsmith: thx, I try siesel_: Typically, the way these proxy tunnels work, is that you connect to a port on localhost instead of the remote machine. jamest: like months ago supposedly jamest: March ;) jamest: they just now found it s/it/out/ jamest: so if you were using any keys on fencepost you are recommend to generate them siesel ( left irc: Read error: 113 (No route to host) regenerate recommended to regenerate them blah dsmith: do I need another machine behind the proxy? siesel_: No, just the server you want to talk to. jcater ( joined #gnuenterprise. siesel_: Unless the proxy limits you to what ports you can use, like 80 and 443. siesel_: Then you would need some outside help. hmmm, seems like its possible... chillywilly: you're shitting me nope why the hell isn't this posted somewhere? didn't you get mail from Bradley Kuhn on your addy? not that I know of I did thanks the their anti-spam-filter policy how could I tell anyway? s/the/to what policy? hold on you want me to forward it? word hi jamest: maybe they don't want to make it public ;) someone used a local ptrace exploit please fwd sent only fencepost was supposedly compromised but I think they updated all ssh keys and are generall pulling things off ftp that could possibly be compromised the latest Hurd isos were pulled for example I should import one of my projects into it's savannah cvs home eventually does subversion and fencepost share home dirs? I don't know dsmith ( left irc: "Client exiting" Arturas ( left irc: "Client exiting" corkscrew is GREAT! gtk2 driver for navigator is in cvs now! navigator has UI plugins? siesel_: which gtk2 version does one need? which python binding? which debian package? :) 2.2 just go apt-get install python-gtk2 eehm, and apt-get install python-gnome2 oh doesn't work on woody, right? no, :( :( not so easy .... sorry, have to run CU bye siesel_ ( left irc: Remote closed the connection johannesX ( left irc: "Client Exiting" reinhard_ ( joined #gnuenterprise. hi all, anyone ever install and using PeerDirect PostgreSQL beta for Windows ? I wanna make DB application demo setup (using postgresql) under windows. How? Help!!! ToyMan ( left irc: "Client Exiting" reinhard ( left irc: Read error: 111 (Connection refused) i assume that the postgresql drive is delivered with the windows release so i don't see any problem with the windows port of postgresql what is your specific problem? lupo, i wanna make setup for front end (using VB) and back end (using PG) i have problem for PG, cause i don't know how to make own setup and own configure in windows. should guide you through the most important steps yes, i already read that, but i get stuck when download that file ok, i already finish download PeerDirect Postgresql dsmith ( joined #gnuenterprise. lxf (~agus_tea@ left irc: ToyMan ( joined #gnuenterprise. dsmith ( left irc: Remote closed the connection ToyMan ( left irc: Excess Flood ToyMan ( joined #gnuenterprise. siesel_ ( joined #gnuenterprise. siesel_ ( left irc: Client Quit ToyMan ( left irc: Read error: 60 (Operation timed out) ToyMan ( joined #gnuenterprise. stefan (~stefan@ left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) R45 ( left irc: dsmith ( joined #gnuenterprise. dsmith ( left irc: Client Quit dsmith ( joined #gnuenterprise. xetrex ( joined #gnuenterprise. jamest ( left #gnuenterprise ("Client exiting"). reinhard_ ( left irc: "Never wrestle with a pig. You both get dirty and the pig likes it." lupo__ ( left irc: "using sirc version 2.211+KSIRC/1.1" seb_ (seb@ joined #gnuenterprise. hi. i seem to remember there was some kind of web frontend to #gnuenterprise IRC so that thoe behind firewalls can play? I'd like to conme in frm work sometines only I can't remember the URL which i once found in an IRC log seb_: Are you behind a proxy? I know xchat has settings for going through a proxy. dsmith ( left irc: "Client exiting" well now i'm at home and not behind a proxy (a lame modem link instead), but @ work i am bwehind a proxy and cannot install an IRC client cool. now, next question. I am treying to use an Oracle adapter with Gnue, again at work, where I'm stuck with win98SE. Now the cxOracle doesn't have binaries for that, and the gnue-bundled stuff doesn't work either. tried to compile cxOracle (with minGW) but no joy since i don't have oracle's capi.h header file installed. local IS support is useless. I've hit that problem as well and don't have an elegant solution we use oracle here too I thought cxOracle had win32 binaries now? for Python 2.3 even then, though, the prebuilt GNUe installer won't work for you as our installer encapsulates its own python environment I cannot give exact problem diagnosos now since I'm at home and my debian box is sane... will connect with irc-proxy from work and describe problem in more detail. I tried to figure myself but the debug info points to .py files which don't wexist on my computer... I'm confused. s/wexist/exist/ sorry, i'm slower than your answers, my type speed and an apt-get both to blame. Do I get more mileage out of a Gnue source download? well not sure what you mean by mileage you get: 1. more flexibility 2. a bigger headache (at least on Win98... on Linux, source is as easy as prebuilt) what our installer does is basically takes a snapshot of someone's GNUe + Python + Needed Libraries installation and creates a frozen-in-time image that others can install on their system advantage of this approach is our program behaves like any other windows program i.e., single executable, single installation, etc (no searching for prerequisites) the downside is you can only use the libraries that this particular person has installed and, obviously, we can't have our windows packager install the oracle clients as that'd be a not-so-small license violation I'm facing this at work too I could download all the libraries and install from source on a single Win98 machine and then install cxOracle + Oracle Client libs on that machine and then create my on installation snapshot but I couldn't distribute that outside my company and I'd have to do my own personal installer each time GNUe is released another option would be to connect to the Oracle backend via ODBC which our installer has support for I'm personally not a big fan of ODBC but that's an option what I've opted to do is install X clients on my Win98 machines but that's as much politically related as technically ODBC works in plain python but not in gnue. also it sucks because database introspection does not work (i hear) we have people using ODBC + GNUe but introspection does not work the ODBC would be for client installs only not developer we have biiiig legacy db application that i try to interface, so this kind of stuff in designer would help... and surely impress the IT boss who is a bit of a free software geek, too. we've actually come up with a workaround for the ODBC+introspection stuff but haven't had a chance to implement OK thanks I'm off to bed now. seb_ (seb@ left #gnuenterprise ("Client exiting"). xetrex ( left irc: jcater: what's the work around? we are going to separate introspection/schema support from the actual data objects so you'd have postgresql/drivers/psycopg and postgresql/Schema/ makes sense then in connections.conf, not only can you specify what database driver to use but also what database "personality" to use 8-o this also solves derek's problem of IBM DB2 having multiple schema introspection code depending on what version of DB2 he's using yea in that case, his connections.conf would be: [gnue] driver=db2 you're bacially quering the system tables right? behavior=db2.v7 qeurying (or whatever... I made that up on the fly) tripz__ ( got netsplit. chillywilly ( got netsplit. tripz__ ( returned to #gnuenterprise. chillywilly ( returned to #gnuenterprise. ToyMan ( got netsplit. dimas (~dimas@ got netsplit. ToyMan ( returned to #gnuenterprise. dimas (~dimas@ returned to #gnuenterprise. jcater ( left irc: "home" gsoti ( joined #gnuenterprise. gsoti ( left irc: Client Quit gsoti ( joined #gnuenterprise. gsoti ( left irc: SachaS ( joined #gnuenterprise. jamest ( joined #gnuenterprise. ToyMan ( left irc: Connection timed out jcater ( joined #gnuenterprise. dcmwai (~chatzilla@ joined #gnuenterprise. dcmwai (~chatzilla@ left irc: "ChatZilla 0.8.11 [Mozilla rv:1.2.1/20021130]" chillywilly ( left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) chillywilly ( joined #gnuenterprise. jamest ( left irc: "Client exiting" Vee2d2: how was first day of work? --- Tue Aug 5 2003